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scotland and fife con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
mr kenneth glasgow snp gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab godman trish west
south of scotland con gillonkarenclydesdale lab goldie miss annabel
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab gorrie donald central
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gillonkarenclydesdale lab gorrie donald central
bill stage 2 section 15karengillon 1 in section 15
act has qualified schedule 1karengillon 2 in schedule 1
out in sub paragraph 4karengillon 3 in schedule 1
matheson alasdair morgan tommy sheridankarengillon alex neil donald gorrie
godman maureen macmillan tommy sheridankarengillon alex neil s1m 312
craigie kate maclean tommy sheridankarengillon alex neil trish godman
the subject of s1m 3327karengillon attacks on emergency service
3 february 2003 angus mackaykarengillon bill butler dr sylvia
quinan west of scotland snpkarengillon clydesdale lab colin campbell
meeting 2002 session 1 convenerkarengillon clydesdale lab deputy convener
fergusson south of scotland conkarengillon clydesdale lab helen eadie
be careful kontuz 17 45karengillon clydesdale lab i congratulate
and kincardine ld committee memberskarengillon clydesdale lab lord james
people scotland bill s1m 3862karengillon commissioner for children and
wednesday 17 january 2001 presentkarengillon convener cathy peattie deputy
january 2003 present jackie bailliekarengillon convener ian jenkins irene
on 13 june 2002 membershipkarengillon convener jackie baillie 2
on 13 june 2002 membershipkarengillon convener jackie baillie 2
in sport the report thatkarengillon drew up for the
lamont bill butler colin campbellkarengillon fiona mcleod ms wendy
at 14 03 the convenerkarengillon i call the meeting
lodged on 1 june 2001karengillon irene mcgugan roseanna cunningham
fitzpatrick kenneth macintosh gordon jacksonkarengillon irene oldfather frank mcaveety
scots gaelic and minority languageskarengillon is to report on
brian fitzpatrick mr michael mcmahonkarengillon janis hughes business bulletin
brian fitzpatrick mr michael mcmahonkarengillon janis hughes dennis canavan
crawford trish godman tommy sheridankarengillon janis hughes robert brown
3937 in the name ofkarengillon leave out from seeks
stone elaine thomson cathie craigiekarengillon margaret jamieson s1m 349
brian fitzpatrick dr richard simpsonkarengillon marilyn livingstone sarah boyack
mcletchie alex neil s1m 248karengillon marks and spencer that
events supported by fergus ewingkarengillon mr angus mackay bristow
lodged on 18 december 2002karengillon mr jamie stone mr
gil paterson mr lloyd quinankarengillon mr keith raffan donald
andrew wilson mr john youngkarengillon mr keith raffan donald
thomson cathie craigie kate macleankarengillon mr kenneth macintosh donald
mr tom mccabe trish godmankarengillon mr kenneth macintosh jackie
murray cathie craigie kate macleankarengillon mr kenneth macintosh trish
scanlon michael matheson cathie craigiekarengillon mr michael mcmahon mr
adam ingram mr lloyd quinankarengillon mr robin harper donald
people scotland bill introduced bykarengillon msp convenor for education
a committee bill introduced bykarengillon msp convenor of the
the 4th december 2002 bykarengillon msp convenor of the
the subject of s1m 2529karengillon new lanark b the
people scotland bill stage 1karengillon on behalf of the
people scotland bill stage 3karengillon on behalf of the
28 february 2002 bill butlerkarengillon s1m 2809 sport for
mcintosh mr john home robertsonkarengillon s1m 2873 women s
lodged on 11 june 2002karengillon s1m 3190 congratulations to
lodged on 20 november 2002karengillon s1m 3611 general agreement
lodged on 26 november 2002karengillon s1m 3637 argyll and
lodged on 28 november 2002karengillon s1m 3657 trade for
lodged on 20 december 2002karengillon s1m 3723 ethical investment
elaine thomson mr kenneth macintoshkarengillon s1m 374 mr jamie
january 2003 mr michael mcmahonkarengillon s1m 3806 national holocaust
3327 in the name ofkarengillon that the parliament condemns
the subject of s1m 3589karengillon the sale of the
the subject of s1m 3589karengillon the sale of the
provision of dentists s1w 27376karengillon to ask the scottish
information bill s1o 1757 29karengillon to ask the scottish
alcohol misuse s1o 1829 20karengillon to ask the scottish
rail line s1o 275 10karengillon to ask the scottish
teacher training courses s1w 27377karengillon to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 192 9karengillon to ask the scottish
s panel members s1w 9127karengillon to ask the scottish
architectural heritage s1o 1542 17karengillon to ask the scottish
manufacturing steering group s1w 34745δkarengillon to ask the scottish
five years s1o 3834 22karengillon to ask the scottish
17 august 2000 s1w 9115karengillon to ask the scottish
digital hearing aid s1w 19414karengillon to ask the scottish
marwick deputy convener patricia fergusonkarengillon tricia marwick deputy convener
been fascinating to learn thatkarengillon was once shy that
kenneth james glasgow snp gillonkarenmacdonald clydesdale lab godman patricia
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab abstentions
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab abstentions
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab abstentions
ms sandra glasgow snp whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr jim orkney ld whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr andrew angus snp whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr jim orkney ld whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr jim orkney ld whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr jim orkney ld whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr jim orkney ld whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr jim orkney ld whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mr jim orkney ld whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
white sandra glasgow snp whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab wilson
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab young
mike glasgow cathcart lab whitefieldkarenairdrie and shotts lab young
lamont convener mrs lyndsay mcintoshkarenwhitefield 1 community engagement in
bill stage 2 section 4karenwhitefield 1 in section 4
bill stage 2 section 4karenwhitefield 114 in section 4
with homelessness intentionally section 8karenwhitefield 16 in section 8
accommodation it considers is requiredkarenwhitefield 2 in section 4
livingstone 3 fiona mcleod 4karenwhitefield 6 comatee clarkin team
livingstone 3 fiona mcleod 4karenwhitefield 6 committee clerking team
any such guidance section 8karenwhitefield 6 in section 8
patricia ferguson wind up pleasekarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
than four minutes 15 47karenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
the open debate 10 27karenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
lyndsay mcintosh central scotland conkarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
next three years housing 3karenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
situation that has been describedkarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
of scotland nhs 24 4karenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
michael matheson central scotland snpkarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
action to tackle child povertykarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
they will spend the moneykarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
john swinney north tayside snpkarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
con robert brown glasgow ldkarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
con robert brown glasgow ldkarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
craigie cumbernauld and kilsyth labkarenwhitefield airdrie and shotts lab
the subject of s1m 1511karenwhitefield airdrie to bathgate rail
the subject of s1m 1511karenwhitefield airdrie to bathgate rail
speakers lyndsay mcintosh robert brownkarenwhitefield and donald gorrie referred
that the parliament agrees thatkarenwhitefield be the nominated committee
that the parliament agrees thatkarenwhitefield be the nominated committee
people with epilepsy supported bykarenwhitefield brian adam scott barrie
2000 david mundell mike watsonkarenwhitefield bristow muldoon donald gorrie
to ask for a designationkarenwhitefield can you explain how
alex fergusson mr michael mcmahonkarenwhitefield cathy jamieson dorothy grace
including johann lamont linda fabianikarenwhitefield cathy peattie keith raffan
produced early next year askarenwhitefield correctly pointed out anybody
gorrie fiona mcleod s1m 272karenwhitefield credit union that the
ms jackie baillie ian jenkinskarenwhitefield dennis canavan bill butler
scanlon cathie craigie helen eadiekarenwhitefield dennis canavan dr winnie
ferguson janis hughes mike watsonkarenwhitefield des mcnulty mr john
take evidence from other organisationskarenwhitefield despite the repeal of
actively considering such an approachkarenwhitefield do you have any
fit for the 21st centurykarenwhitefield does the minister agree
janis hughes mr jamie mcgrigorkarenwhitefield dr richard simpson mr
oldfather cathie craigie malcolm chisholmkarenwhitefield elaine smith margaret jamieson
gorrie shona robison malcolm chisholmkarenwhitefield elaine smith mike watson
macmillan fiona hyslop shona robisonkarenwhitefield elaine smith trish godman
of accommodation is properly sustainedkarenwhitefield given the result of
wide coverage by december 2004karenwhitefield i welcome the move
convener that would be helpfulkarenwhitefield i will ask gavin
music information centre s1m 2963karenwhitefield in patient paediatric services
come back to that issuekarenwhitefield in your written evidence
last minute i am sorrykarenwhitefield is what mrs mcintosh
that is the factual positionkarenwhitefield it could be said
mr michael mcmahon elaine smithkarenwhitefield johann lamont marilyn livingstone
cathie craigie mr lloyd quinankarenwhitefield johann lamont mr michael
russell patricia ferguson janis hugheskarenwhitefield linda fabiani fiona mcleod
sir david steel it waskarenwhitefield malcolm chisholm i apologise
oldfather cathy peattie johann lamontkarenwhitefield margaret smith mr duncan
adam ingram mr gil patersonkarenwhitefield marilyn livingstone mr kenny
february 2003 mr michael mcmahonkarenwhitefield michael matheson mr kenneth
lamont tommy sheridan trish godmankarenwhitefield michael russell dr winnie
mr kenny macaskill tricia marwickkarenwhitefield michael russell linda fabiani
trish godman mr murray toshkarenwhitefield mike watson donald gorrie
mr murray tosh trish godmankarenwhitefield mike watson donald gorrie
competition supported by donald gorriekarenwhitefield mike watson scott barrie
donald gorrie dorothy grace elderkarenwhitefield mike watson tommy sheridan
helen eadie mr kenneth gibsonkarenwhitefield mr andrew welsh tommy
mr kenneth gibson fergus ewingkarenwhitefield mr brian monteith mr
macmillan fiona hyslop shona robisonkarenwhitefield mr david davidson elaine
dr sylvia jackson irene mcgugankarenwhitefield mr david davidson tricia
mr michael mcmahon tricia marwickkarenwhitefield mr gil paterson michael
lodged on 1 february 2001karenwhitefield mr gil paterson michael
31 january 2001 tricia marwickkarenwhitefield mr gil paterson michael
mr keith harding tricia marwickkarenwhitefield mr jamie mcgrigor mrs
mrs mary mulligan dennis canavankarenwhitefield mr jamie stone fiona
stewart stevenson ms sandra whitekarenwhitefield mr kenneth gibson trish
cathy peattie mr adam ingramkarenwhitefield mr lloyd quinan alex
lewis macdonald mrs margaret ewingkarenwhitefield mr murray tosh elaine
barrie jackie baillie kate macleankarenwhitefield mr tom mccabe marilyn
barrie jackie baillie kate macleankarenwhitefield mr tom mccabe marilyn
dr richard simpson mike watsonkarenwhitefield mrs margaret ewing fiona
gorrie irene oldfather cathie craigiekarenwhitefield mrs mary mulligan margaret
maureen macmillan mr brian monteithkarenwhitefield mrs mary mulligan trish
ms supported by david mundellkarenwhitefield ms jackie baillie robert
some form of collective vehiclekarenwhitefield my final question is
howatson who are social workerskarenwhitefield on a point of
committee mary mulligan to replacekarenwhitefield on the justice 2
committee mary mulligan to replacekarenwhitefield on the justice 2
committee mary mulligan to replacekarenwhitefield on the justice 2
brian monteith mr john mcallionkarenwhitefield pauline mcneill s1m 915
committee noted a report fromkarenwhitefield reporter for voluntary sector
that is another matter askarenwhitefield rightly said we must
is a surrounding village inkarenwhitefield s constituency its regeneration
lodged on 19 december 2000karenwhitefield s1m 1343 public safety
lodged on 16 january 2001karenwhitefield s1m 1544 calmac tender
margaret jamieson mr jamie stonekarenwhitefield s1m 900 dorothy grace
mcneil rhoda grant maureen macmillankarenwhitefield scott barrie cathy jamieson
a hash symbol s1m 747karenwhitefield scottish youth parliament that
mcgrigor richard lochhead s1m 263karenwhitefield stane primary school that
to be taken s1m 745karenwhitefield storysack initiative that the
neil lloyd quinan mike watsonkarenwhitefield the meeting opened at
their locations s1o 201 14karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
bloom competition s1o 396 18karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
act 1998 s1o 332 21karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
decommissioning scheme s1o 3194 3karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
will be restored s1w 13100karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
research staff s1o 5353 16karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
scottish family law s1w 3448karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
in schools s1o 4695 6karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
across scotland s1o 114 26karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
five years s1o 3247 5karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
domestic waste s1o 286 7karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
iii cerebrovascular disease s1w 2576karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
to carlisle s1o 6363 29karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
these regulations s1o 3832 15karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
across scotland s1o 114 26karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
s services s1o 6335 30karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
fisheries policy s1o 5412 24karenwhitefield to ask the scottish
of broadband access s1w 33286δkarenwhitefield to ask the scottish
move as speedily as possiblekarenwhitefield what were the results
matter it was agreed thatkarenwhitefield would come back to
and those of housing associationskarenwhitefield yes beverly francis as
for the focus on hmoskarenwhitefield you mentioned exemptions which
required for a criminal prosecutionkarenwhitefield your report states the
s1m 2943 welcome to professorkarenvousden at the beatson institute
deputy head of t skarenspence t s assistant heather
i ve cut you offkarens invoices are ruined why

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