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rev clunzie and to havemendedand sent to james johnson
everything mechanics sorted cars electriciansmendedfuses but did anyone mend
changed light bulbs carted rubbishmendedfuses hammered nails wielded paintbrushes
with the fridge and themendedcistern she is beginning to
that i m patched andmendedhas anyone seen my dreams
s right f1112: they vemendedthat f1111: mended that when
they ve mended that f1111: mendedthat when they built the
cobbler to trade and hemendedthe boots in those days
coming and these shoes needmendedthese shoes need mending these
stereo lid can t bemendedand that boys of the
handle a wooden tub wimendedflannel a pair o beets
always used to get themmendedin those days you know

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