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notices and amendments new billsintroducedor reprinted on 12 february
notices and amendments new billsintroducedor reprinted on 19 june
for members bills new billsintroducedor reprinted on 20 december
notices and amendments new billsintroducedor reprinted on 20 february
notices and amendments new billsintroducedor reprinted on 20 january
accompany the bill new billsintroducedor reprinted on 21 december
notices and amendments new billsintroducedor reprinted on 29 january
notices and amendments new billsintroducedor reprinted on 30 october
for members bills new billsintroducedor reprinted on 4 april
notices and amendments new billsintroducedor reprinted on 4 february
for members bills new billsintroducedor reprinted on 7 december
april leasehold casualties scotland billintroduced10 may mortgage rights scotland
april leasehold casualties scotland billintroduced10 may national parks scotland
april leasehold casualties scotland billintroduced10 may national parks scotland
22 november housing scotland billintroduced18 december leasehold casualties scotland
homes and homelessness scotland billintroduced4 april leasehold casualties scotland
homes and homelessness scotland billintroduced4 april leasehold casualties scotland
homes and homelessness scotland billintroduced4 april leasehold casualties scotland
homes and homelessness scotland billintroduced4 april leasehold casualties scotland
the bill most bills areintroducedby the scottish executive however
for members bills new billsintroducedon 29 february 2000 census
for members bills new billintroducedon 8 october 1999 adults
only in relation to billsintroducedon or after that date
only in relation to billsintroducedon or after that date
ban hunting michael foster mpintroduceda further private members bill
would be temporary until westminsterintroduceda wide ban there is
advertising ban in canada wasintroducedat a national level and
if a tobacco ban wereintroducedin scotland overnight there would
rise to particular concern asintroducedthe bill would ban unlicensed
yes when the ban wasintroducedthe real price of cigarettes
rough shooting the bill asintroducedwould also ban the use
wild mammals scotland bill asintroducedwould ban beagling rabbits rabbits
economic consequences the bill asintroducedwould ban rough shooting which
september dog fouling scotland billintroduced11 june land reform scotland
november gaelic language scotland billintroduced13 november homelessness etc scotland
december school meals scotland billintroduced14 november scottish local government
december school meals scotland billintroduced14 november scottish local government
april school meals scotland billintroduced14 november scottish parliamentary standards
february school meals scotland billintroduced14 november scottish public sector
february school meals scotland billintroduced14 november scottish public services
local government in scotland billintroduced16 may school meals scotland
public bodies etc scotland billintroduced17 june school meals scotland
and water services scotland billintroduced18 june subordinate legislation in
regulation of care scotland billintroduced20 december salmon conservation scotland
budget scotland no 4 billintroduced20 january building scotland bill
railway and linked improvements billintroduced21 march title conditions scotland
poindings and warrant sales billintroduced24 september 1999 adults with
local government elections scotland billintroduced26 june public appointments and
local government elections scotland billintroduced26 june public appointments and
committee criminal justice scotland billintroduced26 march education disability strategies
navigation and fishing scotland billintroduced27 june scottish parliamentary standards
navigation and fishing scotland billintroduced27 june title conditions scotland
navigation and fishing scotland billintroduced27 june title conditions scotland
march national parks scotland billintroduced27 march protection of wild
december land reform scotland billintroduced27 november marriage scotland bill
freshwater fisheries consolidation scotland billintroduced27 november title conditions scotland
procedure and evidence scotland billintroduced28 june subordinate legislation in
procedure and evidence scotland billintroduced28 june subordinate legislation in
national galleries of scotland billintroduced28 october organic farming targets
national galleries of scotland billintroduced28 october organic farming targets
national galleries of scotland billintroduced28 october organic farming targets
prostitution tolerance zones scotland billintroduced28 october protection of children
february census amendment scotland billintroduced29 february subordinate legislation in
may mortgage rights scotland billintroduced3 july national parks scotland
september mortgage rights scotland billintroduced3 july national parks scotland
appointments parliamentary approval scotland billintroduced3 september sexual offences procedure
organic farming targets scotland billintroduced30 september proportional representation local
organic farming targets scotland billintroduced30 september proportional representation local
and young people scotland billintroduced4 december council of the
scottish local authorities tendering billintroduced5 april subordinate legislation in
7 june transport scotland billintroduced5 june subordinate legislation in
and student support scotland billintroduced5 october family homes and
and student support scotland billintroduced5 october family homes and
june title conditions scotland billintroduced6 june tobacco advertising and
feudal tenure etc scotland billintroduced6 october 1999 abolition of
law society of scotland billintroduced6 september criminal justice scotland
support scotland no 2 billintroduced7 december family homes and
adults with incapacity scotland billintroduced8 october 1999 public finance
organic products but you haveintroduceda bill that sets a
useful if the bill hadintroduceda uniform approach for letters
farming targets scotland bill asintroducedan act of the scottish
farming targets scotland bill asintroducedan act of the scottish
gaelic language scotland bill asintroducedan act of the scottish
gaelic language scotland bill asintroducedan act of the scottish
the crown bill a measureintroducedas a private member s
care and treatment scotland billintroducedas mental health scotland bill
care and treatment scotland billintroducedas mental health scotland bill
care and treatment scotland billintroducedas mental health scotland bill
care and treatment scotland billintroducedas mental health scotland bill
care and treatment scotland billintroducedas mental health scotland bill
care and treatment scotland billintroducedas mental health scotland bill
pupils educational records scotland billintroducedas the education disability strategies
scottish public services ombudsman billintroducedas the scottish public sector
scottish public services ombudsman billintroducedas the scottish public sector
bill is only now beingintroducedat the tail end of
farming targets bill that wasintroducedat westminster and if a
when the bill will beintroducedat westminster but i understand
criminal justice bill which wasintroducedat westminster on 21 november
paper on the bill asintroducedavailable at http www parliament
that the committee bill beintroducedbetween october 2002 and april
a private member s billintroducedby donald stewart in 1981
a private memmer s billintroducedby donald stewart in 1981
and young people scotland billintroducedby karen gillon msp convenor
bill is a committee billintroducedby karen gillon msp convenor
is a private members billintroducedby ken livingstone mp this
sp bill 72 budget billintroducedby mr andy kerr supported
sp bill 8 executive billintroducedby mr jim wallace explanatory
sp bill 5 executive billintroducedby mr jim wallace supported
sp bill 27 executive billintroducedby mr jim wallace supported
was followed by a billintroducedby mr john mcfall mp
these started with a billintroducedby mr kevin mcnamara mp
sp bill 22 executive billintroducedby ms wendy alexander supported
sp bill 24 executive billintroducedby susan deacon supported by
gaelic language scotland bill asintroducedcontents section 1 gaelic language
attachment scotland bill which wasintroducedearlier this week will have
version of the bill asintroducedhas been printed sp bill
below ground the bill asintroducedhowever could impact on other
done before the bill wasintroducedhowever i welcome the fact
by mr john mcfall mpintroducedin 1995 the mcfall bill
the committee bill might beintroducedin april 2003 that would
and promotion bill is beingintroducedin line with a uk
crime international co operation billintroducedin the house of lords
national borders the bill wasintroducedin the house of lords
2001 where a budget billintroducedinto the parliament does not
when the bill was firstintroducedlike many members i was
a members bill to beintroducedmike watson msp has however
but the bill is beingintroducednow rather than last year
bill sp bill 69 wasintroducedon 13 november 2002 by
building scotland bill which wasintroducedon 18 september 2002 is
no 2 bill which wasintroducedon 19 january it reflects
support scotland bill the billintroducedon 5 october 2000 was
2 of the bill asintroducedonly allows licences to be
poindings and warrant sales billintroducedpublic finance and accountability scotland
that the bill is beingintroducedrelatively late in the parliament
were in the bill asintroducedretain the original numbering community
were in the bill asintroducedretain the original numbering education
were in the bill asintroducedretain the original numbering protection
etc scotland bill will beintroduceds1w 4831 johann lamont to
the double bill return whichintroducedscots actor henry ian cusick
penalties in the bill asintroducedseem to be particularly excessive
expressed to ministers for havingintroducedthe bill i look forward
aim of the member whointroducedthe bill to the scottish
huggins when the bill wasintroducedthe minister said that she
provisions in the bill asintroducedthe paper describes the background
land reform scotland bill asintroducedthe response made sense to
that when the bill isintroducedthe whole picture is outlined
the regulations that will beintroducedthrough the bill and under
and the bill that wasintroducedto parliament on 27 november
scotland bill the bill wasintroducedto the scottish parliament on
reading of the bill asintroducedtobacco advertising would be lawful
a members bill may beintroducedunder rule 9 14 of
legislation if the bill asintroducedwere passed the following would
appreciate that the bill wasintroducedwith a challenging timetable but
wild mammals scotland bill asintroducedwould allow foot packs operating
b although the bill asintroducedwould not allow licences to
their own homes will beintroducedif the land reform scotland
plan to achieve the targetsintroducedby robin harper on 30
of the countries that haveintroducedadvertising bans we could conduct
tobacco advertising bans have beenintroducedcurrently cheap cigarettes are arriving
where advertising bans have beenintroducedthe tobacco industry s claims
advertising arrangements if regulations wereintroducedthroughout the uk on that
that in countries that haveintroducedtobacco advertising such as norway
for different purposes schedule a1introducedby section 1 a1 c
date of royal assent scheduleintroducedby section 1 minimum content
at end insert schedule 5cintroducedby section 18c 1 form
date of royal assent scheduleintroducedby section 2 matters to
and psychological support schedule 1introducedby section 22 minor and
appointed for different purposes scheduleintroducedby section 8 consequential amendments
after schedule 7 insert scheduleintroducedby section grant of deed
some measures which might beintroducedin the interests of salmon
offenders register have already beenintroducedin the uk those measures
parliament that the executive hasintroducedsome good measures and we
specific measures which might beintroducedthe committee also agreed to
executive what measures it hasintroducedto address any imbalance in
what specific measures it hasintroducedto alleviate the economic impact
january 2003 measures have beenintroducedto create a level playing
what statutory measures it hasintroducedto reduce litter pollution s1o
minister what measures are beingintroducedto support communities affected by
measures that the thatcher governmentintroducedwas the breaking of the
7 of the new sectionintroducedby amendment 27 there is
the initial scheme has beenintroducedbut how it is operated
the child rescue alert schemeintroducedby sussex police s1w 31871
the child rescue alert schemeintroducedby sussex police which aims
the child rescue alert schemeintroducedby sussex police working with
energy efficiency scheme and wasintroducedin july 1999 to promote
to buy scheme no policyintroducedsince then has done more
been before the scheme wasintroducedslowly the scheme is being
the past that the conservativesintroducedthe right to buy scheme
resolved in 1980 the conservativesintroducedthe right to buy scheme
suspect that that scheme wasintroducedunder the civic government scotland
the existing scheme might beintroducedwithin the broader context we
to how that legislation isintroducedare the best options for
and in which changes areintroducedby the legislation this is
the replacement legislation to beintroducedi am sure that the
will owing to new legislationintroducedin australia count as a
major planning legislation will beintroducedin the new session and
to achieve that we haveintroducedlegislation and the care development
that primary legislation will beintroducedshortly and that we will
of assault successive legislation hasintroducedtighter and more specific controls
legislation in scotland should beintroducedto effectively deter and punish
be controlled which cannot beintroducedunder the present legislation for
and wales the legislation wasintroducedvery quickly without the same
and young people will beintroducedon 4 december and published
loved inventing words so heintroduceda lot of new words
changed the relevant remit andintroduceda new concept but no
and the treaty of amsterdamintroduceda new employment chapter that
hardship even if the executiveintroduceda new more targeted relief
flu immunisation in scotland itintroduceda new programme which so
new section that would beintroducedby the amendment the sheriff
the new computerised system wasintroduceddid you use a paper
a new category will beintroducedfor poor property that may
for by the new guidelineintroducedin 1999 to address the
what new initiatives will beintroducedin 2002 in order to
new sections 10a 10 dintroducedin section 1 of the
should what i suggest beintroducedinto the new planning regime
which new brands are beingintroducedis that new brands have
to the shellfish industry hasintroducednew diseases which have had
that funding and we haveintroducednew financial vehicles such as
chose his chunks first andintroducedthem to a new world
or a new path beenintroducedthese might be taken to
a new ounce type isintroducedwith descriptive name of trois
children in scotland has probablyintroduceda schizoid element an element
standard the tolerable standard wasintroducedby the housing scotland act
they would like to seeintroducedin scotland it is interesting
verification will not be immediatelyintroducedin scotland there is still
the housing scotland act 1987introducedthe right for secure tenants
a funny origin it wasintroducedto scotland about the 1700s
of the five national prioritiesintroducedunder the standards in scotland
retirement age the executive hasintroducedfree local off peak bus
iain gray and lewis macdonaldintroducedfree local off peak bus
september 30 last year weintroducedfree off peak bus travel
that is why the executiveintroducedfree personal and nursing care
tuition fees no have theyintroducedfree personal care for the
minister indicated the parliament hasintroducedfree personal care for the
not scrapped tuition fees orintroducedfree personal care the snp
corporate system has now beenintroducedand when it intends to
dwellings instead separate standards beintroducedfor heating system efficiency some
tiered testing system should beintroducedif there is no risk
three strikes policy should beintroducedin the criminal justice system
before any such system isintroducedthere will be full consultation
morbidity recording system will beintroducedwhich is what i recommended
the system that would beintroducedwould be so burdensome and
items president [censored: forename] [censored: surname] thenintroduceda visiting team from largs
orders president [censored: forename] [censored: surname] thenintroduced[censored: forename] [censored: surname] inviting him to
off president [censored: forename] [censored: surname] thenintroduced[censored: forename] [censored: surname] inviting him to
and innovative as mr tobinintroducedkate [censored: surname] the guest speaker
in stamps display the presidentintroducedmr [censored: forename] [censored: surname] and asked
to report display the presidentintroducedmr [censored: forename] [censored: surname] author of
vice president [censored: forename] [censored: surname] thenintroducedmr [censored: forename] [censored: surname] of falkirk
the scottish public services ombudsmanintroducedby michael russell on 13
area o public administration wisintroducedtae the scots pairlament in
groups public policy can beintroducedto mitigate its effects i
area of public administration wasintroducedto the scottish parliament in
for national screening to beintroducedhowever it is very concerned
reviews in local government areintroducedas a means to deliver
evidence that pfi and pppintroducedby the conservative government and
evidence that pfi and pppintroducedby the conservative government and
ago when the tory administrationintroducedresponsibility for local government pay
he desperately wishes to beintroducedthe labour government at westminster
be abolished and student grantsintroducedlodged on 19 may 1999
in which the policy wasintroducedwithout prior consultation until 1999
the proposals that are beingintroducedderek miller keith jones might
the things that might beintroducedin the context of primary
electronic data transfer might beintroduceds1w 9825 john scott to
a trojan horse is beingintroducedthat might through time bring
some of which might beintroducedto pupils at the p6
of restorative justice should beintroducedinto the scottish criminal justice
of restorative justice should beintroducedinto the scottish criminal justice
is even being considered iintroducederasmus when i chaired the
whether any incentives are beingintroducedin order to encourage the
qualifications that were only beingintroducedneither the scotvec software nor
includes traffic calming humps beingintroducedto slow the speed of
then shuffled in [censored: forename] thenintroduceda short video degrees of
of primary school should beintroducedto a variety of types
before they 'v- were formallyintroducedto english within the school
of banning hunting have beenintroducedbefore the westminster parliament in
one subject before it wasintroducedfor another was inappropriate for
months before the euro isintroducedif members have comments they
before the current register wasintroducedin 1997 notes with alarm
child janie is not evenintroduceduntil page 3 and before
category of allotment gardens wasintroducedby the 1922 act as
maintained denominational schools as firstintroducedby the education act 1918
challenge if the contracts wereintroducedshona robison appealed to members
etc and punctuation should beintroducedas the technical terms by
etc and punctuation should beintroducedas the technical terms by
contaminated by cryptosporidium should beintroducedbringing the level of protection
know whether they ve beenintroducedby adults but children will
aim of banning hare coursingintroducedby harry cohen mp is
english language guidelines are officiallyintroducedby level e in fact
dogs and for connected purposesintroducedby mike watson on 1
and training of certain individualsintroducedby nicol stephen on 28
relation to verifiers will beintroducedby part 2 those powers
require minimum standards to beintroducedby scottish water and so
service and for connected purposesintroducedby susan deacon on 24
seven years untill i wasintroducedby tammy morrison to a
business debate on a motionintroducedby the convener of the
the voluntary sector robert brownintroducedhis speech colourfully by giving
statutory pint that had beenintroducedin about 1500 by the
be abolished and student grantsintroducedlodged 19 may supported by
drug testing devices can beintroducedand believes that there should
govern body piercing should beintroducedand urges the scottish executive
sector verifiers should not beintroducedat some stage provided that
catches to dsfbs should beintroduceddistinguishing between salmon and sea
neonatal hearing screening should beintroduceds1w 8741 nora radcliffe to
other legislative framework should beintroducedto deal with landlords or
notes that local authorities haveintroducedvery different ways of regulating
to which they have beenintroducedand list them they may
to in pe246 has beenintroducedand the committee has been
2003 under any decommissioning programmeintroducedand vessels have been fishing
of terminal illness have beenintroducedas a matter of policy
staff and visitors have beenintroducedfinally there is the difficulty
are over 75 have beenintroducedhowever i want to turn
once their simplex had beenintroducedof course not all the
part of speech has beenintroducedpupils select one secret adverb
bans over time have beenintroducedrelatively recently ireland is just
no policy that has beenintroducedsince then has done more
authorities and powers has beenintroducedthere is a tension between
worth while initiatives have beenintroducedto address the situation a
personal recommendation he had beenintroducedto baynes in 1871 when
balanced diet had already beenintroducedto the class during a
of those schemes has beenintroducedwithout individual anomalies mary scanlon
in prostitution offence that wasintroducedunder section 20a of the
some of which would beintroducedand developed in greater depth
end producer testing will beintroducedas the sole precondition for
private sector verification to beintroducedat a later date if
the compromise that could beintroducedat stage 3 to reduce
allow quality contracts to beintroducedi am sure that the
commands and exclamations can beintroducedin the early stages as
italics for effect can beintroducedin the early stages as
to be fair the toriesintroducedinitially it was worth 10
for fishery management will beintroducedon 1 january that regime
would like them to beintroducedthat is all that i
they are going to beintroducedthe convener so you are
type of regulations which wereintroducedthe net fishery would be
mcnulty if locational guidelines areintroducedthey will be based on
understand that it will beintroducedthis month i am assured
five year funding periods beintroducedto enable realistic planning and
executive what mechanisms will beintroducedto ensure that all children
that random pressure testing beintroducedto promote improved construction practices
control software could not beintroduceduntil it was entirely failsafe
credit is about to beintroducedwhich will extend means testing
land management contracts can beintroducedwhile the benefits of the
whether the claims mechanism whenintroducedwill be applied retrospectively s1o
initiative that is to beintroducedwill secure leadership in the
if licensing were to beintroducedwould be that the terrier
in which specific terms areintroducedas that pupils gain sufficient
it was the tories whointroducedcompulsory competitive tendering which meant
pension plan which was firstintroducedin 1975 further notes that
which terms and concepts areintroducedin a specific sequence and
manner in which it wasintroducedin previous meetings the committee
both hebrew and greek whichintroducedthe ideas of remorse and
which was scandinavian originally wasintroducedto these islands with a
water which i remember wasintroducedwhen i was a boy
from cover the dogs areintroducedunder control to flush the
feck o swearin macdiarmid certainlyintroducedarchaic words such as howdumbdeid
lottery operates the lottery wasintroducedas a simple expedient to
directive was that it wasintroducedas a single market provision
of a permitted heaping allowanceintroducedas an apparent compromise gambit
bans are more effective ifintroducedas part of a tobacco
role of grammar as terminologyintroducedat the point of need
in the room doctor tateintroducedher as kate macpharlain the
in her grasp as sheintroducedherself a large bashed sunhat
as i said when iintroducedhim i congratulate him on
ta celebrate da idder catintroducedhimsel as tammie come wi
control of entry regulations wereintroducedin 1987 as a means
1 million package that weintroducedin august as part of
that the 1426 gallon wasintroducedinitially only as a dry
approach richard grant when weintroducedlicensing we saw it as
a way better if theyintroducedlike ehm the fees as
sets in envelopes she thenintroducedthe task as a jigsaw
when the 1987 regulations wereintroducedbut the fears that people
regulations that the executive hasintroducedi suggest that that work
the breadth of the powerintroducedto make regulations in subsection
1987 the tolerable standard wasintroducedat a time when demolition
remember when chewing gum wasintroducedfrom america i wasn t
thought through when it wasintroducedi read recently about hygiene
away when language teaching wasintroducedinto primary schools the practicalities
century when haiku were firstintroducedinto the west through the
parallel example when ryan airintroducedlow fare flights from prestwick
clue when roller skates wereintroducedm1078: oh no they were
opened ye ken they wereintroducedan oh they re dairy
year since the schemes wereintroducedand how the figures compare
conservatives were in power theyintroducedgift aid and payroll tax
the first spelling books wereintroducedin the 16th century an
s shop requirements that wereintroducedrecently after the e coli
astrology and buddhism were alsointroducedthe ancient ruined buddhist capitals
and ki- and kids wereintroducedthen for the first time
interim measure effort limitations wereintroducedthrough the annex xvii of
boxes holding one ton wereintroducedto cut down handling and
of 5 7 years areintroducedto relevant and meaningful contexts
very visionary and maybe haveintroduceder home economics through the
immersion phase and english isintroducedmidway through primary three it
piece time during work wasintroducedduring the 2nd world war
dialogue since the directive wasintroducedduring the course of that
use of the list wasintroducedin 1987 i am not
would mean that it wasintroducedin different areas and for
calendar an aerobics club wasintroducedin the summer term kate
that such a regime wasintroducedlaughter we are doing our
was that same aunt thatintroducedthem to putting ground or
is that it was perhapsintroducedwithout fully adequate preparation that
exploitation [inhale] translations from frenchintroducedinto english and then into
teaching of community languages isintroducedinto mainstream schools then education
spelling robertson 1973 ramsay alsointroducedunnecessary apostrophes into scots words
sector for instance we haveintroduceda review of charity law
different things we have alreadyintroducedadditional powers to deal with
in level a english isintroducedbut what we have found
tackle youth crime and haveintroducedmore than 2 000 additional
others that once you haveintroducedthe principle that a certain
practical changes that we haveintroducedto lift standards of living
crime and housebreaking we haveintroducedyouth courts and fast track
17th century the imagists firstintroducedit to the west early
during his brief life douglasintroducedto europe more than 200
orders or statutory instruments areintroducedon the codes of practice
three person hmo licensing isintroducedwe are talking about two
and with the adults iintroduceda video of harold pinter
machines and methods we veintroduceddoon at the yard why
between patients and doctors juanitaintroducedherself made notes on a
of the high sierras theyintroducedirrigation their wells and channels
1991 lord james douglas hamiltonintroducedit and seven councils took
1895 1972 and the imagistsintroducedit to the west early
abreast of educational developments itintroducedpersonal projects and an art
scots writers and singers hadintroducedscots poems and had listened
and the quicker it isintroducedthe bigger the risks with
sighted and gifted ruler whointroducedthe island to democracy to
and terminology that freud laterintroducedto represent the workings of
a ship holding company isintroducedhow does calmac tie in
teachin o community leids isintroducedintil mainstream schuils syne education
form of the words isintroducedthe teacher can engage the
where possible the material isintroducedto students at timetabled sessions
honolulu in 1889 the kingintroducedhim to cleghorn assuming their
with developments in these areasintroducedin the higher still programme
an expert in biblical researchesintroducedthe so called totem meal
virgil on the press heintroducedto england leaving out the
the method of distribution itintroduceda central reserve supply this
too abrupt fooever gently youintroducedthe subject you could never
david i 1124 53 whointroducedweekly close times 23 the
he began his message heintroduceda staff member to those
sponsorship of an oil companyintroduceda very popular one day
examples of written instructions sheintroducedher model text written out
intil jame s problem anintroducedhim tae scots poetry james

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