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an gie s yer crackmichtysiccan a jobby back preens
an gie s yer crackmichtysiccan a jobby back preens
the faither o dauvit themichtyroy dauvit neist in honner
o a tractor an bogiemichtyme he wis fer up
god be here mrs laingmichtyme can it really be
left mrs laing another scandalmichtyme mrs boyter it was
do you mean mrs laingmichtyme the woman is waving
flooers ae day he saidmichtyfittin bonny colours i think
technicolor wis servin a wifiemichtyme your flooers are affa
fer pleased wi the resultmichtyhe cood read a car
that hardie tackle cood takmichtyhe said oot loud i
tae a bit o melonmichtythe lassie wis fer enjoyin
on my 21st birthday anamichtyit s getting to be
happy 60th birthday peggy peggymichtythis is a real surprise
ken fit men are gladysmichtyaye loretta he was happy
hands it to gladys gladysmichtyme fit s gan on
down loretta closin it ohmichtyme no neil that s
eck s then said ohmichtya gweed lookin chap like
growe like bonsais in amichtybowlie five hunner fit frae
turns and nearly falls jimmichtyme i ve come ower
the corner in the pubmichtyhe s affa fu might
table she rubs her backmichtyi m getting affa stiff
alcoholic as my mither thochtmichtyme she was affa against
ned asks jonsar eck ohmichtyme aye says jonsar i
o her pancakes oh ayemichtyme aye says jonsar i
jonsar beat a hasty retreatmichtyme jonsar eck that wis
e rinners cam through anmichtyye fair get a gweed
something wrang wi me lizziemichtyme no every quine o
that the cat made amichtyjump but she missed an
the price o their carsmichtyme he thocht een o
yer heid m1108: aye f1107: michtyyou ll be wantin a
think m1108: yes f1107: ohmichtylook at all that oh
have you m1108: aye f1107: michtythat s nae good is
gettin a tune alexander holmesmichtyme is that the time
leaves waucht ben the breezemichtyme they re butterflees bear
a trolly like ben nevismichtyfit a fash i m
been ere wis nae ohmichtyfit ll fowk say ere
us that wis her intentmichtyme fit a nicht yon
be caad wonnerfu councillour themichtygod the aye abidan faither
opened her mood changed ohmichtyme fa pit my handbag
turning on the charm boisterouslymichtyme if it s nae
war they angels or nomichtyme no aliens he felt
saturday 8 temp 7 15michtyme the withers agley eence
referre putavi it canna maittermichtyme whither dodie s moo
a braw biggin wi itsmichtyquire and its muckle tour
o cliff an cloud themichtysun glisked aff the thoosans
an the tree wi aemichtypech rugs up its reets
may bring o ye maistmichtylord o oists wha are
the parks o auld farmichtyshelts atween the stilts o
to sit up late anmichtylook at the time it

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