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and wishaw lab mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mackay angus
kenneth eastwood lab mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mackay angus
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleish henry
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleish henry
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleish henry
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleish henry
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleish henry
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleish henry
east scotland snp mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleod fiona
east scotland snp mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleod fiona
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleod fiona
east scotland snp mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleod fiona
east scotland snp mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleod fiona
east scotland snp mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcleod fiona
and wishaw lab mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
east scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
east scotland snp mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
and wishaw lab mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
and wishaw lab mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
east scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcletchie david
and islands lab mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con mcneill pauline
and islands con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con monteith mr
of scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con the convener
of scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con the convener
of scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con the convener
of scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con the convener
of scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con the convener
of scotland con mcintosh mrslyndsaycentral scotland con the convener
kenneth donald eastwood lab mcintoshlyndsayjune central scotland con mackay
3 after section 3 mrslyndsaymcintosh 5 after section 3
scanlon mr jamie mcgrigor mrslyndsaymcintosh alasdair morgan michael russell
mcletchie mr murray tosh mrslyndsaymcintosh alex johnstone lord james
by mr brian monteith mrslyndsaymcintosh alex johnstone mr murray
should all be proud itlyndsaymcintosh also underlined the problems
therefore not repeat the listlyndsaymcintosh and johann lamont spoke
to churn over the projectslyndsaymcintosh and kenny gibson touched
of the financial year approacheslyndsaymcintosh and others paid tribute
david mundell bill aitken mrslyndsaymcintosh ben wallace colin campbell
on 8 may 2002 mrslyndsaymcintosh business bulletin no 102
kelvin lab deputy convener mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con committee
young children are involved mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con does
beyond people s impressions mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con i
the report 10 03 mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con i
be addressed 15 29 mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con i
or to make comments mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con i
fabiani central scotland snp mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con karen
south of scotland snp mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con kate
robert brown glasgow ld mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con linda
worth while 12 03 mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con members
scotland snp committee members mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con mr
martin glasgow springburn lab mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con mr
scotland snp committee members mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con mr
in the debate today mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con oh
fabiani central scotland snp mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con robert
kenneth gibson glasgow snp mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con robert
matheson central scotland snp mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con scott
accountable society 15 47 mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con the
grant such a power mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con this
fronts to tackle poverty mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con would
a duel with him mrslyndsaymcintosh central scotland con yes
harper mrs margaret ewing mrslyndsaymcintosh colin campbell s1m 1487
harding mr brian monteith mrslyndsaymcintosh david mcletchie mr jamie
wallace mr murray tosh mrslyndsaymcintosh david mundell bill aitken
jamie mcgrigor michael russell mrslyndsaymcintosh david mundell bill aitken
maureen macmillan irene mcgugan mrslyndsaymcintosh david mundell mrs nora
john swinney irene mcgugan mrslyndsaymcintosh dennis canavan mr alex
nick johnston phil gallie mrslyndsaymcintosh donald gorrie dorothy grace
september 2000 alex johnstone mrslyndsaymcintosh dr elaine murray s1m
lloyd quinan david mcletchie mrslyndsaymcintosh dr winnie ewing john
to include the voluntary sectorlyndsaymcintosh expressed concern about the
hugh henry s1m 3738 mrslyndsaymcintosh fame academy that the
irene mcgugan alasdair morgan mrslyndsaymcintosh fergus ewing mr andrew
lord james douglas hamilton mrslyndsaymcintosh fiona hyslop donald gorrie
jamie stone kay ullrich andlyndsaymcintosh i welcome elspeth attwooll
russell mr david davidson mrslyndsaymcintosh ian jenkins bill aitken
whitefield mr jamie mcgrigor mrslyndsaymcintosh irene mcgugan mr lloyd
agencies i am sorry thatlyndsaymcintosh is no longer in
mcgrigor mr murray tosh mrslyndsaymcintosh john scott alex fergusson
robson mrs margaret ewing mrslyndsaymcintosh john scott dennis canavan
convener johann lamont convener mrslyndsaymcintosh karen whitefield 1 community
8 january 2002 present mrslyndsaymcintosh kate maclean convener mr
monteith miss annabel goldie mrslyndsaymcintosh kay ullrich mr andrew
michael russell alex neil mrslyndsaymcintosh linda fabiani fiona mcleod
mcletchie mr brian monteith mrslyndsaymcintosh lord james douglas hamilton
david mcletchie alex fergusson mrslyndsaymcintosh lord james douglas hamilton
godman dr sylvia jackson mrslyndsaymcintosh mary scanlon mr lloyd
david mundell nick johnston mrslyndsaymcintosh mary scanlon phil gallie
social responsibility which my colleaguelyndsaymcintosh mentioned at this point
reduced grants to voluntary groupslyndsaymcintosh mentioned the loss of
michael mcmahon christine grahame mrslyndsaymcintosh michael matheson mr david
lord james douglas hamilton mrslyndsaymcintosh miss annabel goldie bruce
alex fergusson nick johnston mrslyndsaymcintosh miss annabel goldie mary
gorrie mr brian monteith mrslyndsaymcintosh miss annabel goldie mr
against 71 abstentions 0 mrslyndsaymcintosh moved amendment s1m 3477
murray tosh phil gallie mrslyndsaymcintosh mr brian monteith alex
on 11 september 2000 mrslyndsaymcintosh mr brian monteith alex
alex neil fiona mcleod mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson ben
fiona mcleod cathy jamieson mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson mary
lord james douglas hamilton mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson mr
nick johnston richard lochhead mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson ms
fiona mcleod alex neil mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson ms
harding ms margo macdonald mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson nick
on 18 july 2001 mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson phil
adam ingram alex neil mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson s1m
kenneth gibson nick johnston mrslyndsaymcintosh mr david davidson s1m
quinan mr michael matheson mrslyndsaymcintosh mr gil paterson lodged
alex johnstone bill aitken mrslyndsaymcintosh mr jamie mcgrigor john
supported by bill aitken mrslyndsaymcintosh mr jamie mcgrigor mr
maureen macmillan elaine thomson mrslyndsaymcintosh mr john home robertson
supported by alex fergusson mrslyndsaymcintosh mr keith harding john
grahame mr kenny macaskill mrslyndsaymcintosh mr keith harding shona
douglas hamilton alex neil mrslyndsaymcintosh mr lloyd quinan mr
colin campbell irene mcgugan mrslyndsaymcintosh mr michael mcmahon ms
david mundell david mcletchie mrslyndsaymcintosh mr murray tosh alex
by mr david davidson mrslyndsaymcintosh mr murray tosh david
by mr david davidson mrslyndsaymcintosh mr murray tosh david
douglas hamilton david mcletchie mrslyndsaymcintosh mr murray tosh mary
supported by margaret jamieson mrslyndsaymcintosh mrs kay ullrich cathy
matheson mr john mcallion mrslyndsaymcintosh ms fiona mcleod des
nick johnston alex neil mrslyndsaymcintosh ms sandra white brian
alex neil fergus ewing mrslyndsaymcintosh ms sandra white dr
phil gallie margaret smith mrslyndsaymcintosh nick johnston mr duncan
instrument tuition supported by mrslyndsaymcintosh nick johnston phil gallie
bristow muldoon patricia ferguson mrslyndsaymcintosh nick johnston s1m 1829
maureen macmillan tricia marwick mrslyndsaymcintosh pauline mcneill euan robson
scott mr brian monteith mrslyndsaymcintosh phil gallie lord james
have on charitable bodies whichlyndsaymcintosh quantified at 46 million
where the concerns to whichlyndsaymcintosh referred echo more strongly
sector a number of speakerslyndsaymcintosh robert brown karen whitefield
a first class analysis oflyndsaymcintosh s knowledge of the
would like to pick uplyndsaymcintosh s point about levity
fair i was interested inlyndsaymcintosh s tax raising agenda
scott barrie tommy sheridan mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 1053 brian adam
early release supported by mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 1803 reconsideration of
on 15 may 2002 mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3086 american society
on 20 may 2002 mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3122 unison campaign
on 20 may 2002 mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3135 volunteers week
on 30 may 2002 mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3136 royal opening
june 2002 christine grahame mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3170 psychiatric services
on 6 june 2002 mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3171 visitscotland funding
on 10 june 2002 mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3189 rural developments
january 2003 brian fitzpatrick mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 3820 new forth
supported by phil gallie mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 609 mr gil
phil gallie alex neil mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 885 tricia marwick
marwick mr gil paterson mrslyndsaymcintosh s1m 992 mr jamie
the independence of the sectorlyndsaymcintosh said very specifically that
of misunderstanding i say tolyndsaymcintosh that we could not
kenneth gibson amendment moved mrslyndsaymcintosh the minister for social
the matter s1w 31059 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
expenditure allocations s1w 23101 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
was calculated s1w 33023 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
temporary accommodation s1w 26361 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
partnership scheme s1w 23077 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
are available s1w 23078 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
criminal trials s1w 203 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
swimming pool s1w 33962 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
consultative forum s1w 23076 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
such hostels s1w 23102 mrslyndsaymcintosh to ask the scottish
lord james douglas hamilton mrslyndsaymcintosh tommy sheridan s1m 3942
on 25 february 2003 mrslyndsaymcintosh tommy sheridan s1m 3942
i do not think thatlyndsaymcintosh was in the chamber
more prosaic matters i asklyndsaymcintosh whether she and her
follow in the footsteps oflyndsaymcintosh who has given an
the snp benches and withlyndsaymcintosh who may not be
our tongue and later davidlyndsayof the mount also refers
the works of sir davidlyndsaytoday while a performance of
middle scots by sir davidlyndsaywas also performed in warsaw
henry ii of france inlyndsays own lifetime lyndsay s
in lyndsay s own lifetimelyndsays longer poems squyer meldrum
in the dialog as speakinglyndsays own disappointments and regrets
s own disappointments and regretslyndsays strength here as in
of arms in the justinglyndsaymay also be questioning the
as beast fable and romancelyndsayalso participates in a peculiarly
of evidence to show thatlyndsaysaw himself as very much
but at the very endlyndsaythanks god that that day
more telling the dialog islyndsays most serious work and
are the features that madelyndsaya popular writer in his
seems to represent the youngerlyndsayfull of hope and enthusiasm
of the thrie estaitis aslyndsaygrew older his poetry grew
the complaynt and the dremelyndsayhad been an important figure
the baby king according tolyndsayhe bure thy grace upon
is no clear evidence thatlyndsayhimself was ever a confessed
designed to introduce some oflyndsays best poems to a
the life of one oflyndsays fife friends william meldrum
a new audience one oflyndsays greatest strengths is his
known about the rest oflyndsays work this is a
fraction of the variety whichlyndsays works offer the asls
of the cardinal speak allowslyndsaysubtle irony in the development
runs away from her suggestionslyndsaythus implies that the heroes
da lyn this closeness permittedlyndsayto offer advice to the
and to courtier like henrysonlyndsayuses the humour of the
king s sexual activities thatlyndsaywas able to do this

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