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take questions at the appropriatemoment10 30 peter wood dtz
that we have at themoment85 per cent of the
the member referred at themomenta great deal is done
comin intae dunbar at themomenta lot o new houses
help such projects at themomenta minimal level of respite
on rhoda grant at themomenta percentage target figure is
thing on television at themomentabout this that and all
add to that at themomentaccess to committee papers the
considering concessionary fares at themomentalthough our inquiry is on
is slightly hazy at themomentalthough the executive has given
knitted one side at themomentan it s that size
i was readin at themomentan said what does every
in my school at themomentan there was a famous
in that process at themomentand at the weekend as
she s single at themomentand er i think she
we would like at themomentand from graeme s introduction
tense down there at themomentand i d have to
m in blackrod at themomentand i ll be going
area is taught at themomentand i think a way
enjoying that book at themomentand it and it s
m learning gaelic at themomentand one of the things
the resource implications at themomentand that a number of
is being examined at themomentand the new grant should
edward is there at themomentand there have been others
assessor for french at themomentand therefore oversee the production
in the system at themomentand to identify flaws in
or actively seeking at themomentand to participate in the
knocking on doors at themomentand we all speak to
m studying philosophy at themomentand whenever i sort of
the company at this verymomentand will meet the trade
that is correct at themomentappeals are not confined to
the industry which at themomentapplies for one consent before
debates going on at themomentas do they drip feed
stages cause we- at themomentas i say we are
into full fandango at anymomentas it was a few
we ll look in amomentat what some of these
men we hae at themomentaye beaumont very weel then
awfy ill out at themomentbeaumont so boyter if you
jo is peeved at themomentbecause her institute is refusing
read anything erm at themomentbecause i m writing this
to a conclusion at themomentbecause there are very different
benefit of britain at themomentboth sides are fairly equally
some fresh air at anymomentbut continued gamely the point
on the website at themomentbut er yeah there is
who are retired at themomentbut for those who will
her her name at themomentbut it was i- she
opportunity to respond at themomentbut it would be helpful
of the consultation at themomentbut we could think about
noting the directive at themomentbut we might need to
life is fine at themomentchapter two is advancing nicely
complaints are received at themomentcomplaints that we have received
even genius are at thismomentconsuming their strength in raising
and so at the presentmoment[cough] i d like to
you see yourself at thatmomentcourse it does right f963:
than we are at themomentcurrently we are way behind
frolic was nevertheless at thatmomentdeclaiming a poem with some
about in dunbar at themomentdefinitely f1054: what are you
about scottish literature at themomentdo you feel it s
tam materials how at themomentdoes a primary teacher get
time for that at themomentdorothy grace elder was there
po- er jobs at themomentehm as the new headteacher
in scottish culture at themomentehm there s been best
erm that erm at themomenter does not look likely
of that at this verymomenter we launched th- this
selling our house at themomenterm and a guy from
the same subject at themomenterm but don t stop
ireland a- at the presentmomenterm eh of course in
me the most at themomenterm that s the things
at her mother for amomentexpecting more resistance but bessie
just at the most inopportunemomentf1150: yeah it s y-
making quantum leaps at themomentf66: well oh no no
could be done at themomentfor normal licensing that tends
as a postman at themomentfor royal mail m815: yeah
and er we at themomenthave three nursery erm establishments
in new york at themomenthaving a well earned rest
the international news at themomenthe s presently in new
what he does at themomenthe went eh he decided
our national poet at thismomenthe would teach us a
hi- at hillpark at themomenthillpark secondary we have pupils
t alowd sweets at themomenthis food has to be
to change it at themomenthousing co operatives are excluded
for academic work at themomenthowever i ll probably scrape
the directive correctly at themomenthowever if the commission decides
have to meet at themomenti am not sure what
feel fair scunnered at themomenti bet george eh [laugh]
name i hae at themomenti can shoulder the burden
i feel fine at themomenti discussed my thesis topic
may come later at themomenti do not think that
enrolment procedures because at themomenti don t have a
sort of languishing at themomenti don t know what
of the circumstances at themomenti don t think i
like an apprentice at themomenti don t write nearly
and happy at such amomenti expect beaumont looks at
a terrible cold at themomenti guess im just missing
charm at least for themomenti m reading a general
see p e at themomenti m really hacked off
like george at the presentmomenti m sittin in the
share with you at themomenti m sorry it s
aye m1163: eh at themomenti m unemployed i m
m doing that at themomenti m writing several different
prescribed texts but at themomenti read everything but not
to standing orders at themomenti suggest that we should
kirsty says at a keymomenti the return of john
some time reading at themomenti ve finished malcolm bradbury
m1163: you know at themomenti ve got a wee
a graduate student at themomenti ve still got a
are against you at themomenti will obey the standing
gey ticklish position at themomentif you dae this to
school as happens at themomentin many areas the second
a ehm initiative at themomentin scottish schools m865: mmhm
being severely tested at themomentin the higher still debate
i m engaged at themomentin various projects er and
the back door at themomentinjunctions that is the word
waste of breath at themomentinstead i shall go back
that i have at themomentis 1 794 bill aitken
re working on at themomentis assuming a p6 start
my favourite dictionary at themomentis erm er i i
being used at any particularmomentis it the continental style
re currently in at themomentis phase one it s
view the issue at themomentis professional lobbying companies when
are concerned about at themomentis professional lobbying tricia marwick
in the bill at themomentis quite inappropriate that formulation
then the future at themomentis so unstable i got
ve got attention at themomentis standard grade against with
way i feel at themomentis that i d like
difficulties the problem at themomentis that the standing orders
in modern languages at themomentis that we we we
need to tender at themomentis the fact that i
phoned today unb at themomentis very quiet i felt
which we know at themomentisn t working well in
we all have at themomentit becomes much easier for
that we have at themomentit distinguishes between those who
about the problem at themomentit is a particular problem
is taking place at themomentit is important that theatres
available to everyone at themomentit is not possible to
are quite quiet at themomentit is the in between
way it stands at themomentit is unworkable we would
with it too at themomentit s a nuisance still
share with you at themomentit s more the direction
the project but at themomentit seems that it was
big erm project at themomentit- it- it s almost
think of any at themomentjust wi under pressure f1054:
be called away at anymomentkoolyghin with a decoration round
an upstairs shutter and amomentlater stands at the door
want to know at themoment[laugh] erm so f806: [tut]
behind commercial confidentiality at themomentlice burden data production data
some free time at themomentlilian fine i d enjoy
i feel happy at thismomentlilian no i don t
as it should at themomentlocal authorities make it clear
prestwick to halifax at themomentlondon cairo costs about 150
w- we re at themomentlooking at the implications of
would like to spend amomentlooking at their record on
having a bath at themomentm1106: yeah f1105: is it
of any more at themomentm1146: maybe f1144: i ve
decreasing student numbers at themomentm741: right oh that s
that s okay at themomentm815: mmhm i mean it
about the churn at themomentmany of us would like
as it operates at themomentmr mcmahon that being the
ones to watch at themomentms white housing stock transfers
to do so at themomentmuch of what happens in
that there is at themomentno great controversy about the
funds were healthy at themomentnow is the time to
streams are like at themomentobviously as we are now
a swat killed at theirmomentof ecstasy snuffed out to
debate at the last possiblemomentof the session it could
lice dr black at themomentone organisation passes the buck
isn t happening at themomentor not on a consistent
punching somebody at the wrongmomentor taking advantage of something
the flexibility exist at themomentor would it be desirable
sure about that at themomentour current intention is that
fact the case at themomentour methods of investigation make
work plan is at themomentout for consultation the deadline
in any language at themomentpetitions can be submitted only
try i mean at themomentphase one is keeping is
causing the problem at themomentprofessor richards it is perhaps
it richard grant at themomentresources for improvement grants are
to do that at themomentrobin harper i was not
in the harbour at themomentrowland well i won t
tae st tropez at amoments notice agnes modellin assignments
nora radcliffe suggested at themomentscientists are telling us that
one ehm now at themomentscots define as the language
rare examples now at themomentscots defined as the language
something else ehm at themomentscots defined as the language
one ehm now at themomentscots which we define as
in one hand at themomentshe is dragging a chair
stepped forward at that verymomentshe wid ve gote pulverised
countenance that at the lastmomentso it did not go
as well because at themomentsome of the the gaelic
at her for a longmomentstruggling jim i canna min
are cancelled at the lastmomenttaking forward lord bonomy s
the prevalent pessimism at themomentteachers want scripts to be
s3 which is at themomentthat first end point [inhale]
his elbow at the exactmomentthat miss wood says wake
other areas but at themomentthat s the grouping and
i suggest that at themomentthe committee should focus on
prescribing malcolm chisholm at themomentthe drugs bills are part
or smaller houses at themomentthe emphasis is on pressured
i note that at themomentthe executive has no intention
mr macaskill not at themomentthe fact of the matter
see there but at themomentthe focus is very clearly
inconsistencies that exist at themomentthe idea of having three
not really available at themomentthe last question was is
will be done at themomentthe membership secretary reported a
to development agencies at themomentthe money is allocated through
too on tv at themomentthe news is full of
in the air at themomentthe only certainty being that
school ehm er at themomentthe three sectors you know
which might explode at anymomentthe women drinking with the
it s called at themomentthe woodside gaelic school but
pubs in glasgow at themomenttheir licences are a bit
at his feet for amomentthen stretched across the expanse
liaison officers however at themomentthere are no plans to
is not available at themomentthere has not yet been
use the internet at themomentthere is no enforcement an
winter respiratory conditions at themomentthere may be a further
he s away at themomentthere s a big table
engagement m1163: [cough] at themomentthere s only thirteen coming
year is realistic at themomentthese issues are complicated and
way things are at themomentthese properties are well nigh
i stress that at themomentthey are taking place outwith
give off sparks at anymomentthey keep pressing down on
conduct civil marriages at themomentthose are done within registrars
and being measured at themomenttime to speak up shows
his eyes opened at thatmomentto be born again came
in the chamber at themomentto get something back we
benches when necessary at themomenttwo large barrels have a
to door at the samemomentvalgerd enters passes gunlöd and
is fanatically busy at themomentvarious local covens have expressed
reconsider her view at themomentwe are in the jaws
has resource implications at themomentwe are not reassured that
it is buoyant at themomentwe are up at 30
our purpose but at themomentwe cannot answer the question
fatalities and casualties at themomentwe cannot do that in
keeping fairly well at themomentwe do not get out
report is correct at themomentwe get the ssi and
scheme further but at themomentwe have an initial response
national loans fund at themomentwe have arrangements in place
raise is that at themomentwe have not been assured
of the petition at themomentwe invited the petitioner to
you alan fraser at themomentwe rely on quarterly reports
f1151: like erm at themomentwe ve been er s-
into that debate at themomentwe want to consider whether
are taking place at themomentwe will continue to make
procurator fiscal service at themomentwe will defer the discussion
she murmurs at this precisemomentwee andy interrupts by snorting
f1160: mmhm well at themomentwell they re understanding more
where we are at themomentwhat we are spending on
come hame just at thismomentwhen i want nae fash
of information at the rightmomentwhen i was a member
teaching eh er at themomentwhen people want to know
fellow citizens at this noteworthymomentwhen so men of practical
that we have at themomentwhy is there a problem
link into that at themomentwildlife enforcement on a national
that we have at themomentwill not be reduced when
not have figures at themomentwill you give them to
trial in london at themomentwith like a share car
that we have at themomentwith rough grassland making up
comin [inaudible] at the presentmomentye can see roughly from
the presiding officer at themomentyou are just moving to
[laugh] m642: and for amomenti m standing on the
are standing on quicksand onemomentone word spoken and you
darken it was the worstmomentof his life looking on
part 1 spring 2010 amomentwhen suddenly looking back for
after looking confused for amomentyou leapt to your feet
reads his book for amomenthae ye ever been ti
ever think never a dullmomentnew problems are as deadly
who could ever forget themomenton 1 july last year
never ever thought for amomentthat they would [laugh] grow
will leave aside for themomentwhether these words can ever
falls in the river amomentwhite then melts for ever
ah felt sad for amomentas ah thought of the
and fife con for amomenti thought that donald gorrie
ir nou vershinin after amoments thought weill ye ken
go deirdre thought for amomentthen collected her coat but
is she thought for amomentthis is like being in
of papers that was themomentwhen i thought f746: mm
it s er wait amomentwhat the hell was i
along the way in amomentof enthusiasm ehm i i
this truly is an historicmomentas it is the last
might have been my lastmomenton earth why was it
would i pass out anymomentand if i did how
decided it was the rightmomenti must not delay any
my call up papers anymomentin which case i ll
ends up being a definingmomentfor the parliament as many
to one hour one everlastingmomentand some experiences that fall
mind remaining seated for amomentas we must make one
he fished around for amomentbefore raising aloft one of
my journey never for onemomentimagining that we would meet
ray p 38 one wonderfulmomentof oscillation between young woman
crime before we grow onemomentolder let the universe defeated
on a pole and themomentone was bitten and gave
to one hour one everlastingmomentor that fall out of
the cost forgetting for amomentthat for one that s
it was true for amomentthat one moment until society
for a moment that onemomentuntil society stepped in and
in and causes confusion themomentwhen one of the farm
debate today is an importantmomentin the scottish parliament in
power this is a significantmomentit is also the debate
way malcolm chisholm in amomenti need to make more
way iain smith in amomentwould the snp use the
to which i alluded amomentago are evidence of the
bears with me for amomentwe are also considering action
receives the lord jesus thatmomentyou are born into the
together in stillness for amomentbefore the movement is taken
on the glass for amomentbefore winding the window down
it is the most significantmomentyet before 6 may we
on the spur of themomentand we were fortunate to
we wir aff strainin eachmomentfer decades raxin oot o
this day but now themomenthas arrived now we can
to robin harper in amomentmaureen macmillan we heard evidence
car took the kerb amomentof ominous quiet as we
just stay there for amomentplease what we listen to
strengthens as she relives themomentwe went in somebody s
pompitie is silent for amomentand looks thoughtful pompitie ay
gutting knife provocatively for amomentand then plunges it into
end a stood for amomentand took a look roon
round her mouth for amomentaye it s a richt
s tantrums over for themomentbein duntit bi bummers an
been a spur of themomentdecision for deirdre coutts to
saying have you got amomentfor oxfam or have you
them tight this is theirmomentfor romance those newly weds
curran this is an historicmomentfor the parliament although i
today could be a definingmomentfor the parliament i hope
voice dramatically and waited amomentfor this to sink in
knight himself was for amomentforgotten suddenly he turned and
considered this sentiment for amomentfrowning then realized that he
two keep busy for amomentgladys off far s abody
colvin for example from themomenthe came under fanny sitwell
to each other for amomenthe comes into the room
to give up for themomenthis thoughts of higher education
may i intervene for amomenti am grateful to you
t think so for amomenti replied it would be
mind standin here for amomentin fact would you mind
burns for bairns in amomentit is fair to say
tropical land when for amomentit really was home but
circled the easel for amomentlike a male ballet dancer
have a glimmering for amomentnow much later as i
dangerous business for all thatmomentof revelation simon chisholm s
i come in for amomentopening the door wider i
or twelve it took amomentor two for my mind
on in silence for amomentor two georgie hey d
seems to ponder for amomentor two his mouth open
a willing volunteer for amomentplease a willing volunteer peter
the audience appraisingly for amomentshe holds her gutting knife
seen again for a longmomentshe leans on the barrel
would just be for amomentsimply make believe pure pretence
obduracy they freeze for amomentstaring into each other s
relief but only for amomentsurely if i was sane
do not believe for amomentthat he is suggesting that
let us suppose for amomentthat it were true that
miss marjoribanks exceeds for themomentthe rise of interest in
observed her closely for amomentthe sick room stank of
something naked showed for amomentthen vanished make up your
had just stopped for amomentto paddle in a pool
is important just for amomentto reflect on the types
about my area for themomenttwo and a half thousand
this life is just amomenta blink of god s
is to be a definingmomenti want it to be
first orgasm it is amomentin and out of time
tell members what a craftmomentis john young should believe
is the this is themomentit s gonna happen and
he sighs luxuriously after amomentloretta enters she is from
comet s flicht records damomentootstrips a hairst mön is
house lilian well the greatmoments here beaumont is pacing
it s about your brawestmomentthe haill toun is on
of that vader to kenobimomentnow i am the master
that earthlings wither quickly amoments warmth now i endure
as not to miss themomentof transformation into a winged
of the building from themomentthat i walked into the
about those procedures in amomenthowever i will outline first
more about that in amomenti thank the business managers
happened you focused on themomentand when it had passed
to earth by that nastymomentwhen a lot of rust
world to save sinners themomenta man or a woman
joked with gordon jackson amomentago but in all seriousness
that phrase was used amomentago on the basis of
people known as a seniormomentalternatively a craft moment which
the knot finished holds amomentand then rips it out
until january m944: wait amomentf943: and that s to
he knew was a crucialmomenthe observed the appreciation in
ken why she paused amomenther hooded eyes in their
wogan ca s a seniormomenti think addy would jist
through the fsa in amomenti will allow the agency
pops up first in amomentin eternity written by cm
aside all human care amomentin the harebell s lair
this was linguistically a uniquemomentin the history of language
point m944: mm wait amomentit s us she probably
she looks up a longmomentknocking and lights cut curtain
vest but he represented amomentof light entertainment all in
ain her face shows amomentof pain teenie bitterly awa
crackles down below better amoments flame than years of
on the hands and amoments inattention could leave you
bessie a the same amoments silence peggy as usual
lightning pen sketches of amomentsuch as the break up
on drugs and in amomentthat should go down in
again oh whit a fearsomemomentthon wis i kent on
us this was a solemnmomentto be treated with respect
i shall return in amomentto the important question of
senior moment alternatively a craftmomentwhich i will explain later
in the heat of themomentalias chaude melle sometimes referred
to the excitement of themomentas the car s heater
snapping her fingers reliving themomentaye first up an she
made real ineffably transformed thatmomenti know you the reflection
wind would blow from themomenti stood up to speak
with brisk short strokes themomenti went off the edge
head of james graham themomentof rebirth of revelation that
cultural forms occupy the samemomentrather than defining successive stages
he s been hit frightmomentrenders the hero apparently vulnerable
further mishap spur of themomentshe dragged herself to her
loved each other from themomentshe woke me in the
i ll never forget thatmomentthe shock of seeing the
out i fill an emptymomentup with song the echo
of them have made thismomentin history possible i give
and another surreal bus drivingmomentwas born this particular splat
amour ne dure qu unmomentchagrin d amour dure toute
amour ne dure qu unmomentchagrin d amour dure toute
storm ah suppose frae thatmomentoan it wis gonnae be

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