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3766 murdo fraser british cattlemovementservice for text of motion
fitzpatrick s1m 3766 british cattlemovementservice lodged on 14 january
3766 murdo fraser british cattlemovementservice that the parliament notes
sair in general the lallansmovementcannot be said to have
poetry [inaudible] kind of lallansmovementpoetry m741: yep m605: ehm
more forthright with the lallansmovementstarted by c m grieve
bairnies cuddle doon the lallansmovementthroughout the present century there
unfortunate effect of the lallansmovementwas that the public was
the cattle identification notification ofmovementscotland amendment regulations 2002 ssi
operation of the british cattlemovementservice bcms and in particular
on nationalism within the romanticmovementall the major composers had
s lack of a romanticmovementfinding what muir in scott
lack of a genuine romanticmovementgregory smith s exotic phrase
agreed to the freedom ofmovementacross borders provided for by
yet achieved full freedom ofmovementfor people that is partly
desire to improve freedom ofmovementfor the citizens of europe
counterpoint to the freedom ofmovementin other words if there
advantage of the freedom ofmovementthat now exists within the
is to be freedom ofmovementthe police in different countries
better to have freedom ofmovementto tackle the hellish bends
treaty promoting greater freedom ofmovementwhile responding to a popular
challenge in the trade unionmovementa lot of work is
representatives of the scottish pensionersmovementcivil service trade unionists and
they are the trade unionmovementfor older people more than
organisations particularly the trade unionmovementis of a lot of
true volumes of trade themovementof prices or the worth
small scale look at populationmovementand to see if the
eh go on wi populationmovementand ye ye just cannae
the third pillar issues populationmovementimmigration refugees and visas and
the prime beneficiary of thatmovementalong with other european countries
their convictions as there ismovementin the neutral countries the
s1m 3836 scottish trades unionmovementlodged on 31 january 2003
s1m 3836 scottish trades unionmovementlodged on 31 january 2003
credit union and community bankingmovements1w 33963 michael matheson to
fact that the biggest labourmovementburns supper takes place in
progressive cross party and labourmovementcampaign against the euro to
a member of the labourmovementin europe scotland and was
executive committee of the europeanmovementin scotland a cross party
to hear that there ismovementon the parliamentary cross party
behalf of uk men smovementcalling for the scottish parliament
behalf of the world developmentmovementjohn mcallion was dealing with
behalf of the world developmentmovementthe committee agreed to defer
petition from the world developmentmovementagreed members indicated agreement myalgic
the physical world in thismovementfrom concrete to abstract the
watson of the world developmentmovementhe welcomed the announcement although
s1m 2719 world wide clubhousemovementlodged on 7 february 2002
macdiarmid in the 1920s thismovementgathered momentum during the following
brought into force and allmovementof livestock is prohibited during
that there will be somemovementon it during the next
kyi and the burmese democracymovementlodged on 18 january 2002
of the uk men smovementcalling for the scottish parliament
of the uk men smovementthe committee agreed to consult
and the development of themovementwas shown by early camp
you know f963: i thinkmovementwithin living memory as well
part of the united irishmenmovementand m608: mmhm m078: you
again introduce a three partmovementand our first reaction may
part of that extremely liberalmovementf963: mm f965: to say
are also part of amovementto normalize scots to take
there was a lot ofmovementaround the country horses and
the us the native americanmovementf963: mmhm mm m762: black
example and the black panthermovementf963: right yeah yeah mm
kind of triggered the greenmovementdidn t it i mean
several weeks without a bowelmovementto conjure up the kind
the reformation was a europeanmovementand knox wanted an english
attachment tae the scots languagemovementas such and there s
in the in the scotsmovementf785: mmhm ehm i heard
energies of the scots languagemovementwere pittin in till ye
to whit the scots languagemovementwid ha recommendit till him
there has been a concertedmovementto support the language in
the landscape sky high intomovementand coherence again almost she
for a moment before themovementis taken up again with
she slow her body smovementdown into its rhythm but
into the ground and themovementstopped auld nick was blamed
growth the supposed creative writingmovementof the 1960s which english
me there might be slightmovementbecause that is the first
the nato enthusiasts have opposedmovementbecause they do not want
open the neutrals have opposedmovementbecause they do not want
is a mixed bag somemovementis taking place pilot studies
the pigs records identification andmovementscotland amendment order 2002 ssi
consider whether there is anymovementon the great questions of
there has been a determinedmovementtae uphaud the leid in
israel there is a peacemovementwhich seeks a just settlement
that is callit the firstmovementthat is quhen a man
sweevle to allow plenty ofmovementand the two pieces of
be seen in the gradualmovementfrom basic decoding of messages
stared at the roof themovementin the gloomy atmosphere of
themselves with that sort ofmovementm055: but the scot- the
were a barrier to themovementof gaelic speakers and of
asylum system and welcomes themovementof her majesty s government
theater yestrein toozenbach with amovementof impatience ah l be
linguistic innovation depends on themovementof people and the continuing
have heard facilitates the freemovementof persons the sewel motion
of the bill and themovementof terrorists it would be
to prevent the upward socialmovementof the lowly born one
the aims of the protestantmovementsuch as putting the bible
where at nightime the onlymovementup and down the street
involved with the white panthermovementin the us you know
with england why a nationalistmovementnow m741: mmhm m605: and
barrel with a big headmovementso it s best niver
window touch it with amovementthat was at once sudden
phrases connected with speed andmovementthen i d like you
on foot and mouth diseasemovementcontrols and will take evidence
passengers up from their cabinsmovementaround the sloping decks was
clear that i welcome themovementby the government this afternoon
the field a wee bitmovementcaught my ee alang the
and classical music and themovementfrom enlightenment values towards the
o the theoreticians o themovementhis anither name fir the
to the continuing restrictions inmovementimposed on myanmar opposition leader
to look at the voluntarymovementin housing to realise what
her william is an impressivemovementin the ballad she is
is cut oot be themovemento the water far the
appear to have been anymovementon this subject since the
tae chynge but cudnae themovements that weak an folk
what they call the turningmovementso you know they come
cry out for mime andmovementthe burns federation has a
and used the the orangemovementto break it break it
john complemented by the fallingmovementto snaw where word and
united kingdom and the liberalmovementworldwide sir david s experience
subsidiarity is being infringed thatmovementmakes it clear that an
time checking nearby alleyways formovementand wondering what devilry lay
sydney goodsir smith although thismovementhad a profound effect on
seem to remember a convulsivemovementbefore i fell that would
even reversal in that upwardmovementhe had to concede that
er a realisation a strongmovementto get something done about
constitution merely acknowledged however amovementto stimulate school competitions which
creates a problem about linearmovementf643: uh huh m642: even
nae distractions nae back wordmovementpause a space that s
practically if you achieve goodmovementtowards your targets but do

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