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contend is a unified mediamarketa restriction on the whole
in a unified uk mediamarketandrew wilson thank you for
ban in a unified mediamarketdoes such evidence exist maureen
call it a unified mediamarketif we have regard to
predominantly in a unified mediamarketin the battle both for
alone given the unified newspapermarketin the uk it strikes
argue is a unified mediamarketit is so much easier
you is a unified mediamarketthe ban would be ineffective
we have a unified mediamarketto introduce a ban such
there is a unified mediamarketwhat proportion of the scottish
call it a unified mediamarketwhen scottish editions and domestic
and firms in the labourmarketand a considerable emphasis on
encouraged to enter the labourmarketand how proper access to
individuals closer to the labourmarketand is worth 498 84m
are developing an inclusive labourmarketand promoting employment as a
the economy and the labourmarketand tackles the need to
the economy and the labourmarketand tackles the need to
deliver parity in the labourmarketbelieves that the scottish executive
to do with the labourmarketbut is also connected with
scottish society on the labourmarketfor example the public could
women access to the labourmarketfor single parents and so
face disadvantage in the labourmarketin particular disabled people people
issues that face the labourmarketin scotland the situation with
of the new scottish labourmarketintelligence unit which we propose
perhaps be on wider labourmarketissues rather than lifelong learning
future skills shortages and labourmarketissues s1w 12848 ms wendy
that it covers wider labourmarketissues we need to know
3750 ageism in the labourmarketlodged on 8 january 2003
3750 ageism in the labourmarketlodged on 8 january 2003
3750 ageism in the labourmarketlodged on 8 january 2003
scoping study of the labourmarketof children s services in
economic study of the labourmarketof children s services in
so have much better labourmarketoutcomes in other words they
states can improve their labourmarketperformance peer review is an
able to examine the labourmarketpolicies of the others and
certain priorities for their labourmarketpolicies one of the four
an absolute priority for labourmarketpolicy when at each december
so on the greatest labourmarketproblems involve 16 year olds
other words solving european labourmarketproblems would not be done
tomorrow a programme of labourmarketrelated training for example has
gender divisions in the labourmarkets1o 1846 16 janis hughes
will cover employment the labourmarketsocial inclusion and equal opportunities
in an increasingly mobile labourmarketsuch skills are no longer
equal players in the labourmarketsupported by trish godman maureen
structural change in the labourmarketthat will be sustained when
structural change in the labourmarketthat will be sustained when
the issues that surround labourmarkettrends and skill shortages a
recognition of a scottish mediamarketas opposed to a uk
a quite separate question themarketfor the media is the
circumstances of a single mediamarkethas ash undertaken that work
the media within that singlemarketraises serious concerns about the
which would secure a steadymarketfor organic produce and focus
be achieved even though themarketfor organic produce has grown
overall size of the ukmarketfor organic produce reduce the
of the schedule concerns themarketfor organic products and their
plan that would encourage themarketfor organic products the executive
encourage the development of themarketfor products of organic farming
the percentage of the organicmarketin england to be met
organisation does not yet havemarketrecognition organic production offers a
even from the english organicmarkets point of view to
to stimulate and facilitate themarketsupply of organic produce which
share of the organic foodmarketthe organic development plan will
tae market forces the onlymarketforces that wad mak them
cuttin exercise on them taemarketforces the only market forces
with such a grasp ofmarketforces would be bored with
balance between the forces ofmarketpull and government push the
to bring about the singlemarketa political event upset the
the completion of the singlemarketand the removal of non
scotland benefited from the singlemarketand the social progress that
scotland out of the singlemarketand the united kingdom we
idea of creating a singlemarketby 1992 by suggesting the
emphasis on securing a singlemarketfor trade a key function
kingdom thus restoring a singlemarketin the sale of beef
kingdom thus restoring a singlemarketin the sale of beef
language development in a singlemarketin which it is just
was introduced as a singlemarketprovision before it was ruled
which is a european singlemarketprovision much of the bill
the creation of a singlemarketthe declaration recognises that one
about penetration of the scottishmarketby smuggled products you say
providing the products to meetmarketexpectation and demand making scotland
smuggled products on the tobaccomarketin scotland mrs warrington those
their already successful products tomarketmore and more they need
produce produce is the commonmarketcry as butter mountains reach
the midst of a ramshacklemarketastonishingly the market crowds into
i cam in by turramarketat turra market for to
a ramshackle market astonishingly themarketcrowds into both sides of
by turra market at turramarketfor to fee i fell
hatshepsut flashback the crocodile godmarketi market ii aga khan
the crocodile god market imarketii aga khan high dam
substituting it with a freemarketapproach from the submissions that
planned approach or the freemarketapproach mr mcaveety a third
be worse than the freemarketapproach mr mcaveety i would
not believe that the freemarketcan be allowed to remain
entry regulations distorted the freemarketfor the sale of medicines
it is simply a freemarketi certainly do not believe
that there is a freemarketin food production because of
report argues that a freemarketin pharmacy will lead to
lead to an entirely freemarketin the future there does
instead of a total freemarketmight the regulations be relaxed
education sectors to the freemarketrules of the general agreement
flag of the unfettered freemarketwhich knows the cost of
wal mart want the freemarketwhile davidsons chemists in dundee
producing material for the scottishmarketbecause there is no tobacco
getting cheap cigarettes on themarketnow when there is tobacco
cent of the scottish tobaccomarketour members work in that
even in a declining domesticmarketthe uk tobacco industry is
tobacco industry that the legitimatemarketwould be affected by cheap
united kingdom into the commonmarketin the early 1970s europe
the functioning of the commonmarketor which have as their
40th anniversary journal of commonmarketstudies conference european university institute
spending area common agricultural policymarketsupport on farm payment schemes
of the common agricultural policymarketsupport outside your department s
early years of the commonmarketthe right to live and
when applied to the jobmarketthose common commitments and targets
the advertising for the scottishmarketas opposed to the uk
has over supply problems themarketfor meat in the uk
uk beef to the frenchmarketfurther notes the distinctiveness of
per cent of the scottishmarketis controlled by uk manufacturers
brand in the uk themarketis made up mostly of
as opposed to the ukmarketthat was carried by all
the product into the ukmarketthe transport costs for uk
who operate throughout the ukmarketwould try to renegotiate their
has resulted from a purelymarketdriven approach being taken if
narrow regional approach the scottishmarketis far too small and
not been exploiting the blackmarketabout three hours later we
a hand of bananas blackmarketcanaries fingers of wartime gold
deein some kind of blackmarketdeal dod an dinna spend
angelica all on the blackmarketdod you could say that
better than nylons chrissie blackmarketgeorgie probably or something he
had tae be the blackmarketor the wee f606: mmhm
reasonable excuse muriel not blackmarketstuff i hope angelica unconvincingly
your comments about the blackmarketthey say some profound things
scottish enterprise renfrewshire to reviewmarketdemand and supply of research
research park in the regionalmarketjohn scott the minister will
another room and applied somemarketresearch and some intelligence i
for the general public somemarketresearch cunningly conducted on station
including the amount allocated formarketresearch external consultants hire of
the scottish executive whether anymarketresearch has been carried out
been resold on the openmarketand that improvements including the
binny house on the openmarketfor development dorothy grace elder
being threatened however the employmentmarketin a truly open society
a home on the openmarketin each of the last
pass acknowledges me the minimarketis open and señor garcia
currently worth on the openmarkets1w 34829 richard lochhead to
down by the open airmarketselling fish and furs and
proposals to open up themarketwill come online in three
from re entering the jobmarketbecause they felt that they
age discrimination in the jobmarketby allowing older people the
or go on the jobmarketi ll think about that
decaying merchandise today s jobmarketin a century where ageism
poulterer s in the newmarketmy job was skinnin rabbits
english industry flooded the scottishmarketand the london printers quite
the industry simply moved itsmarketi am always amazed that
part of a sustainable andmarketoriented scottish agricultural industry supported
the industry and help tomarketthe product to its maximum
high quality end of themarketand produces a product that
high skills high standards excellentmarketintelligence effective use of information
effect in a globally competitivemarketthat high taxes can have
and flown into the europeanmarketfor consumption in expensive restaurants
on restoring the european beefmarketfor scottish producers s1o 274
were now separating the europeanmarketinto national markets it was
and the penetration of ourmarketis largely from european competitors
to export to the europeanmarketthat is a bigger question
place at least on wednesdaymarketdays its honeyed stones appear
from the laboratory to themarketplace 21 this and similar
in the middle of themarketplace harry well if i
each other accidentally in amarketplace in malawi or something
the tacit knowledge of themarketplace known to everyone at
causing minimum disruption to themarketplace s1m 4057 1 andrew
be got speedily into themarketplace was characteristic of historical
to see the sight themarketplace was quite emptied and
9 to norwich fine cathedralmarketshops the place has definite
have no evidence of themarketbeing affected in that way
evidence that we have aboutmarketimpacts was obtained anecdotally from
to fight over a shrinkingmarketthe evidence does not bear
at certain parts of themarketthe evidence given to the
competitor in the postal servicesmarketif they want to survive
licensing of the postal servicesmarketit aims to achieve this
below s1m 2905 alasdair morganmarketopening of postal services in
mr keith raffan s1m 2905marketopening of postal services in
the lower end of themarketand they would not find
the top end of themarketand working people it is
charity shops an the weemarket[laugh] at the end o
the quality end of themarketlet s do so in
the tabloid end of themarketrather than the broadsheet end
cent by targeting the exportmarketeven in a declining domestic
on to an even largermarketthis time in the centre
foreign imports entering the scottishmarketwould have an effect even
the result of identifying amarketand moving into it i
[censored: surname] took me into lancastermarketand through an amish farm
to entry into the scottishmarketby overseas manufacturers will you
or through the normal housingmarketthat leaflet will go into
that advertising into the scottishmarketwould still be quite significant
under the heading of capmarketsupport alasdair morgan considering the
have here for the capmarketsupport are the numbers that
agri environmental measures and capmarketsupport i am going to
will need to come downmarketa bit i think too
need not supported by themarketits strong level of volunteering
reason that farmers and themarketneed the confidence that that
of life that the stockmarketgoes up and down however
go down if this rawmarketproposal were to go through
upside down in galle smarketsquare torn ribbons of saris
nipped back down to themarketto buy a textile wall
down what share of themarketyou are talking about it
ostensibly selling in the scottishmarketaccount for more than 90
to entry to the scottishmarketby foreign competitors with more
are sold in the scottishmarketi think that advertising revenue
be sold on the scottishmarketi would like to return
the decline in the scottishmarketimproving and maintaining quality maximising
of the scottish daily newspapermarketis taken up by editioned
material specifically for the scottishmarketor is it for the
british tourist authority to helpmarketscotland abroad but encourage scottish
england whether it is consideringmarkettesting for the scottish prison
especially produced for the scottishmarketthe independent effectively produces a
and does not follow conventionalmarketforce rules in the supply
because the higher suits themarketat which it has always
to promote a low taxmarketeconomy which creates jobs and
it s really gone upmarketerm and the docks which
which it operates furthermore amarketfacing structure supported by i
to which there is amarketfor organically produced lamb you
which will be a majormarketin the future nick johnston
the tories and the internalmarketin which substantial sums of
the way in which themarketis constructed it is not
the way in which themarketis divided and how many
which were drawn together tomarketlewis in a most effective
which postcomm s proposals onmarketopening will have on the
focus more closely on themarketsegments in which it operates
would go to the feeinmarketwhich was held once a
three feein markets always onmarketdays as a young boy
might drive out of themarketpeople who rent out three
these two or three midmarkettabloids that cover the entire
not on quantitative analysis ofmarketmovements such as properties moving
interplay of tabloid or massmarketnewspapers such as the daily
at an agricultural show feeingmarketor such like the horses
confirmation that there is amarketto justify such a transformation
through the bustle of themarketand found a trattoria silvio
being sold on the conventionalmarketthe application through the bill
those excluded from the jobsmarketthrough lack of skills training
been priced out of themarketand i must say its
registrars we must gauge themarketand there must be a
scotland must capture the worldmarketfor wave and tidal energy
a view on whether themarketmeets those needs i must
securities dealers automated quotation stockmarketand c whether these shares
and if so on whatmarketand whether the spcb will
projects have got to themarketmore quickly and whether they
on 8 september 2002 onmarkettested prisons in england whether
shopping magdalena in the minimarketcorrected my pronunciation this would
would not create a significantmarketimbalance between new and previously
would effectively take the cannabismarketout of housing estates and
had been fully restored itsmarketvalue would be about 750
a restriction on the wholemarketwould be more effective in
consumption miss goldie the undergroundmarketwould thrive mrs warrington exactly
from the vagrancies of worldmarketfluctuations and create more stability
this is a more upmarketstudent residence with individual en
being targeted at an adultmarketif newspapers are seriously harmed
ha rugged doon the newmarketan muckt up the green
ended up in the newmarkether o a folk it
again the plain and itsmarkettowns though were new territory
ironing to come on themarketbefore she asks about changing
conclusions that we reached aboutmarketimpacts were based not on
point about the legitimate cigarettemarketin scotland i reiterate that
themselves are equally concerned aboutmarketliberalisation the company claimed in
in in the world englishmarketbecause the languages are are
be in the cheap importmarketwe feel that because we
simply too far above ourmarketfor success the enigma of
in europe it provides themarketfor two thirds of our
opportunity to dominate the globalmarketfor wind energy our programme
a vast and fascinating streetmarketour bus narrowly avoiding pedestrians
our house going on themarkettomorrow su and i have
every wednesday at the sineumarketa few miles from sineu
to pizza at the italianmarketa loud exuberant vegetable clothes
the normal confines of themarketa study carried out for
largest element of the overseasmarketaccounting for 200million of spend
see you shopping in themarketand alone on the beach
the tacit knowledge of themarketand are almost never explicitly
of success in the informationmarketand calls upon the scotsman
tested by authorities in themarketand has shown that it
for seed for the englishmarketand kerrs pink and golden
reasonable circulation in the irishmarketand there are no reports
you want coming on themarketare just so slim f826:
and functioning of the internalmarketarticle 308 allows the community
in order to address themarketas it stands robin harper
tea fit for the worldmarketas the well schooled company
on commerce within the internalmarketas we develop and expand
they can go to themarketat a similar time in
join his friends in themarketbar before catching the bus
sun shone bright on themarketbustle a clear warm day
the real boll of themarketbut might the legislators merely
are coming on to themarketbut not many of them
properties moving out of themarketbut on the views and
to grow the soft drinksmarketbut to make people aware
[censored: forename] had purchased at themarketbut we hadn t drunk
a further 30 of themarketby lowering the bulk mail
considers where elements of themarketcan be socialised to meet
buster range top of themarketcanines specially reared to pace
o stars an frost themarketcross like a caunle shines
90 per cent of themarketdes hudson we can call
of the submissions refers tomarketdisorder and it has been
the sales agents appointed tomarketdungavel house and its grounds
viewed as essential a clearmarketfailure in aberdeen is the
the scheme and exit themarketfear was expressed that there
97 per cent of themarketfor community pharmacies mr mcaveety
foreseeable future they have amarketfor the food that they
not much competition in themarketfor these remote locations as
llama foetuses of the witchesmarketfrom here i strolled off
is conscious that the lambmarkethas over supply problems the
of materials in the domesticmarkethow energy efficiency in dwellings
volatile nature of the pensionsmarketi am sure that the
and selling fish in themarketi belong to a poor
green back the glentin teethmarketi pior to visit minaret
access that part of themarketi think again that people
with the quill of truthmarketii after visit we are
flemish pound of the woolmarketin bruges where most of
harm caused by the illegalmarketin cannabis and believes that
were for sale on themarketin inverness galashiels is on
under occupied there is amarketin the cities for affluent
exuberant vegetable clothes pizza etcmarketin the italian quarter of
instead the size of themarketincreased enormously and aer lingus
alongside the urubamba and themarketis a warren of stalls
visited will lose out themarketis moving very fast it
that is attractive to themarketit is interesting that the
above the melee of themarketit seems to symbolise mallorca
known affectionately as the meatmarketjulian said it was to
were awa tae the wigtounmarketlast week mother this will
wander we found a smallmarketnear the metro entrance ie
will not affect the volumemarketobviously you cannot argue that
extent we are testing themarketor testing the water we
will be displaced from themarketor they will be taken
either get out of themarketor they will spend the
useful for the description ofmarketpractice in fact a number
as a general rule themarketresists change that disrupts trade
mm f958: like the germanmarkets all just been set
allowing scallops to enter themarkets1w 9843 mr david davidson
right of the stb tomarketscotland abroad it was recommended
eg what are the keymarketsegments how to communicate with
ti the toon it themarketsellin oor wares an tess
england have been able tomarketshakespeare after all the average
to the maintenance of theirmarketshare and the growth of
consumer to choose in amarketsituation the cost of advertising
doon mclean street and upmarketstreet like the clappers wi
match the pull of themarketthat push pull balance is
it represents a colossal economicmarketthat should offer the basis
took their spindles away tomarketthe agent a fife man
trying to attract call centresmarketthe area as having added
pushed m818: lost m819: thatmarketthe merchant city m818: by
available there and to helpmarketthe museum s1w 24685 michael
e g in café andmarketthe opportunity to establish contact
do gooders up by themarketthey seemed to be in
the extension of the internalmarketto some 500 million consumers
throngs at the wednesday sineumarkettourists are few but i
accepted as landworkers round themarkettowns as prosperity based on
similar to the association ofmarkettowns in england supported by
one of the island smarkettowns was once the agrarian
of the units of internalmarkettrade there may for example
cammy s trade in themarkettuik a sair dunt till
to specify the amount andmarketvalue of intervention board beef
as a reward wandering themarketwarm sun easing my back
fedora for me the witchesmarketwas a narrow stall filled
unacceptable sector of the housingmarketwe still live with the
to the so called witchesmarketwhere various herbal remedies are
disadvantaged scotch in the homemarketwhere whisky is taxed at
not a danger that themarketwill be flooded with lamb
hid selt an foo themarketwis in ither business he
proctor jones has flooded themarketwith yuppy clones they don
evening 9 saturday we visitmarketfor paint proceed to scrape
sometimes used as a benchmarkmarketfor setting prices elsewhere also
it feels like a nichemarketfor some people f606: uh
ros that there is amarketfor wave energy vii ensure
for identification in a dynamicmarketsome landlords are here today
retailing is a very competitivemarketthere is a problem for
around 30 of consignia smarketby value 2 april 2004
tropical timber organisation in securingmarkettransparency and by implementing and
bordered by a large touristmarketwhere i bought an ethnic
i mind on a ellonmarketa fairmer he cam in
montrose to work in amarketgarden they received a letter
objective 16 wednesday to linksmarketin evening not bad too
entrenched was trone weight inmarketpractice that it continued in
textile wall hanging showing amarketscene she returned in good
mouth m1042: well in inmarketstreet in aberdeen ye d
that there is an untappedmarketof customers out there let
of them can find amarketrobin harper one is conscious
march 2006 all restrictions onmarketentry abolished post offices will
to people and looking atmarketmovements and changes however there
has always been a limitedmarketessentially moore was a criminal
yeah de thing on demarketcross what is it dey
number that is a guaranteedmarketand number every year we
as hotels or institutions thatmarketis limited there are far
like dripping fruit bats amarketstall is fifty fathoms deep
round a bouts ways linksmarketbut we don t go
there was a wee minimarketand we went across and
a hunder yards past demarketcross er so an it
[laugh] a hun- no demarketcross f961: a hunder yards
lead a a bestseller taemarketf785: mmhm m055: so wi
scotland up to grasp thatmarketas an opportunity we have
cost effective to do somarketopening as well as initiatives
and realise that they canmarketit and processing industries dare
former have virtual campuses andmarketonline degrees to malaysia and
thae specifications and quotations andmarketprojections they showed me they
include looking at ways tomarketex industrial areas throughout scotland
time it was easier tomarketglasgow s award winning art
this little piggy went tomarketm1106: [child noises] [child noises] f1105: this
to do mait food martmarketmeal an ale harvest home
missing 19 saturday to linksmarketwith cath catherine mary dad
rag store or paddy smarketjinty wiz getting awfy rid
i suppose i m upmarketfae you jonsar you dinna

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