
See this word as a collocate cloud

act 1953 and maccormick vlordadvocate 1953 sc 396 see
holds a commission from thelordadvocate and is accountable to
to myself and to thelordadvocate and operates under our
by the first minister thelordadvocate and other ministers and
of information to and bylordadvocate and scottish ministers order
of information to and bylordadvocate and scottish ministers order
of information to and bylordadvocate and scottish ministers order
of information to and bylordadvocate and scottish ministers order
of information to and bylordadvocate and scottish ministers order
of information to and bylordadvocate and scottish ministers order
of information to and bylordadvocate and scottish ministers order
the scottish ministers and thelordadvocate and solicitor general for
qc be appointed as thelordadvocate and that colin boyd
qc be appointed as thelordadvocate and that colin boyd
the two law officers thelordadvocate and the solicitor general
of the department and thelordadvocate as a member of
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate business bulletin 119 2001
hon the lord hardie qclordadvocate colin boyd qc solicitor
hon the lord hardie qclordadvocate colin boyd qc solicitor
new initiatives announced by thelordadvocate for example in new
and is accountable to thelordadvocate for prosecution decisions in
records office scro whether thelordadvocate has any plans to
where cases are reported thelordadvocate has made clear his
responses from the executive andlordadvocate in relation to the
is an msp currently thelordadvocate is in the scottish
this act or b thelordadvocate is the appellant the
out them and insert thelordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
out them and insert thelordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate lord james douglas hamilton
assistance under clause 7 thelordadvocate might need to make
scotland bill stage 3 thelordadvocate moved s1m 4004 that
to the statement by thelordadvocate on 29 november 2000
to the statement by thelordadvocate on 29 november 2000
considered written evidence from thelordadvocate on petition pe324 by
consider written evidence from thelordadvocate on the following petition
three years dundas had beenlordadvocate or whether it was
scottish ministers receive and insertlordadvocate receives lord james douglas
scottish ministers receive and insertlordadvocate receives lord james douglas
scottish ministers receive and insertlordadvocate receives lord james douglas
scottish ministers receive and insertlordadvocate receives lord james douglas
scottish ministers receive and insertlordadvocate receives lord james douglas
scottish ministers receive and insertlordadvocate receives lord james douglas
scottish ministers receive and insertlordadvocate receives lord james douglas
year and to which thelordadvocate referred when he gave
ensure for example that thelordadvocate s policies were being
of public money for thelordadvocate s reference hearing and
s1m 1246 dorothy grace elderlordadvocate s reference in trident
ms sandra white s1m 1246lordadvocate s reference in trident
destruction further notes that alordadvocate s reference is being
inquiries the committee noted thelordadvocate s response and agreed
layden legal secretary to thelordadvocate scottish executive susan sutherland
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate section 12 lord james
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate section 14 lord james
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate section 15 lord james
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate section 16 lord james
out they and insert thelordadvocate section 18 lord james
insert the lord advocate thelordadvocate section 19 lord james
out they and insert thelordadvocate section 20 lord james
out they and insert thelordadvocate section 21 lord james
out scottish ministers and insertlordadvocate section 22 lord james
mr maclaurin that is thelordadvocate sittin doun there afore
in the name of thelordadvocate so there would be
colleagues mr maconochie and thelordadvocate speak on oor behalf
defendants at the time thelordadvocate stated that all was
them they and insert thelordadvocate the lord advocate section
transferred to the scottish executivelordadvocate the senior law officer
unit it seemed to thelordadvocate the senior management team
hon the lord hardie qclordadvocate there are also ministerial
oppose any move by thelordadvocate to ban strike action
general for scotland or thelordadvocate to be involved in
in written answers by thelordadvocate to questions from richard
the apologies made by thelordadvocate to the chhokar family
people in september 2000 thelordadvocate told the justice and
that we received from thelordadvocate which contains his suggestions
wife of the edinburgh advocatelordcockburn whose drawing room was
not 6 rt hon thelordhardie qc lord advocate colin
the environment rt hon thelordhardie qc lord advocate colin
the environment rt hon thelordhardie qc lord advocate there
ministers and insert lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 10 in
ministers and insert lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 11 in
insert lord advocate section 16lordjames douglas hamilton 12 in
and insert lord advocate receiveslordjames douglas hamilton 13 in
and insert the lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 14 in
the lord advocate section 18lordjames douglas hamilton 15 in
and insert lord advocate receiveslordjames douglas hamilton 16 in
ministers and insert lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 17 in
and insert the lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 18 in
the lord advocate section 19lordjames douglas hamilton 19 in
insert lord advocate section 12lordjames douglas hamilton 2 in
and insert lord advocate receiveslordjames douglas hamilton 20 in
ministers and insert lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 21 in
the lord advocate section 20lordjames douglas hamilton 22 in
and insert lord advocate receiveslordjames douglas hamilton 23 in
the lord advocate section 21lordjames douglas hamilton 24 in
insert lord advocate section 22lordjames douglas hamilton 25 in
ministers and insert lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 26 in
and insert lord advocate receiveslordjames douglas hamilton 3 in
and insert lord advocate receiveslordjames douglas hamilton 5 in
insert lord advocate section 14lordjames douglas hamilton 6 in
ministers and insert lord advocatelordjames douglas hamilton 7 in
insert lord advocate section 15lordjames douglas hamilton 8 in
and insert lord advocate receiveslordjames douglas hamilton 9 in
the affront ti yir oblationerlordclerk zhao a d rin
lentren mait an cry inlordclerk zhao an ance they
the servitor wi him whanlordclerk zhao an lu da
sae then it wis atlordclerk zhao bade fareweill ti
thinkin on the affront tilordclerk zhao but juist ti
at the mains wi thelordclerk zhao for sax seiven
maister bade lu da anlordclerk zhao gang inti the
out in twae lang rawslordclerk zhao gat out the
prentices liftit aathing awa thenlordclerk zhao gat ti his
sodger lad profunditas our largitorlordclerk zhao hes hed ye
the five bunker hills anlordclerk zhao mends ance mair
is the dochter s officiarlordclerk zhao says the auld
brither sworn ti our largitorlordclerk zhao says the elder
s an outbye wife tilordclerk zhao wi a rich
we are the standards committeelorddouglas hamilton there are a
bill stage 3 section 11lordjames douglas hamilton 1 in
a digital signature section 13lordjames douglas hamilton 4 in
the subject of s1m 1206lordjames douglas hamilton abercorn primary
wilson robin harper s1m 1206lordjames douglas hamilton abercorn primary
dug has never been foundlordjames douglas hamilton actually there
supported by mr brian monteithlordjames douglas hamilton alex fergusson
education supported by david mcletchielordjames douglas hamilton alex fergusson
mcgugan elaine murray roseanna cunninghamlordjames douglas hamilton alex johnstone
mcgugan elaine murray roseanna cunninghamlordjames douglas hamilton alex johnstone
mundell mary scanlon michael russelllordjames douglas hamilton alex neil
lloyd quinan mr kenny macaskilllordjames douglas hamilton alex neil
by michael russell david mundelllordjames douglas hamilton alex neil
young offenders s1m 3149 1lordjames douglas hamilton alternatives to
linda fabiani s1m 3149 1lordjames douglas hamilton alternatives to
states supported by michael mathesonlordjames douglas hamilton andrew wilson
staff supported by des mcnultylordjames douglas hamilton andrew wilson
tosh alex fergusson ben wallacelordjames douglas hamilton annabel goldie
godman donald gorrie s1m 328lordjames douglas hamilton answering of
hear what the committee feelslordjames douglas hamilton as i
return to that matter shortlylordjames douglas hamilton asked about
mr murray tosh phil gallielordjames douglas hamilton ben wallace
the united kingdom supported bylordjames douglas hamilton ben wallace
mike rumbles mr brian monteithlordjames douglas hamilton brian adam
david mcletchie mr adam ingramlordjames douglas hamilton brian fitzpatrick
bill aitken mr adam ingramlordjames douglas hamilton cathy peattie
minister it is understood thatlordjames douglas hamilton consulted the
grahame donald gorrie alex neillordjames douglas hamilton david mcletchie
mcleod mary scanlon michael russelllordjames douglas hamilton david mcletchie
ewing alex fergusson alex johnstonelordjames douglas hamilton david mcletchie
that i have ever visitedlordjames douglas hamilton do all
membership sarah boyack bruce crawfordlordjames douglas hamilton donald gorrie
davidson nick johnston john scottlordjames douglas hamilton donald gorrie
lodged on 22 october 2001lordjames douglas hamilton dorothy grace
ms sandra white cathie craigielordjames douglas hamilton dorothy grace
cathie craigie dr sylvia jacksonlordjames douglas hamilton dr richard
deputy presiding officer i calllordjames douglas hamilton for the
practice once and for alllordjames douglas hamilton from my
and its committees supported bylordjames douglas hamilton helen eadie
tackle his concerns are misplacedlordjames douglas hamilton i mentioned
the clerks have clear guidancelordjames douglas hamilton i strongly
monteith christine grahame brian adamlordjames douglas hamilton ian jenkins
a conservative administration in 1991lordjames douglas hamilton introduced it
david mcletchie mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton john scott
david mcletchie mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton john scott
and unionist party business managerlordjames douglas hamilton liberal democrat
and unionist party business managerlordjames douglas hamilton liberal democrat
and fife snp committee memberslordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
and islands lab committee memberslordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
patricia ferguson glasgow maryhill lablordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
time comes we will respondlordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
craigie cumbernauld and kilsyth lablordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
that we have already takenlordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
mackay i nominate maureen macmillanlordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
such programmes is being donelordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
a better place to livelordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
members karen gillon clydesdale lablordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
motion agreed to 17 20lordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
its voice heard 11 54lordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
for the conservatives 11 29lordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
michael matheson central scotland snplordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
our information at this stagelordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
substitutes roseanna cunningham perth snplordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
gallie south of scotland conlordjames douglas hamilton lothians con
set up michael matheson yeslordjames douglas hamilton many of
mike rumbles convener susan deaconlordjames douglas hamilton mike russell
mr brian monteith bill aitkenlordjames douglas hamilton miss annabel
31 against 79 abstentions 1lordjames douglas hamilton moved amendment
gallie robin harper john scottlordjames douglas hamilton mr adam
hugh henry ms sandra whitelordjames douglas hamilton mr alex
commemoration supported by bill aitkenlordjames douglas hamilton mr brian
irene mcgugan mr mike rumbleslordjames douglas hamilton mr brian
mrs lyndsay mcintosh alex johnstonelordjames douglas hamilton mr david
mr keith harding john younglordjames douglas hamilton mr david
mr keith harding john younglordjames douglas hamilton mr david
mr keith harding john younglordjames douglas hamilton mr david
gallie alex fergusson irene mcguganlordjames douglas hamilton mr david
alex fergusson miss annabel goldielordjames douglas hamilton mr jamie
s farmers r supported bylordjames douglas hamilton mr jamie
jamie mcgrigor mr david davidsonlordjames douglas hamilton mr keith
brian monteith mrs lyndsay mcintoshlordjames douglas hamilton mr keith
gallie bill aitken alex fergussonlordjames douglas hamilton mr keith
alex fergusson mrs lyndsay mcintoshlordjames douglas hamilton mr keith
mcgugan alex johnstone bill aitkenlordjames douglas hamilton mr keith
nora radcliffe mr gil patersonlordjames douglas hamilton mr kenneth
cup in 2010 supported bylordjames douglas hamilton mr kenneth
mary scanlon mr brian monteithlordjames douglas hamilton mr lloyd
wallace colin campbell dennis canavanlordjames douglas hamilton mr murray
gallie fiona mcleod nick johnstonlordjames douglas hamilton mrs lyndsay
parents supported by phil gallielordjames douglas hamilton mrs lyndsay
mundell alex fergusson alex johnstonelordjames douglas hamilton mrs lyndsay
ewing richard lochhead cathy jamiesonlordjames douglas hamilton mrs lyndsay
ben wallace mr brian monteithlordjames douglas hamilton mrs margaret
mr adam ingram andrew wilsonlordjames douglas hamilton ms sandra
michael matheson mr david davidsonlordjames douglas hamilton ms sandra
in the uk supported bylordjames douglas hamilton nick johnston
mr murray tosh david mundelllordjames douglas hamilton nick johnston
brian monteith mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton nick johnston
mrs lyndsay mcintosh phil gallielordjames douglas hamilton nick johnston
gallie bill aitken mary scanlonlordjames douglas hamilton pauline mcneill
cunningham david mundell maureen macmillanlordjames douglas hamilton pauline mcneill
duncan hamilton mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton phil gallie
the subject of s1m 2647lordjames douglas hamilton rail link
tackling crime in the uklordjames douglas hamilton raised concerns
kenneth macintosh mr duncan mcneillordjames douglas hamilton rhoda grant
extradition and data protection aslordjames douglas hamilton rightly highlighted
residents supported by bill aitkenlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 1071
david mcletchie mr david davidsonlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 1153
lodged on 22 november 2000lordjames douglas hamilton s1m 1385
december 2000 mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 1440
mcgrigor mary scanlon nick johnstonlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 1451
lodged on 9 february 2001lordjames douglas hamilton s1m 1644
march 2001 mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 1799
ingram tommy sheridan john scottlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 2112
tosh david mundell stewart stevensonlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 2329
24 october 2001 david mcletchielordjames douglas hamilton s1m 2346
november 1999 mr brian monteithlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 235
24 october 2001 david mcletchielordjames douglas hamilton s1m 2358
mcintosh john scott alex fergussonlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 2363
25 october 2001 margaret smithlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 2364
8 march 2002 elaine smithlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 2849
supported by mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 311
mary scanlon mr jamie mcgrigorlordjames douglas hamilton s1m 940
scotland supported by ben wallacelordjames douglas hamilton s1m 958
fabiani david mcletchie colin campbelllordjames douglas hamilton shona robison
convener they have chemical toiletslordjames douglas hamilton so it
our party s chief whiplordjames douglas hamilton that establishment
september or october next yearlordjames douglas hamilton that is
letter on the subject fromlordjames douglas hamilton the prime
down by prison s1w 28501lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
decided upon r s1w 28504lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
and b death s1w 28505lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
2 granted r s1w 28503lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
for the deaf s1w 9859lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
single currency s1o 1498 3lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
reform bill r s1w 17676lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
use of airguns s1w 20829lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
the person accountable s1w 6lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
fishing fleet s1o 1758 12lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
and b 2002 s1w 29290lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
last 10 years s1w 28502lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
glasgow gaelic centre s1w 16810lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
the parents group s1w 16812lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
financial year s1o 312 26lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
to 2000 01 s1w 19416lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
air transport provision s1w 34725lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
v 2001 02 s1w 27490lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
hm prison barlinnie s1w 16811lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
about organ retention s1w 16813lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
to the parliament s1w 32819lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
1965 to 1975 s1w 16814lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
repeat prescriptions s1o 3228 20lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
in scotland s1o 289 23lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
september 2000 s1o 3275 23lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
more serious offence s1w 3616lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
7 december 2000 s1w 11442lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
in scotland s1o 6318 8lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
in each case s1w 16815lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
prison estates review s1w 29288lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
taking in response s1w 17674lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
category of charge s1w 29289lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
down by prison s1w 27489lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
secondary school s1o 3854 7lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
and jurisdiction r s1w 17675lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
in these houses s1w 28546lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
for social workers s1w 27488lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
with such strategies s1w 28545lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
to work efficiently s1w 2596lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
any such consultation s1w 9860lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
and islands s1o 385 21lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
sales in england s1w 28547lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
4 october 2001 s1w 19642lordjames douglas hamilton to ask
problems supported by david mcletchielordjames douglas hamilton tommy sheridan
mcintosh david mundell bill aitkenlordjames douglas hamilton tommy sheridan
davidson nora radcliffe mary scanlonlordjames douglas hamilton tricia marwick
present mr mike rumbles convenerlordjames douglas hamilton tricia marwick
bruce crawford mr david davidsonlordjames douglas hamilton trish godman
ms margo macdonald s1m 1108lordjames douglas hamilton upgrading of
as such a high prioritylordjames douglas hamilton would it
we welcome the draft covenantlordjames douglas hamilton yes it
glasgow anniesland lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
glasgow baillieston lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
and musselburgh lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
and musselburgh lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
and musselburgh lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
and musselburgh lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
glasgow baillieston lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
glasgow baillieston lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
and musselburgh lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
glasgow baillieston lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
glasgow anniesland lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
glasgow baillieston lab douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con eadie helen
east scotland con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con elder dorothy
roseanna perth snp douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con elder dorothy
east scotland con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con elder dorothy
east scotland con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con elder dorothy
bill glasgow con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con ewing dr
east scotland con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con ewing dr
east scotland con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con ewing dr
roseanna perth snp douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con ewing dr
bill glasgow con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con fergusson alex
bill glasgow con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con fergusson alex
east scotland con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con fergusson alex
bill glasgow con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con fergusson alex
east scotland con douglas hamiltonlordjames lothians con fraser murdo
light of the judgement oflordhardie in the case of
to question s1w 3010 bylordhardie on 21 december 1999
that the right honourable thelordhardie qc be appointed as
that the right honourable thelordhardie qc be appointed as
of long term care followinglordhardie s judgement in the
in a nursing home followinglordhardie s recent judgement in
currently on waiting lists followinglordhardie s recent judgement in
be expected to comply withlordhardie s recent judgement in
on 8 november 1999 bylordhardie what the nature was
on 8 november 1999 bylordhardie when the crown office
on 8 november 1999 bylordhardie whether the information concerning
we want to discuss optionslordjames and i have reported
legislation it is understood thatlordjames intends to make these
legal revision to someone oflordjames s expertise and experience
agree with most of whatlordjames said it is important
that we obtain that informationlordjames will also be aware
address that reoffending mr wallacelordjames will recall that during
daughter of our late sovereignlordking james the first of
or a woman receives thelordjesus that moment you are
throng of having received thelordand jesus allso confessed to
zacchaeus of old received thelordjesus as his saviour may
as he did receive thelordjesus as your saviour and
of god and receive thelordjesus as your saviour who
breithir the grace o oorlordjesus christ bide wi ye
corpus withooten faut whan oorlordjesus christ comes he wha
to the heart of thelordjesus for love and kindness
what the death of ourlordjesus has done for us
of your sins if thelordjesus has not died for
our sins away now thelordjesus the great god and
incawin throwe jesus christ oorlordsaebeit the lord s prayer
he bowed to the presidentlordarniston checked his papers cleared
to the lord president andlordelliock who responded in the
lord rodger who is thelordjustice general and president of
we sought clarification from thelordpresident about what the rule
as if he were thelordpresident addressing the court and
maconochie the two dundases thelordpresident and his much younger
even nodded politely to thelordpresident and lord elliock who
a receptive hearing from thelordpresident and the others whom
week s meeting with thelordpresident and to the final
convener bill aitken and thelordpresident are to be commended
chuckles cullen smiled at thelordpresident as upon a wayward
to a neighbour but thelordpresident did not allow this
related to the action thelordpresident felt that we could
the story thus far thelordpresident glancing along the bench
aware of both what thelordpresident had to say to
out scottish ministers and insertlordpresident mary scanlon 179 in
out scottish ministers and insertlordpresident of the court of
the appointment of the newlordpresident of the court of
out scottish ministers and insertlordpresident of the court of
out scottish ministers and insertlordpresident of the court of
the practice note that thelordpresident proposes to issue the
but frankly having heard thelordpresident s explanation i think
showed their appreciation of thelordpresident s methods with some
important that members read thelordpresident s notes but i
before maclaurin could continue thelordpresident was wagging a finger
and is instructed by thelordpresident we mentioned that to
his notes even had thelordpresident wished to intervene dundas
ye here owrancer says thelordclerk a dout there wad
tak some tea wi thelordclerk afore an lu da
aa ane day says thelordclerk an then he cried
ti come largitor an thelordclerk answers him wi a
o thenks for says thelordclerk as the brithers an
spak o peyin quo thelordclerk atween the fower seas
says lu da sae thelordclerk bade lu da come
later i the forenoon thelordclerk bade lu da mount
eatin an the drinkin thelordclerk bade lu da ti
the admonition wis dune thelordclerk bade the brithers aa
an lu da an thelordclerk baith gat inti the
tuik the gate wi thelordclerk bletherin aa the lang
the brithers an there thelordclerk claspit his hauns an
says yir freinship s misreckontlordclerk for hou wad a
like host an guest thelordclerk gies word ti slauchter
wi t sae ti thelordclerk he says an ye
ance mair an ti thelordclerk he says yir freinship
a wadna daur say thelordclerk repones it s juist
their degrees an whan thelordclerk s men hed taen
he stuid in ahint thelordclerk s shouther afore them
s nae blame o thelordclerk s then sin yon
hou cud we affront thelordclerk sae sairlie juist lay
til ti see me richtlordclerk sae there an then
at keek o day thelordclerk says a dout this
will ye no never heedlordclerk says the elder bit
grand quo lu da thelordclerk sent a bodie ti
blythe ti hear this thelordclerk set in neist ti
whaur the elder bade thelordclerk sit i the guesten
best thing then says thelordclerk thirty odd mile awa
the lawin up an thelordclerk tuik out his siller
meikle magnanimitie owrancer an thelordclerk wha likes fine the
seek owrancer lu an thelordclerk whan he seen there
i the meditation chair thelordclerk whispert in a lown
says lu da gin thelordclerk winna lichtlie me because
afore the mains an thelordclerk wis grippin lu da
the elder besocht him thelordclerk wis set for hame
for a dram an thelordclerk wis that mistellt wi
arose following the appointment oflordgill as lord justice clerk
appointment of lord gill aslordjustice clerk s1w 23066 bill
to such eminent people aslordfoulkes [audience laughter] lord watson lady
r christ hae mercie mlordhae mercie aathegither the lord
lord hae mercie aathegither thelordhae mercie on s an
the lord quo naomi thelordhas keepit troth wi the
their lord isna mine malordhe lowsit daniel as ilka
east lord help the manlordhelp the beast monday 6
win blaws fae the eastlordhelp the man lord help
some considerable time ago andlordhope lord steyn s comments
with the lord so thelordis cumming back again first
aa the yirth lord ourlordis yer name wha has
like a dream gin theirlordisna mine ma lord he
lord provost of glasgow englishlordmayor this is free but
mervelfu in aa the yirthlordour lord is yer name
town hall hosted by thelordprovost of glasgow english lord
blissins tae him frae thelordquo naomi the lord has
to scotland s leading judgelordrodger who is the lord
christ oor lord saebeit thelords prayer aathegither faither o
lord s yer waird thelords yer sconce on left
nevir pairt nor twine thelords yer waird the lord
as one day with thelordso the lord is cumming
time ago and lord hopelordsteyn s comments made clear
people as lord foulkes [audience laughter]lordwatson lady wendy alexander [audience laughter]
outcome during the same debatelordmackay of drumadoon con commented
arbuthnott reference is made tolordand lady arbuthnott the following
arbuthnott reference is made tolordand lady arbuthnott the following
commanding them to be presentlordand lady arbuthnott then dressed
public rooms were taken overlordand lady arbuthnott were only
that had been sent tolordarbuthnott and her commanding them
her father was gamekeeper tolordarbuthnott and they lived at
on to it rather embarrassedlordarbuthnott handed her the ten
cold to pull the triggerlordarbuthnott i ll never forget
tennis court at arbuthnott thelordarbuthnott of that time found
us there including the presentlordarbuthnott then a boy of
to test the home guardlordarbuthnott was in auchenblae at
station [note: photo: 'drumlithie railway station.'] in 1936 whenlordarbuthnott who is also the
farm which was addressed bylordarbuthnott who kindly provided first
with alpitty and kirkton andlordarbuthnott with arbuthnott home farm
aboot seton the queen malordis deid macbeth she soudna
cryme macbeth enters mercie malordis that you yeir lane
sichts dae ye mean malordl macbeth dinna speir at
mynd s made up malordmacbeth a l be back
no wantin it yit malordmacbeth a l pit it
oot lennox na atweill malordmacbeth a wush the verra
til ingland lennox ay malordmacbeth ai tyme ye are
murderer we are men malordmacbeth o ay a m
fae both murderers true malordmacbeth weill he is mynes
soond o weimen keinin malordmacbeth wul ye gae see
wha na no me malordno me macbeth did they
ay they re thare malordootby the palace yett macbeth
this lords duin what malordthe ghost makes signals macbeth
to macbeth l macbeth malordye arena playin the host
murder is l macbeth malordyeir gentil freins is missin
ma saught is frae thelordalane wha yirth and lift
hainer wha is christ thelordand this sall be a
the lion s den malordhe lowsit daniel wha s
wha are weel daein thelordis wi ye sainit are
said we are deponents thelordmak this wumman wha has
bring o ye maist michtylordo oists wha are my
get lout doun and lippenlordtil aa wha wi haill
no nor dwine forbye thelordwha maks aa things will
us virr tae mind oorlordwha on his rude caa
a grup on yeirsell malordwhat dis it maitter wha
god the holy spirit thelordbliss ye an keep ye
greater nur god an thelordcast him doon tae hell
aagate an withoot devaul holylordfaither o aa micht god
sicht o god and thelordgod caad tae adam and
hard the voce o thelordgod daunerin in the yaird
an said i am thelordgod o abraham thy faither
single vyce holy holy holylordgod o hosts heiven an
for yer guid wark thelordgod o israel aneath whas
setting fire to wild oatslordgod s promise that night
ah hae etten and thelordgod said tae the edder
ah hae etten and thelordgod said tae the wumman
o the heighest and thelordgod sall gie him the
o the name o thelordhis god and sall gang
stave ootgang ye ken thelordis god himlane oot o
steive and strang forbye thelordoor god is guid his
are told to love thelordour god with all our
god himself as if thelords all seeing eye could
upon the lan that thelordthy god his gien ye
is the sabbath o thelordthy god in it ye
tak ma aith afore thelordyer god naething but daith
alex salmond jim wallace andlordyounger i am a member
conservative mp david heathcoat amorylordmaclennan of rogart liberal democrat
tae an eyn the guidlordbe thankit bit still nae
the bankin shook as thelordcam past an sae guid
warks we didna dae guidlorddinna lat our een be
thenkfu for whit the guidlordhaes gien me fikkil fortuin
in society that the guidlordhas intended for them betty
wey ti speak moula thelordkens best whit s guid
a new born kitten guidlordo aa the folk in
cried guid mornin tam thelordreplied an whit s tae
ti pey aither the guidlords been guid ti me
guid mornin tam was thelords reply an whit s
be twyned frae the guidlords sainin an micht eith
baith heard whit the guidlordsaid a m no fashed
ye didna ken afore thelordsain ye for yer guid
sayin a howp the guidlordwul forgie ye whit ye
wame o a whale olordyou set thir guid folk
hawkes ane michtie monad eastrenlorda seilie day ay the
come see ti ser thelordabune claymores in haun ay
wis the light ay thelordan for a wee second
him think lang on thelorday an mak great mane
a ll gaun wi yelorday as gleg as yirsel
macduff ti cum til himlorday he did that an
awricht 1st murderer ay malordhe s quaet nou in
aboot thaim physician ay malordit wad been ill for
tovin ay doun comes thelordnou a follaed ye see
on in pleisure five greaterlordo fate apen braid ay
t hae been there aylordsittin upby i the kinrik
monieplied see mellit thegither thelordtaks pleasance o t ay
among oor sisters in thelordand that we will leave
aw meg didna oor blissitlordhimsell no allou himsell ti
we treat baith loon anlordoor city s motto bon
i said george stephen wislordprovost o oor city back
thee for oor greens dearlordwe thenk thee for oor
messenger enters messenger ma graciouslorda maun tell ye what
mair frae his accursit haundlorda wad send ma prayers
wul conter ye fareweill malorda wadna be the rogue
whaur lennox richt here malordare the sumthing fashin ye
no sae mukkil seik malordas truibilt wi ferlies in
at least as ferr malordas wul uise up the
at fowerteen ah mairrit malordfou ah never laucht no
div ee cum frae malordfrom the chinese of wang
son ross yeir son malordhaes dee d a sojer
o kin quo he thelordhas sainit ye ma dochter
as ilka christian lairns malordhe lowsit daniel but why
the african american english malordhe lowsit daniel daniel frae
no lowse the haill malordhe lowsit daniel daniel frae
the lion s den malordhe lowsit daniel will he
richt deid 1st murderer malordhis thrappil s cut frae
tak ma aith by thelordnoo ligg doon till daydaw
ease ma sufferin he waslordprovost lauder said sir andrew
evir amen psaum 23 thelords ma herd i sall
s ma shepherd moula thelords ma hird lyke the
his hands to moula thelords ma shepherd moula the
the kynd o man malordthat s been sae taigilt
enter siward this wey malordthe castle haes surrendert athoot
wes twa thrie men malordti bring ye wurd macduff
focht asyde us siward malordwe soud enter the castle
murderer we l dae malordwhatever ye tell us til
juist less o that malordye connach awthing wi yeir
the fairmer s wife sayslordcome into the kitchen an
a short adjournment certainly mylordsays mcbean no kennin juist
matriculated or registered with thelordlyon s1w 24107 michael russell
of s1m 1789 johann lamontlordabernethy ruling on rape for
ewing cathy peattie s1m 1789lordabernethy ruling on rape lodged
s1m 3159 appointment of thelordhigh commissioner lodged on 28
2003 pauline mcneill s1m 3742lordjenkins of hillhead lodged on
on [censored: forename] an on [censored: forename]lordan maister for aa the
ahint the haa o thelordan pish an shite aa
and the licht o thelordglintit aa aboot them and
i luikit aa roun thelordhad gane the troot itsel
lift them up until thelordm lat s aa gie
thegither the fower sainins thelords prayer said bi aa
took evidence from mr timlordchief executive tobacco manufacturers association
committee expressed gratitude to thelordprovost mr eric milligan for
ti me broun ogre thelordbe praisit ah can hae
hir this suin queen thelordbe praisit she l hae
hae nae commaund o thelordfor ye but i will
hae been his choice eitherlordkames observed to no one
evirmair the ingine o thelordo osts sall hae it
i hae kent o thelords mercie i trew i
taen an aith quo thelordsin ye hae dune whit
speir at ye in thelordtae hae thae nouvelles read
thir days dae ye kenlorda heartell duncan s son
ye an keep ye thelordairt ye an gaird ye
blanket but better faur anlordbe thankit if these ye
he tae the shurers thelordbe wi ye said they
in the hinmaist blessin thelordbless ye an keep ye
an mither we thank yelordfor the love that wyted
no think tae call onlordgardenstone since ye were in
ye an gaird ye thelordhap ye wie his peace
ye tae dree for thelordhas been agin me than
ye caa me naomi thelordhas spak agin me the
tae yer mithers hames thelordkeep troth wi ye as
be gracious untae ye thelordlift up his coontenance upon
ye an keep ye thelordmakk his face tae shine
s aboot the state olordmonboddo ye took johnson tae
s a pupil in thelords faith whit are ye
cut ye could read thelords prayer through them ha
wi ye said they thelordsain ye than he speirt
judah throwe the bairns thelordsall gie ye by this
it an luik ye thelordstood abeen it an said
the faith o christ thelordwull ye love her wie
a gab the nicht olordye mak a winsome sicht
as a petitour ti thelordabune he ll can aiblins
i the haa o thelordfor ti streik hissel out
a m no up tilordguan eh he wis juist
yu bid fareweill ti herlordprofunditas lookit out frae whaur
the wye o wisdom olordan israel s chief o
in the virr o thelordand in the pooer o
wal o true wattir thelordbe praisit the queen pours
whit was spaeit o thelordby the prophets tak tent
and the angel o thelordcaad tae abraham out o
certie the angel o thelordcam tae him in a
wow the angel o thelordcam tae them and the
the southron office in firstenfeuslordcollegiar o the registry bao
the maobite kintra that thelordhad been mindfu o his
oursels this ferlie whilk thelordhas telt us o and
rest grant unto him olordhe drones then alleluia it
i the name o thelordhosanna in the hichts m
tae the wirds o thelordi the twenty echth o
mids o the gaithered fowklordin your mercie help tae
m the vaishle o thelordlat it befaa me as
the commerce o this nationlordmonboddo lounging at the clerks
can guide them sax lesserlordo fate mascorn o the
king o kings an thelordo lords an the chief
is yer bidin place olordo oists til me the
forrit he wis caad thelordo the dawn in easter
dominion owre the fowk seivenlordo the east blinterin a
north east bi george stephenlordprovost o the city o
o king dauvit [censored: text of hymn] thelordsaid the creator made them
eck said tae himsel goodlordten o clock an nae
would fill a farm olordthe lasses bake the lasses
o the halie speerit blisslordthis wine wie the pooer
the nets o hate thelordtook breid blissed it an
three times as likely thelordwad takk tent o fit
the wird o the risenlordwi peats an a pucklie
lads i speak tonight olordyou make a winsome sight
had been conjured out oflordknows where 31st december 1988
them to write out thelords prayer one child began
wis on its wye ohlordwe stretch out our necks
private member s bill bylordarcher of weston super mare
have chosen a passage bylordbelhaven who was an opponent
committee of inquiry conducted bylordburns in england and wales
the scheme launched by thelordchancellor in december 2001 in
have been settled by thelordchancellor tenure of office and
motion was moved formally bylordforsyth of drumlean 24 but
as that recently proposed bylordforsyth of drumlean appendix text
of ingland led by thelordhalbert quho was under his
the weekends and bed thelordhave mercy by shelley smith
was met by the risenlordhim self it is recorded
silence zeb angel praise thelordi m awoken by a
it was heard first bylordkennet who then made avizandum
working party set up bylordmacdonald in august 1998 this
borders working party chaired bylordmacdonald was published in march
by order hearings conducted bylordmackay can still proceed for
the somewhat unusual comments bylordrodger incidentally he ceased being
the mune by nicht thelordsall be yer waird he
24 but was opposed bylordst john of fawsley and
disagreed to by 65 14lordst john s brief speech
on the statement made bylordsutherland in his opinion of
up i believe by thelordtaking him back to the
the regions opinion prepared bylordtope and agreed by the
be burning in hell mylordwas not perturbed by them
by an unknown anglo normanlordwho had been granted land
said majesty our now soveriegnlordand of her royall highness
in a natural state mylordarniston said quickly as monboddo
said i will praise thelordi don t understand this
up on a comment thatlordwatson made his lordship said
at the burial of ourlordwhen all the other disciples
bless our native land andlordwhile for all mankind we
the principle behind the noblelords bill and i trust
the subject of the noblelords bill equality of treatment
committee will take evidence fromlordeassie chairman scottish law commission
consultation exercise with scottish businesslordgordon of strathblane chairman of
november 1998 paragraph 301 29lordgordon scottish affairs committee inquiry
an hour 28 for examplelordgordon scottish tourist board evidence
20 21st july 1999 17lordgordon scottish tourist board scottish
scottish executive how many unfilledlordlieutenant posts there are in
1million from the private sectorlordmacdonald scottish affairs committee inquiry
mackay was to become firstlordof a scottish chancellery and
debate on the parliament sitelordsewel a junior scottish office
him a richt shje imitateslordhaw haw s accent private
een noo an him thelordhigh an mighty in the
him tae speir for thelords mercy but he wouldna
him she winnert far thelordtuik fowk that dee t
of the ring confessed thelordwho had saved him a
in the interest of thelordwho saved him and in
his duty to enlist underlordderby s recruitment scheme 1916
add insult to injury 24lordforsyth had declared his opposition
speaking loudly to his neighbourlordgardenstone it was widely rumoured
his feet an cried mylordhow does this leave my
and keep us may thelordmake his face to shine
his wife s father thenlordprovost of edinburgh wt my
his hale life follaed thelords buik minnie luikit intae
as his saviour may thelordtake a dealing with you
but then he has thelordto hold his hand or
has no yet thank thelordmade ony headway weemin are
but niver on sunday thelords day he made a
crouse like an cantie twalordinben the clouds doukit wi
to the beginnin wi thelordlaird so that construction is
a hustings he attends wilordlamancha he preached the doctrine
the yirth sing tae thelordwi blythesome sang heeze up
glorie glorie be tae youlordabeen blissit is he that
palms swyed in the breezelordfoo he likit tae craik
heid a rug takk melordfrae cooncil scheme tae be
ah wis prayin tae thelordlike ah nivir did in
tae sleep i pray thelordmy sowl tae keep if
i wakk i pray thelordmy sowl tae takk may
wino her face wis minkitlordshe stank tae high heaven
tae naomi blissins tae thelordthe day for he hasna
for the return of thelordfrom heaven who would change
up the tree but thelordwho came to seek and
the the the the thelordwho was the the equivalent
during the second reading oflordarcher of weston super mare
thessalonians after having received thelordas their saviour they became
have heard and accept thelordas you saviour or perish
time halleluja homeward bound thelordbe praised the pass a
the mukkil haw malcolm thelordbe praisit help set me
can eat an sae thelordbe thankit the broth wis
references to the late reveredlordbeaverbook it was fun watching
a free bus to thelordbeaverbrook hotel courtesy of the
in this house may thelordbless us and keep us
the last moment taking forwardlordbonomy s recommendations consider the
fact that at the timelordbuccleuch was at the leaguer
followed the advice of thelordchancellor and attempted to go
doubt about the office oflordchancellor appears to have been
following the route that thelordchancellor is taking in england
register is irrelevant if thelordchancellor is the only person
happened in scotland if thelordchancellor s department had decided
will be offended but thelordchancellor s response was a
really be supposed that thelordchief justice of england would
that it is much aslordcooper put it in the
soul s redemption bit thelordcried doon there s nae
the clerks and i metlordcullen and others over the
group 3 read mary marrieslorddarnley but prefers the company
romans despised her fan herlorddee d as the happed
but ah think maybe thelorddid get me through it
recognises that the minister responsiblelordfalconer should resign and calls
not mrs beaumont thank thelordfor that lilian no we
whan they were beddit thelordgart her conceive and she
pit awa wir sins thelordgie us stieve hairts an
9 27 also para 179lordgordon 12 the stb is
i discuss various matters withlordgordon the chairman of the
group under the chairmanship oflordgordon the group established in
awa teemin owre and thelordhas brocht me hame toom
for a wersh weird thelordhas gien me ah gaed
to the wireless an thonlordhaw haw come on he
to dod dod reading thelordhelps them that help themselves
meg meg weill son thelordhie steward wes that pleased
hall in your capacity aslordhigh commissioner to the forthcoming
officer to act as thelordhigh commissioner to the general
you much down here aslordhigh commissioner to the general
multitud of men nochtwithstanding thelordhome answerit the earle of
of huntlie desyrit at thelordhome that he wald help
body but present with thelordhow was he saved he
wis so graced does thelordhuv a purpose for me
the inch of st columlordi was drowning what better
be saying to the otherlordif you are so virtuous
leave your case well mylordin the case of procurator
witnesses that are praisin thelordin the way that they
there he is thank thelordjohnny carrying a fishing rod
incidentally he ceased being thelordjustice general for scotland some
the court of session andlordjustice general will be announced
business the nasal voice oflordkames issued from further along
gracious unto us may thelordlift up the light of
in which the character oflordlittlewit uses keerates for curates
10 march 2002 that thelordlyon may pursue claims against
it intends to respond tolordmacfadyen s judgement in the
taken following the appointment oflordmackay of drumadoon in respect
outstanding at the date oflordmackay of drumadoon s appointment
the convener and i attendedlordmackay s court to see
the european court of justicelordmackenzie stuart and the chief
had drunk the health oflordmansfield but joseph had read
my dear for whatever thelordmay have in store for
of huntlie then and thelordof home standard- standand in
story as he was thelordof innermessan holding the lands
later earl of caithness andlordof roslin the interpolated passage
such 20th century works aslordof the flies and the
with a human like personalitylordof the riddle of the
there s frodo baggins inlordof the rings with the
byde a retrospicien whom thelordoutspeud a brybour baird that
on vindication in the courtslordpenrose stated inviting quotations and
human rights is english qualifiedlordreid from the high court
would be cured so thelordreminds nicodemus of that incident
of the house where thelordresided that memorable night in
juist rin in ahint thelords hous for a shite
okay so this is thelords mandate to joshua well
in church today giving thelords my shepherd big licks
into the mike in thelords own house sh sh
the court lingered on thelords prayer took in some
yon sharn in the sievelords sake laddie quo the
whaur the sie keing islordsae that the keing micht
smores the sun here atlordsiva s temple door the
fare that lies atween dearlordthe bunkers ruch an trees
this is my bleed blisslordthis bried wie the pooer
in the way that thelordwas and that we have
the junior home office ministerlordwilliams of mostyn now the
then junior home office ministerlordwilliams of mostyn now the
he moved to cambridge aslordalmoner s reader in arabic
english legal tradition and whatlordcooper referred to as flashes
as a herald finishing aslordlyon king of arms in
as a point of informationlordwatson will lodge amendments to
dr johnson answered no mylordwe are as strong as
half stood much obleeged mylordand sat down again my
and rome countenanced slavery mylordarniston tried again but dundas
is that so yes mylordgulped mcbean luikin mair nor
meant naething in particular mylordi jist thocht i d
wis seeventeen f961: oh mylordit ll be quite different
up yoursel thank you mylordmaclaurin looking suitably humble he
heading that way oh mylordthese charity clothes stink to
of me agnes you dearlordawbody in this hoose is
business an thirdly it afflickslordcharles lamancha ane time adventurer
fur a lady s choicelordbyron niver missed a single
scotland of asthal parliamentary secretarylordchancellor s department professor sir
will have a copy oflordcullen s letter which explains
debate on that figure andlordlipsey s attempt to mislead
treat for another night ohlordm642: and it s [censored: forename]
it was widely rumoured thatlordmansfield had blocked braxfield s
a gey selective interpretation oflordmansfield s ruling can it
words they never used erlords name in vain or
jerico brought tumbling down atlordsiva s jungle shrine bharaptur
bargany and kennedy of cassilislordcassilis another notable ayrshire name
in literary composition and traditionslordhailes burns and scott himself
forres enter lennox and anotherlordlennox speaking with mounting sarcasm
really f963: mm oh rightlordli- lichfield and people that
look so surprised i knowlordmonboddo better than you and
sinclair earl of orkney andlordof roslin it is not
their hands and plead butlordoo didnae ken oo didnae
sweet willie and fair annielordthomas and fair annet child
of rogart liberal democrat andlordtomlinson labour former mep are
unceasing campaign to hold successivelordadvocates to account for this
those of prime minister orlordchancellor are subject to such
ii in favour of georgelordgordoune of 200 mercates of
anything it means something likelordif you re so virtuous
railway magazine 1971 tells howlordinchcape was prepared to move
yon birkie ca d alordisn t it from burns
on your croak may youlordit over union stret forever
difficulties at home jack becamelordlieutenant of kincardineshire in 1925
existing cases will be acceleratedlordmackay will continue to conduct
may or may not satisfylordmonboddo but it is whit
it was a chap calledlord[?]vavell[/?] wavell wasn t it
mountbatten would be would followlordwavell m608: mm m636: eh
what you re doing herelordwe honour you we thank

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