
See this word as a collocate cloud

up ma lord macbeth albe back in a meinit
yeir gizz 1st murderer itlbe banquo s than macbeth
yeir name scotchman macbeth yelbe feart whan ye hear
oor herts thegither banquo aldae that gledlie macbeth till
verra dirks l macbeth whaldaur say oniething mair whan
forenent the waws macbeth alfecht or the flesh is
sleep macbeth cum than welgae ti sleep thir unco
macbeth shakes his head algang nae mair in thare
macbeth to an attendant alhear nae mair reports tak
ai what a waesum sichtlmacbeth a daftlyke thing ti
a even think aboot thaimlmacbeth a dout ye want
ye no hear a dirdumlmacbeth a heard a houlet
is suin in better fettillmacbeth a kynd guidnicht ti
til yeir grace macbeth tolmacbeth a l mell wi
oor ryal maister s murdertlmacbeth ai mercie na no
duncan cums here the nichtlmacbeth an whan dis he
macbeth as a cam dounlmacbeth ay macbeth hear wha
gaed back again ti sleeplmacbeth ay the re twa
abroad can touch him noulmacbeth cum on ma man
he been spierin for melmacbeth did ye no ken
macduff no heedin ma biddinlmacbeth did ye order him
dae ye mean ma lordlmacbeth dinna speir at him
but fand a coudna speaklmacbeth dinna think owre mukkil
sleeps i the saicont chaumerlmacbeth donalbain macbeth distraught ai
air s aye delicate enterlmacbeth duncan see here oor
himsell at sic a tymelmacbeth evidently fainting help me
be back again the nichtlmacbeth gae tell the keing
naething wi thae glowerin eenlmacbeth gentlemen think o this
d doucelyke in thair bedslmacbeth going over the past
weary enters with a servantlmacbeth haes banquo left the
what is t what wurdlmacbeth he s gey near
banquo luik eftir this leddielmacbeth is carried out banquo
what oor is it noulmacbeth it s gey near
we l speak mair eftirlmacbeth juist mynd an be
frae green ti crammasie enterlmacbeth l macbeth ma haunds
bell the bell rings enterlmacbeth l macbeth what s
ti crammasie enter l macbethlmacbeth ma haunds is nou
goes to speak to macbethlmacbeth ma lord ye arena
fey nor onie murder islmacbeth ma lord yeir gentil
thare what s gaun onlmacbeth mercie a dout they
richt ma leddie servant leaveslmacbeth naething is gained an
it eftir he takes noteslmacbeth oot demned smitch oot
macbeth alone with a letterlmacbeth reads they met up
guests please keep yeir saetslmacbeth reproaching him aw pleisir
thraw thaim at ma fuitlmacbeth sae what haes happent
first murderer enters macbeth tolmacbeth see they are aw
an oor at a tymelmacbeth she looks closely at
his hieness is no weilllmacbeth sit dour guid freins
adae ti speak his wurdlmacbeth tend til him he
s chamber enter lady macbethlmacbeth the drink that s
ye no speak macbeth whanlmacbeth the nou macbeth as
for ti gang the mornlmacbeth the sun wul never
physician did ye merk thatlmacbeth the thane o fife
guid kens what she kenslmacbeth the waff o bluid
son fleance is aye leevinlmacbeth they re no immortal
truth sae that s itlmacbeth ti bed cum ti
macbeth what if we faillmacbeth we fail juist screw
an uised thair verra dirkslmacbeth wha l daur say
macbeth wul sleep nae mairlmacbeth wha wes it that
in lyfe s gret feastlmacbeth what dae ye mean
daurs dae mair is nanelmacbeth what deil wes t
houdie craws the ghost disappearslmacbeth what hae ye tint
staun here a saw himlmacbeth what haivers macbeth to
foonder the tither syde enterlmacbeth what is t what
ye for aw yeir truibillmacbeth what littil a can
bell rings enter l macbethlmacbeth what s aw this
a fell thing wul happenlmacbeth what s gaun ti
micht fleg the deil himselllmacbeth what stuff this fear
here oor chief guest himselllmacbeth whispering it wadna dae
a word here and therelmacbeth ye are aw oor
daurna luik on it againlmacbeth ye haena the pith
what s in oor hertslmacbeth ye maun stap this
amen stack in ma thrappillmacbeth ye maunna think this
keing cums here the nichtlmacbeth ye re shuirlie gaen
are yeir guest the nichtlmacbeth yeir sairvants syre haud
macbeth to l macbeth almell wi oor guests a
nou banquo yeir hieness alno dae that macbeth a
yit ma lord macbeth alpit it on for aw
teitil greet macbeth ross alsee it s duin yeir
you macbeth or else alsheath ma sword again unuised
days ti cum macbeth welspeak mair eftir l macbeth
slip the oor macbeth altak ye til him he
macbeth within the oor altell ye whaur ti dern
weill said macduff nou welawa ti the keing an
scone macduff na cuisin algang ti fife ross a
murderer whaur is yeir guidmanlmacduff a howp he s
son what s a traitorlmacduff a traitor is a
awbodie that dis that traitorslmacduff awbodie that dis that
no deid whatever ye saylmacduff ay he s deid
ma faither a traitor mitherlmacduff ay he wes that
maun they aw be hangitlmacduff ay ilkane o thaim
honest men an hang thaimlmacduff heivin help ye ye
daurna byde langir he leaveslmacduff leave whaur wad a
are bonnie he kisses herlmacduff looking at her son
fear that gart him rinlmacduff mense ti leave his
you dae for a manlmacduff mercie a coud buy
son wha wad hang thaimlmacduff mercie the honest men
lyke the birds dis mitherlmacduff on wurms an flees
git the wey they daelmacduff puir bird wad ye
please please mammie he dieslmacduff runs out crying murder
leave at aince ross leaveslmacduff son yeir faither s
macduff her son and rosslmacduff what haed he duin
maun hae patience ma leddielmacduff what patience did he
gittin a new faither suinlmacduff ye re a wee
thaim ti sell thaim againlmacduff ye speak lyke a
here the door macduff almak sae bauld as gie
ross macduff a dout yelmebbe never forgie me for
cum ti see me ahlbe back in a meinit
be gey dreich toozenbach ahlbe back in a meinit
here a meinit pompitie ahlbe back suin an he
here a meinit pompitie ahlbe back suin pepper leaves
mull onie meinit an helbe bringin his new wyfe
glances at his watch welbe stertin in a meinit
on the floor irena helbe up this meinit we
this fuit knicht awricht ahlbyde for a meinit but
dinna want oniething nou ahlcaum doun in a meinit
want ti say then ahlgae in a meinit first
wee whyle fyedia koolyghin ahlgang in a meinit ma
ye want puddok puddok ahlgether masell in a meinit
i the spulyie as yelhere in a meinit tho
no chynge ma mynd ahlno byde here a meinit
fair birlin ah think ahlsit doun for a meinit
syne til naebodie else ahltell ye in a meinit
she disna cum suin ahlaither be deid or ah
god grant that suin welaw be freins at hame
fare ye weill syre ahlbe back as suin as
nou on yeir road ahlbe eftir ye suin an
thaim again fairlie suin ahlbe leavin the morn ay
tyme on yeir road ahlbe lowpin eftir ye suin
mirren thrawn lik suin helbe yibbil ti traffek wi
til t meg haivers sheldee suin gin she s
disjaskit ah m shuir ahldee suin gin sumbodie disna
caressing valgerd suin suin ahlfinnd it suin orm syne
it isna drawn suin helhae ti tak aff ma
eftir ye suin an ahlno be ferr ahint ye
wyfe dee d but welsuin git it redd up
git uised ti me ahlsuin keep ye richt if
thaim til hir an yelsuin ken ah m tellin
o yeir geir or yelsuin regrait the tinsellin o
what ye wee taidspue alsuin sort you ye traitor
dochter an yeirsells an yelaw be hame the morn
sechtit mirren dinna fash welaw be heir the morn
natasha sae the morn ahlbe aw ma lane here
morn s morn jek ahlbe ready maister wul ye
here the morn an welbe settin up houss thegither
malcolm lowers his hand ahldael wi you the morn
the morn first thing algang an see the thrie
morn morag ah think ahlhae a bit read first
the morns morn an welhae a guid crak than
morn an the morn welhae a lang crak thegither
mornin guid kens whaur ahllay ma heid the morn
weill the morn an ahlmairrie ye wi pleisir sae
a pause the morn thelno be a singil officer
ma mukkil ane an yelsleep thare or the morn
it the nou andrey welspeak aboot it the morn
ye gae the morn welspeak again the first murderer
awbodie wul listen but welspeak anent this the morn
r aw fair duin welspeak it ower the morn
nou an the morn welspeak thegither syne aince mair
nou an the morn welspeak thegither you an me
she says the morn ahltak the yairn hame til
hae whit marvellous een ahltak ye awa the morn
o wyne the morn weltwyne asyde the canal dauner
ye awa the morn welwurk an we wul be
the first kind is herebyrnel1443 heresyrce l 1511 and
is herebyrne l 1443 heresyrcel1511 and herenet l 1553
heresyrce l 1511 and herenetl1553 the second kind is
l 232 and g ðgewσdel227 in all these examples
ðsearo ll 215 328 fyrdsearol232 and g ðgewσde l
sc- spelled k o lla v a g r
hummil hame offers gin yelagree ah l cry ma
y avait cinq langues officielleslallemand l anglais l espagnol
dans une langue autre quelanglais l écossais ou le
cinq langues officielles l allemandlanglais l espagnol le russe
l espagnol le russe etlarabe en plus on parlait
in a lyke wey yelaye need me ye l
l dae athoot hir shelbe a sair miss she
ah l keep quaet ahlbe lyke yon madman in
l your bree b ilbest wishes from all the
doon call c a llcause that was the wey
malcolm what a ken alcredit and that a l
gin ye l agree ahlcry ma auld neibor owre
rat athout a tail aldae a l dae an
ah tell ye whit ahldae ah l kill the
tail a l dae aldae an a l dae
ah l obleige ye ahldae as ye ask moula
ah dinna ken whit ahldae athoot hir she l
a l dae an aldae second witch a l
langue autre que l anglaislécossais ou le gaélique nous
langues européennes notre ministre pourléducation l europe et les
l étude de la médicinelenseignement des langues étrangères aux
officielles l allemand l anglaislespagnol le russe et l
autrefois c était obligatoire pourlétude de la médicine l
travers l europe à reprendrelétude des langues pour le
de toute nationalité à traversleurope à reprendre l étude
notre ministre pour l éducationleurope et les affaires extérieures
kind of potato scone fardellfardel l is defined by
l dae second witch algie ye a wund first
l mairrie him olia ahlgrie ti mairrie him if
called cullivoe c u lli v o e and
potato scone fardel l fardellis defined by snd as
forgie me maria serghyeevna ahljuist leave quaetlyke ah l
ye awthing an nou ahlkeep quaet ah l be
whit ah l dae ahlkill the broun stirk he
s sc- spelled k oll a v a g
had doon call c all cause that was the
was called cullivoe c ull i v o e
did it r e all y slowly for maximum
ye l never forget ahlleather the skin aff yeir
ah l listen son ahllisten knicht ah fand moula
in a chair malcolm ahllisten son ah l listen
a richt guid man ahlmairrie him olia ah l
l credit and that almurn pit richt the wrangs
l aye need me yelneed me for the rest
lairn ye a lesson yelnever forget ah l leather
no gang near hir ahlno ah l no ah
hir ah l no ahlno ah l no needle
l tell ye this ahlno hae onie successfu rivals
l juist leave quaetlyke ahlno hae onie tea gets
no ah l no ahlno needle aweill syne ah
sum ither day syre ahlobleige ye ah l dae
moula does not reply youlpromise me ye l say
you l promise me yelsay naething o whit ye
you aboot ma bairn ahlspeir for it ye l
me for shuir but ahltell ye this ah l
l speir for it yelwait a lang tyme afore
it r e a lly slowly for maximum effect
are here your s ilyour bree b i l
him sae he said ahlcum alang wi ye brither
halie sepulchre s chaipel ahlcum back aiblins whan the
yeir kinrik bring hir ahlcum back aiblins whan the
see rintoul out rintoul ahlcum back an see ye
be retirin awthegither syne ahlcum back here an feinish
and takes out another ahlcum back here an lead
his hert his luiv ahlcum back ma luiv whan
doun thare haud on ahlcum doun she moves from
looks sharply at valgerd shelcum doun whitever valgerd ye
tired ah dinna think ahlcum gets up ah m
a move on anfisa ahlcum help look for hir
ye eftir crossly awricht ahlcum juist leave iz alane
flouers bloom again syne ahlcum throws garland into fire
gled s een an shelcum til a bad end
drink til eternal freinship ahlcum wi ye whan ye
what a man daurs aldae cum at me lyke
be the lest tyme ahlever cum an wi that
cum oot nou an ahlhae ti birze yeir fuit
never never cum back welnever gang ti moscow ah
on the floor enthusiastically itlno cum back here in
ti dae bi you ahlno cum wi ye gunnar
say cum ootby an welsee said the streinger an
cum tak yeir revenge ahlshaw ye hou ti dae
cum ruin at laest alstaun an dee wi airmor
stage morag ah na whitlah dae ai mercie whit
ah dae ai mercie whitlah dae morag lies down
rude morag please god whitlah dae nanse his hurdies
ma bonnie lassie morag whitlah dae puddok wul ye
naebodie mairries puddoks morag whitlah dae the image of
here a dreich muir ahlairt ma naig ti whaur
ye whit a caird ahlawa an hide masell goes
you yeir wheisht an ahlawa at aince an set
be ill ti dae ahlawa for the paerls at
sair missin it aweill ahlawa hame an try it
here for a whyle ahlawa hame an wait for
pompitie ah ken pompitie ahlawa than he flies away
rins on aweill mebbe ahlbe a better graundfaither nor
gaes til the skuil ahlbe a bit feart for
lead a reformed lyfe ahlbe a nice quaet weill
kie ti yeir riddil ahlbe as strecht wi you
s ah can mynd itlbe awricht mither morag wul
whit dis it maitter ahlbe back again this forenicht
me you tell thaim ahlbe back in a wee
a movement of impatience ahlbe back in an oor
by the maid natasha ahlbe back in hauf an
back in an oor ahlbe back wi you again
the gal axies an ahlbe braw i the whuff
takes off her hat ahlbe bydin for ma denner
the maid tell him ahlbe doun in a glisk
s best ah daursay helbe ettlin ti soond ma
yae day ah dout welbe forgotten awthegither vershinin ay
you mynd aboot that ahlbe fyne yeir ain bed
morag mercie me puddok ahlbe gled o the divert
tattie soup at aw shelbe gled ti hear ah
cums inti this warld ahlbe guid an ready ti
wad juist be patient ahlbe in better fettil for
nae mair o that ahlbe leal an true ti
wul git mairrit an ahlbe left aw ma lane
richt stertit the suiner ahlbe lyke ti feinish sae
yeir guidman ah expek ahlbe made prince consort or
stuil ah dinna think ahlbe needin it onie mair
clock a pause an ahlbe on ma road the
fare we weill for ahlbe on ma road this
ah m no shuir yelbe pleased ti hear the
a year s tyme ahlbe retirin awthegither syne ah
be whan ah believe ahlbe savit he crosses himself
forgot tae never heed ahlbe seein thaim again fairlie
ah m gittin waeker ahlbe telt ti gang but
maun wurk ah daursay yelbe thinkin ah m a
weill whit ah say yelbe vext eftir nanse awa
up oot ma sleep yelbe vext for it ah
can ye dae for ahlbe wantin aw the help
it gin it disna ahlbe wantin ma siller back
ti say til him helbe wyld aboot this ah
up owre this bed ahlbrek everie bane in yeir
lat gae thorfinn aweill ahlbrek it orm ye canna
whit can ye dae ahlbring him sum toys the
port in a storm ahlbrush it aff yeir claes
ti gang nou or ahlburst oot greitin quickly embraces
gaun thare oorsells gunlöd ahlbyde here an luik at
richt dounsutten an settilt ahlbyde wi you for a
on gin ah micht ahlcaw on thaim bi muinlicht
fist to strike her ahlcaw yeir heid aff moula
he cums near me ahlclash him owre the heid
himself that s better ahlcoont ti thrie puddok fareweill
ah tell ye whit ahldae for ye ye mukkil
ah can fairlie lowp ahldae fyne gie s anither
on an ah say yeldae fyne morag whit div
whit ti dae an ahldae it malcolm that s
ma bauld laddie mercie ahldae onie mortal thing ye
wutch that mends rainbows ahldae the richt thing an
never heed ma guidman ahldael wi him ai deirie
hir prayers the nicht ahldael wi hir masell the
hert she drinks malcolm ahldrink ti that he sips
this ah dinna think ahlever mairrie again ever sen
tyme this mornin but ahlexpek ti see ye again
ah dinna think sae welfinnd oot for shuir aboot
at the ploums again ahlfinnd oot whitever it is
gunlöd after a pause ahlforget valgerd awthing gunlöd ah
in the gairden sumwhaur ahlgae look for hir vershinin
ah im toozenbach an ahlgae on feshin ye frae
the haill warld but ahlgae on tyauvin an tyauvin
at the gress but ahlgae see he starts to
through the papers awricht ahlgae through thaim an sign
s speakin aboot it ahlgang an lie doun going
knees bi the ingil ahlgang masell for aw the
never awa yit gunlöd ahlgang nou gunlöd goes valgerd
no duin in tyme ahlgang owre sae ah wul
for nou ma dear ahlgang sumwhaur or ither oot
r nae meetin but ahlgang ti the office for
me as a couart ahlgang wi you mither ye
atwein yeir teeth or ahlgar jek pit the branks
hae forgotten that tae ahlgie five heich caunils for
til his meat anaw ahlgie him tattie soup he
on leevin an wurkin ahlgie ma lyfe ower ti
forfochen richt aneuch awricht ahlgie t a try morag
halie sepulchre gunnar nou ahlgie ye a brither christian
me aince mair an ahlgie ye a jaggin ye
oot o you an ahlgie ye a taste o
first dreamed it syne ahlgie ye back yeir groat
aye meant ti be ahlgie ye pruif didna the
did sae he said ahlgie ye seivin days ti
see ither again syne ahlgie ye sum guid advice
takes up a goblet ahlgie ye this gin ye
axe from wall gunlöd ahlgie ye yeir aunsir yerl
pyot sayin aince mair ahlgie ye yit anither seivin
an again he said ahlgie ye yit anither seivin
is never you fear ahlgie you sic a lounderin
ti be athoot ye ahlgit andrey an his auld
suffer in seilance gunlöd ahlgit quut o ma dule
inti yeir bed mither ahlgit ringan for ti help
wattir ah m shuir shelgit roond this puddok ae
raither nor thole tormentin algledlie tell ye aw ah
guidman but ah daursay ahlgrowe ti lyke him better
naitur vershinin ah think ahlhae a drap this derk
it spreids onie mair ahlhae a leg on me
but aw the same ahlhae a wurd in his
aither be deid or ahlhae lost ma leg that
in ma mynd that ahlhae mukkil need o the
it to shona shona ahlhae sumthing ti say ti
caller air pompitie mistress ahlhae ti gang hame nou
pause gunlöd ah think ahlhae ti gang oot up
it looks as if ahlhae ti gang sumwhaur ma
s guid o ye ahlhae ti git a move
dis hir heid irena ahlhae ti hunt for anither
the ledger broun ogre ahlhae ti hunt for whaever
to her feet guidman ahlhae ti hurrie hame nou
ma lassie ah dout yelhae ti mak a kirk
they drink ah daursay ahlhae ti play the pianae
ye hae telt me ahlhae ti raivel aw this
s thochts is ferlifu ahlhear nae mair o this
ti say that grimly ahlhear nae mair o yeir
limmer that ye ir ahlhear nae mair o yeir
limmer that ye ir ahlhear nae mair o yeir
said ti callum aweill ahlhelp ye ah wes a
tell me afore an ahlhoy on oot for ti
ah swure revenge but ahlhummil ye wi a kynd
lyke ti feinish sae ahljuist awa nou sae awa
ahl never be auld ahljuist aye byde the wey
dae him mukkil skaith ahljuist birsil his weings a
thocht til h irsell ahljuist gang in here an
beir it sighs aweill ahljuist hae this fir tree
aw ma lane here ahljuist hae ti grin an
weill recommended ah dout ahljuist hae ti pit masell
rope nanse ah think weljuist leave ye ti see
the cairds the nicht ahljuist sit an watch ah
hand ma dear lass ahljuist slip oot this road
s in ma hert ahljuist tell it til the
at aw ah think ahljuist wait or ah m
gaun strecht on an ahlkeep ye richt gin ye
wid be fell rash ahlkeep ye yit an lay
ah im sae as yelken hir ma hen is
gangs gin ah depairt ahlkest nae gledge ahint afore
ye canna thorfinn syne ahlkick ye oot ma road
the r oniebodie else ahlkill him ai but ye
haes stown the needle ahlkill him athout mercy whan
favorite dream back again ahlkill him sae ah wul
ye dinna moula horrified yelkill me shona ah mean
o whit ye saw ahlkill ye gin ye dinna
masell ah m shuir yellairn naething frae me anent
bane in yeir bodie ahllairn ye a lesson ye
dure nail but this ahllat ye ti wat ah
fear nae hell ava ahllay thir banes o mynes
ryse oot this bed ahlleather ye blek an blue
o ma dule mither ahlleave it ahint me valgerd
ah loss the heid welleave this limmer til hersell
made reddie ma lair ahlligg here anaith thir auld
frae a straik or ahlloss ma temper at ye
weill ye needna fash ahlmak allouance for ye it
bonnie heid aboot that ahlmak allouances for ye yeir
ye wi the needle ahlmak it as guid as
unco wearie ah ken ahlmak ye a smaw bed
hae duin ah ken ahlmak ye a smaw bed
case ah m thinkin shelmebbe be a sicht waur
mukkil behauden til ye ahlneed a wee whyle ti
lauchin at us areddies ahlnever can haud up ma
ferr aheid o me ahlnever catch up wi ye
it s kennin that ahlnever hae ti share a
sae ah div pompitie ahlnever never dae that ah
hir sae ah div ahlnever never dae that cryit
canna thole the thocht ahlnever see hir again a
if ah belang thare ahlnever want for guid companie
door an ah dout ahlnever win til yeir houss
nae man wad mairrie ahlno aye he here ti
the thane o fife ahlno be back here the
an tell mistress shona ahlno be bringin moula hame
haund neist ma hert yelno be eftir oniething ah
lang as ye lyke ahlno be heedin ye masha
wyme ah dout eilidh ahlno be here ti see
on the road nou ahlno be lang eftir ye
nanse ah m shuir shelno be lang nou queen
say shona ah dout thelno be monie birds liltin
sleep gin we dinna thelno be mukkil betterment ah
m gled ti say ahlno be needin yeir poultice
in yeir accoont an ahlno be sweir ti pey
til t yeirsell grimly ahlno be traetit lyke this
mukkil as ye lyke ahlno chynge ma mynd ah
ah m no complainin ahlno cuist it up ti
pow pownie p please ahlno dae t again queen
pompous voice no lykelie ahlno dae that ah aye
bummie vyce no lykelie ahlno dae that ah aye
til simmer but nou ahlno forgae wyne douce as
lairn him a lesson helno forget ah maun awa
til hir pompitie ay ahlno forget but ah never
wi ma ain een ahlno forget that ah ken
m feart for hir ahlno gang near hir ah
gunlöd syne ah dout helno git on weill wi
it be in sair ahlno hae mukkil tyme ti
the branks on eilidh ahlno hae that shona that
the maiden s prayer ahlno hae ti meet protopovov
licht is gaun an ahlno hae tyme ti read
nae mair ti me ahlno hear anither wurd ye
ti fear frae me ahlno herm hir knicht ah
lat me doun nanse ahlno lat ye doun mither
it wul ye wutch ahlno mention it pompitie looking
it ti be run ahlno middil oniething ye want
broun ogre ah howp yelno mynd me speirin broun
fylin ma clean fluirs ahlno pit up wi that
whan ye ken thaim ahlno say awbodie mynd ye
dae malcolm hesitates howt ahlno see ye stuck for
ah can tell ye itlno shaw its ugsum face
b b but needle ahlno speak again pompitie starts
fyne athoot yeir claps ahlno speak ti ye again
keep tellin ye but yelno tak a tellin ah
ye pompitie a a ahlno tell hir oniething please
composes herself maister rintoul yelpaurdon me ah m no
an said gae nippitlyke ahlpit up wi this nae
twa haunds see nou ahlpit ye in the neuk
git stertit ma friends ahlplay for ye whitna queerlyke
at first licht moula ahlpray awricht faither but no
tyme ye lairnt astronomie ahlpynt andromeda an ye can
hear it than moula ahlrecite it whan ma faither
aw settilt olga weill ahlrefuise ah coudna dae it
ti respek hir anaw ahlrepeat she s an honest
til oniebodie eilidh moula ahlsay naething nou for the
purgatorie for this sin ahlsay ower the haill lang
guid at the skraichin ahlsay that for hir she
the two rooms malcolm ahlsay this for ye shona
more pleasantly awricht than ahlsee maister rintoul nou gang
bowing yeir grace queen ahlsee ye r weill rewairdit
say ah wul or ahlshew yeir sleeves thegither an
say ah wul or ahlshew yeir twa sleeves thegither
thertie twa laughter fedotik ahlshow ye anither kynd o
ringan hangs his head ahlskelp yeir lugs for ye
kimmer an said nou ahlspeik but the aince the
ben the houss an ahlsteik up yeir favorite dream
empty chair moula eilidh yelstert me greitin whanever ah
that if ah dee ahlstill hae a share in
it for aw that ahlsweir yon wes hir haundiwark
never can forget howt ahltak me a turn on
for aw ah care ahltak nae mair snash frae
me lyke that again ahltak the back o ma
tell oniebodie aboot it ahltak yeir lyfe thirlman it
an syne she said ahltell ee whit ye can
langir lyke this knicht ahltell hir fare ye weill
wes thare never heed ahltell hir masell but michtie
s thair houss anaw ahltell thaim tae they r
gang wi that dress ahltell thaim ti plant flouers
weill onie road andrey ahltell the sairvants no ti
ogre broun ogre awricht ahltell ye an ye promise
at the stake an ahltell ye anither thing ah
darlin whitfor no masha ahltell ye eftir crossly awricht
ah dinna ken syne ahltell ye ma lassie gie
ah canna puddok syne ahltell ye ma lassie gie
sowp o guid milk ahltell ye masell whit neist
whaurever it cums frae ahltell ye pepper whit happent
ir ma guidson knicht ahltell ye sumthing else tae
nose speculatively broun ogre ahltell ye this the needle
wha ir ye knicht ahltell ye wha ah im
is stuck fast needle ahltell ye whan ye can
dae g guidman puddok ahlthink o sumthing eftir nou
on byde a wee ahltry a morsil malcolm has
no said the princess ahltry again an she rase
shuir it s no ahltry again morag climbs out
on wi ma darg ahltry no ti bather oniebodie
end o a fiddil ahlwad she s claen dementit
it wul be slockent ahlwait for ye ae day
chaumer richt awa but ahlwant ti speak wi you
for me ah daursay theylwant ti thraw a bit
nae wattir nanse bitterly ahlwaste nae mair tyme wi
is weill reddie syne ahlwauken ye up an ye
eftir yeir mither moula ahlweiger she s no as
inti this barrae an ahlwheel ye aw the road
whit dis it maitter ahlwurk ah d lyke ti
ivan romanych man man yelgit a blek merk for
inti the houss an welgit hir cleaned up richt
ye nou man congratulations yelgit nae peace frae ma
better dae that moula yelgit nane frae me moula
weill that s whit yelgit owre yeir back the
yeir lyfe gaes in yelgit smoored amang the thrang
gie him tattie soup helgit tattie soup owre the
hou dae ye ken yelgit the chance ever ti
s awfu cauld puddok yelgit uised wi that morag
oot thare in poland yelgit yeirsell a polish guidwyfe
loun ye keep here welhae ti git quut o
richt tak this in alhae ti git til the
but soor milk or yelnever git onie thinner stops
hands on hips sae yelno git oot ma road
better but nae dout yelbe sendin in yeir accoont
yeir richt sell speakin yelbe up an doun lyke
ye frae persuit thusgates yelcan rademe baith yeir dochter
the pownie is fyne heldae fyne athoot yeir claps
mairrie me yeir hieness yeldraw nae wattir here nanse
til yeir bed an yelfinnd oot whit this unco
look oot ye fyreflies yelmebbe clour yeir wee heids
a said ti ye yelmebbe draw yeir ain conclusion
yeir bed at aw yelneed aw the rest ye
a wee pikkil mair theylpit color in yeir chowks
ye are an nou alprove yeir leein wi ma
this is a mishanter yelrue aw yeir days whan
nanse c mon mither theylstick til yeir ribs queen
yeir napkin wi ye yelsweit for it in here
tung in yeir heid yeltry ma patience ower ferr
you yeir voice doun yelwauken sofochka il ne faut
yeir heid aboot that itlwurk awricht yeir favorite dream
wi hir but mebbe shelhae better luck wi this
the sun aw day welhae ti tell hir mebbe
morag whit s mair helmebbe be cummin here the
for thaim at aw yelmebbe be gled o thaim
turnt intil a puddok yelmebbe hae noticed in sum
fishmongir an poutrie man yelmebbe mynd o him he
rintoul bi yeirsell mither helmebbe want ti exemine ye
garred me greit irena welmeet sum tyme fedotik mebbe
the prood ane mebbe thelno be a keing that
the prood ane mebbe thelno be a keing that
tak it colonel mebbe yelread it sum tyme whan
ettil ti gae on thelbe a whein chynges here
notebook wi a pincil welgae doun ti the wattir
lean agin ma shouther welgae throu the gal axies
alang ye gae ferapont theylgie ye a bit cake
ye can gae an alno fash aboot ye glossary
for whaever cums eftir thelbe a tyme whan peace
beisines in a glisk yelbe eftir wittins o thon
whan duncan is asleep helfairlie sleep the nicht eftir
acherspyrin lik sauch stobs atlgrowe lang eftir thai bene
we can settil eftir wellat that flie stick ti
winna sant awa awthegither yelmak sum impression eftir ye
me eftir wi it alno be feart for oniething
whan he growes up helno tak eftir his mither
a physician enters malcolm welspeak mair eftir to physician
the ae tyme or shelstert rinnin eftir oniething she
moula puir things eilidh thelbe tramps an gaun aboot
unfankil here knicht ay yelhae ti think aboot moula
relaxes her grip moula yeljuist hae ti beir it
tongue ye leein jaud yeltell nae maur lees moula
frae this tyme furth welcaw ye yerls the first
your tyme for greitin yelhae a fek o tyme
year tyme but syne welhaurlie ken yin anither we
anent him in tyme alorder him awricht a hae
fortnicht s tyme an welsee that ye ir weill
conter ye in here welsee ye at denner tyme
m cummin on ahint theylwant tyme ti prepare a
the officers wul gang youlbe awa ma sister wul
o snakes an ledders yelcan gang up or doun
desertit athoot thaim irena welgang awa anaw chebutykin drops
nicht for ordnar an welgang no bi the wattir
for scotland sae nou welgang thegither oor howps o
fife ross a think algang tho he moves to
shaw a greitin face algang ti ingland donalbain it
ye r telt an yelno gang ferr wrang juist
but a maun gang alsay fareweill but it wul
gang thare for needle yelsee whan we win thare
ye maunna gang irena yelshuirlie byde an hae a
bigger for a stert yelhae noticed that morag ye
morag mither dinna say yelhae ti chein ma guidman
bosie they embrace morag weljuist hae ti lairn ti
it coudna been morag yelrue aw the hairs o
he sayed ti john algie a heize wi the
witches c mon sisters welgie him a fling ti
sei m mebbies saunt peterlgie me a heize wi
micht aye hae kin yelgie me a hurl ti
rewaird frae our warsillins algie ye a cuttance o
kynd third witch an algie ye anither first witch
abuin this loch an thailgie ye herbrie douglas canna
the vaill o m algie ye ma explene in
this is sae an algie ye sum darg wul
gie ye a jaggin yelnever forget they reach the
on or the end alno gie in sae here
health til awbodie syne alsit doun gie me a
thaim an god abuin welaiblins entertein oor guests again
whit ye r daein thatldae fyne richt shaw thaim
tak me ti thaim alhae a wurd wi thaim
castle is sae strang weljuist lat thaim byde here
up the deid angus welmeet up wi thaim near
tak the airns aff welneed thaim nae mair jek
thaim thai r kin anlsure thaim soverance dinna vex
guid aneuch for thaim yeltell nae mair lees exit
not exactly the hog delannee but the hog du
langues européennes une initiative delannée des langues européenes se
université de stirling pour célébrerlannée des langues européennes notre
essentiel je suis convaincu quelapprentissage de langues étrangères est
est un élément essentiel danslexpérience de chaque élève et
soit un véritable acteur delhéritage européen commun nous ne
and islands con je suislheureux père de deux jeunes
ne cesse de se battrelidée d une journée des
which read both clot delinfierno the grave of hell
à irene oldfather qui estlinstigatrice de la motion j
moyen de communication elles représententlinstrument de la compréhension et
cours de mon association avecluniversité de heriot watt il
assisté à un événement àluniversité de stirling pour célébrer
and starts to sob whitla dae ai mercie whit
a dae ai mercie whitla dae she then lies
furby mirren a wauger thailbe weill hained or dae
a fuil aw this aldae afore ma temper lowns
can a no howp theyldae as mukkil for me
hands puddok mercie lassie yeldae fyne as ye ir
the warld 2nd murderer weldae ma lord whatever ye
help needle na na yeldae nae sic thing did
sumbodie ye can hurt yeldae nae skaith on me
a long kiss olga thatldae nou that wul dae
the green leaf wutch theyldae the turn graund then
an speak aboot it weldecide whit ti dae than
no content yeirsell guidmither yelfinnd plenty for ti dae
wi me nanse richt weljuist dae that than the
malcolm aside to donalbain welken better what ti dae
me nots wad dae yelno forget me awthegither ye
she s middlin kynd welsettil for that dae ye
ye dae yeirsell but yelunnerstaun a hae ti think
be weill at aince shelbe richt as rain she
the first cock craws welbe weill oot o sicht
weill masha never heed welkeep oor end up gin
ballroom soliony verra weill welmak a note o this
that s hir deid welhae sum peace nou that
mortal thing nou malcolm shelno be needin hir braw
the murderer enjey yeirsells welpass the cup roond nou
shift doun the stair welaye be rowin lyke this
coort for a whyle helbe lyke a knotless threid
finnds oot aboot you theylbe roond here lyke sae
lyke a razor puddok thatlbe the verra thing for
but in a sieve alfollae him an lyke a
lyke yon look oot itlno be lang or she
an aw his freins alno blaw lyke a fuil
tell me the day yelno lyke ti hear she
a syde shaw ferlie welstage ye lyke sum byuss
cheerie lyke orm an welthenk the gods that saved
mishanters an a laist yelaiblins hae a lauch tho
witch spier 3rd witch welaunsir 1st witch wad ye
clour wi this an itlbather ye nae mair twa
think sae broun ogre yelbe a frein o his
be the heidmistress natasha yelbe askit til olechka it
ti lyfe again an yelbe blyth but the r
aw the warld forby yelbe daein me a guid
ye r ma guidwyfe yelbe gled ti share a
saicret poke o sweities albe leised on giein ye
gied it fresch virr yelbe queisitive nae dout ti
no be lang or yelbe up an awa ti
puddok from behind curtain yelbe vext ae day nanse
try that again or yelbe vext for it pompitie
on this day an yelbe vext ye turnt me
aff hiz k nie yelbe waantin ti sei ma
tilt tho a suppone yelbe wunnerin whitna lassikie is
o tellin a lee yelbring me in mynd pompitie
whit a peitie shuirlie yelbyde anither week wul ye
at maun ken whitwey yelcan affuird ti wad on
waatch ar aye sleipin yelcan anerlie prink yeirsell ahent
sae ferr mentionat an yelcan desyde fur yeirsells gin
an junipere jyned him yelcan here the rummil o
sayed the deil mibbies yelcan tel me than whitwey
s naig bot gin yelcan wauchil up ti thon
ye lat me ken alcurse ye til eternitie lat
a year or twa yeldee frae a straik or
speirit wi ma tongue aldird awa for ye awthing
cooncillor anaw to irena yelfinnd a leit in the
ye want ti see yelfinnd it doun ablo the
for a coin wutch yelfinnd it s cheap at
in the stank anaw yelfinnd sum docken leafs doun
bodie in oor faimilie yelforgie me for sayin sae
ye daft kipper tearfully yelgar me greit anaw masha
here civilian or military helgenerally tell ye he s
hir caumel hair bavarie yelhae a chaumer fur me
in breiks an hosen yelhae a ticht erse gin
befaws ye in eild yelhae a waesum hert an
ye r deprivat aye alhae anither naething gied me
ye maun stert sumwhaurs yelhae takken tent at faither
s a secret but yelhae ti ken awthing aboot
table irena sobs loudly yelhae ti turn me oot
gin ye are leein yelhang alive on the neist
needle haed better wurk yelhear mair aboot it gin
wadna wurk on it yeljuist help the puzzin on
it owre atwein ye aljyne ye again in a
the vail o d yelken tharefur the hort at
the hale hypothek gin yelleisten eydentlie afoir a set
at the inglil neuk yelluik back on this day
face aboot the place yelmak awbodie feart what sojers
speir fur lukkie nisbet yelmibbies get a horss or
forder the mukkil chairiot yelnever can see for the
wird hame wi me yelnever guess whit it is
puir laddie s deid yelnever ken the wey ti
happit rhinoceros or teiger yelnever see me flaunter a
the chaunce loun for yelnever see oniething hauf as
frae this day forrit yelnever set een on me
o the warld or yelnever wun free frae wanhowp
yeirsell a guid denner yelno be lykelie ti be
bodie as a naebodie shelno be sendin ye onie
end oor siccar bergain yelno finnd me a kittil
m feart for him yelno tell him a haed
eneuch bot wi fowk atlnourice ye an haud ye
forder the mukkil chairiot yelonlie be smoored wi the
him inti the hyste yelpey fur this wes the
a polish guidwyfe an shelpit hir airm round ye
ti thair wones an helpit ye on hiz ain
s honest truith an alpruive it ti ye dottilt
turf at aince or yelrue the day ye ever
leeve eilidh promise me yelsay naething aboot this til
lost ma wey an yelshuirlie no grudge me cummin
credit ir ye shuir itlsort oniething puddok hairse thrappils
duncan nods an sae altak ma leave o ye
hauddit a caum souch naebuddieltel the sojers ye r
ye see the wutch yeltell hir naething aboot me
gin a haed pouer altell ye strecht aw peace
no forget me awthegither yeltry an mynd the guid
kinross ky13 9ja mibbies yelwiss ti coff ma nyow
f978: p a p iland eh then there s
t i n o ple anti disestablishmentarianism aside i
as he p e ele d back he always
q p o n mlk j i h g
q p o n mlk j i h g
g h i j klm n o p q
p right across it alp means andy loves pamela
as andy watches writes alp right across it a
heart covering up the alp then adds a neat
some of the reluctant pls 28 friday mike wallace
only 14 but all pls missing 19 saturday to
attendance yesterday 7 tuesday pls on wed a success
friday october 1 wednesday pls present good show on
scots grammar bi c plyoung echteen blats lang kan
frae this day furth aljyne ma thochts til actions
s speakin til hirsell alskreive what she says ti
eh raither nor that altak on fate itsell til
hir feet ae day helup an awa til edinburrie
wul slip by an welbe gaen for guid an
he brandishes his club helbe stane deid that wul
juist a rumor irena welbe left aw oor lane
bairn sae he is weljuist hae ti howp that
thare for shuir sae weljuist hae ti set up
haurlie ken yin anither weljuist meet an say hou
be shuir o that shelaye be ready ti blaw
sic a brawlyke lad helbe a sair loss ti
for an ootsyde waddin thelbe naebodie here ti see
reponed the elder man thailbot flit ti anither puir
ti a toun whaur alcan arreinge fur transport it
faither wes maist cairous aldaunder doun ti sei gin
an oor ti spare welhae a crak thegither anent
s no houss trained helhae ti byde ootby in
wechtie reasons tae sae alhae ti murn his daith
nearly burnt doun awthegither theylhae ti spend the nicht
the cauld mukkil langir welhae ti tak hir inby
hauf a year masha welneed ti watch natasha disna
maiden leddie it means welnever be gaun ti byde
happy for a stert welno be here ti enjoy
hunder year hence an welno be here ti see
hunder year hence an welno be here ti see
hunder year hence an welno be here ti see
an forgotten aboot awthegither welno be here ti see
ein the k nichts welspeir at m ti finnd
is but for aw theylstill be feart ti dee
a feast ti me welup an awa an follae
knee jynt he says helwant sax men ti haud
on a glisk toozenbach welmeet again gin we r
lang syne sayed john alsei gin a can mynd
laughs through her tears welhae a crack later but
the lord be praisit shelhae brocht the wattir wi
state he s in helhae fresh word for us
hae fugiet wi ruth alhae sojers outby the pouer
under the bed rintoul itlno hae been empit the
hae wyed it up welspeak oor herts thegither banquo
r yeah m1055: g ala i r a a
f1009: yes m1055: g ala i r f1009: a
field regt r a bla sunday 3rd sept dear
shakes his head and followslenter the children r margaret
branch of the r nli ladies guild in 1949
arbuthnott dramatic club r nli lady dorothy arbuthnott started
they r simply pathetic shelpit on sum weird lookin
the peges o ballantyne rls inventit caracts lik long
in an appearance syne thelbe twal or in the
in thare an syne welmove sofochka intil his room
ma couardie fears syne alsleep soond throu thunner thunder
that bydes doun hereaboots shelbe lookin in the day
in case the nicht welmak doun the bed ahint
baith sydes is even alsit doun i the middle
an twa wee lassies heltell you aboot it tae
the heid o hir thelbe nae peace for me
be thocht an duin altak duff s keep bi
a fuil o masell altak ma leave at aince
an tryst wi malcolm wellat oor bluid wi him
here is ma wutness welstert oor lyfe ower again
ay ma leddie but helbe back again the nicht
haes taen ma needle alkill him deid pompitie is
we ca them claes cla e s ehm all
claes or claeys m1000: cla e s would that
huxley and tait c uladd mss 7449 d451 tait
[inaudible] cauld c a uld an again if i
well cauld c a uld or i m a
was felt that if cldo not mind the extra
i would spell it fle c h i e
would spell it s gle o c yes it
mais j ai du quitterlecosse c était les années
am le style c estlhomme même as auld baldy
cibuls c i b uls and you know your
s c h a doublelso s double s u
sought an opinion from clwrenn fellow of pembroke college
whit dis it maitter itlaw be the same a
that gybin an tackin jibslfillin an backin whit a
byde a wee whyle welfinnd oot whit we ir
nae lee malcolm aweill welforget aboot the tree whit
wey she s lucky shelnever ken whit it is
thrang an a feir itlbe a guid whyllie tammas
m guid for malcolm welthink o sum ither thing
be richt as rain shelnever ken she haed greigorie
anaith the bounless lift thaylnever ken the day o
revoir it s guidby welnever see ither again koolyghin
the eftirnuins nae mair thatlbe lang aneuch queen but
heid wi this an helno be stealin onie mair
ever she wes afore shelsuffer mair in monie mair
in bank 32 20 mrl[censored: surname] environmental aspects all our
ps to be invited mrsl[censored: surname] head of english at
[censored: surname] mrs e [censored: surname] drl[censored: surname] miss a [censored: surname] 1
1 apologies for absence drl[censored: surname] miss a m [censored: surname]
[censored: surname] mrs f [censored: surname] drl[censored: surname] miss m [censored: surname] mrs
absence were received from drl[censored: surname] mrs a [censored: surname] mrs
year mrs k [censored: surname] dl[censored: surname] mrs e [censored: surname] new
[censored: surname] mrs e [censored: surname] drl[censored: surname] mrs s [censored: surname] 1
1 apologies for absence drl[censored: surname] mrs s [censored: surname] mrs
the stickin place an welno fail whan duncan is
saidil the horses an welryde awa frae here but
o the faimlie aiblins shelno be sae bad aince
forgotten awthegither vershinin ay welaw be forgotten foraye that
in kirkcaldy sum say helryse again an daunse the
complained again according to davidlsmith the coaches were non
bubbles f1112: s m ile f1111: no hang on
no born o wumman alfecht on or the end
no mass at o oflmonday 12 hat night at
o his wame an helno be lang in catchin
meat i the wunter theylno be lang in feinishin
as he s aboot alfeel dounhauden he tairged the
on thair doors aiblins thaylcry me ben for a
mirren wes sair fleggit thailfinnd me heir a maun
sen breinger wes killed helhaurlie luik near me ava
j ai tout quitté pourlingrate sylvie elle me quitte
strangir nor me fareweill welmeet anither day orm leaves
gaun or whitfor an theylcairrie on fliein nae maitter
owre cauld for hell alplay this gemm nae langir
afore we contert him helbe a whein less forritsum
shuir his son fleance whalbe alang wi him is
but an enjoyable one mrslhad surprised him by confessing
shipman s compass caird alsouk him dry as hey
o this byordnar wattir thelbe a hantil gowd for
bows and leaves nanse thislbe anither o thae infernal
glances at her watch theylbe bringin it in in
maun liss puir mirren shaelbe frichtent sayed frizzel an
beyond the garden chebutykin thatlbe skvortsov yin o the
suld usit tae wull wald dow be able may
ni au lycée ni àluniversité which must be patently
if you s m ile f1111: oh hooray they
f1111: to s m ile f1112: [laugh] f1111: it
[inaudible] f1111: s m ile f1112: they re on
anything to s m ile smile away your troubles
anything to s m ile they re all coming
e s t a bli s h m e
rules ok ca cannie strangerlm a nettle i m
holm for newcastleton h olm which is a low
y a m m als and it s f606:
to say with enthusiasm viveleurope 17 45 irene mcgugan
ps a very very straightland a cheeky e when
and the e vowel andlconsonant in beld soften the
m1042: feel f e elfeel f1054: what does that
her a finger an shellauch to vershinin an lyfe
an wun third witch welmeet afore the sun gaes
et pendant un an àluniversité malheureusement en temps anciens
he was pleased that johnland i were there we
it aff the day weldrink a tass o wyne
on sunday we drove aroundlîle d orleans a wealthy
a bit of butter m1108: lll need and we re
fallaen the retiral o missld cameron whae hed muved
he s aye bluidin algilt the faces o the
o f1102: [inaudible] f1101: olright sun next f1102: sun
the hiawatha lounge of thela marriott they were still
also the quotation under fardellabove conclusion a clear picture
pour mon discours aujourd huilecosse a une tradition ancienne
day s dour traivil alfill his twa young chaumer
wrong way that s alfor [censored: forename] m1098: is not
from a translation by johnlfoster in hymns prayers songs
or seivin the nicht alhaud masell apairt till supper
got noo that s alit s round the wrong
a a galair m1007: twols is it f1009: one
i had john at alscott s m608: uh huh
my fourteenth birthday in alscott s the shoe shop
a horss or mibbies shaelset the tarrier dugs on
a liberal with a smalllspeech expressing concern about some
on his eelids cursit helleeve throu wearie weeks ful
for ka- m1098: kangaroo f1097: lis for m1098: eh tiger
41 parts volume iii hlthe first volume for which
july 1942 the late davidlsmith in his article already
was prentit in 1971 jamesldow minister at lochranza and
consider the bill at stagelhealth and community care committee
you all at home inlil ol britain are in
daith in swynish sleep theylmynd naething ava what than
sections of the poem lll1250 the introduction and the
tuebingen milroy j and milroyl1974 belfast change and variation
british english london arnold milroyl1980 language and social networks
social networks oxford blackwell milroyl1987 language and social networks
2nd ed oxford blackwell milroyl1990 observing and analyzing natural
of the european union hl2000 the eu social policy
nuffield language inquiry lobianco jl2001 language and literacy policy
scotland preammle 5 lobianco jl2001 language and literacy policy
index htm 4 lobianco jl2001 language and literacy policy
nuffield language inquiry lobianco jl2001 language and literacy policy
scotland preamble 14 lobianco jl2001 language and literacy policy
index htm 13 lobianco jl2001 language and literacy policy
ll 216 298 1919 sσwudul226 and sundwudu ll 208
that only g ðbil inl803 is entirely dissociated from
know became la mort danslâme which basically is ehm
sacrifice was first published inlannée sociologique 1898 29 138
one of honoré bonet slarbre des batailles completed in
standard modern french edition oflarbre des batailles is that
of arthur waley arthur cooperlcranmer byng kenneth rexroth and
in french it became erlétrangleur d edimbourg i believe
douce distell savouruslie frondise leafylfrondosus preclair obumbrat shaded and
concretions dropped into bloodstream podagrelgk gout in the feet
of indignant reverence had mrslhighly amused evidently recalling the
arising in the passage thuslhow does mike teavee feel
and the dropping of thelin marshaw are not part
aberdonian the dropping of thelin st marshaw if you
consulate learning and teaching scotlandlinstitut francais the scots language
shafts and cart seen onelke that just th other
engineers journal 1993 smith davidllegends of the glasgow and
new testament inti scots williamllorimer tuik on the wechtie
new testament into scots williamllorimer undertook the challenging project
in milroy and milroy 1978lmilroy 1980 and j milroy
the interpretation provision of headlof sch 5 as the
of glasgow and dr jlrobinson middle english dictionary to
david charles 1969 smith davidlrusting rails by lochryan in
friday morning it was johnls birthday the following monday
re very sick with twols in it i would
f1009: much worse with twols m1007: [laugh] [laugh] oh
some bread and butter aslsaid my release from the
village school there [note: photo: 'claddyburn halt, looking north, with cairnryan manse on the right, september, 1944.'] davidlsmith in the little railways
its deep water facility davidlsmith the first writer to
david charles 1980 smith davidlthe little railways of south
chaucer oxford 1987 lorimer wlthe new testament in scots
gil paterson central scotland snplwill come in after the

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