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briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
briefing papers produced primarily formepscovering the views of the
a par with mps andmepson the second question about
into line with mps andmepsthat is important as many
how can back bench mspsmepsand councillors help to convince
if back bench msps andmepsare happy to work with
received positive feedback from themepsspecifications are critical to fares
and the accession candidate countriesmepsand commissioners representatives from the
eu the scottish executive ourmepsor local government works closely
to follow that up withmepsand with the commission directly
to the european commission scottishmepsthe uk government and the
to discuss those recommendations withmepsin their parties and to
have been in contact withmepsto promote the bid we
doctors regrets that scottish labourmepsfailed to support this motion
i was thinking of themepscoming to us rather than
an all party delegation ofmepsin brussels this week it
party conservative and liberal democratmepswho voted in the european
of parliament and scotland smepswith respect to concerns raised
members of the european parliamentmepsetc this has great potential
possible to speak to themepswho have a particular interest
scottish fishermen believes that electedmepsshould have the opportunity to
the good work of ourmepscannot always be got at
the year we talked tomepswho bemoaned the difficulty of
furthermore seeks the assistance ofmepsin securing the reinstatement of

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