
See this word as a collocate cloud

that the project was muchmorea matter of scholarship than
financial expert would be muchmoreable than a police officer
to be older people aremoreable than politicians are to
better off areas are sometimesmoreable to complete applications than
to go and she knowsmoreabout it than me and
i do not know anymoreabout it than that if
it we need to thinkmoreabout partnerships than about them
existing sites the issue ismoreabout relocation than about moratoria
me cinema has always beenmoreabout spectacle than anything else
i know more about edmoreabout stew than they know
angus mackay s contribution saidmoreabout the labour party than
covered by people who knowmoreabout them than i do
pleasurable to read than manymoreacademic theorists and also makes
in the ballad she ismoreactive than many women in
was capable of a farmoreadvanced analysis of homicide than
products our system is probablymoreadvanced than that in most
nerves but who seemed perhapsmoreaggressive than he really was
seemed to be a farmoreamusing prospect than throwing her
her love of literature ismoreapparent than janie s because
little black number would havemoreappropriate than the cotton t
you wish towards ensuring thatmorearable ground than upland ground
shops dot s mother slightlymoreastute than julia s still
me i had given hermoreattention than she had ever
to be because we aremoreattracted to the practical than
i think my ideas aremorebarren in english than in
southern shore this hotel wasmorebasic than el presidente but
than her real and muchmorebeautiful greek name when i
flower and fragrance of humanitymorebeautiful than beauty holier than
suet if they had boughtmorebeef than usual the butcher
of the area and providemorebenefits than other approaches the
you know who are oftenmorebetter read than i am
spirits you name it probablymorebevvy than grampa dan ever
get for love there smoreblog out there than there
although those conclusions are presentedmorebluntly and dogmatically than smith
period rather than a kinnamorebroad based popular m741: right
ve seen it 3 timesmoreby accident than design and
it has got a lotmorecharacter than majorca people here
feeling that you should bemorecharitable than usual then to
scottish pages are sold farmorecheaply than the uk pages
two day old whisky withmorecheese than my cocktail stick
her statements have been muchmorecircumspect than have those of
such a poem is obviouslymorecircumspect than the scatological offerings
the prescribed themes now describemoreclearly than formerly which topic
understand us a lot ehmoreclearly than they can m1008:
myself that mallorca would bemoreclement than scotland in the
the window f639: i hadmoreclothes in bed than out
full scale cinema which ismorecomfortable than any even in
the train out was farmorecomfortable than the train in
is a plc giving itmorecommercial and operational freedom than
basis of age was muchmorecommon than discrimination on grounds
f1054: an is that kindamorecommon than foamin m1012: did
themes and topic areas aremorecomplex and demanding than at
case the regulations are perhapsmorecomplex and detailed than they
of a jacobite tradition farmorecomplex and polyvalent than we
the structure might be rathermorecomplex here than it is
of both these novels aremorecomplex more indeterminate than i
memories and lost places ismorecomplex than can be discussed
chaucer s translation is muchmorecomplex than henryson s much
issue but it is perhapsmorecomplex than it seems mary
overplayed and it s muchmorecomplex than that i mean
wee andy s raging beingmorecomplex than they usually are
practice however genres are rathermorecomplex than this there are
our industry is a lotmorecomplex than those of northern
map of scotland is muchmorecomplicated than people think as
collection of dialects it ismorecomplicated than that robert burns
and taxation effects might bemorecomplicated than we first thought
face and dark eyes registermoreconcern than mum s long
perhaps with people who aremoreconfident in gaelic than in
the talk had left hermoreconfused than ever for several
edinburgh s kind of amoreconservative form of scots than
m741: mm m605: it smoreconservative than glaswegian scots is
statement and its details requiremoreconsideration than we can give
career development there are farmoreconsultant nurses in england than
perhaps suggesting that there ismorecontinuity than disjunction in our
american press came up withmorecorny jokes about whisky than
our role to give themmorecredit than they perhaps deserve
w- wondered if it smorecultural than anythin else m605:
i think it s reallymoredanish actually than norwegian f746:
going on moreover nothing wasmoredaunting than to be interrupted
slept until the next dawnmoredawns on this trip than
laugh came over as makingmoredecibels than the bandsaw in
exist but their figures aremoredelayed than those in the
шотландия russia is a muchmoredemocratic society than scotland these
turns more loves and griefsmoredepth and sheer humanity than
the welsh language schemes aremoredetailed than the glp proposed
are similar to if somewhatmoredetailed than those of the
to cromer a nice placemoredeveloped than sheringham but very
change the subject it wasmoredifficult than it used to
the level one courses aremoredifficult than level two no
this bill might be farmoredifficult than on some other
that the writing had beenmoredifficult than we expected in
emit up to ten timesmoredioxins than purpose built incinerators
recent european election people aremoredisaffected than ever an improvement
later that the video causedmoredisturbance than i realised at
ll get a much ermmorediverse audience than we ever
partnerships uk will be farmorediverse than simply financing ppps
david niven john wayne kennethmoredoing soldiers better than anyone
i always get so muchmoredone in the library than
issues and make legal frameworksmoredraconian than is necessary i
can have one way streetsmoreeasily than you can m824:
are known some of themmoreeasily written than pronounced culfannan
northeast dialects it is muchmoreeasy to read than it
i am a banker amoreeducated man than you there
persistent offenders that have provedmoreeffective at reducing reoffending than
the use of newer safermoreeffective medicines rather than older
evidence that participatory structures aremoreeffective than other methods in
teams and sleds are provingmoreeffective than porsches for manoeuvring
slip and is sometimes evenmoreeffective than the nonchalent expression
authorities are making it workmoreeffectively than others we are
they can look after themmoreeffectively than the people of
they can look after themmoreeffectively than the people of
that your proposal would bemoreefficient than relying on the
i ll end up lookingmoreegyptian than adel i phoned
s flat seemed bigger andmoreelegant than ksenia s although
for man is as muchmoreemotional than [?]ratch-[/?] because man
[?]ratch-[/?] because man is muchmoreemotional than rational then become
fare but rls was farmoreemotionally susceptible than smith to
and we speak a lotmoreenglish than scottish f833: my
he didna speak real doricmoreenglish than that more proper
in exchange for some englishmoreenglish was spoken than russian
dialects although some may bemoreephemerally fashionable than others the
are equal but some aremoreequal than others equates well
able to share the burdensmoreequally rather than any downgrading
memorial to vyborni something farmoreesoteric than the dreadful necrolatry
state and dignity is somewhatmoreexalted than that of the
enjoyed it it s farmoreexciting and interesting than i
result the regulations will bemoreexciting than the bill itself
ways the scots thesaurus ismoreexciting than the scots as
with on a fairer andmoreexpedient basis than has previously
is complete and occupied ismoreexpensive and time consuming than
times bought in manchester ismoreexpensive than a copy bought
if it was cheaper ormoreexpensive than in another country
dealing with it he ismoreexpensive than the one we
the scottish parliament 4 accommodationmoreexpensive than usually provided 1
providing residential accommodation 4 accommodationmoreexpensive than usually provided 5
will be a larger andmoreexperienced group of staff than
much more briskly craig ismoreexpert than i am and
removing poison mr stewart ismoreexpert than i am on
of kissing fiona that smoreexplanation than he deserves start
distribution of videos with amoreexplicit content than had previously
in possession of a muchmoreexplicit knowledge than his pupils
swatting at flies and evenmoreexpressionless than when you went
to me sounds a bitmorefeminine perhaps than than a
1 will introduce will bemoreflexible than the existing system
macdonald braemar gaelic speaker farmorefluent than mrs bain can
would seem to be muchmorefluid than that of the
to ensure that we aremorefocused on outcomes than on
for how could you growmorefond of a bairn than
parliament which probably did muchmorefor my credibility than if
use logical connectives but usuallymoreformal ones than persuasion texts
are explained may be amoreformal technical style than the
english was perceived to bemoreformal than scots and english
amazing recovery she is markedlymorefrail than she was before
they allowed people to speakmorefreely about their concerns than
its citizens can move aroundmorefreely than ever before but
which feature in english classroomsmorefrequently than the tightly differentiated
as a travel guide amorefriendly name than the archduke
mcaveety i know it ismorefrightening for you than it
want them f826: [inhale] expectingmorefrom life than black plastic
prescriptions for six months ormorefrom their pharmacy rather than
s a ferret futterat soundsmorefun than ferret logie coldstone
s views on totemism asmorefundamental than frazer s 7
it- it s much muchmorefundamental than that i think
m1042: ye know it smoregerman than anything but th-
s obvious that salvador hadmoreguises than most to shed
that might do an individualmoreharm than good amendments 8a
i thought god it smorehassle to say that than
i regard as potentially farmorehazardous than the dangers that
this is a damn sightmorehealthy than a kebab m818:
behaviour example he could devisemorehellery in a minute than
settling down to swot formorehighers than i want to
when woodworm finished me offmoreholes in my sides than
tears in its filthy sailsmoreholes than cloth flaps like
she came out he soundedmorehopeful than menacing and looked
things in general are lookingmorehopeful than they ve been
mcconnell s response msps aremoreignorant of this subject than
of her dreams dreams muchmoreimaginative than his own sex
but gaelic and scots aremoreimportant than community languages i
mean her job is moremoreimportant than mine it s
of this committee is farmoreimportant than our role in
gaelic language gaelic is farmoreimportant than party politics i
a lot that s farmoreimportant than providing scots in
whom are young that ismoreimportant than proving that some
used continuously that is probablymoreimportant than the commercial implications
project is arrived at ismoreimportant than the high level
the mashing of potatoes ismoreimportant than what they re
know anyfin now wot ismoreimportant than wot i m
up my weekend is farmoreimportant to me than writing
2 [note: figure here in original] although it ismoreimportant to some countries than
and perhaps it is ultimatelymoreimpressive than the superficially more
such different careers had farmorein common than would first
he was a prototype emigrémorein love with homesickness than
company in finland nokia investsmorein research and development than
than paper shuffling we needmorein service training we have
older people but i saymorein sorrow than in anger
financial period scotland is sendingmorein taxes to london than
not need to say anymorein that section than we
skills f1038: he s actuallymoreindependent than he was [laugh]
these novels are more complexmoreindeterminate than i am making
f122: saves f010: it smoreindispensable than any member of
erm my accent s probablymoreinfluenced by my mum than
carried out to gather muchmoreinformation than is currently available
carried out to gather muchmoreinformation than is currently available
most teachers have access tomoreinformation than is in the
teachers must be provided withmoreinformation than they need to
scheme has given us farmoreinformation than we ever had
which we refer is farmoreintensive than the sort of
lit where the prof ismoreinterested in the stockmarket than
asian flu is a muchmoreinteresting disease than influenza to
i think is a bitmoreinteresting than just saying everybody
yeah they were a bitmoreinteresting than the just the
the metaphors were so muchmoreinteresting than the proofs and
germans she says are muchmoreinteresting to talk to than
activity and perhaps have amoreintimate approach to business than
nice place so you remoreinto scottish literature than the
more impressive than the superficiallymoreintriguing use of supernatural forces
teaching it was certainly perhapsmoreirritating than it is now
danger by default of privatisingmorejobs than the tories managed
office which is under farmorejudicial control than there would
enables us to claim withmorejustification than in the past
was taken at a muchmoreleisurely pace than today it
seas and a brew muchmorelethal than borgia s wine
act 1998 is interpreted considerablymoreliberally than are provisions in
how are tennis dancing ridingmorelife than writing 18 as
really able to shed anymorelight than that mr monteith
behaviour angelica daughter of murielmorelike her grandmother than her
for exemption because they lookmorelike joint owners than a
to go older people aremorelikely than younger people to
roll that group is muchmorelikely to vote than other
of regulation rather than themorelimited regulation that would simply
included because its jurisdiction ismorelimited than is the case
scots in drama is certainlymorelimited than it should be
young female voice in amorelively and melodic way than
tiger morrison and she knewmorelocal scandal than a catholic
important issues are worthy ofmorelong term consideration than we
presence is a radical priestmorem608: mm m078: radical than
world is a stranger andmoremagical place than it appears
did you know i getmoremail than anyone else in
that voluntary issues are nomoremainstream now than they were
was wrong the style ismoremannerism than naivety the museum
[laugh] m642: kenny who ranmoremarathons than the rest of
it would allow for muchmoremeaningful budget debates than the
that performance targets must bemoremeasurable than that one which
a very satisfying way muchmoremelodiously than bruck hellery has
approach would not work whatmoremight be done other than
the minimum income guarantee ismoreminimum than income cannot enjoy
mm mm f965: she wasmoremod than any mod here
he thinks he will makemoremoney by getting rent than
bedroom i m goin clairemoremoney than you can afford
i mean her job ismoremore important than mine it
mum mum you can seemoremore than the fish [blows bubbles in water]
courtyards hint at a worldmoremysterious than it seems at
that this island s evenmoremysterious than we imagine we
feeling is that people weremoreneighbourly and community minded than
quickly though [laugh] he wasmorenervous than me so f631:
of old english verse ismorenoted for variety than for
i ve actually seen hermorenow than i did before
than changing deadlines we needmoreof a process i have
of the statement which wasmoreof a progress report than
those of deacon blue showingmoreof an organic simplicity than
er he thinks i knowmoreof it than than i
insurance i want to makemoreof myself than that gladys
ll manage to see muchmoreof n b than fredericton
think it must have beenmoreof the eating kind than
havin the bath that wasmoreof the inconvenience than not
the general assumption is thatmoreof them are around than
being called a retard smoreoffensive than being a bastard
general uses diminutives a lotmoreoften than english as in
and use the jargon muchmoreoften than even those of
a complaint is available althoughmoreoften than not it will
is usually a consensual bodymoreoften than not we find
women our current strategy focusesmoreon indoor facilities than the
material there seemed to bemoreon sale than in leningrad
addressed however the focus wasmoreon the detail rather than
necessary to apply for themoreonerous intrusive surveillance rather than
could not have given themmoreopportunity than we have tried
prescribed for opiate addiction ismoreor less effective than methadone
weekly rather than in mymoreor less grown up head
regular rather than operating amoreor less phonetic system this
are we supposed to workmoreovertime than we ll get
jay may thieve there ismorepain on earth than you
ve won have you wonmorepairs than mum have you
in reality there were farmorepapers in some subjects than
a travel pass i vemorepasses than a numbskull on
of the language that ismorepassive than active it is
nhs in scotland is treatingmorepatients than ever before and
nhs in scotland is treatingmorepatients than ever before and
safer while recognising that manymorepeople fear crime than will
hmos than in hmos withmorepeople it is worried about
and pernicious diseases and affectsmorepeople than virtually any other
inhibitors which cost 20 timesmoreper day than the drugs
considered to have shown herselfmoreperceptive than thomas carlyle who
the lot she s gotmoreperforations than a postage stamp
sent back as many indeedmorepersons than in m608: mmhm
the auld ally catholic francemorepertinent even than that however
a government that has allowedmorephones to be tapped than
she s doin a muchmorepivotal job [laugh] than me
skelp yeir lugs for yemorepleasantly awricht than ah l
in terms of style andmorepleasurable to read than many
knowing that nothing gave himmorepleasure than the sight of
centrally controlled and suffers frommorepolitical interference than before although
author noted this was ofmorepolitical than legal interest though
variety she d been inmorepositions now than a circus
i expected to have somethingmorepositive than a review although
[laugh] m939: but there wasmorepotatoes than there was carrots
know can often have amorepotent influence than scientific hypotheses
executive is seeking to takemorepower than is necessary to
happiness and that love ismorepowerful than fortune although affected
school his evidence was infinitelymorepowerful than that of the
the crayons which are evenmoreprecious than pencils or the
to take on or initiatemoreprojects than he could comfortably
that is erm sort omorepronounced in that area than
his narrow blue eyes evenmorepronounced than usual he s
doric more english than thatmoreproper ye might say this
different and in a waymoreprotestant than the english dominicans
honestly you could actually bemorequalified than them by the
of his propositions is perhapsmorequestionable today than it was
acquired north east speech characteristicsmorequickly than children of english
days it would be answeredmorequickly than if i lodged
that pfi schemes delivered schoolsmorequickly than more traditional methods
accelerated the figures are risingmorequickly than they did in
to adapt to higher standardsmorequickly than was possible under
the executive to taking actionmorerapidly than it has done
constituency i want to seemorerather than less of that
addition the text has nomorerather than na mair however
influence what food is producedmorereadily than it can influence
she s okay she smorereal than trisha [laugh] i
could be that shakespeare hadmorereason than merely the sting
outside much more than inmorerecent days and there were
on 2 april 2002 whymorerecent information than that of
language on upper deeside muchmorerecently than was the case
m830: so you d saymoreregularly than i would say
[laugh] f829: i would saymoreregularly than you would yeah
be they are perhaps evenmorerelevant today than they were
thought well why are peoplemorereluctant here than a- anywhere
me if i am slightlymoreremote from the bill than
that you have done farmoreresearch on the subject than
with necklaces was sturdier andmoreresilient than the french sparrow
wee one and a bitmorerespectful than all these m1055:
and volunteers the sector ismoreresponsive than remote bureaucratic organisations
for the sun though withmorerestraint than neil loretta what
that this tax would raisemorerevenue than the council tax
that this tax would raisemorerevenue than the council tax
scottish service tax would raisemorerevenue than the council tax
and secondary stages was amorerewarding treatment than many other
herder s version is muchmorerhetorical than burns s original
drinks peacock s fingers wearmorerings than a curtain they
that that regime would bemorerobust than regimes elsewhere can
of course a monastery ismoreromantic than a town house
wicker boats or paddled canoesmoreroughly hollowed from trees than
think i may say unquestionablymoresalubrious than the raw input
artist baptiste corot was nomoresalvador s mistress than catalina
hear doric spoken i hearmorescots in aberdeen than i
help accelerate that downward trendmorescots smoke than people in
to some of us usemorescots words than others however
is earlier than the twomorescottish histories by leslie and
uh huh well it smorescottish than english i would
branding some scottish authors asmorescottish than others carving up
histories on your handout aremorescottish than the earlier history
of esperanto but he hadmoresense than to write his
lice from farms is treatedmoreseriously than that of medicines
of legislation it is probablymoresignificant than is generally realised
it unattended there was nothingmoresinister there than a purse
software entries were coming inmoreslowly than usual but we
that entries were coming inmoreslowly than usual but we
whether we have fewer ormoresmall businesses than other member
bit more of a mindmoresmeddum than most other folk
had me in thrall muchmoreso than dark side of
town frequainted the lower partmoreso than the higher yet
a party it was probablymoresocialised than that but f1155:
organic carrots has a lotmoresolid matter than a pound
important than mine it smoresorta f940: [laugh] [inaudible] [laugh]
f1148: that makes it anymorespecial than glasgow in any
goods i want a statementmorespecific than that okay i
because it would be passedmorespeedily than a local government
pauline mcneill my question ismorestraightforward than you seem to
become affected one side beingmorestrained than the other the
westminster colleague puts it evenmorestrongly than i did i
which lyndsay mcintosh referred echomorestrongly than they do nationally
i would put it nomorestrongly than this but i
places in edinburgh i sawmorestudents than i did in
my illness has made memorestupid than usual but i
but perhaps we could bemoresubtle and refined than we
that my wee boy hasmoresuccess with modern languages than
literary history has been nomoresuccessful in defining than it
no other scottish crime writermoresuccessful than me in the
paranoid about other writers beingmoresuccessful than them erm f606:
and may therefore be amoresuitable medium than contemporary english
and welsh farmers all getmoresupport than scottish farmers if
if into an enormous cushionmoresupportive than any brassiere his
different ideas i could nomoretalk sense to them than
it but they er the-th-moretalking than reading er and
terrible in death in memoreterrible than in all the
that last year aberdeenshire receivedmorethan 0 5 million less
that the parliament notes thatmorethan 1 500 former employees
from 783 in 1999 tomorethan 1 500 in 2002
burden on uk taxpayers ofmorethan 1 500 per person
thro the rye there aremorethan 1 500 statues of
have 500 extra doctors andmorethan 1 600 extra nurses
working in housing we havemorethan 1 600 members in
be aware that for examplemorethan 1 billion in local
and gross underinvestment in housingmorethan 1 billion requires to
off peak bus travel formorethan 1 million elderly and
sweet young man alex neilmorethan 1 million people in
rural affairs department is contributingmorethan 1 million to the
because we must remember thatmorethan 1 million voters are
those being in communities withmorethan 10 000 inhabitants it
is that since april 2001morethan 10 000 pensioners throughout
extend the debate for nomorethan 10 minutes motion moved
passenger having to stand formorethan 10 minutes s1w 34764
and community care committee tookmorethan 10 months to complete
a law ensuring than nomorethan 10 of a gas
that is an increase ofmorethan 10 per cent in
preferred no beneficiary to receivemorethan 10 shillings in any
use of bsl has proliferatedmorethan 100 000 people in
executive provides grant aid ofmorethan 100 000 per year
free toothbrushes and toothpaste tomorethan 100 000 scottish children
thanks to the liberal democratsmorethan 100 000 students have
small way it shows tomorethan 100 000 users our
the rspca has successfully prosecutedmorethan 100 cases under the
which he refers in additionmorethan 100 forms have been
of local authorities which representmorethan 100 million of capital
in scotland as a wholemorethan 100 of the 129
inform him that there aremorethan 100 officers in the
from which they come otherwisemorethan 100 states in the
s shaping up to tacklemorethan 100 stone of lard
scotland each year which ismorethan 100 times the number
an insidious campaign was mountedmorethan 100 years ago it
of trade union organisation formorethan 100 years almost 100
a considerable number of yearsmorethan 100 years in the
had secured the support ofmorethan 11 fellow msps which
feat as the sculpture wasmorethan 11 foot long and
operated when the sun wasmorethan 12 degrees below the
239 of whom have waitedmorethan 12 months if the
acceptable for people to waitmorethan 12 months to get
acceptable for them to waitmorethan 12 months to get
murdoch the petition which hasmorethan 13 000 signatures calls
debate it has links tomorethan 16 000 ideas for
has been on going formorethan 18 months that is
youth crime and have introducedmorethan 2 000 additional closed
eventually transpired that there weremorethan 2 000 certificates missing
of the enthusiasts there aremorethan 2 000 different books
the parliamentary session there aremorethan 2 500 that is
the sector enjoys income ofmorethan 2 billion a year
he knows its a lotmorethan 2 we played spin
the huge ulupalakua ranch coveringmorethan 20 000 acres was
health problem which results inmorethan 20 000 fractures a
of its grant a littlemorethan 20 000 to aberdeen
upwards of 180 translations inmorethan 20 languages notes that
park body should comprise nomorethan 20 members that each
remaining subjects seventy subjects coveringmorethan 200 courses have now
was buried in honolulu wheremorethan 200 firs were planted
sign language interpreter for farmorethan 200 people quite clearly
life douglas introduced to europemorethan 200 plant species including
the public good that wasmorethan 200 years ago nothing
care for continuous periods ofmorethan 24 hours it offers
construction project that involves saymorethan 25 houses or whatever
members who voted and asmorethan 25 per cent of
all other candidates and sincemorethan 25 per cent of
the other candidate and asmorethan 25 per cent of
the fact that he hasmorethan 250 scientists in his
by 23 per cent tomorethan 25billion over the next
3 herald poll shows amorethan 3 per cent fall
petition has but it hasmorethan 30 000 the petition
ssi 2000 187 for nomorethan 30 minutes 2 item
ssi 2000 187 for nomorethan 30 minutes s1m 1183
ssi 2000 187 for nomorethan 30 minutes the convener
people reoffending cut youth crimemorethan 30 per cent of
europe of which there aremorethan 30 they are too
mistress as a partner formorethan 30 years dr richard
riddoch dower cottage organist formorethan 30 years mr mrs
priced goods it would safeguardmorethan 300 000 scottish jobs
members throughout the world inmorethan 300 affiliated clubs i
will be a reduction ofmorethan 300 million in tobacco
and islands which will bringmorethan 300 million to the
and traditional music there aremorethan 300 songs in the
because pollen can be carriedmorethan 4 km from the
gross domestic product it employsmorethan 40 000 people who
and cultural organisation it involvesmorethan 40 countries across europe
at the general public withmorethan 40 countries participating it
is giving holding answers tomorethan 40 of the written
percentage of police officers workedmorethan 48 hours per week
offices james smith yes ofmorethan 5 000 marriages that
by 2003 04 will bemorethan 5 billion that will
to the parliament amount tomorethan 5 billion the snp
the independent cannot account formorethan 5 per cent des
people who are involved inmorethan 50 000 forms of
cancerbacup s specialist nurses answermorethan 50 000 questions a
any government of the pastmorethan 50 acts have been
the oas expenditure account formorethan 50 of the funds
currently used by writers probablymorethan 50 per cent of
glasgow housing association last aprilmorethan 50 per cent of
bridger kay 10 voucher ifmorethan 50 spent cavendish would
were then we have hadmorethan 50 years of peace
the borders economy and supportedmorethan 500 jobs 18 net
david elliot the sqa hasmorethan 500 members of staff
london liverpool manchester and glasgowmorethan 500 of them would
in scotland an increase ofmorethan 500 since march 2000
business studies have suggested thatmorethan 5000 jobs could be
dealing with young offenders bymorethan 55million in the next
has allocated increased resources ofmorethan 55million over the next
million in 2002 03 andmorethan 6 million in 2003
now cost some 200 millionmorethan 6 million per annum
the first minister henry mcleishmorethan 60 billion is available
members what we must tacklemorethan 60 per cent of
rate of home ownership ismorethan 60 per cent today
business environmental partnership has completedmorethan 600 environmental projects with
health costs the health servicemorethan 6billion every year on
out by children not muchmorethan 7 or 8 years
who have so far wonmorethan 70 medals and produced
was also there at whichmorethan 70 members of the
of income earners account formorethan 70 per cent of
more limited involvement in themorethan 700 modules that scotvec
burden of financial worry frommorethan 75 000 pensioners that
reduce a waiting list ofmorethan 8 000 while tackling
the last year and coveringmorethan 8 of scotland s
under natura 2000 and coveringmorethan 8 of scotland s
as members have heard hasmorethan 80 000 members throughout
as being able to paymorethan 80 a week towards
who said that not muchmorethan 80 per cent of
not going to get muchmorethan 80 per cent right
not going to get muchmorethan 80 per cent right
not going to get muchmorethan 80 per cent right
the chairman that not muchmorethan 80 per cent would
that uk wide there aremorethan 9 000 jobs in
work has been translated intomorethan 90 languages the latest
raise their pension levels tomorethan 90 on average that
the scottish market account formorethan 90 per cent of
stature of the men andmorethan a century on help
people not having to waitmorethan a certain length of
of the bible is worthmorethan a college education a
of the bible is worthmorethan a college education we
the european parliament playing nomorethan a consultative role as
robertson s work nor providedmorethan a cursory description of
publication of the tenement handbookmorethan a decade ago because
place on the a82 formorethan a decade is that
their talk never lasts formorethan a few minutes at
them that they were muchmorethan a few years too
support for the deaf communitymorethan a fifth of deaf
him to escape with nomorethan a formal admonition that
catalan fleet quickly withrew whenmorethan a hundred north african
may be said is nomorethan a hypothesis but it
will be failed i getmorethan a little fed up
the english literary scene andmorethan a little perplexed that
economic and social conditions ismorethan a little romanticised a
and were responsible for runningmorethan a million national certificate
scotland that policy has benefitedmorethan a million of our
woman bill spoke to formorethan a minute even if
give way if i havemorethan a minute left the
to have a second readingmorethan a month ago has
outcome of the competition formorethan a month we took
birth year was nowadays littlemorethan a name in germany
keeping the same style formorethan a page or two
of which amount to nomorethan a paragraph or two
a brother might well feelmorethan a passing interest in
a stink or perhaps somethingmorethan a plop and unpleasant
but this amounted to nomorethan a pound or two
old should be excluded anymorethan a private landlord s
1998 this has always beenmorethan a purely transport issue
there must have been nomorethan a quarter of a
against the metal in barelymorethan a second it was
committee but it was nomorethan a sham organisation a
joined up government is nomorethan a sham this parliament
and the prices are nomorethan a smidgen above what
shaped and the other littlemorethan a straight line and
else did was the tendencymorethan a tendency when i
comment and detailed criticism bymorethan a thousand students and
local inquiries are outstanding bymorethan a three months b
boss when you re nomorethan a wee jo soldier
may not wish to staymorethan a week but i
he never wears clothes formorethan a week his pants
hide but to be foundmorethan a year ago he
shortly i initiated that workmorethan a year ago to
to be booked up formorethan a year ahead however
stayed in a flat formorethan a year m959: or
to egypt and he tookmorethan a year to return
myself over er distances ofmorethan about six miles er
wigs and elvis quiffs aremorethan acceptable but make no
f963: a lot of threatsmorethan actual violence f965: but
the regional committees must havemorethan an advisory role in
is intended to be nomorethan an aid to readers
is intended to be nomorethan an aid to readers
is intended to be nomorethan an aid to those
departments it has meant littlemorethan an annual dusting down
transformed into wedding confetti costingmorethan an arm and a
rail links this will bemorethan an engineering study the
none of the crayons aremorethan an inch long and
accessible or usable is considerablymorethan an inconvenience it is
so that jill gets 6dmorethan ann and mary 8
sits by his side belovedmorethan any bride and only
times we have done somorethan any other committee but
in the end it wasmorethan anyone could have hoped
young for it however hemorethan anyone else set american
haze he resembles my mothermorethan anyone how shocked mother
help to you lilian youmorethan anyone we ve both
big transit van kinda thingmorethan anythin but it was
and grow those businesses needmorethan anything a stable policy
[inaudible] it s the guiltmorethan anything and it s
which is what i wantmorethan anything else i can
people away from the languagemorethan anything else i want
go she wanted to gomorethan anything else in all
love writing a poem thoughmorethan anything else in the
that for party political reasonsmorethan anything else the scottish
it was a fifties thingmorethan anything f963: uh huh
the way you hold itmorethan anything it s like
french we understood each othermorethan anything the world needs
1980 stated that in grammarmorethan at other linguistic levels
scott it can be arguedmorethan at those writers themselves
huh f826: but ehm probablymorethan before i came here
turned out to be nothingmorethan blocks of flats the
permissive times and it ismorethan can be said for
war when you re nomorethan cannon fodder richard no
who agree with her aremorethan capable of making those
he s had a lotmorethan coffee but if you
more than literary texts andmorethan collections eh whether it
which gives it as nomorethan common song sung up
only observers languages are aboutmorethan communication they are about
time the voluntary sector deservesmorethan cosy words it deserves
be replaced which is likelymorethan could be said for
future the minister s wordsmorethan covered the issues that
threw up certain concerns whichmorethan deserve to be aired
hold tagidder together mair ismorethan dizzen dozen apö upon
and purchasing intentions 2001 02morethan double that for an
has an annual underspend ofmorethan double the total funding
are higher than ever andmorethan double those in england
the security it demanded andmorethan doubled the area at
russell knows i am alwaysmorethan eager for organisations to
m1008: yes m1055: for somethingmorethan eh they what the-the-the-
still found 80 000 muchmorethan either of those services
the choice to do evenmorethan england appears to be
to clone you there smorethan enough oaks common as
for pity s sake actionsmorethan epithets can tell you
policy and practice which focusmorethan ever before on the
outsider is what is confirmedmorethan ever with her mother
mmhm m1007: i think thatmorethan exhausts my [laugh] f1009:
people of course just anymorethan f963: yeah mm mmhm
he did so feeling annoyancemorethan fear i have tae
all over a period ofmorethan fifty years in lanarkshire
[laugh] f643: she could countmorethan five biddies sittin on
under section 34 above formorethan five years and b
love seeing my kids butmorethan four days is quite
sex offenders serving sentences ofmorethan four years and in
expect to be recompensed inmorethan generous terms i expect
m telling you i mmorethan glad they got it
gardens usually run to littlemorethan grass and a few
is 2 6 per centmorethan had been accepted at
you it must have beenmorethan half an hour after
padded cell as i dmorethan half expected it s
east kilbride lab given thatmorethan half of five year
fractures each year in scotlandmorethan half of patients who
or gender for example howevermorethan half of scots believe
it is worth recalling thatmorethan half of the eu
disappointed to learn recently thatmorethan half of the pupils
give an example in conclusionmorethan half the applicant countries
4 december i understand thatmorethan half the msps on
from outwith the local areamorethan half the school population
if no single party winsmorethan half the total number
angus mackay and i aremorethan happy to examine the
sure that they will bemorethan happy to meet members
of which she would bemorethan happy to see in
sure that mr nardell ismorethan happy to talk about
the convener i would bemorethan happy to write to
that s half a millionmorethan have clicked on shelley
craigie has managed to getmorethan her quota of supplementaries
having done his duty andmorethan his duty to his
when its leader values breadmorethan his empire this character
man who invariably interviews himselfmorethan his guests swapped ticklestick
her knees shamed her farmorethan his hand groping up
[laugh] [inhale] and to bemorethan honest they very very
of her movements is almostmorethan i can bear you
that i m biting offmorethan i can chew and
need her warmth and nearnessmorethan i can ever remember
frontier whose exploration would revealmorethan i could possibly imagine
certainly were only he pongedmorethan i did but i
f689: [laugh] f631: probably gotmorethan i do [inhale] but
of my married friends doesmorethan i do my guilt
think you probably need itmorethan i do while i
an i d be eatingmorethan i needed but equally
ll be using the carmorethan i will you said
to cost taxpayers 34 millionmorethan if the schools were
them speaking another language ismorethan important it is vital
for 2003 04 is 194morethan in england official report
in 1997 98 was 147morethan in england planned expenditure
calves were tethered outside muchmorethan in more recent days
recycling sips must be aboutmorethan individual projects the projects
the government be really littlemorethan information about the respective
so i finished up talkingmorethan interacting maybe later in
in which we are doingmorethan is strictly required by
happiness and fulfilment ahead anymorethan is the book s
scottish executive must develop evenmorethan it has already an
craft residency has achieved muchmorethan it objectives thanks to
which has succeeded in gettingmorethan its target of 104
stain away the thieves tookmorethan jewellery is all that
stain away the thieves tookmorethan jewellery it s cauld
she was is is shemorethan just a character you
but the eu is muchmorethan just an economic phenomenon
developments we have to considermorethan just carrying capacity there
opening remarks language is aboutmorethan just communication it is
poet however earl lavender ismorethan just farcical this story
she d seem to picturemorethan just herself other women
however it has to paymorethan just lip service to
lets it keep for muchmorethan just over the weekend
tremors in my voice aremorethan just senile my hand
yeah m762: th- there aremorethan just the average story
acted on assessment work coversmorethan just unit assessments and
i i could be doingmorethan lightin fires and makin
another licence achieve it ismorethan likely that we could
the group in new cumnockmorethan likely were p7s would
pot he could catch onemorethan likely with his bare
craigie felt impelled to providemorethan linguistic definitions the great
projet of course corpora aremorethan literary texts and more
between janie and her mothermorethan made up for the
realise that registrars do muchmorethan marriages those are only
if he was getting paidmorethan me i just wish
is always to every storymorethan meets the eye that
is likely to have reflectedmorethan most on the events
to macular degeneration notes thatmorethan nine out of ten
you want some scots [laugh]morethan on corpora erm eh
mmhm f965: brandy around itmorethan on top of it
had been visiting her mothermorethan once in turriff cottage
were you saying this happenedmorethan once or was this
and labour governments have mademorethan once to the gaelic
flawed but she has heardmorethan once today that the
even kind enough to remarkmorethan once while in the
the national park area coversmorethan one authority area local
i have received correspondence frommorethan one council that correspondence
spoken in buchan there ismorethan one culture that needs
was a fight to getmorethan one cup throughout the
which involves the use ofmorethan one dog by a
on their practice of usingmorethan one dog to flush
house was being let tomorethan one family have you
health service and social servicesmorethan one fifth of all
of kinship in the neighbourhoodmorethan one household in addition
condolences to the families ofmorethan one hundred miners who
that tobacco is responsible formorethan one in every five
given me her view onmorethan one issue not least
get a choice of speakingmorethan one language f833: i
studies show that operating inmorethan one language is normal
where as respects any personmorethan one local authority is
see one tortoise is theremorethan one m1110: no it
which may be discharged inmorethan one manner 3 this
tenant must also not livemorethan one mile outwith the
announced as new funding onmorethan one occasion thus damaging
clear and explicit defence inmorethan one of the subsections
number of young people commitmorethan one offence the scottish
do you accept that ifmorethan one person is involved
regards the ground or partmorethan one person to whom
those insights to the meetingmorethan one person was involved
think of one person perhapsmorethan one person who [throat]
definition a serious crime wheremorethan one police area is
coalition a formal arrangement betweenmorethan one political party group
government formally made up ofmorethan one political party is
where in a particular regionmorethan one regional member is
so is there mo- usuallymorethan one screening usually of
1a application to persons servingmorethan one sentence of the
system to the extent thatmorethan one sixth of their
recognising that there can bemorethan one solution to a
strap if the misdemeanour requiredmorethan one stroke the child
it are tied together inmorethan one way i e
for instance english clearly hasmorethan one word in the
taken to the ombudsman nomorethan one year after the
are looking forward to itmorethan others m608: well certainly
kind of a wee villagemorethan part of a big
that the schemes should bemorethan policy it should be
2005 which is 1 500morethan previously planned as part
have dreamed of i ammorethan proud to celebrate the
if i m doing somethingmorethan push a pen about
rain it was raining somethingmorethan rain translucent white globs
it is important to domorethan read about peterhead members
in the soviet union andmorethan ready to be confused
and alasdair morrison have beenmorethan receptive on the matter
it i played it evenmorethan relics my love affair
usually a time for familymorethan religion i think f639:
executive s commitment is nothingmorethan rhetoric flexible working is
valuing nurses is to bemorethan rhetoric it must mean
prosecutor shall be heard notmorethan seven days after the
to present people as farmorethan sex objects and to
that was built on littlemorethan sexual desire and boredom
of a i like sunmorethan she does i would
and stuff particularly in novelsmorethan short stories but you
nation must be about farmorethan simply attempting to allocate
competence however is seen asmorethan simply development of the
by eugenie sforza di montignosomorethan simply guardian valet and
national park plan should domorethan simply inform plans for
been licensed for use formorethan six years but most
quair chris guthrie has formorethan sixty years been regarded
for rachel with flair formorethan software bore three girls
british empire they brought backmorethan souvenirs they brought back
debate it has done littlemorethan state the obvious many
under amendment 62 which ismorethan technical it is the
the princess victoria was nevermorethan ten miles from land
a 30 year old palmorethan that a 30 year
very best of scottish politicsmorethan that although we disagree
that it will be nomorethan that as colleagues know
and you clyped i sawmorethan that as you well
appropriate for me to saymorethan that at this stage
thirteen or something maybe slightlymorethan that but but that
with data processing but nothingmorethan that i appreciate that
it seven- m1146: a bitmorethan that i would have
and probably this project gotmorethan that in itself eh
but we all believe thatmorethan that is needed we
must be a great dealmorethan that it must be
effect on you but anymorethan that it s meant
think you ve got lotsmorethan that m1094: no i
what do you mean bymorethan that really mr robb
union movement for older peoplemorethan that they engage actively
their own residential care paymorethan the average does the
masterminds of the constabulary evenmorethan the criminals i scorned
if the bill will costmorethan the current arrangements we
is converted it will costmorethan the financial memorandum suggests
how could you love itmorethan the first time you
mum you can see moremorethan the fish [blows bubbles in water] f1105:
gordon university perhaps the lattermorethan the former have virtual
if i noticed the criminalsmorethan the intricacies of the
achieve which is far farmorethan the limited budgets we
he is capable of evenmorethan the loudest his lungs
would taken together amount tomorethan the maximum sum 10bc
would taken together amount tomorethan the maximum sum 10bd
would taken together amount tomorethan the maximum sum 3ab
would taken together amount tomorethan the maximum sum 4bb
can be gained from doingmorethan the minimum we always
expenditure there will rise bymorethan the national average in
it which is a thirdmorethan the number of people
was in many subjects farmorethan the number of units
made him both less andmorethan the other servants both
ulster scots is funded muchmorethan the promotion of scots
for adjustment that is nothingmorethan the proof that this
learned to enjoy the prospectmorethan the reality p 59
46 medals almost three timesmorethan the shetland team has
nothing impresses a potential clientmorethan the sight of an
would certainly want to knowmorethan the simple fact that
descriptions one can extract littlemorethan the theoretical relationships of
the bill always interests memorethan the wording of the
moment well they re understandingmorethan they are speaking so
i think they bit offmorethan they could chew though
people have looked at themmorethan they might have in
that involve carelessness people sayingmorethan they ought and the
so on trusted the sqamorethan they trusted teachers is
guilt that leaving day farmorethan things were trashed lares
here good enough for nothingmorethan thinking and i m
and vernacular poetry meriting nomorethan thirteen lines women fare
usually there s a lotmorethan thirteen m608: uh huh
been the estate gamekeeper formorethan thirty years when on
coursing events 30 and manymorethan this at informal events
s councils have spent considerablymorethan this on coastal protection
worshipper but i deserve hermorethan those crooks everything goes
would require permission either frommorethan three quarters of the
the scheme it will bemorethan three years before we
waves today i seek nomorethan to feel the sun
and life would be amorethan tolerable burden ever after
at the university of glasgowmorethan twenty years ago some
2002 is enough to paymorethan twice for the full
or not consecutive but nomorethan twice possible maximum period
s traditional language and humourmorethan two centuries on burns
the sites of groups ofmorethan two mobile telephone masts
in it but there smorethan two there s lots
latest polling evidence suggests thatmorethan two thirds of scots
ken i d never exchangedmorethan two words at a
said i shouldn t takemorethan two years out if
unopened and he was drinkingmorethan was good for a
authors of their ill nomorethan wax shall be accounted
of putting them together anymorethan we could put together
frontier beyond which will becomemorethan we have been before
be that we will capturemorethan we need to capture
there is an awful lotmorethan we still want to
one little words we usemorethan we think i think
some bulgarian wine which wasmorethan welcome jo brought chocolate
people were keen to havemorethan well meaning phrases in
change for the elderly farmorethan westminster has so far
commercial organisations tells us considerablymorethan what is put into
than half a police officermorethan when the conservatives left
if the coalition executive ismorethan willing to consult and
of scotland who would bemorethan willing to help out
new and different sights weremorethan worthy to make tomorrow
of kind of phonological differencemorethan you can m741: mmhm
night and day care farmorethan you can provide you
into my face which ismorethan you ever do potatoes
she should worry about itmorethan you she s m734:
mmhm f1027: maybe in perthmorethan you would hear it
wight cleverith in his stagemorethe prynce than the page
for hurricanes there have beenmorethis year than ever before
them at risk of spendingmoretime in jail than rapists
got to spend a lotmoretime on it than you
than the parliament and havemoretime to do that work
been outed in the ukmoretimes than frank sinatra sang
about and dozing we feltmoretired than our excursion deserved
there alone there is alwaysmoreto any story than meets
although the regulation may applymoreto companies than to individuals
worth remembering that there ismoreto descriptive texts than adjectives
we believe that there ismoreto gain than there is
sector criticises us we havemoreto gain than we have
accent and his vocabulary owesmoreto north america than to
rather than forced ideas seemmoreto our liking 3 christian
rather than forced ideas seemmoreto our liking 4 barbara
putting victims of crime farmoreto the fore than has
and for example contributes proportionatelymoreto the scottish economy than
audience that there might bemoreto the waverley novels than
m1174: er rather than religiousmoretraditional in its erm m608:
delivered schools more quickly thanmoretraditional methods and g the
bye and thank ye maybemoretramps came around than usual
have set out the issuesmoretransparently than they have been
in us emotional dramas farmoretraumatic than in any print
be fine neil a littlemoretrouble than he had bargained
shining armour and then causemoretrouble than i sort out
washed clothes hair and sleptmoretruth than usual in the
the year out i readmoreu k current affairs than
aye iseabail s a bitmoreupbeat about it than f010:
their cosmopolitan they suddenly becamemoreupper east side than east
than some of scotland smoreurban areas as a result
more up to date andmoreuser friendly than before although
that age treasurers are probablymorevaluable to an organisation than
whose aptitude and motivation weremorevaried than formerly and in
though the later meals hadmorevariety than in the old
votes i have probably lostmorevotes than anyone in recorded
as ms patricia ferguson receivedmorevotes than the total number
as sir david steel receivedmorevotes than the total number
particular groups in society aremorevulnerable than others how other
under a roasting english sunmorewaif than wife his other
spending even under the toriesmorewas spent each year than
tricks and clowned about inmoreways than one but i
chicken f807: [laugh] f806: inmoreways than one f807: [laugh]
says how times change inmoreways than one then michael
blinds should go that carriesmoreweight than an individual view
that committee it will carrymoreweight than it would if
government s image would bemorewelcome than ever our message
nana my nana was alwaysmorewell put on than my
found there and it ismorewesternised than most mid east
one thrice fairer than myselfmorewhite and red than doves
local authorities to conduct marriagesmorewidely than the english have
and was perceived to bemorewidely understood than scots population
mmhm so you were workingmorewith the volunteers than with
saying saying simple things inmorewords than you need to
took in community organisations perhapsmorework than the national governing
in reality it s farmoreworrying than a diet of
into less a class andmorea chat topics ranged from
should be less pollution andmoreaid for third world countries
question under labour people paymoreand get less labour politicians
care and none ever hadmorecertificates for less education 5
the student tries to usemorecomplex language less common verbs
resource the student can formmorecomplex sentences and introduces less
with greater variations of rythymmorediverse shifts of key less
a massive museum also architecturemoreeastern and less westernised lots
is about making conventional farmingmoreefficient with less impact that
pedestrian or less accurate butmoreenterprising and fluent if the
less stormy and there aremorefish and he needed reassurance
sat in the oak themorehe heard the less he
the less he spoke themorehe heard why can t
in that district less skyscrapersmorelittle wine shops with long
it was kinda fee payinmoremore or less fee payin
denmark finland or austria nomoreno less however we know
find that people are smokingmorenot less price definitely has
leningrad not so impressive butmoreof a city and less
in fact it was mothermoreor less asking me you
everybody did the same thingmoreor less at the same
same as yesterday one liemoreor less beaumont i maun
as that brick you knowmoreor less because it wasn
an it f606: yeah m691: moreor less bounces otherwise ye
no planning restrictions you canmoreor less build anything and
coaling stage is in viewmoreor less complete as seen
b the structure of clausesmoreor less complex ways of
places though now it ismoreor less confined to the
apron petticoat modicum small personmoreor less disparagingly partlet proper
though it can be readmoreor less easily by the
was kinda fee payin moremoreor less fee payin f640:
like us yes yesterday wemoreor less finished buying presents
like a good boy amoreor less good boy a
m1021: er it was ermoreor less hide and seek
among members in this debatemoreor less i have some
gairdenin done for the yearmoreor less i really am
six years the schools weremoreor less in place however
of discovery and to followmoreor less in salvador s
according to him for onemoreor less innocent incident with
black book now revealed asmoreor less innocuous the c
though a smaller one ismoreor less intact the small
about to make that pointmoreor less it is unfair
were brou- brought up speakingmoreor less like dave an
and sort of attacks himmoreor less m762: that s
were seasonal m964: mm f965: moreor less m964: mm f965:
giving me a long warmmoreor less motherly kiss with
university and you re allmoreor less of an age
scottish standard english but rathermoreor less of the one
directly to mr wilson butmoreor less on the same
enough trivia i got heremoreor less on time after
2 and 3 it ismoreor less purely inter governmental
an ragged so it smoreor less sayin although they
come in it was justmoreor less the same as
she quoted for dumfries ismoreor less the same as
that ancient city is intactmoreor less today though bound
in the european parliament remainmoreor less unchanged we had
are two other stone circlesmoreor less visible from that
else f1025: [laugh] f1023: justmoreor less what they all
s song less rhetorical andmorepersonal in an earth bound
endings with indications less andmorepleasant less and more unknown
velvetone monday 3 walking improvingmoreshort walks needed less car
and more pleasant less andmoreunknown are marks of kesson
they are trying to domorewith less i therefore welcome
so on they are muchmoreable to act immediately and
get their business done muchmorebriskly craig is more expert
with its citizens how muchmoredifficult will it be for
any country there was muchmoreto our anti racism campaign

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