
See this word as a collocate cloud

keings releigiouns an freins ankentnawhitwey ti flit thair leilties
eildit onkil grant brecham botkentnagin he wes yit quik
wad sech for whit thaykentnawhit an the cailleachs wad
marischal wis that fleyed hekentnawhaur he gaed an his
r mirren gried tho shaekentnawhitten airt the win wes
on a voyage whaur hekentnabut thay buid follae a
haud hir coy tho shaekentnathe uise o gaun ti
the streinger wes gaen fergalkentnawhaur nor hou sae fergal
ti auld scotch weys ankentnaat slaw o tung wesna

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