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awfie skunner at the slaiveriekeingan she taen til hir
aff on ane auld dottiltkeingwi a slaiverie mou that
ettilt that the auld slaiveriekeingwi sum o his men
jennie haird the dottilt auldkeingwi the slaiverie mou wes
t caddies cam frae thekeingan hailit me thane o
keings banquo you sal bekeingmacbeth an thane o cawdor
ye baith macduff haes thekeingsteired yit wurthie thane macbeth
thane ross frae fife gretkeingwhaur noroway s banners flyte
kinrik o the gret siekeingan shuirlie here wes a
an said ah im thekeingo an ootlin kinrik an
til yeir wurds sae thekeingo the ootlin kinrik telt
first twa sons o thekeingo the outlin kinrik an
thegither eftir aw that thekeingo the outlin kinrik heild
soud be waitin but thekeingo the outlin kinrik the
fowk in the kinrik thekeingwes that weill pleised he
s wattirs whaur the siekeingis lord sae that the
sie this island haed akeingo its ain an the
the pailaces whaur sat thekeingo the sie fowk an
eftir a whylie the siekeingoffert callum the auldest princess
no cum ti the siekeings kintrie juist at the
dwam he saw the siekeingsant awa his sons an
the gret keing the siekeingsat quaetlyke an he lippent
for help frae the gretkeingthe sie keing sat quaetlyke
m gaun ti mairrie akeinga raither fancie the keing
richt aneuch it haed naekeingfor the keing haed dee
haed nae keing for thekeinghaed dee d but he
a keing o liang akeingo byuss micht wha kept
brolach the war aince akeingo liang a keing o
keing a raither fancie thekeingo norroway but ah m
wi me in cryin hailkeingo scots thanes hail keing
keing o scots thanes hailkeingo scots the trumpets sound
pole macduff to malcolm hailkeingfor that s what ye
greetit me wi hail macbethkeingin days that is ti
gret an graund pailace akeingan his queen thay haed
gret dule cam ti thekeingo the sean an his
weill traetit bi the guidkeingedward for aw his sair
re on oor road gentiekeingedward haes lent us guid
ailment macduff o ay malcolmkeingedward haes this wunnerfu gift
thrie princesses left first thekeinggied his auldest dochter til
dochter malcolm brither til fingalkeingo morven shona moula s
it wes streikit oot thekeingo scotland s dochter an
tho the castel belangs thekeingo scotland s dochter the
princes peyed court ti thekeings dochter an nane peyed
gaun ti mairrie the sirkeings dochter but haud on
aw this whyle the seakeings dochter myndit aye hir
days at that the seakeings dochter s een filled
no sae bonnie as thekeings dochter the new queen
gried gledlie ti mairrie thekeingan becum the guidmither o
m gaun ti mairrie akeingnaething less is guid aneuch
infant bairn here did thekeingno mairrie anither wumman that
a man as that forkeingmacduff sic boondless radgieness can
malcolm it s cawed thekeings ailment macduff o ay
hae nane o the auldkeingan his dreiblin mou for
gowd tree s faither thekeingbi this tyme aw wes
gowd tree an weill thekeingkent that she maun hae
creisht wi mukkil gowd thekeings twa sons malcolm an
haund in mairriage but thekeingsaid mercie gowd tree is
this verra nicht said thekeinga son wes born ti
hir ain son micht bekeingin his steid sae ae
as the son o thekeingo the warld at the
cormac the son o thekeings first wyfe for he
heich man braw as akeings son aweill he wes
on that gait sae thekeings son felt obleiged ti
the caudron bydes whan thekeings son haird thir wurds
an clippit fuit ahint thekeings son rydes but bonnie
same an this tyme thekeings son sat bi the
afore the kirk skailed thekeings son saw hir gang
til the kirk an thekeings son saw hir thare
wes the delyte o thekeingan his queen an aw
cum shuirlie she haed thekeingan his queen cuidna beir
lang langsyne the war akeingan his queen in alba
graund braw pailace o thekeingan queen again an again
happent owre an owre thekeingan queen gied ane o
end til anither forby thekeingan queen haed thrie dochters
lay ayone the wattir thekeingan queen o the seas
o its ain an thekeinghaed a queen an a
ryal faither wes a sauntliekeingthe queen yeir mither wes
l macbeth gae tell thekeinga d lyke a wurd
witch fair faw macbeth oorkeingin days ti cum banquo
ross and angus ross thekeingwes blyth ti hear macbeth
he maun gae eftir thekeingan dae a thing but
eftir to physician is thekeingcummin oot suin coud a
eftir a whyle the guidkeingkeepit his promiss an mairrit
gaun ti follae eftir thekeingnae mortal man can walk
we war sib til thekeingan are the maist concernit
til hir auld faither thekeingfor ti let him ken
brave frein tell til thekeinghou gaed the fecht the
ti gie back til thekeingno juist ane but aw
ferr kintrie til the dottiltkeingo the wu sun a
lang she cam til akeings castel she spiered thare
an she cam til anitherkeings houss an she gaed
bou the craig til oniekeingthai think wul halp thaim
die sae she cawed thekeingtil hir chaumer an said
things ross god save thekeingduncan whaur cum ye frae
it ross an nou thekeingo noroway wad fain mak
maun awa an meet thekeingaside to banquo think weill
wes the dule o thekeingbut finn kent weill in
fair she wes an thekeingcam ti loue hir weill
weill he kent that thekeingspak the trruith sae he
wes malcolm brither ti fingalkeingo morven an that he
ma cause his grace thekeingo ingland haes offert me
dreamin saul lest nicht weskeingaince mair as in days
she wes the ane thekeingspiert for ti be his
gied hir the ship thekeingwes a bit o a
did that an suin thekeingwes that dowie an lanesum
mair wi thair faither thekeingin the steid whaur thay
ti see hir faither thekeingsae that he micht thenk
is lord sae that thekeingmicht finnd paerls for callum
gin chaunce can mak mekeingsyne chaunce micht croun me
not sowp an whan thekeingcam ben ti whaur she
cam doun wi it thekeingcut oot its hert an
cam owre an spierit thekeingfor hir haund in mairriage
an wi thir wurds thekeinglowpit awa owre the gress
wad she say sae thekeinggaed awa wi a sair
geyan sair hert the auldkeingstuid an watcht thaim soum
for hunkerin doun afore akeingbut ye maun forgie me
sea muisic an whan thekeingsaw thair unkaimed hair hingin
unco bien for ti bekeinga haena onie prospect a
they said a d bekeingan spiered at thaim ti
we l awa ti thekeingan tak oor leave afore
the door lennox dis thekeingettil ti leave the day
whit ah did for thekeinghe says ti me spaewyfe
yeir lug an syne thekeinglouts doun ti hear the
servant leaves for ti bekeinglyke this is naething in
ill ti pleise reponed thekeingo scots an gart a
never in yeir bed thekeings awa ti his he
this machine ti pey akeings ransome ye didna pochil
gaen ti fleitch the haliekeingti send northumberland an warlyke
for his smeddum atweill thekeingdid juist that sae blyth
a siller ashet the auldkeingcuid haurlie credit his ain
dae ye bring messenger thekeingcums here the nicht l
the l no be akeingthat wul want ye for
the l no be akeingthat wul want ye for
tid an she gart thekeingmak reddie a ship for
aw that parteiklar even thekeingo ulster wad dae me
maister no wi him thekeingwad shuirlie gien me tyme
v comb keik v lookkeingn king ken v know
war glaumerie in it thekeingmade finn an his seivin
the sin o a pechtkeingat hed fyve laddies an
airns rairs out the hiekeingo the scots a m
beig jim young is thekeingo the tinklarians ye ken
o the air but thekeingsent a man wi a
dae this fergus nou thekeingwesna than mukkil taen up
as the weird sisters hechtkeingcawdor glamis an a misdout
the vertues that becums akeinglyke truith an temperance justice
cowpin monie a throne askeingye d hae the means
a ryal bairn weirin akeings croun on its littil

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