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1281 difficulties faced by papermakersin scotland lodged on 25
1281 difficulties faced by papermakersin scotland lodged on 25
education a challenge for policymakersand practitioners in a devolved
education a challenge for policymakersand practitioners in a devolved
general public and amongst policymakersand practitioners including national parliaments
forward their opinions to decisionmakerseducation based parliaments educative parliaments
the second peculiar to thesaurusmakersis placing the word in
the difficulties faced by papermakersin scotland and particularly in
johnston difficulties faced by papermakersin scotland that the parliament
will ensure that our decisionmakersand service providers have the
shortages and ensure that policymakerseducation and training providers and
and justice encourages educators policymakerselected representatives church and community
to ensure that key decisionmakersincluding elected members and officials
if we had asked policymakers15 years ago how best
the general public and policymakersalike in an open transparent
must be heard by policymakersbut that would not happen
dealt with by european policymakersif the eu ignores the
drawn increased attention from policymakersin recent times it constitutes
an increased effort by policymakersin supporting the role of
than is available to decisionmakersat present 32 70 there
cylinder read allan brothers allanmakersoil engine aberdeen it wis
and smith as consummate mythmakerswho understood like coleridge the
f1037: oh really wow mapmakersf1038: so yes [laugh] f1037:
for work and pensions decisionmakersguide whereby many seasonal workers
greater accountability of the decisionmakersto their national and regional
referral service the young filmmakersinitiative which involved 156 participants
simply religious reformers rather thanmakersof long term predictions and
two sectors e g netmakerstransport losses in onward consumption
course was that um- umbrellamakersor [laugh] f643: aye it
it s like mcdonald smakersm811: you know why it
latinate poetry of the mediaevalmakersas mediated by the polished
tae her freens an fellowmakersthe year 2k email epistle
i always wanted one f813: makersand everything like do you
got an influx o holidaymakersand eh ye get a
what she was saying mcflurrymakersand stuff f812: and all

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