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strange [laugh] and unlikely storiesmostlyand one of the stories
short stories unlikely stories mos-mostlyhas anyone rea- read unlikely
one of his unlikely storiesmostlylogopandocy which also offers a
anyone rea- read unlikely storiesmostlythey re a good read
it was mostly it wasmostlygood fun erm and that
and it was it wasmostlyit was mostly good fun
was mostly trousers it wasmostlytrousers cause it was cold
too you know it wasmostlytrousers it was mostly trousers
gently go under the stonesmostlyat the side where there
tired of it it wasmostlyolder men who broke stones
hostal es port gloomy touristsmostlygerman have felt badly done
thousands of visitors every yearmostlygerman to swarm through cells
in the form that ismostlylikely to be understood by
that is just as likelymostlythough i was influenced by
to stimulate my sporting imaginationmostlyfootball then and otherwise especially
the english staff now theymostlyseem very friendly especially dr
seen them or read themmostlylies of course almost entirely
at carrbridge tuesday 6 bowlingmostlya m with cath she
cringe then folk not listeningmostlytuesday six p m ah
the ch words k speaksmostlyenglish p s english but
small changes to the setmostlyjust making room for the
m making a few friendsmostlyother international students who are
an age where learning camemostlythrough making mistakes on the
in basic english we weremostlyanglophones left forward mean right
the language and idiom aremostlyaugustan english and the singer
and foreigners english and americansmostlydid very well out of
is a depleted dialect consistingmostlyof common english words with
or was it was itmostlythe older people mm f978:
from tuscaloosa he probably wasmostlyhis job involved setting up
the thinkery his own researchmostlyinvolved observing stellar development in
a lot to be desiredmostlyit s unimaginative stuff like
other furniture they have ismostlysecond hand stuff but it
more recent times it wasmostlycalves that were tethered on
use that at times butmostlysteamin yeah f1054: you re
small birds budgerigars and goldfinchesmostlychirp in cages sparrows sing
the words aye we dmostlyi think most here we
leap ear however visiting wasmostlydone by relatives which kept
up like a pancake butmostlyit was done by laying
category the language should bemostlyaccurate therefore while some errors
about pele he was lookingmostlyat bethia while he spoke
of in torry it smostlytenements in within torry an
40 or 50 of themmostlywithin the oil and gas
can use it derogatory butmostlyin glasgow it s used
little status it is usedmostlyin informal familiar situations sometimes
s roup and that wasmostlyused for reddin up in
kind of wirset or worstedmostlyused for women s articles
the news from there ismostlyall good no babies have
good arable land it smostlyf122: uh huh f010: crops
very often so we remostlyin the living room f1054:
rural areas foxes are controlledmostlyby the use of terriers
of the area they havemostlylived in a remote area
scotland however she is stillmostlyuntaught in universities she is
himself on toddies that weremostlystraight whisky when bronchitis set
easter eggs were plentiful thoughtmostlybartered for groceries it was
the operations unit was staffedmostlyby former seb employees although
most- that s what theymostlyharvested m939: because potatoes was
their school clothes clothing wasmostlyhomemade with many items altered
summer then either it wasmostlylast minute bookings taking advantage
be a real sweetheart butmostlyshe was a terrible floozy
middle of the day wasmostlytarries an saat beef and
linguistic f1149: mmhm f1148: butmostlyeveryone does scientific where you
finland where the snow hadmostlymelted wednesday to which the
m1008: right ehm well friendmostlypal mate ehm these are
mother an faither usin thatmostlybut it it s it
but i think it smostlycatalan f958: it s quite
had hay but i thinkmostlyf606: mm f828: we didna
his children s disobedience butmostlyprotecting and nourishing them in
about further national parks butmostlythis expressed caution as to
i eventually replied but yesmostlyyes that i envy you
fact boots and shoes weremostlyblack in earlier days and
anglo scottish balladry they weremostlylearned before 1759 at a
mmhm f745: so they weremostlylike teenagers when they learnt
of bounds they get themmostlyfrom egypt they still have
f963: right uh huh f965: mostlyi think they had s-
stage 1 the amendments aremostlytechnical in nature i also
of numerous other horrible andmostlyterminal illnesses why am i
have teeth sadie from offmostlycoming back in with coffee
money from this fund comesmostlyfrom dues paid to unesco
my experience senior officers havemostlyshied away from any legislation
no f1040: no it smostlyjust drizzlin [inaudible] f1043: it
kist and scots handsel aremostlyout of print it recently
[censored: forename] had written 12 pagesmostlyderiding kenneth baker as a
the market is made upmostlyof what we in the
up m815: yeah that smostlywhat i would be doin
amendment the police witnesses focusedmostlyon criminal activity which is
century and ugly new buildmostlynow dominates the ancient terraces
collection of paintings and drawingsmostlyby ribes and two portraits
and out of rustic housesmostlythree storeys high with wrought
the unb campus is beautifulmostlyfull of buildings like the
juan march s book portraitsmostlyhauntingly superior of the players
and scrappy and hung rymostlyan scrappy an hung ry
eruption of military camps namedmostlyafter the farms on whose

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