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symbol s1m 96 des mcnultymembershipof the commonwealth parliamentary association
mcnulty s1m 96 des mcnultymembershipof the commonwealth parliamentary association
to apply for admission tomembershipof the commonwealth parliamentary association
to apply for admission tomembershipof the commonwealth parliamentary association
the commonwealth parliamentary association suchmembershipto be effective immediately on
the commonwealth parliamentary association suchmembershipto be effective immediately on
strathclyde passenger transport authority constitutionmembershipand transitional and consequential provisions
strathclyde passenger transport authority constitutionmembershipand transitional and consequential provisions
strathclyde passenger transport authority constitutionmembershipand transitional and consequential provisions
strathclyde passenger transport authority constitutionmembershipand transitional and consequential provisions
the table president s intimationsmembershipapplication [censored: forename] [censored: surname] on table
the table president s intimationsmembershipapplication [censored: forename] [censored: surname] on table
and for display of guildmembershipapplication forms the stage may
president s intimations application formembershipfrom mr [censored: forename] [censored: surname] 1st
as was an application formembershipfrom mr [censored: forename] [censored: surname] 2nd
as was an application formembershipfrom mr [censored: forename] [censored: surname] 3rd
association refuses the application formembershipthe person is to be
[censored: forename] [censored: surname] s application formembershipwas on the table for
association c that the requiredmembershipfee be paid to the
parliamentary association c the requiredmembershipfee be paid to the
is incorporated in the lifemembershipfee e printer for boarding
carers in relation to themembershipand remit of its working
social services workforce what themembershipand remit of the scottish
2001 what the remit andmembershipis of each of the
volume 1 report remit andmembershipremit to consider and report
fund including its remit functionsmembershipresponsibilities and jurisdiction r s1w
then agreed to dt 7membershipof committees euan robson on
against 33 abstentions 0 8membershipof committees euan robson on
committee as motions on themembershipof committees have to come
was agreed to dt 8membershipof committees mr tom mccabe
against 3 abstentions 0 7membershipof committees patricia ferguson on
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof committees that the parliament
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof committees that the parliament
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof committees that the parliament
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof committees that the parliament
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof committees that the parliament
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof committees that the parliament
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof committees that the parliament
community care the health boardsmembershipand procedure scotland regulations 2001
ask the scottish executive whethermembershipof area tourist boards should
2 to the 1986 actmembershipof district salmon fishery boards
whether the rules governing themembershipof local enterprise company boards
of nurse consultants and throughmembershipon the 15 nhs boards
motion was withdrawn 11 committeemembershipeuan robson on behalf of
behalf of the parliamentary bureaumembershipof standards committee that the
parliamentary bureau to reorganise committeemembershiplodged on 15 december 2000
advice bureau in securing fullmembershipof citizens advice scotland in
of the parliamentary bureau committeemembershipthat the parliament agrees that
of the parliamentary bureau committeemembershipthat the parliament agrees that
of february setting out themembershipand details of how the
will outline details of themembershipand workplan on workforce and
particular by publishing details ofmembershipof such bodies and of
will outline details of themembershipof the project group on
was agreed to dt 8membershipof committee patricia ferguson on
was agreed to dt 4membershipof the committee of the
one large table for guildmembershipone large table for the
notice was given apply formembershipof the co operative housing
whether it will apply formembershipof the regional government network
of the european union smembershipit is also leading to
positive opportunities to arise frommembershipof the european union is
secede or pull away frommembershipof the european union would
to which i think ourmembershipof the european union would
of subpostmasters is an independentmembershiporganisation and trade union representing
for concert hall record clubmembership13 saturday repair door flooring
a word of explanation tomembershipof a small fishing club
bar participants will have temporarymembershipof the college club which
member of the labour partymembershipbrian fitzpatrick murdo fraser duncan
member of the labour partymembershipbrian fitzpatrick murdo fraser duncan
after all labour campaigned againstmembershipin 1974 and even tony
dr [censored: surname] had applied formembershipof the society and his
the library 11 computer themembershipsecretary mrs [censored: surname] requires a
representative also mrs [censored: surname] asmembershipsecretary we will require a
asst treasurer miss m [censored: surname]membershipsecy mrs p [censored: surname] committee
uk had benefited from eumembership30 of the uk electorate
the social progress that eumembershiphas brought but we are
in many ways from ourmembershipof the eu there are
europe practical benefits of eumembershipthe children also highlighted possible
in committee room 2 1membershipchanges the committee will hear
so many changes to themembershipof the committee in recent
changes were made to themembershipof the scottish advisory committee
trying 23 despite her activemembershipof a small group of
victim s membership or presumedmembershipof a social group or
cultural and linguistic background andmembershipof any ethnic group 4
cultural and linguistic background andmembershipof any ethnic group mary
social group based on theirmembershipof that group 3 where
the european year of languagesmembershipof the group includes comunn
item 4 due to hismembershipof the holyrood progress group
ask the scottish executive whethermembershipof the steering group on
based on the victim smembershipor presumed membership of a
based organisation which obtains itsmembershipthrough links with partner schools
we also have a largemembershipwho work in the national
scottish conservative and unionist partymembershiprhona brankin maureen macmillan alasdair
scottish conservative and unionist partymembershiprhona brankin maureen macmillan alasdair
of the scottish national partymembershipsarah boyack bruce crawford lord
of patricia ferguson on committeemembershipbe agreed to motion agreed
terms of reference timescale andmembershipof that committee to be
terms of reference timescale andmembershipof that committee to be
terms of reference timescale andmembershipof that committee to be
the following change to committeemembershipadam ingram to replace kenny
the following change to committeemembershipjamie stone to replace donald
the following change to committeemembershipjamie stone to replace donald
have had a change ofmembershipsince their previous visit i
parliament on 13 june 2002membershipkaren gillon convener jackie baillie
pairlament on 13 june 2002membershipkaren gillon convener jackie baillie
members interests which lists mymembershipof the transport and general
the peer review process themembershipof spc largely comprises national
review and update the externalmembershipof the committee s1w 34871
scottish parliament to review themembershipof the justice 1 committee
law particularly regarding timescales andmembershipof the review body it
committee substitute one on committeemembershipand one on the designation
insert followed by motion onmembershipof the committee of the
to be included in themembershipof the committee on liquor
across the country the organisationalmembershipof this committee is as
ministerial committee and detail theirmemberships1w 31080 fiona hyslop to
a few weeks of fluctuatingmembershipthe committee is now complete
be met through selection ofmembershipfor the national park body
park advisory council with crossmembershipwith the national park body
european legislation is adopted itsmembershipwould be very small and
the national health service trustsmembershipand procedure scotland regulations 2001
in subsection 2 a abovemembershipin relation to a social
opportunities that the its worldwidemembershipaffords as a result of
parties which supply its ministerialmembershipall ministers other than the
was highly valued by itsmembershipand made very good use
scotland which would draw itsmembershipfrom representatives of the scottish
this should include within itsmembershiprepresentatives from all relevant organisations
a further third of itsmembershipto the youth forums or
bring forward proposals for themembershipand duration of such a
according to new rules onmembershipand methods of election by
per cent of the totalmembershipare community representatives four from
25 years old the maximummembershipis 300 made up of
the stated conditions these includedmembershipof a high density territorially
interviews fifth kin link categorymembershipof a local church although
a conflict of interest encompassesmembershipof a masonic order or
but i profoundly believe thatmembershipof a single currency is
interests in relation to mymembershipof amicus andrew wilson central
others and believes that themembershipof any scottish raptor working
remainder from individuals the currentmembershipof around 150 is made
subjects fourth kin link categorymembershipof at least one local
a report setting out themembershipof every district fishery board
judicial appointments board to declaremembershipof freemasonry and any other
did place of birth ormembershipof leisure clubs or local
atbs in scotland with amembershipof over 16 000 businesses
more easily maintained dr blackmembershipof scottish quality salmon depends
the light of the finalmembershipof the board and panel
harm that scotland s nonmembershipof the euro is doing
our passports to prove ourmembershipof the foreign community and
or to add to themembershipof the forum s1w 27399
were to use britain smembershipof the g8 to keep
service badge for 33 yearsmembershipof the guild 1940 miss
28 june 2002 why themembershipof the joint ministerial meetings
recommendations as to how themembershipof the new area fishery
done at the moment themembershipsecretary reported a total of
17 and commercial income andmembershipsubscriptions providing the remainder of
are having days of actionmembershipsubscriptions some members have not
1967 when because of decliningmembershipthe parishes of arbuthnott and
expense whether it is travelmembershipentry fees or equipment costs
s report cash inflow frommembershiptea outgoing expenses mainly stationery
measures such as subsidised gymmembershipand healthy lunches develop a
from strength to strength themembershiphas grown from the original
school for the celebrations hmembershipaddress list no new update
new csd yer ain yermembershipentitles ye tae a free
licensing law in scotland sincemembershipwas announced s1w 19421 michael
and that levy subscriptions formembershipfees as that is clearly
individuals the common criteria formembershipis that people must be
in arbuthnott sometime around the1920smembershipwas for girls who had
strategies and boost their futuremembershipdevelop accreditation schemes to allow
hear ye greet true eneuchmembershipgies ye richts and privileges
and a year s freemembershipo sld that s no
and greece entered and attainedmembershipthat is why we welcome
scotland is gained by fullmembership15 54 ben wallace north
have a look at themembershipbefore we write the convener
page 17 line 28 aftermembershipinsert a in the case

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