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common grazings 3 if sixmonthsafter making an application to
him would be there sixmonthsago he had sacked an
a one month b sixmonthsand c one year of
b six months c ninemonthsand d one year s1w
i went back in sixmonthsand i i was almost
been going on for somemonthsand in the next six
cases disposed of within sixmonthsand some of them may
of designs in my sixmonthsand some of were taken
to each other for sixmonthsand syd barrett s music
should be shortened to sixmonthsand that a judge should
work over the next sixmonthsand that fixed time scale
two days sick in sixmonthsand that only counts as
high leave it for sixmonthsand you will then have
by more than a threemonthsb six months c nine
courts for four to sixmonthsbefore they move graduate if
ll give you another sixmonthsbefore we re comfortable with
the 59 recommendations within sixmonthsbelieves that for homelessness to
a three months b sixmonthsc nine months and d
a report in another sixmonthsconveniently after a general election
servants were paid every sixmonthsdomestics were paid monthly and
makes perfect and about sixmonthsdown the road they got
months would it pause sixmonthsfa would have thocht so
been idle this last sixmonthshave i toots i ve
two and the baby sixmonthshe d put them in
shortening the timetable to sixmonthshe has taken our points
much could change in sixmonthsif you had said to
miracle she wisnae splattered sixmonthsin the western wae a
died he was what sixmonthsit was a beautiful m642:
changed but it is sixmonthslater the birthday card and
been going out for sixmonths[laugh] [laugh] f832: [laugh] f833:
except for two years sixmonths[laugh] yeah m865: okay great
eh childrenswear clothing for sixmonthsm608: oh right f643: and
should give at least sixmonthsnotice of its intention to
mines during the first sixmonthsof 2000 calls upon scottish
matter there have been sixmonthsof intensive work to find
and crow i spent sixmonthsof my life writing not
come into force after sixmonthsof the date of royal
that can get you sixmonthsoff so i m thinking
[laugh] f835: [censored: forename] f832: sixmonthsoh god f835: eh and
want to wait another sixmonthsor another year we want
to get prescriptions for sixmonthsor more from their pharmacy
to take you back sixmonthsor so when you were
you know went every sixmonthsor whatever it was you
each of the last sixmonthss1w 34387 miss annabel goldie
gone over the past sixmonthsthat the labour scottish executive
twice in the past sixmonthsthat there are 2 500
us over the past sixmonthsthe committee referred the two
even over the past sixmonthsthe lead female vocals er
slow in the past sixmonthsthe pace at which landlords
delegated after six or sevenmonthsthe point of zonal management
only there for about sixmonthsthey re like a sort
mm [exhale] f809: in sixmonthstime now f810: no [laugh]
of any contracts by sixmonthsto allow proper discussion with
heritage committee meets every sixmonthsto consider possible new sites
failure to register from sixmonthsto five years imprisonment following
especially liked by parents sixmonthstrial rental with the option
edinburgh for the past sixmonthswe have participated in a
work over the next sixmonthswe must audit how the
ll manage for anither sixmonthswell if you re sure
everything in five or sixmonthswhich is regrettable perhaps we
data for the next sixmonthswhich were technically outside the
in scotland for aboot sixmonthswi lipton s i was
ma she says just sixmonthswill i come up an
did ladieswear clothing for sixmonthswith a company that that
wouldna ging aff in sixmonthswould it pause six months
first 12 months after 18months710 applications had been approved
approved in the first 12monthsafter 18 months 710 applications
become your pal after likemonthsan months an then get
start having meetings about itmonthsan months before and ehm
pal after like months anmonthsan then get aw like
she sat for months andmonthsand had me phoning up
cataracts done she sat formonthsand months and had me
it was so strange formonthsand months and months and
so strange for months andmonthsand months and months not
i ve been oot formonthsand months and months was
have been doing it formonthsand months miss wood is
for months and months andmonthsand months not working on
been oot for months andmonthsand months was only oot
meetings about it months anmonthsbefore and ehm they build
few months m818: last fewmonthser i ve just been
yeah m741: got like twomonthsgroundwork two months recording which
to over the last fewmonthsm818: last few months er
doing it for months andmonthsmiss wood is far away
and months and months andmonthsnot working on a saturday
like two months groundwork twomonthsrecording which will take me
two months to christmas twomonthsto christmas day no two
something it s yesterday twomonthsto christmas two months to
for months and months andmonthswas only oot for a
just give her a fewmonthsa few weeks even to
important over the past fewmonthsa series of different organisations
wi her parents a fewmonthsafore david oh what a
faith in humanity a fewmonthsago an idea came to
was published just a fewmonthsago concluded that in the
mrs ferguson died a fewmonthsago hope you are both
scotland and aberdeen a fewmonthsago margaret curran announced that
of the gnp a fewmonthsago the gnp cannot apply
scheduled over the next fewmonthsand advise the public petitions
care over the past fewmonthsas a father i have
that was only a fewmonthsaway erm so as with
s home for a fewmonthsbecause an extension is not
northern ireland just a fewmonthsbeforehand aideen and i wrote
me sane the past fewmonthsbut it couldna last could
i dinnae think it wasmonthsbut it was a few
the dole for a fewmonthsehm and i did i
happened in the past 12monthsgeorge macbride said a few
listened in the past fewmonthshave raised the issue of
too over the next fewmonthsi m going to see
success over the past fewmonthsin the run up to
huh m1163: so a fewmonthslater at this time going
lamberton recorded only a fewmonthslater in august 1306 robert
at sixteen then a fewmonthslater it became obvious alice
down over the past fewmonthsmore definite news to follow
the first [laugh] first fewmonthsof the the of the
have had an extra fewmonthsputting more details on to
project over the past fewmonthsthat information is urgently needed
seen in the past fewmonthsthat is what sam galbraith
the next few weeks andmonthsthe convener i can give
council over the next fewmonthsthe convener the analysis of
meetings in the past fewmonthsthe convener yesterday the conveners
out over the next fewmonthsthe report attempts to draw
the next few weeks anmonthsthere was mair tae fash
get them in a fewmonthstime the returns will show
the next few weeks andmonthsto ensure that we do
that with just a fewmonthsto go before an election
sea varies between a fewmonthsto several years the large
in balloch for a fewmonthsuntil they see how things
young in the first fewmonthswe all received a proliferation
done over the past fewmonthswe could help with potential
calmac over the past fewmonthswe have managed to carry
that during the next fewmonthswe the clerks and members
parliamentary question a couple ofmonthsago about how much of
deaf association in inverness somemonthsago although i was apprehensive
bruce hid deid a puckliemonthsago an hid flitted ooto
publication of the vision 15monthsago business start ups are
everything out of the waymonthsago forgetting about it and
met him a couple ofmonthsago he came into work
are about their business somemonthsago i asked a parliamentary
tommy sheridan glasgow ssp threemonthsago i asked the minister
based providers a couple ofmonthsago i had the opportunity
to stornoway a couple ofmonthsago i saw a quotation
with serious crime almost 12monthsago i took up my
seen the house no manymonthsago m642: yeah yeah yeah
issue with ministerial colleagues somemonthsago mr gibson given that
primary and secondary sectors threemonthsago she said that she
temporary location in glasgow somemonthsago such speech in such
repeating the point that threemonthsago the debate on free
stopped a year or 18monthsago the prison wanted to
badly hurt well no manymonthsago there was a man
remember that we agreed somemonthsago to establish the fuel
produced an extensive report somemonthsago we have now received
will of the parliament twentymonthsago when the elections for
religious intolerance in the pastmonthsand that some extremist political
tyneside over the past 17monthsand to obtain a breakdown
only over the past threemonthsand under what criteria it
the past 12 to 24monthsat a uk level i
tonne in the past 18monthsbecause of the exchange rate
broken in the past 12monthsby a politician in scotland
slippage in the past fivemonthseuan robson i am equally
past me lyke lichtnin themonthsgaed by lyke days an
developments in the past 12monthshas been that as a
fishermen for the past 16monthsi do not recognise lack
travels in the past 15monthsi have discovered that it
ld in the past fourmonthsi have visited three of
work over the past sevenmonthsi pay particular tribute to
had over the past threemonthsmisled the people of scotland
them for the past 14monthson the issue i have
over the past couple ofmonthsparticularly in relation to how
had in the past 12monthspeople who are thinking about
cent during the past 12monthss1o 2176 the minister for
development centres over the pastmonthssusan deacon and malcolm chisholm
sales in the past fivemonthsthat committee has met once
scotland during the past twomonthsthat is why it is
recession for the past 12monthsthe strategy a smart successful
let in the past 18monthsto two years include a
about during the past 18monthswe have received many representations
had over the past twelvemonthswith trade unions which have
open another shop after ninemonthsand she wanted me tae
trade internally for only ninemonthscongratulates the workforce for their
waiting for that for ninemonthsi am pleased that european
i got merrit in ninemonthsi ll likely hae a
happy an in another ninemonthsor sae i ll hae
a period not exceeding ninemonthsto a fine not exceeding
oot nine or mebbe tenmonthswent by wullie mendit his
temp for a couple ofmonthsand then go back f809:
ll get another couple omonthsdown the road and they
scenario would be couple ofmonthsevery year just disappear m608:
deputy for a couple ofmonthsi am absolutely delighted that
kinda after a couple ofmonthsi kinda thought er this
just like a couple ofmonthsinto the course we just
of the next couple ofmonthsjohann lamont as somebody who
eh in a couple omonthstime an i ve worked
sale for up to 12monthsafter the bill is passed
each of the last 12monthsand how many in each
each of the last 12monthsand what the results of
budgets for the following 12monthsbeyond that we review the
an assessment up to 12monthsbut sometimes longer it is
proceed to sale even 12monthsdown the line the problem
financial statements for the 12monthsended 31 july 2001 incorporating
throughout the period of 12monthsending with jackie baillie supported
a period not exceeding 12monthsfrom the date of his
has to take place 12monthsfrom the date on which
have waited more than 12monthsif the executive does not
be apparent over the 12monthsif the successes are truly
been in the last 12monthsin respect of kerb crawling
any extension beyond those 12monthsis unlikely it is important
occasions in the last 12monthsit has used alternatives to
occasions in the last 12monthsit has used the arbuthnott
3 12 98 during themonthsof november and december 1998
required to report within 12monthson long term care for
refused in the last 12monthss1w 34351 dennis canavan to
did in the first 12monthssome authorities particularly glasgow city
applications in the first 12monthsthat may be explained by
plan for the current 12monthsthe ingredients of the plan
at the end of 12monthsthey do not see a
to wait more than 12monthsto get into hospital why
to wait more than 12monthsto get out in addition
received in the first 12monthswere approved in that period
over the coming weeks andmonthsabout the level of that
an the lang weeks intimonthsan still she cuidna cum
lifting some weights stew fivemonthsan three weeks cammy when
as the weeks turned tomonthsand my thoughts grew less
process will take weeks ormonthsanyway before registrars will be
more in the weeks andmonthsto come there is no
in the space of threemonthsan alternative proposal called a
a one month b threemonthsand c any period s1w
round every two or threemonthsand sold his goods from
rain now for these threemonthsanother little book from the
as that would be threemonthsbefore the euro is introduced
be no later than threemonthsbefore the intended civil marriage
do not give notice threemonthsbefore their marriage some couples
making decisions on grants threemonthsbefore they are due to
keep for up to threemonthsduring the 2nd world war
a you got three threemonthsfirst time at university m741:
at least once every threemonthsfrom the date on which
sold 100 tractors in threemonthsfrom the delivery of the
t he sulket for threemonthsgan aboot the place shiverin
passed in the next threemonthsif we were to put
of a particular venue threemonthsin advance but the council
to notify their intentions threemonthsin advance given that they
that experience how debilitating threemonthsin plaster was i could
italy maybe for three fourmonthsin the year and m608:
european parliament has about threemonthsin which to agree to
you re you re threemonthsin you need to pick
than the suggestion that threemonthsis an appropriate time scale
a three month period threemonthsis the maximum time for
home for the next threemonthsjeanette returned to lerwick to
pub during the final threemonthsjoan s self esteem plummeted
1 malcolm s chaumer threemonthslater malcolm is in bed
account of circumstances where threemonthsmight not be appropriate why
said earlier that the threemonthsnotification that is required for
spend like what two threemonthson it so f745: yeah
a period not exceeding threemonthsor to both b where
their doctor in the threemonthsprior to their death that
would delay us by threemonthsputting them in regulations will
prisoners and runs for threemonthsrather than three years but
education in the last threemonthss1w 13113 linda fabiani to
have spent the last threemonthssearching you oot pause naw
if a petition takes threemonthsto be dealt with by
school and travelled for threemonthsto mossbank brae and olnafirth
philp we felt that threemonthswas the minimum time that
night and day for threemonthswhile her mother was in
election within three or fourmonthswithout a guarantee that the
in the chamber in recentmonthsby gil paterson tricia marwick
weather in ayrshire over recentmonthshas been reminiscent of that
tried to encourage in recentmonthsi will give way to
which have risen in recentmonthsnotes that the catching sector
of the committee in recentmonthsthat although we have had
has happened there in recentmonthsthe convener are you relaxed
that extent over the recentmonthsthe germane point remains that
association broke down in recentmonthswe have decided to try
of the elderly over recentmonthswe have taken cognisance of
we have had in recentmonthswith the bda and others
has been doing over recentmonthswork extremely hard to ensure
ask the minister why 18monthsafter the introduction of the
2002 was achieved almost 18monthsahead of schedule there are
seen his family for 18monthsbecause they d passport visa
report was published about 18monthslater we are now two
people in the last 18monthsmany of them former viasystems
are joined together about 18monthsof tension will probably follow
going for more than 18monthsthat is unacceptable and we
dome 2000 from 9 18monthsthe infant continues to babble
carried out over the summermonthsand a decision being made
the bridge over the wintermonthsas in previous years s1o
when you took over twomonthsbefore the courses started it
next morning over the nextmonthshe telephoned my office in
of an arduous journey manymonthslong over deserts dusty roads
whose cattle went over 30monthsof age during the foot
europe over the first fivemonthsof the danish presidency the
altered greatly over the summermonthsonce again i thank the
industry pe 66 over thirtymonthsscheme 2 draft national parks
slaughtered under the over thirtymonthsscheme further notes that this
4059 george lyon over thirtymonthsscheme that the parliament notes
every success over the comingmonthssupported by michael russell david
over the age of 30monthsthat have been culled as
payment over the next 7monthsthe monitor job means i
rain out then after 2monthsturn it over with a
were being raised over severalmonthswere you as a board
niver seen it afore saxmonthslater cam the trial afore
clean toon a lot omonthslater i wis kirnin amon
3 the mukkil haw sevenmonthslater it is evening eilidh
doos you feel aboot twamonthslater jonsar eck wis doon
2 the mukkil haw twomonthslater shona is seated at
of questions that were answeredmonthslater they could have been
huh m1163: and it wasmonthslater we just decided tae
why it is that fivemonthsafter the parliamentary debate the
seen her in like fivemonthsand i saw her like
who was released after fivemonthsas part of an exchange
and eh i was fivemonthsin the hospital wi scarlet
like you know four fivemonthsof er circulation and then
committee that in the fivemonthssince we had the debate
has done nothing for fivemonthsthe only meeting that was
have heard that in fivemonthsthe working group that was
will leave us only fivemonthsto have alternatives in place
have taken four or fivemonthsto respond is it within
throughout the period of 6monthsending with bill aitken 141
throughout the period of 6monthsending with brian adam supported
last year which was fourmonthsafter the implementation of free
scholarship to yerevan for fourmonthsand margaret or marguerite a
care one week every twomonthsat binny house for four
on major weir just fifteenmonthsmarried with a four month
s there are only fourmonthsof the year when it
infancy they were about fourmonthsold evidently when they died
conceal that information for fourmonthswhy did she make it
that pit 3 or fourmonthswith my father i may
out for the next fourmonthswith the coming of d
waited for during all thosemonthshe has turned out to
appendix iii 5 during themonthsof november december 1998 letters
audit scotland in the earlymonthsof next year to produce
friday for the next 15monthsor so there is therefore
receive in the next twomonthss1o 419 3 scott barrie
taken for the next twelvemonthsto finalise budgets for each
back here again in twomonthsbeaumont and then you ll
victoria operated for only twomonthsbefore being requisitioned by the
operations unit and it twomonthsbefore the courses started in
piano sent from paris twomonthsearlier to replace the diabolical
it took a full twomonthsfor the executive with all
service in less than twomonthshe had redecorated the place
party should meet every twomonthsi have instructed that the
book of religious ideas twomonthsinto the exploration she discovered
the thick air after twomonthsof weather like this jimmy
go for christmas only twomonthsoff now it s hard
f890: she s now twomonthsold and eh eight pounds
grandaughter and she s twomonthsold she was f889: she
many executive consultations in twomonthsor less johann lamont said
to christmas day no twomonthsto christmas day on wednesday
with all its resources twomonthsto respond to our recommendations
mallorca book and took twomonthsto sail round the coastline
stay with them for twomonthsto work in a school
to a meeting every twomonthswe might as well move
group meeting once every twomonthswhen the working group was
the songwriting process in themonthsafter graeme s death ricky
old jock died about 6monthsafter i began the house
the cat s arse somemonthsafter that memorable sunday excursion
and teaching materials and onlymonthsafter the council cut services
in any event within 3monthsafter the day on which
was appearing before us severalmonthsafter the questionnaire returns had
pile construction yard after eighteenmonthshard slog the line was
home but after all thesemonthsi still don t feel
well what she meant aftermonthsof searching for a suitable
a novelty but after 2monthsof the stuff with 2
means one fascicle every eighteenmonthsfor each editor at present
financial assistance are every 6monthshistoric scotland indicate that there
2006 scheduled to last 9monthsan estimated 600 skeletons will
requests in the last twelvemonthsfor additional funding for personnel
eye no sooner had lastmonthsnewsletter gone out with me
on this rock these lastmonthswhit for did they crush
it was taking about 6monthsbacklog for surveyors to come
1938 the wage for 6monthshad only increased to first
would be liable to 6monthsimprisonment or a fine up
attending the hospital for 6monthsnow for treatment to my
imprisonment for up to 6monthsor a fine of up
difficulty i e ra 6monthsto 1 year behind ca
term of less than 6monthsto a person a who
term of less than 6monthsto a person a who
term of less than 6monthsto a person a who
as the rate for 6monthswas first horsemen 42 second
fishermen for up to 6monthswhere they are forced to
most used words in themonthsand years before the games
economy the first minister formonthsbefore i created the position
to arrive and depart somemonthsbefore in february 1944 the
some time yet before themonthsold ice on the river
another check up in 3monthsthe other hospital that i
development group and another sevenmonthswill go by we are
the matter has taken manymonthsof consultation in the first
gallie it has taken 19monthsthe presiding officer order hugh
line that had taken eighteenmonthsto construct finally vanished in
i hope that in themonthsand years ahead many more
stay between book covers hangmonthsand years on fantasy s
agenda a reality in themonthsand years to come ayr
to that theme in themonthsand years to come i
x number of years ormonthskind of showing us what
i ve been stuck formonthsyears as you should know
it would take about 3monthsfrom the time the council
a shock been in 3monthsi don t know how
here to teach for 3monthsin a special english school
gin leave in jar 3monthskeep stirring strain empire biscuits
it will take about 3monthsso heres hoping it doesn
special english school for 3monthsthey took us to mgu
etc and plenty work formonthsto come 3 sunday to
for the first time inmonthsi ve been trying to
for the first time inmonthsvisitors would notice in the
eddies on a timescale ofmonthsrather than days if the
committee took more than 10monthsto complete its investigation into
to create them required manymonthsof both academic and programming
sees the fruition of manymonthsof hard work and that
on this convener for somemonthsi have been a member
but in some o themonthsin the summer they dinna
sound ssss serrennnn deeeeep somemonthspassed angus calder the poet
line was completed for somemonthsthough it had been partly
year gone by and themonthsahead the smoke subsided lights
process applications for about sevenmonthsin year 1 that dispute
a roon for the wintermonthsaheid jonsar eck hid bein
at this issue for 10monthsand as i said any
when i was ill formonthsand couldn t earn anything
haven t seen him formonthsand i pretend not to
i am feelin bad formonthsbecause my body s decided
and weren t apprehended formonthsbecause you had worn your
he could of it formonthsbut this amounted to no
i ve been for literallymonthsdo- well i dinnae think
financial statements for the 16monthsended 31 july 2000 se
agony having to wait sevenmonthsfor pain clinic appointments in
committee has been discussing formonthshaving tried to follow the
the post for about 20monthsi am also a member
pace for the following busymonthsjeanette worked with school pupils
haesna been wurth leevin formonthsnou shona you ir gaun
be weel proteckit for emonthso winter at wis e
am confident that as themonthsproceed and where opportunities for
happy and then like formonthsremember i told you she
escape from moscow for 4monthswe ve had a very
parkhead he d gone formonthswithout a girlfriend and found
he he d been heremonthsan he said it it
has been achieved in sevenmonthsas i said in the
wiv been pishin aroond furmonthslookin it fuckin seed catalogues
an the offer o saxmonthswork fan the colour serjeants
and february were very stormymonthsand the meetings had to
m903: well i had fowermonthsat macphee s ower there
the nursery when i wasmonthsold cause my mum had
the stuff with 2 moremonthsof the stuff to go
frae the tap in saxmonthstime vandals hid caad the
e time e wis 10monthsyounger n i wis masel
in that respect in themonthsahead national health service 10
develop that debate in themonthsahead roads a96 11 nora
to reduce waiting in themonthsahead shona robison today i
in performance management in themonthsahead there was a practice
reached in a matter ofmonthsand asks that the scottish
to be completed in eighteenmonthsby royal engineers learning the
an cosy in the wintermonthsfin he switched the ile
naewhaur ti be fund themonthsgaed in an aye the
the inquiry in the comingmonthsi am sure that all
e park in e neeshtmonthsi d see jock noo
we have made in previousmonthsi remain confident that following
the separate cattle stood likemonthsin order spars in the
be back here in twamonthsjack i hope so if
consider the advertising in themonthsleading up to the announcement
midden an the lang deidmonthso cauld flittit in 4
hameseek an beeriet alive furmonthson eyn in their bungalows
to examine in the comingmonthsthat is what the budgets
proposing to make in 14monthsthe biggest ever step forward
review particularly in the earlymonthswhen people will necessarily be
potted herring in the summermonthswith herring f718: mmhm m1078:
f902: so they have thesemonthsoff or something so the
got i ve got eighteenmonthsuniversity gaelic m741: right cool
a compliment an efter fowermonthswe ve still got a
when the woman is eightmonthspregnant it might not be
pastel nuptials belied the bittermonthswhen sere precursors died ancestral
it because those were themonthswhen the meat would keep
m1012: aye aye just eightmonths[laugh] thank you m1010: aye
but that s my 2monthsdebt paid off hallowe en
however that s almost 2monthswasted sometimes i feel i
richt enough but properly echteenmonthsapart or so then the
fur i total aboot echteenmonthsor sae sax month whan
re agreeable with that themonthsleading up to the birth
acted like a daftie asmonthsgaed by he grew mair
re like wor- ye spendinmonthslike befriendin them an stuff
slack fecund laziness of summermonthswhich marks the high point
driver fin she wis saxmonthspregnant an they gaed tae
wuid find i the wuntermonthsae friday nicht dance a
sentenced to at least 30monthsas is presently the case
at wi the littlins furmonthsefter thon he keepit inbye
college audit fore the 16monthsended 31 july 2000 se
men aften moved ivery saxmonthsif the grieve went sae
month o juin hou moniemonthsir the till juin febrie
as the wikks spreid innomonthso hospital veesitin winnie wis
at the end of 10monthsof taking evidence on community
a substantial bill we spentmonthson the criminal justice scotland
that one but as themonthspass it would be useful
promise and beauty as themonthspassed the rowan would bear
expect to spend the comingmonthsreviewing their future however a
an cosy durin the wintermonthsronald an hanna hid jist
care plan can take severalmonthsthe care plan should not
plant anither tree yon wesmonthssyne we hae ti move
awa frae him efter twaemonthswis by king zhezong passt
merriet noo a guid fyewmonthshe still likit tae leuk
bangin on aboot it firmonthsafore aw this hype aboot
gae heicher an finnd echtmonthsfreist wund whyte an lael
pree his skeill thrie fowermonthswisna lang o weirin awa

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