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executive whether it will makeita requirement that local authorities
on 27 january 2000 whetherita will publish details of
doubt whether anyone could explainitall in detail 14 30
and consider whether to redraftitand send it back to
group pension schemes and whetheritanticipates that payments to beneficiaries
on 7 june 2000 whetheritapproved the sealing of an
whether it will explain howitarrived at its figure s1w
whether we can comment onitas colleagues know the executive
allowed 28 whether we treatitas hypothesis or myth freud
ask the scottish executive whetheritassisted in any way with
t say whether they gotitat school themselves perhaps you
government before it how woulditbe decided whether such matters
be dealt with where woulditbe decided whether the registrar
on our respective muses whetheritbe fished sailed on douked
groups about school learning whetheritbe in informal standard english
heidy the heidy eh whetheritbe man or woman it
for example i know whetheritbe the countryside alliance the
situations a linguistic group whetheritbe women or a non
ask the scottish executive whetheritbelieves that it would be
ask the scottish executive whetheritbenchmarks the performance of scottish
tried to explain part ofitbut i doubt whether anyone
i did not know whetheritcame from the committee or
matter and to assess whetheritcame within this committee s
has done and see whetheritcan be improved i have
as coloured paper so thatitcan be made clear whether
the intention of establishing whetheritcan build out of hours
ask the scottish executive whetheritcan give an assurance that
on 22 august 2000 whetheritcan identify from each health
would be made and whetheritcan make a projection of
take an opinion on whetheritcan meet the costs those
ask the scottish executive whetheritcan now give the allocation
on 19 july 2000 whetheritcan provide any additional information
ask the scottish executive whetheritcan withdraw from or implement
this morning does not makeitclear to me whether the
doubt will the minister makeitclear whether the executive will
on 14 september 1999 whetheritconsiders on the basis of
to public funds and whetheritconsiders that additional support provided
ask the scottish executive whetheritconsiders that the changes to
currently being considered and whetheritconsiders that this guidance is
ask the scottish executive whetheritconsiders the prime minister s
i do not know whetheritcould be amended quickly the
significant feature that is whetheritcould be explained in literary
get that information and whetheritcould be made public however
prisons and to consider whetheritcould be taken forward what
sounds even if it coulditcould not say whether the
others to pick up onitcould then be determined whether
that was necessary and whetheritcreates a problem for the
ask the scottish executive whetheritcurrently publishes or holds information
ask the scottish executive whetheritcurrently records the number of
a good example or whetheritdebars people who are over
output of public spending whatitdelivers and assessing whether that
or not m605: i thinkitdepends whether you actually read
it is all one whetheritdid or it didna if
one whether it did oritdidna if we once had
ye wanted intae the picturesitdidnae matter whether it was
its general policy is thatitdoes not disclose whether it
in place charges for servicesitdoes not matter whether it
a representative of which saiditdoes not matter whether the
particulate matter on respiratory healthitdoes not matter whether the
people gather to celebrate burnsitdoes not matter whether the
although i still question whetheritdoes or not because despite
know whether she d haditdone or if it was
on 8 november 2002 whetheritdrafted any amendment to the
whether the press knew ofitearlier if we find that
executive whether it will makeiteasier for voluntary youth organisations
islands and if so whetheritendorses such plans business bulletin
on 5 september 2002 whetheritenvisages paying non domestic rates
on 5 september 2002 whetheritenvisages providing land free of
court s time discussing whetheritever took place amang us
ask the scottish executive whetheritexpects participants at the first
on 27 january 2003 whetheritexpects the standard for lead
work from suspension and whetheritexpects them to give any
ask the scottish executive whetheritfollows any guidelines for contracting
whether we need to reviewitfurther i do not know
on 17 december 1999 whetherithad received any written representations
i can t remember whetherithad to be a football
scotland our broadband future makingithappen and whether these rules
not in the work programmeithardly matters whether it is
ask the scottish executive whetherithas a strategy for attracting
ask the scottish executive whetherithas a strategy for attracting
ask the scottish executive whetherithas a strategy for promoting
ask the scottish executive whetherithas agreed performance measures similar
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any concerns about the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any concerns about the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any concerns about the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any formal definition of
with learning disabilities and whetherithas any performance targets in
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans for further
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans for greater
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans for road
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to acknowledge
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to allocate
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to allow
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to alter
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to alter
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to alter
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to alter
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to amend
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to assist
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to bring
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to bring
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to change
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to change
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to change
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to change
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to compensate
equalisation are calculated and whetherithas any plans to detail
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to develop
on 1 may 2002 whetherithas any plans to ensure
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to expand
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to extend
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to honour
flooding and if not whetherithas any plans to implement
community voluntary groups and whetherithas any plans to increase
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to introduce
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to introduce
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to introduce
in primary schools and whetherithas any plans to introduce
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to introduce
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to legislate
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to make
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to meet
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to meet
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to merge
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to produce
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to provide
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to put
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to recover
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to reform
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
of traffic orders and whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to review
ask the scottish executive whetherithas any plans to support
ask the scottish executive whetherithas appointed a chief of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas appointed special advisers and
i seek guidance on whetherithas been accepted the deputy
large combustion plant directive whetherithas been consulted about any
ask the scottish executive whetherithas been consulted by her
ask the scottish executive whetherithas been consulted by or
ask the scottish executive whetherithas been informed of the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas called for a report
ask the scottish executive whetherithas commissioned any study into
ask the scottish executive whetherithas conducted any survey into
on 20 march 2000 whetherithas considered the recent findings
ask the scottish executive whetherithas considered the report by
ask the scottish executive whetherithas considered the report on
ask the scottish executive whetherithas considered the use of
for minerals extraction and whetherithas consulted any individuals organisations
and public safety and whetherithas consulted the health and
prevent such occurrences and whetherithas consulted victims of crime
ask the scottish executive whetherithas convened the meeting between
ask the scottish executive whetherithas conveyed to the secretary
ask the scottish executive whetherithas developed a transition form
ask the scottish executive whetherithas directed communities scotland to
we should study how wellithas done and see whether
ask the scottish executive whetherithas earmarked any additional monies
has to think about whetherithas enough money to take
ask the scottish executive whetherithas entered into discussions with
ask the scottish executive whetherithas estimated the level of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas evaluated the effectiveness of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas ever given any notice
ask the scottish executive whetherithas ever received any notice
ask the scottish executive whetherithas finalised plans for accreditation
ask the scottish executive whetherithas fulfilled the recommendations of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas given consideration to the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had any contact or
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had any discussions with
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had any discussions with
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had any discussions with
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had any input into
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had any involvement or
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had any negotiations with
ask the scottish executive whetherithas had representations from student
ask the scottish executive whetherithas held any discussions with
ask the scottish executive whetherithas identified any benefits from
ask the scottish executive whetherithas identified any distinctly scottish
ask the scottish executive whetherithas identified any issues in
the beattie committee and whetherithas identified any specific projects
we should ask scieh whetherithas information on that and
ask the scottish executive whetherithas investigated or intends to
ask the scottish executive whetherithas issued guidance on which
the icc will be whetherithas jurisdiction to continue with
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made an assessment of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made an assessment of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made an assessment of
on 5 september 2002 whetherithas made any assessment of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made any assessment of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made any estimate of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made any estimate of
on 21 august 2001 whetherithas made any representations to
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made any representations to
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made any statements or
archives in rome and whetherithas made or intends to
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetherithas made representations to the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas met the highland council
use the tax varying powerithas not said whether it
on 28 november 2002 whetherithas now made any representations
ask the scottish executive whetherithas plans to amend the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas plans to expand the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas plans to introduce a
ask the scottish executive whetherithas plans to introduce a
ask the scottish executive whetherithas plans to review the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas provided any funding in
ask the scottish executive whetherithas provided any guidance to
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received a copy of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received a response to
the scottish executive what informationithas received about whether any
first made what legal adviceithas received about whether such
9 january 2003 what informationithas received about whether the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received any representations regarding
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received any representations this
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received any requests from
decide whether the further informationithas received meets its needs
the scottish executive what adviceithas received on whether an
scottish executive what legal adviceithas received on whether udal
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received representations from any
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received representations from dumfries
ask the scottish executive whetherithas received representations from the
12 april 2001 how manyithas replied to and whether
ask the scottish executive whetherithas requested that the city
ask the scottish executive whetherithas reviewed plans made by
ask the scottish executive whetherithas reviewed the timescale for
ask the scottish executive whetherithas ruled out the use
over the montrose basin whetherithas seen the current engineering
a fuller answer on whetherithas sent people to holland
liquid petroleum gas and whetherithas set or will set
ask the scottish executive whetherithas set targets for the
ask the scottish executive whetherithas set up a national
ask the scottish executive whetherithas sought to discover what
ask the scottish executive whetherithas specific proposals with regard
policy not to reveal whetherithas taken legal advice s1w
it does not disclose whetherithas taken legal advice s1w
ask the scottish executive whetherithas taken or plans to
the scottish executive what actionithas taken to establish whether
ask the scottish executive whetherithas targets for offshore renewable
ask the scottish executive whetherithas the powers to direct
the scottish executive what powersithas to determine whether fluoride
ask the scottish executive whetherithas undertaken any assessment of
ask the scottish executive whetherithas undertaken research into any
ask the scottish executive whetherithas undertaken research or will
ask the scottish executive whetherithas yet completed compiling a
whether i would comment onithowever insurance companies have concerns
and decide whether to passitif the bill is passed
executive whether it will makeitillegal for mechanically recovered meat
just wondered whether you doitin your your articles m1174:
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends making representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends o establish as a
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to abolish any non
or island communities and whetheritintends to act upon this
encounter debt problems and whetheritintends to act upon this
efficiency in scotland and whetheritintends to act upon this
s poorer communities and whetheritintends to act upon this
elderly in scotland and whetheritintends to act upon this
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to affirm its commitment
on 5 september 2002 whetheritintends to appoint an adviser
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to appoint an officer
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to appoint permanent sheriffs
legal aid schemes and whetheritintends to authorise ex gratia
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to bring forward proposals
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to carry out any
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to clarify the law
examination and in particular whetheritintends to continue funding to
1999 and if so whetheritintends to continue to implement
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to double the number
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to establish an independent
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to establish any new
for the a701 and whetheritintends to establish such a
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to exempt all people
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to extend the commitment
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to extend the commitment
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to extend the list
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to fund an equivalent
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to fund and carry
cumbernauld rail link and whetheritintends to fund any new
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to grant the scottish
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to include jordanhill school
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to increase staffing levels
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to increase the monetary
current financial year and whetheritintends to increase this amount
amended and if so whetheritintends to inform the fishing
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to initiate a feasibility
on 28 september 1999 whetheritintends to introduce a new
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to introduce measures to
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to introduce measures to
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to introduce new measures
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to introduce proposals to
respond to sportscotland and whetheritintends to issue guidelines on
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to make a statement
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to make a statement
by local authority and whetheritintends to make an allocation
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to make any announcements
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to make appointments to
the public domain and whetheritintends to make representations to
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to make representations to
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to make representations to
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to make the provision
on 5 july 2002 whetheritintends to meet with consultees
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to merge any non
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to offer breast cancer
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to proceed with adding
make a statement on whetheritintends to promote its relationship
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to provide a list
s current financial situation whetheritintends to provide any financial
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to provide financial support
north east of scotland whetheritintends to provide full time
at each school and whetheritintends to provide information technology
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to publish a map
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to publish an updated
partnership fund srdf and whetheritintends to publish any report
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to publish details of
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to reduce the passenger
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to review recent data
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to review the command
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to review the indicators
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to revise planning law
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to revise planning law
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to revise planning law
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to revoke the beef
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to seek information from
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to seek representation on
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to set targets for
ask the scottish executive whetheritintends to undertake a study
nature of such things whetheritis a cock up a
in order to determine whetheritis able to assist fife
form of self certification whetheritis administered by the local
ever took place amang usitis all one whether it
i do not know whetheritis an edinburgh attitude but
the parliament to consider whetheritis appropriate for local authorities
over the technicality of whetheritis appropriate for the scottish
we want to consider whetheritis appropriate that our committee
uses its resources and whetheritis appropriate that specialist care
continuing erosion of colloquial scotsitis arguable whether a substantial
advertisements in shop windows soitis arguable whether that is
ask the scottish executive whetheritis aware of a motion
ask the scottish executive whetheritis aware of any abuse
ask the scottish executive whetheritis aware of any deterioration
ask the scottish executive whetheritis aware of any other
ask the scottish executive whetheritis aware of any use
ask the scottish executive whetheritis aware of glasgow zoo
ask the scottish executive whetheritis aware of the concern
on 29 august 2002 whetheritis aware of the internal
it does not matter whetheritis called personal care or
ask the scottish executive whetheritis committed to an inclusive
to the surveillance commissioners whetheritis competent for the parliament
executive has given to whetheritis competent for the scottish
of caste ewes and whetheritis considering a issuing legally
ask the scottish executive whetheritis considering any of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritis considering any transfer of
ask the scottish executive whetheritis considering designating the sea
ask the scottish executive whetheritis considering increasing core funding
ask the scottish executive whetheritis considering introducing legislation to
tested prisons in england whetheritis considering market testing for
ask the scottish executive whetheritis considering outsourcing any further
ask the scottish executive whetheritis consistent with the sewel
ask the scottish executive whetheritis consulted as a matter
ask the scottish executive whetheritis consulted over the number
on 14 november 2002 whetheritis currently reviewing the legislation
a building to see whetheritis dangerous that is an
programme it hardly matters whetheritis dealt with at that
have a charging policy butitis debatable whether the council
rarari s work and whetheritis delivering on what was
whether that is the caseitis difficult for me to
that jackie baillie has suggesteditis difficult to decide whether
phase of the life cycleitis difficult to establish whether
those that take four peopleitis difficult to know whether
however up to that pointitis difficult to say whether
resulting in greater breeding successitis difficult to say whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritis encouraging executive agencies and
subject to public consultation beforeitis entered into and whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritis envisaged that it will
is used for and whetheritis essentially visitor accommodation or
coolants on fish stocks whetheritis estimated that 2 million
been completed if not whenitis expected whether the feasibility
detail in applying the schemeitis fair to ask whether
that piece of paper whetheritis four five or 20
ask the scottish executive whetheritis funding the retraining costs
of the other language whetheritis gaelic scots or some
vehicle for taking matters forwarditis hard to say whether
disqualification in drink driving casesitis important to know whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritis in possession of a
and you can identify whetheritis intelligence to suggest that
for social services workforce whetheritis intended that the voluntary
on 23 february 2000 whetheritis its policy to refrain
still do not know whetheritis mandatory to intimate to
ask the scottish executive whetheritis measuring the level and
also wish to consider whetheritis more appropriate for the
in considering whether or notitis necessary or expedient to
the executive will consider whetheritis necessary to amend the
of this then determine whetheritis necessary to forward information
concerns have been expressed thatitis not certain whether the
that person requests a hearingitis not clear whether the
information commissioner in london butitis not clear whether the
know whether that is becauseitis not very infective mary
targeting of their adverts whetheritis on billboards or in
ask the scottish executive whetheritis planning more private prisons
ask the scottish executive whetheritis planning to initiate any
the executive and ask whetheritis prepared to re examine
the scottish parliament and whetheritis presented in a competent
and the question arises whetheritis proper to call a
ask the scottish executive whetheritis providing any additional funding
value of nurses that althoughitis questionable whether an msp
about a legal marriage whetheritis religious or civil the
ask the scottish executive whetheritis satisfied that adequate scientific
ask the scottish executive whetheritis satisfied that all extant
ask the scottish executive whetheritis satisfied that no serious
ask the scottish executive whetheritis satisfied that the 5
ask the scottish executive whetheritis satisfied that the cement
on 3 august 1999 whetheritis satisfied with the accuracy
ask the scottish executive whetheritis satisfied with the health
the spcb to determine whetheritis satisfied with the justification
ask the scottish executive whetheritis satisfied with the provision
i do not know whetheritis still the case that
an english definition and whetheritis suitable and appropriate to
ask the scottish executive whetheritis taking steps to assist
ask the scottish executive whetheritis taking steps to assist
ask the scottish executive whetheritis taking steps to ensure
ask the scottish executive whetheritis taking steps to evaluate
i do not know whetheritis the same for other
government at all levels whetheritis the uk eu the
and will also ask whetheritis to consider consolidating these
and gas industry or whetheritis to do with the
always involves some expense whetheritis travel membership entry fees
the scottish prison service whereitis unclear whether a parliamentary
is working or indeed whetheritis working members indicated agreement
ask the scottish executive whetheritis working with the ministry
ask the scottish executive whetheritissues guidance on the appropriateness
ask the scottish executive whetheritissues guidance to local authorities
whether the bill adequately developsitit could be inferred from
m gonna keep on whetheritll be philosophy or this
office and if so whetheritmade any recommendations about the
ask the scottish executive whetheritmaintains a central register of
charge they might have nowitmakes no great difference whether
representatives and i wondered whetheritmight be an idea to
or not eh whether ehitmight be possible but would
the petitioners rightly ask whetheritmight not be more appropriate
ask the scottish executive whetheritmonitors staff training in nursing
sure whether that would giveitmuch more information it would
scotland and if not whetheritmust be pursued in the
saying that we should doitnow i was asking whether
japanese officer to part withitnow whether it was a
stamped out no matter whereitoccurs whether in government the
ask the scottish executive whetheritoffers a police forces and
whether he was just tryingiton he would get two
ask the scottish executive whetheritor any bodies within its
ask the scottish executive whetheritor any of its agencies
ask the scottish executive whetheritor any of its agencies
to revival whether you likeitor not if you don
m762: erm whether you likeitor not it comes into
briefing whether they have readitor not it might have
day f638: whether ye neededitor not [laugh] f637: she
of course whether they neededitor not often on a
that will whether we influenceitor not provide services to
phil gallie whether we likeitor not we are talking
even know whether he pulleditout or whether he filled
ask the scottish executive whetheritpassed a copy of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans any measures to increase
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to allow patients to
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to allow qualified medical
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to allow tobramycin to
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to continue and expand
past two years and whetheritplans to disburse funds directly
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to ensure that mckesson
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to extend proposals to
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to follow the land
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to give an indicative
has replied to and whetheritplans to have a meeting
lost their jobs and whetheritplans to increase support for
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to increase the accountability
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to introduce a certificate
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to introduce a programme
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to introduce a sustainable
public and if not whetheritplans to introduce the recording
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to investigate the circumstances
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to issue guidance on
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to make a statement
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to meet representatives of
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to release any non
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to review procedures for
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to review the rules
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to revise the fee
ask the scottish executive whetheritplans to send any representatives
on 24 december 2001 whetheritplans to take any further
on 2 july 2002 whetheritprovided any advice to the
ask the scottish executive whetheritprovides financial support through grant
executive has the issues thatitraises and whether the circumstances
series so this is ehitraises the question of whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritregards the current tendering process
ask the scottish executive whetheritremains committed to supporting community
ask the scottish executive whetheritremains its policy to disperse
returned but to some disappointmentitremains to be seen whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritrequires dumfries and galloway council
effective learners of language whetherits a f- modern european
no time to check whetherits available in the cd
there is no pleasing whetherits baking hot or freezing
the remainder of scotland whetherits because we have closer
i don t know whetherits cause i went to
more than collections eh whetherits english or scots corpus
they ll be taught whetherits exploring text in gaelic
anither to strive for whetherits great or small at
ye gang further south anits heifer ye ken whether
then exemplify good practice whetherits in teaching assessment strategies
s heifer ye ken whetherits just a different pronunciation
it s slang or whetherits language but you know
speak so that s whetherits m608: mmhm m1174: urdu
it s real or whetherits not but not quite
know whether they would yeahits not m605: it s
mm m762: quite know whetherits real or whether it
of his sightless map whetherits safe to stay or
word that any builder whetherits scots or english whatever
i don t know whetherits slang or whether it
sent on his wey whetherits tae heaven or tae
queen of scots heavens whetherits true or not it
need to find out whetherits true that dickens got
ask the scottish executive whetheritsent any representative to the
that when considering section 34itshould be considered whether regulations
discussions with loganair about whetheritshould be involved in that
from a family or whetheritshould be stored incurring storage
scotland order 2000 and whetheritshould include a question on
should lie that is whetheritshould lie with the european
ask the scottish executive whetheritsought derogation from european commission
to the coalition and whetheritstays together or breaks down
ask the scottish executive whetheritstill endorses the contents of
i do not know whetheritstill is who had received
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports a policy of decreasing
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the availability of disabled
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the call from the
of online public services whetheritsupports the delivery of such
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the establishment of maggie
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the proposals for development
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the proposals for zonal
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the re opening of
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the recommendation of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritsupports the setting up of
out or whether he filleditthat i can t remember
we are getting on withitthe committee should ask whether
whether they are satisfied withitthe convener do you want
that have been commenced beforeitthe test will be whether
whether [inaudible] wants tae daeitthemselves or no i dinnae
questions in order to enableitto make an announcement whether
know whether to s- mentionitto my dad or to
know whether they ve changeditto standard grades or they
than other areas or isittoo early to recognise whether
ask the scottish executive whetherittreats caledonian macbrayne as a
delivers the goods or whetheritundermines what we are trying
to the public sector whetheritwants to ask for puk
will examine when judging whetheritwants to back projects will
the committee must decide whetheritwants to support sportscotland in
was always their business whetheritwas a chip shop or
part with it now whetheritwas a gentle persuasion or
been lord advocate or whetheritwas a manifestation of the
step was to determine whetheritwas a significant feature that
the reason for that whetheritwas a software problem or
ask the scottish executive whetheritwas advised of the recent
d go to them anditwas always their business whether
the area we debated whetheritwas appropriate for the committee
to comment further on whetheritwas appropriate that a delegated
i m nae sure whetheritwas because no i couldnae
for quite a while whetheritwas because of circumstances i
a gentle persuasion or whetheritwas because th- the chap
around at the time whetheritwas chickenpox or a cold
ask the scottish executive whetheritwas consulted by the ministry
severance scheme if so whetheritwas consulted on any such
ask the scottish executive whetheritwas consulted prior to attempts
small plates of things whetheritwas cranberry sauce or things
ken whit her accent whetheritwas dundee aberdeen or glasgow
i can never recollect whetheritwas half full or half
ask the scottish executive whetheritwas invited to contribute to
kind of revival or whetheritwas kind of contributory factor
your first point dr jacksonitwas on whether health and
f746: mmhm f745: say whetheritwas or not and ehm
haste was reckless or whetheritwas otherwise motivated however there
beyond an office boy untilitwas seen whether the call
pictures it didnae matter whetheritwas the second house or
been involved in assessing whetheritwas too risky to go
ask the scottish executive whetheritwas warned of a possible
1993 is now available anditwas wondered whether we should
that question would be whetheritwas worthwhile or not eh
stream i am asking whetheritwas your or someone s
committee is interested in readingitwe discussed whether the designation
only member who is receivingitwe need to consider whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill accept the recommendation of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill acknowledge the work of
patchy a statement indicating whetheritwill adopt a policy on
of such pensions and whetheritwill agree to be bound
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill allow the flu drug
2 and 4 in privateitwill also decide whether to
4 and 5 in privateitwill also decide whether to
on 28 january 2000 whetheritwill answer parts a and
amend such legislation and whetheritwill apply any such amendments
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill apply for membership of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill appoint a practising class
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill arrange for the installation
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill arrange liability insurance cover
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ask the scottish qualifications
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill back the campaign organised
will be available so thatitwill be much clearer whether
will need to explore whetheritwill be possible to achieve
we wanted to know whetheritwill be possible to achieve
appropriate people to see whetheritwill be possible to arrange
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill be possible to launch
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill be sending a representative
i do not know whetheritwill be taken in the
whether it is envisaged thatitwill be the practice of
on 10 august 2000 whetheritwill calculate an estimate of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill call for an enquiry
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill carry out an investigation
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill comment on the appropriateness
feasibility study summary report whetheritwill commission a supplementary report
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill confirm that all pupils
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill confirm that there will
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill congratulate aberdeen city council
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill congratulate inverclyde council and
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider a pilot programme
scheme in sussex and whetheritwill consider any evidence of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider classifying manic depression
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider designating the b7076
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider either on its
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider ensuring that an
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider extending the statutory
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider fully funding the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider funding a fire
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider giving hill livestock
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider giving local authorities
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider introducing specific funding
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider issuing updated guidance
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider responding to the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider reviewing the practice
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider revising flood defence
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider the expansion of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider the implementation of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill consider the provision of
that we may have enlargementitwill consider whether there is
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill continue to make funding
get into europe or whetheritwill continue with its semi
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill create a national institute
on 28 june 2001 whetheritwill define the term special
on 25 january 2000 whetheritwill describe elucidate and specify
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill designate the western peripheral
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail a the amount
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail a the current
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail a the ownership
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail a the training
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail all forms of
on 24 january 2000 whetheritwill detail and publish the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail any areas of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail any financial penalties
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail any fines imposed
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail any joint research
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail any occasions in
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail any occasions in
climate change levy and whetheritwill detail any such additional
climate change levy and whetheritwill detail any such costs
climate change levy and whetheritwill detail any such costs
the climate change levy whetheritwill detail any such costs
on 1 december 2000 whetheritwill detail for each air
on 27 january 2000 whetheritwill detail for each of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail how much each
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail its performance in
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail its policies on
contract or contracts and whetheritwill detail the amount or
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail the costs involved
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail the costs to
on 24 july 2000 whetheritwill detail the criteria employed
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail the grants paid
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail the number of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail the number of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail the research projects
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail the steps to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill detail what action is
bill and if so whetheritwill detail which statutory provisions
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill direct and advise the
on 7 february 2002 whetheritwill direct the working group
trials and if so whetheritwill do so s1w 1125
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill encourage and fund colleges
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill encourage any of its
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that consultation and
of the bridge and whetheritwill ensure that during the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that its departments
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that national youth
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that no decision
welfare disposal scheme and whetheritwill ensure that separate figures
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that the role
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that the scottish
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that travellers are
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill ensure that where action
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill establish a community sports
on 19 august 2002 whetheritwill establish a national centre
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill establish a task force
incurred and if so whetheritwill estimate how much c
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill estimate the number of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill examine public perceptions of
almost half the amount whetheritwill explain how it arrived
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill extend the period of
whitesands troon and ayr whetheritwill extend the trials to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill facilitate the establishment of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill fund or support an
to do so and whetheritwill fund the cost of
institutional challenges we wonder whetheritwill generalise qualified majority voting
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give a breakdown by
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give a breakdown of
western peripheral route is whetheritwill give a breakdown of
on 7 june 2002 whetheritwill give a breakdown of
finance and local government whetheritwill give a breakdown of
package was taken and whetheritwill give a breakdown of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give a commitment that
gm field trials and whetheritwill give an assurance that
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give an undertaking that
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give an update on
on 5 september 2002 whetheritwill give any commitment to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give details of any
on 14 july 1999 whetheritwill give details of how
the spanish coast and whetheritwill give details of procedures
on 26 june 2002 whetheritwill give details of the
mcconnell on 2 september whetheritwill give details of the
kilmarnock and if so whetheritwill give details s1w 24664
council and if so whetheritwill give details s1w 26930
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give financial assistance to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill give financial assistance to
on 23 october 2002 whetheritwill give full details of
on 27 october 2000 whetheritwill give further details of
on human rights and whetheritwill give information on that
on 13 july 2000 whetheritwill give local authorities enhanced
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill have any role as
maintenance commitments honoured and whetheritwill identify for each bridge
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill identify the specific departmental
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill implement the recommendation made
popular music industry and whetheritwill include popular music in
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill include the costs of
into scots law and whetheritwill indicate the substance of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill initiate a detailed investigation
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill initiate a full investigation
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill inquire into the effectiveness
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill insist on a deadline
reservation safety barriers and whetheritwill install such barriers with
business start ups and whetheritwill instigate changes in policy
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill instruct the scottish environment
seabed and in particular whetheritwill instruct the slc to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill introduce a ban on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill introduce a performance indicator
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill introduce a prostate cancer
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill introduce legislation to implement
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill introduce measures to ensure
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill introduce measures to give
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill investigate introducing a scheme
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill investigate the adequacy of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill investigate the adequacy of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill investigate the awarding of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill investigate the provision of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill investigate ways of overcoming
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill investigate whether the recent
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill issue guidelines to local
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill launch an investigation into
tried in absentia and whetheritwill list all cases where
medically unexplained symptoms and whetheritwill list all named medical
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list all sub committees
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list all the countries
on 9 march 2000 whetheritwill list all the meetings
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list by police force
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list by sheriff court
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list further education fe
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the identities of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the individual members
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the individual members
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the individual members
on 24 august 1999 whetheritwill list the level of
groups and if so whetheritwill list the locations of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the private sector
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the sites of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the size and
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the support staff
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list the towns which
d 2000 01 and whetheritwill list these initiatives s1w
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill list who will conduct
of any such examples whetheritwill look into the possibility
borders and if so whetheritwill make a copy of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a detailed statement
asked whether we believe thatitwill make a difference we
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement as
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
intervention board beef and whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
in that area and whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
7 august 1999 and whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement on
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make a statement regarding
on 5 october 2000 whetheritwill make an announcement this
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make any representations and
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make any representations with
any such research and whetheritwill make any such research
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make available any written
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make available copies of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make available in full
on 9 october 2000 whetheritwill make available in spice
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make available in the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make available resources to
colleges of scotland and whetheritwill make available the necessary
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make available the technical
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make contact with the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make copies of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make it a requirement
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make it easier for
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make it illegal for
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make money from the
information and if so whetheritwill make public a all
stracathro hospital services and whetheritwill make public both this
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to her
culture and if so whetheritwill make representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to her
on 24 january 2000 whetheritwill make representations to her
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to perth
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to railtrack
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make representations to the
spectrum disorder if so whetheritwill make such information public
the education process and whetheritwill make supporting such work
honey and if so whetheritwill make the details of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill make the scottish youth
dumfries and galloway and whetheritwill make this information public
from environmental group interference whetheritwill meet the cost of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill monitor the average level
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill name the ten local
executive or the scottish parliamentitwill nonetheless impact on whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill not implement the recommendations
more independently and feel secureitwill not matter whether they
official report col 711 whetheritwill now commission a supplementary
reached and if not whetheritwill now consider the issue
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill now grant planning consent
dewar on 2 july whetheritwill now specify the total
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill obtain and publish details
for social services workforce whetheritwill outline details of the
for social services workforce whetheritwill outline details of the
for social services workforce whetheritwill outline details of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill outline its proposals for
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill outline the procedure for
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill outline the relationships its
bodies have met and whetheritwill place copies of the
information centre spice and whetheritwill place in spice any
officials were present and whetheritwill place in the scottish
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill place in the scottish
if so when and whetheritwill place the information in
on 1 december 2000 whetheritwill present the information in
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill promote the publication of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill propose amendments to the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill propose to her majesty
and sustainability matters and whetheritwill provide a a note
involvement in politics and whetheritwill provide a breakdown of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide a breakdown of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide a breakdown of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide a breakdown of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide a breakdown of
on 14 july 2000 whetheritwill provide a date for
costs and if so whetheritwill provide a full breakdown
to make an announcement whetheritwill provide a list of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide a progress report
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide a specific definition
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide additional borrowing consent
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide additional funding to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide an estimate of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide an estimate of
on 17 september 2002 whetheritwill provide an explanation of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide details of all
map was established and whetheritwill provide details of any
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide details of how
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide details of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide details of the
for social services workforce whetheritwill provide details of the
for social services workforce whetheritwill provide details of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide details of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide details of the
for social services workforce whetheritwill provide details of the
for social services workforce whetheritwill provide details of the
for social services workforce whetheritwill provide details of the
on 27 march 2001 whetheritwill provide details of visitscotland
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide details regarding the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide for the last
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill provide full details of
millennium volunteers programme and whetheritwill provide funding to help
on 2 august 1999 whetheritwill provide further details of
for social services workforce whetheritwill provide the association of
on 5 july 2002 whetheritwill publish a full list
asking the scottish executive whetheritwill publish a route by
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish an audit of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish any minutes taken
on 18 october 2002 whetheritwill publish any of the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish any responses received
any such research and whetheritwill publish any such research
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish by health board
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish figures for 1997
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish figures regarding the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish interim and full
on 30 june 1999 whetheritwill publish its proposed modifications
on 5 september 2002 whetheritwill publish the a outline
on 5 july 2002 whetheritwill publish the response it
on 5 july 2002 whetheritwill publish the responses it
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill publish the results of
on 13 july 2000 whetheritwill publish the targets for
reports on the bridge whetheritwill publish these engineering reports
criteria and if so whetheritwill publish this guidance s1w
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill quantify the contingency funds
from other budgets or whetheritwill ratchet up the fees
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill recognise renfrewshire council s
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill recommend to the banks
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill reconsider its decision to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill reconsider the decision not
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill reduce pressure on the
policies and if so whetheritwill report back on the
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill report on the issues
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill report on the outcome
2002 and if so whetheritwill report on the results
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill request her majesty s
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill require former superiors who
the new body and whetheritwill respond to any views
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill respond to scottish environmental
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review its assessment of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review its contractual arrangements
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review its policy in
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review its role in
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review the decision to
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review the financial position
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review the imposition of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill review the legislation both
91 271 eec and whetheritwill seek and make available
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill seek confirmation from every
raf buchan peterhead and whetheritwill set up an economic
on 16 may 2002 whetheritwill show the performance points
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill specify all rules and
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill specify any laws applicable
on 20 august 2001 whetheritwill specify exactly which groups
european union office and whetheritwill specify from which vote
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill subsidise the provision of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill support the provision of
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill take action to improve
building and if so whetheritwill take action to preserve
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill take action to prevent
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill take any action in
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill take steps to build
on bbc2 scotland and whetheritwill take this issue up
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill transfer all cases relating
court and in particular whetheritwill transfer jurisdiction of such
based ambulance dispatch and whetheritwill undertake further consultation based
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill use its powers under
government and what performance measuresitwill use to determine whether
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill wait until the implementation
on 28 january 2000 whetheritwill widen the remit of
for zonal management is whetheritwill work as either a
business in scotland and whetheritwill work closely with the
publish these engineering reports whetheritwill work with angus council
ask the scottish executive whetheritwill work with the scottish
not afford to pay foritwilliam mccormack whether or not
petitions committee to see whetheritwishes to comment on the
people are writing something whetheritworks or doesn t it
by what you said whetheritwould be a main factor
the wider issue of whetheritwould be acceptable to promote
was touch and go whetheritwould be amputated m608: oh
stringent safety measures and whetheritwould be an important step
i don t know whetheritwould be any good f631:
regulations and i wonder whetheritwould be appropriate to think
stewart stevenson s question whetheritwould be better if the
i am not sure whetheritwould be helpful to leave
executive whether it believes thatitwould be of benefit to
financial year i wonder whetheritwould be possible to consider
possible so i wondered whetheritwould be possible to raise
as is proposed or whetheritwould be sufficient to allow
precautionary basis i wonder whetheritwould be worth writing to
to outlying regions and whetheritwould block relocation of staff
understand your point about whetheritwould deal only with issues
ask the scottish executive whetheritwould give full indemnity to
it has not said whetheritwould if it would not
i don t know whetheritwould like just goin by
said whether it would ifitwould not how would it
achieving greater efficiencies and whetheritwould provide value for money
achieving greater efficiencies and whetheritwould provide value for money

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