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2002 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
development the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2003 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
annulment the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2002 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2003 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2003 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
development the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2003 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
development the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
instruments the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
220 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
following the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2002 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
2 the pesticides maximum residuelevelsin crops food and feeding
numbers acknowledges that better staffinglevelsand conditions will lead to
they often destroyed the staffinglevelsand the experience and skill
to make recommendations concerning staffinglevelsand to consider replacement or
investigate the adequacy of staffinglevelsand training levels for staff
scottish executive what the staffinglevelsare for each neonatal intensive
access barriers if appropriate staffinglevelsare provided we can access
to anticipate collectively what staffinglevelsare required we try to
have been increases in staffinglevelsbut for the record can
and procurator fiscal service staffinglevelsby region and table 5
on this area on staffinglevelsexperience and types of work
of staffing levels and traininglevelsfor staff in children s
scottish executive what the staffinglevelshave been at each house
scottish executive what the staffinglevelshave been at each house
issues including work load staffinglevelshours roles and responsibilities having
have an impact on staffinglevelsi have a further question
information on the minimum acceptablelevelsof staffing and hours of
it intends to increase staffinglevelsof the procurator fiscal service
further reductions in services staffinglevelsor alternatively increases in council
of cases and the staffinglevelsthat you identified might the
better results morale and staffinglevelsthe onus is on people
in policy in determining staffinglevelswe also take account of
to ensure that local policelevelsare kept to the maximum
to ensure that local policelevelsare kept to the maximum
pay and review the maximumlevelsof fines available to courts
numbers at their highest everlevelscut crime and divert young
conservation levels match the highestlevelsin europe by reforming building
their homes ensure energy conservationlevelsmatch the highest levels in
school occurs at the highestlevelsof academia power is asserted
provide them with the highestlevelsof ms care supported by
higher homelessness is at recordlevelsand there are fewer police
in police numbers to recordlevelsas andrew wilson well knows
local authorities have reached recordlevelsduring that period under the
police numbers are at recordlevelsin fife there were 920
the parliament notes the recordlevelsof funding provided by the
the parliament notes the recordlevelsof funding provided by the
cleanliness in hospitals and recordlevelsof hospital acquired infections believes
cleanliness in hospitals and recordlevelsof hospital acquired infections believes
is why we have recordlevelsof investment in the health
past year it reflects recordlevelsof public expenditure which have
after that those are recordlevelsof resources for key government
record budget which delivers recordlevelsof services not vague promises
education spending for health recordlevelsof spending are confirmed with
cent there are also recordlevelsof spending for local services
budget areas will spend recordlevelson public services every year
property prices rates and rentallevelsand other aspects of town
service in relation to thelevelsof business rates water electricity
higher growth rates and sustainablelevelsof high employment for scotland
is based on assumptions regardinglevelsof inflation of exchange rates
growth rates to reach uklevelss1w 13141 mr kenneth gibson
is with regard to paylevelsfor academic staff in higher
intermediate higher and advanced higherlevelshigher national certificates and diplomas
on formal register at alllevelsin the higher still framework
it wis only at higherlevelso education that wider scottish
s target and higher sustainedlevelsof attainment recognises also the
social exclusion by creating higherlevelsof economic growth and employment
has already begun at alllevelsof higher still young people
better morale and therefore higherlevelsof nurse retention and therefore
whisky is taxed at higherlevelsthan wine or beer and
5 or 6 at thelevelswithin the national qualification higher
with concern the high crimelevelsin areas such as blackhill
elder s1m 1093 high crimelevelsin parts of glasgow lodged
1093 paul martin high crimelevelsin parts of glasgow that
and their success in controllinglevelsof crime and disorder s1w
overall increase in both thelevelsof crime and the fear
overall increase in both thelevelsof crime and the fear
overall increase in both thelevelsof crime and the fear
an increase in both thelevelsof crime and the fear
into the impact on employmentlevelsand tourism revenue of its
the past four years employmentlevelsfor older workers have risen
report figure 1 changing employmentlevelsin key industries in the
and co operation at alllevelsof society the employment social
the sector could jeopardise employmentlevelsthe survival of many companies
issues it has very highlevelsof community involvement in each
with concern the alarmingly highlevelsof consumer debt in lothian
homes regrets the exceptionally highlevelsof delayed discharge within scotland
themselves complex and reflect highlevelsof inter connectivity may not
a greater risk of highlevelsof poverty and social exclusion
of the high pound highlevelsof tax on fuel high
girls notes the continuing highlevelsof teenage pregnancy within scotland
are exposed constantly to highlevelsof young sea lice that
are already at desperately lowlevelsand considers that the scottish
very low compared with uklevelsand that stability was a
adequately remunerated the current paylevelsare far too low to
have that information if inspectionlevelsare low linda fabiani i
body considers that low wagelevelsin comparison with security jobs
believes that addressing low paylevelsis central to addressing the
constraints believes that current expenditurelevelsare insufficient to ensure that
passports declares that current protectionlevelsfor children are totally inadequate
be at least at currentlevelsin real terms s1o 404
a current and b anticipatedlevelsof coverage are under present
uk for example under currentlevelsof funding for 2000 2006
existing budget are the currentlevelsof payment under the organic
parliament recognises that the currentlevelsof social security benefits for
on the audit of currentlevelsof swimming provision and opportunities
urgency the current qualifying incomelevelswhich ultimately determine whether or
to increase or decrease thelevelsin various categories in order
executive what increase in fundinglevelswill be allocated to the
of the fact that ourlevelsare different i can talk
a variety of different trophiclevelsexist in the same area
of students at the differentlevelsif the content of the
pit ower at different narrativelevelsin the twae tales the
her languages instead their proficiencylevelsin their different languages may
distinguish between the different toxicitylevelsin two different optical isomers
checking my responses to differentlevelsjimmy could be an ignorant
or her leids insteid theirlevelso skeel in their different
tracking different strands and differentlevelsof assessment at a time
also notes the different approacheslevelsof financial assistance and timescales
that different individuals have differentlevelsof needs often resulting in
of our communities at differentlevelsorganisations such as the community
ve started at those differentlevelsso we re trying to
ensured at all the differentlevelsthat consideration must inform our
it acquires diff- different l-levelsthen f963: mm mmhm mmhm
civic society at many differentlevelsthere was an opportunity for
and written papers at differentlevelsthese were taken each january
related to pay and moralelevelsacross the nhs in scotland
a powerful impact at manylevelsfrom national conferences on the
given to any impact onlevelsof a usage of energy
a significant impact on rentlevelsthat point was made not
plays a key part obviouslylevelsand stability of funding are
efficiency effectiveness accessibility accountability fundinglevelsand structures and delivery mechanisms
years even with the increasedlevelsof funding from the scottish
policy and funding the fundinglevelsof more traditional subjects such
table 5 gives information aboutlevelsof experience of legal staff
your table on the experiencelevelsof your staff would be
retaining staff due to stresslevelswithin the profession the profession
taken to ensure that resourcinglevelsare assessed and addressed if
the principle of reducing thelevelsof grants to ensure that
to ensure that the samelevelsof public and consumer safety
needs at national and locallevelswe need to ensure that
at both club and internationallevelscalls on the scottish executive
on both popular and administrativelevelshas still to be confronted
at both primary and secondarylevelshas viewed literature and language
would foster work on manylevelsand within all the languages
pressure on employees at alllevelswithin schools ian jenkins mr
contexts the contexts at alllevelswithin which the language learning
represented at scottish and uklevelsbut all languages will be
reduced if there are poorlevelsof uk economic growth or
partnership where government at alllevelswhether it is the uk
national road building to thelevelsalready announced by the executive
at local national and internationallevelsi am currently a national
the national regional and locallevelsit also limits the availability
international national regional and locallevelssport is often at the
services at national and locallevelsto help me to assess
offered at general and creditlevelsand if successful a grade
to one of the threelevelsfoundation general credit and then
grade against with the threelevelsfoundation general credit sitting against
foundation general or general creditlevelsin the standard grade examination
and integrate government at alllevelsin scotland and welcomes initiatives
europe is renowned at alllevelsof government in europe i
promote good practice at alllevelsof government mary scanlon s
a full partner with formallevelsof government power should be
themselves from poverty and alllevelsof government should help them
the government education at awlevelsthe cultural sector an the
the government education at alllevelsthe cultural sector and the
are set at the minimumlevelscommensurate with effective service provision
thousands of jobs are lostlevelsof service deteriorate and there
an enormous difference to thelevelsof service provision by the
prison service are on salarylevelssuch that they are eligible
force aims to improve fitnesslevelsacross all age groups we
the deaf community at alllevelsespecially on television must be
gaelic medium education at alllevelsfrom pre school to tertiary
in persuading institutions at alllevelsin society that they must
never static changes on alllevelsincluding the lexical occur in
is rife at all sociallevelsnames like mistress overdone and
level among pupils of alllevelsof ability in this way
in the eu at alllevelsof decision making through the
executive is represented at alllevelsof the european union scotland
representatives are involved at alllevelsof the gnp sixteen out
which must come from alllevelsof the scottish education system
trained and supervised at alllevelspe530 petition by mr john
principle must apply at alllevelspolitical parties should not be
look thoroughly at all heightlevelsproject voices build up sense
of the partnership at alllevelsthe partnership which is a
development of partnership at alllevelsthey are involved in training
people in scotland at alllevelswhatever their ability sport is
formats and teachers at alllevelswould have to input the
education aiming to raise salarylevelsat least to the level
at intermediate one and twolevelsand most recently i ve
and stylistic understanding at varyinglevelsas well as reasoning skills
bad and for deciding thelevelsat which they are funded
a timely boost to businesslevelsfor sub post offices at
at baith popular an administrativelevelshas aye tae be confrontit
apply it at the samelevelsin this country we test
at each of the fivelevelsin this way it indicates
more than at other linguisticlevelsmodern written scots tends to
quizzes and puzzles at increasinlevelso difficulty and develops skills
in scotland is at awlevelso yaise complex an indefinite
to take into account theirlevelsof activity and arrive at
in the 1990s 3 declininglevelsof electoral turnout at successive
grid completion at the lowerlevelsprogressing to the use of
to stabilise traffic at 2001levelsthat target is unbelievable that
in english at the upperlevelsthere are some parallels here
virus in 1968 at pandemiclevelsthere has not been a
generally been kept at similarlevelsto 2002 temporary effort limitation
we have them at otherlevelswe have to reach out
youngsters particularly at lower abilitylevelswhen there was talk of
the parliament deplores the escalatinglevelsof violence visited upon social
we must get to europeanlevelsin germany and france the
had no effect on homelessnesslevelswe must assume that they
however disaggregating them to locallevelsinvolves problems with validity my
would have on the revenuelevelsof local authorities s1w 19434
serious public concerns about thelevelsof youth offending and c
serious public concerns about thelevelsof youth offending and c
serious public concerns about thelevelsof youth offending and c
serious public concern over thelevelsof youth offending and d
given information relating to mercurylevelsside effects potential long term
is quite valid however louselevelsare not inspected or measured
recycled liquid fuel and whatlevelsare recommended by the world
are significantly lower than thelevelsassumed in the 1998 comprehensive
found to be above toxinlevelsfurthermore what efforts are being
the arrangements are for monitoringlevelsof cycling in scotland and
unpleasant virus strain if thelevelsof immunisation are maintained and
some overall reduction in thelevelsof support that are permissible
surveillance is required if louselevelson fish farms are to
are living below income supportlevelswe also have a couple
their careers to more seniorlevelsand to specialise we will
report separately on a incomelevelsof disabled people and their
ornate glass elevators moving betweenlevelsringed with shops when their
price an wi their wagelevelsthey cud turn oot millions
which would raise their pensionlevelsto more than 90 on
to 12 5 below 1990levelsby the period 2008 to
regulations that relate to licelevelsand the giving of consent
degree of confidentiality the licelevelsin the area of least
lack of guarantees about subsidylevelsmake us nervous about whether
have we got the appropriatelevelsof budgeting to meet those
scheme sufficient to attract thelevelsof conversion that you need
the relationships between the variouslevelsof courses in some subject
to us how about increasedlevelsof depression due to lack
and to specify the plannedlevelsof financial support for further
traditional practice of taking variouslevelsof heaping allowances or charities
of any such harmonisation onlevelsof housing grants and subsidies
it is taking to tacklelevelsof illiteracy amongst young adults
next 10 years the presentlevelsof investment will not allow
wardhaugh has described the variouslevelsof involvement as follows you
signs of that in increasinglevelsof juvenile diabetes and obesity
s in teaching assessment strategieslevelsof performance and i think
with them in delivering greaterlevelsof physical activity alastair dempster
authorities for the improvement oflevelsof physical activity especially among
the scottish parliament was establishedlevelsof poverty and exclusion were
centrally collect statistics on thelevelsof prosecutions fines and sentences
felt about pollution and thelevelsof radioactivity after chernobyl ah
last assessed trends in thelevelsof recruitment and retention of
view that scottish westminster mplevelsof remuneration should be reduced
a question of fields andlevelsof responsibility how should we
the question of fields andlevelsof responsibility in the 21st
there is no reduction inlevelsof safety the winning contractors
have been equated to twolevelsof the basic statutory pint
of health care to thelevelsof the best european countries
in issues relating to massivelevelsof unemployment i will take
only did hendry examine thelevelsof use and knowledge of
economy to achieve greater productivitylevelsthan those of our competitors
recent recognition of the stresslevelsthat many teachers face what
of methadone above the recommendedlevelswhich later result in death
of s3 so the fivelevelswill spread from p1 to
having difficulty in sustaining suchlevelsand considers that the scottish
book for for my olevelsoh years ago you know
place for assessing your radiationlevelsmy head is still hurting
increases in a road trafficlevelsand b greenhouse gas emissions
populations have increased beyond normallevelsand petition pe449 from the
prove problematic to raise attainmentlevelsand smooth the transition between
without raising taxes to unacceptablelevelsand whilst ensuring that access
reflects the concern that somelevelsexceeded the recommended standards and
latest figures understaffing and sicknesslevelslead to even more pressure
pre school primary and secondarylevelss1o 6395 12 mr keith
stock falls below certain triggerlevels60 000 tonnes in the
you ll be sitting alevelshighers in scotland sir it
to improve on energy efficiencylevelsin homes as well as
then m608: okay m1174: alevelsin in urdu m608: okay
s1m 2539 research into cancerlevelsin the semiconductor industry lodged
an upgaun in his ragelevelssud it nae pick up
new economy has driven wagelevelsup quite considerably in the
simpson s questions about dosagelevelsby saying that the industry
which boosts your vitamin dlevelswe have a leaflet about
populations have increased beyond normallevelspetition pe225 by mr william
will take to improve adoptionlevelss1o 6731 the minister for
like m816: mmhm m815: alevelsif i was goin down
sub degree eg hnc dlevelsdegree level programmes offered by
basic state pension to civilisedlevelsnow supported by mr adam
campaign had on nhs performancelevelss1o 3267 25 trish godman
structure prior to the toxinlevelsrising again next year lydia
people s needs present investmentlevelswill not meet the continuing
thon wee room monitorin thelevelso baith patients the patients
level ann s docha grunnlevelsanns an aon train station
university cause i had alevelsbut they were no good

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