
See this word as a collocate cloud

are you happy with thatireneirene mcgugan i am the
highlands and islands con mcguganirenemargaret north east scotland snp
hyslop shona robison richard lochheadirenemcgugan alasdair morgan dorothy grace
linda fabiani mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan alasdair morgan mrs lyndsay
supported by mr mike rumblesirenemcgugan alex fergusson cathy peattie
davidson nick johnston phil gallieirenemcgugan alex johnstone bill aitken
2003 stewart stevenson michael mathesonirenemcgugan alex neil christine grahame
10 march 2003 michael mathesonirenemcgugan alex neil christine grahame
white tommy sheridan robin harperirenemcgugan alex neil fiona mcleod
mcleod michael russell fiona hyslopirenemcgugan alex neil mr kenny
crawford christine grahame alasdair morganirenemcgugan alex neil shona robison
mr adam ingram tricia marwickirenemcgugan alex neil shona robison
have no preference jackie baillieirenemcgugan and i will deal
have the utmost faith inirenemcgugan and of course in
into seven languages i askirenemcgugan and the clerk to
photo call to jackie baillieirenemcgugan and the convener i
sturgeon fiona mcleod michael russellirenemcgugan andrew wilson dr winnie
ian jenkins ms sandra whiteirenemcgugan andrew wilson linda fabiani
gil paterson mr adam ingramirenemcgugan andrew wilson mr kenny
mr lloyd quinan alex fergussonirenemcgugan andrew wilson mr kenny
gil paterson mr adam ingramirenemcgugan andrew wilson mr kenny
kenneth gibson mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan andrew wilson nora radcliffe
kenneth gibson mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan andrew wilson phil gallie
mither tongue i agree withirenemcgugan as a lallans scots
sandra white s1m 56 1irenemcgugan as an amendment to
donald gorrie s1m 56 1irenemcgugan as an amendment to
duncan hamilton s1m 56 2irenemcgugan as an amendment to
duncan hamilton s1m 56 2irenemcgugan as an amendment to
hamilton fergus ewing winnie ewingirenemcgugan brian adam andrew welsh
dr winnie ewing tricia marwickirenemcgugan brian adam andrew wilson
john farquhar munro alex neilirenemcgugan brian adam lloyd quinan
robison john young bruce crawfordirenemcgugan brian adam mr kenneth
robison john young bruce crawfordirenemcgugan brian adam mr kenneth
marwick nora radcliffe alex neilirenemcgugan brian adam mr mike
robin harper mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan brian adam robert brown
mr jamie stone fiona mcleodirenemcgugan brian adam s1m 3590
city s affluence supported byirenemcgugan brian adam shona robison
dorothy grace elder richard lochheadirenemcgugan bruce crawford alex neil
lodged on 2 november 2001irenemcgugan business bulletin no 183
brown nora radcliffe s1m 363irenemcgugan campaign for scotland s
mr duncan hamilton bruce crawfordirenemcgugan cathy jamieson fiona mcleod
mr alex fergusson rhoda grantirenemcgugan cathy peattie mrs nora
robin harper mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan christine grahame andrew wilson
dorothy grace elder bruce crawfordirenemcgugan christine grahame brian adam
lodged on 6 december 2001irenemcgugan christine grahame fiona hyslop
march 2003 mr duncan mcneilirenemcgugan christine grahame johann lamont
gil paterson mr adam ingramirenemcgugan christine grahame linda fabiani
dr winnie ewing fergus ewingirenemcgugan christine grahame mr jamie
ms sandra white robin harperirenemcgugan christine grahame mr john
by bill aitken alex fergussonirenemcgugan christine grahame phil gallie
dorothy grace elder donald gorrieirenemcgugan christine grahame tricia marwick
mr kenneth gibson donald gorrieirenemcgugan christine grahame tricia marwick
john swinney mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan colin campbell alex neil
supported by mr john swinneyirenemcgugan colin campbell alex neil
to her people supported byirenemcgugan colin campbell brian adam
challenge is a big oneirenemcgugan could you expand on
kenny macaskill mr gil patersonirenemcgugan david mundell tricia marwick
harper cathy jamieson john youngirenemcgugan dennis canavan adam ingram
gibson fiona mcleod tommy sheridanirenemcgugan dennis canavan brian adam
lloyd quinan dr winnie ewingirenemcgugan dennis canavan mrs margaret
december 2000 mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan dennis canavan s1m 1418
28 november 2002 jackie baillieirenemcgugan dennis canavan s1m 3662
harper cathy jamieson john youngirenemcgugan dennis canavan sandra white
2 february 2001 alasdair morganirenemcgugan dennis canavan tommy sheridan
will hear progress reports fromirenemcgugan disability issues johann lamont
committee received progress reports fromirenemcgugan disability issues michael mcmahon
questions are recorded and presentedirenemcgugan does not need to
matheson nicola sturgeon linda fabianiirenemcgugan donald gorrie dennis canavan
dorothy grace elder andrew wilsonirenemcgugan donald gorrie dennis canavan
parties other than my ownirenemcgugan donald gorrie dennis canavan
dr richard simpson trish godmanirenemcgugan donald gorrie irene oldfather
britain supported by phil gallieirenemcgugan donald gorrie maureen macmillan
dorothy grace elder shona robisonirenemcgugan donald gorrie michael russell
fabiani michael russell shona robisonirenemcgugan donald gorrie mr duncan
ms sandra white tommy sheridanirenemcgugan donald gorrie mr gil
mr kenneth gibson michael russellirenemcgugan donald gorrie mr jamie
linda fabiani mrs margaret ewingirenemcgugan donald gorrie ms sandra
ewing nicola sturgeon colin campbellirenemcgugan donald gorrie nora radcliffe
2001 supported by tavish scottirenemcgugan donald gorrie tommy sheridan
margaret ewing mr duncan hamiltonirenemcgugan dr elaine murray brian
michael russell ms linda fabianiirenemcgugan dr elaine murray ms
mcallion tavish scott george lyonirenemcgugan dr richard simpson nora
mr duncan hamilton michael russellirenemcgugan dr winnie ewing alex
shona robison ms sandra whiteirenemcgugan dr winnie ewing mr
gorrie brian adam fiona mcleodirenemcgugan dr winnie ewing ms
own supported by andrew welshirenemcgugan duncan hamilton shona robison
the subject of s1m 3191irenemcgugan dundee heritage trust for
simpson peter peacock s1m 3191irenemcgugan dundee heritage trust that
lyon cathy jamieson tavish scottirenemcgugan elaine murray roseanna cunningham
lyon cathy jamieson tavish scottirenemcgugan elaine murray roseanna cunningham
nora radcliffe mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan fiona hyslop michael matheson
marwick bruce crawford richard lochheadirenemcgugan fiona hyslop mr mike
ms sandra white christine grahameirenemcgugan fiona hyslop s1m 2955
dorothy grace elder donald gorrieirenemcgugan fiona mcleod alex neil
lodged on 3 december 2001irenemcgugan fiona mcleod christine grahame
18 february 2003 shona robisonirenemcgugan fiona mcleod margo macdonald
ingram linda fabiani cathy peattieirenemcgugan fiona mcleod mr david
by michael russell christine grahameirenemcgugan fiona mcleod mr lloyd
mr lloyd quinan andrew wilsonirenemcgugan fiona mcleod richard lochhead
lodged on 21 november 2001irenemcgugan fiona mcleod s1m 2435
of doing so i commendirenemcgugan for giving the parliament
i would like to thankirenemcgugan for initiating this most
poems into gaelic i thankirenemcgugan for making this debate
too would like to thankirenemcgugan for the debate it
to bear that in mindirenemcgugan given that the scottish
or on the work thatirenemcgugan has done in the
the amount of work thatirenemcgugan has done which is
members agreed members indicated agreementirenemcgugan i am glad that
you happy with that ireneirenemcgugan i am the deputy
the end of the monthirenemcgugan i suggest that the
in service delivery to patientsirenemcgugan i thank the minister
was so eloquently presented byirenemcgugan i welcome the pauline
i suggest that we supportirenemcgugan in her noble attempt
something to look forward toirenemcgugan indeed in relation to
scots and gaelic motion debatedirenemcgugan irene mcgugan north east
to provide the guarantee thatirenemcgugan is looking for an
of the national cultural strategyirenemcgugan is to report on
mr john mcallion robert brownirenemcgugan johann lamont tommy sheridan
ms sandra white robin harperirenemcgugan john scott tricia marwick
who offend s1m 2205 1irenemcgugan juvenile justice as an
maureen macmillan dr sylvia jacksonirenemcgugan karen whitefield mr david
hamilton fiona mcleod michael russellirenemcgugan linda fabiani alex neil
supported by mr john munroirenemcgugan linda fabiani brian adam
welsh bill aitken robin harperirenemcgugan linda fabiani shona robison
young phil gallie alex fergussonirenemcgugan lord james douglas hamilton
back to the point thatirenemcgugan made has to be
pilot project should be althoughirenemcgugan makes valid points about
ms margo macdonald kay ullrichirenemcgugan mary scanlon scott barrie
by alex neil s1m 1133irenemcgugan maternity unit in montrose
system supported by kay ullrichirenemcgugan michael matheson brian adam
brown christine grahame shona robisonirenemcgugan michael matheson robert brown
morgan richard lochhead roseanna cunninghamirenemcgugan michael matheson stewart stevenson
morgan richard lochhead roseanna cunninghamirenemcgugan michael matheson stewart stevenson
ms margo macdonald alasdair morganirenemcgugan michael russell mr duncan
mr jamie mcgrigor david mcletchieirenemcgugan michael russell pauline mcneill
alasdair morgan mr kenny macaskillirenemcgugan michael russell richard lochhead
nicola sturgeon mr kenny macaskillirenemcgugan michael russell s1m 2123
different from the scots thatirenemcgugan might recognise and includes
mr jim wallace moved motionirenemcgugan moved amendment tommy sheridan
people s services in scotlandirenemcgugan moved s1m 3698 that
scots language and the motionirenemcgugan moved so effectively which
kenny macaskill mrs margaret ewingirenemcgugan mr adam ingram fiona
sheridan robin harper christine grahameirenemcgugan mr adam ingram mr
mr john swinney alex neilirenemcgugan mr adam ingram mr
jenkins mr frank mcaveety 5irenemcgugan mr brian monteith cathy
jenkins mr frank mcaveety 5irenemcgugan mr brian monteith cathy
karen gillon convener ian jenkinsirenemcgugan mr brian monteith cathy
ian jenkins mr frank mcaveetyirenemcgugan mr brian monteith michael
robin harper dr winnie ewingirenemcgugan mr duncan hamilton business
adam ingram mr kenny macaskillirenemcgugan mr duncan hamilton mr
russell richard lochhead brian adamirenemcgugan mr duncan hamilton mr
sandra white mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan mr gil paterson mr
mr adam ingram tricia marwickirenemcgugan mr gil paterson mr
kenny macaskill mr adam ingramirenemcgugan mr john swinney mr
shona robison ms sandra whiteirenemcgugan mr john swinney mr
trish godman mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan mr keith harding des
lodged on 3 march 2003irenemcgugan mr keith harding s1m
lodged on 10 september 2001irenemcgugan mr keith raffan s1m
14 september 2001 tavish scottirenemcgugan mr keith raffan s1m
funding supported by richard lochheadirenemcgugan mr kenneth gibson fergus
2001 mary scanlon stewart stevensonirenemcgugan mr kenny macaskill s1m
lodged on 31 january 2001irenemcgugan mr kenny macaskill tricia
lodged on 30 january 2001irenemcgugan mr kenny macaskill tricia
lodged on 31 january 2001irenemcgugan mr kenny macaskill tricia
and island communities supported byirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan alex
dorothy grace elder michael russellirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan andrew
mr kenneth gibson michael russellirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan donald
andrew wilson mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan linda
dorothy grace elder alex neilirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan linda
white michael russell brian adamirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan mr
hamilton fiona mcleod brian adamirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan mr
white donald gorrie michael russellirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan mr
white michael russell brian adamirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan mr
ms sandra white brian adamirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan mr
jamie mcgrigor mrs lyndsay mcintoshirenemcgugan mr lloyd quinan mrs
andrew welsh mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan mr michael matheson lodged
supported by mr andrew welshirenemcgugan mr mike rumbles brian
sandra white dr winnie ewingirenemcgugan mr mike rumbles lord
nora radcliffe mr adam ingramirenemcgugan mr mike rumbles robin
jamie stone dr winnie ewingirenemcgugan mr mike rumbles robin
lochhead david mundell alex fergussonrirenemcgugan mr murray tosh s1m
mr kenneth macintosh maureen macmillanirenemcgugan mrs lyndsay mcintosh david
michael russell mr john swinneyirenemcgugan mrs lyndsay mcintosh dennis
mr john scott colin campbellirenemcgugan mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr
mr john swinney tommy sheridanirenemcgugan mrs margaret ewing alex
mr kenneth gibson donald gorrieirenemcgugan mrs margaret ewing christine
scotland supported by richard lochheadirenemcgugan mrs margaret ewing fergus
dr winnie ewing michael russellirenemcgugan mrs margaret ewing shona
godman janis hughes malcolm chisholmirenemcgugan ms margaret curran scott
mulligan scott barrie donald gorrieirenemcgugan ms sandra white elaine
adam ingram mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan ms sandra white fiona
gorrie michael russell brian adamirenemcgugan ms sandra white mr
eagle bob fairnie colin donatiirenemcgugan nancy nicholson john corbett
colin campbell mr adam ingramirenemcgugan nora radcliffe tricia marwick
the following members also attendedirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
process scottish berry project 13irenemcgugan north east scotland snp
authority the following also attendedirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
an chànain 16 12irenemcgugan north east scotland snp
for us all 16 46irenemcgugan north east scotland snp
dorothy grace elder glasgow snpirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
tweeddale ettrick and lauderdale ldirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
that national health service 4irenemcgugan north east scotland snp
use of the scots languageirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
wallace s motion 15 01irenemcgugan north east scotland snp
gallie south of scotland conirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
gaelic motion debated irene mcguganirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
get things right in futureirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
for justice mr jim wallaceirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
vive l europe 17 45irenemcgugan north east scotland snp
lab nora radcliffe gordon ldirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
well at the commonwealth gamesirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
lochhead north east scotland snpirenemcgugan north east scotland snp
in the debate i congratulateirenemcgugan on bringing an important
and islands lab i congratulateirenemcgugan on securing the debate
scotland snp i too congratulateirenemcgugan on securing this debate
easter ross ld i congratulateirenemcgugan on securing this important
i am happy to reassureirenemcgugan on that issue on
554 in the name ofirenemcgugan on the draft census
1111 in the name ofirenemcgugan on the programme of
robison donald gorrie michael russellirenemcgugan pauline mcneill mr adam
macdonald bruce crawford s1m 1109irenemcgugan poverty in scotland that
mr adam ingram robin harperirenemcgugan richard lochhead alex neil
duncan hamilton ms sandra whiteirenemcgugan richard lochhead mr adam
ewing christine grahame nicola sturgeonirenemcgugan richard lochhead mr kenneth
s drug crisis supported byirenemcgugan richard lochhead shona robison
radcliffe fiona mcleod andrew wilsonirenemcgugan robert brown mr lloyd
macaskill duncan hamilton linda fabianiirenemcgugan roseanna cunningham s1m 16
1 june 2001 karen gillonirenemcgugan roseanna cunningham s1m 1969
the committee s consideration ofirenemcgugan s amended report on
scotland cathy peattie i appreciateirenemcgugan s argument but it
i am delighted to supportirenemcgugan s motion and tommy
scots although i accept thatirenemcgugan s motion attempts to
many of the aspirations ofirenemcgugan s motion in common
members who wish to supportirenemcgugan s motion should press
were annulled which is whatirenemcgugan s motion would do
sports clubs in response toirenemcgugan s point there are
but my heart responded toirenemcgugan s speech i dinna
tommy sheridan mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan s1m 1104 alex neil
christine grahame mr adam ingramirenemcgugan s1m 114 robin harper
lodged on 27 november 2000irenemcgugan s1m 1387 congratulations to
lodged on 27 february 2001irenemcgugan s1m 1653 young people
lodged on 28 february 2001irenemcgugan s1m 1683 removal of
facilities supported by richard lochheadirenemcgugan s1m 189 michael matheson
lodged on 12 september 2001irenemcgugan s1m 2207 1 shona
lodged on 13 september 2001irenemcgugan s1m 2216 rangers football
lodged on 25 october 2001irenemcgugan s1m 2360 the pearce
lodged on 21 november 2001irenemcgugan s1m 2464 1 anti
29 november 2001 irene oldfatherirenemcgugan s1m 2496 lanarkshire voluntary
lodged on 4 december 2001irenemcgugan s1m 2516 national asthma
mr andrew welsh kate macleanirenemcgugan s1m 284 rhoda grant
lodged on 25 june 2002irenemcgugan s1m 3243 scottish men
radcliffe nicola sturgeon shona robisonirenemcgugan s1m 3584 edinburgh park
lodged on 20 november 2002irenemcgugan s1m 3609 vascular disease
lodged on 20 november 2002irenemcgugan s1m 3611 general agreement
lodged on 27 november 2002irenemcgugan s1m 3652 mr andy
morgan mike watson trish godmanirenemcgugan s1m 653 dyspraxia lodged
lodged on 21 march 2000irenemcgugan s1m 664 lung cancer
mr kenneth gibson mike watsonirenemcgugan s1m 691 daks simpson
27 march 2000 andrew wilsonirenemcgugan s1m 696 the loch
30 march 2000 alex neilirenemcgugan s1m 722 business in
gibson christine grahame mike watsonirenemcgugan s1m 724 jobs and
am glad to welcome whatirenemcgugan said and her new
the census after all asirenemcgugan said scots is recognised
wallace john young s1m 342irenemcgugan scots in the 2001
matheson tommy sheridan s1m 3377irenemcgugan scottish football that the
tricia marwick mr kenny macaskillirenemcgugan shona robison michael matheson
grace elder mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan shona robison robin harper
mr murray tosh s1m 141irenemcgugan skye bridge that the
marwick fiona hyslop s1m 1103irenemcgugan skye bridge toll regime
the reasoned way in whichirenemcgugan spoke about the issue
that i have to informirenemcgugan that i will not
it would print both versionsirenemcgugan that was not my
the presiding officer please proceedirenemcgugan the motion of the
mr david davidson s1m 934irenemcgugan the new testament in
motion in the name ofirenemcgugan the scots language deserves
d 2005 06 s1w 32877irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
period of time s1w 3446irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
particularly manufacturing firms s1w 4822irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27473irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
united kingdom s1o 317 18irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
by how much s1w 24725irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
will explain why s1w 24726irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27484irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
integrated transport bill s1w 4828irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
community placements s1o 3234 8irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
visits user sessions s1w 31863irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
and wales s1o 4658 13irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
local authority area s1w 24727irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
and b milngavie s1w 23115irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
position this matter s1w 27479irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
treatment of diabetes s1w 26932irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
syndrome me s1o 4884 8irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 422 4irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
for young cyclists s1w 12152irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 22004irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
of social deprivation s1w 12153irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
the arable sector s1w 10874irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
of such advertising s1w 27519irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
routes to school s1w 3447irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
national cultural strategy s1w 12151irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
future financial years s1w 12154irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27476irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
creativity in education s1w 32858irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
of the child s1w 32859irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
of the child s1w 32860irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27486irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
at danger points s1w 4824irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
scottish parliament shop s1w 15781irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
championships in 2005 s1w 19411irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
championships in 2005 s1w 19412irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
a statutory statement s1w 27520irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27485irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27477irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
of the a87 s1w 27535irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
services in scotland s1w 27482irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27471irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27483irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27487irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
12 identified items s1w 27469irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
leadership foundation are s1w 27480irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
degree in 2004 s1w 27475irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
again by 2012 s1w 4823irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
in schools s1o 6478 7irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
of the training s1w 27474irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
their own business s1w 34590irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27481irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
issues were discussed s1w 27467irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on the a87 s1w 27534irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
will be published s1w 27466irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
february 2001 respectively s1w 14930irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
any be published s1w 3445irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27472irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
languages of scotland s1w 14960irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 27470irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
decline in business s1w 14958irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
in june 2000 s1w 14933irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
of bathing waters s1w 19410irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
producing soft fruit s1w 15782irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
century government programme s1w 14932irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
in the field s1w 27468irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
independent advocacy alliance s1w 27533irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
be taken forward s1w 14959irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
less pupils s1o 234 30irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
walking and cycling s1w 4825irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
services staff training s1w 27478irenemcgugan to ask the scottish
presiding officer i will callirenemcgugan to move her motion
is complicated i will callirenemcgugan to move her motion
jackson fiona hyslop bill butlerirenemcgugan tommy sheridan business bulletin
lodged on 7 december 2001irenemcgugan tommy sheridan christine grahame
them supported by richard lochheadirenemcgugan tommy sheridan fiona mcleod
s natural heritage supported byirenemcgugan tommy sheridan michael russell
kenny macaskill mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan tommy sheridan mr kenneth
by dennis canavan linda fabianiirenemcgugan tommy sheridan mr kenny
lodged on 27 june 2001irenemcgugan tommy sheridan s1m 2050
grace elder mr lloyd quinanirenemcgugan tommy sheridan shona robison
profession supported by scott barrieirenemcgugan tommy sheridan trish godman
lodged on 6 december 2001irenemcgugan tommy sheridan trish godman
malcolm chisholm mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan tricia marwick alex neil
grace elder mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan tricia marwick alex neil
grace elder mr kenneth gibsonirenemcgugan tricia marwick alex neil
kenny macaskill mr alex salmondirenemcgugan tricia marwick tommy sheridan
might reveal the information thatirenemcgugan wants but if that
such language as scots whenirenemcgugan was making her opening
language i want to thankirenemcgugan we hear that in
the only place for thatirenemcgugan we need a question
scots the convener i welcomeirenemcgugan who has come here
extend a particular welcome toirenemcgugan who is joining us
issue is also about accessibilityirenemcgugan without a doubt there
highlands and islands con mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcintosh
highlands and islands con mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcintosh
highlands and islands con mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcintosh
highlands and islands con mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcintosh
highlands and islands con mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcintosh
highlands and islands con mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcintosh
motherwell and wishaw lab mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleish
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
michael central scotland snp mcguganirenenorth east scotland snp mcleod
lodged on 29 november 2001ireneoldfather irene mcgugan s1m 2496
godman irene mcgugan donald gorrieireneoldfather mrs kay ullrich ms
central scotland snp o oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab p paterson
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab paterson mr
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peacock peter
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peattie cathy
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peattie cathy
dr elaine dumfries lab oldfatherirenecunninghame south lab peattie cathy
debate centred on the conventionireneoldfather acknowledged that the convention
north east scotland snp doesireneoldfather agree that it is
public services peter peacock asireneoldfather and other members have
macmillan mary scanlon s1m 903ireneoldfather carrick city of adelaide
dr sylvia jackson donald gorrieireneoldfather cathie craigie karen whitefield
mrs mary mulligan scott barrieireneoldfather cathie craigie malcolm chisholm
mrs kay ullrich cathy jamiesonireneoldfather cathie craigie mr lloyd
mr jamie stone helen eadieireneoldfather cathy peattie johann lamont
and several other members includingireneoldfather colin campbell and sarah
tuesday 23 april 2002 presentireneoldfather convener dennis canavan john
highlands and islands con msireneoldfather cunninghame south lab bristow
in primary schools 17 10ireneoldfather cunninghame south lab c
the course of that debateireneoldfather cunninghame south lab does
day motion debated irene oldfatherireneoldfather cunninghame south lab dr
wallace north east scotland conireneoldfather cunninghame south lab dr
have questions and comments msireneoldfather cunninghame south lab i
key policy sectors 16 00ireneoldfather cunninghame south lab i
a similar declaration to makeireneoldfather cunninghame south lab i
the european court of justiceireneoldfather cunninghame south lab is
skye and inverness west ldireneoldfather cunninghame south lab mr
languages motion debated irene oldfatherireneoldfather cunninghame south lab mr
helen eadie dunfermline east labireneoldfather cunninghame south lab mr
south of scotland con msireneoldfather cunninghame south lab tavish
future of europe 17 05ireneoldfather cunninghame south lab this
so transport infrastructure ayrshire 7ireneoldfather cunninghame south lab to
implemented at the earliest opportunityireneoldfather dennis canavan raises a
grace elder mr kenneth gibsonireneoldfather donald gorrie andrew wilson
mulligan michael russell michael mathesonireneoldfather elaine thomson bristow muldoon
the subject of s1m 2221ireneoldfather european languages day thursday
alex neil mr michael mcmahonireneoldfather fergus ewing mr john
and islands snp i thankireneoldfather for getting this matter
and for scotland i thankireneoldfather for lodging the motion
you presiding officer i thankireneoldfather for securing this debate
i too pay tribute toireneoldfather for so skilfully securing
macintosh gordon jackson karen gillonireneoldfather frank mcaveety kate maclean
that it is fitting thatireneoldfather has managed to coincide
public petitions committee the convenerireneoldfather has suggested that we
s reasons for moving aheadireneoldfather has suggested that we
them including margaret jamieson andireneoldfather have already been in
remit both dennis canavan andireneoldfather have made valid points
the duty of the governmentireneoldfather i absolutely agree with
been made is well foundedireneoldfather i agree with dennis
s time is almost upireneoldfather i apologise to margo
all our constituencies and areasireneoldfather i appreciate phil gallie
scotland snp eskerrik asko lehendakariaireneoldfather i nire esker beroenak
railways and buses in ayrshireireneoldfather i thank the minister
it could ask those questionsireneoldfather in brief the petition
time europe day motion debatedireneoldfather irene oldfather cunninghame south
day of languages motion debatedireneoldfather irene oldfather cunninghame south
on which it can commentireneoldfather it is important for
dennis canavan i support thatireneoldfather it is important to
proposal to our own timetableireneoldfather it is obvious that
colin campbell s1m 251 msireneoldfather kilwinning millennium celebrations that
mr john mcallion malcolm chisholmireneoldfather linda fabiani pauline mcneill
mr gil paterson michael russellireneoldfather linda fabiani s1m 1614
mr duncan mcneil robert brownireneoldfather lodged on 18 february
up on the comments thatireneoldfather made i sympathise with
that is the point thatireneoldfather made the public petitions
hamilton hugh henry margaret jamiesonireneoldfather mary scanlon dr richard
mr michael matheson des mcnultyireneoldfather mary scanlon mr john
mundell cathy jamieson deputy convenerireneoldfather maureen macmillan allan wilson
in the motion lodged byireneoldfather meeting closed at 17
provision in our schools whichireneoldfather mentioned is argued and
we need to be carefulireneoldfather mentioned some examples of
in which decisions are madeireneoldfather mentioned the goal and
also translate in due courseireneoldfather merci monsieur le président
tommy sheridan dorothy grace elderireneoldfather michael russell cathy jamieson
extended until 6 00 pmireneoldfather motion agreed to 17
mr michael mcmahon malcolm chisholmireneoldfather mr jamie mcgrigor elaine
pauline mcneill ms elaine thomsonireneoldfather mr jamie stone mr
scanlon mr john swinney msireneoldfather mr john mcallion kay
lodged on 14 march 2003ireneoldfather mr michael mcmahon s1m
deputy convener mr alasdair morrisonireneoldfather mr mike rumbles the
ian jenkins ms fiona mcleodireneoldfather mrs kay ullrich mr
murdo fraser conservative msp andireneoldfather msp and convener of
executive s proposal to nominateireneoldfather msp as a representative
subsidies the committee agreed thatireneoldfather msp prepare a paper
fiona mcleod s1m 386 msireneoldfather north ayrshire schools choirs
of scotland con i congratulateireneoldfather not only on today
scotland snp i too congratulateireneoldfather on helping the parliament
that is why i congratulateireneoldfather on lodging this motion
3032 in the name ofireneoldfather on scotland and europe
convener of the european committeeireneoldfather on scotland and europe
and fife ld i congratulateireneoldfather on securing the debate
gillon clydesdale lab i congratulateireneoldfather on securing the debate
2221 in the name ofireneoldfather on the european day
j offre mes fйlicitations àireneoldfather pour le débat 17
j offre mes félicitations àireneoldfather qui est l instigatrice
as that would be inappropriateireneoldfather raised the issue of
aware of that but ifireneoldfather reads the snp amendment
expense of the nation stateireneoldfather referred to the terrible
the subject of s1m 718ireneoldfather relocation of maternity units
we have received apologies fromireneoldfather richard lochhead jamie mcgrigor
to have the benefit ofireneoldfather s convenership which i
the point whether or notireneoldfather s disappointment is for
endorse wholeheartedly every word ofireneoldfather s motion i would
which is referred to inireneoldfather s motion in its
mr gil paterson michael russellireneoldfather s1m 1611 john prebble
lodged on 5 april 2001ireneoldfather s1m 1830 commission for
april 2001 dorothy grace elderireneoldfather s1m 1832 voting rights
6 june 2001 colin campbellireneoldfather s1m 1996 residential home
13 june 2001 shona robisonireneoldfather s1m 1999 recognition of
13 june 2001 shona robisonireneoldfather s1m 2009 the scottish
2001 colin campbell shona robisonireneoldfather s1m 2011 borders education
2001 colin campbell shona robisonireneoldfather s1m 2015 university of
mr kenny macaskill shona robisonireneoldfather s1m 2016 national transplant
lodged on 18 june 2001ireneoldfather s1m 2018 national refugee
mr gil paterson shona robisonireneoldfather s1m 2020 committee to
lodged on 22 june 2001ireneoldfather s1m 2039 bank arrestments
developed supported by tavish scottireneoldfather s1m 3387 brian fitzpatrick
8 january 2003 pauline mcneillireneoldfather s1m 3750 ageism in
january 2003 mr tom mccabeireneoldfather s1m 3756 unicef report
lodged on 27 january 2003ireneoldfather s1m 3796 glasgow twinning
lodged on 27 january 2003ireneoldfather s1m 3805 transport needs
january 2003 mr michael mcmahonireneoldfather s1m 3834 scottish input
i was interested in whatireneoldfather said about bilingualism in
policy in the eu asireneoldfather said the parliament made
marilyn livingstone mr michael mathesonireneoldfather scott barrie bruce crawford
ms sandra white s1m 886ireneoldfather stevenston millennium festival that
alex neil s1m 335 msireneoldfather teenage pregnancy that the
of european issues throughout scotlandireneoldfather the member will no
that the designation took placeireneoldfather the public petitions committee
new money s1w 1965 msireneoldfather to ask the scottish
the scottish executive s1w 17681ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
on communities s1o 6416 24ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
offenders s1o 261 4 msireneoldfather to ask the scottish
having been abused s1w 17685ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
family life s1o 1847 9ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
16 years old s1w 24669ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
failed such tests s1w 17683ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
education maintenance allowances s1w 16832ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
such pilots were s1w 17682ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
disease outbreak s1o 3251 16ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
lead contamination s1w 1968 msireneoldfather to ask the scottish
scheme s opening s1w 12160ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
hm prison peterhead s1w 17680ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
having been abused s1w 17684ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
water systems s1w 1966 msireneoldfather to ask the scottish
water is s1w 1967 msireneoldfather to ask the scottish
managing housing association s1w 33551ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
or alleged negligence s1w 33550ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 1800 30ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
last 10 years s1w 28539δireneoldfather to ask the scottish
prison service prison s1w 24668ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
priorities right s1o 3822 20ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
in schools s1o 6302 5ireneoldfather to ask the scottish
subject of s1m 250 msireneoldfather tobacco sales to under
of scotland snp i thankireneoldfather who is the convener
welcoming this debate and congratulatingireneoldfather who lodged the motion
case of total immersion asireneoldfather will know because she
project went out last monthireneoldfather will know that improvements
behind it much of whatireneoldfather would have talked about
will the member give wayireneoldfather yes certainly the deputy
russell south of scotland snpireneis right to draw this
eugene windsor senior assistant clerkirenefleming assistant clerk neil stewart
simpson anne peat claire menziesirenefleming craig harper tracey hawe
manager david moyes personnel administratorsirenehenderson nikki wilson dominic johnston
gillian baxendine senior assistant clerkirenefleming assistant clerk richard hough
to use it i thankirenefor today s debate and
the shop 1990 1993 johnirenecruden 1993 1995 margaret john
we meet to link withirenes comments on younger people
a delight to work withirenewith our colleagues on the
susie [censored: surname] nancy [censored: surname] andirene[censored: surname] may be willing to
been my pleasure to supportirenein the past unfortunately i
more of this to comeireneso you must have been
assistant treasurer nancy [censored: surname] andirene[censored: surname] would be approached 15
we are being unduly restrictiveireneis opening up an area
eile taing a thoirt dhairenenicgùgan airson an deasbad seo
sort of social development thatirenewants there is a great
the cello o wir ainirenewood resonatin in the backgrun

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