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mynd rintoul it wes akyndo brounie gray color it
hir ma hen is akyndo brounie gray color maistlie
richt green it s akyndo dull color follows olga
gray color maistlie she haeskyndo riddie feet look oot
seem nyce til thair ainkynda mammie rat wul seem
a mammie rat wul seemkyndan furrie an cuddlie til
til a wumman that wesnakyndno eftir yeir mither moula
she s a guid dacentkyndo a wumman she d
moula the r a certainkyndo wumman canna byde hir
or oniething but hirsell thiskyndo wumman is waur in
horse an wurk nor thekyndo yung wumman that waukens
wumman she d really akyndwumman in hir air wey
m weill shuir that akyndwumman lyke yeirsell wul be
richt cut oot for thiskyndo wark ah never wantit
never wantit ti dae thiskyndo wark ah wantit ti
puddok an the puddok leuchkyndis it mebbe ay an
ye please kynd puddok puddokkyndis it mebbe ay an
dumplin he disna eat thatkyndo meat the puddok gathers
yeir wal an ye pleasekyndpuddok an the puddok leuch
yeir wal an ye pleasekyndpuddok puddok kynd is it
ti say he haed naekyndo raiglar wark set out
dreamed aboot it s thekyndo wark ye dae lyke
thocht she s a nycekyndauld wutch pepper astonished ye
guid o ye pompitie raelkyndo ye the wutch telt
the wutch telt me houkyndye haed been she haes
ai ah div hate thatkyndo thing olga ay is
lumps or getherins o oniekyndqueen ai ah wush ah
first witch ai ye arekyndthird witch an a l
m better uised wi thiskyndo darg nor yeirsell this
it struck me that thiskyndo thing uised ti happen
moula an wul she bekyndeilidh hou the mischief wad
r naebodie ti say akyndwurd ti thaim moula is
common pompitie please please pleasekyndneedle ah didna think whit
be cawed men o akyndlyke hoonds stray curs toozie
lyke it wes juist akyndo first draft an syne
the nicht an it skyndo romantic lyke seein that
na na ah m feelinkyndo seik lyke ah dout
o rain malcolm it soondskyndo sentimental lyke ah div
forfar or sumthing o thekyndit wul be guid ti
an o coorse a newkyndo lyfe wul begin for
ah daursay she wul bekyndtae ah canna imagine yeir
yallae skirt wi a coorsekyndo freinge falderal an syne
mynd at whyles we warnakyndah m vext anent yeir
ye sobbing yeir skin feelskyndo claggie it brings me
rintoul yeir grace is owrekyndthe honor o serrin ye
ti mairrie wi yeir ainkyndye r no naitral naither
you olechka ye r thatkyndbut ah m fair worn
that the r a funniekyndo whuff she walks around
thaim tae they r thatkyndsae they ir walks off
sociable the r aye akyndwurd frae him a first
she ir ye no thekyndane an clivver tae for
war aye hungirie mair bannokskyndmhairi for we ir fair
that ye ir cannie ankyndtil aw the beiss in
ettin s guidwyfe hae akyndbit aboot hir tae an
hir sayin sumthing o thekyndbut ma guidman ah mean
an his guidwyfe mhairi akyndmistress til aw hir houss
in hir chowks she skyndo green aboot the gills
hirsell in hir haund thekyndo staff that auld men
hir an thenk ye raelkyndti me ye hae been
be she aye haed akyndnaiture even whan she wes
l hummil ye wi akynddeed gunlöd returns unseen by
better fettil l macbeth akyndguidnicht ti ye aw she
ah l show ye anitherkyndo patience sets out the
but gin she s middlinkyndwe l settil for that
canna tell ye ah mkyndo ill o hearin andrey
ti be cruel ti bekyndye micht finnd it ill
an wes she no thekyndane she wes aw that
weiger she s no askyndas ma mither wes eilidh
mukkil he wes a vaiginkyndo bodie an he gaed
o complaint she wes thekyndthat s ower guid for
at me in a specialkyndo wey ye micht say
the torment o the warstkyndan lang did thay hear
be an expluraishn o akyndbut dat kyndo explorin is
mean dt dir been onykyndo a cunekshun whit so
that s nae aunsir whitkyndo aunsir is that is
it s aw juist akyndo dwam an illusion it
tolerance an acceptance o anniderkyndo fauk whit happint asked
pours oot its bountie akyndo glorie faws on aw
as a stick ah mkyndo hairse i the thrappil
tell ye cheremsha is akyndo ingan the neibor o
2nd murderer a m thekyndo man ma lord that
level o an animal akyndo mean blinnd thick skinned
lairns dt t introduce auneekyndo personal element ur opinion
luivs me anaw it skyndo scary is t no
never heed gets up whitkyndo sojer im ah oniewey
m ower sweimish for thatkyndo thing it wad juist
hyde an whit suid thekyndlassie dae but pou oot
wunner for that s thekynda hae ti fear nane
the places whaur the humankyndbydes an he stuid nou

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