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present complying with building regulationsinvolvescomplying with technical standards that
to provide that surveillance thatinvolvesa device or a person
to provide that surveillance thatinvolvesa device or person on
hare coursing participants drag huntinginvolveshorses and hounds following an
and mid march 28 coursinginvolvessetting two dogs after a
to be the manner thatinvolvesthe minimum restriction on the
to be the manner thatinvolvesthe minimum restriction on the
the target language whether thisinvolvesthe pupils travelling to the
the target language whether thisinvolvesthe pupils travelling to the
the target language whether thisinvolvesthe students travelling to the
activity surrounds hunting most huntinginvolvesan amount of preparatory work
fox control mounted fox huntinginvolvesfoxes being chased by a
issue is complex as itinvolvesbringing together large partnerships and
use it although the matterinvolvespublic private partnerships and there
work around the testing regimeinvolvesall the dialogue that is
for the pathfinder project whichinvolvestesting the proposition and promoting
term care for the elderlyinvolvesa range of complex issues
years to come the strategyinvolvesboosting scottish companies to ensure
the scottish enterprise strategy andinvolvesdeveloping groupings of firms in
long time ago the strategyinvolvesensuring that scots have the
a long term strategy thatinvolvesother tobacco control measures i
service overseas scotland strategy whichinvolvesthe entire business community in
knowledge successfully from informational textsinvolvesteachers in providing strategies which
about texts this familiar activityinvolvesthe teacher exploring with pupils
hm m964: separate question thatinvolveschristmas f965: mmhm m964: um
sportscotland our overall corporate planinvolves40 million to 50 million
scientific and cultural organisation itinvolvesmore than 40 countries across
is net and coble thisinvolvesthe use of a small
down the ages their craftinvolvesa large amount of painstaking
targeted support for infrastructure whichinvolvesict training the words in
but that takes time andinvolvesproper training for what is
for any construction project thatinvolvessay more than 25 houses
apna project in glasgow whichinvolvesworking with children with disabilities
about the supply issue whichinvolvesenormous pressures to produce better
whole parliament because the issueinvolveshousing local government and other
into the issue the addressinvolvesthe amending of not only
cross committee issue that alsoinvolvesthe health and community care
by this bill but itinvolvesthe same issue of the
inclusive consultation process which equallyinvolvesall of the people of
have a twin process thatinvolvesconsultation and research 11 45
that of course the consultationinvolvesnot this parliament but local
ban unlicensed rough shooting whichinvolvesthe use of more than
unlike westminster all seminars whichinvolvesyoung people treats young people
effective reading skills this alsoinvolvesthe teacher in focusing with
disaggregating them to local levelsinvolvesproblems with validity my report
december 27th and 31st andinvolves93 representatives of youth organisations
up existing ones which typicallyinvolvesovercoming staffing barriers cathy peattie
major scottish organisations whose remitinvolvesthe provision of information to
inclusion the healthy roots initiativeinvolveslocal groups and voluntary and
the fire safety standards primarilyinvolvesfatalities and casualties caused by
or malpractices and spelling reforminvolvesimproving present anomalous practice the
monitor for the maggie thisinvolvesa few hours per week
the next few years thatinvolvestrying to reduce the incidence
overhaul of the legislation whichinvolveschanges would be likely to
voice in the borders whichinvolveselder champions we must listen
structures and nuno felting whichinvolvesfusing fabrics into felted wool
account of the situation whichinvolvesinterference between scots and english
in real life which ofteninvolvesthe precise translation of a
developed by deaf connections whichinvolvesthe teaching of sign language
crime is that the conductinvolvesthe use of violence results
of a different order andinvolvesa great deal more work
maybe do volunteer work thatinvolvesaccommodation and then i could
phase of work on dostinvolvesdigitising the text and making
september and march but itinvolvesthe pursuit of a single
demand throughout the region thatinvolvesdistributing the people resource as
about 100 000 people andinvolveshundreds of thousands of volunteers
stuff like that and itinvolvespeople who we immediately know
do abroad even if itinvolvessentencing millions of people to
sport leisure and recreation alwaysinvolvessome expense whether it is
ve no idea what itinvolveseven you know apart from
in this debate as itinvolvesa certain dissatisfaction with the
internet and all that thatinvolveswe talked about the number
that for any procedure thatinvolvesa penalty it should be
that to be expensive thatinvolvesknocking on doors and targeting
and a joint group thatinvolvesthe scottish homing union and
f1054: tell us what guddlininvolvesor what f1023: oh well
princess royal trust for carersinvolveshuge sensitivities the reason why
dog friendly such a codeinvolvesknowing the best place in
grahame s amendment the concerninvolvesthe grey areas where state
s still good yeah f1049: involveschinese m1048: mum made erm

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