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stakeholders could play a rolekeyareas for action include full
of the wishes of manykeystakeholders from the public and
do not include all thekeystakeholders in consultation problems will
encourage the involvement of thekeystakeholders in scotland in the
that 3 whatever option thekeystakeholders in the borders choose
up of a range ofkeystakeholders including ceres the association
sqa has engaged with allkeystakeholders schools colleges and candidates
taken views from all thekeystakeholders the clear message to
obtained anecdotally from officers andkeystakeholders the conclusions that we
shall seek to involve thekeystakeholders the executive has facilitated
to the activities of thekeystakeholders this was particularly the
the sqa and work withkeystakeholders to ensure that lessons
are part of our fourkeyeducational priorities we have taken
misuse to ensure representation ofkeyinterests and priorities as referred
and underpinning its commitment tokeypolicy priorities in particular education
linked to two of ourkeypolicy priorities the promotion of
between about the sector skeypriorities and frustrations the report
perceived that the objectives andkeypriorities as published in august
did the partnership identify thekeypriorities but it adopted a
identified the broad range ofkeypriorities for the second round
pattern of spending meets thekeypriorities of the administration over
on the objectives and theirkeypriorities was published on 25
budgets and other resources tokeyservice priorities s1w 10712 mr
on the european union skeyobjectives and does not pave
scottish liberal democrats have threekeyobjectives for rural scotland building
scottish liberal democrats have threekeyobjectives for scottish health policy
one of this year skeyobjectives is to raise awareness
quality of life with fourkeyobjectives renewing urban centres seeking
scottish liberal democrats have threekeyobjectives to get scotland moving
crime liberal democrats have fourkeyobjectives we will cut crime
social exclusion and that thekeytargets and objectives are being
is here one of thekeyelements in the latest spending
has today responded to thekeyelements of the action group
provisions of the bill 5keyelements of the bill 5
1 provisions of the billkeyelements of the bill the
reporting subsequently on their implementationkeyelements of the european social
european social inclusion strategy thekeyelements of the social inclusion
wider strategy some of thekeyelements of which were outlined
and one more of thekeyelements which have been examined
those two elements as akeypolicy directive for business there
the voluntary sector has akeyand central role in such
in relation to those fourkeycapacities the essential role of
empowering them to play akeycontrolling role in preventing the
the parliament they have akeyenabling role i would rather
surveillance last year played akeyrole in 109 arrests by
mcneil such people play akeyrole in campaigns for better
proved that they have akeyrole in developing appropriate solutions
our children teachers have akeyrole in developing scotland s
for voluntary service play akeyrole in developing the infrastructure
cairngorms partnership has played akeyrole in facilitating the local
problems the sector has akeyrole in helping to develop
giving the voluntary sector akeyrole in planning the sector
am a member take akeyrole in promoting links between
legislation he has played akeyrole in setting up intelligence
voluntary services can play akeyrole in that essential development
abstract computers nowadays play akeyrole in the compilation of
dr brown has played akeyrole in the policy and
social mobility also plays akeyrole in the transmission of
arts in scotland recognising theirkeyrole in today s diverse
curriculum and in particular thekeyrole of civic education in
this work re affirms thekeyrole of scotland s indigenous
need is to ignore thekeyrole of the scottish commission
the middle east recognises thekeyrole of the united nations
this session i mentioned thekeyrole of volunteers we are
wanted to communicate about thekeyrole that they clearly play
sector disability groups have akeyrole to play and should
s third sector has akeyrole to play in helping
the voluntary sector has akeyrole to play in local
respect external assessment has akeyrole to play in maintaining
local economic forums have akeyrole to play in taking
scotland s universities have akeyrole to play in turning
mallorca s history and itskeyrole within the ancient mediterranean
of specialism that is akeyelement in developing a partnership
in several languages as akeyelement in the personal and
no direct contribution to thatkeyelement of freud s legacy
and selected national appointees akeyelement of snh s recommendations
or potential employees are akeyelement of that process mr
the environmental benefits are akeyelement of the bill the
achieved through developing targets akeyelement of the european social
corporate reputation which is akeyelement that we could achieve
overview of welsh language legislationkeypoints of this briefing 3
children and young people billkeypoints of this briefing 3
social inclusion in scotland contentskeypoints of this briefing 3
sea fishing in scotland contentskeypoints of this briefing 3
the social inclusion process 20keypoints of this briefing the
in terms of european fundingkeypoints of this briefing the
executive response 10 references 11keypoints of this briefing the
information 11 relevant documents 11keypoints of this briefing the
15 wales 15 bibliography 16keypoints of this briefing the
local and national level thekeyaction points to come from
points i think are thekeyones it is a single
3 implies one of thekeypoints about a school s
worst enemies are men thenkeypoints about the purpose organisation
be supported it makes twokeypoints it recognises the good
economic compensation one of thekeypoints made by people who
the following sections outline thekeypoints of the bill for
on the convention with twokeypoints that are relevant to
four of the sort ofkeypoints that came out of
s publication date on thekeypoints that were raised in
report i will make severalkeypoints that will emphasise and
in case and highlight thekeypoints there that we ve
with a list of 17keypoints was helpful it is
tourism product a number ofkeyissues and questions were raised
future work and to identifykeyissues and recommendations to be
industry highlights a number ofkeyissues and the policy reviews
having that difficulty permanently thekeyissues and themes are empowerment
effective above all however thekeyissues are about ways in
to identify good models whichkeyissues arose from that elizabeth
was most useful in identifyingkeyissues as was the scottish
the opportunity to raise somekeyissues bruce crawford s speech
report was to establish thekeyissues facing the voluntary sector
the committee will consider thekeyissues for its draft stage
suggest that we focus onkeyissues for scotland particularly in
that maureen macmillan raised arekeyissues for that consultation process
the committee will discuss thekeyissues for the interim report
s profile in all thekeyissues i speak this morning
accept that one of thekeyissues in examinations is to
and developed there are certainkeyissues in modern languages that
being able to understand thekeyissues in their communities or
dissatisfaction with nursing centres onkeyissues including work load staffing
is important one of thekeyissues is the relationship between
but of course there arekeyissues of concern to which
it is appropriate that thekeyissues on our agenda today
government licensing those were thekeyissues some of which are
has failed to focus onkeyissues such as the way
we need to know thekeyissues that face the labour
try to deal with thekeyissues that fergus ewing has
a good guide to thekeyissues that will be contained
the laeken declaration outlines thekeyissues the european convention will
to 20 is common positionkeyissues the paper poses a
a difference to the threekeyissues they are designed to
committee outlining some of thekeyissues to be considered with
as important the report highlightskeyissues we had an interesting
would be and what thekeyissues were all of us
would cover some of thekeyissues where flexibility might be
we re done carolanne takeskeyagnes exits carolanne starts to
agnes pulls a large heavykeyand holds it up for
ll no know agnes slipskeyback in her pocket carolanne
door unlocks opens closes lockskeyclatters through still humming agnes
the door agnes hurriedly shoveskeyin her pocket silent they
agnes you gettin that thekeyis turned and the bolts
pit it back agnes handskeyover ye ll put they
sadie karioke agnes tosses thekeyyour go agnes oh jings
medicine is one of thekeycomponents of our pharmacy strategy
the cultural strategy 1 akeypriority of the strategy priority
have outlined some of thekeystrategies another key strategy is
of the key strategies anotherkeystrategy is to keep people
strategy that has as itskeythemes widening opportunities promoting education
council for voluntary organisations andkeyfigures such as jean mcfadden
in the voluntary sector anotherkeyissue in respect of funding
the voluntary sector as akeypartner in policy development service
voluntary sector which is akeypartner that we will never
take evidence from only thekeyplayers in the voluntary sector
by the scottish executive andkeyplayers in the voluntary sector
the voluntary sector as akeysocial partner during the debate
developing links and working withkeyvoluntary sector agencies by doing
communities the sector is akeypartner for government but it
sector is there and thekeypoint is that it must
the sector to be akeysocial partner that can be
common commercial policy to thekeyareas of intellectual property and
informed in making policy akeydialogue will take place which
the protestant succession scotland akeyenglish policy aim during the
the principle of unanimity inkeypolicy sectors 16 00 irene
to try and identify thekeypolicy statements in 1992 93
to outline the executive skeypolicy views we must focus
patently not true and thekeyto a policy for successful
a- at each of thekeyareas and certainly in terms
national monitoring of achievement inkeyareas and d bringing together
wholehearted support only a fewkeyareas arose in the original
evasive as those are twokeyareas but given that the
success for the fishermen inkeyareas it wis juist the
s certainly one of thekeyareas of development that we
commonly agreed indicators for otherkeyareas of social inclusion such
improve education in scotland inkeyareas raise standards in education
how europe is developing certainkeyareas represent the important parts
april 2003 we will implementkeyareas such as joint resourcing
nurses the rcn identified thekeyareas that would enhance the
that is one of thekeyareas to which the committee
fund broken down by thekeyareas which the fund covers
rural areas across all thekeythemes economic development transport education
local authorities that is akeyaccountability issue the executive would
has been cited as akeyissue for tourism a study
owners tenants and residents thatkeyissue forms the backdrop to
to people there is akeyissue in considering the talent
in the introduction is akeyissue in relation to the
not have enough money thekeyissue is that sips add
people i turn to thekeyissue of pensions many of
no further forward on thekeyissue of principle there is
investigatory powers to be thekeyissue of the day but
make their streets safer anotherkeyissue raised by the children
minutes left flexibility is anotherkeyissue that has been raised
future development subsidiarity is akeyissue we have already made
to be part of akeyissue which arose at every
final recommendations that is akeyissue which many people have
the deputy presiding officer thekeyto the issue is five
one glaring omission from thekeygroups of people who will
anyway further comments by thekeyinterest groups fall into the
section summarises the views ofkeyinterest groups in the national
on national parks commentary ofkeyinterest groups this section summarises
family support groups is akeypart of its drugs and
family support groups is akeypart of its drugs and
a series of definitions ofkeymeasurement terms these definitions name
language curriculum in terms ofkeyoutcomes strands and stages while
range of of of thekeyplayers in terms of curriculum
definitions of some of thekeyterms and processes involved in
of so many of thekeyterms of scots metrology occur
future eg what are thekeymarket segments how to communicate
with a note of futurekeymilestones i a copy of
and future nurses as akeypart of the nhs family
future to give burns hiskeyplace at the centre of
which brings together all thekeyplayers to consider the future
sponsored employment that is thekeyto our future prosperity indeed
intergovernmental conference will hold thekeyto the future development and
other existing services with thekeyaim of improving social inclusion
social inclusion and identifies recentkeydevelopments in this area the
economy social or otherwise thekeyinstruments for economic development in
social protection committee spc itskeytask is to monitor the
bottom locked with a heavykeya second door in the
her open bag grabs thekeyand hurries out the door
lies gordon enters with doorkeygordon i ve got the
sadie enters with the doorkeyin her hand sadie to
by a ruthless hawk homekeyin the door grates on
reach our door and akeyis put into the lock
even more who holds thekeyto unlock childhood s door
haun here holds out doorkeyyou best huv this case
the council of europe skeydecision making body is the
will make health promotion akeyfunction of local authorities making
making the point that akeyfunction of the icc is
making things m1098: aye akey[humming] f1097: was [censored: forename] there
where paper making is akeyindustry supported by mr brian
get out and about iskeyto making the most of
primary school and then thekeyarea is the development of
substantial development from a lowkeybeginning although it began as
the 1688 89 revolution akeydevelopment in british constitutional history
hair have an interest akeypart of the care development
and for volunteering development thekeyquestion remains are volunteers merely
and freedoms of others thekeypart in all of that
compact funding also plays akeypart obviously levels and stability
air traffic control is akeypart of our infrastructure and
and rural communities are akeypart of the fabric of
and direct resources for thatkeypart of the population it
like to do things akeypart of the process is
i think also that akeyp- point about that period
i want to ask aboutkeypoint 15 in elaine thomson
and something might happen thekeypoint is that on a
scotland on devolved matters thekeypoint is that there must
half or two years thekeypoint to remember is that
michael russell this is thekeypoint we have constantly heard
level it is thus akeyreference point when assessing the
our point of view thekeyto this is the extent
she will see that ourkeyconsideration is access to the
all june 26th is akeydate for our back court
of work and of thatkeygroup in our population not
it matters one of ourkeyindustries is tourism if we
but it is also akeypartner in our communities whether
to older people is akeyplank of our approach if
fulfilling our potential as akeyplayer in the new europe
testing altogether this is ourkeyrecommendation in other words the
in discussions with all ourkeysuppliers to satisfy ourselves that
help greatly education is thekeythere must be better opportunities
so wish education is thekeyto sustaining the impetus that
of the european union akeyaim of the day was
exclusion and poverty is akeychallenge facing the european union
value for money are alsokeyconsiderations the accommodation must allow
and must be valued askeymembers of the nhs front
rewarding nurses must be akeypriority today there are 1
over scots one of thekeyreasons must be the ease
draw on some of thekeydebates scotland can see itself
but by some of thekeyorganisations that we interviewed however
at what some of thesekeyprecepts were before leaving this
is being made but somekeyquestions need to be addressed
assessment of some of thekeyquestions raised by the bill
in the borders economy somekeyreports and documents the parliament
views from some of thekeyscottish organisations in its contribution
worth while to study somekeyscottish poets at length ie
council for some of thekeystocks in the north sea
railway there have been somekeythemes to david steel s
highlighted here some of thekeythings that i ve wanted
considerable time passed then akeywas found concealed behind some
sharing is one of thekeyaspects of the bill if
one of the world skeycreative centres on the other
that as one of thekeydrivers of the bill robin
language as one of thekeyfactors which defines a community
moving forward stuart duffin onekeyhope for the year is
cups of tea from thekeylady a different one from
aloud containing a number ofkeylinguistic variables rp style one
add that one of thekeymessages that needs to be
particular grammar 13 14 thekeyphrase is the one i
ehm one of my mykeypo- er jobs at the
recognises that one of thekeyproblems facing the union is
the inquiry one of thekeyproblems with introducing the new
developments so one of thekeyproducts will be a framework
one each of the fourkeystandards and they were authorised
that [cough] one of thekeystrengths of my school is
of strategies one of thekeythemes of the debate was
dented tartan tin holds akeyto a something no one
parliament one of delivery onkeytransport projects including rail air
the key we need thekeyf1121: right f1122: are you
need to do on thekeyflagship policies that define what
online buying is also akeyinitiative that we need to
spanner haudin up the mucklekeymighty me i need that
with disabilities we have headlinekeytargets that we need people
money money inside [inaudible] thekeywe need the key f1121:
and their awareness of thekeyfeatures of such genres questions
a shared understanding of thekeyindicators such as accuracy of
involving over 100 representatives ofkeyngos such as the uk
volunteer centres and by fundingkeyorganisations such as the scvo
business community would be akeyoutcome of such a year
people would allow for thekeystaff required such as legal
to belittle scottish poets theykeyadvice in this passage is
the scottish health plan akeyaim of which is to
of phasing this is akeyarea for the committee and
of universal banking services thekeybehind this is the availability
integrated connected approach that iskeycathy peattie how do you
that is required is akeychallenge and the legal change
scottish homes geoff huggins thekeychange is the transfer of
flexibility and independence is akeycomponent of success in the
is taking to ensure thatkeydecision makers including elected members
that age is itself akeydetermination we have to join
executive rural affairs department thekeydifference is that the scottish
of view of linguistics thekeydistinction is that between langue
reader is directed to thekeydocument in modern languages for
i in 1790 is akeyevent in hawaiian history kamehameha
communities child care is akeyexample of that child care
accepts that rhyme is akeyfeature of the poetry of
whithorn the latter is akeyfigure in the town s
culture and sport committee thekeyfunction of the commissioner is
is the transfer of thekeyfunctions of scottish homes which
2005 or 2006 but thekeyis that councils are already
t it this is lowkey[laugh] uh huh f948: [inaudible]
reform funding is obviously thekeymost of us have been
structural funds that is thekeyms macdonald so if the
he s dead is thekeyphrase here english as read
the previous meeting remains thekeypiece of information that is
place is not easily achievedkeypoems here are originally and
take account of the csgkeyprinciples the third is the
diversity under this objective iskeypriority 2 1 which is
about john knox obviously akeyprotestant figure is that he
its muscles on those twokeyquestions it is also important
of europe the report skeyrecommendation is the establishment of
ken yersel language is thekeytae a body s identity
in the weather the roonkeytae the aa that is
forward stuart duffin it iskeythat we make links across
i think i think thekeything is to hae teachers
the directive that is thekeyto answering his question about
just communication it is thekeyto appreciating other cultures raising
improve their patients experience thekeyto reform is allowing them
bus or train communication iskeyto that human right the
citizens whom they represent thekeyto the debate is the
of course imagination is thekeyto the dream in the
employees keeping good employees iskeyto the economics of business
yes sound financial management iskeyto the effectiveness of any
state for scotland helen liddellkeyto the scheme is that
south of the border thekeyto the sewel motion is
confident erm is is thekeyto this er i was
in a directed manner iskeyto what i mean when
the- their mother tongue iskeywhen they come in we
vital the convention is undertakingkeywork which will shape the
assessment of many of thekeyrecommendations in the oft report
scottish executive to implement thekeyrecommendations of the report with
implementation of several of thekeyrecommendations within the sutherland report
participation and accessibility would bekey1 establishment section 1 of
already noted it was akeyaim of the english government
moonlight river of its pianokeyanatomy strange that the sculptor
the satisfactory category then thekeyaspects of the performance are
scottish parliament to make thekeychoices about the share of
possible further national parks thekeycomments in each of these
genres begin it was akeycontention of the original australian
of the language used thekeydescriptors of a satisfactory performance
there are a number ofkeydocuments produced by the executive
has of course been akeyfactor in bringing about stability
of the area as akeyfactor in its survival despite
become adept in identifying thekeyfeatures of genres in activities
scott for sure was akeyfigure in the invention of
single market for trade akeyfunction of the convention should
record levels of resources forkeygovernment programmes i will respond
hankies a lipstick and akeyhardly the stuff of international
of course are among thekeyideas of the thrie estaitis
and the sound of thekeyin the lock were echoing
way of a letter tokeyinterested parties scottish parliament rural
parks and the views ofkeyinterests in the debate current
again smuggled [censored: forename] past thekeylady in the confusion of
rythym more diverse shifts ofkeyless formal structures but naun
to those the minutes recordkeymatters of concern that were
explore for herself what thekeymeaning of the text appears
wallace would obviously be akeymember of the community but
on the suitability of anykeymessages to do with awareness
as kirsty says at akeymoment i the return of
whether this will be akeyobjective of its draft transport
was under the lock andkeyof her nippy wee eyes
fabric of local communities tokeyorganisations and to innovative service
hud it stands up takeskeyout of her pocket whit
community planning agenda being akeyoutcome of the year which
of the blind and akeyplayer in the uk disability
implemented we examined the threekeypolicies of free off peak
on public services was thekeypreoccupation of labour voters and
at standard grade given thekeyprinciple of authenticity the baseline
unlikely the subjects would acquirekeypronunciations of local speech if
s opposition to those twokeyproposals from the committee of
said in his speech thekeyprovisions are the implementation of
couple of the survey skeyresults are quoted in my
action it focuses on thekeyrisk factors all of which
regulares in defence of akeyroad between madrid and valencia
a bureaucratic and lengthy processkeystages of arbitration are included
i think that s thekeything it s modernisation of
wonder she holds that magickeyto pleasure groves of plunder
have here are are thekeyto the success of the
an attempt to provide akeyto the whole range of
of the speech of thekeyvillages and their locality birse
accord and these are thekeywords voluntarily and of your
we have heard from thekeyagencies that are involved from
gordon i ve got thekeyand the windows are all
capacities these are the fourkeycapacities that are always referred
are marginalised and excluded akeychallenge for the member states
through the system while thekeychanges are being put in
milngavie lab what are thekeyfactors in determining carrying capacity
considering how to improve thekeyflagship policies that are delivered
are obviously going to bekeyfor all the secondary colleagues
to say what are thekeylearning outcomes that pupils should
the five statements made underkeypriority 2 1 are as
and communities people are thekeyto community regeneration we will
are reasonably well treated thekeyto this has been the
that scheme which makes akeycontribution to providing access for
you do you have thekeyin your possession which in
welcome the commitment to certainkeyschemes to which iain mcmillan
government that would damage thekeyservices on which the people
desk clerk showed me thekeyto which was attached a
several formulas in which thekeyword was say byrne rather
rationale will be the twokeydocuments that come out for
and i ve put twokeyquotes from that with regard
all local authorities msps andkeyagencies should work together to
have already done so withkeylocal authorities particularly glasgow city
by local authorities supports strengtheningkeyservices for those young people
and finding out that thekeylady there was also keeping
stamped on its side buttonskeypencil have never grown fatter
the parliament has endorsed thekeyprinciples described by the consultative
has responsibility for the followingkeytasks within the loch lomond
never be duin turnin thekeya think it s hell
and having disability as akeyagenda item for the modernisation
tint mynes ye ken thekeyah mean the wee tottie
n d badge my housekeyand my 3½p into the
the evening with the sparekeyand tools but could do
think that s a akeyarea for the primary school
up i ll pit thekeyback through the letterboax she
important to note that akeychange was made to the
right set out clearly thekeyconnection between religious and political
an historic commitment and akeydelivery for the scottish executive
in the united kingdom thekeydifferences between the scottish and
renewable energy technologies as akeydriver in the scottish economy
re going to be thekeydrivers they re going to
the corn kist wi thekeyentrusted tae him bi steenhillock
was f813: you had thekeyf814: oh sorry callum f812:
risk management was often thekeyfactor in tipping the balance
to remember that perhaps thekeyfactor was the north atlantic
reverse the historic decline inkeyfish stocks and secure a
reverse the historic decline inkeyfish stocks and secure a
mornin an socht the sparekeyfrae the landlord fur there
agatha christie had rented thekeygave the game away i
in but she had thekeyif he didn t chain
should ve thrown away thekeyif i d thought for
oan his graivel path thekeyin his gairidge padloak ah
shoes and they had akeyin the bottom f814: yeah
f814: yeah they d akeyin the bottom i d
so much home sweet homekeyin the lock a shoved
white unfurnished room hearing thekeyin the lock lies back
1 changing employment levels inkeyindustries in the scottish borders
olga silently hands him thekeyirena goes behind the screen
the first turn o thekeyit wis mair likely an
relation to racist incidents thekeyjudgment on progress will come
give my keys to thekeylady and eventually the cleaner
s room last week thekeylady who should have been
the turn o the ootbyekeylowps onno the fleer wi
incognito red as flamenco thekeymay have opened amazement s
haud back nae mair okeyo dauvit sceptre o the
the thocht o that lostkeyo yours that torments me
them to the situation mykeyobjection to the amendment however
but had difficulty with thekeyonly to discover it had
only remained to get herkeyout to win the comfort
highlights at different stages thekeyoutcomes that we would expect
the scottish executive whether thekeyperformance indicator shown on page
the scottish prison service skeyperformance indicators but where performance
the years to come akeyprerequisite the fundamental principle that
makes it clear that thekeyproblem was data management mr
was saying that what thekeyproblems were that gave rise
reach a view on certainkeyquestions i have read the
cupboard safe behind a turnedkeyquite the best place for
implementation will he support thekeyrecommendation that nursing care and
s lockit up an thekeys gotten lost a pause
if the old dear skeyscraped the lock jumping up
as the owner warbles offkeysomeone around here may be
fourteen but it s thekeystages after that erm it
the curriculum cycle in thekeystages outlined the teacher should
farms it brought together thekeystockmen and the other members
for improving salmon conservation akeysuggestion from the consultation paper
a data entry agency tokeythe edited copy from slips
will have the medical roomkeythere might be 5 coffee
me at lunch time thekeything that they wanted to
as ti gie me thekeytil the lobby press ah
have a swipe-car- like yourkeyto get into the main
the link as being thekeyto helping pupils gain a
this particular landscape held thekeyto the new life he
structure daniel fumbled with thekeyuntil it opened the arched
what we would call thekeyvolunteer the coach coaches enable
as the novel progresses akeyward that comes back time
situation but i think thekeywith the the the woodside
words if there was anykeywords so the kids in
up to 25 thereby enablingkeyworkers on the farm to
scottish liberal democrats have fivekeyaims to transform scotland s
re going to draw upkeybooks that have influenced you
from a rubik s cubekeyring to a 3 d
drugs limited tae fowk inkeyjoabs police informers wad aften
and in hotels like minekeyladies watch you come onto
situated in close proximity tokeylandmarks in mitchell s life
to deliver in relation tokeyperformance indicators in a private
injury by using her sparekeyto get in and set
in mum s bedroom [inaudible]keyto mum that s it
this would be an obviouskeyfunction and an educational challenge
linen cupboard she kept akeyabout her person to that
had a f813: yeah f814: keyand [tut] oh f812: it
not my way sadie usingkeyas a microphone sings i
toilet ok 4 saturday getkeygo to hawthorne rd a
10 20 years with akeyobjective to eradicate child poverty
dumbarton to tarbet as akeyroute to scotland s first
and care workers and otherkeystaff who provide a valuable
then paradox can be akeyto f963: mm mmhm yeah
she couldn t get herkeyout as she d dropped
i ll hae their carkeyand lock them oot i
their repeated emphasis on threekeycomponents music and song recitation
haters their children were latchkeykids simply dragged up not
with adequate vocabulary to communicatekeyfacts functional writing level c
every day ye know holdskeyout to carolanne ye furgot
for instance having them setkeyquestions to be answered or
on my return that theykeylady on my floor was
gave me my hankie mykeyand my 3½p then he
waiting times for scotland skeykiller diseases i assure mr
procedure scotland s census 2001keystatistics for settlements and localities
clear public health benefits forkeyfood safety and hygiene messages
floor was absent no roomkeyi waited for 30 minutes
eh hello carolanne enters withoutkeycarolanne oh dear it s
hae disraeli danglin frae onykeyring or luikin straucht at

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