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bridge berna swigs from thejugcoorse the story maker wid
ti anithir swigs from thejugit s aw oo ken
laughs loudly swigs from thejugrobby makes to hit berna
loudly berna swigs from thejugsilence berna aye aw the
loudly berna swigs from thejugsilence berna yi see hoo
o that swigs from thejugtess aye ah kin ah
tess she swigs from thejugtess hoo is it havers
mithir berna swigs from thejugyur mithir s deid pause
takes a swig from thejugaye yi wur paed back
yi up berna takes thejugthen takes a swig from
takes a swig from thejugyou peenjin again tess pause
j is for ju- m1098: jugf1097: juggler m1098: juggler f1097:
and saucer a large milkjugand a plate with two
een she takes the milkjugto tutankhamen s saucer ach
pare lori falls on thejughugs it to her chest
tess berna she kicked thisjugower pare pare lori spilt
that s a van f1102: jugf1101: that s jug up
jug on the drainer f1122: jugf1121: you can just pop
s jug up there f1102: jugoh it s a van
that s it put thisjugon the drainer f1122: jug
f1102: jug f1101: that sjugup there f1102: jug oh
it then berna throws thejugdown then grasps her throat
berna she picks up thejugof brew takes a long
lori kicks over berna sjugtess crawls away on her
tess gee aunty berna thatjugwi yur special tonic della
o exasperation sic rinny snootsjuglugs an scabby knees a
fernietickles same hook neb anjuglugs bonnie prince charlie lugs
patersons war aa fernietickelt wijuglugs neist i tuik oot
wee jimmy ken him onywyejuglugs pug snoot a grin
he s drinking from thejugdella krista and tess are
settlin him in fillin hurjugit the same time tess
ground tess is holds ajugof brew to his lips
ya sappy where s mahjugtess richt here bi yur
stool over slide slide thejugup there first darling f1112:
brown cauliflower au gratin injug¼ pt milk ¼ pint
were mugs of porter ajugof gin punch with three
are always mair complicated thejugwas almost empty of punch
pint and ye filled theirjugin the mornin f640: before
commercial pint standard the stirlingjugor stoup linlithgow held the
stirling the so called stirlingjugas david murison had earlier
was unaware that the stirlingjugsurvives because it has been
git yur hands off mahjugyur too young fur the
f1102: boat f1101: mmhm f1102: jugf1101: no that s a
stiffie the day f1102: [sucks through a straw?]jugfor milk f1101: aye mmhm
m1106: mum where s thejugf1105: no i want to
what is it m1106: ajugf1105: yes m1106: now i
[yawn] m1106: there s ajugi ll i ll drink
comes to mind is ironjugtimmer heid spits fire spews
water s comin fi thejugwater fur the iron see
is carrying a large stonejugand a whip krista helps
the ground then places thejugby her side she cracks
mum mum where s thejugf1105: i want to see
cammy cammy has a largejugof water he puts by
an drink psalms tak disjugtae dy faider i da
whit is it aboot disjugat stricks at memory strippit
we ll tak doon thisjugm1128: this one there f1127:
ta maa wid tak dajugwarm fae me skurt da
right you wanna dae thejugnext look oh mum s
an hour he brought ajugof water and two glasses
jo n sweetheart joug njugjouk v avoid juist a
crack three eggs into ajugand beat with a fork
aye shi fair empties thejugwhen shis upset they all
him he can use thejugno i don t shout
is cooked pour contents ofjuginto the frying pan to
s street abeen the creamjugfite as a carnation they
used tae give ye theirjugand ye d the f637:
waddin goon swirl roon thejuglike cloods through a simmer
o sea watter inno ajuglikewise liftin some dulse at
of them and an enameljugon a nail above mabel
the cellar waitin for thejugtae fill frae the spicket
took nae heed o thejugthat was getting brim fu

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