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wesna awaur o d themirkcluds at hed smoured hiz
thair harns clair o themirkcluds o grame thai gaed
right or straight deef themirkdeef is deaf mirk is
the mirk deef is deafmirkis dark or night shadda
no alane in the deidmirkdale for god s wi
day we leeve the deidmirkdale psaum xxiii 4 f
waves wallop skelp inno pitmirkpuils fite waves wallop skelp
waves wallop skelp inno pitmirkpuils swack an blythe the
the licht glintit throwe themirkbut the mirk cudna tak
the licht glintit throwe themirkbut the mirk cudna tak
throwe the mirk but themirkcudna tak haud o it
throwe the mirk but themirkcudna tak haud o it
might michtie mighty mint intendmirkdarkness mischaunce misfortune misdout disbelieve
n mark michtie a mightymirkn darkness mirklyke a dark
blek craw flees til themirkwud the guid things o
the craw flies til themirkwud the guid things o
caur ___ smeekit smoke blackenedmirkdarkness cuttie short dover doze
naitur s mischief cum dounmirknicht an hap ye i
what ails this day thatmirksoud hap the yird the
seems ti licht up themirkaboot ye sumhou but ye
awaukenin ayebydinlie the licht anmirkabuin tak turn awa sants
bricht licht glimmerin i themirkthe princess airtit hir wabbit
a licht glintin throwe themirkwhatna licht shairly the licht
a licht glintin throwe themirkwhatna licht shairly the licht
seilentlie waitin on awthing amirknicht the clouds blek as
was doon there in themirko the cellar waitin for
your flame an syne themirkbumbases us jesus yett o
the yett it is uncomirkeftir the sun gaes doun
unco vyce soundit out themirkgin ye wad win ti
that whyles the pouers omirkwul tell us unco truiths
the sun jouk throu themirkforest an glent aince mair
breingin at thaim throu themirko the forest but a
its wheipil thirls throu themirkatwein the spring wunds that
i gae throu the deidmirkdail nae ill can dae
mosses an muirs an throumirkderk wuds afore ye cum
an bein throu the langmirko the nicht but mair
howe o the derk seemirkin braid day easslin wunds
foun wis a lochan pitmirkan weirdie frae the heidmaist
ane the hospital gaed pitmirkin a glisk on the
an grat in the pitmirkmyles frae hir hame syne
skeelieness an sweirity ben pitmirkoors she planned an manned
follaed thon fankle o pitmirkpads whaur i wis feart
set ti byde i themirkpit a ll juist no
daein the heilan fling pitmirks ane o dracula s
the pyot won the pitmirksoul wis sained tho fowk
the haill chaumer wes pitmirksyne he claucht the tassie
thrums in the dreich pitmirkthe ravelins o a merriege
a k nicht frae themirkaiges sauf in hiz castel
nicht laed ahent the wiemirkbothie wi sairious douts anent
day wi lowrin skies ormirknicht a d materialise a
it s day an yitmirknicht is lyke ti smoor
thaim gaed quaeitlyke intil themirko the nicht an rade
oot the dure inti themirko the nicht an the
luikit ahint thaim inti themirko the nicht eftir a
the deep wattir in themirko the nicht he is
mhairi ran hame i themirko the nicht swyth she
lyke a shaidae in themirko the nicht the reivar
at a tyme i themirkthe morn s nicht eftir
alang the schoir i themirktestin ilk wattir ontil he
a thousan myle on themirkwattir i the teimin rain
is to feel or sensemirkis dark meadie or meedie
bantam blate is loath spiritlessmirkis dark sair deen is
n might midnicht n midnightmirkn v dark mishanter n
its ain fell beisines luiminmirkan malagrugous lik a weird
leam o sunlicht thirls themirklik guid news an splatters
whan lik a kinch omirkwin thai tether a pyot
howe o shaddas in themirko daith o king o
abune it it wes pittmirktammas nou thocht at daith
bit apprehensive for in themirki cuid only mak oot
he cuid see naethin butmirktho whiles oot the corners
ettin soud cum i themirkdoun frae the hie bens
man an the sun themirkfell his maucht wes mair
he wan til a thickmirkshaw he gaed in thinkin
dearie in the winter smirkcauld an weet an weary
reddies fur thair antrum themirkdays a winter slawlie harlt
s a cockle daw fanmirkfor ivry sowel sair deen
fairies cums out in themirkleivin thair houss door open
the mids o the grytemirkbiggin the wes ane alumeinium
ein glowerin out frae themirkit begoud ti bowf an
the prison house yet mairmirkand grim when we ware
an nou sein thro themirkat unner the gryte ower
fund the brek o themirkas the leaves pairtit wi
loomed up oot o themirkhauden still for a meenit
ll loom oot o themirklike mad but they jist
a thousan trains the lourinmirkmasks the threit o forecast
vyce roared oot o themirkness o the garage whit
am a see i themirko the cairrie a gar
brichter the starns in themirko this disjaskit warld wi
tae be brocht ere themirktae the bield o the
blinnit comin oot fae themirkintae the daylicht he hid
glamourie like fireflauchts in themirkthey cry me ower wi
aa roun aboot in themirkthere wis bawlin an sweirin
shape appear out of themirkswoop towards the window touch
bit creepin saftly throw themirkthe waukrife lad had nane

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