See this word as a collocate cloud
pliskie fur the puir customar | mirren | tho shae walcummed wi apen |
wes walcummed ben hir bothie | mirren | wes kwerious ti sei whedder |
o aden an john an | mirren | wes walcummed up the brig |
tout an ye r out | mirren | at hed nou mynded hir |
he dichtit hiz ither ei | mirren | mynded napier s aveisement regairdin |
in ilk wey freinlie housomdevir | mirren | mynded the wairnishin at shae |
houstrie onti thaim frizzel sein | mirren | s ein clud ower wi |
frizzel at john suid convoy | mirren | sae gif shae wes arreistit |
maun be oneste wi ye | mirren | sayed frizzel the suiner shae |
a whein quastiouns o r | mirren | gried tho shae kentna whitten |
furby wes a juidge suin | mirren | hed hiz traist he gried |
the sojers thai gried at | mirren | suid byde i dern sae |
it wes the twenes wi | mirren | an ruth the rid douglas |
eftir rosie hed twenes than | mirren | hed the lik whan ruth |
at tornes thusgates thai pairtit | mirren | john an the twenes hamewith |
sair message ti the twenes | mirren | wes mair nor a whein |
torness cantit the twenes thegither | mirren | wes stamagasted thon s the |
the shutts maistres stein grippit | mirren | an wheiched hir doun the |
thair conlusioun til a thankryfe | mirren | bot maistres stein wes fur |
waffit its tail joco lik | mirren | cuidna finnd wirds bot maistres |
wi a dug maistres stein | mirren | s awauk nou cryed out |
rid wudd puir bruits thocht | mirren | as shae birled doun the |
o hir tedder shae telt | mirren | at shae maun rist awie |
the midden in a panshit | mirren | bene chasteised shae mountit the |
heiven at shae isna sechtit | mirren | dinna fash we l aw |
ben hir howff shae swoupit | mirren | doun ti brakwast than inti |
an dinna forleit hir wallets | mirren | fentit clene awaw whan shae |
drauchtit hiz pistoll ein bauld | mirren | gied a grue fur shae |
the fitbaw match in carlyle | mirren | gied ower shae gratna nor |
an aumrie lang syne whan | mirren | kent shae hed a sauf |
o the sairie faks at | mirren | leirit as shae corssed the |
mirren a huntit fugiear fur | mirren | nou hed anither fasherie shae |
raison he speired at lest | mirren | s speirits raise whan shae |
sayed yeir sauf nou auntie | mirren | shae gied hir a kis |
tae we maun liss puir | mirren | shae l be frichtent sayed |
this wes ower mich fur | mirren | shae nivver grat sin bairnheid |
he hed dichtit hiz ein | mirren | wes afoir m shae gruppit |
whan shae feinist john an | mirren | wes baith maist astonist ti |
ti drave the beistie hame | mirren | wes maist frustert fur shae |
raise firstlins than tammas bot | mirren | wes that pouskered at shae |
is aye in carlyle jyle | mirren | hed a fouth o quastiouns |
stervin wi hungir john an | mirren | reteired tae cheptir sax carlyle |
ein ti heiven in dispare | mirren | socht ti caum hiz souch |
o naiterel cheils ein puir | mirren | wechtit doun wi wirrie ower |
outower the dirkenin sie ein | mirren | wes fou wi sakles pleisur |
onie bluid be skailed sayed | mirren | dinna fash douglas hes a |
s ma onaffectiounat opeinioun sayed | mirren | snell lik john feillit a |
uised the blak knicht sayed | mirren | we maun be oneste wi |
wi thon fowk an afoir | mirren | cuid beild the auld man |
i guid fettil afoir nuin | mirren | wes on nettils bi this |
kenspekkil rotour craift at rescoursed | mirren | an ruth an wes nou |
decense ti the grun lael | mirren | an ruth run outby ti |
tellin m at ruth an | mirren | hedna manish ti ischew an |
o hir thochts anent rosie | mirren | luikit agley at ruth tho |
bot mintna ti gang neirby | mirren | socht ti asseir thaim thai |
dochter is in gryte daunger | mirren | socht ti souther hir tinsell |
gin yeir guidman gangs furby | mirren | a wauger thai l be |
wes deid an thai grat | mirren | confortit the twasum skairin thair |
john pit hiz airm roun | mirren | fur thai wes nou humfished |
wes the sojer s ludge | mirren | jaloused at thai wes ettlin |
wes the neist pairt o | mirren | s eddicautioun thai traivelt frae |
thon thai med guid progress | mirren | wes fur breingin straucht up |
staunnin outby on the causie | mirren | wes sair fleggit thai l |
flang thaim baith agrouf bot | mirren | birled the horss roun sae |
indwallers i the trak bot | mirren | didna sei thaim the rodds |
the larries grouzilt alang ahent | mirren | hed tint hir wuts bot |
the sunn aye schane bot | mirren | s thochts wes cluddit an |
bot semed glaid ti sei | mirren | walcum ti bonie scotland he |
redd up the cheinie metall | mirren | wes bot pawled bi the |
o d naither tammas nor | mirren | cuid lay hauns on sicna |
borrae frae yeir baunk instrukkit | mirren | sae puir tammas hed ti |
it wesna john tammas an | mirren | wytit fur anither feigur ti |
sanctuar whan ye wes lik | mirren | a huntit fugiear fur mirren |
shiffil whitlik s stroublin ye | mirren | he speired douce lik it |
offisher nou requeishtit sleikit lik | mirren | pit doun hir bags a |
modren inventioun he mummilt ti | mirren | thrawn lik suin he l |
the duir cheke willyart lik | mirren | wes doverin ower an hard |
wi z than juist as | mirren | hed gied up howp frae |
bi a pre raphaelyte pentar | mirren | kent gin ebenezer hed ti |
roun an about ay its | mirren | grunstane as a thocht a |
tronies roun the ingil neuk | mirren | leirit o scotland s dounfaw |
winna dae ti dwall on | mirren | s thochts at thon mament |
he thocht he derned it | mirren | interrogat him anent the hiddil |
ablo the guidman sein at | mirren | wes kwerious anent the caus |
men wes ishin john grippit | mirren | an in a saicont jyned |
wes absent frae thair skonces | mirren | an john cam ower the |
auld cairling cam up ti | mirren | at wes nerr in a |
lowse the lads an fess | mirren | ben the waird at wes |
meinits i thochtish bon than | mirren | obsairved at gin he wes |
be praisent at the kipplin | mirren | sweirit at he wes a |
ti bonie scotland he crauchilt | mirren | wes a bit crabbit bi |
bi the feinis o t | mirren | wes fandin it verra deiffekwalt |
the kerr wi thair neives | mirren | wes feirt fur hir lyfe |
border ballatrie lang syne sae | mirren | wes gien a cushin an |
pokes wi ye eftir disjune | mirren | wes gien an innins ti |
wi the tuimin out agane | mirren | wes saufed bi the ingine |
the guise fank eftir whan | mirren | wes setified at aw wes |
it wes a seik bed | mirren | yeir dochter is weill begoud |
ligg atwein mither an dochter | mirren | didna mynd in hir distres |
mither the beddal waatchit as | mirren | smouriched hir dochter whyle whusperin |
ti dyne that nicht sae | mirren | cuid leir o the naitur |
ye cuid dae mukkil hairm | mirren | hecht ti haud hir coy |
belyve the fuit stramp o | mirren | s kemp cuid nou be |
betymes sae the crowner gied | mirren | a kis at semed a |
gaed but whan telt swith | mirren | gied hir lass a cuttance |
deskreive the morn s morn | mirren | fand out fur hirsell at |
the morn s morn sae | mirren | pit anither nicht s drames |
an cowpit an objek intilt | mirren | aff tuik hir jaiket the |
about on a condukkit skour | mirren | cuidna haud hir tung a |
the u n wuidna dae | mirren | onie favours eftir hir first |
a foutie mainner he lat | mirren | tak hir baggies aff the |
fawed intil a fell cattiewurrie | mirren | tirned hir wutt ti the |
yeirsell ahent ma kerr nou | mirren | wesna strange about hir claes |
tho eftir twa thrie myle | mirren | inquered o the ying reiver |
gray meir a pairt o | mirren | s facultie sen bairnheid nou |
traivellers thankit grannie roddenberrie tho | mirren | s feth i the carline |
a generatour ti pouer thaim | mirren | an junipere polist the lectronic |
he snekkit hissel aff gin | mirren | hedna asseirt thaim o the |
was at the hibs st | mirren | game and erm like er |
saturday to rr v st | mirren | rovers win but a poor |
to see raith v st | mirren | terrible show raith beaten 1 |
be incarcerat gin we fugie | mirren | mey be arreistit ye maun |
tostin thair skrankie shanks whan | mirren | an the gaird cam ben |
the pletfurm whan john an | mirren | pechit up ti the staition |
herbourous bi culyiein the mither | mirren | he thocht ti wun the |
fell swither whither ti halp | mirren | or protek napier bi pittin |
a baur ti nerr gie | mirren | a haun i desydin the |
aff ti hae a blether | mirren | didna hae mukkil feth aither |
nae tulyie an nae fulyie | mirren | didna ken whit ti say |
proces o the court says | mirren | no ti be that eisie |
ti pas the tyme ti | mirren | s despare he begoud ti |
ti finnd ane awnser ti | mirren | s dirdum traivellin ower the |
bairns duin henners ti afftak | mirren | s dounfaw lukkie nisbet stelled |
be kent ti the publict | mirren | thocht fur a wie than |
the bestial fur the nicht | mirren | tuik the tid ti fork |
gryte divot ower the chimla | mirren | poued doun the raploch breiks |
canna humph it yeirsell sae | mirren | hirpilt hingin luggit ower the |
feigur i the burgh sae | mirren | flied as the corbie flies |
awaw frae siclik doulie possibeilities | mirren | axed the first quastioun at |
lest mandement the nixt day | mirren | kythit at the yetts o |
peyed in uncos an wittins | mirren | wareit twa days tellin lukkie |
be med in a glisk | mirren | explened whitlik happenit neist as |