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bodie luckie li cries shijina dinna ken a thing
back howt awa cries shijina m a burlaw baillie
he s willin says shijinan chen da speirs whae
buird he lookit at shijinan he says a haena
tale tells nou o shijinan hou he cries but
tale tells nou o shijinan hou he grippit his
tak steipit tea says shijinan in nae lang time
ll be back but shijinan li zhong clappit a
the street they twyned shijinan li zhong held awa
turnt his face ti shijinan li zhong sayin byde
chen da lookit at shijinan lowtit doun ti dae
a letter back speirs shijinan quarto wang answers him
they gaed ti see shijinan tellt him the r
sair they besocht him shijinan the auld maister michtna
yir name guidsir says shijinan the bodie answers me
aa roun the steidin shijinan the thrie capitanes cud
hedna come ti kep shijinan the thrie capitanes hou
re ti ken hou shijinan the thrie capitanes wan
for it back says shijinan ti his pock he
bring the pownie quo shijinan whan he stertit ti
uis this than quo shijinance on a time whan
gowd or siller for shijinas weill bi little an
the meikle honestie o shijinat loot us gae in
capital juist him says shijinaweill a ve heard tell
ti auld maister shi wangjinbade his auld mither back
wis aa set out shijinbade the thrie capitanes set
a tow thrie times shijinbade them rise an five
gear frae this on shijinbegude ti redd up his
sae the owrancer tuik shijinbi the haun an gaed
an ance mair bade shijinbind them in a tow
hardmen about tae says shijinbut a niver thocht the
sake ye speak says shijinbut ma mind s made
o shi s toun shijincam out ti meet them
for yir rewaird whan shijinclam doun the lether an
o days efter at shijinconcludit he maun gae an
awa up the brae shijinconvoyed them ti the yetts
ran wind flaucht awa shijincried on his fowk ti
wi a muckle rair shijincries out ye daft bruit
inti the thrang gaed shijincryin dominie it s a
thrie capitanes hou wad shijine er hae killt ane
re fell handie quo shijinfair blythe ti hear it
a guid whylie ti shijinfenyied a lowpen steik at
maun niver be says shijinfor it wad seem like
the broken men awa shijingaed back ti the mains
back ti look sae shijingaed ti the midmaist haa
for the stentsaucht road shijingart a cottar bodie cairry
wis bricht an clear shijingart his cottars slauchter a
shi liu guo liang tangjinhan zhou fifteen kings thegither
an there they seen shijinhe d a scairf on
mains nou an ti shijinhe wis rampin mad an
ane an bi ane shijinhed consaivit a verra perfiteness
nae ploys in haun shijinhed taen out a fauldin
cam forrit ti meet shijinhis lance ready presentit the
zhong forenent him an shijini the laichest place the
yon nine gaired dragon shijinis a muckle baist o
a bonnie fechter yon shijinis he wadna tak a
ti shi s toun shijinjuist happent ti be out
them outbye an answer shijinkent whit they wir at
sheriffdom o stentsaucht wad shijinlet him gae quo he
him ken o this shijinlissent an stertit ti caa
ti sell their mixters shijinlookit an kent him for
wi muckle spangin steps shijinlookit an seen he d
o his henchmen whan shijinlookit he seen chen da
the drams doun says shijinmid hairst day cam afore
wey out on breinged shijinor he cam up ti
an wi burnin haste shijinpit on his claes an
dae him service but shijinraired out youse anes at
the mains chief amang shijins cottars wis quarto wang
a year efter at shijins faither wis taen that
tak the guidal o shijins hous for he wis
lea ye gae cries shijinsae chen da rairs out
nor mawkin there says shijinsae luckie li answert him
an ye please seein shijinsae sterk an strang an
at this brither says shijinsae they pushed throu the
taks nae cabrach an shijinsays ti them come awa
aye ken braw lads shijinsays ye ve an honestie
man dee d strechtawa shijinseen ti the graithin of
frae his bed tho shijinsent fowk faur an wide
gleg o the tongue shijinsent him an anither cottar
rise sae there wis shijinsittin i the back gairden
the mains ilka day shijinsocht leir sae ane an
quarto wang comin back shijinspeirit at him whit wey
maun niver be quo shijinsyne wad ye be willin
county aabodie cries him shijinthe nine gaired dragon ye
taen the thriesome gied shijintheir thenks an clam awa
in an here wis shijinthinkin ti hissel this time
kyte wi the lance shijintho gied a jee sae
nay sayin but then shijinthocht ti hissel it s
muckle fleggit up lowpit shijinti cry honest freins sit
s honestie tho thocht shijinti hissel whan he d
wisna ane afore cries shijinti quarto wang weill a
up the lether gaed shijinti speir whit s brocht
onie an back gaed shijinti the haa thinkin ti
as a wolf s shijintuik juist the ae oxter
aefauld an unfylt says shijinwad a bemean the bodie
wis that feart at shijinwad be owre handie for
but tells insteid o shijinwha gaed back ti the
rabbitman luckie li says shijinwhit are ye daein snowkin
that s me says shijinwi a bou an the
an east och but shijinwis a muckle baist o
out rairin an rowtin shijinwis at the heid o
hill frae this on shijinwis aye an aften back
ti kens whaur awa shijinwis aye at the heid
gang as weill but shijinwis on him owre sune
rin them owre mind shijinwis roused tae he hunkert
us answers zhu wu shijinwis that blythe he lowsed
an mid hairst day shijinwis wantin a crack wi
he kens aabodie sae shijinwisna lang o gettin ti
caterans fancie yon tink shijinyon day a wis at
ye frae this on wangjinan his mither bade on
gat up ti tak wangjinan his mither ti the
tale tells naethin o wangjinan hou he gaed ti
caption on the fugitour wangjinan sent them out ti
for ma dominie says wangjinan the young maister winna
lamp fine then says wangjinan we gang in yonder
an the ither twa wangjinance mair ahint the pownie
the auld bodie an wangjinanswers him a kin o
s yir business here wangjinanswers him a ll tell
i the pitmirk nicht wangjinanswert him yir sairvant s
efter isna yon da wangjinat gat the haterent o
sent affhaun ti kep wangjinat his hous weill wang
wir that chief wi wangjinat they cam in wi
ye the morn mind wangjinawned his fauts gat ti
come awa in sae wangjinbade the auld wyfe licht
a wadna daur says wangjinbut it s richt tho
about the gloamin time wangjincried gairdsman zhang an tellt
wi his ain but wangjindidna ding throu for he
nearhaun by an set wangjindoun on it a rale
gaun strecht for him wangjindrew his rung back suddentlike
best for ye quo wangjinfair pleased the auld maister
wis ettlin ti see wangjinfettelt for in his breist
ill fashions then says wangjinfrae the weaponsock he liftit
been on the road wangjingangin ahint the pownie wi
the auld bodie sae wangjingat ti his feet an
come efter ye sae wangjingraithit the pownie hissel an
a whirlie an ti wangjinhe cries c wa then
time ye wir up wangjinheard him an cam speedilie
at his hous weill wangjinhed naither wife nor bairn
as ye like says wangjinhonest brither we re geylie
there be a leirsman wangjini the wardenrie at s
nae lee maister says wangjinit s the auld mither
cam breingin efter him wangjinjinkit about an liftit his
whan he heard this wangjinjuist hed ti thole his
ye re feart but wangjinjuist leuch an niver liftit
ti fettle them says wangjinlate on i the day
the ae name o wangjinleirsman o the forbidden city
wha a am is wangjinleirsman o the forbidden city
een kensna peace hill wangjinleuch an said nae skellum
him a bit rungplay wangjinleuch gin a gang brashin
awa at the rung wangjinlookit a while an niver
buits o barkent leather wangjinlowtit doun afore him but
him loss his rung wangjinpit his rung by an
inbye the soun o wangjins auld mither greitin ye
vivers then he bade wangjins mither come an dine
the auld maister an wangjinsays gin he s the
ken wha ll be wangjinsays the teamaister an here
they wir ti lie wangjinsays til him gin a
an rung the leister wangjinseen the laddie wis perfite
whan the marischal cries wangjintellt him ance mair an
leirsman quo zhang an wangjintellt him whan a wis
o ye brither quo wangjinthe bodie gaed ben a
an rest hersel sae wangjinthenkit him but our tale
wi the lave sae wangjinthenkit him shouthert his pockstang
d taen the feesick wangjinthocht his auld mither wis
day hed dawed whan wangjinwaukent gairdsman li an tellt
guidal he hed frae wangjinwha learnt him ti he
see ye weill thenkit wangjinwis blythe at this an
s me hummlie answers wangjinye tink ye cries gao
an his name s wangjinye wadna ken if he
re richt mither says wangjinyir lad s been thinkin
s auld jin stoppin maisterjincries the number twae here
number twae whaurabout s auldjinstoppin maister jin cries the
or twa ance an auldjinhed the time ti gang
propone ma benignitor quo auldjinin days bypast whan first
the door he cam auldjinbade owrancer lu come doun
an gied it ti auldjinsayin tak this for yir
whaur are ye gaun maisterjinis du short o rent
hauf a mile wi auldjinafore they cam til a
haud ye back sae auldjinan his dochter did them
ti hinder them sae auldjinan his dochter wan smertlie
auld ane we re criedjinan the bairn s name
fare ye weills ti auldjinan the dochter an he
come seekin ye sae auldjinapent his door an said
wis naebodie else but auldjinat he d saufed out
o us aa says auldjinefter ye d seen us
seen him settlt then auldjingaed doun ti cry on
doun the stair but auldjingied a wave an cried
re here benignitor says auldjinhou wad we juist lea
du waitin on sae auldjinled his dochter out an
a fore entry an auldjinliftit the hingers an cried
a quaich ilkane an auldjinlowtit doun ti the grund
bletherin an in comes auldjinon a sudden skelpin inti
stair an sit doun auldjinreddit up the bickers an
at aa back ti auldjintho ti tell hou he
about the business wi auldjinwhan he spied lu da
in thae days whit wisjins i the mornin wad
an ma ain name sjingin a micht speir o
an i the recension ojinshengtan owreset frae the chinese

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