
See this word as a collocate cloud

insert the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 130
insert the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 142
insert the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 145
and the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 148
the offender patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 228
insert the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 69
insert the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 72
insert the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 83
insert the patient s carersincludingthe primary carer section 86
aspects of deliberate self harmincludingprofessional and frontline carers s1w
after patient s insert carersincludingthe after section 185 mr
after patient s insert carersincludingthe mr adam ingram 157
after patient s insert carersincludingthe section 188 mr adam
after patient s insert carersincludingthe section 53 mr adam
a range of key stakeholdersincludingceres the association of directors
and diverse range of interestsincludingeconomic and community development education
a range of useful informationincludingfactfiles and quizzes for young
in a range of projectsincludingfresh fruit for children and
a range of different purposesincludinghealth safety welfare and convenience
from a range of conditionsincludingms parkinson s disease and
a range of environmental mattersincludingnoise and vibration we need
a similar range of peopleincludingrepresentatives of scottish enterprise grampian
range of older classic textsincludingscottish texts being neglected in
a wide range of issuesincludingshipping we share the same
a whole range of peopleincludingsome very vulnerable people who
a wider range of coursesincludingthose at further education colleges
a range of linguistic mannersincludingways of taking account of
the executive regarding the issueincludingdetails of any bodies or
general duty on public bodiesincludingeducation authorities and schools to
require public bodies and othersincludinglocal authorities to prepare and
require public bodies and othersincludinglocal authorities to prepare and
require public bodies and othersincludinglocal authorities to publish and
professional bodies were also involvedincludingshelter and the scottish council
awareness of all eu bodiesincludingthe committee of the regions
executive proposes to consult bodiesincludingthe equal opportunities committee on
petitioners and other relevant bodiesincludingthe local authorities and report
well as by other bodiesincludingthe scottish consumer council a
seven of the 11 bodiesincludingthe scottish executive had not
line 16 after persons insertincludingyouth work bodies and young
your submission proposes several actionsincludinga review of the sqa
several different types of netincludingbag and stake nets where
in dost in several formsincludingbeir bear and bair does
robertson and several other membersincludingirene oldfather colin campbell and
the infrastructure as several membersincludingjohann lamont linda fabiani karen
is being given several membersincludingmike watson and duncan hamilton
archibald menzies several hawaiian plantsincludingpukeawe cyathodes douglasii and hala
the maggie ducking several girlsincludingthe house don moira in
several efforts to involve stakeholdersincludingthe organisation of a series
and insert supply of waterincludingan abstraction of water from
line 9 after public insertincludingappropriate and responsible sporting and
line 9 after way insertincludingas a warden s flat
line 15 after inquiries insertincludinginquiries with the police the
line 6 at end insertincludingits recreational importance michael russell
line 33 after persons insertincludinglocal residents local amenity groups
david mundell leave out fromincludingto end and insert and
d brought across various goodiesincludingall the ingredients for a
money will support various measuresincludingbusiness support and training rural
at various methods of consultationincludingfocus groups conferences and questionnaires
dost record with various formsincludingleif leaf as well the
an hmo covers all tenuresincludinglocal authority hostels various sheltered
the various longer term goalsincludingmajor reductions in waiting times
and brass works sewn articlesincludingtartan souvenirs leatherwork and various
various roles assigned to themincludingthat of deciding what to
various factors of the budgetincludingthe overall spend and the
funding for 15 voluntary organisationsincludingborders womens aid which will
and local organisations across scotlandincludingenquire the national sen advice
review and assessment by othersincludingenvironmental organisations until this process
national insurance burden on employersincludingmany voluntary organisations i will
majority of people in scotlandincludingmsps voluntary organisations elderly forums
getting together with different organisationsincludingnational government local authorities and
and other private voluntary organisationsincludingnational trust for scotland and
of the many voluntary organisationsincludingthe british deaf association which
framework a number of organisationsincludingthe convention for scottish local
the private sector most organisationsincludingthe institute have said that
alliance and many other organisationsincludingthe law society of scotland
ministers may appoint other organisationsincludingthose from the private sector
a third of the responsesincludingvery few from organisations and
for primary and secondary schoolsincludingdetails of any plans for
s productivity across the boardincludingprimary and manufacturing industries lifting
will consider all the optionsincludingprimary legislation in identifying how
warm thanks to the staffincludingall clerks security staff staff
run and that everyone involvedincludingall the staff of every
will provide for its staffincludingan indication of which staff
lobbyist will be regarded asincludingconsultancies with paid staff or
all categories of nhs staffincludingconsultants have to abide by
to recruit and retain staffincludinggps dentists and other health
managers of public sector workersincludingnhs staff and local government
cost of providing the facilityincludingprovision of the necessary staff
what the total cost wasincludingstaff costs of the preparation
available to the health serviceincludingthe number of professional staff
university system and the staffincludingthe two newly appointed assistant
to explain processes to othersincludinghypothetical processes to give directions
the others all gather roundincludinglizzie and jim who come
acknowledge the work of othersincludinglocal councillors such as councillor
play the mill machinery othersincludingstorytellers and musicians can be
those occasions and many othersincludingyesterday when i met nursing
whether mr harding had consideredincludinga provision to the effect
amend or repeal any enactmentincludingany provision of this act
the total remuneration packages wereincludingbonuses and pension provision for
or different classes of caseincludingdifferent provision for different areas
to make provision about housingincludingprovision about homelessness and the
motorcyclists in making integrated journeysincludingprovision of interchange facilities and
its provision by any personincludingthe authority themselves provided that
a statement of other assistanceincludingthe provision of information or
affecting scotland s water environmentincludingagriculture aquaculture planning land management
defined in the order asincludingan interest in land all
of the scottish land fundincludingits remit functions membership responsibilities
to deal with contaminated landincludinglandfill sites s1w 14985 brian
well as parcels of landincludingmountains he was an environmentalist
land and to take stepsincludingpreparation of a plan to
land and to take stepsincludingpreparation of a plan to
tract of the coastal landincludings estacca now the home
to all land in scotlandincludingthat in national parks they
law enforcement and crime reductionincludinganti drugs strategies and community
petitions have resulted in actionincludingchanges in the law there
bill to amend the lawincludingthe conveyancing and feudal reform
bill to amend the lawincludingthe conveyancing and feudal reform
recognised in scottish public lifeincludingthe courts and the law
all those who presented evidenceincludingthe law society of scotland
the uk law enforcement agenciesincludingthe national criminal intelligence service
abolish poindings and warrant salesincludingthe scottish association of law
nature of the bill byincludinga definition of the number
a limited pilot in aberdeenincludinga number of applications for
a number of the agenciesincludingabbeyfield we might be able
in a number of subjectsincludinggeography environmental studies local history
the menace of child pornographyincludingincreasing the number of prosecutions
the menace of child pornographyincludingincreasing the number of prosecutions
by a number of membersincludingpaul martin ian jenkins and
from a number of sourcesincludingredirection of current common agriculture
issues relating to rail safetyincludingthe high number of single
number of provisions are unnecessaryincludingthe one covering the power
in a number of languagesincludingthose less widely used and
already a number of folkincludingthose who are involved in
are a number of constraintsincludingtimetabling in principle we could
the increasing number of childrenincludingvery young children who are
figures from 16 local authoritiesincludingglasgow city council the city
enforcement powers of local authoritiesincludingin relation to occupiers and
ensure that all local authoritiesincludingsouth lanarkshire council abide by
authorities and other public agenciesincludingthe economic development agencies mcleod
authorities power over business ratesincludingthe power to reduce them
public authorities considering capital investmentincludingtraditional public procurement establish a
good practice in local governmentincludingworking with pilot authorities and
provoked many comments and petitionsincludinga 3 000 name petition
many national and international designationsincludingas a biosphere reserve another
and many other immoral actsincludingcarnal dealings with a mare
but one which many readersincludingd h lawrence have found
many of his rectorial dutiesincludingfailing to give the freshers
gold domes many being restoredincludingfour at the corners of
compatible with meeting financial targetsincludingin many cases recovering from
[cough] f810: eh many thingsincludinglike the five wounds of
position of her original amendmentincludingmany caveats the new amendment
people with serious behavioural problemsincludingmany who have already engaged
twenties and thirties many writersincludingmcdiarmid struggled to find a
the language many other stepsincludingmore gaelic medium education for
proceed many of those crimesincludingmurder or assault are already
mix was international many americansincludingour rafting companions english german
interest to many member statesincludingours the commission is still
record with many variant formsincludingquheit quheet qwheyt off wyne
homicide in many european jurisdictionsincludingscotland but its impact on
participants from all over scotlandincludingsome young people for many
one statute but of manyincludingthe act of union with
many local organizations and institutionsincludingthe hawai i handweavers hui
september 2000 has many examplesincludingthe motion itself in scots
made up of many partsincludingvocabulary grammar rules functions intonation
grounds of other personal attributesincludingbeliefs or opinions such as
all sections of the communityincludingblack and other ethnic minority
a language other than englishincludingbritish sign language again advance
development into other fin fishincludingcod will depend in the
each other s language developmentincludingconcern for tolerance enjoyment co
that in any other prisonincludingcornton vale which also had
farmers in other eu countriesincludingenglish and welsh farmers all
relative performance of schools byincludingfactors other than examination results
spend with other large marketsincludinggermany 89million france 42million and
that in other european countriesincludinggermany the difference is that
representations from any other bodyincludingher majesty s government requesting
he is a notorious philandererincludinghippolyta one of the other
the resources that are neededincludingit and other support resources
ellen knight other recent booksincludinglimited editions by sheena blackhall
clear that other committee membersincludingme understand what you are
skills or other related initiativesincludingmoney spent by scottish enterprise
and d other promotional activitiesincludingpostage and distribution as part
media advertising c display advertisingincludingposter sites and d other
itself will involve other strategiesincludingquestioning that aim to encourage
all the other elements correctincludingthe assessment processes before we
are operating alongside other grantsincludingthe community care grants for
other parts of the parliamentincludingthe debating chamber to see
a doubt the other islandsincludingthe greek are so treeless
other factors that affect salmonincludingthe impact of salmon farming
other major scottish tourist attractionsincludingthe paddle steamer waverley believes
other assessments that are availableincludingthe spgc s version and
especially innovative methods and toolsincludingthose developed within other community
or b by other personsincludingthose liable to maintain residents
and portugal thirteen other countriesincludinguganda have given that recognition
any other form of assistanceincludingwithout prejudice to that generality
those suffering mental ill healthincludingmulti disciplinary care and outreach
3 of that section appliedincludingone to whom those subsections
those involved in partnerships ukincludingthe chief executive who will
the icc the arguments forincludingthose aspects in the westminster
children with complex educational needsincludingthose attending independent schools are
operation seven days a weekincludingthose days at the weekend
that extends and challenges allincludingthose gifted in language but
and national health service trustsincludingthose in argyll and clyde
partnership projects currently under negotiationincludingthose in the education sector
provided exclusively for users ofincludingthose learning the gaelic language
dignity for the palestinian peopleincludingthose now languishing in refugee
with her majesty s governmentincludingthose on justice and home
have been an argument forincludingthose provisions in the recent
interests order in its entiretyincludingthose provisions that have not
assist that teaching and learningincludingthose that are developed in
funds a variety of projectsincludingthose to support exports training
the slightly older vegas crowdincludingthose well into their 40s
comprehensive register of sex offendersincludingthose who escaped being registered
gave more information about burnsincludinga list of articles about
was information from glasgow 2000includinga timetable of events and
information regarding control of pestsincludingbirds and whether such information
of openness democracy and accountabilityincludingfreedom of information we hear
information about the health serviceincludinghospital waiting times and treatment
of measures to support dentistryincludingnew information and training resources
parole boards consider all informationincludingprevious offences and submissions from
to members to draft motionsincludingsuch information that opportunity was
information from all around themincludingthe media in that case
and access to government informationincludingthe your guide concept fight
drinking through any means availableincludingadministrative action publicity education and
substantial new resources for educationincludingan additional 51m for school
substantial new resources for educationincludingan additional 51m for school
to pay for pet projectsincludingeducation health and environmental programmes
the effective uptake of servicesincludingeducation the case was also
in real terms on educationincludingschools universities and colleges in
who are involved in educationincludingsome talented young people i
further education colleges in scotlandincludingthe amount of money which
deaf education this will meanincludingthe language of the deaf
for post 16 year oldsincludingvocational and general education employment
development ross finnie and officialsincludingderek feeley who is head
the instruments available to itincludingdevelopment aid humanitarian action financial
and professional development of individualsincludingin finding one s first
have relatively impressive sounding targetsincludingincreasing research and development and
development through language and literatureincludingintellectual emotional aesthetic social and
industry support research into fisheriesincludingthe development of centres of
of the report s recommendationsincludingthe development of comprehensive performance
shift and tackles growing congestionincludingthe effective development of park
development services that it providesincludingtraining 4 briefing on gaelic
operation of the current governmentincludinga partnership for scotland an
to her majesty s governmentincludingany transfers which may have
parliament endorses the principle ofincludingin the local government bill
the policy of uk ministersincludingreports that the uk government
of her majesty s governmentincludingthe department for work and
of her majesty s governmentincludingthe prime minister have now
operation of local government financeincludingthe stability for three year
operation of local government financeincludingthe stability for three year
by her majesty s governmentincludingthe use of public service
by her majesty s governmentincludingthe use of public service
everything possible into my amendmentincludinga catch all and all
of ex presidents all overincludinga really good one of
against all forms of discriminationincludingage discrimination as a result
thirds of the international communityincludingall members of the european
the duty of specified personsincludingall police forces to disclose
that we have discussed todayincludingall the stakeholders we had
all their cattle raising capacityincludingall their grass for grazing
me that all our citizensincludingasylum seekers will not be
the use of digital linksincludingbroadband to all parts of
of all language related industriesincludingbroadcasting media publishing and academia
club and all its assetsincludingcappielow stadium to someone who
there food of all kindsincludingchampagne and caviare was laid
that will benefit all involvedincludingdesigners building owners builders and
of regulation in all sectorsincludingfarming crofting fishing quarrying tourism
cancelled and so the familyincludingfive children all under nine
but they all do itincludingguys f807: [laugh] f806: running
consultation with all parties concernedincludinghm treasury and entrust supported
identify all additional capital consentsincludinghousing revenue account capital consents
referring potentially to all ministersincludingjunior ministers eg scottish ministers
assurance that all probationer teachersincludinglast year s probationers will
who see us all perhapsincludingme at 36 years of
but also accessible to allincludingpeople with special needs it
all management to the localityincludingplot leases terminations and payment
technologies through all available avenuesincludingregulation r supported by alex
wars in which all europeansincludingscots english irish and welsh
of all sorts of diseasesincludingsea lice techniques such as
on all sorts of thingsincludingtaxation revenue our view is
account of all the circumstancesincludingthe applicant s character and
comply with all existing legislationincludingthe current biosecurity provisions alex
relationships with all european institutionsincludingthe european parliament there is
speech of all the participantsincludingthe girl who urges her
static changes on all levelsincludingthe lexical occur in living
she wrote to all membersincludingthe minister for transport and
is transparent to all stakeholdersincludingthe parliament setting achievable goals
textile enthusiasts of all agesincludingthe peerie unst knitters at
all the benefits of europeincludingthe potential for more jobs
all aspects of the motionincludingthe question on language spoken
mainstreamed into all policy areasincludingthe use of structural funds
cousins made all sports facilitiesincludingvelodromes are not cheap to
develop all four language skillsincludingwriting from the outset the
read and d write scotsincludingany local scots speech form
the serving table through measuresincludingcreative public procurement develop local
mediation process for large developmentsincludinginvolvement by local councillors revising
to their local health servicesincludingphysiotherapy mental health services suitable
spent on local authority housingincludingrepairs and new building in
made by the local smithincludingthe big semi circular oatcake
more local management of hospitalsincludingthe involvement of clinicians require
be addressed in the debateincludingverification certification costs to local
set strong minimum standards forincludingpublic open space in new
public agencies contribute to tourismincludingthe forestry commission visitor access
public discussion on european issuesincludingthe relevance of the eu
referral and consideration of petitionsincludingthe role of the public
about issues of public disorderincludingyouth disorder will she reflect
24 hour mental health servicesincludingdrop in centres to reflect
ensure that family style servicesincludingmentoring and befriending continue to
parliament believes that neurological servicesincludingneurosurgery for tayside and fife
delivery on key transport projectsincludingrail air and ferry services
resources for community care servicesincludingsocial work the relevant nhs
hiv services you can accessincludingthe hiv centre where you
s upper clyde ferry servicesincludingthe largs to cumbrae slip
services the main defence againstincludingthe questions on religion and
taken in the next yearincludinga strategy for involving children
meant either that each andorranincludingchildren and non smokers was
important things for disabled peopleincludingdisabled children it is important
for children be investigated immediatelyincludingelectronic tagging of paedophiles and
active games with the childrenincludingeurope day bingo and asked
breakfast accommodation with five childrenincludingthat child who had very
disposals for children s hearingsincludingweekend and evening detention restriction
transferred to the community associationincluding26 24 in cash the
proposals for commercial forestry developmentsincludingcommunity representatives supported by mr
in relation to community burdensincludingcore burdens applies as if
more use of community sentencesincludingsupervised attendance orders evaluate the
the community middle class peopleincludingteachers who have grown up
of community wings and centresincludingthe abbey row centre in
areas gives further useful backgroundincludingthe fact that free community
in which the international communityincludingthe uk can have a
language policy for northern irelandincludinga bill of rights which
commitment could be given byincludinga question on scots language
it in the gaelic languageincludingdetails of arrangements to be
enquiry based approach to languageincludinggrammar the former view sees
suggestions for improving language skillsincludinggreater innovation in the teaching
language spoken in the homeincludingscots monitoring evidence on health
of ethnicity religion and languageincludingthe scots language as the
advice on new health technologiesincludingdrugs s1w 2594 linda fabiani
complex needs of rough sleepersincludinghealth needs and notes the
wide variety of health problemsincludingoral cancer from which hundreds
the application of health chargesincludingprescription charges seeking to ensure
in health matters across scotlandincludingrural scotland i understand where
under the parliament s powersincludingthe health and safety risks
or different classes of caseincludingfor different areas c make
to different types of bakingincludingscones and shortbread irish soda
an ye get different flavoursincludingseerup an baked aipple syne
publish t in different papersincludingthe buchanie people s journal
consequences on a national basisincludingassessing the resources currently devoted
amongst policy makers and practitionersincludingnational parliaments ensuring a better
will amount to 490 000includingpensions and national insurance contributions
they accredit include national qualificationsincludingstandard grade and national units
in place to support parentsincludinghomework booklets where things are
clearly i will not supportincludingit in the census 15
in scotland s housing stockincludingnew ways to support private
support will extend to projectsincludingregional and minority languages which
conservative members have argued againstincludinga question on income in
ensure that key decision makersincludingelected members and officials receive
is based on members ideasincludinggeorge lyon s idea on
are not mutually exclusive membersincludingmargaret smith have said time
recommend to parliament future businessincludingmembers business and designations of
catch by southern european membersincludingscotland was necessary 21 the
i endorse both members commentsincludingthat about the feeling that
will list the individual membersincludingtheir remuneration and expenses of
will list the individual membersincludingtheir remuneration and expenses of
will list the individual membersincludingtheir remuneration and expenses of
to address that deficiency byincludinga question on income in
census as a whole fromincludinga question on income would
were broadly in favour ofincludinga question there has also
about the project in questionincludinginforming them about the purpose
income it is said thatincludingsuch a question would have
respondents as a consequence ofincludingthe question i am concerned
feeling that the advantages ofincludingthe question or getting the
evidence to that effect soincludingthe question would not do
of any emergency medical serviceincludinga member of the crew
ernie walker s think tankincludingany aspects which have been
of the eu fisheries councilincludingany estimated figures for loss
the lifetime of the schemeincludingany mechanism for increasing such
of products of organic farmingincludingany proposed steps to facilitate
executive will consider any proposalsincludingfinancial sanctions to protect communities
improvements transport indicators for scotlandincludingimprovements arising from any new
the effectiveness of any organisationincludingthe nhs record additional investment
connection with any such arrangementsincludingthe transfer and secondment and
termination of any such arrangementsincludingvariation or termination at the
a motley crew of britsincludinga scottish woman a new
introducing new exemptions and suspensionsincludinga suspension in designated pressured
left however some new folkincludingadel the egyptian and his
for our new parliament complexincludingglasgow and that the budget
1998 9 when major renovationsincludinginsulation heating and a new
was for 4 uk sitesincludingnew lanark protection and financial
new provisions give new rightsincludingrights of succession and to
who spoke in the debateincludingdavid davidson and donald gorrie
nice to meet his familyincludinghis mother kay who in
sunday loads of people everywhereincludingliterally thousands of people who
committee there was unanimous agreementincludingmalcolm chisholm who is now
of er sort of friendsincludingmyself erm who wanted to
a period of time constituentsincludingone who contacted me this
who cares to try themincludingschoolchildren these cigarette girls dressed
the poetry of the ninetiesincludingthat of older writers who
who works in binny houseincludingthe kitchen maintenance and office
who are hard of hearingincludingthe t loop system in
review of the sleep serviceincludingtrust managers and clinicians who
to the use of gaelicincludinga right to gaelic medium
use of controlled learning environmentsincludingskills learning laboratories the facilities
explore a variety of platformsincludingthe use of interactive digital
show awareness of literary devicesincludingthe use of structure imagery
to use through ticketing systemsincludingtime limited tickets to facilitate
has a large immigrant populationincludingenglish scandanavian french and german
translations of rabelais into englishincludingj m cohen s modern
translations of rabelais into englishincludingjm cohen s modern translation
current pattern of british dialectsincludingstandard english which is a
attitudes to grammar in schoolsincludingthe approach of the english
to legislate in english onlyincludingthe fact that acts of
the growth of inward investmentincluding1 275 jobs that have
of the day care groupincluding79 year old andrew himself
a member of the parliamentincludinga attending a meeting of
of benchmarking and performance indicatorsincludinga balanced scorecard we also
and write to the petitionersincludinga copy of the official
place a remarkable literary efflorescenceincludinga corpus of brilliant inventive
made a lot of plansincludinga honeymoon surfing in hawaii
further sales and re organisationincludinga redistribution of acreages after
amidst an assortment of rocketsincludinga v 2 and a
a mountain of consumer goodsincludinga video recorder surprisingly the
tbs promotion of american tvincludingamerican home delivery pizza ads
in ten of the populationincludingan even higher proportion of
s performance of its functionsincludingan indication of the way
rationale for the importance ofincludingand promoting the teaching of
are only twelve of themincludingandy and geordie and of
in the south of scotlandincludingas a matter of urgency
in the south of scotlandincludingas a matter of urgency
and extension of past tensesincludingat higher the pluperfect tense
reprocessing of spent nuclear fuelincludingat sellafield and dounreay notes
explaining the application of policyincludingattending meetings for the purpose
to each of the consultantsincludingbovis lend lease scotland limited
as a matter of priorityincludingby a ensuring that at
in respect of possible costsincludingcompensation to be paid arising
needs of the devolved institutionsincludingconsideration of the geographical nature
as taking on extra lawyersincludingcrown counsel some indication of
of the district of sollerincludingdeià and half of albufera
signatories to the nasco conventionincludingdenmark in respect of the
to proceed with further designationincludingdesignation of that area is
recommend to parliament future businessincludingdesignations of lead committee and
october note a full agendaincludingdetails of location and timings
september note a full agendaincludingdetails of location and timings
established note a full agendaincludingdetails of location and timings
proceedings note a full agendaincludingdetails of location and timings
proceedings note a full agendaincludingdetails of location and timings
problems in the private sectorincludingdisrepair and a lack of
a total of 28 medalsincludingeleven gold medals and achieving
autonomous agencies of the stateincludingespecially perhaps professionals concerned with
the north east fife areaincludingexamining the feasibility of a
formal grouping of officers possiblyincludingexternal officers from the fire
over without compensation the assetsincludingfactories offices and equipment of
a statement of the resourcesincludingfinancial assistance which the scottish
of its most radical reformsincludingfree personal care the abolition
day management of the projectincludingfund raising thus freeing the
a variety of visiting scientistsincludingheinrich helmholtz almost the only
assessors were our professional expertsincludinghm chief inspector of constabulary
case for recovery of possessionincludingin particular a the ground
a whole lot of safeguardsincludingin subsection 3 d the
parliament endorses the principle ofincludingin the insolvency bill a
in possession of his landsincludinginnermessan the mandate also stated
its work on childhood asthmaincludingits publication of the first
its work on childhood asthmaincludingits publication of the first
regeneration of scottish coalfield areasincludingkilsyth and its surrounding villages
laboratories that perform asp testingincludinglaboratories in the republic of
talked about the importance ofincludinglevel iii figures in the
of the highlands and islandsincludinglocations outside inverness s1w 1740
at least three of themincludingmargaret jamieson and irene oldfather
secretary a copy of arrangementsincludingmenu etc and the secretary
of families of murder victimsincludingmr and mrs crossan of
visited every region of scotlandincludingof course his own mr
to developers of composting operationsincludingon methane reduction and recovery
granite columns and beautiful statuesincludingone of isis and a
of its quality farmed goodsincludingorganic goods notes that an
crowe can provide further explanationincludingperhaps an indication of the
of questioning seemed appropriate byincludingpets and zoos within the
tackle gun and knife crimeincludingpossession of knives with tough
bakhtin wrote on numerous topicsincludingpsychology a critique of freud
areas of concern for nursesincludingrecruitment and retention continuing career
of 49 procurator fiscal officesincludingregional offices the department operates
depends upon the rural economyincludingrepresentatives of the scottish gamekeepers
an appreciation of scots byincludingscots literature it is clear
or kist of burns materialsincludingselections of prose background historical
of a normal crop rotationincludingshort term leys or c
the main subtendents being theincludingsides of the total rectangle
the main subtendent seeing theincludingsides of the totall rectangle
variety of principally waterside animalsincludingsmall frogs fish water voles
complete cohort of secondary pupilsincludingsome in special schools and
the tour of a lifetimeincludingsome mongolian looking ones women
vestiges of easter ross gaelicincludingsome words that are not
for every piece of legislationincludingstatutory instruments we could suggest
victims of such sexual abuseincludingsusan stuart and jake strachan
modern dialects of scots presumablyincludingthat of langholm were debased
during the east timor referendumincludingthat of linda fabiani msp
the principles of that billincludingthat the bill apply to
of relevant concepts and skillsincludingthe ability to read in
of the expenditure to dateincludingthe allowance element on each
raise the basic pension levelincludingthe amount of money that
for ministers to deal withincludingthe appointment of verifiers will
en council of europe treatiesincludingthe charter for regional or
by a group of consulteesincludingthe chief constable the chief
arrangements or class of arrangementsincludingthe circumstances in which such
part of the united kingdomincludingthe common council of the
translations of passages from burnsincludingthe cotter s saturday night
a list of such questionsincludingthe date on which they
literary hierarchies of their periodincludingthe difficulties of an intelligent
recorded vote on every occasionincludingthe election of the speaker
technology in the voluntary sectorincludingthe establishment of a web
poverty and enhance personal fulfilmentincludingthe expansion of childcare facilities
administration of the coronation oathincludingthe following arch bishop or
of highland perthshire and drumochterincludingthe forest of atholl beinn
of highland perthshire and drumochterincludingthe forest of atholl beinn
chaired by sir stewart sutherlandincludingthe funding of personal care
open market and that improvementsincludingthe installation of central heating
across domestic and industrial sectorsincludingthe introduction of enhanced building
of his poems about historyincludingthe lovely lass of inverness
the storage of the wasteincludingthe nature and frequency of
and b to take stepsincludingthe preparation of an action
or four of us thereincludingthe present lord arbuthnott then
about aspects of the reviewincludingthe proposed reduction of accident
operation of the skye bridgeincludingthe relevant toll order and
operation of the skye bridgeincludingthe relevant toll order and
operation of the skye bridgeincludingthe relevant toll order and
also covers repeals and amendmentsincludingthe repeal of the genocide
fundraising efforts of the trustincludingthe sale of the ali
of the british olympic teamincludingthe scots in the team
temperatures of the shetland climateincludingthe sea temperature you d
of privacy and the interestsincludingthe security interests of the
the issue of the crownincludingthe succession to the crown
full of popular culture referencesincludingthe superstitious and supernatural and
prosperous future for greenock mortonincludingthe swift delivery of the
of occasions in our historyincludingthe union of the crowns
the terms of the delegationincludingthe wording of the enabling
for the treatment of refugeesincludingtheir legal status employment and
them of flouridating water suppliesincludingtheir share of capital costs
means of reaching excluded individualsincludingthem in meaningful activity improving
bedroom suite 10 19 6includingwardrobe dressing table chest of
meets in that year notincludingweeks when only committees of
and route of the pipelineincludingwhere appropriate by means of
of a protecting livestock fowlincludingwild fowl or game birds
summerlee heritage museum in coatbridgeincludingworking trams the reconstruction of
of town and suburb regenerationincludingworking with the lyon court
the overall devolution scheme itselfincludingits administrative and ministerial arms
posts in the scottish executiveincludingits agencies have been created
crown and the monarchy themselvesincludingits finances and taxation and
economic impact it will haveincludingits impact on investment in
the overall devolved administrative organisationincludingits political ministerial side as
in teaching and learning activitiesincludingactivities such as carrying out
it could hold such eventsincludingthe world athletics championships and
hold the executive to accountincludingthe power to invoke section
scots used by most writersincludingburns and macdiarmid from the
to transport for disabled peopleincludingdisabled elderly people in scotland
fuelling people s sporting inclinationsincludingmy own to a certain
years i have asked peopleincludingthe drug companies what the
there are 372 people attendingincludingthe guests the committee will
be involved in the programmeincludingthe police people from the
and c up to andincluding20 january 2003 and how
from inverbervie supplied the musicincludinga fiddler and a melodeon
objectives for the waste industryincludinga presumption against incineration and
and shotts by credit unionsincludingaccess to low cost credit
but very sweet and vodkaincludingan extra strong kind rather
assistance measures in criminal mattersincludingassistance in obtaining evidence and
less lethal alternatives to firearmsincludingbaton guns and aerosol incapacitants
and that non pharmacological treatmentsincludingbehaviour management are equally if
private operate prison will beincludingboth construction and operation phases
the scottish executive 2003 04includingboth the summary and detail
fashionable for nineteenth century travellersincludingbyron and napoleon himself to
for weddings at unusual timesincludingceremonies on sundays and candlelight
fee for the whole conferenceincludingcoffee tea and lunches is
applicant institution observing formal meetingsincludingcommittee meetings review events and
best sources are administrative documentsincludingcourt and burgh records and
baton guns and aerosol incapacitantsincludingcs gas sprays only to
p 40 the whole villageincludingdead helen and her flowers
benefits claimed for allotment gardeningincludingdirect access to fresh and
a reformed scientific advisory groupincludingenvironmental and socio economic interests
rosellon s districts were valldemossaincludingesporles and banyalbufar bunyola and
forget the whole nhs teamincludingessential administration secretarial and laboratory
falcons vultures and small birdsincludingfinches and warblers through his
to cover practically every areaincludingforeign policy defence and taxation
to sexual and violent offendersincludingharassment and in particular stalking
and unfair practices against workersincludingharassment by severe disciplinary actions
grazing containing semi natural vegetationincludingheathland heather moorland bog and
every party in this chamberincludinghis coalition partners and most
protecting and improving the environmentincludingintegrating policy on the environment
treated with more respect andincludingit in the census would
rail and light railway projectsincludinglinks to edinburgh and glasgow
or from stations in scotlandincludinglockerbie and dumfries where no
the women and the visitorsincludingmabel when she was there
a renewed home international championshipincludingmatches against wales and northern
a renewed home international championshipincludingmatches against wales and northern
and giggling as the boysincludingme run the gauntlet i
breaks out up to andincludingmonday 31 march 2003 supported
having six in the familyincludingmy mum and dad and
the salary and employment costsincludingpension contribution to limits set
marble sepulchres where the tsarsincludingpeter are buried and the
regulations made under the billincludingprocedure regulations and regulations on
by developing better transport linksincludingrail links to glasgow and
countryside mountain areas and waterincludingrivers canals and lochs for
to fill out a formincludingsender s address and room
were supplied with their uniformsincludingshoes and to work they
linguistic prosodic non verbal featuresincludingspeech rate pausal phenomena and
scotland act 1998 the crownincludingsuccession to the crown and
the difference to youth crimeincludingsupporting the voluntary sector and
and refreshments f sports facilitiesincludingswimming are available for a
01 and b 2001 02includingthe amount allocated for market
rail and light railway projectsincludingthe borders railway edinburgh trams
the annual percentage increase andincludingthe cumulative increases since vesting
and food and drink sectorsincludingthe dairy industry as priorities
it points out that byincludingthe deaf equality and accessibility
provided for each scottish ministerincludingthe first minister and the
drivers for the scottish ministersincludingthe first minister and the
in texts within specific contextsincludingthe pupils own writing and
stopped what they were doingincludingthe teacher and ran outside
stop and unloaded most passengersincludingthe teenager her wee sister
life and commitment in relationshipsincludingthe value placed on marriage
and ii the words fromincludingto the end are repealed
remedy for just about everythingincludingtoothache and stomach ache you
balance and where the educatedincludingupper class women ballad singers
s abilities background and characteristicsincludingwithout prejudice to that generality
vanished some recovered from germanyincludinga complete floor which one
inch covered with carving paintingsincludinga hall with paintings from
custody or under their controlincludingadvice from civil servants to
or flush it from coverincludingan enclosed space within rocks
or flush it from coverincludingan enclosed space within rocks
from the horse s mouthincludingfrom the union the convener
5million from revenue earning activitiesincludingfunding provided to the area
work from 60 odd galleriesincludingnewcastle s biscuit factory london
from the pig was usedincludingthe bladder which made a
shire then back to aberdeenshireincludingcruden bay where william findlay
is committed outwith the ukincludingwhere the offence is committed
by the scottish qualifications authorityincludingwhere the system was sourced
preparatory work on tentative listsincludingfor emergency designation as well
nursing centres on key issuesincludingwork load staffing levels hours
crop up to around 1939includingblack oats which were grown
therapy m608: mmhm mmhm f643: includingcolour therapy which i ve
which has confused subsequent commentatorsincludingit has to be said
which expanded on these themesincludingthe following relevant to the
that subsection whether or notincludingthe list to which the
under which base stations operateincludingtheir maximum power are specified
scottish parliament to take stepsincludinglegislation if necessary to protect
major parties in the parliamentincludingrichard simpson despite the impression
minister has recognised social researchersincludingthe parliament s own researcher
consumption by a living creatureincludinga person c protecting human
processing or increased teacher contactincludingco operative teaching by learning
by msps in the chamberincludingfrench gaelic german italian russian
unit shall be construed asincludingreference to things done by
by the tobacco industry areincludingthat argument in their submissions
taking place during this timeincludingthe performance by the 7
achieving that goal is byincludingthe provisions in relation to
was kissed by 15 frenchmenincludingthree former prime ministers it
the interwar scottish renaissance periodincludingalexander gray s translation into
way into the executive documentincludingan annual reserve allocated out
poured into this failed projectincludingan extra 43 million contributed
made inroads into every deptincludingthe eng dept it is
more about europe in schoolincludinga desire to learn more
committee examined in great detailincludingour concern about civil liberties
way i think about itincludingthe awful fear that fiona
alone what about the assetsincludingthe boats if the option
have been made this morningincludingyour comments about the recall
more power down to schoolsincludingmore budgetary control for head
more than 200 plant speciesincludingthe douglas fir pseudotsua douglasii
the overcrowded 5 14 curriculumincludingan opportunity for a dynamic
aspirations for a healthy dietincludingestablishing farmers markets in deprived
to extend freight facilities grantsincludingfor water transport to take
marker guidelines for seven subjectsincludingon line training for markers
level in upholding the conventionincludingparents action for safe play
salmon stocks in the districtincludingraising funds for restocking or
opportunities for teaching british historyincludingscottish history at every level
allocating these funds between collegesincludingthe precise basis for allocation
the corner wall flabbergasted weincludinga now wide awake maggie
choice between the options availableincludinga post office card account
be required to obtain reportsincludinga psychological assessment the provisions
duty to adopt similar measuresincludinga reduction in the industrial
attractive places mr home robertsonincludingairdrie the convener thank you
the languages used in scotlandincludingbsl it may be helpful
the bid team have proposedincludingcapitalising on the highlands unique
difficult to collect the evidenceincludingcorroboration that would be required
available in the united kingdomincludingfour that are administered to
little stalls in the streetsincludingice cream draught beer water
to the south west stationincludingironworks store there were no
that the usual vegas suspectsincludinglola las vegas bugsy seagull
to pollution in the airincludingparticulates i look to the
are still used in riversincludingriver estuaries the only legal
shortly be consulting interested partiesincludingspecifically the equal opportunities committee
prevent injury to the dogincludingsteps to prevent the dog
waiting times through targeted measuresincludingsubstantial initiatives to address the
city again everything massive theatresincludingthe bolshoi less emphasis on
as you see tolo saysincludingthe buildings the gardens the
offices specified in the scheduleincludingthe chief medical officer chief
areas i am concerned thatincludingthe company s address would
traffic improvements on the a90includingthe extra slipway on the
a television debate featuring politiciansincludingthe first minister that would
speedy progress to a unionincludingthe hanoverian succession the assertion
gender differences in transport needsincludingthe issues highlighted in women
ve done eight in totalincludingthe john hannahs once they
rennie mackintosh sites in glasgowincludingthe mackintosh house at glasgow
discretionary scheme that seven councilsincludingthe major cities ran under
the entire bad blood scandalincludingthe most recent incident the
long term partnerships in legislationincludingthe opportunity to register a
idea everyone will be happyincludingthe petitioners the convener before
the race relations amendment billincludingthe power to impose duties
a political point successive governmentsincludingthe present executive have grossly
we should delete the wordsincludingthe press or media until
he has met with groupsincludingthe scottish countryside alliance the
is maintained properly i amincludingthe vocational qualifications in that
if one reads the lineincludingthe word frith a bay
the temporary move to glasgowincludingtravel expenses s1w 4788 ms
to explore the issues raisedincludingwhether to delay the signing
the certificate or order concernedincludingwithout prejudice to that generality
up to 10 000 notincludingdentistry or optician s charges
ground nesting birds timber fowlincludingwild fowl game birds or
that we need balanced measuresincludinga target in sweden as
users in fact accessing everythingincludingas winnie pointed out politics
variant creutzfeldt jakob disease cjdincludingat least two cases in
some rather pathetic neglected onesincludingone obviously lived in with
s activity in that yearincludingsteps taken to fulfil functions
been banned in that wayincludingsword sticks push daggers death
till crumbly spices place vegincludinguncooked cucumber mince in alternate
to mansfield mill in hawickincludingwarehousing one large first stage
we had very varied weatherincludingsome snow but it was
promote scotland s natural environmentincludinglegislation to improve nature conservation
there are three i thinkincludingone teachers buffet one small
have been religious sites mostincludingthis one are built around
up approach to economic citizenshipincludingbetter access to social fund
up approach to economic citizenshipincludingbetter access to social fund
to talk to ferry companiesincludingcaledonian macbrayne to ascertain whether
to birkenhead have nice journeyincludingsleep report p m 28
superior there shall be insertedincludingwithout prejudice to that generality
have a genuine operational capabilityincludinga military capability what can
policy can change this situationincludinga a 7 32 per
meeting a large ministerial teamincludinga newly appointed minister is
vegetables garden vegetables were grownincludingcabbage kale carrots potatoes turnips
i kent hid open rangesincludingma mither s hoose used
a few they re sayinincludingme oh no sir mr
level everything you know [laugh]includingmyself but but i didn
lifelong learning committee carries outincludingour lifelong learning inquiry as
is raised over commencement ordersincludingtransitional provisions but i think

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