
See this word as a collocate cloud

and islands snp f fabianilindacentral scotland snp ferguson patricia
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp ferguson patricia
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp fergusson alex
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp fergusson alex
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp fergusson alex
highlands and islands snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp fergusson alex
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp fergusson alex
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp fraser murdo
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gallie phil
nairn and lochaber snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
nairn and lochaber snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
nairn and lochaber snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
cunningham roseanna perth snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
nairn and lochaber snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
mrs margaret moray snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
highlands and islands snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
nairn and lochaber snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
highlands and islands snp fabianilindacentral scotland snp gibson mr
deputy presiding officer i calllindafabiani 09 37 linda fabiani
those subsections after section 6alindafabiani 15 after section 6a
the 1987 act section 9lindafabiani 17 in section 9
promote insert recreation in andlindafabiani 1e as an amendment
and insert may section 9lindafabiani 22 in section 9
it occurs insert or abuselindafabiani 23 in section 9
bill stage 3 section 1lindafabiani 7 in section 1
and insert 24 section 2lindafabiani 8 in section 2
against ordinary working class peoplelindafabiani accepted that point in
have implications johann lamont doeslindafabiani agree that one of
those problems mr raffan doeslindafabiani agree that we must
mcgugan tommy sheridan michael russelllindafabiani alasdair morgan dr winnie
mrs margaret ewing michael russelllindafabiani alasdair morgan fiona mcleod
lodged on 21 march 2001lindafabiani alasdair morgan s1m 1772
neil fiona mcleod michael mathesonlindafabiani alasdair morgan tricia marwick
richard lochhead ms sandra whitelindafabiani alex fergusson fiona mcleod
hamilton fiona mcleod michael russelllindafabiani alex neil dr winnie
mcleod donald gorrie andrew wilsonlindafabiani alex neil mr kenneth
mr lloyd quinan andrew wilsonlindafabiani alex neil mr kenneth
russell donald gorrie andrew wilsonlindafabiani alex neil mr kenneth
rumbles donald gorrie andrew wilsonlindafabiani alex neil mr kenneth
gibson michael russell andrew wilsonlindafabiani alex neil ms sandra
mcleod michael russell irene mcguganlindafabiani alex neil ms sandra
quinan donald gorrie andrew wilsonlindafabiani alex neil richard lochhead
rumbles donald gorrie andrew wilsonlindafabiani alex neil richard lochhead
grahame margaret jamieson fergus ewinglindafabiani alex neil shona robison
6 november 2002 c 3615lindafabiani also highlighted that concern
that report on the ownerlindafabiani although nothing has changed
volunteer training the evidence thatlindafabiani and i took from
funding as an absolute prioritylindafabiani and johann lamont made
local authorities before doing solindafabiani and john scott raised
content of that guidance aslindafabiani and ken macintosh indicated
in rural areas johann lamontlindafabiani and others referred to
robison tommy sheridan fiona hysloplindafabiani andrew wilson dorothy grace
barrie donald gorrie fiona hysloplindafabiani andrew wilson dorothy grace
gibson shona robison donald gorrielindafabiani andrew wilson dorothy grace
legislation supported by donald gorrielindafabiani andrew wilson elaine smith
grace elder ms sandra whitelindafabiani andrew wilson mr lloyd
dorothy grace elder christine grahamelindafabiani andrew wilson ms sandra
ms sandra white fiona mcleodlindafabiani andrew wilson robin harper
kenneth gibson mrs margaret ewinglindafabiani andrew wilson robin harper
mrs margaret ewing fiona mcleodlindafabiani andrew wilson robin harper
ms margo macdonald michael mathesonlindafabiani andrew wilson tricia marwick
grants which is updated annuallylindafabiani asked about section 9
mr john munro irene mcguganlindafabiani brian adam alex neil
neil dennis canavan nicola sturgeonlindafabiani brian adam dorothy grace
elder andrew wilson fergus ewinglindafabiani brian adam ms sandra
neil fergus ewing andrew wilsonlindafabiani brian adam shona robison
sorry to have to disappointlindafabiani but i will not
peattie paul martin allan wilsonlindafabiani cathie craigie adam ingram
tosh apologies were received fromlindafabiani cathy jamieson kenny macaskill
economy supported by elaine thomsonlindafabiani cathy jamieson margaret jamieson
life of scotland supported bylindafabiani cathy peattie bill aitken
mary scanlon mr adam ingramlindafabiani cathy peattie irene mcgugan
every best wish 12 12lindafabiani central scotland snp all
to which we referred earlierlindafabiani central scotland snp does
on the findings 15 57lindafabiani central scotland snp i
sp paper 531 09 47lindafabiani central scotland snp i
its own devices 16 45lindafabiani central scotland snp i
social justice ms margaret curranlindafabiani central scotland snp john
edinburgh north and leith lablindafabiani central scotland snp mr
edinburgh east and musselburgh lablindafabiani central scotland snp mr
johann lamont glasgow pollok lablindafabiani central scotland snp mrs
craigie cumbernauld and kilsyth lablindafabiani central scotland snp mrs
3804 1 s1m 3804 1lindafabiani central scotland snp performance
lyndsay mcintosh central scotland conlindafabiani central scotland snp the
ld bill aitken glasgow conlindafabiani central scotland snp the
problems caused by such divideslindafabiani central scotland snp when
call linda fabiani 09 37lindafabiani central scotland snp you
deman supported by donald gorrielindafabiani christine grahame andrew wilson
mrs margaret ewing colin campbelllindafabiani christine grahame tricia marwick
of the community supported bylindafabiani colin campbell fiona hyslop
mr kenny macaskill christine grahamelindafabiani colin campbell fiona mcleod
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskilllindafabiani colin campbell fiona mcleod
fiona mcleod mr john mcallionlindafabiani colin campbell r andrew
paterson brian adam nicola sturgeonlindafabiani colin campbell richard lochhead
paterson brian adam nicola sturgeonlindafabiani colin campbell richard lochhead
marwick tommy sheridan fiona mcleodlindafabiani david mcletchie colin campbell
kenneth gibson mr john swinneylindafabiani david mcletchie mr keith
livingstone rhoda grant cathy peattielindafabiani dennis canavan patricia ferguson
last minute and a halflindafabiani does the minister have
mr lloyd quinan andrew wilsonlindafabiani donald gorrie fiona hyslop
irene mcgugan mr lloyd quinanlindafabiani donald gorrie nicola sturgeon
by brian adam christine grahamelindafabiani dorothy grace elder colin
robert brown mr lloyd quinanlindafabiani dorothy grace elder donald
enterprises supported by fergus ewinglindafabiani dorothy grace elder michael
by michael russell ian jenkinslindafabiani dorothy grace elder mr
crawford tricia marwick michael russelllindafabiani dorothy grace elder s1m
2001 bruce crawford tricia marwicklindafabiani dorothy grace elder s1m
mr kenneth gibson christine grahamelindafabiani dr winnie ewing s1m
for organisations to canvass opinionslindafabiani echoed that and said
making progress on that andlindafabiani echoed that point i
additional or ancillary services aslindafabiani eloquently put it funding
neil donald gorrie s1m 357lindafabiani establishment of committee on
gibson alex neil christine grahamelindafabiani fergus ewing andrew wilson
neil tommy sheridan robert brownlindafabiani fergus ewing donald gorrie
adam ingram mr kenny macaskilllindafabiani fergus ewing mr keith
andrew wilson ms sandra whitelindafabiani fergus ewing s1m 119
ewing andrew wilson tommy sheridanlindafabiani fergus ewing s1m 97
dorothy grace elder andrew wilsonlindafabiani fergus ewing shona robison
lodged on 21 june 2001lindafabiani fiona hyslop alasdair morgan
june 2001 mr duncan hamiltonlindafabiani fiona hyslop alasdair morgan
cathy peattie mr john mcallionlindafabiani fiona hyslop fiona mcleod
scottish executive supported by mslindafabiani fiona hyslop mr alex
crawford ms roseanna cunningham mslindafabiani fiona hyslop richard lochhead
mr jamie stone brian adamlindafabiani fiona mcleod alasdair morgan
alex neil mrs lyndsay mcintoshlindafabiani fiona mcleod alasdair morgan
colin campbell mr andrew welshlindafabiani fiona mcleod andrew wilson
ferguson janis hughes karen whitefieldlindafabiani fiona mcleod maureen macmillan
supported by mr kenneth gibsonlindafabiani fiona mcleod mrs margaret
gibson michael russell tommy sheridanlindafabiani fiona mcleod richard lochhead
white irene mcgugan andrew wilsonlindafabiani fiona mcleod shona robison
scanlon bill aitken s1m 617lindafabiani health provision in scotland
of licensed or unlicensed hmoslindafabiani hector currie s research
that there is anxiety whichlindafabiani highlighted that moving away
of the community fund whichlindafabiani highlighted the fund has
authorities and other local funderslindafabiani i accept the point
local authorities have lowered standardslindafabiani i am not suggesting
that he would welcome thatlindafabiani i am sure that
if inspection levels are lowlindafabiani i have heard anecdotal
at the new holyrood buildinglindafabiani i meant that mr
accepted that point in committeelindafabiani i thank the member
corrected in the official reportlindafabiani i thought that sarah
made available in urban areaslindafabiani i would like to
davidson richard lochhead s1m 256lindafabiani international investment strategies that
hamilton michael matheson nicola sturgeonlindafabiani irene mcgugan donald gorrie
donald gorrie michael russell mslindafabiani irene mcgugan dr elaine
by kenny macaskill duncan hamiltonlindafabiani irene mcgugan roseanna cunningham
heritage supported by dennis canavanlindafabiani irene mcgugan tommy sheridan
stone i would say thatlindafabiani is having a bad
10 february 2000 supported bylindafabiani john mcallion tommy sheridan
10 february 2000 supported bylindafabiani john mcallion tommy sheridan
several members including johann lamontlindafabiani karen whitefield cathy peattie
russell christine grahame kay ullrichlindafabiani kenneth gibson fiona mcleod
sheridan dennis canavan colin campbelllindafabiani kenny macaskill bruce crawford
fiona mcleod michael russell mslindafabiani lodged on 18 february
in mind the points thatlindafabiani made we are sponsoring
mr lloyd quinan tommy sheridanlindafabiani margaret jamieson trish godman
fiona mcleod mr lloyd quinanlindafabiani margaret smith nora radcliffe
lloyd quinan mr kenny macaskilllindafabiani margaret smith s1m 1249
welsh ms sarah boyack mslindafabiani maureen macmillan mr george
but why they are madelindafabiani mentioned social inclusion partnerships
need for charity law reformlindafabiani mentioned that and the
mr john mcallion nicola sturgeonlindafabiani michael matheson brian adam
robison colin campbell sandra whitelindafabiani michael matheson mike watson
the tax payer supported bylindafabiani michael matheson mr gil
lochhead alex johnstone alex fergussonlindafabiani michael russell david mundell
keith harding mr adam ingramlindafabiani michael russell john young
dr elaine murray fergus ewinglindafabiani michael russell shona robison
ewing christine grahame shona robisonlindafabiani mike watson mr andrew
assist the integration of refugeeslindafabiani moved amendment s1m 2377
in their homes and neighbourhoodslindafabiani moved amendment s1m 3477
ullrich ms jackie baillie mslindafabiani mr adam ingram mr
neil bill butler michael russelllindafabiani mr adam ingram mr
robert brown mr lloyd quinanlindafabiani mr adam ingram nicola
colin campbell dorothy grace elderlindafabiani mr andrew welsh ms
by michael russell colin campbelllindafabiani mr andrew welsh richard
by michael russell colin campbelllindafabiani mr andrew welsh richard
richard lochhead mr keith hardinglindafabiani mr david davidson mrs
swinney richard lochhead michael russelllindafabiani mr duncan hamilton alex
dr winnie ewing alex neillindafabiani mr duncan hamilton andrew
alex neil shona robison mslindafabiani mr duncan hamilton mr
matheson shona robison michael russelllindafabiani mr gil paterson alasdair
tosh bill aitken robin harperlindafabiani mr gil paterson christine
gibson tommy sheridan donald gorrielindafabiani mr gil paterson mr
10 august 2001 tommy sheridanlindafabiani mr gil paterson mr
gibson tommy sheridan bruce crawfordlindafabiani mr gil paterson mr
27 november 2000 alex fergussonlindafabiani mr gil paterson mr
lodged on 13 december 2002lindafabiani mr gil paterson s1m
lodged on 16 december 2002lindafabiani mr gil paterson s1m
lodged on 29 november 2000lindafabiani mr gil paterson s1m
lodged on 29 november 2000lindafabiani mr gil paterson tommy
lodged on 14 december 2000lindafabiani mr jamie mcgrigor pauline
margo macdonald tricia marwick mslindafabiani mr jamie stone dr
mr lloyd quinan christine grahamelindafabiani mr john munro alex
mr jamie mcgrigor mary scanlonlindafabiani mr john munro mr
mrs margaret smith mary scanlonlindafabiani mr keith harding alasdair
christine grahame mr lloyd quinanlindafabiani mr keith harding mr
stone donald gorrie robert brownlindafabiani mr keith raffan andrew
present robert brown cathie craigielindafabiani mr kenneth gibson deputy
mr adam ingram shona robisonlindafabiani mr kenneth gibson irene
grahame donald gorrie andrew wilsonlindafabiani mr kenneth gibson mr
2003 bruce crawford fergus ewinglindafabiani mr kenneth gibson roseanna
dorothy grace elder johann lamontlindafabiani mr kenneth macintosh trish
dorothy grace elder shona robisonlindafabiani mr kenneth macintosh trish
hand supported by alex neillindafabiani mr kenny macaskill mr
boyack dorothy grace elder mslindafabiani mr kenny macaskill mr
paterson brian adam michael mathesonlindafabiani mr kenny macaskill ms
lodged on 22 march 2001lindafabiani mr kenny macaskill s1m
scotland supported by alex neillindafabiani mr lloyd quinan christine
funding supported by roseanna cunninghamlindafabiani mr lloyd quinan kay
allan wilson mr kenneth gibsonlindafabiani mr lloyd quinan mr
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskilllindafabiani mr lloyd quinan robin
muldoon david mundell donald gorrielindafabiani mr michael mcmahon david
be for the local arealindafabiani mr raffan is right
scanlon ms sandra white mslindafabiani mrs elaine smith robert
by alex neil tommy sheridanlindafabiani mrs margaret ewing dr
neil andrew wilson fergus ewinglindafabiani mrs margaret ewing irene
international refugee law supported bylindafabiani mrs margaret ewing malcolm
lodged on 15 december 2000lindafabiani mrs mary mulligan pauline
mr lloyd quinan michael russelllindafabiani ms margo macdonald andrew
elder christine grahame shona robisonlindafabiani ms margo macdonald fiona
wilson alasdair morgan roseanna cunninghamlindafabiani ms sandra white brian
mary scanlon mr david davidsonlindafabiani ms sandra white dorothy
dorothy grace elder robert brownlindafabiani ms sandra white fiona
dorothy grace elder michael russelllindafabiani ms sandra white mr
timor referendum including that oflindafabiani msp who was sponsored
argument for considering primary legislationlindafabiani my question is a
harper tommy sheridan brian adamlindafabiani nicola sturgeon christine grahame
supported by mr kenneth gibsonlindafabiani nicola sturgeon michael russell
lloyd quinan mr adam ingramlindafabiani pauline mcneill mr jamie
mcallion malcolm chisholm irene oldfatherlindafabiani pauline mcneill mrs mary
mr jamie stone michael russelllindafabiani phil gallie mr duncan
euan robson s1m 1142 1lindafabiani planning and telecommunications as
safety welfare and convenience aslindafabiani pointed out the issue
proposal under rule 9 14lindafabiani proposed scottish forests bill
funding is the biggy aslindafabiani put it funding must
access and usability my colleaguelindafabiani raised the issue of
of us echo those sentimentslindafabiani raised the issue of
you considering that richard grantlindafabiani raises two issues if
minister used and to whichlindafabiani referred in her speech
to the independence to whichlindafabiani referred that theme can
rumbles donald gorrie andrew wilsonlindafabiani richard lochhead alasdair morgan
lodged on 21 march 2001lindafabiani richard lochhead donald gorrie
lodged on 21 march 2001lindafabiani richard lochhead mr kenny
dorothy grace elder donald gorrielindafabiani robert brown alasdair morgan
lloyd quinan mr kenny macaskilllindafabiani robert brown margaret smith
hyslop nicola sturgeon donald gorrielindafabiani robin harper michael matheson
the public domain supported bylindafabiani roseanna cunningham alex neil
by bill aitken tricia marwicklindafabiani roseanna cunningham dennis canavan
canavan christine grahame nicola sturgeonlindafabiani roseanna cunningham fiona mcleod
gorrie dennis canavan kay ullrichlindafabiani roseanna cunningham michael matheson
for scottish doctors supported bylindafabiani roseanna cunningham mr lloyd
lodged on 14 june 2001lindafabiani roseanna cunningham s1m 2013
harper keith raffan nora radcliffelindafabiani roseanna cunningham s1m 32
june supported by andrew wilsonlindafabiani roseanna cunningham s1m 56
i was also interested inlindafabiani s comment about the
a number of landlords echoedlindafabiani s comments about rigidity
of their strategies supported bylindafabiani s1m 1284 mr kenneth
supported by mr kenneth gibsonlindafabiani s1m 1494 mr duncan
lodged on 17 january 2001lindafabiani s1m 1545 celtic football
january 2001 mr kenny macaskilllindafabiani s1m 1564 strategy to
lodged on 18 january 2001lindafabiani s1m 1565 gaelic medium
lodged on 23 january 2001lindafabiani s1m 1569 debt advice
january 2001 mr gil patersonlindafabiani s1m 1590 acute services
mr kenny macaskill tricia marwicklindafabiani s1m 1594 centre for
macaskill tricia marwick michael russelllindafabiani s1m 1606 a pill
mr kenny macaskill tricia marwicklindafabiani s1m 1607 rough sleeping
marwick karen whitefield michael russelllindafabiani s1m 1612 ocean youth
paterson michael russell irene oldfatherlindafabiani s1m 1614 hospices lodged
macaskill tricia marwick michael russelllindafabiani s1m 1616 education graduate
michael russell mr alex salmondlindafabiani s1m 1619 deprivation in
mr kenny macaskill tricia marwicklindafabiani s1m 1621 motion of
lodged on 20 june 2001lindafabiani s1m 2021 his eminence
lodged on 26 june 2001lindafabiani s1m 2039 bank arrestments
lodged on 26 june 2001lindafabiani s1m 2049 unison resolution
30 july 2001 donald gorrielindafabiani s1m 2081 regulation of
june supported by andrew wilsonlindafabiani s1m 21 tommy sheridan
6 august 2001 tommy sheridanlindafabiani s1m 2100 access to
february 2002 mr duncan hamiltonlindafabiani s1m 2783 national strategy
lodged on 28 february 2002lindafabiani s1m 2804 the college
lodged on 1 march 2002lindafabiani s1m 2812 euro 2008
david mundell ms sandra whitelindafabiani s1m 2824 separate scottish
kenneth gibson ms sandra whitelindafabiani s1m 2827 braille information
march 2002 ms sandra whitelindafabiani s1m 2828 aberdeen international
kenneth gibson ms sandra whitelindafabiani s1m 2835 attention deficit
david mundell ms sandra whitelindafabiani s1m 2843 family history
6 march 2002 bill butlerlindafabiani s1m 2844 scottish sub
david mundell dorothy grace elderlindafabiani s1m 2848 deafblind people
lodged on 6 march 2002lindafabiani s1m 2849 ageism lodged
welsh michael matheson bill butlerlindafabiani s1m 2854 ayr united
kenneth gibson ms sandra whitelindafabiani s1m 2858 ayr scottish
christine grahame ms sandra whitelindafabiani s1m 2859 eurostar a
8 march 2002 christine grahamelindafabiani s1m 2861 school repairs
2002 christine grahame bill butlerlindafabiani s1m 2864 oor wullie
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonlindafabiani s1m 2867 bagpipe tuition
the public sector supported bylindafabiani s1m 3149 1 lord
lodged on 6 december 2002lindafabiani s1m 3664 race equality
lodged on 10 december 2002lindafabiani s1m 3691 scotland s
lodged on 17 december 2002lindafabiani s1m 3713 records of
richard lochhead mr kenneth gibsonlindafabiani s1m 375 maureen macmillan
mr kenneth gibson michael mathesonlindafabiani s1m 3870 forest enterprise
mcallion bill aitken richard lochheadlindafabiani s1m 390 donald gorrie
mrs margaret ewing fergus ewinglindafabiani s1m 895 expansion of
what they are either aslindafabiani said the bill must
planning of bilingual education aslindafabiani said the question would
by des mcnulty s1m 3691lindafabiani scotland s fair trade
the subject of s1m 3691lindafabiani scotland s fair trade
the subject of s1m 3691lindafabiani scotland s fair trade
dr winnie ewing s1m 1078lindafabiani scottish civic forum 1
ms sandra white s1m 1044lindafabiani scottish criminal records office
by hugh henry s1m 3824lindafabiani scottish police memorial trust
occurred supported by donald gorrielindafabiani shona robison andrew wilson
mcgugan colin campbell alex neillindafabiani shona robison andrew wilson
russell richard lochhead fiona mcleodlindafabiani shona robison andrew wilson
hamilton helen eadie donald gorrielindafabiani shona robison bill aitken
campbell alex neil donald gorrielindafabiani shona robison christine grahame
campbell alex neil donald gorrielindafabiani shona robison christine grahame
standard supported by donald gorrielindafabiani shona robison christine grahame
jamie stone mr duncan mcneillindafabiani shona robison margaret smith
irene mcgugan mr lloyd quinanlindafabiani shona robison michael russell
quinan andrew wilson fergus ewinglindafabiani shona robison mr duncan
mr lloyd quinan donald gorrielindafabiani shona robison mr kenneth
mr gil paterson tricia marwicklindafabiani shona robison mr lloyd
ingram irene mcgugan christine grahamelindafabiani shona robison s1m 1258
aitken robin harper irene mcguganlindafabiani shona robison s1m 2
by euan robson s1m 4006lindafabiani south lanarkshire secondary schools
parliament supported by colin campbelllindafabiani stewart stevenson alex neil
should all take on boardlindafabiani stressed the problems of
mr david davidson s1m 337lindafabiani support for trade unions
robertson robin harper fiona mcleodlindafabiani susan deacon kenneth macintosh
r supported by donald gorrielindafabiani tavish scott mr john
was meant to give themlindafabiani that is understandable at
minister for social justice orlindafabiani that said this has
robert brown glasgow ld doeslindafabiani think that the major
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1187lindafabiani third world debt that
scotland electoral region s1w 16823lindafabiani to ask the scottish
in february 2000 s1w 10698lindafabiani to ask the scottish
level of care s1w 27428lindafabiani to ask the scottish
to other landlords s1w 16824lindafabiani to ask the scottish
and its grounds s1w 4810lindafabiani to ask the scottish
the public interest s1w 24748lindafabiani to ask the scottish
stock transfer proceeding s1w 15082lindafabiani to ask the scottish
a local authority s1w 24742lindafabiani to ask the scottish
departmental public bodies s1w 24745lindafabiani to ask the scottish
forest were issued s1w 27434lindafabiani to ask the scottish
in this area s1w 15095lindafabiani to ask the scottish
ensuring adequate maintenance s1w 27423lindafabiani to ask the scottish
and equality strategies s1w 24724lindafabiani to ask the scottish
to may 1999 s1w 24746lindafabiani to ask the scottish
stock transfer proceeding s1w 15081lindafabiani to ask the scottish
610 were released s1w 24740lindafabiani to ask the scottish
an obligation is s1w 24744lindafabiani to ask the scottish
will be complete s1w 24739lindafabiani to ask the scottish
this scholastic year s1w 13112lindafabiani to ask the scottish
dungavel detention centre s1w 17688lindafabiani to ask the scottish
on the issue s1w 17687lindafabiani to ask the scottish
newly born babies s1w 14944lindafabiani to ask the scottish
last three months s1w 13113lindafabiani to ask the scottish
has been received s1w 4809lindafabiani to ask the scottish
vacancies in scotland s1w 15156lindafabiani to ask the scottish
scottish airports ltd s1w 27430lindafabiani to ask the scottish
glasgow science centre s1w 28575lindafabiani to ask the scottish
scottish airports ltd s1w 27429lindafabiani to ask the scottish
stock transfer proceeding s1w 15080lindafabiani to ask the scottish
stock transfer proceeding s1w 15079lindafabiani to ask the scottish
scottish airports ltd s1w 27433lindafabiani to ask the scottish
scotland s waters s1w 16783lindafabiani to ask the scottish
future constitutional changes s1w 27424lindafabiani to ask the scottish
will be available s1w 15157lindafabiani to ask the scottish
such a power s1w 24741lindafabiani to ask the scottish
to make bids s1w 15127lindafabiani to ask the scottish
of the project s1w 15764lindafabiani to ask the scottish
compulsory purchase orders s1w 28576lindafabiani to ask the scottish
now being built s1w 2569lindafabiani to ask the scottish
danger to aviation s1w 27431lindafabiani to ask the scottish
by local authority s1w 4807lindafabiani to ask the scottish
will benefit scotland s1w 15077lindafabiani to ask the scottish
it has met s1w 27432lindafabiani to ask the scottish
scottish homes properties s1w 16825lindafabiani to ask the scottish
of multiple sclerosis s1w 10881lindafabiani to ask the scottish
technologies including drugs s1w 2594lindafabiani to ask the scottish
scottish crime squad s1w 2578lindafabiani to ask the scottish
commercial enterprises s1o 1839 12lindafabiani to ask the scottish
housing scotland bill s1w 13111lindafabiani to ask the scottish
regarding the changes s1w 16822lindafabiani to ask the scottish
local authority area s1w 13115lindafabiani to ask the scottish
field of education s1w 13114lindafabiani to ask the scottish
summit r s1o 1516 26lindafabiani to ask the scottish
for scottish agriculture s1w 16545lindafabiani to ask the scottish
in may 2001 s1w 16546lindafabiani to ask the scottish
social inclusion partnerships s1w 24747lindafabiani to ask the scottish
available for these s1w 13110lindafabiani to ask the scottish
social rented sector s1w 24751lindafabiani to ask the scottish
a private operator s1w 4808lindafabiani to ask the scottish
denmark and wales s1w 24737lindafabiani to ask the scottish
in april 2000 s1w 2577lindafabiani to ask the scottish
by commercial confidentiality s1w 24750lindafabiani to ask the scottish
partnership board members s1w 24743lindafabiani to ask the scottish
stock transfer proceeding s1w 15078lindafabiani to ask the scottish
will give details s1w 24749lindafabiani to ask the scottish
the audit systems s1w 24738lindafabiani to ask the scottish
nora radcliffe mr jamie mcgrigorlindafabiani tommy sheridan alasdair morgan
mr duncan hamilton donald gorrielindafabiani tommy sheridan alex neil
neil michael russell cathy jamiesonlindafabiani tommy sheridan andrew wilson
fiona hyslop ms sandra whitelindafabiani tommy sheridan dorothy grace
mr lloyd quinan michael russelllindafabiani tommy sheridan fergus ewing
hamilton cathy peattie fiona hysloplindafabiani tommy sheridan mr andrew
neil shona robison lloyd quinanlindafabiani tommy sheridan ms margo
quinan colin campbell michael russelllindafabiani tommy sheridan ms margo
andrew wilson mr lloyd quinanlindafabiani tommy sheridan nora radcliffe
harper alex neil lloyd quinanlindafabiani tommy sheridan nora radcliffe
criminal record information supported bylindafabiani tommy sheridan s1m 1283
lodged on 30 november 2000lindafabiani tommy sheridan s1m 1413
gibson nicola sturgeon robert brownlindafabiani tricia marwick andrew wilson
have spelt out commitments aslindafabiani was trying to encourage
campbell derek cranston douglas czeschellindadivers robert duncan mary dudgeon
neil ma uncle paul deniselinda[laugh] janet janet ehm f631:
your margaret know you shaggedlindaclark it was afore we
in terminator courtesy of arnielindahamilton in t2 that was
clerk david mclaren assistant clerklindaorton location committee room 4
that you are from basingstokelindas husband picked john and
that f606: [laugh] [cough] f902: lindaan them had actually haen
no then you me andlindaare the only folk that
few years back so islindaclark on the bus you
am i still alive islindaclark still alive i ll
eddie says you that shaggedlindaclark thon time that s
you re fuckin hopeless charlielindaclark went tae auchenlea high
place thank you naza anlinda[congregation clap] and so we are
ground try an push himlinda[congregation laugh] hold your hold your
frae ma intimmers wi emotionlindadidna argie frae the hairt
p m to collect doglindadoesn t seem to want
it but i mean welllindai mean since she left
director of inverclyde education servicelindakinney stirling council the meeting
duty an some people likelindamight try an come an
collect glen evening sorry forlindamonday 18 back to work
secretary to clerk chief executivelindapender assistant private secretary to
so that -stood aye welllindas the same m903: he
fur a hale eftemeen anlindathain is tae bi william
heigh style o disraeli anlindathain yon affa bricht quine

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