
See this word as a collocate cloud

shona robison richard lochhead irenemcguganalasdair morgan dorothy grace elder
fabiani mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganalasdair morgan mrs lyndsay mcintosh
by mr mike rumbles irenemcguganalex fergusson cathy peattie rhoda
nick johnston phil gallie irenemcguganalex johnstone bill aitken lord
stewart stevenson michael matheson irenemcguganalex neil christine grahame s1m
march 2003 michael matheson irenemcguganalex neil christine grahame s1m
tommy sheridan robin harper irenemcguganalex neil fiona mcleod s1m
michael russell fiona hyslop irenemcguganalex neil mr kenny macaskill
adam ingram tricia marwick irenemcguganalex neil shona robison christine
christine grahame alasdair morgan irenemcguganalex neil shona robison lloyd
no preference jackie baillie irenemcguganand i will deal with
the utmost faith in irenemcguganand of course in you
seven languages i ask irenemcguganand the clerk to get
call to jackie baillie irenemcguganand the convener i will
fiona mcleod michael russell irenemcguganandrew wilson dr winnie ewing
jenkins ms sandra white irenemcguganandrew wilson linda fabiani fiona
paterson mr adam ingram irenemcguganandrew wilson mr kenny macaskill
paterson mr adam ingram irenemcguganandrew wilson mr kenny macaskill
lloyd quinan alex fergusson irenemcguganandrew wilson mr kenny macaskill
gibson mr lloyd quinan irenemcguganandrew wilson nora radcliffe fiona
gibson mr lloyd quinan irenemcguganandrew wilson phil gallie alex
tongue i agree with irenemcguganas a lallans scots i
gorrie s1m 56 1 irenemcguganas an amendment to the
hamilton s1m 56 2 irenemcguganas an amendment to the
hamilton s1m 56 2 irenemcguganas an amendment to the
white s1m 56 1 irenemcguganas an amendment to the
fergus ewing winnie ewing irenemcguganbrian adam andrew welsh s1m
winnie ewing tricia marwick irenemcguganbrian adam andrew wilson mr
farquhar munro alex neil irenemcguganbrian adam lloyd quinan adam
john young bruce crawford irenemcguganbrian adam mr kenneth gibson
john young bruce crawford irenemcguganbrian adam mr kenneth gibson
nora radcliffe alex neil irenemcguganbrian adam mr mike rumbles
harper mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganbrian adam robert brown donald
jamie stone fiona mcleod irenemcguganbrian adam s1m 3590 delivery
s affluence supported by irenemcguganbrian adam shona robison colin
grace elder richard lochhead irenemcguganbruce crawford alex neil mrs
on 2 november 2001 irenemcguganbusiness bulletin no 183 2001
nora radcliffe s1m 363 irenemcgugancampaign for scotland s post
duncan hamilton bruce crawford irenemcgugancathy jamieson fiona mcleod s1m
alex fergusson rhoda grant irenemcgugancathy peattie mrs nora radcliffe
harper mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganchristine grahame andrew wilson mr
grace elder bruce crawford irenemcguganchristine grahame brian adam andrew
on 6 december 2001 irenemcguganchristine grahame fiona hyslop fiona
2003 mr duncan mcneil irenemcguganchristine grahame johann lamont mr
paterson mr adam ingram irenemcguganchristine grahame linda fabiani shona
winnie ewing fergus ewing irenemcguganchristine grahame mr jamie stone
sandra white robin harper irenemcguganchristine grahame mr john munro
bill aitken alex fergusson irenemcguganchristine grahame phil gallie mary
grace elder donald gorrie irenemcguganchristine grahame tricia marwick andrew
kenneth gibson donald gorrie irenemcguganchristine grahame tricia marwick brian
swinney mr kenneth gibson irenemcgugancolin campbell alex neil donald
by mr john swinney irenemcgugancolin campbell alex neil linda
her people supported by irenemcgugancolin campbell brian adam andrew
is a big one irenemcgugancould you expand on your
macaskill mr gil paterson irenemcgugandavid mundell tricia marwick brian
cathy jamieson john young irenemcgugandennis canavan adam ingram proposed
fiona mcleod tommy sheridan irenemcgugandennis canavan brian adam tricia
quinan dr winnie ewing irenemcgugandennis canavan mrs margaret ewing
2000 mr lloyd quinan irenemcgugandennis canavan s1m 1418 scottish
november 2002 jackie baillie irenemcgugandennis canavan s1m 3662 european
cathy jamieson john young irenemcgugandennis canavan sandra white helen
february 2001 alasdair morgan irenemcgugandennis canavan tommy sheridan s1m
hear progress reports from irenemcgugandisability issues johann lamont gender
received progress reports from irenemcgugandisability issues michael mcmahon race
are recorded and presented irenemcgugandoes not need to stay
other than my own irenemcgugandonald gorrie dennis canavan and
grace elder andrew wilson irenemcgugandonald gorrie dennis canavan kay
nicola sturgeon linda fabiani irenemcgugandonald gorrie dennis canavan roseanna
richard simpson trish godman irenemcgugandonald gorrie irene oldfather mrs
supported by phil gallie irenemcgugandonald gorrie maureen macmillan mr
grace elder shona robison irenemcgugandonald gorrie michael russell cathy
michael russell shona robison irenemcgugandonald gorrie mr duncan hamilton
sandra white tommy sheridan irenemcgugandonald gorrie mr gil paterson
kenneth gibson michael russell irenemcgugandonald gorrie mr jamie mcgrigor
fabiani mrs margaret ewing irenemcgugandonald gorrie ms sandra white
nicola sturgeon colin campbell irenemcgugandonald gorrie nora radcliffe robin
supported by tavish scott irenemcgugandonald gorrie tommy sheridan dennis
ewing mr duncan hamilton irenemcgugandr elaine murray brian adam
russell ms linda fabiani irenemcgugandr elaine murray ms elaine
tavish scott george lyon irenemcgugandr richard simpson nora radcliffe
duncan hamilton michael russell irenemcgugandr winnie ewing alex fergusson
robison ms sandra white irenemcgugandr winnie ewing mr mike
brian adam fiona mcleod irenemcgugandr winnie ewing ms sandra
supported by andrew welsh irenemcguganduncan hamilton shona robison alex
subject of s1m 3191 irenemcgugandundee heritage trust for text
peter peacock s1m 3191 irenemcgugandundee heritage trust that the
cathy jamieson tavish scott irenemcguganelaine murray roseanna cunningham lord
cathy jamieson tavish scott irenemcguganelaine murray roseanna cunningham lord
radcliffe mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganfiona hyslop michael matheson mr
bruce crawford richard lochhead irenemcguganfiona hyslop mr mike rumbles
sandra white christine grahame irenemcguganfiona hyslop s1m 2955 deportation
grace elder donald gorrie irenemcguganfiona mcleod alex neil mr
on 3 december 2001 irenemcguganfiona mcleod christine grahame shona
february 2003 shona robison irenemcguganfiona mcleod margo macdonald tommy
linda fabiani cathy peattie irenemcguganfiona mcleod mr david davidson
michael russell christine grahame irenemcguganfiona mcleod mr lloyd quinan
lloyd quinan andrew wilson irenemcguganfiona mcleod richard lochhead mr
on 21 november 2001 irenemcguganfiona mcleod s1m 2435 european
doing so i commend irenemcguganfor giving the parliament this
would like to thank irenemcguganfor initiating this most interesting
into gaelic i thank irenemcguganfor making this debate possible
would like to thank irenemcguganfor the debate it is
bear that in mind irenemcgugangiven that the scottish parliamentary
on the work that irenemcguganhas done in the report
amount of work that irenemcguganhas done which is why
agreed members indicated agreement irenemcgugani am glad that people
happy with that irene irenemcgugani am the deputy minister
end of the month irenemcgugani suggest that the only
service delivery to patients irenemcgugani thank the minister for
so eloquently presented by irenemcgugani welcome the pauline conversion
suggest that we support irenemcguganin her noble attempt to
to look forward to irenemcguganindeed in relation to scots
neil highlands and islands conmcguganirene margaret north east scotland
and gaelic motion debated irenemcguganirene mcgugan north east scotland
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
jack motherwell and wishaw labmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
jamie highlands and islands conmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
jamie highlands and islands conmcguganirene north east scotland snp
jamie highlands and islands conmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
jamie highlands and islands conmcguganirene north east scotland snp
jamie highlands and islands conmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
jamie highlands and islands conmcguganirene north east scotland snp
matheson michael central scotland snpmcguganirene north east scotland snp
provide the guarantee that irenemcguganis looking for an effective
the national cultural strategy irenemcguganis to report on the
john mcallion robert brown irenemcguganjohann lamont tommy sheridan trish
sandra white robin harper irenemcguganjohn scott tricia marwick brian
offend s1m 2205 1 irenemcguganjuvenile justice as an amendment
macmillan dr sylvia jackson irenemcgugankaren whitefield mr david davidson
fiona mcleod michael russell irenemcguganlinda fabiani alex neil ms
by mr john munro irenemcguganlinda fabiani brian adam alex
bill aitken robin harper irenemcguganlinda fabiani shona robison s1m
phil gallie alex fergusson irenemcguganlord james douglas hamilton mr
to the point that irenemcguganmade has to be paid
project should be although irenemcguganmakes valid points about the
margo macdonald kay ullrich irenemcguganmary scanlon scott barrie s1m
alex neil s1m 1133 irenemcguganmaternity unit in montrose that
supported by kay ullrich irenemcguganmichael matheson brian adam stewart
christine grahame shona robison irenemcguganmichael matheson robert brown sandra
richard lochhead roseanna cunningham irenemcguganmichael matheson stewart stevenson ms
richard lochhead roseanna cunningham irenemcguganmichael matheson stewart stevenson ms
margo macdonald alasdair morgan irenemcguganmichael russell mr duncan hamilton
jamie mcgrigor david mcletchie irenemcguganmichael russell pauline mcneill richard
morgan mr kenny macaskill irenemcguganmichael russell richard lochhead mr
sturgeon mr kenny macaskill irenemcguganmichael russell s1m 2123 brian
from the scots that irenemcguganmight recognise and includes words
jim wallace moved motion irenemcguganmoved amendment tommy sheridan moved
s services in scotland irenemcguganmoved s1m 3698 that the
language and the motion irenemcguganmoved so effectively which has
macaskill mrs margaret ewing irenemcguganmr adam ingram fiona mcleod
robin harper christine grahame irenemcguganmr adam ingram mr john
john swinney alex neil irenemcguganmr adam ingram mr kenny
mr frank mcaveety 5 irenemcguganmr brian monteith cathy peattie
mr frank mcaveety 5 irenemcguganmr brian monteith cathy peattie
gillon convener ian jenkins irenemcguganmr brian monteith cathy peattie
jenkins mr frank mcaveety irenemcguganmr brian monteith michael russell
harper dr winnie ewing irenemcguganmr duncan hamilton business bulletin
richard lochhead brian adam irenemcguganmr duncan hamilton mr gil
ingram mr kenny macaskill irenemcguganmr duncan hamilton mr lloyd
adam ingram tricia marwick irenemcguganmr gil paterson mr lloyd
white mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganmr gil paterson mr lloyd
robison ms sandra white irenemcguganmr john swinney mr duncan
macaskill mr adam ingram irenemcguganmr john swinney mr kenneth
godman mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganmr keith harding des mcnulty
on 3 march 2003 irenemcguganmr keith harding s1m 3969
on 10 september 2001 irenemcguganmr keith raffan s1m 2187
september 2001 tavish scott irenemcguganmr keith raffan s1m 2220
supported by richard lochhead irenemcguganmr kenneth gibson fergus ewing
mary scanlon stewart stevenson irenemcguganmr kenny macaskill s1m 2197
on 31 january 2001 irenemcguganmr kenny macaskill tricia marwick
on 31 january 2001 irenemcguganmr kenny macaskill tricia marwick
on 30 january 2001 irenemcguganmr kenny macaskill tricia marwick
island communities supported by irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan alex neil
grace elder michael russell irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan andrew wilson
kenneth gibson michael russell irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan donald gorrie
grace elder alex neil irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan linda fabiani
wilson mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan linda fabiani
michael russell brian adam irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan mr kenny
donald gorrie michael russell irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan mr kenny
sandra white brian adam irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan mr kenny
michael russell brian adam irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan mr kenny
fiona mcleod brian adam irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan mr kenny
mcgrigor mrs lyndsay mcintosh irenemcguganmr lloyd quinan mrs margaret
welsh mr kenneth gibson irenemcguganmr michael matheson lodged on
by mr andrew welsh irenemcguganmr mike rumbles brian adam
white dr winnie ewing irenemcguganmr mike rumbles lord james
stone dr winnie ewing irenemcguganmr mike rumbles robin harper
radcliffe mr adam ingram irenemcguganmr mike rumbles robin harper
david mundell alex fergussonr irenemcguganmr murray tosh s1m 129
kenneth macintosh maureen macmillan irenemcguganmrs lyndsay mcintosh david mundell
russell mr john swinney irenemcguganmrs lyndsay mcintosh dennis canavan
john scott colin campbell irenemcguganmrs lyndsay mcintosh mr michael
john swinney tommy sheridan irenemcguganmrs margaret ewing alex neil
kenneth gibson donald gorrie irenemcguganmrs margaret ewing christine grahame
supported by richard lochhead irenemcguganmrs margaret ewing fergus ewing
winnie ewing michael russell irenemcguganmrs margaret ewing shona robison
janis hughes malcolm chisholm irenemcguganms margaret curran scott barrie
scott barrie donald gorrie irenemcguganms sandra white elaine smith
ingram mr lloyd quinan irenemcguganms sandra white fiona mcleod
michael russell brian adam irenemcguganms sandra white mr lloyd
bob fairnie colin donati irenemcgugannancy nicholson john corbett marina
campbell mr adam ingram irenemcgugannora radcliffe tricia marwick mr
motion debated irene mcgugan irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp cathy
the following also attended irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp clerk
north east scotland snp irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp des
things right in future irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp given
of the scots language irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp i
dà chànain 16 12 irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp i
l europe 17 45 irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp i
following members also attended irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp iain
us all 16 46 irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp many
grace elder glasgow snp irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp maureen
south of scotland con irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp mr
ettrick and lauderdale ld irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp mr
s motion 15 01 irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp on
nora radcliffe gordon ld irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp the
national health service 4 irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp to
scottish berry project 13 irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp to
justice mr jim wallace irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp tommy
at the commonwealth games irenemcgugannorth east scotland snp your
the debate i congratulate irenemcguganon bringing an important issue
islands lab i congratulate irenemcguganon securing the debate i
snp i too congratulate irenemcguganon securing this debate and
ross ld i congratulate irenemcguganon securing this important debate
am happy to reassure irenemcguganon that issue on my
in the name of irenemcguganon the draft census scotland
in the name of irenemcguganon the programme of action
donald gorrie michael russell irenemcguganpauline mcneill mr adam ingram
bruce crawford s1m 1109 irenemcguganpoverty in scotland that the
adam ingram robin harper irenemcguganrichard lochhead alex neil mr
hamilton ms sandra white irenemcguganrichard lochhead mr adam ingram
christine grahame nicola sturgeon irenemcguganrichard lochhead mr kenneth gibson
drug crisis supported by irenemcguganrichard lochhead shona robison colin
fiona mcleod andrew wilson irenemcguganrobert brown mr lloyd quinan
duncan hamilton linda fabiani irenemcguganroseanna cunningham s1m 16 alex
june 2001 karen gillon irenemcguganroseanna cunningham s1m 1969 colour
committee s consideration of irenemcgugans amended report on scotland
cathy peattie i appreciate irenemcgugans argument but it must
am delighted to support irenemcgugans motion and tommy sheridan
although i accept that irenemcgugans motion attempts to address
of the aspirations of irenemcgugans motion in common with
who wish to support irenemcgugans motion should press yes
annulled which is what irenemcgugans motion would do we
clubs in response to irenemcgugans point there are blocks
my heart responded to irenemcgugans speech i dinna ken
sheridan mr lloyd quinan irenemcgugans1m 1104 alex neil failings
grahame mr adam ingram irenemcgugans1m 114 robin harper genetically
on 27 november 2000 irenemcgugans1m 1387 congratulations to lauder
on 27 february 2001 irenemcgugans1m 1653 young people lodged
on 28 february 2001 irenemcgugans1m 1683 removal of reliefs
supported by richard lochhead irenemcgugans1m 189 michael matheson pollution
on 12 september 2001 irenemcgugans1m 2207 1 shona robison
on 13 september 2001 irenemcgugans1m 2216 rangers football club
on 25 october 2001 irenemcgugans1m 2360 the pearce institute
on 21 november 2001 irenemcgugans1m 2464 1 anti terrorism
november 2001 irene oldfather irenemcgugans1m 2496 lanarkshire voluntary housing
on 4 december 2001 irenemcgugans1m 2516 national asthma campaign
andrew welsh kate maclean irenemcgugans1m 284 rhoda grant dangers
on 25 june 2002 irenemcgugans1m 3243 scottish men s
nicola sturgeon shona robison irenemcgugans1m 3584 edinburgh park railway
on 20 november 2002 irenemcgugans1m 3609 vascular disease in
on 20 november 2002 irenemcgugans1m 3611 general agreement on
on 27 november 2002 irenemcgugans1m 3652 mr andy kerr
mike watson trish godman irenemcgugans1m 653 dyspraxia lodged on
on 21 march 2000 irenemcgugans1m 664 lung cancer lodged
kenneth gibson mike watson irenemcgugans1m 691 daks simpson lodged
march 2000 andrew wilson irenemcgugans1m 696 the loch ryan
march 2000 alex neil irenemcgugans1m 722 business in the
christine grahame mike watson irenemcgugans1m 724 jobs and training
glad to welcome what irenemcgugansaid and her new appointment
census after all as irenemcgugansaid scots is recognised by
john young s1m 342 irenemcguganscots in the 2001 census
tommy sheridan s1m 3377 irenemcguganscottish football that the parliament
marwick mr kenny macaskill irenemcguganshona robison michael matheson brian
elder mr lloyd quinan irenemcguganshona robison robin harper mr
murray tosh s1m 141 irenemcguganskye bridge that the parliament
fiona hyslop s1m 1103 irenemcguganskye bridge toll regime that
reasoned way in which irenemcguganspoke about the issue the
i have to inform irenemcguganthat i will not be
would print both versions irenemcguganthat was not my experience
presiding officer please proceed irenemcguganthe motion of the equal
david davidson s1m 934 irenemcguganthe new testament in scots
in the name of irenemcguganthe scots language deserves to
danger points s1w 4824 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
taken forward s1w 14959 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
government programme s1w 14932 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
of scotland s1w 14960 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
june 2000 s1w 14933 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
schools s1o 6478 7 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
in 2005 s1w 19411 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
2001 respectively s1w 14930 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
in business s1w 14958 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
and cycling s1w 4825 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
the parliament s1w 22004 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
in 2005 s1w 19412 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
of time s1w 3446 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
arable sector s1w 10874 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
own business s1w 34590 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
transport bill s1w 4828 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
cultural strategy s1w 12151 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
social deprivation s1w 12153 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
bathing waters s1w 19410 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
young cyclists s1w 12152 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
identified items s1w 27469 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
in scotland s1w 27482 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
statutory statement s1w 27520 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
placements s1o 3234 8 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27477 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
the a87 s1w 27535 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27484 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27471 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
pupils s1o 234 30 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27483 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27481 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
kingdom s1o 317 18 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27487 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
be published s1w 3445 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
staff training s1w 27478 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
such advertising s1w 27519 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
how much s1w 24725 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
the a87 s1w 27534 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
explain why s1w 24726 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
foundation are s1w 27480 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
the field s1w 27468 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
the training s1w 27474 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27485 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
authority area s1w 24727 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27479 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27472 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
of diabetes s1w 26932 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27470 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
financial years s1w 12154 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27486 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
the child s1w 32859 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
by 2012 s1w 4823 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
parliament shop s1w 15781 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
scotland s1o 422 4 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27476 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
b milngavie s1w 23115 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
wales s1o 4658 13 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
the child s1w 32860 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
in 2004 s1w 27475 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
me s1o 4884 8 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
this matter s1w 27473 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
in education s1w 32858 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
manufacturing firms s1w 4822 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
be published s1w 27466 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
2005 06 s1w 32877 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
user sessions s1w 31863 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
advocacy alliance s1w 27533 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
were discussed s1w 27467 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
soft fruit s1w 15782 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
to school s1w 3447 irenemcguganto ask the scottish executive
complicated i will call irenemcguganto move her motion as
officer i will call irenemcguganto move her motion in
fiona hyslop bill butler irenemcgugantommy sheridan business bulletin no
on 7 december 2001 irenemcgugantommy sheridan christine grahame s1m
supported by richard lochhead irenemcgugantommy sheridan fiona mcleod s1m
natural heritage supported by irenemcgugantommy sheridan michael russell linda
macaskill mr lloyd quinan irenemcgugantommy sheridan mr kenneth gibson
dennis canavan linda fabiani irenemcgugantommy sheridan mr kenny macaskill
on 27 june 2001 irenemcgugantommy sheridan s1m 2050 bingo
elder mr lloyd quinan irenemcgugantommy sheridan shona robison christine
on 6 december 2001 irenemcgugantommy sheridan trish godman christine
supported by scott barrie irenemcgugantommy sheridan trish godman margaret
chisholm mr kenneth gibson irenemcgugantricia marwick alex neil donald
elder mr kenneth gibson irenemcgugantricia marwick alex neil donald
elder mr kenneth gibson irenemcgugantricia marwick alex neil shona
macaskill mr alex salmond irenemcgugantricia marwick tommy sheridan fiona
reveal the information that irenemcguganwants but if that information
language as scots when irenemcguganwas making her opening remarks
i want to thank irenemcguganwe hear that in the
only place for that irenemcguganwe need a question in
the convener i welcome irenemcguganwho has come here this
a particular welcome to irenemcguganwho is joining us for
is also about accessibility irenemcguganwithout a doubt there will
a braw wee speech maistressmcguganan we wish ye weel

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