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the british he particularly mentionedmajorrogers and said that not
since his interment here liesmajorrogers fa thocht it sport
fertilized this grun major rogersmajorrogers logged the killing by
scots hae fertilized this grunmajorrogers major rogers logged the
whose body rests here namelymajorrogers of the ceylon rifles
the tea estate nuwara eliyamajorrogers the michie machine kandy
cried himsel alexander weir themajors son had come tae
i ll tell ye abootmajorweir i canna mak such
me noo that ye sawmajorweir in the tolbooth mitchel
visit he had made onmajorweir just fifteen months married
would like tae hear abootmajorweir mitchel s brow furrowed
rumour from the capital thatmajorweir that used to bide
but he s the worsemajorweir the great sodger o
was all the business againstmajorweir then as against jean
one voice found the panelmajorweir to be guilty of
of the court the saidmajorweir to be taken on
been read and found relevantmajorweir was questioned anent his
1670 to see the monstermajorweir we ware admitted in
work together it is amajorstep forward for equal opportunities
the parliament passed represents amajorstep forward in improving the
discussed that will be amajorstep forward james o rourke
bill we have made themajorstep forward we must be
so quickly this is amajorstep in our drive to
the elderly welcomes as amajorstep in this direction the
the elderly welcomes as amajorstep in this direction the
nhs level will be amajorstep towards ensuring that all
is the cause of anymajorheart problems in scotland s1w
that they had many moremajorhousing problems in their areas
my constituency that are confrontingmajorissues and facing serious problems
the difficult landlords who causemajorproblems and to that extent
which will both tackle themajorproblems currently being experienced across
which will both tackle themajorproblems currently being experienced across
which will both tackle themajorproblems currently being experienced across
which will both tackle themajorproblems currently being experienced across
issues but they were notmajorproblems for them however there
the exemption that would createmajorproblems in areas such as
i found that there weremajorproblems in the contracts for
system prevents the development ofmajorproblems such as the build
killed the local authority hadmajorproblems with being able to
of internal assessment there aremajorproblems with internal assessment in
of 55 the profession hasmajorproblems with recruiting and retaining
they didn t really havemajorsort of physical discipline problems
member from each of themajorparties i now call mr
by members of all themajorparties in the parliament including
unhappy precedent the definition ofmajorparties may change as you
that only members of themajorparties may speak could set
member from each of themajorparties tricia marwick on a
presented to the government themajorpolitical parties and service providers
think that the influence ofmajorcompanies such as bp and
certain influences television s amajorinfluence and eh people eh
scotland s languages was amajorinfluence in a strategy which
which would have had amajorinfluence on the difference between
facilities and indirectly exert amajorinfluence through the planning system
influence as a variable amajorstudy was conducted by hendry
2000 the planning control ofmajoraccident hazards scotland regulations ssi
2000 the planning control ofmajoraccident hazards scotland regulations ssi
2000 the planning control ofmajoraccident hazards scotland regulations ssi
planning consents being granted formajordevelopments in the heathfield area
the planning issues concerning futuremajorinvestment in children s services
and it is unlikely thatmajorplanning changes will be effected
require that local authorities monitormajorplanning consents and issue completion
s1m 181 mrs margaret smithmajorplanning consents that the parliament
convener it seems likely thatmajorplanning legislation will be introduced
include full planning controls formajortelecommunications development on existing buildings
centre of excellence recognises themajorinvestment being made by the
centre of excellence recognises themajorinvestment being made by the
transfer will obviously lead tomajorinvestment in houses i thought
made as part of futuremajorinvestment programmes phil gallie south
scotland it is likely thatmajorinvestment will be required but
are putting together a newmajorevent strategy with professional advice
the capacity to host thismajorinternational event here i hope
edition is no longer amajorpublishing event and we have
parliament recognises that hosting amajorsporting event like the european
a whole community as amajorsports event although hard to
funded through normal procedures formajorcapital works for example through
very much alive today themajorpublished works titles under the
every way publication by themajorpublisher of reference works in
second successive summer because ofmajorroad works on the same
that urquhart in all hismajorworks is writing for a
information on the costs ofmajorworks packages audit committee official
of contracts let for themajorworks packages in relation to
stress that there is amajordemand problem in some parts
universe apparently they have amajordrink and drugs problem here
aware of osteoporosis as amajorhealth problem but is concerned
alan ferguson there is amajorproblem concerning the private sector
linda fabiani think that themajorproblem for most voluntary organisations
and there is now amajorproblem for people who do
of appropriate jobs is amajorproblem in scotland notes that
was often cited as amajorproblem many contributors felt this
paid insufficient attention to themajorproblem of alcohol abuse tackling
ground around the village onemajorproblem of course was long
pairs of horses amajorproblem which affected only horses
scots this pints tae anemajorproblem wi thi teaching o
e if there was amajorproblem with a school building
notes that osteoporosis is amajorpublic health problem which results
managed so that was amajora major m608: coup mmhm
that the issue is notmajorand that potentially major change
know it was a amajorbattle of a major episode
not major and that potentiallymajorchange does not affect local
a major battle of amajorepisode seventeen fifteen f785: mmhm
that was a major amajorm608: coup mmhm f643: yeah
this is a time ofmajorand challenging change in our
for others it was amajorchange and they were a
to intimate to him themajorchange in his child s
other reasons there was amajorchange in the accounting basis
that committee would involve amajorchange to standing orders however
doable it was but anymajorchange to the public examination
said that rather than introducingmajorchange we should allow the
has consistently argued that anymajorconstitutional change should be approved
we have always argued thatmajorconstitutional change should be approved
having a referendum on themajorconstitutional change that europe faces
at least presume that amajorpart of the change is
seen in the arbuthnott reviewmajorradical change in the way
hospital further recognises that themajorburden of malnutrition lies in
is not regarded as amajordriver if the executive recognises
quality recognises it as themajoremployer at the heart of
entirely different character they aremajorand quite unprecedented changes in
feed concerns when possible whenmajorchanges are taking place to
be very difficult to makemajorchanges that is why we
that work we should seekmajorchanges through the review process
was no need to makemajorchanges to the objectives three
nurses pay and conditions remainmajorissues although pay remains a
my doubts local authorities raisedmajorissues during the consultation process
are bedding in some fairlymajorissues must still addressed that
who live in poverty aremajorissues of concern relative poverty
we have responded positively tomajorissues of concern to the
lobbying on many of themajorissues that affect the nursing
activity in addition to themajorissues that are before us
draw together some of themajorissues that came out of
previous one did the secondmajorcost relates to the pricing
and better understood the secondmajorissue dealt with by the
the second ballade in fmajoropus 38 which the composer
appointment of aitken the secondmajorperiod in the history of
and bloodshed of the secondmajorwar of the 20th century
said being part of amajoreuropean nation that is a
treaty organisation nato played amajorpart in bringing europeans together
s report has played amajorpart in giving proper recognition
to patients and playing amajorpart in the development of
issue of funding played amajorpart in today s debate
local road work is themajorpart of local authority maintenance
3 food fish was amajorpart of people s diet
generated income has become amajorpart of the sector s
using computer applications as amajorpart of their research large
innermessan continued to be amajorcentre during the subsequent dark
the commission is hosting amajorconference during march 2003 in
completed during 1998 9 whenmajorrenovations including insulation heating and
to start that on amajorscale during a session that
erm that that s amajorissue because if if children
scottish executive funds is amajorissue for the voluntary sector
each other s strengths themajorissue for the voluntary sector
that core funding is amajorissue for them i will
voluntary sector we have amajorcontribution to make and although
green transport plans to requiremajoremployers those providing public sector
council shares boundaries with othermajorpublic sector agencies such as
of legislation that will bringmajorbenefits to our partners in
our discussion focused on themajorbuilding work that is under
maintain our monuments churches andmajorbuildings and undertake work which
as it will be amajorchallenge to our universities miss
our final point and ourmajorconcern is about the workability
them from our perspective othermajorconurbations could have taken that
our creative drive the nextmajorenterprise for our society said
our head office location andmajorfacilities throughout scotland that exercise
sadly we have lost ourmajorfactories in scotland over the
european committee that our nextmajorinquiry will be on lifelong
already agreed that our nextmajorinquiry will be on the
in a country where themajorinstitutions did not recognise our
development when we conduct ourmajorreview of lifelong learning it
the table of course ourmajorspending area common agricultural policy
the subject of our nextmajorstudy lifelong learning when considering
matter of hours from ourmajortrading partners some kind of
future there has been amajorbreakthrough because we have radically
near future and to putmajoremphasis on ensuring the survival
campuses which will be amajormarket in the future nick
that this if- is amajordevelopment it s going to
supports the development of amajorfilm studio in scotland in
supports the development of amajorfilm studio in scotland in
work has been done bymajorengineering consultants who have the
those landlords do not applymajorinvestigative work will be needed
baroque work urquhart s lastmajorliterary effort while imprisoned that
life and work of thismajorliterary figure of local national
provisional dates of meetings andmajorwork outline september december 2001
cannot handle enough text moremajorwork requires a text database
name for himself his firstmajorwork studies in hysteria with
update on the committee smajorwork the two items that
committee papers update 7 currentmajorwork update financial procedures privilege
in spending mode however themajordifference is that even if
however follick s has amajordrawback it is more of
well as extracts from themajorpoems have however the genuine
sub continent were and remainmajorworld languages however they were
nurses is undoubtedly pay themajorbone of contention between the
not seem to be amajordifference between the wording and
land stretching between the twomajortemples of karnak and luxor
has been to prevent amajorwar between france and germany
hostility which erupted in threemajorwars between 1870 and 1945
a developing knowledge about twomajoreuropean languages on which to
european nation that is amajorplayer in europe gives us
while leaving nato as themajorplayer in european defence dermot
interim measures and that amajorarterial route such as the
external security lighting but notmajorcapital items such as security
sometimes not prosecuted properly withmajorcases such as chhokar and
existing service considers that suchmajorcontracts should not be put
conclusion that surely such amajormatter is best set in
of trying to run amajorteaching hospital such as ninewells
that there had been amajorbreakthrough i also tell george
to highlight some of themajorconcerns but it also offers
1997 it also makes amajorcontribution to the scottish economy
as the minister said inmajorcontributions to policy we also
voluntary activity is also amajorfeature its capacity to build
act 2001 also requires amajorincrease in housing advice from
should also realise that aftermajorinvestigations and discussions about the
du bellay one of jamesmajorsources also makes a famous
the loch ryan shoreline twomajorbridges would have to be
15 lee cousins sportscotland twomajorcosts are involved the first
pupils might have sat twomajorexaminations in one day and
we met people from twomajoroil companies bp and shell
agree that there are twomajorprinciples at stake one principle
for tourists [note: table here in original] two othermajorscottish organisations whose remit involves
hunting which is not amajoractivity in scotland one could
thirdly there are unusual ormajorcases which quite often seem
along which is not amajordifficulty as it is often
which would have had amajorimpact is that right andrew
an age after which nomajormodification of the individual s
hear the ballade in fmajorof which another critic said
people programme which is anothermajorprogressive delivery of support services
a case for bans andmajorquota cuts and which is
assessment or audit with whichmajorstakeholders the college will consult
threat of smuggling as amajortool with which to lobby
as britain should be amajorplayer in europe the mechanism
should be built into amajorstudy giles 1973 noticed that
process if the matter ismajorthe committee concerned should consider
should be many of themajortheatres in scotland and many
the teacher should preparation identifymajorunderstandings and abilities to be
the site operator has amajorcontract with local authorities in
local authorities but there aremajorquestions about their capacity to
prominent role in all threemajorinitiatives in scottish studies of
the vocabulary of the threemajorsections in the first place
in relation to the threemajorsections of the poem ll
[censored: forename] at her institute mymajorachievement was to post a
a standard english accent anemajoradvantage quhilk sse hus ower
bt has embarked on amajoradvertising campaign but all of
reassuring i ve made amajoralteration in my plans after
that comprehensive overview of amajorand significant treaty you covered
were subsequently half a dozenmajorassizes of weights and measures
tho ye warna a richtmajorat aw vershinin laughs that
the bill will remove amajorbarrier to entry into the
tobacco advertising thereby removing amajorbarrier to entry to the
the cards will be amajorbenefit for people in respect
personally this letter was frommajorblair imrie a relative of
mmhm m642: and cause amajorblockage and and m608: [inaudible]
the yard and represents amajorblow to the economy of
scottish language project marks amajorbreakthrough in education and it
on dementia there was amajorbreakthrough why did that organisation
high standard by pursuing amajorbuilding and renovation programme these
fracture the disease is amajorcause of pain and disability
she would have become amajorcharacter and that would have
to be it becomes amajorchore if you ve really
lass a fyvie o wasmajorchristopher o cahan an irish
religion and history is amajorcomponent of nationalism these are
user community has remained amajorconsideration the experience of involvement
we have been debating amajorconstitutional measure of this sort
single line a number ofmajorconstraints on the route would
the proposed deal made amajorcontribution to its demise and
plan and format as amajorcontribution to the cultural life
the new arrangements represent amajorcontribution towards that end supported
go there is already amajorcrisis in the care home
to bid to host amajorcultural showcase speak to the
deeside study showed that amajordeterminant in encouraging the use
addition o do causes amajordifference atween modal verbs an
the guestrow and gallowgate amajordisaster weel a wyte bit
[laugh] yeah it was amajordivorce f1160: the divorce [laugh]
nuclear power stations are amajoreconomic burden to the taxpayer
industry to continue as amajoremployer in scotland lodged on
industry to continue as amajoremployer in scotland lodged on
yard s position as amajoremployer in the inverclyde area
wool for example was amajorexport for scotland perhaps it
know [inaudible] it s amajorf785: just wasn t taught
financial prescribing that is themajorfactor a strong argument has
at the results overall amajorfactor has been the number
the fluss report as amajorfactor in the lack of
is generally viewed as amajorfactor of social exclusion the
that the situation represents amajorfailure of public policy the
existing skills has been amajorfeature of the year within
s braw as a serjeantmajorhis een are hat preens
and bureaucracy can have amajorimpact it will be worth
priority need will have amajorimpact on re lets have
that the eu has amajorimpact on the everyday lives
strongly politically motivated poetry amajorimprovement in the status of
the existing system until amajorimprovement scheme can be put
your concerns this is amajorinnovation and it would be
and continues to be amajorinnovative player in contemporary scottish
there was a series ofmajorknock on consequences david eaglesham
sailing that day while amajoroperation to his brother in
before last we discussed amajorpiece of external research to
scottish life and is amajorplayer in all aspects of
we have here but amajorpoet at the height of
court it is not amajorpoint as i do not
to see it is amajorpriority at this time the
or germany where there aremajorproduction lines and a pandemic
where we must consider amajorprogramme of detrunking and ring
dictionaries as together forming amajorproject covering the whole field
and it is already amajorprovider and innovator in housing
board and staff underwent amajorquality assurance audit notes the
costs that were incurred amajorquestion is about the effect
that perfectly that was amajorquestion that i asked my
around a bit if amajorreason for coming were to
and that that was amajorreason for unmet need people
scottish arts council towards amajorrefurbishment of the city halls
that lockerbie station is amajorregional railhead for much of
example of a school whosemajorrepair requirements have provoked a
have had to be amajorreview of assessment for higher
jones is suggesting is amajorrewrite that is totally different
of speech often plays amajorrole in the machanism of
will continue to play amajorrole it will allow us
included originally they constitute amajorsection angus mackay as i
that there is still amajorstrain on resources in that
conclusion the milroy investigation amajorstudy into urban vernacular patterns
the scottish premier league amajorsuccess for west lothian s
must be regarded as amajorsuccess given the improvement in
notes the release of amajorsurvey at the meeting illustrating
always going to be amajortest for everyone involved the
we are talking about amajorthing and i have always
dinnae think it s amajorthing in the north east
barra that this constitutes amajorthreat to the long term
f606: no f828: so amajortreat to get a bit
people poor diet is amajorunderlying cause of poor health
an politically inspired poetry amajorupheeze in the status o
uised ti caw the luivseikmajorye wad be a lieutenant
and kincardine and deeside themajorfactors he identified as having
associations as well as frommajornational institutions and non governmental
trade unions on board asmajorplayers in social policy making
standards we have already mademajorimprovements today i have confirmed
stage richard grant the 16majorauthorities have received 4 100
yet clear one of themajorfactors to have impinged on
said to have been fourmajorgoddesses not counting laura riding
care we have been makingmajorstrides towards integrated responses by
time and place without anymajorexpense that will be factored
thatcher and her little stoogemajorgave us the tories will
i do not think thatmajorthings will go wrong one
scottish compact one of itsmajoraspects is an agreement that
morning if this is themajorbreakthrough that he claims and
with us that is ofmajorconcern to older people i
the courts in dealing withmajorcross border criminal activity is
to rail and is causingmajordamage to the road network
to rail and is causingmajordamage to the road network
is therefore reasonable to stopmajordrug dealers escaping that they
price is one of themajorfactors in determining whether people
the convener petition 25 frommajorhon ian g mcclure is
is in the running formajorministry of defence orders welcomes
me if that is hismajorobjection to the amendment i
is awash with quotes frommajorpolitical figures extolling the concept
be aware one of themajorprojects facing the committee is
and fought for by johnmajors government it is interesting
flood insurance cover and facemajorlosses through no fault of
of breast cancer building uponmajoradvances achieved over past decades
committee in the past andmajorareas of conflict and concerns
the kingdom at times ofmajorassizes the principal burghs were
funded for some of themajorbodies i am slightly concerned
m but none of themajorbones but i ve done
san domingo this was themajorbuilding of the inca period
richest in north america withmajorcaches of hogg stevenson and
he reported that there aremajorconcerns over the introduction of
were sent to sqa themajordifference was the volume of
of drugs we know thatmajordrug criminals are reliant on
of the bill because themajoreffect of the bill indeed
buildings of earlier times mymajorfascination was with the way
comment highlights one of themajorfeatures of the sinking the
partnership and the potential formajorimprovement of the condition of
prime minister of northern irelandmajorj m sinclair and the
the borders in terms ofmajorjob losses in my constituency
were sent to bring themajorout of his own house
language of one of themajorpoets of the late 15th
colleges the seb was themajorprovider of the highers and
long way to implementing themajorrecommendations of the report and
the 5 and examples ofmajorretouches to it there then
the libels notwithstanding of themajors confession before the court
occurs to me that themajorsignificance of the amsterdam treaty
seek the views of themajorstakeholders affected by the report
plans for english and themajorsweep of english had been
russell in detail on themajorthemes of this report from
that the refurbishment of thismajorvenue in the city centre
and pre myxomatosis were themajorvertebrate pest of agriculture with
reverend innes at least onemajorfacelift behind the old sky
england tae be near themajormarkets then mibby we ll
can be pounded and suffermajormortality rates although algal blooms
and economies would be observedmajormurphy relates that in six
in consumer demand and themajorretailers must be fully involved
that comprehensive presentation there aremajorchallenges ahead for europe first
that seven councils including themajorcities ran under the civic
and recommends to scotland smajorfood retailers that scottish produce
that she had decided tomajorin philosophy and her brother
that they could carry outmajorrepairs do you agree with
all believed it was themajors that margaret did not
that was the last verymajorshift in the viral pattern
her fine upstanding brother themajorthat could speak so english
that s it the luivseikmajorthat s whit they cawed
example starts the most recentmajorbiography scotland s national poet
scotland but in cities andmajorconurbations in central scotland throughout
they cryit me the luivseikmajorah wes in luiv then
abolish it in the finalmajorassize in 1618 so entrenched
in the scottish borders withmajordisruption to integrated winter and
yesterday and winning their firstmajorhonour in over 100 years
in railway magazine 1971 starlingmajorj pioneer service at no
message across to the smesmajoroil companies in aberdeen act
various longer term goals includingmajorreductions in waiting times and
john nisbet then produced themajors own confession taken in
the military for the militarymajors p murphy re in
college and had his firstmajortheological paper published in the
the romantic movement all themajorcomposers had been covered and
bewitched and substituted for themajorwho had taken on the
don t fool me thenmajorgrossout gropes out her other
invites it to assist othermajorscottish tourist attractions including the
family run affair and themajordecisions were taken by the
played faster and with moremajorchords for happier scenes try
by treaties with all themajornations and wyllie himself regarded
operatives negotiate agreement with themajorsupermarket chains and with farming
continue to get worse themajoralthough not the only bone
secrets and find out aboutmajordiscussions sometimes we could find
left ye alane wi themajoraye whit like was he
sometimes sometimes the chicagoan wasmajorchatty and told them all
latin apud portum marinum anothermajornatural asset was an abundant
area where innermessan was themajorsettlement innermessan s dominant position
grouth eaten and destroyed bymajormackay and his forses this
transport plans and consortia formajorprojects scottish liberal democrats are
established by prime minister johnmajorand calls upon the scottish
30 am time for reflectionmajoralan dixon assistant to the
caw alexandr ignatyevich the luivseikmajoran it didna bather him
the tolbooth he heard themajorconfess his sins to him
research vessel scotia by themajordefence contractor lockheed martin acknowledges
forerunner tae ane o themajordisadvantages o how scots perceive
the indigenous dwallers oot yonnermajordunlop s sister janet dunlop
social inclusion process by supportingmajorevents like the round table
painstaking research carried out bymajorj starling rpc on the
careful m816: none o themajorones i mean school w-
closely on the executive smajorpolicy commitment to pursue social
the park on his cuddymajorthe small curly head bowed
plough the great bear ursamajorworshipped by willendorf s cave
included seeking written views frommajornon governmental organisations we held
aboot it they cawed yemajorfor sum reason or ither
continue to seek to attractmajorsporting events promote golf internationally
fur ten yeir or saemajordunlop wis ae weedower wi
wigtown gc publishers 1993 murphymajors p military ports nos

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