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pleased to hear that thelabourback benchers are not obstructing
her own budget not enoughlabourback benchers have the spine
birl in their graves unlesslabourback benchers prove me wrong
and the value of nothinglabourback benchers should all hang
unless a good number oflabourback benchers support the snp
partners and most of hislabourback benchers want full implementation
heard the news that thelabourback benchers were running up
in line with a uklabourgeneral election manifesto commitment that
we are talking about alabourmanifesto commitment yet for whatever
a bill in the nextlabourmanifesto the convener perhaps i
in order to fulfil thelabourparty s 1997 manifesto pledge
edition of the scotsman thatlabours manifesto promise has been
there be a commitment inlabours manifesto to the re
is the way in whichlabourand liberal democrat members prefer
i therefore appeal to thelabourand liberal democrat members who
term care when pressure fromlabourand liberal democrat msps kept
of the executive in thelabourand liberal democrat parties and
income in the census butlabourand liberal democrat speakers have
upon the scottish liberal democratlabourcoalition to make urgent representations
liberal democrat and lord tomlinsonlabourformer mep are alternate members
after four years of thislabourliberal democrat executive and no
the liberal democrat benches andlabourministers however a difference of
in the liberal democrat andlabourparties today s very helpful
since 1992 successive governments conservativelabourand coalition have prioritised the
to sutherland and only thelabourcomponent of the coalition is
is a coalition and thatlabourhas a commitment to those
for six weeks yesterday thelabourled coalition made it clear
respect or agreement from thelabourliberal coalition perhaps for once
whereas we now have alabourliberal coalition worse still youth
however an endowment in newlabouror new coalition speak is
not dictated to by thelabourparty by its coalition partners
billion millennium dome can newlabourand its liberal colleagues say
that includes the partnership betweenlabourand the liberal democrats and
scottish green party lab scottishlabourld scottish liberal democrats snp
concession being made by thelabourliberal executive on religion and
have risen to support thelabourliberal government s proposals i
between the liberal democrats andlabourministers the second is that
this year both the scottishlabourparty and the liberal democrats
workers and firms in thelabourmarket and a considerable emphasis
be encouraged to enter thelabourmarket and how proper access
excluded individuals closer to thelabourmarket and is worth 498
these are developing an inclusivelabourmarket and promoting employment as
in the economy and thelabourmarket and tackles the need
in the economy and thelabourmarket and tackles the need
to deliver parity in thelabourmarket believes that the scottish
deal to do with thelabourmarket but is also connected
in scottish society on thelabourmarket for example the public
and women access to thelabourmarket for single parents and
may face disadvantage in thelabourmarket in particular disabled people
key issues that face thelabourmarket in scotland the situation
remit of the new scottishlabourmarket intelligence unit which we
should perhaps be on widerlabourmarket issues rather than lifelong
any future skills shortages andlabourmarket issues s1w 12848 ms
so that it covers widerlabourmarket issues we need to
s1m 3750 ageism in thelabourmarket lodged on 8 january
s1m 3750 ageism in thelabourmarket lodged on 8 january
s1m 3750 ageism in thelabourmarket lodged on 8 january
the economic study of thelabourmarket of children s services
the scoping study of thelabourmarket of children s services
do so have much betterlabourmarket outcomes in other words
member states can improve theirlabourmarket performance peer review is
been able to examine thelabourmarket policies of the others
agree certain priorities for theirlabourmarket policies one of the
now an absolute priority forlabourmarket policy when at each
and so on the greatestlabourmarket problems involve 16 year
in other words solving europeanlabourmarket problems would not be
for tomorrow a programme oflabourmarket related training for example
address gender divisions in thelabourmarket s1o 1846 16 janis
that will cover employment thelabourmarket social inclusion and equal
from office for national statisticslabourmarket statistics january 2003 scotland
counterparts in an increasingly mobilelabourmarket such skills are no
become equal players in thelabourmarket supported by trish godman
term structural change in thelabourmarket that will be sustained
term structural change in thelabourmarket that will be sustained
of the issues that surroundlabourmarket trends and skill shortages
labour party campaign for socialismlabourcampaign for justice not war
labour party campaign for socialismlabourcampaign for justice not war
that the labour party andlabourgovernments have made more than
found that every party exceptlabourhad sent a representative to
unionist party supporters are conservativeslabourliberals in scotland that is
a progressive cross party andlabourmovement campaign against the euro
i have been in thelabourparty a long time but
that the links between thelabourparty and a sham organisation
promise a promise that thelabourparty and labour governments have
very much annoyed with thelabourparty and the attack on
be a member of thelabourparty and the deputy convener
be a member of thelabourparty and the deputy convener
hardie the founder of thelabourparty and wasn t the
was a member of thelabourparty angela mccallum the first
sarah boyack spoke for thelabourparty at that time i
deputy presiding officer murray toshlabourparty business manager patricia ferguson
deputy presiding officer murray toshlabourparty business manager patricia ferguson
deputy presiding officer murray toshlabourparty business manager patricia ferguson
deputy presiding officer murray toshlabourparty business manager patricia ferguson
deputy presiding officer murray toshlabourparty business manager patricia ferguson
deputy presiding officer george reidlabourparty business manager tom mccabe
deputy presiding officer george reidlabourparty business manager tom mccabe
family campaign scottish green partylabourparty campaign for socialism labour
family campaign scottish green partylabourparty campaign for socialism labour
left scotland globalise resistance socialistlabourparty campaign to welcome refugees
left scotland globalise resistance socialistlabourparty campaign to welcome refugees
a distinguished member of thelabourparty councillor malcolm king who
the centre and was alabourparty election agent cathie craigie
with known connections to thelabourparty has been appointed to
not enough people in thelabourparty have had the backbone
decisions have been vindicated thelabourparty haven t undone a
in mr mcconnell s locallabourparty i asked him about
to be chosen from thelabourparty i invite a nomination
committee should come from thelabourparty i request nominations from
s speech speaking for thelabourparty i would say that
a phone box finally joinedlabourparty in 1983 probable militant
body of opinion within thelabourparty in scotland led by
a man for turning thelabourparty into the alternative wing
from bernie eccleston to thelabourparty it was somehow still
has been the history oflabourparty members to be involved
convener a member of thelabourparty membership brian fitzpatrick murdo
convener a member of thelabourparty membership brian fitzpatrick murdo
volunteers are not in thelabourparty most are not in
is never anybody in thelabourparty now who campaigned against
nominated committee substitute for thelabourparty on the education culture
nominated committee substitute for thelabourparty on the education culture
marwick seems to suggest thatlabourparty people should not be
be 16 billion of thelabourparty s notional spending over
concerned about that because thelabourparty said in its 1997
the 50 million that thelabourparty saved by scrapping the
that no member of thelabourparty saw fit to sign
being a member of thelabourparty should bar a person
her parents were impeccable scottishlabourparty supporters erm and eh
familiar are all very muchlabourparty supporters tricia marwick seems
contribution said more about thelabourparty than it did about
party and wasn t thelabourparty the dominant party in
is organised by my constituencylabourparty this very saturday we
of active members of thelabourparty to the boards of
rash of defections from thelabourparty to the scottish socialist
been brought up in thelabourparty tradition to accept losing
a political levy to thelabourparty why should they pay
welcoming the launch of thelabouragainst the euro campaign believes
notes the launch of thelabouragainst the euro campaign in
2974 tommy sheridan glasgow ssplabouragainst the euro campaign that
the westminster government and thelabourgeneral election campaign however there
government satisfied that after thelabouradministration has been in power
at the end of thelabouradministration just as at the
two years of the uklabouradministration miss annabel goldie west
notes the decision by thelabouradministration running stirling council to
a consistent theme in thelabouradministration since the establishment of
the end of the nextlabouradministration there will be less
did not think that thelabouradministration would be failing if
any future administration in whichlabouris involved will create a
election if there is anotherlabourgovernment clearly however that is
after the election of newlabourhomelessness in scotland is higher
mary scanlon will be votinglabourin the election mary scanlon
of the north lanarkshire directlabourorganisation dlo b state who
of north lanarkshire council directlabourorganisation dlo which produced a
scale and they have directlabourorganisation operations that use best
sheridan north lanarkshire council directlabourorganisation that the parliament notes
quality of performance of directlabourorganisations dlos and direct service
begin to bite making directlabourorganisations less competitive and unable
the way in which directlabourorganisations use staff across differing
public versus private or directlabourorganisations versus the private sector
equates to 16 billion thatlabouris committed to spending and
spending commitments he said thatlabours extra spending over and
mentor michael portillo said aboutlabours spending commitments he said
our spending priorities differ fromlabours we have mentioned roads
the reality of devolution underlabourwe have record cash spending
s vote goes against thelabourexecutive and the labour group
the labour executive and thelabourgroup in the chamber he
ve amassed oot o oorlabourthe labour theory of value
oot o oor labour thelabourtheory of value i cud
the scottish parliament with itslabourled executive has already begun
number of initiatives that thelabourled executive has set in
believe in i commend thelabourled executive s motion which
from the policies of thelabourled executive those policies recognise
that we will have alabourled government to let us
years of tory mismanagement soundlabourpolicies are delivering the deputy
elaine thomson i do soundlabourpolicies are now delivering for
loss of 500 jobs sincelabourcame to power and that
have fallen by 244 sincelabourcame to power and that
higher than they were whenlabourcame to power and there
streets than there were whenlabourcame to power george lyon
police officers in scotland sincelabourcame to power in the
police officers in scotland sincelabourcame to power in the
police officers in scotland sincelabourcame to power in the
the power of withdrawing theirlabourcan change the world is
for 1996 97 when thelabourgovernment came to power as
amount was not spent waslabours first year in power
the previous commitment by alabourminister for agriculture in the
that the conservatives would matchlabours commitment to sustained and
government and continued by thelabourgovernment are an inefficient and
government and continued by thelabourgovernment are an inefficient and
wishes to be introduced thelabourgovernment at westminster is to
highlights the determination of thelabourgovernment at westminster to ensure
have been destroyed and thelabourgovernment does not recognise that
keith harding rightly said thelabourgovernment has destroyed that in
been happier had the incominglabourgovernment in 1997 implemented michael
unnecessary and resulted from thelabourgovernment in london having to
in scotland and the majoritylabourgovernment in london in 1999
the problem is that thelabourgovernment over the past four
to the chamber under thelabourgovernment particularly under gordon brown
no fight again by thelabourgovernment peter peacock those are
being pursued by the newlabourgovernment resulting in thousands of
years during which the westminsterlabourgovernment stuck to the tory
made by members of thelabourgovernment they say that a
s1m 2049 unison resolution thelabourgovernment what do we get
the sound stewardship of alabourgovernment with a scottish chancellor
housing to community ownership howeverlabourin local government has failed
the sound economic management bylabourin the uk government and
heart of government presented tolabourmsps by henry mcleish on
been let down by thelabourpart of the scottish government
again the choice is clearlabours london government has not
local government finance which underlabours stewardship has resulted in
aird camp catered for thelabourforce at exchange sidings rock
with fewer people entering thelabourforce in future years we
likely to develop in thelabourforce in the scottish borders
for this debate scottish borderslabourforce rn 01 04 10th
co ordinated by eurostat thelabourforce survey lfs and the
1500 euan robson scottish borderslabourforce that the parliament notes
am a member of thelabourmovement in europe scotland and
international nurses week since 1997labourhas delivered 20 000 new
2001 notes the involvement oflabourmp jim murphy in the
enjoy exemption from vat onlabournotes that this places the
enjoy exemption from vat onlabournotes that this places the
1957 that the parliament noteslabours failure to meet its
there is a pool oflabourand members of the work
members of parties other thanlabourand the snp have turned
in their old age canlabourmembers afford not to support
the rest of the countrylabourmembers and i suspect others
do not frown at melabourmembers i am coming to
that we have heard fromlabourmembers it is also interesting
of the scottish executive andlabourmembers of the executive i
not entirely true all thelabourmembers of the justice and
that the vast majority oflabourmembers support the funding of
must be chosen from thelabourmembers under the watchful eye
between andrew wilson and variouslabourmembers was instructive because it
defer to many of thelabourmembers who have spoken with
the cracks i urge thoselabourmembers who still share that
members they were as alabourminister i am extremely disappointed
in the uk after alllabourcampaigned against membership in 1974
implemented under the conservative andlabourgovernments that were responsible for
prescribing has been delivered underlabouronly in the past three
many others without question underlabourpeople pay more and get
police on the streets underlabourthan under the conservatives those
of the first year underlabourthe executive would not wish
per cent in scotland underlabourthe number of places has
the executive admitted that underlabourthe tax burden has risen
birth with military exactitude thelabourwas exhausting but under expert
have heard much from newlabourabout the need for joined
by previous tory and newlabouradministrations and will result in
repeated misinformation thereafter from newlabourand the scottish executive on
the nanny state that newlabourepitomises susan deacon the short
s1m 3131 donation to newlabourfrom mr richard desmond lodged
by any other name newlabourhas not changed its spots
um parade and leave newlabourin er the shade next
they thought i was newlabourwhich put them off a
are falling some businesses trustedlabourfour years ago when it
that mr maclennan believes thatlabourhas wasted valuable years in
but six years ago inlabours covenant with scotland the
nearly four years in officelabours report card is appalling
is aware that in thelabourcontrolled east lothian council 306
its accessing council funding thelabourrun city of edinburgh council
there are many in thelabourgroup who do not support
hospital doctors regrets that scottishlabourmeps failed to support this
oldfather s1m 2009 the scottishlabourhistory society lodged on 13
henry s1m 2009 the scottishlabourhistory society lodged on 13
repealed i am delighted thatlabourmp jeremy corbyn has signed
has been disputed only bylabourno mention has been made
holyrood project has been alabourof hercules unfinished of which
past six months that thelabourscottish executive has lost the
you only went to thelabourexchange it was called then
reading yesterday only two suchlabourmps attended the debate for
office to employ only militarylabouron the construction of the
i do not want tolabourthe point but the only
political interference than before althoughlabourboldly says that it is
were engaged wages for theirlabouraverageing from 5 shillings to
employment and regulations regarding childlabourdiffer markedly from our own
with control from london bylabourit may well be a
the crib exhausted from herlabourjoan fell deeply asleep dr
are many other quotes fromlabourrun councils that i could
arrived a 33 swing fromlabourto snp it s good
national executive plan to inducelabourat no expense to the
the compact was because oflabourin the executive the executive
by my conduct and mylabourand my achievements lilian oh
try an negate the surpluslabourat every opportunity by by
is being done by ourlabourcolleagues in the ministerial team
just over 20 per centlabourcosts make up by far
he saved him frae hardlabourin the sugar fields by
kilmarnock football club by alabourstrategist in the times on
parliament helps today by persuadinglabourto put the tendering exercise
made an identical promise bylabourwe will introduce drugs cordons
alex johnstone conservative cathy peattielaboureleanor scott scottish green 5
rpi as quoted in scottishlabourtrends 2000 20 dunkley d
amount for materials but thelabourcosts are so much lower
sutherland recommendations we believed thatlabourcould not procrastinate any longer
ben wallace no why doeslabournot consider taking advantage of
foreign languages in primary schoolslabours record is not good
miscarried did not survive thelabourthe afterbirth is slippery with
is what the budgets oflabouradministrations have delivered if we
case but both the initiallabourand the end product have
so here we have itlabourcouncils the length and breadth
our toilet facilities tory andlabourgovernments i have seen them
care free for the elderlylabourhave blocked these things in
who have made the differencelabouron their own would have
pay more and get lesslabourpoliticians have thrown cash at
weapon with which to givelaboura taste of its own
ponder on the effort andlabourthat went into its construction
i went back to thelabourexchange and i went tae
there are increasing concerns aboutlabourand skill shortages which is
is the day on whichlabourin scotland will be known
which huvnae done a dayslabourin thair lives honest tae
april 2002 which involved 30labourmps declaring their opposition both
s time it s timelabourgot over that an ye
of the convention are thelabourmp gisela stuart who is
of informing the minister oflabourabout the decision of the
scale of the mistake thatlabourmay be about to make
there s something about thelabourmind in particular just to
about finance for a startlabouror the lib lab pact
them at the last minutelabourand henry mcleish in particular
odd i ken he voteslabourbelieves in his god likes
out this time yesterday waslabourday in canada a kind
scotland in search of cheaplabourelsewhere and imposing heavy financial
ere wis a lot olabourin e startin o er
to ensuring availability of skilledlabourin glasgow in light of
steenhillock in return fur hislabourmatthew bruce wad len them
mr canavan when is thelabourminority in this parliament going
and practices in connection withlabourrelations if we can do
oor eyes in debt slavelabourwages ah wis gittin couldnae
staff remember her in thelabourward too gritting her teeth
in november 1948 when civilianlabourwas substituted for military in
words in this chamber thatlabourwould deliver on free personal
is prosi- provide low payinlabourfor some people locally [inaudible]
england people can t trustlabourruling on their own the
her position yesterday we witnessedlabours betrayal of old people
s elderly people down southlabours parliamentary colleagues say that
fair return for their professionallabourwe should probably double the
with the far east wherelabourcosts are minimal i do
we are concerned that thelabourminister for transport is embarked
we are probably beginning tolabourthe theme brian adam the
the second employee was alabouractivist and henry mcleish s
514 on behalf of mylabourcolleagues i welcome the first
employed after she became alabourcouncillor lynda struthers the second
was husking a slow sedentarylaboureffected with just the right
we ve a life longlabourman that s the the
the fact that the biggestlabourmovement burns supper takes place
to quote david stewart thelabourmp for inverness east nairn
he called it the thirteenthlabourof hercules he treated it
reserved issue the effect oflabours abuse of the national
the rope pulleys likely alaboursavin tippie that cam fae
the stairs for a mylaboursaving devices but i could
macnab an aw i winnalabourthe pynt but greig is
examination depends on voluntary professionallabourthe sqa cannot mark the
couldv e an at thelabourthe wife says she wished
drink and love beget imaginelabourthink invent the multitudinous atonement
that had gone into tolabourtoo quick you know the
was the key preoccupation oflabourvoters and while welcoming the
rate because it is alabourintensive service and because of
national culture and practices oflabourrelations but with perhaps a
meeting illustrating that 75 oflabourvoters were opposed to joining
he went on to becomelabourmp for it was east
again tae aw that hardlaboura m sayin amen bit
particular just to be antilabourf785: [laugh] m055: that they
or nae extreme deveesions olaboursic is ain wuid find
july 1999 mike watson msplabourannounced his intention to introduce
s very anti thatcher moderatelabourto sdp i see our
sleeping [laugh] f806: yeah orlabourclub [laugh] f807: working [laugh]
far east can compete onlabourcosts they might pay a
hours ago they shared alabourroom clicking machines productive screams
he knew it would hastenlabours demise ross challenged him
it s all like manuallabourso it s like ehm

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