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speirit she s fair possesstmoulaah canna credit this eilidh
your r spared an weillmoulaah ken eilidh but ah
aboot this til oniebodie eilidhmoulaah l say naething nou
say eilidh is flabbergasted tomoulaan you can tak the
coud be mair naitral tomoulaand eilidh guidnicht ti ye
she s no eilidh joinsmoulaat the window the ill
thae wes hir verra wirdsmouladid she say that eilidh
it coudna been shona eilidhmouladidna deny it kis shona
if oniething she s waurmouladiv ye think sae eilidh
fund oot aboot his treemoulaeilidh ah m feart ah
fair dotes on the bairnmoulaeilidh ah m no jaeluss
you heed aboot me exitmoulaeilidh to herself she haes
points to an empty chairmoulaeilidh ye l stert me
eilidh guidnicht ti ye baithmoulaguidnicht faither eilidh guidnicht syre
early march in the morningmoulais standing up eilidh this
characters eilidh moula s kimmermoulamalcolm s dochter malcolm brither
wi thaim fummilin aboot memoulamercie eilidh eilidh c wa
kis she s no heremoulamoves to eilidh sits on
shuirlie ye didna mean thatmoulaor eilidh wad ever herm
beild frae the snell wundmoulapuir things eilidh the l
guests look a little embarassedmoulapuir wumman eilidh ah think
wi the reikin gullie inmoulas bed eilidh ah kent
unco pyne eilidh that smoulas guidmither yowlin that s
the traverse theatre characters eilidhmoulas kimmer moula malcolm s
for me yit eilidh eilidhmoulas no deid ai ah
eilidh puts her hand onmoulas shoulder eilidh the jaud
eilidh whit s she daeinmoulashe s haggin doun ma
eilidh mercie whit s wrangmoulashe telt ma faither it
me eilidh maister it wesnamoulathat haggit doun yeir favorite
duin hir onie ill eilidhmoulathe r a certain kynd
a few seconds eilidh entersmoulathis is terrible eilidh ah
an you r nae tortoisemoulawhit dae ye mean eilidh
ah saw hir dae itmoulawhitever ye dae eilidh dinna
an auld cailleach lyke masellmoulayou r no auld eilidh
mean ilka wurd ah saymoulaah canna believe that guidmither
by a silent resentful shonamoulaguidmither whit aboot the bairn
day he s aye ootmoulamercie guidmither he s juist
fingal keing o morven shonamoulas guidmither jek malcolm s
she looks angry moula entersmoulawhit s wrang guidmither ye
frein he turns to moulamoulaah hae ti tell ye
ti thaim moula is affectedmoulaah ken ah ken ah
o yeir wee brither moulamoulaah think he s the
at denner tyme than moulamoulaay faither ah m no
had a beautiful daughter calledmoulaby his first wife moula
with it she looks angrymoulaenters moula whit s wrang
moula rises out of bedmoulaf f faither ah ah
moula the knicht and megmoulafaither ah m that gled
ti say ti me moulamoulagod abuin kens aboot the
a kynd wurd ti thaimmoulais affected moula ah ken
believe hir it wes moulamoulamaun hae putten hir up
auld frein he turns tomoulamoula ah hae ti tell
think o yeir wee brithermoulamoula ah think he s
ye at denner tyme thanmoulamoula ay faither ah m
hae ti say ti memoulamoula god abuin kens aboot
dinna believe hir it wesmoulamoula maun hae putten hir
hou ti speak that leidmoulamoula nods ah ken a
ti seek wi this anemoulamoula shona wes gey ill
wad lyke ti hear itmoulamoula stands over the cradle
satchel and gives them tomoulamoula writes something down with
ti speak that leid moulamoulanods ah ken a bit
god ah canna beir itmoularelaxes her grip moula ye
shona ma wee unchristened bairnmoularises out of bed moula
and place the corpse inmoulas bed despite moula s
in moula s bed despitemoulas protestations of innocence malcolm
moula by his first wifemoulas wicked stepmother shona is
seek wi this ane moulamoulashona wes gey ill on
lyke ti hear it moulamoulastands over the cradle and
few seconds with a limpingmoulathe knicht and meg moula
and gives them to moulamoulawrites something down with difficulty
it moula relaxes her gripmoulaye l juist hae ti
can ah say ah howpmouladisna herbor onie grudge knicht
the better the knicht liftsmoulain his arms knicht looking
richt gait for it knichtmoulais cairriein ma bairn malcolm
it whan ah saw hirmoulais here wi the knicht
the knicht goes up tomoulakneels down and examines her
l listen knicht ah fandmoulalyin sair mittilt in the
ti daith the knicht carriesmoulaout followed by meg curtain
depths of the forest malcolmmoulaand jek have arrived in
befawn this houss jek takesmoulaby the arm and leads
o mynes exit jek andmoulahe sobs ah hae lost
jek removes the irons frommoulas wrists he then takes
jek fastens the irons onmoulas wrists jek dae ye
herm an infant bairn malcolmmoulaah haurlie ken whit ti
wine on a tray shonamoulaand malcolm each take a
takes the tray away indignantlymoulabites her lip malcolm looks
saw malcolm ah didna seemouladae it wi ma ain
malcolm roars with pain andmouladeftly pulls out the splinter
vigorously enter malcolm an shonamoulafaither is it really you
l caw yeir heid affmoulafaither please malcolm lowers his
malcolm struggles to his feetmoulafaither whit dae ye think
til yeir hert malcolm patheticallymoulaforetauld afore she dee d
s guid news oniewey malcolmmoulahaund you shona the chaumer
hir luiv malcolm ma dochtermoulahou coud she be ah
silence from malcolm and shonamoulahou did ye lyke it
firmly with her right handmoulair ye ready faither malcolm
bi this tyme malcolm excitedmoulais no deid she telt
hir haund this mornin malcolmmoulais this true wes it
malcolm did loue that treemoulama faither is gaun ti
suin as ah can wimoulamalcolm thenkye ma laddie waste
ah dinna believe it wesmoulashona malcolm ye saw malcolm
tree exit malcolm and shonamoulasits down and sobs she
yeir denner malcolm o aymoulasqueezes with her right hand
his saw malcolm winces malcolmmoulatelt me that naebodie but
aw malcolm stands back frommoulato admire her shona glares
with the irons malcolm andmoulawatch them go in silence
malcolm dae ye ken whanmoulawes wee it uised ti
never guess whit it ismoulawhit is t faither malcolm
but ae thing s shuirmoulawhit s that faither malcolm
malcolm ye hae duin naethigmoulaye r aw slaigert wi
malcolm that s settilt thanmoulaye r finndin sum relief
malcolm ye ken it wesmoulaye saw for yeirsell malcolm
new wyfe shona wi himmoulaah hear tell she s
it back in its placemoulaai shona whit hae ye
on me shona glares atmoulaand leaves after a few
nou did ye see memoulaay shona ah m vext
another fearful cry from shonamoulacoud ye no stap it
shona jabbing her finger towardsmouladinna you forget no a
rather weaker cry from shonamoulafaither grit yeir teeth thegither
the wurd he brocht shonamoulais still leevin shona aghast
wi him shona leaves urgentlymoulaplease faither ah hae duin
he is diggin his gairdenmoulasae shona haes confesst awthing
ye bickerin in the yairdmoulashona is in an ill
no staun up for yeirsellmoulashona thraetent ti kell me
to sleep shona it wesmoulathat did thae things ye
wes sassenach sumwhaur aboot yorkmoulawul shona be bonnie dae
freinlie cannie craitur it wesmoulaye dinna ken shona killed
speir at me for merciemoulabut faither ah hae duin
pey yeir respeks they seemoulamercie wha s this it
mercie juist luik at thatmoulathis is waur nor ah
faither pits up wi hirmoulaah dinna ken aither wi
a caw at first lichtmoulaah l pray awricht faither
l git nane frae memoulaan faither ah can see
lees he raises his swordmoulaawricht faither whit maun be
aboot this til yeir faithermouladoes not reply you l
him up oot his sleepmoulafaither ah ve wrutten a
for a whyle afore thatmoulafaither that s whit ah
his sword nou ye hizziemoulafaither this is the birkenshaw
this is a fair meiraclemoulafaither ye ve met ma
sen yeir faither gaed ootmoulaguid sakes whit s she
an yeir faither believed hirmoulahe did he believed hir
arm and leads her awaymoulalooking back faither dae ye
ettlin ti cry him yitmoulama faither wants ti caw
she falls to the groundmoulamoaning faither ah im sair
hoond an murderin ma sonmoulasae nou ye ken faither
sign o yeir faither yitmoulathe r sumthing gaun on
ti blaw in his lugmoulawhit s ma faither gaun
girnin an cherkin o teethmoulaah suppose sae meg awbodie
aboot me meg wad youmoulaan yeir son aw lyke
a keik at this fuitmoulainspects the foot while meg
the skaith ah did timoulameg howt ah wes gled
ah m shuir o tmoulaah d lyke ye ti
whit ah m speakin abootmoulaah m shuir ye r
nou that ah m shuirmoulais deid the r sumthing
feel the same wey whylesmoulalaughing ah m shuir ah
wi me ah m shuirmoulawad lyke fyne ti be
mistaen as shuir as daithmoulawhitna lyke lyfe this is
duin an that she sawmoulain the gairden wi the
never duin complainin aboot itmoulama lassie dae ye think
wha cut doun ma treemoulano reply wha haes duin
and sits on a chairmoulaah fand a deid blekkie
dae naebodie can gang backmoulamoves and sits on a
holds out her arms andmoulasits on her knee they
in the bed asyde hirmoulawakes up and sits up
kynd no eftir yeir mithermoulaah l weiger she s
haena putten aff onie tymemoulaah think yeir man an
and shrugs the matter offmoulahere ti yeir new mairriage
hae grand wurd yeir dochtermoulais alive an weill an
a littil brither or sistermoulanods weill yeir wush is
is no yeir bonnie facemoulawe maun birk up nou
again for a wee whylemoulaay ah d lyke that
luiks gey lyke thair warkmoulagabbles and makes signs she
a bad egg mair lykemoulashe canna be lyke this
tung that wad clip cloutsmoulashe s gey sherp lyke
as ye lyke an askmoulati cum an see me
ah fair lykit the tuinmoulaah can mynd the end
monie fowk as weill affmoulaah daursay that s true
dae that wad roose godmoulaah dinna ken ah wush
no cummin back is shemoulaah dinna think sae ah
no tak eftir his mithermoulaah dinna think sae ah
whit wes that sang againmoulaah fair lykit the tuin
ti quaisten thae halie wurdsmoulaah juist dinna want oniebodie
s a richt deivilish contraptionmoulaah ken ah ve seen
ti sum mischief or ithermoulaah ken she s no
of love my shepherd ismoulaah ken sum o the
lat s hear it thanmoulaah l recite it whan
gaun ti git frae memoulaah m gaun ootby it
sic lousum weimen aboot memoulaah m gled for ti
ye ever see sic eenmoulaah think they war gray
want ti hear it wesmoulaah ve heard that yairn
the fee in byordnar pynemoulaah wad raither he haedna
awfu sair thing the branksmoulaah wadna allou hir ti
ah saw hir dae itmoulaan me baith watcht hir
no ah m aye heremoulaas lang s ye need
masell ah wes thinkin abootmoulabut ah can see she
that ah ve forgotten abootmoulahaes aye haen a douce
ah l no be bringinmoulahame wi me ye can
mebbe richt ah hear yemoulais mairrit ti you ah
ah think ah ken whitmoulais on aboot it wes
she whit she disna kenmoulais that ah saw hir
grow with food celestial feedethmoulalosh ah canna mynd the
ah im ti see youmoulama lassie ah never thocht
ye for cummin back wimoulasae suin ah ve been
this maister ah aye lykitmoulawhan she wes richt in
dae ye think o thatmoulawithout much enthusiasm ah m
the cradle and looks inmoulaan hou s ma littil
tyme o year juist thinkmoulahou luckie we ir wi
this ye r mairrit onmoulathat s hou ye ken
she wes a lassie tomoulayou ken hou ti speak
l tell nae maur leesmoulacan no longer speak but
kill ye gin ye dinnamoulahorrified ye l kill me
l dae as ye askmoulais weill aneuch ti traivel
l hae ti think abootmoulas tocher for a stert
ye d better dae thatmoulaye l git nane frae
tellin me that she anmoulabaith saw you hag doun
saw hir dae it aweillmoulais no here ti back
tell hir tae ti burnmoulas claes an hir falderals
verra lang for ti haelmoulas mittilt bodie hir tung
murder hir ain wee brithermoulawadna hurt a flie lat
tyme ye poued the skelfmoulathe r sum glaumerie here
wul be weill faured aneuchmoulaan wul she be kynd
juist heard the graundest wordmoulais still alive an weill
the r nae gaun backmoulathat s ae thing ye
said she kent ye louedmoulaan the bairn better nor
bed beside her she screamsmouladear god whit s happenin
whit wul she dae neistmouladinna rin awa an leave
she wul be in heivinmoulathat s whit awbodie tells
an unco wey ti speakmoulathe lord kens best whit
spade or it wes deidmoulashe wes jaeluss o a
wes an unco bad besommouladid ye need ti torment
wesna you wha wes itmoulagod abuin kens wha kens
adjoining bedrooms later that nightmoulais asleep in bed in
knife lying in bed besidemoulashe puts her hand into
baby in the bed besidemoulatogether with the bloodstained knife
in ma mynd that mebbemoulahaed naething ti dae wi
for that dae ye kenmoulait s a year cum
we maun coont oor blissinsmoulawe maun coont oor blissins
never kent ye wrate poetriemoulaa dinna verra aften whyles
the blame for that onmoulaan ye tryit ti blame
hert an howp ti deemoulacross ma hert an howp
he deserrs ti be burntmoulano me it s juist
try no ti bather oniebodiemoulashakes her head listen til
aw hae ti thole pynemoulathat s the wey o
a meinit ti gether masellmoulawe canna pit aff onie
s no bad at awmoulajuist you caw cannie ye
s in ma mynd thatmoulawad mak better uiss o
be an angel bi noumoulaeftir the guid lyfe she
that s a guid pomemoulaa richt guid pome it
been guid at the souminmoulait s a blissin ye
a richt guid lass ismoulathere is blood curdling scream
splinter with her left handmoulaholding up the splinter nae
carrying hand irons pointing tomoulapit the airns on her
the lord s ma shepherdmoulathe lord s ma hird
himself with his hands tomoulathe lord s ma shepherd
tellin the truith richt aneuchmoulahaes telt us the haill
you that killed the hoondmoulait s funny ye soud
killed she cairrit it intimoulas chaumer whan ye war
kneels down and cuts atmoulas tongue ye leein jaud
whan is he no ootmoulait s an awfu job
dis she git on wimoulaan the truith war kent
she leaves with the axemoulamoves to the window and
rooms and goes through intomoulas room she inspects her
baby and carries him intomoulas room where she holds
the gairden wi the aixmouladidna deny daein it it
a wurd wi the sairvantsmoulatakes a ring of keys
chappin sticks wi this morninmoulathare it is ahint the
deeds and blaming them onmoulaher most horrendous evil deed
king of morven his daughtermoulais conversing with her companion
kneels down and examines hermoulamoans and gabbles at him
sitting at her spinning wheelmoulawho is with her is
runs out of the roommoulawalks up and down wringing
is naturally jealous and plotsmoulas downfall by committing a
after walking from the towermoulais dishevelled and is still
same clearing in the forestmoulais still lying injured on
the foot with the clothmoulathen grips the foot firmly

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