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management awards 2002 for theirinnovativepartnership project at dalmellington and
designers to promote new andinnovativedesign and support scottish executive
designers the freedom to produceinnovativesolutions to issues of disabled
information and best practices promotinginnovativeapproaches and evaluating experiences the
allow owners to adopt moreinnovativeapproaches to building however it
barrier to the use ofinnovativeapproaches to design and makes
and reinvent themselves and attachinnovativeapproaches to effective work to
provision and management regimes throughinnovativeapproaches to land portfolios and
with little facility to fundinnovativeapproaches to language learning and
force planning group we needinnovativeapproaches to make working more
scotland and tries to proposeinnovativeand sometimes radical solutions to
as well as looking forinnovativescottish solutions putting patients first
to come up with moreinnovativesolutions to problems of access
europe as an open andinnovativemeans of addressing the issues
europe as an open andinnovativemeans of addressing the issues
possible for ministers to findinnovativeways of addressing the pay
on the establishment of aninnovativeand creative children s fund
group in 1997 csys wasinnovativein its creative writing paper
has also brought in someinnovativedecision making methods allowing for
and about skills methods especiallyinnovativemethods and tools including those
projects what is new andinnovativeis not necessarily always effective
the funding of exciting andinnovativenew projects that are unproven
of modernising grants to supportinnovativeprojects aimed at improving service
cannot always come up withinnovativeprojects and that the core
executive and other funders favourinnovativeprojects at the expense of
of the languages by encouraginginnovativeprojects for example we should
the substantial involvement of theinnovativescottish projects that are already
registration system tries to beinnovativeand a little bit ahead
that the convention represents aninnovativeand inclusive approach that is
executive s support for thisinnovativeapproach after debate amendment s1m
executive s support for thisinnovativeapproach followed by parliamentary bureau
deal the result of thatinnovativeapproach is that since april
executive s support for thisinnovativeapproach s1m 3228 2 mr
to find a new andinnovativeapproach to language development and
evidence is there for anyinnovativeapproach to prison management from
was as usual excellent andinnovativeas mr tobin introduced kate
secondly there is the excellentinnovativepartnership involving east ayrshire council
battle in their search forinnovativemechanisms to raise funds i
and galloway nhs board sinnovativeproposals for a single integrated
upon by government departments havinginnovativeppp schemes that happen to
of the schemes are soinnovativethat other councils want to
miralles track record of translatinginnovativedesigns into practical buildings that
new stadiums or other complexinnovativeor different kinds of buildings
sign language project is aninnovativeproject developed by deaf connections
in germany which has aninnovativeproject with estonia to link
agenda the programmes of itsinnovativedepartment of nursing and community
acceptance for construction of aninnovativereed bed system to deal
council on alcohol for theirinnovativeand widely welcomed young persons
by each spending department howinnovativeis that whatever will the
proposes to carry out theinnovativefinancial procedures that will allow
needs there are some particularlyinnovativepeople in lanarkshire where the
by rds jack as particularlyinnovativeye man also take heid
tae finn a new aninnovativeroad tae language oncome an
to key organisations and toinnovativeservice development the executive strongly
its course is no longerinnovativeand will receive no more
more quickly and easily takeinnovativemeasures to recruit and retain
glasgow pays tribute to theinnovativework of her predecessor mrs
was very excited by theinnovativework that is being done
need expand and extend theinnovativeknow the score campaign continuing
professionals are pulling together incrediblyinnovativestrategies i do not want
some fairly drunken chaotic andinnovativecountry dancing you could by
when with the appearance ofinnovativeculinary provisions and novel beverages
kingdom for this unique andinnovativeevent and urges sportscotland to
move to develop and introduceinnovativeforms of landlord that are
becomes the british centre forinnovativepublishing in periodicals and fiction
us to do interesting andinnovativethings is an important attribute
which are often regarded asinnovativeelsewhere ms macdonald will the
to preston to see aninnovativeneedle exchange programme the activities
continues to be a majorinnovativeplayer in contemporary scottish poetry
amounts to a set ofinnovativeprinciples but not a great
have put in place isinnovativethe scottish cross party groups

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