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the scottish parliament mr jamiemcgrigor42 in section 1 page
or use it mr jamiemcgrigor44 in section 1 page
we have heard from jamiemcgrigorabout some of the improvements
efficiently supported by mr jamiemcgrigoralex neil donald gorrie tommy
macintosh s1m 271 mr jamiemcgrigoramnesic shellfish poisoning compensation for
irene oldfather richard lochhead jamiemcgrigorand mike rumbles elaine smith
harding roseanna cunningham mr jamiemcgrigorandrew wilson dr richard simpson
dr elaine murray mr jamiemcgrigorandrew wilson dr richard simpson
dr elaine murray mr jamiemcgrigorandrew wilson dr richard simpson
harding roseanna cunningham mr jamiemcgrigorandrew wilson dr richard simpson
mcintosh s1m 10 2 jamiemcgrigoras an amendment to the
welsh s1m 10 1 jamiemcgrigoras an amendment to the
risks with public health jamiemcgrigorasked about research which is
quinan kay ullrich mr jamiemcgrigorben wallace christine grahame mr
james douglas hamilton mr jamiemcgrigorbill aitken david mcletchie john
18 december 2000 mr jamiemcgrigorbill aitken nick johnston s1m
aitken christine grahame mr jamiemcgrigorbrian adam alex johnstone mr
mcallion scott barrie mr jamiemcgrigorbrian adam fiona hyslop david
mr duncan hamilton mr jamiemcgrigorbrian adam fiona mcleod ms
mr kenneth gibson mr jamiemcgrigorbrian adam john young dorothy
mr keith harding mr jamiemcgrigorbrian adam mr murray tosh
mr keith harding mr jamiemcgrigorbrian adam s1m 895 expansion
mr kenneth gibson mr jamiemcgrigorbrian adam s1m 948 hosting
1999 mr nick johnston jamiemcgrigorbusiness bulletin 51 1999 thursday
18 february 2003 mr jamiemcgrigorbusiness bulletin no 58 2003
paterson michael matheson mr jamiemcgrigorcathie craigie dr sylvia jackson
watson fiona mcleod mr jamiemcgrigorcathie craigie mr michael mcmahon
harper kay ullrich mr jamiemcgrigorchristine grahame shona robison alex
mr keith harding mr jamiemcgrigorcolin campbell mary scanlon john
mcallion tommy sheridan mr jamiemcgrigordavid mcletchie irene mcgugan michael
miss annabel goldie mr jamiemcgrigordavid mcletchie mr keith harding
by roseanna cunningham mr jamiemcgrigordavid mcletchie mr keith raffan
mcletchie mary scanlon mr jamiemcgrigordavid mundell alex fergusson alex
james douglas hamilton mr jamiemcgrigordavid mundell nick johnston mrs
harding michael matheson mr jamiemcgrigordonald gorrie fiona mcleod mary
tosh elaine thomson mr jamiemcgrigordonald gorrie mary scanlon david
mr lloyd quinan mr jamiemcgrigordonald gorrie mr david davidson
radcliffe david mcletchie mr jamiemcgrigordorothy grace elder tricia marwick
6 december 2000 mr jamiemcgrigordr elaine murray fergus ewing
september 1999 winnie ewing jamiemcgrigordr elaine murray nicola sturgeon
dr winnie ewing mr jamiemcgrigordr elaine murray nicola sturgeon
gibson margaret jamieson mr jamiemcgrigordr richard simpson malcolm chisholm
mr kenneth gibson mr jamiemcgrigordr winnie ewing dennis canavan
chisholm irene oldfather mr jamiemcgrigorelaine smith elaine thomson margaret
of s1m 2790 mr jamiemcgrigorenvironmentally designated areas for text
mcletchie nicola sturgeon mr jamiemcgrigorfergus ewing christine grahame mr
gorrie nick johnston mr jamiemcgrigorfergus ewing fiona mcleod christine
sturgeon cathy peattie mr jamiemcgrigorfiona hyslop dr winnie ewing
raffan tricia marwick mr jamiemcgrigorfiona mcleod dr richard simpson
mundell nick johnston mr jamiemcgrigorfiona mcleod mary scanlon mr
mr lloyd quinan mr jamiemcgrigorfiona mcleod shona robison s1m
s1m 3511 1 mr jamiemcgrigorfishing as an amendment to
s1m 3511 1 mr jamiemcgrigorfishing as an amendment to
evident the difficulty that jamiemcgrigorhas is that 83 per
inverness west ld mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con alex
gibson glasgow snp mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con brian
and lochaber snp mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con clerk
parliament 16 24 mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con i
absence 16 37 mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con i
and fife snp mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con ian
be kept brief mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con if
and for scotland mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con if
our mouth is mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con is
débat 17 23 mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con je
and bute ld mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con michael
falkirk east lab mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con mr
east scotland snp mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con mr
valued 16 11 mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con the
and berwickshire ld mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con tommy
munro have referred mr jamiemcgrigorhighlands and islands con will
20 february 2003 mr jamiemcgrigorian jenkins s1m 3929 possible
brown iain smith mr jamiemcgrigorjackie baillie margaret jamieson ian
mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr jamiemcgrigorjohn scott mr murray tosh
gallie alex neil mr jamiemcgrigorjohn scott roseanna cunningham mr
john mcallion ben wallace jamesmcgrigorjohn swinney jamie stone allan
ferguson janis hughes mr jamiemcgrigorkaren whitefield dr richard simpson
des mcnulty robert brown jamiemcgrigorkeith raffan and george reid
gorrie nora radcliffe mr jamiemcgrigorlinda fabiani tommy sheridan alasdair
mcintosh s1m 992 mr jamiemcgrigorlingerbay quarry planning application that
fergusson david mcletchie mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton john
fergusson david mcletchie mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton john
mr brian monteith mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton nick
mr duncan hamilton mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton phil
fine supported by mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton s1m
28 march 2001 mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton s1m
scott mary scanlon mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton s1m
7 december 2000 mr jamiemcgrigorlord james douglas hamilton s1m
gallie david mcletchie mr jamiemcgrigormargaret jamieson euan robson mrs
bruce crawford kenneth gibson jamiemcgrigormargo macdonald donald gorrie mary
wilson jamie stone mr jamiemcgrigormary scanlon business bulletin 115
thomson donald gorrie mr jamiemcgrigormary scanlon david mcletchie mr
mr duncan hamilton mr jamiemcgrigormary scanlon linda fabiani mr
fergusson nora radcliffe mr jamiemcgrigormary scanlon mr david davidson
12 december 2000 mr jamiemcgrigormary scanlon nick johnston lord
mr john munro mr jamiemcgrigormary scanlon nick johnston nora
harper alex fergusson mr jamiemcgrigormaureen macmillan dr elaine murray
monteith alex johnstone mr jamiemcgrigormichael matheson mr duncan hamilton
19 may 2000 mr jamiemcgrigormichael matheson s1m 881 carers
by david mcletchie mr jamiemcgrigormichael russell andrew wilson alex
dr elaine murray mr jamiemcgrigormichael russell mr murray tosh
dr elaine murray mr jamiemcgrigormichael russell mr murray tosh
r supported by mr jamiemcgrigormichael russell mrs lyndsay mcintosh
keith harding bill aitken jamiemcgrigormike rumbles john young robin
keith harding bill aitken jamiemcgrigormike rumbles s1m 10 mr
83 abstentions 0 mr jamiemcgrigormoved amendment s1m 3700 1
am 1 fisheries mr jamiemcgrigormoved s1m 1548 that the
aitken david mundell mr jamiemcgrigormr brian monteith mr kenneth
russell tommy sheridan mr jamiemcgrigormr brian monteith nick johnston
gorrie bill aitken mr jamiemcgrigormr brian monteith nora radcliffe
davidson ben wallace mr jamiemcgrigormr brian monteith s1m 392
harding bill aitken mr jamiemcgrigormr david davidson lodged on
fergusson alex johnstone mr jamiemcgrigormr david davidson lord james
quinan donald gorrie mr jamiemcgrigormr david davidson ms pauline
warming supported by mr jamiemcgrigormr david davidson nick johnston
2001 michael russell mr jamiemcgrigormr david davidson s1m 1790
mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr jamiemcgrigormr david davidson s1m 337
mundell donald gorrie mr jamiemcgrigormr duncan hamilton robin harper
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
alex north east scotland conmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
matheson michael central scotland snpmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
alex north east scotland conmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
matheson michael central scotland snpmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
matheson michael central scotland snpmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
alex north east scotland conmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
matheson michael central scotland snpmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
alex north east scotland conmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
matheson michael central scotland snpmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
matheson michael central scotland snpmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
matheson michael central scotland snpmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
george argyll and bute ldmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
macdonald lewis aberdeen central labmcgrigormr jamie highlands and islands
mr andrew welsh mr jamiemcgrigormr john munro andrew wilson
grant richard lochhead mr jamiemcgrigormr john munro elaine smith
mcallion ben wallace mr jamiemcgrigormr john swinney mr jamie
mr kenneth gibson mr jamiemcgrigormr keith harding alasdair morgan
mr david davidson mr jamiemcgrigormr keith harding mr lloyd
dorothy grace elder mr jamiemcgrigormr keith harding ms margo
aitken pauline mcneill mr jamiemcgrigormr kenny macaskill alex fergusson
white robin harper mr jamiemcgrigormr kenny macaskill phil gallie
30 january 2003 mr jamiemcgrigormr kenny macaskill s1m 3823
livingstone kate maclean convener jamiemcgrigormr michael mcmahon john munro
mr kenneth gibson mr jamiemcgrigormr murray tosh mr duncan
2001 brian adam mr jamiemcgrigormr murray tosh mrs lyndsay
mr jamie stone mr jamiemcgrigormrs elaine smith mr robin
johnston mary scanlon mr jamiemcgrigormrs lyndsay mcintosh alasdair morgan
marwick karen whitefield mr jamiemcgrigormrs lyndsay mcintosh irene mcgugan
mundell donald gorrie mr jamiemcgrigormrs margaret ewing mr brian
johnstone mary scanlon mr jamiemcgrigornick johnston cathy jamieson mr
mr lloyd quinan mr jamiemcgrigornick johnston s1m 1394 polish
2000 linda fabiani mr jamiemcgrigorpauline mcneill mr gil paterson
harding david mcletchie mr jamiemcgrigorphil gallie mr david davidson
1999 supported by mr jamiemcgrigorphil gallie mr nick johnston
1999 supported by mr jamiemcgrigorphil gallie mr nick johnston
harper kay ullrich mr jamiemcgrigorrichard lochhead s1m 263 karen
strathkelvin and bearsden lab jamiemcgrigors contribution or perhaps what
also continue richard lochhead jamiemcgrigors point about compensation is
harding nick johnston mr jamiemcgrigors1m 1046 mr kenny macaskill
mr andrew welsh mr jamiemcgrigors1m 1171 waiver of groundwater
23 november 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 1388 a balanced energy
7 december 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 1426 arbroath football club
6 december 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 1436 autistic spectrum disorder
2000 scott barrie mr jamiemcgrigors1m 1471 donside paper company
19 december 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 1481 aid for the
dr sylvia jackson mr jamiemcgrigors1m 300 tavish scott national
johnstone john scott mr jamiemcgrigors1m 3319 mr mike rumbles
mcgugan donald gorrie mr jamiemcgrigors1m 3712 scotland s fishing
13 february 2003 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 3830 margo macdonald european
28 february 2003 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 3915 sabhal mor ostaig
7 march 2003 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 3970 environmental practices lodged
17 march 2003 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 4003 island transport lodged
miss annabel goldie mr jamiemcgrigors1m 4030 double ear tagging
on 24 june 1999 jamiemcgrigors1m 66 impact of tolls
mr keith harding mr jamiemcgrigors1m 846 additional resources for
2000 fergus ewing mr jamiemcgrigors1m 849 voluntary moratorium on
2000 fergus ewing mr jamiemcgrigors1m 855 dervish landmine clearance
by alex fergusson mr jamiemcgrigors1m 896 2 alasdair morgan
23 may 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 899 millennium dome bail
24 may 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 905 announcements made by
mr keith harding mr jamiemcgrigors1m 912 towards a just
harding roseanna cunningham mr jamiemcgrigors1m 918 scottish six o
1 june 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 934 the new testament
2 june 2000 mr jamiemcgrigors1m 943 webcasts of parliament
mr kenneth gibson mr jamiemcgrigors1m 946 stg pension fund
trips s1w 8754 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
years s1o 293 26 jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
recommendations s1o 412 10 jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
gps s1w 34190 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
s1o 3205 28 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
illnesses s1w 16771 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
s1o 5395 29 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
rights s1w 16745 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
result s1w 34188 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
rights s1w 16744 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
s1o 5430 28 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
regeneration s1w 16743 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
s1o 3786 3 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
islands s1w 34189 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
pm emergency question mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
kilmarnock s1w 24736 mr jamiemcgrigorto ask the scottish executive
mcintosh david mcletchie mr jamiemcgrigortommy sheridan donald gorrie nora
inviting riparian owners as jamiemcgrigorwas suggesting but if we
lab macdonald margo lothians snpmcgrigorjames angus roderick neil highlands
preparation of a report mrmcgrigorare we discussing the committee
on this friday coming mrmcgrigorbut i did not know
joint executive industry body mrmcgrigorbut nothing has happened derek
do not know where mrmcgrigorfarms or how he farms
to represent their interests mrmcgrigorfishery boards are made up
moving in that direction mrmcgrigori am sorry to interrupt
no more total slaughter mrmcgrigori know but what about
boards the convener no mrmcgrigori received a request to
a visit on friday mrmcgrigori received one but i
not received a reply mrmcgrigori should have declared an
briefing from the executive mrmcgrigori would have thought that
going over old ground mrmcgrigorit is not old ground
so how peter peacock mrmcgrigors question is based on
of a reputable board mrmcgrigorsome rivers are not covered
of this calendar year mrmcgrigorthank you lastly this may
will be joining you mrmcgrigorthe minister mentioned that money
have to the bill mrmcgrigorthe rivers have to be
raised in the consultation mrmcgrigorthere are various reasons why
that issue is raised mrmcgrigorwhat about the written submissions
bsl interpreters in scotland mrmcgrigorwill jackie baillie give way
issues of the bill mrmcgrigoryou have not referred to

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