
See this word as a collocate cloud

of scotland bill stage 1justice1 committee 10 december criminal
of scotland bill stage 1justice1 committee 10 december criminal
of scotland bill stage 2justice1 committee 11 february criminal
of scotland bill stage 2justice1 committee 18 february criminal
of scotland bill stage 2justice1 committee 18 february criminal
of scotland bill stage 2justice1 committee 18 february criminal
of scotland bill stage 1justice1 committee 19 november criminal
2002 441 27 september 2002justice1 the criminal legal aid
2001 306 12 september 2001justice1 the criminal legal aid
2002 246 23 may 2002justice1 the criminal legal aid
2002 246 23 may 2002justice1 the criminal legal aid
2002 440 27 september 2002justice1 the criminal legal aid
2002 246 23 may 2002justice1 the criminal legal aid
section 2 of the criminaljusticeact 1987 so that an
the minister mentioned the criminaljusticeact 1987 which already applies
completely mr wallace the criminaljusticeact 1988 includes a power
august 2002 the draft criminaljusticeact 1988 offensive weapons amendment
regulations 2002 the draft criminaljusticeact 1988 offensive weapons amendment
regulations 2002 the draft criminaljusticeact 1988 offensive weapons amendment
august 2002 the draft criminaljusticeact 1988 offensive weapons amendment
regulations 2002 the draft criminaljusticeact 1988 offensive weapons amendment
no tae mention the criminaljusticeact oh and eftir mony
absentee landowners and the criminaljusticeact the undersigned intends to
on partnership working between criminaljusticeagencies to achieve the scottish
is shared by the criminaljusticeagencies to bring cases to
contained in the uk criminaljusticeand court services act 2000
the following instruments the youthjusticeand criminal evidence act 1999
and iii of the criminaljusticeand police bill currently before
executive memorandum on the criminaljusticeand police bill followed by
1618 mr jim wallace criminaljusticeand police bill that the
by debate on the criminaljusticeand police bill uk legislation
schedule 6 of the criminaljusticeand public order act 1994
schedule 6 of the criminaljusticeand public order act 1994
schedule 6 of the criminaljusticeand public order act 1994
schedule 6 of the criminaljusticeand public order act 1994
schedule 6 of the criminaljusticeand public order act 1994
schedule 6 of the criminaljusticeand public order act 1994
our general approach to criminaljusticebecause organised crime is conducted
protection legislation in the criminaljusticebill and ensure that it
for discussion about the criminaljusticebill and what we are
adviser for the proposed criminaljusticebill are members content to
on scotland of the criminaljusticebill are minimal i ask
and 69 of the criminaljusticebill can be enforced against
probably better that the criminaljusticebill deal with the issue
second reading of the criminaljusticebill has already taken place
issues pertaining to the criminaljusticebill have never been discussed
courts feel about the criminaljusticebill how our sheriffs feel
name on the uk criminaljusticebill i do not doubt
the scrutiny of the criminaljusticebill i have hardly had
referred to in the criminaljusticebill is the court of
s motion on the criminaljusticebill it is significant that
motion moved peter peacock criminaljusticebill motion moved hugh henry
sewel motion on the criminaljusticebill on 14 november i
and 69 of the criminaljusticebill on restrictions on reporting
the provisions in the criminaljusticebill on search warrants and
part 10 of the criminaljusticebill relates to double jeopardy
earlier debate on the criminaljusticebill that his party s
the provisions in the criminaljusticebill that relate to devolved
the provisions in the criminaljusticebill that relate to devolved
put at decision time criminaljusticebill the deputy presiding officer
that arises from the criminaljusticebill the unionists say that
today on the uk criminaljusticebill there is no need
liked more in the criminaljusticebill to be carried over
the debate on the criminaljusticebill was an snp member
jim wallace on the criminaljusticebill which is proposed united
jim wallace on the criminaljusticebill which is uk legislation
part 10 of the criminaljusticebill which seeks to make
justice hugh henry the criminaljusticebill which was introduced at
stage 2 day 7 socialjusticecommittee 15 may international criminal
stage 2 day 2 socialjusticecommittee 25 april international criminal
colleagues on that issue criminaljusticecrimes with knives 5 alex
benefit truancy child poverty criminaljusticecrimes with knives european union
services division gillian mccole criminaljusticedivision and alison coull solicitors
bill team jane richardson criminaljusticedivision gillian russell and stuart
richard scott head of criminaljusticedivision scottish executive gillian mccole
scottish executive gillian mccole criminaljusticedivision scottish executive ms margo
into it scott barrie criminaljusticehas said that it is
02 the deputy minister forjusticehugh henry the criminal justice
only party interested in criminaljusticeif we accept that we
act 2000 and the criminaljusticeinternational co operation act 1990
michael forsyth s proposed criminaljusticelegislation which would have done
eu co operation on criminaljusticematters is reaching new heights
support fourthly there are criminaljusticepolicy initiatives an example is
of victims throughout the criminaljusticeprocess and calls upon the
henry msp deputy minister forjusticerichard scott head of criminal
section 29 of the criminaljusticescotland act 2003 asp 00
section 29 of the criminaljusticescotland act 2003 asp 00
too late for the criminaljusticescotland bill again we wanted
parliament resulting from the criminaljusticescotland bill agrees to the
stage 1 of the criminaljusticescotland bill be extended to
the timetable for the criminaljusticescotland bill did not fully
3203 mr andy kerr criminaljusticescotland bill financial resolution that
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by business
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by business
am stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by members
by stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by members
by stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by members
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by parliamentary
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by parliamentary
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by parliamentary
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by parliamentary
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by parliamentary
of stage 3 of criminaljusticescotland bill followed by stage
stage 1 debate on criminaljusticescotland bill for text of
in respect of the criminaljusticescotland bill for text of
written evidence on the criminaljusticescotland bill given by the
the stage 2 committee criminaljusticescotland bill introduced 26 march
the back of the criminaljusticescotland bill mr hamilton lady
provisions in the recent criminaljusticescotland bill on the basis
2 consideration of the criminaljusticescotland bill part 1 of
the parliament 26 march criminaljusticescotland bill passed 20 february
2 completed 18 february criminaljusticescotland bill passed 20 february
2 completed 18 february criminaljusticescotland bill passed 20 february
2 completed 18 february criminaljusticescotland bill passed 20 february
the parliament 26 march criminaljusticescotland bill passed 20 february
2 completed 18 february criminaljusticescotland bill passed 20 february
bill introduced 6 september criminaljusticescotland bill stage 1 debate
the stage 2 committee criminaljusticescotland bill stage 1 evidence
the stage 2 committee criminaljusticescotland bill stage 1 justice
the stage 2 committee criminaljusticescotland bill stage 1 justice
the stage 2 committee criminaljusticescotland bill stage 1 justice
1 completed 9 january criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 completed
1 committee 18 february criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 completed
1 committee 11 february criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 completed
1 committee 18 february criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 completed
the parliament 9 january criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 completed
1 committee 19 november criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 day
1 committee 10 december criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 day
1 committee 10 december criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 day
on 5 december 2002 criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 section
on 21 november 2002 criminaljusticescotland bill stage 2 section
on 23 december 2002 criminaljusticescotland bill stage 3 after
1 committee 18 february criminaljusticescotland bill stage 3 day
on 12 february 2003 criminaljusticescotland bill stage 3 section
insert 16th september 2002 criminaljusticescotland bill stage 3 section
general principles of the criminaljusticescotland bill supported by dr
2952 mr jim wallace criminaljusticescotland bill that the parliament
on 20 february 2003 criminaljusticescotland bill the bill was
the mound edinburgh 1 criminaljusticescotland bill the committee will
of the bill 2 criminaljusticescotland bill the committee will
procurator fiscal service 2 criminaljusticescotland bill the committee will
the mound edinburgh 1 criminaljusticescotland bill the committee will
we had on the criminaljusticescotland bill the offence could
mentioned youth courts the criminaljusticescotland bill was strengthened by
our adviser on the criminaljusticescotland bill whether he would
spent months on the criminaljusticescotland bill which was two
section 20a of the criminaljusticescotland bill which we have
in recently passing the criminaljusticescotland bill which will introduce
act 2002 and the criminaljusticescotland bill will we have
scottish executive white paper criminaljusticeserious violent and sexual offenders
police division sharon grant communityjusticeservices division gillian mccole criminal
and bill whyte director criminaljusticesocial work development centre for
approved youth workers and criminaljusticesocial workers in respect of
and chris hawkes member criminaljusticestanding committee association of directors
mr colin mackenzie convener criminaljusticestanding committee association of directors
work mr chris hawkes criminaljusticestanding committee association of directors
profiles and the scottish criminaljusticesystem 2000 se 2002 71
experienced across the scottish criminaljusticesystem and deliver a safer
experienced across the scottish criminaljusticesystem and deliver a safer
experienced across the scottish criminaljusticesystem and deliver a safer
experienced across the scottish criminaljusticesystem and deliver a safer
have failed the scottish criminaljusticesystem and the scottish people
have a highly adversarial criminaljusticesystem but it must not
and put through the criminaljusticesystem i appreciate that there
with changes to the criminaljusticesystem in england and wales
of provision in the criminaljusticesystem in england and wales
working of the scottish criminaljusticesystem in relation to the
working of the scottish criminaljusticesystem in relation to the
working of the scottish criminaljusticesystem in relation to the
operational issues facing the criminaljusticesystem in scotland in managing
public confidence in the criminaljusticesystem is being eroded by
basic assertion that the criminaljusticesystem is skewed in favour
system in particular its criminaljusticesystem is very distinct from
to agencies within the criminaljusticesystem local authorities and the
to agencies within the criminaljusticesystem local authorities and the
cannabis and the scottish criminaljusticesystem lodged on 10 october
cannabis and the scottish criminaljusticesystem lodged on 12 november
cannabis and the scottish criminaljusticesystem lodged on 26 august
taking to improve the criminaljusticesystem s1f 162 4 patricia
prevention methods saves the criminaljusticesystem s1w 4782 fergus ewing
the scottish legal and criminaljusticesystem s1w 6036 ms sandra
the reforms of the criminaljusticesystem that are making progress
cannabis and the scottish criminaljusticesystem that the parliament calls
cannabis and the scottish criminaljusticesystem that the parliament calls
cannabis and the scottish criminaljusticesystem that the parliament calls
be introduced in the criminaljusticesystem there should be free
is part of the criminaljusticesystem through the scottish courts
has within the scottish criminaljusticesystem to address the issue
has within the scottish criminaljusticesystem to address the issue
distinct from the english criminaljusticesystem when recommendations are made
introduced into the scottish criminaljusticesystem whether dealing with adults
introduced into the scottish criminaljusticesystem whether dealing with adults
victims within the scottish criminaljusticesystem which the strategy seeks
and targets in the criminaljusticesystem will be published and
be aware that most criminaljusticesystems in the world survive
respecters of the differing criminaljusticesystems that apply in the
administration of civil and criminaljusticethe reform of the civil
administration of civil and criminaljusticethe reform of the civil
generally recognised principles of criminaljusticewere identified and they are
and community care 12 januaryjusticeand home affairs 11 january
and community care 12 decemberjusticeand home affairs 12 december
and community care 20 septemberjusticeand home affairs 19 september
and community care 26 apriljusticeand home affairs 26 april
and community care 14 octoberjusticeand home affairs 26 october
and community care 31 mayjusticeand home affairs 30 may
and community care 1 novemberjusticeand home affairs 31 october
and community care 6 octoberjusticeand home affairs 6 october
and community care 6 septemberjusticeand home affairs 6 september
and community care 8 novemberjusticeand home affairs 8 november
2000 419 28 november 2000justiceand home affairs act of
1999 149 26 november 1999justiceand home affairs act of
1999 149 26 november 1999justiceand home affairs act of
2000 419 28 november 2000justiceand home affairs act of
foreign and security policy andjusticeand home affairs and the
members 9 name of committeejusticeand home affairs be renamed
bill stage 2 day 6justiceand home affairs committee 1
over the bill official reportjusticeand home affairs committee 10
work programme to december 1999justiceand home affairs committee 10th
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejusticeand home affairs committee 11
will discuss its draft reportjusticeand home affairs committee 12
community care committee 22 septemberjusticeand home affairs committee 14
fraud or whatever official reportjusticeand home affairs committee 15
bill stage 1 report publishedjusticeand home affairs committee 16
warrant sales bill stage 2justiceand home affairs committee 19
c agendas of committee meetingsjusticeand home affairs committee 19
warrant sales bill stage 2justiceand home affairs committee 19
the content of its reportjusticeand home affairs committee 1st
chambers edinburgh unless otherwise indicatedjusticeand home affairs committee 21st
grow on trees official reportjusticeand home affairs committee 27
rules 2000 ssi 2000 187justiceand home affairs committee 28th
bill stage 2 day 5justiceand home affairs committee 29
c agendas of committee meetingsjusticeand home affairs committee 31
strike a balance official reportjusticeand home affairs committee 4
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejusticeand home affairs committee 4
subject of surveillance official reportjusticeand home affairs committee 4
published on 25 may 2000justiceand home affairs committee 4th
powers scotland bill stage 1justiceand home affairs committee 7
etc scotland bill stage 1justiceand home affairs committee 7
casualties scotland bill stage 1justiceand home affairs committee 8
casualties scotland bill stage 1justiceand home affairs committee 8
chambers edinburgh unless otherwise indicatedjusticeand home affairs committee 8th
consider its future work programmejusticeand home affairs committee 9th
pleased to be at thejusticeand home affairs committee again
187 i move that thejusticeand home affairs committee agrees
on ssi debate that thejusticeand home affairs committee agrees
in which members of thejusticeand home affairs committee and
pass the petition to thejusticeand home affairs committee and
named several members of thejusticeand home affairs committee and
cunningham as convener of thejusticeand home affairs committee and
based on evidence to thejusticeand home affairs committee and
clerks and officials of thejusticeand home affairs committee and
that i raised in thejusticeand home affairs committee as
the time taken in thejusticeand home affairs committee at
1999 130 28 october 1999justiceand home affairs committee business
not only by members ofjusticeand home affairs committee but
to the attention of thejusticeand home affairs committee civil
convener to move that thejusticeand home affairs committee consider
i was present when thejusticeand home affairs committee considered
it was obvious that thejusticeand home affairs committee could
as i do that thejusticeand home affairs committee dealt
by ministerial statement followed byjusticeand home affairs committee debate
committee alasdair morgan to thejusticeand home affairs committee donald
that i lodged at thejusticeand home affairs committee during
the bill raises which thejusticeand home affairs committee examined
that as unreasonable secondly thejusticeand home affairs committee expressed
committee first meeting 29 junejusticeand home affairs committee first
committee first meeting 29 junejusticeand home affairs committee first
pass the petition to thejusticeand home affairs committee for
pass the petition to thejusticeand home affairs committee for
i apologise prospectively to thejusticeand home affairs committee for
pass the petition to thejusticeand home affairs committee for
of those committees especially thejusticeand home affairs committee for
the bill has diverted thejusticeand home affairs committee from
a member of the oldjusticeand home affairs committee from
has been rushed however thejusticeand home affairs committee has
rights the work of thejusticeand home affairs committee has
law society witness told thejusticeand home affairs committee however
the opportunity to address thejusticeand home affairs committee i
as a member of thejusticeand home affairs committee i
he gave evidence to thejusticeand home affairs committee last
christine grahame there is ajusticeand home affairs committee meeting
risk of another bout ofjusticeand home affairs committee members
care committee no date establishedjusticeand home affairs committee no
although i accept that thejusticeand home affairs committee of
session 1 2000 scottish parliamentjusticeand home affairs committee official
prisons for scotland to thejusticeand home affairs committee on
committee to report to thejusticeand home affairs committee on
issues in evidence to thejusticeand home affairs committee organisations
organisations giving evidence to thejusticeand home affairs committee professor
contents tuesday 19 september 2000justiceand home affairs committee protection
amendment regulations 2001 that thejusticeand home affairs committee recommends
scotland order 2000 that thejusticeand home affairs committee recommends
2 regulations 2000 that thejusticeand home affairs committee recommends
thank the convener of thejusticeand home affairs committee roseanna
are relevant to this debatejusticeand home affairs committee s
the official report of thejusticeand home affairs committee s
state all members of thejusticeand home affairs committee showed
the labour members of thejusticeand home affairs committee supported
the lord advocate told thejusticeand home affairs committee that
which we referred to thejusticeand home affairs committee that
what was presented to thejusticeand home affairs committee the
in the opinion of thejusticeand home affairs committee the
returned to us by thejusticeand home affairs committee there
debated at length in thejusticeand home affairs committee there
convener would write to thejusticeand home affairs committee to
tenure etc scotland bill thejusticeand home affairs committee to
following designations of committees thejusticeand home affairs committee to
to the convener of thejusticeand home affairs committee to
19 september 2000 scottish parliamentjusticeand home affairs committee tuesday
neither our committee nor thejusticeand home affairs committee want
committee soon of course thejusticeand home affairs committee was
grateful to members of thejusticeand home affairs committee who
nasturtiums which members of thejusticeand home affairs committee will
at the meeting of thejusticeand home affairs committee yesterday
council 9 10 december 2002justiceand home affairs council 20
meetings or working groups onjusticeand home affairs issues the
s government including those onjusticeand home affairs it is
at their record on pursuingjusticeand home affairs matters in
legislation in the area ofjusticeand home affairs scotland s
and community care 12 januaryjusticeand home affairs see section
and community care 8 marchjusticeand home affairs see section
community care see section ajusticeand home affairs see section
and community care 8 marchjusticeand home affairs see section
community care see section ajusticeand home affairs see section
2000 121 28 april 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 420 28 november 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 420 28 november 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 102 5 april 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 145 18 may 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 73 16 march 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 399 13 november 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 112 19 april 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 438 7 december 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 145 18 may 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
2000 301 30 august 2000justiceand home affairs subject to
represented at meetings relating tojusticeand home affairs that record
2000 181 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the civil
2000 181 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the civil
2000 181 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the civil
2000 182 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the community
2000 182 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the community
2000 182 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the community
regulations 2000 9 march 2000justiceand home affairs the draft
regulations 2000 9 march 2000justiceand home affairs the draft
regulations 2001 13 november 2000justiceand home affairs the draft
order 2000 25 april 2000justiceand home affairs the draft
2000 194 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the education
2000 194 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the education
2000 194 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the education
1999 48 9 september 1999justiceand home affairs the food
2000 340 29 september 2000justiceand home affairs the food
1999 48 9 september 1999justiceand home affairs the food
2000 340 29 september 2000justiceand home affairs the food
1999 150 26 november 1999justiceand home affairs the local
1999 150 26 november 1999justiceand home affairs the local
2000 189 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the national
2000 49 10 march 2000justiceand home affairs the national
2000 189 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the national
2000 187 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the national
2000 187 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the national
2000 187 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the national
2000 189 15 june 2000justiceand home affairs the national
2000 392 9 november 2000justiceand home affairs the potatoes
2000 186 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the prisons
2000 186 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the prisons
2000 186 16 june 2000justiceand home affairs the prisons
on the specific issues ofjusticeand home affairs the role
2000 343 29 september 2000justiceand home affairs the specified
2000 343 29 september 2000justiceand home affairs the specified
regulations 2000 9 march 2000justiceand home affairs the town
which dermot has already mentionedjusticeand home affairs under the
its remit a committee onjusticeand home affairs will probably
finance sef health department sehdjusticedepartment sejd rural affairs department
sales bill stage 1 evidencejusticehome affairs committee 11 january
sales bill stage 1 evidencejusticehome affairs committee 11 january
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejusticehome affairs committee 17 november
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejusticehome affairs committee 17 november
sales bill stage 1 evidencejusticehome affairs committee 17 november
warrant sales bill stage 1justicehome affairs committee 22 february
warrant sales bill stage 1justicehome affairs committee 22 february
and home affairs be renamedjusticei remit to consider and
rural development 16 january socialjustice10 january standards 31 january
rural development 10 december socialjustice11 december standards 18 december
development see section a socialjustice12 december standards 19 december
rural development 6 november socialjustice14 november standards 7 november
rural development 7 january socialjustice15 january standards 15 january
rural development 14 january socialjustice15 january standards 29 january
rural development 16 april socialjustice17 april standards 24 april
scotland bill 25 february socialjustice18 february standards 5 february
scotland bill 25 february socialjustice18 february standards no date
scotland bill 25 february socialjustice18 february standards see section
rural development 17 september socialjustice18 september standards 25 september
rural development 19 march socialjustice20 march standards 27 march
rural development 29 january socialjustice23 january standards 30 january
rural development 24 april socialjustice25 april standards 25 april
development see section a socialjustice25 march standards no date
rural development 18 march socialjustice25 march standards see section
rural development 5 march socialjustice26 february standards 27 february
rural development 25 june socialjustice26 june standards 26 june
development see section a socialjustice29 january standards 29 january
rural development 2 october socialjustice3 october standards 26 september
the deputy minister for socialjustice3 taking stock gender issues
rural development 30 october socialjustice31 october standards 7 november
rural development 3 april socialjustice4 april standards 25 april
rural development 26 november socialjustice4 december standards 4 december
msp deputy minister for socialjustice4 report of the inquiry
msp deputy minister for socialjustice4 reporters the committee will
rural development 3 september socialjustice4 september standards 11 september
rural development 3 september socialjustice4 september standards 11 september
rural development 11 september socialjustice5 september standards 12 september
development see section a socialjustice5 september standards 27 june
rural development 7 june socialjustice6 june standards 5 june
rural development 5 november socialjustice6 november standards 6 november
msp deputy minister for socialjustice8 social justice annual report
s social inclusion strategy socialjusticea scotland where everyone matters
will run to underpin socialjusticeacross all your targets and
for government and the socialjusticeaction plan our commitment to
position to deliver a socialjusticeagenda indeed voluntary organisations have
vital to our shared socialjusticeagenda it engages people in
engine room for the socialjusticeagenda must be allowed it
partnership in delivering the socialjusticeagenda scottish parliamentary and health
much of our current socialjusticeagenda takes an approach that
are involved in a socialjusticeagenda the census can be
more progress on the socialjusticeagenda those priorities are directly
should complement our specific socialjusticeaims i am pleased to
msp deputy minister for socialjusticeand agreed to consider a
local communities based upon socialjusticeand equality strategies s1w 24724
colleagues the minister for socialjusticeand her deputy i had
a new minister for socialjusticeand i take this opportunity
that you mentioned the socialjusticeand social inclusion agenda to
the values of peace socialjusticeand the aspiration to a
the deputy minister for socialjusticeand the chief planner of
to the minister for socialjusticeand the deputy minister for
the new minister for socialjusticeand the new deputy minister
regressive tax believes in socialjusticeand the redistribution of wealth
regressive tax believes in socialjusticeand the redistribution of wealth
regressive tax believes in socialjusticeand the redistribution of wealth
policy commitment to pursue socialjusticeand to bridge the opportunity
2 p29 scottish executive socialjusticeannual report 2000 3 fitzpatrick
in relation to the socialjusticeannual report 3 questions for
and reported in the socialjusticeannual report 7 integrated action
the scottish executive s socialjusticeannual report showed that it
spice briefing 03 15 socialjusticeannual report summarises the development
for social justice 8 socialjusticeannual report the committee will
in which equality and socialjusticeare mentioned as underpinning our
the level ii revised socialjusticebudget can be made available
msp deputy minister for socialjusticebusiness bulletin no 183 2001
simply a matter of socialjusticebut makes 100 per cent
talk the language of socialjusticebut unless we demonstrate it
mcnulty deputy minister for socialjusticeclerk to the committee callum
on 31 october 2002 socialjusticecommittee 10th report 2002 report
scotland bill stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 11 december land reform
bill at stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 12 december 2001 28th
economic prosperity official report socialjusticecommittee 12 december 2001 c
stage 2 day 1 socialjusticecommittee 15 january land reform
stage 2 day 1 socialjusticecommittee 15 january land reform
stage 2 day 5 socialjusticecommittee 16 may 2001 19th
stage 1 report published socialjusticecommittee 17 november protection of
director scotland and europe socialjusticecommittee 18 september 2002 13th
contents of its report socialjusticecommittee 18th meeting 2001 the
and actions official report socialjusticecommittee 19 september 2001 c
funding problems official report socialjusticecommittee 19 september 2001 c
stage 1 report published socialjusticecommittee 22 november housing scotland
for the interim report socialjusticecommittee 23 january 2002 2nd
scotland bill stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 27 november land reform
scotland bill stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 2nd meeting 2001 session
wednesday 17 january 2001 socialjusticecommittee 2nd meeting 2001 session
housing scotland act 2001 socialjusticecommittee 2nd meeting 2003 session
wednesday 29 january 2003 socialjusticecommittee 2nd meeting 2003 session
legislation sp paper 543 socialjusticecommittee 2nd report 2002 report
their numbers official report socialjusticecommittee 3 october 2001 c
bill at stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 31 october 2001 25th
2003 sp paper 803 socialjusticecommittee 3rd report 2003 annual
stage 2 day 1 socialjusticecommittee 4 april leasehold casualties
scotland bill stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 4 september dog fouling
scotland bill stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 4 september dog fouling
scotland bill stage 1 socialjusticecommittee 4 september dog fouling
legislation sp paper 837 socialjusticecommittee 4th report 2003 subordinate
its forward work programme socialjusticecommittee 5th meeting 2001 the
2002 sp paper 635 socialjusticecommittee 5th report 2002 annual
bill stage 1 evidence socialjusticecommittee 6 june freedom of
bill stage 1 evidence socialjusticecommittee 7 february leasehold casualties
the convener of the socialjusticecommittee and all members who
lab i congratulate the socialjusticecommittee and i congratulate the
made available to the socialjusticecommittee and if so when
way in which the socialjusticecommittee and the executive identify
met members of the socialjusticecommittee and those who gave
the matter at the socialjusticecommittee and was told by
it made to the socialjusticecommittee concerned new approaches that
s business is a socialjusticecommittee debate on motion s1m
2002 9 30 am socialjusticecommittee debate on the voluntary
annual report of the socialjusticecommittee for the parliamentary year
annual report of the socialjusticecommittee for the parliamentary year
occupation on which the socialjusticecommittee has taken much evidence
a member of the socialjusticecommittee i am pleased to
the recommendations of the socialjusticecommittee i draw the deputy
the work of the socialjusticecommittee i was impressed with
mcfadden stated to the socialjusticecommittee in october last year
and sustainable development the socialjusticecommittee invited the executive to
from the project the socialjusticecommittee is considering examining sips
parliament agrees that the socialjusticecommittee is designated as lead
parliament agrees that the socialjusticecommittee is designated as lead
the fact that the socialjusticecommittee is to conduct an
the scottish parliament s socialjusticecommittee is undertaking an inquiry
the report from the socialjusticecommittee it should come as
the clerks to the socialjusticecommittee jim johnston room 2
the convener of the socialjusticecommittee johann lamont i trust
executive officials to the socialjusticecommittee last week he said
gave evidence to the socialjusticecommittee last week that although
only three paragraphs the socialjusticecommittee makes two recommendations on
at last week s socialjusticecommittee meeting the scvo raised
speakers have been the socialjusticecommittee of which i am
1 2001 scottish parliament socialjusticecommittee official report meeting 2
1 2003 scottish parliament socialjusticecommittee official report meeting no
con i congratulate the socialjusticecommittee on a job well
report and commend the socialjusticecommittee on it i look
ld i congratulate the socialjusticecommittee on its report and
on behalf of the socialjusticecommittee on the committee s
the findings of the socialjusticecommittee report on its inquiry
the members of the socialjusticecommittee represent constituencies in glasgow
the parliament notes the socialjusticecommittee s 1st report 2002
the parliament notes the socialjusticecommittee s 1st report 2002
opportunity to debate the socialjusticecommittee s findings and recommendations
executive i welcome the socialjusticecommittee s inquiry into the
on board at the socialjusticecommittee s meeting on 12
to respond to the socialjusticecommittee s report and to
am pleased that the socialjusticecommittee s report has highlighted
day i welcome the socialjusticecommittee s report i am
country in backing the socialjusticecommittee s report let us
was highlighted in the socialjusticecommittee s report mr sinclair
who contributed to the socialjusticecommittee s report on the
in the chamber the socialjusticecommittee s report says that
can be tackled the socialjusticecommittee s report states on
its response to the socialjusticecommittee s report the scottish
opportunity to present the socialjusticecommittee s report to the
concerns stems from the socialjusticecommittee s report which i
as identified in the socialjusticecommittee s response to petition
a copy of the socialjusticecommittee s response to petition
the light of the socialjusticecommittee s response to petition
issues identified by the socialjusticecommittee s response to petition
seekers raised in the socialjusticecommittee s response to petition
been notified of the socialjusticecommittee s visit to his
brown absolutely on the socialjusticecommittee s visit to stonehaven
this meeting of the socialjusticecommittee the first item on
this meeting of the socialjusticecommittee the first item on
with and meet the socialjusticecommittee they contributed greatly to
be fair to the socialjusticecommittee three paragraphs of its
i am asking the socialjusticecommittee to consider that discrepancy
was interesting for the socialjusticecommittee to hear evidence in
the convener of the socialjusticecommittee to listen to this
start of developments the socialjusticecommittee touched on fuel poverty
comments made by the socialjusticecommittee unfortunately as has been
two members of the socialjusticecommittee visited my constituency but
says dear mike rumbles socialjusticecommittee voluntary sector inquiry site
january 2001 scottish parliament socialjusticecommittee wednesday 17 january 2001
january 2003 scottish parliament socialjusticecommittee wednesday 29 january 2003
the inquiry by the socialjusticecommittee which is examining the
all members of the socialjusticecommittee will look forward to
new deputy minister for socialjusticedes mcnulty and to wish
the deputy minister for socialjusticedes mcnulty building scotland bill
the deputy minister for socialjusticedes mcnulty i am pleased
the deputy minister for socialjusticedes mcnulty i wish everyone
the deputy minister for socialjusticedes mcnulty it is a
the deputy minister for socialjusticedes mcnulty one of the
the deputy minister for socialjusticedes mcnulty question time scottish
and the attainment of socialjusticedevelop an entrepreneurial approach in
of the minister for socialjusticeearlier in fact in some
s time in the socialjusticeejector seat which seems a
increasingly makes to promoting socialjusticeencouraging active citizenship and widening
increasingly makes to promoting socialjusticeencouraging active citizenship and widening
by executive debate on socialjusticefollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
sae we maun seek socialjusticefor aa men o aa
to the minister for socialjusticefor further information 6 church
the new minister for socialjusticefor her reply will she
the strategy to achieve socialjusticefor scotland given that vision
the deputy minister for socialjusticefrankly if they can do
in the field of socialjusticefurther notes its inability to
the opportunity gap because socialjusticehas been at the top
former deputy minister for socialjusticehugh henry he contended that
the deputy minister for socialjusticehugh henry i say to
the deputy minister for socialjusticehugh henry mr kenneth gibson
the deputy minister for socialjusticehugh henry the six replies
of deputy minister for socialjusticei hope that between now
the deputy minister for socialjusticei know that all members
new deputy minister for socialjusticei look forward to having
ask the minister for socialjusticei make a constructive point
the new minister for socialjusticei offer her my congratulations
years to deal with socialjusticei understand that margaret curran
to the minister for socialjusticein relation to its work
to the minister for socialjusticein relation to its work
of the minister for socialjusticein relation to the wholesale
neighbourhoods partnership will deliver socialjusticein scotland our partnership with
speech as minister for socialjusticein this session of parliament
of the executive s socialjusticeinitiative a second round of
the scottish executive s socialjusticeinitiative which was launched in
objectives of prosperity and socialjusticeis 18 4 billion that
being a poisoned chalice socialjusticeis every bit as much
colleague the minister for socialjusticeis with us in the
our front bench on socialjusticeissues and i look forward
irresponsible lending practices on socialjusticeissues s1o 5788 17 mr
favourin ethnic diversity an socialjusticeit will be important tae
favouring ethnic diversity and socialjusticeit will be important to
mcintosh the minister for socialjusticejackie baillie mr kenneth gibson
08 the minister for socialjusticejackie baillie parliament has not
2813 the minister for socialjusticejackie baillie the executive is
des mcnulty minister for socialjusticejim mackinnon chief planner scottish
des mcnulty minister for socialjusticejim mackinnon chief planner scottish
have earned that on socialjusticekeith harding mentioned as i
executive where in the socialjusticelevel 3 budget the savings
of the minister for socialjusticemaximum number of members 7
the deputy minister for socialjusticemay know what i am
the deputy minister for socialjusticemay raise her eyebrows and
launching the review deputy socialjusticeminister des mcnulty stated good
systems the minister for socialjusticemoved amendment s1m 2023 2
integration the minister for socialjusticemoved s1m 2377 that the
force the minister for socialjusticemoved s1m 2838 that the
gap the minister for socialjusticemoved s1m 3477 that the
abuse the minister for socialjusticemoved s1m 3648 that the
3 the minister for socialjusticemoved s1m 3778 that the
the deputy minister for socialjusticems margaret curran i am
30 the minister for socialjusticems margaret curran i am
5169 the minister for socialjusticems margaret curran i understand
curran the minister for socialjusticems margaret curran linda fabiani
harding the minister for socialjusticems margaret curran mr kenneth
gray msp minister for socialjusticems margaret curran msp deputy
the deputy minister for socialjusticems margaret curran scottish parliamentary
6742 the minister for socialjusticems margaret curran the executive
31 the minister for socialjusticems margaret curran this is
5165 the minister for socialjusticems margaret curran we are
an excellent minister for socialjusticemy congratulations to hugh henry
s wider agenda for socialjusticenicola sturgeon moved amendment s1m
rural development 4 march socialjusticeno date established standards 5
rural development 4 march socialjusticeno date established standards 5
scotland bill 25 february socialjusticeno date established standards no
development no date established socialjusticeno date established standards no
made in meeting its socialjusticeobjectives s1f 1089 4 michael
by the minister for socialjusticeon 6 february 2003 and
new deputy minister for socialjusticeon their appointments the committee
hearing the minister for socialjusticeor linda fabiani that said
mcnulty deputy minister for socialjusticepaul stollard scottish executive development
adverse impact on its socialjusticepolicies through an employer s
welcome him to the socialjusticeportfolio i do not know
the advantages of the socialjusticeportfolio is that it includes
top economic environmental and socialjusticepriorities for scotland 2 30
of education health and socialjusticeprogrammes s1m 405 ms wendy
and the sorts of socialjusticeprogrammes that it outlines for
transforming public finance for socialjusticeregeneration and the environment as
transforming public finance for socialjusticeregeneration and the environment as
transforming public finance for socialjusticeregeneration and the environment s1m
transforming public finance for socialjusticeregeneration and the environment that
poisoned chalice of the socialjusticeremit i wish them well
voluntary sector be renamed socialjusticeremit to consider and report
johnston c 2003 annual socialjusticereport spice briefing 03 15
the deputy minister for socialjustices attention to the first
former deputy minister for socialjustices evidence indicate that the
its objective of securing socialjustices1f 1187 4 nora radcliffe
of the promotion of socialjustices1w 24722 trish godman to
what the minister for socialjusticesaid she recognised that we
rural development 13 february socialjusticesee section a standards 14
rural development 22 may socialjusticesee section a standards 23
from the minister for socialjusticeshe is obviously demob happy
03 the line for socialjusticeshows that there will be
from lack of provision forjusticesocial workers who check on
2002 8 february 2002 socialjusticespecial grant report no 1
that the executive s socialjusticespending plans for the next
the development of the socialjusticestrategy and identifies the extent
and patients amend the socialjusticestrategy to include milestones to
434 23 september 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment by 16
444 27 september 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment by 20
416 9 september 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment by 31
320 27 june 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment by 6
320 27 june 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment by 6
320 27 june 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment by 6
396 30 october 2001 socialjusticesubject to annulment until 10
326 27 september 2001 socialjusticesubject to annulment until 18
326 27 september 2001 socialjusticesubject to annulment until 18
40 6 february 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment until 23
40 6 february 2002 socialjusticesubject to annulment until 23
37 14 february 2001 socialjusticesubject to annulment until 31
an executive motion on socialjusticetargets followed by no later
towards the executive s socialjusticetargets is monitored and reported
centre ayr on the socialjusticetargets of the scottish executive
our shug to the socialjusticeteam and welcome back margaret
this is the fourth socialjusticeteam so i wish him
the new minister for socialjusticethat that will be one
the deputy minister for socialjusticethe committee will ask him
45 7 february 2002 socialjusticethe damages personal injury scotland
45 7 february 2002 socialjusticethe damages personal injury scotland
2003 29 january 2003 socialjusticethe draft ethical standards in
2003 29 january 2003 socialjusticethe draft ethical standards in
2003 29 january 2003 socialjusticethe draft ethical standards in
2002 8 february 2002 socialjusticethe draft scottish renewables obligation
3 6 march 2003 socialjusticethe ethical standards in public
3 6 march 2003 socialjusticethe ethical standards in public
3 6 march 2003 socialjusticethe ethical standards in public
2002 7 february 2002 socialjusticethe food protection emergency prohibitions
413 9 september 2002 socialjusticethe homeless persons advice and
411 9 september 2002 socialjusticethe homeless persons interim accommodation
316 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe housing right to buy
316 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe housing right to buy
316 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe housing right to buy
415 9 september 2002 socialjusticethe housing scotland act 2001
317 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe housing scotland act 2001
317 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe housing scotland act 2001
412 9 september 2002 socialjusticethe housing scotland act 2001
414 9 september 2002 socialjusticethe housing scotland act 2001
317 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe housing scotland act 2001
267 25 july 2001 socialjusticethe import and export restrictions
267 25 july 2001 socialjusticethe import and export restrictions
140 7 march 2003 socialjusticethe non domestic rating rural
140 7 march 2003 socialjusticethe non domestic rating rural
2002 7 february 2002 socialjusticethe pig industry restructuring capital
419 12 november 2001 socialjusticethe potatoes originating in egypt
312 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies abandoned
312 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies abandoned
312 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies abandoned
313 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies exceptions
313 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies exceptions
313 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies exceptions
319 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies proceedings
319 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies proceedings
319 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenancies proceedings
315 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenants right
315 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenants right
315 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe scottish secure tenants right
54 4 february 2003 socialjusticethe sea fishing restriction on
54 4 february 2003 socialjusticethe sea fishing restriction on
54 4 february 2003 socialjusticethe sea fishing restriction on
54 4 february 2003 socialjusticethe sea fishing restriction on
54 4 february 2003 socialjusticethe sea fishing restriction on
314 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe short scottish secure tenancies
314 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe short scottish secure tenancies
318 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe short scottish secure tenancies
318 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe short scottish secure tenancies
318 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe short scottish secure tenancies
314 27 june 2002 socialjusticethe short scottish secure tenancies
2000 the minister for socialjusticethen the minister elect told
approach to delivery of socialjusticethroughout scotland sips do not
for poverty eradication and socialjusticethroughout the world recognises the
from the minister for socialjusticeto an issue raised by
from the minister for socialjusticeto an issue raised by
the deputy minister for socialjusticeto expand on that when
in helping to deliver socialjusticevoluntary and community groups are
the deputy minister for socialjusticewas himself concerned about the
the deputy minister for socialjusticewhom i congratulate on his
that your aims for socialjusticewill be pursued by all
that the minister for socialjusticewill reply to a recent
document promoting equality and socialjusticewill underpin all aspects of
and community care 18 septemberjustice1 17 september justice 2
and community care 26 septemberjustice1 25 september justice 2
and community care 4 septemberjustice1 3 september justice 2
and community care 4 septemberjustice1 3 september justice 2
and community care 5 septemberjustice1 4 september justice 2
regulations 2002 ssi 2002 275justice1 committee 17 september 2002
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejustice1 committee 24 september tobacco
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejustice1 committee 3 september tobacco
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejustice1 committee 3 september tobacco
2001 315 14 september 2001justice1 subject to annulment until
2001 307 12 september 2001justice1 the draft holyrood park
2002 442 27 september 2002justice1 the housing scotland act
september justice 1 17 septemberjustice2 17 september local government
september justice 1 25 septemberjustice2 26 september local government
september justice 1 3 septemberjustice2 4 september local government
september justice 1 3 septemberjustice2 4 september local government
september justice 1 4 septemberjustice2 5 september local government
inspector and miacheal crossan inspectorjustice2 committee 17 september 2002
the rail industry in scotlandjustice2 committee 18 september 2002
bill stage 2 day 4justice2 committee 18 september local
scotland bill stage 2 completedjustice2 committee 19 september protection
scotland bill stage 1 evidencejustice2 committee 26 september subordinate
justice scotland bill stage 1justice2 committee 4 september debt
justice scotland bill stage 1justice2 committee 4 september debt
bill stage 2 day 2justice2 committee 4 september local
bill stage 2 day 2justice2 committee 4 september local
1 committee reports to thejustice2 committee by 2 september
1 committee reports to thejustice2 committee by 2 september
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 and
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 and
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 how
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 how
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 how
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 how
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 what
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
first minister and minister forjusticeon 5 september 2002 whether
legal aid and access tojusticesubordinate legislation committee 19 september
iain gray deputy minister forjustice4 subordinate legislation iain gray
henry the deputy minister forjusticeand his officials as usual
welcome the deputy minister forjusticeand his team to the
henry msp deputy minister forjusticeand jean couper chairman lindsay
has met the minister forjusticeand the deputy minister for
applies the deputy minister forjusticeangus mackay amendment 25 in
con the deputy minister forjusticeangus mackay decision time scots
minister the deputy minister forjusticeangus mackay good morning i
07 the deputy minister forjusticeangus mackay i perennially seem
iain gray deputy minister forjusticebill hepburn head of branch
henry the deputy minister forjusticecatherine brown and ian fleming
hugh henry deputy minister forjusticeclerk to the committee gillian
executive sharon grant scottish executivejusticedepartment hugh henry deputy minister
mackay msp deputy minister forjusticefrank mcaveety msp deputy minister
mackay msp deputy minister forjusticefrank mcaveety msp deputy minister
crime the deputy minister forjusticehas already indicated the executive
from the deputy minister forjusticehas finally ruled that out
appointment as deputy minister forjusticehe will already know that
thursday the deputy minister forjusticehugh henry i am sure
henry the deputy minister forjusticehugh henry michael matheson central
henry the deputy minister forjusticehugh henry michael matheson central
42 the deputy minister forjusticehugh henry the crime international
by the deputy minister forjusticei sincerely hope that the
2842 the deputy minister forjusticeiain gray the recommendations of
from the deputy minister forjusticein relation to the following
from the deputy minister forjusticein relation to the following
misuse chair deputy minister forjusticeministerial committee for rural development
deepen the deputy minister forjusticemoved amendment s1m 1958 1
peace the deputy minister forjusticemoved amendment s1m 2633 1
properly the deputy minster forjusticemoved amendment s1m 3641 2
legislation the deputy minister forjusticemoved s1m 1795 that the
children the deputy minister forjusticemoved s1m 2206 that the
bill the deputy minister forjusticemoved s1m 889 that the
simpson msp deputy minister forjusticeon section 61 of the
the then deputy minister forjusticethat we would give a
and junior scottish ministers 6justicethe deputy first minister and
to the european court ofjusticethe deputy presiding officer please
iain gray deputy minister forjusticeto move s1m 1559 mr
iain gray deputy minister forjusticeto move s1m 1905 mr
richard simpson deputy minister forjusticeto move s1m 2608 mr
hugh henry deputy minister forjusticeto move s1m 3826 mr
henry msp deputy minister forjusticeto move s1m 3842 mr
henry msp deputy minister forjusticeto move s1m 3931 mr
angus mackay deputy minister forjusticetommy sheridan glasgow ssp witnesses
2002 496 7 november 2002justice1 subject to annulment by
2002 247 23 may 2002justice1 subject to annulment by
2002 247 23 may 2002justice1 subject to annulment by
2002 247 23 may 2002justice1 subject to annulment by
2002 496 7 november 2002justice1 subject to annulment by
2003 178 11 march 2003justice1 subject to annulment by
2002 131 14 march 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2002 98 7 march 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2002 88 6 march 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2000 447 20 december 2000justice1 subject to annulment until
2002 98 7 march 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2002 32 31 january 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2001 392 24 october 2001justice1 subject to annulment until
2002 23 28 january 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2002 88 6 march 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2002 32 31 january 2002justice1 subject to annulment until
2001 464 18 december 2001justice1 subject to annulment until
2003 21 17 january 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 328 28 june 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 97 21 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 568 23 december 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 458 9 october 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 97 21 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 458 9 october 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 515 25 november 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 21 17 january 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 97 21 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 21 17 january 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 328 28 june 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 89 17 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 568 23 december 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 97 21 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 328 28 june 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 89 17 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 89 17 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 568 23 december 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 89 17 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 235 17 may 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 89 17 february 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 515 25 november 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 235 17 may 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 20 16 january 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2003 21 17 january 2003justice2 subject to annulment by
2002 515 25 november 2002justice2 subject to annulment by
2001 230 11 june 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
2001 230 11 june 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
2002 207 29 april 2002justice2 subject to annulment until
2001 190 24 may 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
2002 46 7 february 2002justice2 subject to annulment until
2002 116 8 march 2002justice2 subject to annulment until
2001 190 24 may 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
2001 190 24 may 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
2001 64 6 march 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
2001 64 6 march 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
2002 143 22 march 2002justice2 subject to annulment until
2001 230 11 june 2001justice2 subject to annulment until
the minister of november 2001justice1 committee 2nd meeting 2002
minister for justice to thejustice1 committee on 6 june
jim wallace msp minister forjustice2 prisons the committees will
jim wallace msp minister forjustice2 prisons the committees will
jim wallace msp minister forjustice6 inquiry into legal aid
meeting with the minister forjusticeand minister for communities 7
first minister and minister forjusticeand other scottish ministers and
first minister and minister forjusticeand the chief executive of
first minister and minister forjusticeand the chief executive of
to by the minister forjusticeand the wider public concern
of ministers the minister forjusticecannot give the distinctive scottish
elsewhere as for example firstjusticecommunities minister of the scottish
registrar general the minister forjusticefailed to listen just as
write to the minister forjusticefor a response to the
thought that the minister forjusticehad said why he thinks
members that the minister forjusticehas attended seven out of
executive does the minister forjusticehave access to it does
first minister and minister forjusticeis in the parole hearing
first minister and minister forjusticejim wallace msp stated to
responsibility of the minister forjusticemaximum number of members 7
responsibility of the minister forjusticemaximum number of members 7
s sake ehm and thejusticeminister f606: [audience laugh] m954: ehm
crime jim wallace liberal democratjusticeminister green action review the
first minister and minister forjusticemoved s1m 1079 that the
first minister and minister forjusticemoved s1m 1260 that the
first minister and minister forjusticemoved s1m 1528 that the
first minister and minister forjusticemoved s1m 1556 that the
first minister and minister forjusticemoved s1m 1807 that the
first minister and minister forjusticemoved s1m 2044 that the
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace fiona hyslop
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace i am
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace i was
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace i welcome
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace irene mcgugan
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace john young
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace michael matheson
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace scots law
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace sir david
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace that information
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace the 2001
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace the executive
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace the overriding
first minister and minister forjusticemr jim wallace the parliament
first minister and minister forjusticeneil davidson qc solicitor general
first minister and minister forjusticeneil davidson qc solicitor general
first minister and minister forjusticeon 26 february 2002 about
first minister and minister forjusticeon sectarianism on 7 october
reply from the minister forjusticeon the committee s scrutiny
first minister and minister forjusticeon the issue of judicial
first minister and minister forjusticeon the issue of judicial
con can the minister forjusticeprovide an assessment of how
first minister and minister forjusticesam galbraith msp minister for
first minister and minister forjusticesam galbraith msp minister for
first minister and minister forjusticesam galbraith msp minister for
first minister and minister forjusticeshowed us evidence to that
1 by the minister forjusticethat the powers would not
following items 1 minister forjusticethe committees will take evidence
raised by the minister forjusticethe young man s family
calls upon the minister forjusticeto make a statement backing
first minister and minister forjusticeto make it clear that
jim wallace msp minister forjusticeto move s1m 3739 mr
legislation jim wallace minister forjusticeto move s1m 3930 mr
legislation jim wallace minister forjusticeto move s1m 3930 mr
calls upon the minister forjusticeto review present support and
conversion of the minister forjusticeto some of the concerns
referring to the minister forjusticeto suck eggs it could
first minister and minister forjusticeto the justice 1 committee
executive whether the minister forjusticewas informed of the purchase
write to the minister forjusticewho has already written to
and community care 15 januaryjustice1 14 january justice 2
and community care 27 februaryjustice1 26 february justice 2
and community care 4 apriljustice1 4 april 10 april
scotland bill and that thejustice1 and 2 committees be
bill stage 2 day 1justice1 committee 10 december water
will consider a draft reportjustice1 committee 14 january 2003
bill stage 2 day 3justice1 committee 26 february fur
bill stage 2 day 1justice1 committee 5 february fur
the parliament agrees that thejustice1 committee be designated as
the parliament agrees that thejustice1 committee be designated as
2003 178 11 march 2003justice1 committee business dates indicate
etc order 2003 that thejustice1 committee in consideration of
grahame on behalf of thejustice1 committee moved s1m 3438
regulations 2002 draft that thejustice1 committee recommends that the
alleged unauthorised disclosure of draftjustice1 committee report the committee
2003 and c that thejustice1 committee reports to the
designation of lead committee thejustice1 committee to consider the
order 2003 12 december 2002justice1 negative instruments subject to
and community care 23 januaryjustice1 see section a justice
2002 97 7 march 2002justice1 the adults with incapacity
2003 162 10 march 2003justice1 the advice and assistance
2002 140 22 march 2002justice1 the combined fire services
regulations 2003 30 january 2003justice1 the draft advice and
regulations 2001 28 june 2001justice1 the draft advice and
regulations 2002 14 december 2001justice1 the draft forth estuary
2001 408 8 november 2001justice1 the fish health amendment
2003 49 30 january 2003justice1 the regulation of investigatory
2003 49 30 january 2003justice1 the regulation of investigatory
march justice 1 4 marchjustice2 4 march local government

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