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the field of weights andmeasuresand although not yet in
copies of these weights andmeasuresand they could then issue
texts the first weights andmeasuresassize is a text attributed
even though every weights andmeasuresassize repeats the liturgy of
weight a typical weights andmeasuresassize would provide a series
the existing english weights andmeasuresat the union of the
overview of scots weights andmeasurescraigie cited it to show
defined systems of weights andmeasuresfor external and internal trade
for the weights and drymeasuresgiven by balfour but did
evolution of scots weights andmeasuresin the course of preparing
of scottish currency weights andmeasuresin the volume 10 supplement
a former senior weights andmeasuresinspector in a 1961 article
of 1624 on weights andmeasuresprovides a late and brief
david assize of weights andmeasuresthat described the boll as
major assizes of weights andmeasuresthe last of which took
as assizes of weights andmeasuresthe scottish units almost certainly
parliamentary assizes of weights andmeasureswhich set the legal sizes
history of scottish weights andmeasureswith the support of the
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2002 ssi 2002
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2002 ssi 2002
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
quota and third country fishingmeasuresscotland order 2003 ssi 2003
energy efficiency but if anymeasuresare included in the bill
1 outlines a number ofmeasuresfor improving energy efficiency in
system to include energy efficiencymeasuresfor the provisions within the
system to include energy efficiencymeasuresfor the provisions within the
average expenditure on energy efficiencymeasuresper assisted dwelling was reported
a result of energy efficiencymeasuresreported under the home energy
area benefited from energy efficiencymeasuresreported under the home energy
1999 to promote energy efficiencymeasuresto less affluent families the
total expenditure on energy efficiencymeasureswas reported by each local
look at the package ofmeasuresas a whole and let
the 27 million package ofmeasuresfor the fishing industry to
2000 the package of supportmeasuresfor the textile sector announced
produce a robust package ofmeasuresmr jamie stone caithness sutherland
is a comprehensive package ofmeasuresthat will improve and modernise
urgently a package of fundedmeasuresto assist the fishing industry
put together a package ofmeasuresto ensure the inclusion in
of a wider package ofmeasuresto improve dental and oral
to implement a package ofmeasuresto improve the safety of
place a good package ofmeasuresto improve things for the
to develop a package ofmeasuresto promote small business in
force contain a package ofmeasuresto take us forward in
the effects of the conservationmeasuresalready taken by scottish fishermen
stocks notes that technical conservationmeasuresand the recent decommissioning scheme
waters to ensure sensible conservationmeasuresand to protect the interests
waters to ensure sensible conservationmeasuresand to protect the interests
the shetland box and conservationmeasuresbased on sound independent science
area closures or other conservationmeasuresin time for the 2001
fishing enforcement of community conservationmeasuresscotland amendment order 2002 ssi
fishing enforcement of community conservationmeasuresscotland amendment order 2002 ssi
fishing enforcement of community conservationmeasuresscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
solar power and energy conservationmeasuresthroughout the public sector green
seems to be to introducemeasuresto promote the conservation of
reward those who take conservationmeasureswith a new energy banding
provision to implement the necessarymeasuresin some seven mutual assistance
or impetus to implement specificmeasuresin terms of education and
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to implement to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to implement to
public body must implement themeasuresset out in the plan
bill anyway to implement themeasuresthat are reserved and in
scottish executive to bring forwardmeasuresto establish and implement a
which requires signatories to implementmeasuresto reduce the impact of
implement a robust range ofmeasuresto tackle youth offending and
discuss and seek to implementmeasureswhich would eradicate fuel poverty
the sea fishing enforcement ofmeasuresfor the recovery of the
the sea fishing enforcement ofmeasuresfor the recovery of the
show that all fine enforcementmeasureshad been tried and other
enforcement of community satellite monitoringmeasuresscotland order 200 amendment regulations
enforcement of community satellite monitoringmeasuresscotland order 200 amendment regulations
enforcement of community satellite monitoringmeasuresscotland order 2000 amendment regulations
enforcement of community satellite monitoringmeasuresscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
enforcement of community satellite monitoringmeasuresscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
a ban but at othermeasuressuch as better enforcement of
to take forward these enforcementmeasureswith an additional youth crime
its attempts to introduce similarmeasuresbecause it acted under competition
plans it has to introducemeasuresdesigned to encourage more people
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is planning to introduce
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit plans to introduce to
the scottish executive what furthermeasuresit will introduce to assist
the scottish executive what specificmeasuresit will introduce to assist
it intends to introduce newmeasuresor disciplinary procedures in order
fruit and vegetables those aremeasuresthat government can introduce fergus
but a number of themeasuresthat the bill will introduce
whether it intends to introducemeasuresto assist smaller business premises
whether it intends to introducemeasuresto assist smaller business premises
taken or plans to introducemeasuresto encourage the oil and
executive whether it will introducemeasuresto ensure that the spinal
executive whether it will introducemeasuresto give consumers more information
introduce traffic calming or othermeasuresto protect pedestrians on the
whether it intends to introducemeasuresto reduce the amount of
the installation of energy efficientmeasuresin homes s1w 24088 brian
achieved as a result ofmeasuresreported under the home energy
achieved as a result ofmeasuresreported under the home energy
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to reduce
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to reduce
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to reduce
patients will she outline whatmeasuresif any to reduce waiting
reduce waiting times through targetedmeasuresincluding substantial initiatives to address
the scottish executive what statutorymeasuresit has introduced to reduce
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit has taken to reduce
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to reduce
reduce fishing effort by introducingmeasureslike mandatory catch and release
to install cctv and othermeasuresto reduce crime evaluate the
fishermen might be supportive ofmeasuresto reduce fishing effort as
whether it will take specificmeasuresto reduce unemployment in glasgow
on 20 november 2000 whatmeasuresit has taken or intends
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit has taken or intends
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to take to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to take to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to take to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to take to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to take to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit intends to take to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to protect
areas pursue a range ofmeasuresto protect and promote scotland
includes a strong focus onmeasuresto protect and replenish the
encouraged the implementation of othermeasuresto protect salmon in freshwater
for monitoring its implementation developmeasuresto protect shopkeepers from harassment
s behaviour to warrant additionalmeasuresto protect the public from
those developed within other communitymeasuresand initiatives which assist that
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to assist
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit has taken to assist
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to assist
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to assist
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to tackle
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to tackle
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to tackle
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to tackle
offences throughout the eu thosemeasuresreflect the need to tackle
the scottish national party supportsmeasuresto tackle international crime which
executive to bring forward urgentmeasuresto tackle the financial crisis
a strategic review of currentmeasuresto tackle the problems of
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to promote
there are already several legislativemeasuresin place which promote the
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit has taken to promote
promote parental responsibility through voluntarymeasuresto agree acceptable behaviour contracts
financial assistance and d promotemeasuresto allow salmon producers to
for sports promoting good healthmeasuresto promote better health will
of using a number ofmeasuresto promote business take up
the main means of financingmeasuresto promote social inclusion at
our society and to supportmeasuresto promote the use of
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken as part
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to address
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to alleviate
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to encourage
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to ensure
ask the first minister whatmeasuresare being taken to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to help
ask the first minister whatmeasuresare being taken to increase
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to increase
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare being taken to increase
19 july 1999 what specificmeasureshave been taken by health
is not satisfied that allmeasureshave been taken by her
ask the scottish executive whatmeasureshave been taken to address
ask the scottish executive whatmeasureshave been taken to address
physically active a range ofmeasuresis being taken we need
the scottish executive what specificmeasuresit has taken or plans
report annually on measures takenmeasuresproposed and progress to date
whether they consider the currentmeasurestaken by scottish natural heritage
also discusses some of themeasurestaken by the parliament to
executive to report annually onmeasurestaken measures proposed and progress
aware of many of themeasuresthat are currently being taken
and examined a range ofmeasuresthat could be taken that
the physical activity task forcemeasuresthat have been taken over
continue to work through themeasuresthat we have taken such
scotland which contains some immediatemeasuresthat will be taken the
didna fit their pen harshmeasuresthey war taken tae loss
english it details the practicalmeasureswhich have been taken or
and has taken other practicalmeasureswill be taken in the
the uk taken together themeasureswill provide on average annual
of course there must bemeasuresto improve dental and oral
but we must also havemeasuresto improve our children s
and prospects and calls formeasuresto improve sex education and
2002 nora radcliffe although thosemeasuresto improve the a96 are
assure the public the proposedmeasureswill improve our ability to
not tell us subsequently thatmeasureshad been ineffective in specific
the scottish executive what specificmeasuresit has introduced to alleviate
executive to apply 39 specificmeasuresout of the 65 measures
setting specific targets and adoptingmeasuresthe omc is designed to
and details of the specificmeasureswhich might be introduced the
executive has introduced some goodmeasuresand we wish them luck
ask the first minister whatmeasuresare being introduced to support
sea from 1st january 2003measureshave been introduced to create
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit has introduced to address
introduced in the uk thosemeasuresrespond to public concern about
one of the most disgracefulmeasuresthat the thatcher government introduced
raised a concern that somemeasureswhich might be introduced in
we have a range ofmeasuresaimed at edging towards coherent
face a whole range ofmeasuresare being undertaken of course
a range of mutual assistancemeasuresin criminal matters including assistance
homelessness through a range ofmeasuresnot least making better arrangements
by a range of budgetmeasuressuch as tax relief for
health through a range ofmeasuresto support dentistry including new
s education budget and themeasuresbeing undertaken to address this
caused by some activities governmentmeasuresmust address this support growth
council and outline any othermeasuresplanned to address the problems
to a bring forward effectivemeasuresto address the crisis in
of the sales design teammeasuresto address the redundancy situation
the executive should consider furthermeasuresto address the transport needs
2002 and so on whatmeasureswill she take to address
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to ensure
the scottish executive what securitymeasuresare in place to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to ensure
to prevent crime ensure thatmeasuresare in place to support
ensure that health and safetymeasureshad been observed we are
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to ensure
a whole and take whatevermeasuresnecessary to ensure that glasgow
to bring forward where necessarymeasuresthat ensure that in the
parliament who have called formeasuresto ensure that consultation procedures
when we put in placemeasuresto ensure that those steps
executive needs to take furthermeasuresto ensure that those who
is gauntae continue unless mairmeasuresur implementit tae ensure scots
considered those points and whatmeasureswill it take to ensure
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to alleviate
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to alleviate
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to attract
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is taking to combat
requirements rather than taking othermeasuresthat might benefit tenants david
i mentioned all the othermeasuresthat we are taking at
ask the first minister whatmeasuresthe scottish executive is taking
or of parties taking positivemeasuresto create exploitable defects in
as it depended on themeasuresa public body already had
already completed the short termmeasuresand is now implementing the
already completed the short termmeasuresand is now implementing the
the council is already discussingmeasuresfor cod and northern hake
2001 already created through themeasuresthat allow quality contracts to
say that there are alreadymeasuresthat enable such benefits to
already provides a number ofmeasuresthat provide restrictions on reporting
body already has in placemeasuresto meet the requirements of
the scottish executive whether additionalmeasuresare required in order to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit is introducing in order
following the disease control interimmeasuresscotland amendment no 2 order
impact will be before themeasuresare in place as mark
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place in glasgow
the scottish executive what preventativemeasuresare in place to alleviate
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresare in place to deal
prescriptions in scotland and whatmeasuresare in place to help
on 24 january 2001 whatmeasuresare in place to monitor
to be assured that appropriatemeasuresare in place we are
of granting an authorisation thatmeasuresare put in place to
ask the first minister whatmeasurescan be put in place
link should be expressed whatmeasurescould be put in place
are put in place themeasuresdeserve support in conclusion the
whether there will be anymeasuresput in place to extend
put in place long termmeasureswhich will provide a stable
minister give an assurance thatmeasureswill be put in place
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit plans to put in
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit plans to take to
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit will require of each
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresit will take to halt
ask the scottish executive whatmeasuresthe food standards agency scotland
ask the first minister whatmeasuresthe scottish executive will take
i ask how successful thosemeasureswill be and how they
ask the scottish executive whatmeasureswill be contained in its
ask the scottish executive whatmeasureswill come into effect at
of structural and agri environmentalmeasuresand cap market support i
we can the agri environmentalmeasuresand structural support i do
associations invest in flood preventionmeasuresand support planning controls on
public expenditure we support thosemeasuresand they will have to
support to crofting through suchmeasuresas the crofting counties agricultural
and for agri environmental supportmeasurescertainly reflects that even if
that money will support variousmeasuresincluding business support and training
wide variety of language supportmeasuresthus it is with the
we support the executive smeasuresto better the lot of
today i can announce furthermeasuresto develop and support nurses
not comprehensive and the othermeasuresto support the ban were
support without recourse to compulsorymeasuresunder this act 3b compulsory
drawn between legislative and executivemeasures20 should the number of
measures and take comprehensive interventionistmeasuresacross education and social work
that we cannot develop preventivemeasuresand take comprehensive interventionist measures
take any further additional safetymeasuresat the sandyford toll roundabout
cut across our child povertymeasuresbut we must take decisive
scottish executive why the technicalmeasuresdescribed in the fisheries research
it that is why themeasuresfailed will the eu take
scottish executive what road safetymeasuresit plans to put in
scottish executive to confirm whatmeasuresit plans to take to
if there has not whatmeasuresit proposes to take to
by consultees and c whatmeasuresit will take in response
allocated on the basis ofmeasuresof social exclusion we take
the executive s commitment themeasuresthat i set out yesterday
current planning system and themeasuresthat the executive and sportscotland
circumstances although some of themeasuresthat the scottish executive has
from time to time ormeasuresthat we can take as
effective difference if there aremeasuresthat we can take ourselves
we will certainly consider anymeasuresthat we can take to
committee make sure this assessmentmeasuresthe executive s success in
be able to take themeasuresthrough westminster mr hamilton it
we all concur to takemeasuresto firm up that view
scottish executive should consider urgentlymeasuresto halt any continuing anti
executive whether it plans anymeasuresto increase voters awareness of
of the exchequer to takemeasuresto lessen the impact of
the community to take appropriatemeasuresto meet the aims set
quickly and easily take innovativemeasuresto recruit and retain gps
local communities we will takemeasuresto recruit and retain staff
the scottish executive to initiatemeasureswhich will eradicate drugs as
and if not whether suchmeasuresare being considered s1w 34194
and whether any further policymeasuresare being formulated in this
ministers should consent to themeasureson jurisdiction being commenced in
ministers should consent to themeasureson jurisdiction being commenced in
agreement we will consider whethermeasuresto prevent overcrowding are being
for proposing to specify thosemeasures3a those persons are malcolm
and so on all thosemeasuresare covered by the great
and the difficulties that thosemeasurescan impose on small operators
are another of those clevermeasuresfrom the european union we
and acted on through thosemeasuresi am sure that we
crime the detail of thosemeasuresis set out in schedules
s reasons for specifying thosemeasuressection 91 malcolm chisholm 51
we were satisfied that thosemeasuresseemed to be right we
in the long term thosemeasuresshould make a difference we
whether it has agreed performancemeasuressimilar to those for previous
assistance those are the practicalmeasuresthat the parliament was meant
use of both those newmeasuresthe rural development regulation and
the eu acts alongside thosemeasureswe need to consider reform
further opportunity to debate thosemeasureswhen the regulations are made
once and for all thosemeasureswill create greater fairness they
supermarkets by local producers thosemeasureswould cut travel times and
the promotion of the technicalmeasuresfor use by the scottish
follow up report on performancemeasuresin the scottish environment protection
introduction of catch and releasemeasureson some scottish rivers notably
in england is imposing thesemeasureson us and the scottish
respectively the scottish parliament supportedmeasuresthat included increasing the maximum
to the scottish office recommendingmeasuresto secure the status of
a plan setting out themeasureswhich the scottish ministers propose
to measure compliance and whatmeasuresare implemented in the event
forum s discussions and whatmeasureshave consequently been implemented s1w
of government and what performancemeasuresit will use to determine
they have to identify whatmeasureswould be necessary to allow
of water and the drymeasurescontain a set number of
measures out of the 65measuresset out in part iii
be a comprehensive set ofmeasuresthat cover all types of
progress on the series ofmeasuresthat have been set in
which a stronger set ofmeasureswas available in england and
promotion in some instances detailedmeasureswill be set out in
should the number of legislativemeasuresbe reduced directly applicable rules
sections contain a number ofmeasuresthat relate to the security
there are a number ofmeasuresthrough which we propose to
without the use of suchmeasures3c persons making decisions and
for gift aid frankly suchmeasuresare not especially relevant to
to issue directives or adoptmeasuresfor the approximation of such
in scotland a raft ofmeasureshave been implemented recently such
next month refer to suchmeasuresi urge all members to
we deal with such technicalmeasuresit is important that we
have not traditionally included suchmeasuresrather they have compensated owners
whether it will detail suchmeasuress1w 15117 mr mike rumbles
grouse population it believes thatmeasuressuch as diversionary feeding would
included in the strategy aremeasuressuch as kerbside collection local
health amongst their employees bymeasuressuch as subsidised gym membership
encourage as far as possiblemeasuressuch as the development of
boundaries european union anti terroristmeasuressuch as the european arrest
may 1999 and how itmeasuresthe effectiveness of such advertising
florence declaration he said thatmeasureswithin the declaration such as
it was hoped that suchmeasureswould allow europe to compete
2003 7 temporary effort limitationmeasures8 economic impact of the
should include more stringent safetymeasuresand whether it would be
the fishery boards will themeasuresbe implemented fairly whether against
will she confirm whether themeasuresthat have been announced this
test for small samples whichmeasureswhether or not the means
the framework of other communitymeasuresand initiatives and or facilitate
that they are only interimmeasuresand that a major arterial
is properly targeted and thatmeasuresare implemented so that that
the minister s assurance thatmeasuresare in hand to present
example access to nhs dentistsmeasuresare in progress i hope
not forget how vital preventivemeasuresare in trying to help
authority housing association properties themeasuresare not just about saving
you are referring to optionalmeasuresat a uk level that
minority languages examples of themeasuresin article 10 are allowing
give a fair wind tomeasuresthat are designed to give
be fulfilled they are realmeasuresthat will make a difference
and european colleagues to strengthenmeasuresthere are arguments for introducing
too widely there are manymeasureswe must act on under
but part 4 contains twomeasureswithin devolved competence they are
focus on future action andmeasures3 further background information about
and believes that any furthermeasuresfor which the necessary funding
across the uk the furthermeasuresthat we now propose to
reaching the serving table throughmeasuresincluding creative public procurement develop
states it also ensures thatmeasuresadopted by the council will
committee to hear about themeasureshe will then answer any
fight against international crime themeasuresin the bill will lead
the budget document is aboutmeasuresof success how will i
far as some of themeasuresof success will not be
us today a series ofmeasuresthat will make an effective
wrong and so we proposemeasuresthat will prevent sex offenders
now although i welcome themeasuresthat will strengthen local authorities
of defeatist mentality and demandmeasuresthat will sustain our communities
measure that will allow criminalmeasuresto be kept up to
influence the process because themeasureswill be subject to committee
that it might disappear newmeasureswill help in the fight
operate across borders the newmeasureswill make an important contribution
purse the implementation of themeasureswill therefore benefit many thousands
was not subject to compulsorymeasuresunder this act b that
under this act 3b compulsorymeasuresunder this act may be
not cut across child povertymeasureshowever we must be prepared
clinical criteria and must includemeasuresto safeguard the interests of
plan must a specify themeasureswhich the public body proposes
than wife his other halfmeasuresblue milk into his tea
in relation to site protectionmeasuresfor this species and other
that involves other tobacco controlmeasuresi cannot give you a
authorising or applying any compulsorymeasuresor discharging any powers or
on we should welcome anymeasuresthat encourage young people to
to agree with the eumeasuresagainst the state of israel
care services in scotland realmeasuresand real investment to deliver
to change that impression themeasuresin the 1995 act and
a duty to adopt similarmeasuresincluding a reduction in the
required much deliberation about whichmeasuresit would be best to
and monitoring measures referred tomeasuresof output and benefit from
couch to pour two liberalmeasuresof the cheap scotch which
by signing up to themeasurespart 1 of the bill
at end insert 3a themeasuresreferred to in subsection 1
comments about baselines and monitoringmeasuresreferred to measures of output
the bill sets out additionalmeasuresrelating to police co operation
to impose new effort limitationmeasuress1o 5776 24 scott barrie
to enact some of themeasuresthat he desperately wishes to
of the eu to adoptmeasuresthat seek to encourage cooperation
time to undertake the implementationmeasuresthat seems reasonable but we
moving on some of themeasuresthat the conservatives chose to
to consider some of themeasuresthat the group has proposed
gallie and others referred tomeasuresthat they would like to
to 2002 temporary effort limitationmeasuresthe commission was keen to
to give urgent consideration tomeasuresto alleviate the immediate problems
to give urgent consideration tomeasuresto alleviate the immediate problems
and it brings in newmeasuresto combat fraud the bill
whatever affords the strongest possiblemeasuresto deal with sex offenders
say quite clearly that objectivemeasuresto define rural deprivation do
to their needs new performancemeasuresto highlight actual outcomes for
budget on health promotion alongsidemeasuresto make health promotion a
of the world several importantmeasuresto strengthen the sex offenders
although perhaps with the precautionarymeasuresto which helen eadie alluded
by 2010 susan deacon themeasuresto which i alluded a
which has now agreed remedialmeasureswith cala homes ltd to
credit we welcome the additionalmeasureswith resources to match that
which recognises regional differences andmeasuresquality of service lodged on
states describe the main policymeasureswhich national governments have or
a statement setting out themeasureswhich they and local authorities
for population wide primary preventionmeasureswith which the national osteoporosis
term and some long termmeasuresi am not sure that
information about some of themeasuresthat have flowed from that
the size of the drymeasuresit has only recently become
from the reality of performancemeasuresand performance targets we want
and chalder of the drymeasuresand the gallon of the
of the certificate b themeasuresand the period specified in
3a below of a themeasuresand the period that the
of people feel that thesemeasurescould harm the newspaper industry
the volumes of the capacitymeasuresdescribed in the assizes were
eh in terms of themeasureserm outlined in part two
the volumes of the crucialmeasuresfor grain and meal and
for a council regulation establishingmeasuresfor the recovery of cod
for a council regulation establishingmeasuresfor the recovery of cod
following the implementation of themeasuresi presume that the government
his vote in favour ofmeasuresimposed on the west greenland
that the implementation of themeasuresin a plan would not
and b details of themeasuresit took when compiling that
use of agency nurses temporarymeasuresmanaging bank and agency nursing
of line 19 and insertmeasuresmentioned in subsection 3a below
action of member states adoptingmeasuresof encouragement or co ordinating
conspired with the two bigmeasuresof whisky he had earlier
suspend the implementation of themeasureson them neither of the
as a result of themeasuresoutlined for the year from
into the practicalities of themeasuresrecommended by environmental resources management
progressive enlargement of the drymeasuressimpson 1992 and we were
sizes of the large grainmeasuresthe firlot and boll however
comprehensive list of actions andmeasuresuntil the end of 2005
death of sarah payne themeasureswere contained in the uk
the adoption of good practicemeasureswork on the preparation of
was before dunblane and securitymeasuresand so on f606: yes
s1m 2464 1 anti terrorismmeasuresand the european convention on
completed in 1999 and themeasurescovering the next 10 years
completed in 1999 and themeasurescovering the next 10 years
constructive policy development and affordablemeasuresfor both languages let us
gs and ng were sensitivemeasuresin differentiating between sex and
the various protective and promotionalmeasuresprovided for in this charter
the various protective and promotionalmeasuresprovided for in this charter
between familial links and languagemeasuresstatistical tests for both local
not generally used the tradingmeasureswere larger and incorporated a
sequestration and the important protectivemeasureswould not be available for
not often agree on politicalmeasuresbut we agree on issues
on that we need balancedmeasuresincluding a target in sweden
examining how we might incorporatemeasureson fuel poverty we followed
s1m 3619 donald gorrie securitymeasuresfor holyrood that the parliament
allowed on the old 1618measuresknowing more about the greater
full advantage built into theirmeasuresthe cooper would make them
inception report for traffic calmingmeasuresin keith s1w 1128 mr
study hendry devised four vocabularymeasuresthese were followed up in
prices or on cost cuttingmeasuresanother argument is that it
wally he poured two generousmeasuresget it down you lad
winnie ewing s1m 3619 securitymeasuresfor holyrood lodged on 21

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