
See this word as a collocate cloud

mary scanlon ms sandra whitemslinda fabiani mrs elaine smith
kenny macaskill ms sandra whitemsmargo macdonald colin campbell s1m
ms sandra white robin harpermsmargo macdonald mr kenny macaskill
alex neil mr gil patersonmsmargo macdonald ms sandra white
michael russell mr john swinneymsmargo macdonald ms sandra white
trish godman dr sylvia jacksonmsmargo macdonald ms sandra white
ms sandra white michael mathesonmsmargo macdonald s1m 1067 mr
west of scotland snp whitemssandra glasgow snp against aitken
west of scotland snp whitemssandra glasgow snp against aitken
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp whitefield karen
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
mr andrew angus snp whitemssandra glasgow snp wilson andrew
of directors of social workmssandra paterson children and family
sylvia jackson mr andrew welshmssandra white alasdair morgan george
mr adam ingram michael russellmssandra white alex fergusson mr
dr richard simpson iain smithmssandra white also present peter
wilson david mundell donald gorriemssandra white andrew wilson dorothy
mr kenneth gibson michael russellmssandra white andrew wilson dorothy
dorothy grace elder alasdair morganmssandra white andrew wilson michael
lochhead shona robison fiona mcleodmssandra white andrew wilson mr
mundell donald gorrie fiona hyslopmssandra white andrew wilson nora
grahame fiona hyslop shona robisonmssandra white andrew wilson robin
eadie phil gallie christine grahamemssandra white apologies were received
mr kenneth gibson s1m 1098mssandra white asylum seekers that
lodged on 27 february 2002mssandra white bill butler s1m
donald gorrie mr john mcallionmssandra white brian adam bruce
alex neil mr john swinneymssandra white brian adam bruce
robin harper dorothy grace eldermssandra white brian adam irene
gil paterson mr adam ingrammssandra white brian adam michael
grant tricia marwick robin harpermssandra white brian adam mr
morgan roseanna cunningham linda fabianimssandra white brian adam mr
grant tricia marwick robin harpermssandra white brian adam mr
mr kenny macaskill robin harpermssandra white brian adam mr
alex neil mrs lyndsay mcintoshmssandra white brian adam s1m
michael matheson mr kenny macaskillmssandra white brian adam s1m
elaine smith mrs margaret smithmssandra white brian adam scott
fiona mcleod mr george reidmssandra white bruce crawford mr
ewing irene mcgugan donald gorriemssandra white bruce crawford richard
mcleod fiona hyslop nicola sturgeonmssandra white bruce crawford s1m
mcgugan michael matheson stewart stevensonmssandra white business bulletin no
gil paterson mrs nora radcliffemssandra white cathie craigie lord
mcneill fiona mcleod michael russellmssandra white cathy jamieson cathy
mcleod tricia marwick kate macleanmssandra white christine grahame irene
gibson richard lochhead shona robisonmssandra white christine grahame tricia
andrew wilson mr andrew welshmssandra white colin campbell mr
jamieson janis hughes richard lochheadmssandra white colin campbell s1m
hughes michael matheson s1m 3373mssandra white colon cancer concern
mr keith harding andrew wilsonmssandra white david mundell michael
margo macdonald mr adam ingrammssandra white david mundell nora
12 november 1999 christine grahamemssandra white dennis canavan nora
mr lloyd quinan christine grahamemssandra white dennis canavan nora
supported by mr john mcallionmssandra white donald gorrie alex
wilson robin harper nora radcliffemssandra white donald gorrie dr
r andrew wilson robin harpermssandra white donald gorrie michael
nora radcliffe dorothy grace eldermssandra white donald gorrie michael
urban renewal elsewhere supported bymssandra white dorothy grace elder
mr david davidson linda fabianimssandra white dorothy grace elder
quinan alex johnstone brian adammssandra white dorothy grace elder
david davidson mr gil patersonmssandra white dr richard simpson
mr alex neil shona robisonmssandra white dr winnie ewing
fergus ewing mrs lyndsay mcintoshmssandra white dr winnie ewing
barrie donald gorrie irene mcguganmssandra white elaine smith mike
grahame fiona mcleod alex neilmssandra white elaine smith mike
davidson lord james douglas hamiltonmssandra white euan robson bill
irene mcgugan dr winnie ewingmssandra white euan robson mr
the debate is s1m 2175mssandra white european year of
farm scale trials supported bymssandra white fergus ewing colin
dr winnie ewing ian jenkinsmssandra white fergus ewing mr
mike watson dr winnie ewingmssandra white fergus ewing mr
linda fabiani mr andrew welshmssandra white fiona hyslop alex
kenny macaskill dr winnie ewingmssandra white fiona hyslop mr
michael russell dorothy grace eldermssandra white fiona hyslop mr
ms margo macdonald andrew wilsonmssandra white fiona hyslop mr
elder robert brown linda fabianimssandra white fiona hyslop nora
mrs mary mulligan malcolm chisholmmssandra white fiona hyslop pauline
smith robin harper michael mathesonmssandra white fiona hyslop s1m
smith nora radcliffe robert brownmssandra white fiona mcleod andrew
mr lloyd quinan irene mcguganmssandra white fiona mcleod colin
robison nora radcliffe tommy sheridanmssandra white fiona mcleod linda
grahame linda fabiani andrew wilsonmssandra white fiona mcleod michael
tommy sheridan mr kenneth gibsonmssandra white fiona mcleod mr
campbell robert brown tommy sheridanmssandra white fiona mcleod mr
sylvia jackson ms margo macdonaldmssandra white fiona mcleod pauline
a hash symbol s1m 3321mssandra white future development of
mr kenneth gibson s1m 1049mssandra white glasgow airport direct
the subject of s1m 1236mssandra white glasgow and west
smith mary scanlon s1m 1236mssandra white glasgow and west
an early stage s1m 1121mssandra white glasgow north south
mrs margaret ewing s1m 1121mssandra white glasgow north south
sarah boyack edinburgh central labmssandra white glasgow snp attended
margaret smith edinburgh west ldmssandra white glasgow snp attended
smith north east fife ldmssandra white glasgow snp attended
skye and inverness west ldmssandra white glasgow snp cathy
glasgow pollok lab deputy convenermssandra white glasgow snp committee
smith north east fife ldmssandra white glasgow snp committee
snp bill aitken glasgow conmssandra white glasgow snp donald
profoundly deaf community 17 27mssandra white glasgow snp i
forward to working with hermssandra white glasgow snp i
the committee must be warymssandra white glasgow snp i
office has not been decidedmssandra white glasgow snp i
sutherland and easter ross ldmssandra white glasgow snp mr
sarah boyack edinburgh central labmssandra white glasgow snp robert
those radical ambitions 11 54mssandra white glasgow snp the
s mouth is 11 57mssandra white glasgow snp the
european maritime safety agency 4mssandra white glasgow snp to
amendment i move amendment 5mssandra white glasgow snp when
by stewart stevenson s1m 3383mssandra white government campaign to
tricia marwick mr jamie stonemssandra white hugh henry allan
by michael russell ian jenkinsmssandra white irene mcgugan andrew
gibson alex neil shona robisonmssandra white irene mcgugan dr
mr kenneth gibson shona robisonmssandra white irene mcgugan mr
shona robison mr duncan hamiltonmssandra white irene mcgugan richard
mcgugan michael matheson stewart stevensonmssandra white john farquhar munro
richard simpson mr stewart stevensonmssandra white karen whitefield mr
mcgrigor brian adam fiona mcleodmssandra white kate maclean shona
adam christine grahame fiona mcleodmssandra white kate maclean shona
manner supported by stewart stevensonmssandra white kay ullrich s1m
1249 in the name ofmssandra white leave out from
macaskill robert brown richard lochheadmssandra white linda fabiani alex
john swinney dorothy grace eldermssandra white linda fabiani andrew
mr kenneth gibson andrew wilsonmssandra white linda fabiani fergus
mr kenneth gibson christine grahamemssandra white linda fabiani s1m
4 march 2002 david mundellmssandra white linda fabiani s1m
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonmssandra white linda fabiani s1m
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonmssandra white linda fabiani s1m
6 march 2002 david mundellmssandra white linda fabiani s1m
michael russell mr kenneth gibsonmssandra white linda fabiani s1m
lodged on 5 march 2002mssandra white linda fabiani s1m
by malcolm chisholm fiona hyslopmssandra white linda fabiani tommy
hyslop bill butler hugh henrymssandra white lord james douglas
ewing nick johnston robin harpermssandra white mary scanlon s1m
davidson nora radcliffe robin harpermssandra white mary scanlon s1m
lyndsay mcintosh mr david davidsonmssandra white mary scanlon s1m
lodged on 12 october 2001mssandra white mary scanlon s1m
lyndsay mcintosh mr david davidsonmssandra white mary scanlon s1m
glasgow supported by christine grahamemssandra white michael matheson andrew
lochhead alasdair morgan nora radcliffemssandra white michael matheson mr
mr kenneth gibson shona robisonmssandra white michael matheson mr
dorothy grace elder fiona mcleodmssandra white michael matheson mr
mr kenneth gibson richard lochheadmssandra white michael matheson ms
robison fiona mcleod fergus ewingmssandra white michael matheson tricia
wilson linda fabiani alex neilmssandra white michael matheson tricia
rumbles donald gorrie andrew wilsonmssandra white michael matheson tricia
wilson lord james douglas hamiltonmssandra white michael matheson tricia
macaskill andrew wilson richard lochheadmssandra white michael matheson tricia
grant andrew wilson robin harpermssandra white michael russell brian
christine grahame dorothy grace eldermssandra white michael russell brian
elder christine grahame andrew wilsonmssandra white michael russell donald
andrew wilson dorothy grace eldermssandra white michael russell elaine
phil gallie mr adam ingrammssandra white michael russell robin
macdonald fiona mcleod andrew wilsonmssandra white michael russell robin
supported by dr sylvia jacksonmssandra white michael russell s1m
21 february 2003 christine grahamemssandra white mr adam ingram
mr kenneth gibson richard lochheadmssandra white mr adam ingram
fergus ewing mr kenneth gibsonmssandra white mr adam ingram
fergus ewing mr kenneth gibsonmssandra white mr adam ingram
john swinney mr andrew welshmssandra white mr alex fergusson
ullrich tricia marwick alex neilmssandra white mr alex salmond
mr gil paterson christine grahamemssandra white mr andrew welsh
gil paterson ms margo macdonaldmssandra white mr andrew welsh
stewart stevenson mr gil patersonmssandra white mr andrew wilson
lodged on 23 october 2000mssandra white mr duncan hamilton
2000 nora radcliffe michael mathesonmssandra white mr duncan hamilton
26 october 2000 michael mathesonmssandra white mr duncan hamilton
matheson mr john home robertsonmssandra white mr duncan hamilton
mr jamie stone robin harpermssandra white mr duncan hamilton
24 october 2000 michael mathesonmssandra white mr duncan hamilton
teachd supported by stewart stevensonmssandra white mr george reid
to that end supported bymssandra white mr gil paterson
elder scott barrie malcolm chisholmmssandra white mr gil paterson
elder michael russell linda fabianimssandra white mr gil paterson
lodged on 10 october 2000mssandra white mr gil paterson
adam ingram mr duncan hamiltonmssandra white mr gil paterson
mcleod andrew wilson alex johnstonemssandra white mr gil paterson
mr lloyd quinan michael russellmssandra white mr gil paterson
mr duncan hamilton michael russellmssandra white mr gil paterson
linda fabiani mr kenny macaskillmssandra white mr john munro
lloyd quinan mr john mcallionmssandra white mr john munro
mr lloyd quinan colin campbellmssandra white mr john swinney
mcgugan linda fabiani alex neilmssandra white mr john swinney
gil paterson mr kenny macaskillmssandra white mr kenneth gibson
brian adam mr kenny macaskillmssandra white mr kenneth gibson
lodged on 16 august 2001mssandra white mr kenneth gibson
shona robison dorothy grace eldermssandra white mr kenneth gibson
grahame donald gorrie fergus ewingmssandra white mr kenneth gibson
jobs regeneration plan supported bymssandra white mr kenneth gibson
lodged on 16 august 2001mssandra white mr kenneth gibson
lodged on 15 august 2001mssandra white mr kenneth gibson
mr gil paterson alex neilmssandra white mr kenneth gibson
russell brian adam irene mcguganmssandra white mr lloyd quinan
supported by dr winnie ewingmssandra white mr lloyd quinan
fiona mcleod dorothy grace eldermssandra white mr lloyd quinan
russell fiona mcleod brian adammssandra white mr lloyd quinan
wilson robin harper nora radcliffemssandra white mr lloyd quinan
sturgeon alex neil john scottmssandra white mr lloyd quinan
davidson christine grahame fergus ewingmssandra white mrs margaret ewing
2000 nora radcliffe michael mathesonmssandra white mrs margaret ewing
mr kenny macaskill robin harpermssandra white mrs margaret ewing
hyslop robert brown tommy sheridanmssandra white mrs margaret ewing
mr duncan hamilton mary scanlonmssandra white ms linda fabiani
mcallion r mr kenny macaskillmssandra white ms margo macdonald
matheson mr john home robertsonmssandra white nick johnston dr
illness it is supported bymssandra white nicola sturgeon mr
john swinney ms margo macdonaldmssandra white nicola sturgeon mr
crawford fiona hyslop fergus ewingmssandra white nicola sturgeon shona
margo macdonald mr adam ingrammssandra white nora radcliffe alex
andrew wilson dr winnie ewingmssandra white nora radcliffe fergus
alex neil dr winnie ewingmssandra white nora radcliffe mr
malcolm chisholm dorothy grace eldermssandra white pauline mcneill robert
adam kate maclean s1m 264mssandra white police resources and
proposal under rule 9 14mssandra white proposed third party
proposal under rule 9 14mssandra white proposed third party
macaskill alasdair morgan s1m 1249mssandra white rector of glasgow
donald gorrie mr duncan hamiltonmssandra white rhoda grant maureen
brown donald gorrie tommy sheridanmssandra white rhoda grant mr
elaine smith mrs mary mulliganmssandra white rhoda grant tricia
murray fiona mcleod michael russellmssandra white richard lochhead mr
an early opportunity supported bymssandra white richard lochhead mr
euan robson mr adam ingrammssandra white richard lochhead mr
mr keith harding alasdair morganmssandra white robin harper alex
lochhead nicola sturgeon tommy sheridanmssandra white robin harper dennis
grahame fiona hyslop shona robisonmssandra white robin harper dr
elder shona robison fiona mcleodmssandra white robin harper irene
craigie richard lochhead alasdair morganmssandra white robin harper irene
morgan fiona mcleod fergus ewingmssandra white robin harper michael
lochhead alasdair morgan nora radcliffemssandra white robin harper michael
mr john munro andrew wilsonmssandra white robin harper mr
gorrie christine grahame shona robisonmssandra white robin harper mr
brian monteith mr david davidsonmssandra white robin harper mr
mr john munro george lyonmssandra white robin harper ms
ewing linda fabiani brian adammssandra white robin harper shona
2002 brian adam tricia marwickmssandra white roseanna cunningham colin
mr andrew welsh michael mathesonmssandra white roseanna cunningham mr
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskillmssandra white s1m 1012 mr
winnie ewing mr gil patersonmssandra white s1m 1044 linda
neil shona robison fiona mcleodmssandra white s1m 1075 mike
grace elder mr kenneth gibsonmssandra white s1m 1130 tommy
monteith michael russell christine grahamemssandra white s1m 1194 1
mcleod shona robison andrew wilsonmssandra white s1m 1244 colin
5 october 2000 nick johnstonmssandra white s1m 1246 lord
2000 nick johnston michael mathesonmssandra white s1m 1250 release
6 october 2000 michael mathesonmssandra white s1m 1252 evaluation
lodged on 23 october 2000mssandra white s1m 1266 oki
23 october 2000 nora radcliffemssandra white s1m 1268 govan
lodged on 24 october 2000mssandra white s1m 1273 compensation
25 october 2000 nora radcliffemssandra white s1m 1276 condition
2000 nora radcliffe michael mathesonmssandra white s1m 1283 high
lodged on 4 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2303 project
4 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2304 foot
8 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2305 scottish
lodged on 5 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2308 1
lodged on 5 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2310 concessionary
17 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2311 freedom
9 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2313 falkirk
lodged on 9 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2316 reversal
lodged on 11 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2318 the
16 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2324 clarkston
16 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2325 liquid
18 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2331 scottish
lodged on 18 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2332 devolution
19 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2334 airdrieonians
19 october 2001 alex neilmssandra white s1m 2335 16
lodged on 24 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2357 scottish
lodged on 24 october 2001mssandra white s1m 2359 sue
by michael russell michael mathesonmssandra white s1m 2744 mr
lodged on 22 february 2002mssandra white s1m 2755 caisteal
lodged on 19 february 2002mssandra white s1m 2756 dangerous
february 2002 mr duncan hamiltonmssandra white s1m 2759 treatment
lodged on 22 february 2002mssandra white s1m 2767 voting
february 2002 mr duncan hamiltonmssandra white s1m 2770 women
february 2002 mr duncan hamiltonmssandra white s1m 2774 congratulations
lodged on 27 february 2002mssandra white s1m 2803 fair
lodged on 28 february 2002mssandra white s1m 2808 ratification
lodged on 1 march 2002mssandra white s1m 2819 north
mr kenneth gibson christine grahamemssandra white s1m 2837 support
fiona mcleod mr david davidsonmssandra white s1m 286 mr
mr kenneth gibson christine grahamemssandra white s1m 2865 appeal
2002 elaine smith susan deaconmssandra white s1m 2874 drugs
lodged on 11 march 2002mssandra white s1m 2876 third
19 march 2002 pauline mcneillmssandra white s1m 2916 launch
mr adam ingram michael russellmssandra white s1m 293 mr
2002 elaine smith robin harpermssandra white s1m 2943 welcome
lodged on 28 march 2002mssandra white s1m 2956 dystonia
17 january 2003 brian adammssandra white s1m 3779 roseanna
grahame tricia marwick alex neilmssandra white s1m 3826 mr
lodged on 6 february 2003mssandra white s1m 3863 dispersal
gil paterson mr adam ingrammssandra white s1m 3874 1
gil paterson mr lloyd quinanmssandra white s1m 3897 suicide
tommy sheridan mr tom mccabemssandra white s1m 3899 closure
mr gil paterson tommy sheridanmssandra white s1m 3900 st
lodged on 19 february 2003mssandra white s1m 3901 the
18 february 2003 tommy sheridanmssandra white s1m 3909 war
18 february 2003 tommy sheridanmssandra white s1m 3916 proposed
lodged on 20 february 2003mssandra white s1m 3926 early
lodged on 20 february 2003mssandra white s1m 3928 anti
lodged on 20 february 2003mssandra white s1m 3932 post
commemorated supported by robin harpermssandra white s1m 3959 ross
beach clean ups supported bymssandra white s1m 3967 richard
mr duncan hamilton alex neilmssandra white s1m 56 1
mr kenny macaskill michael mathesonmssandra white s1m 604 christine
may supported by tommy sheridanmssandra white s1m 886 irene
winnie ewing mr lloyd quinanmssandra white s1m 892 pauline
hyslop brian adam michael mathesonmssandra white s1m 907 mr
paterson alasdair morgan robin harpermssandra white s1m 909 donald
michael matheson mr kenny macaskillmssandra white s1m 937 alex
gil paterson mr kenny macaskillmssandra white s1m 950 ben
nicola sturgeon mr kenny macaskillmssandra white s1m 953 dorothy
gil paterson mr kenny macaskillmssandra white s1m 962 shona
winnie ewing mr john swinneymssandra white s1m 963 dorothy
mrs margaret ewing alex neilmssandra white shona robison andrew
campbell fiona mcleod tommy sheridanmssandra white shona robison andrew
mr kenneth gibson s1m 761mssandra white sign language in
michael matheson mr gil patersonmssandra white stewart stevenson shona
since may 1999 s1w 13124mssandra white to ask the
of december 2003 s1w 33751mssandra white to ask the
at sports stadiums s1w 23051mssandra white to ask the
forth river crossings s1w 9857mssandra white to ask the
work each day s1w 4789mssandra white to ask the
last five years s1w 4791mssandra white to ask the
youth football s1o 6351 23mssandra white to ask the
the highlands s1o 2757 14mssandra white to ask the
local authority area s1w 9858mssandra white to ask the
of the building s1w 6039mssandra white to ask the
at rosyth s1o 1853 11mssandra white to ask the
they are cleaned s1w 4790mssandra white to ask the
money been spent s1w 6037mssandra white to ask the
criminal justice system s1w 6036mssandra white to ask the
any such sales s1w 6038mssandra white to ask the
of scotland s1o 1502 14mssandra white to ask the
water supply contamination s1w 28595mssandra white to ask the
the land register s1w 1743mssandra white to ask the
the area s1o 426 7mssandra white to ask the
it provides s1o 297 2mssandra white to ask the
with lung disease s1w 23050mssandra white to ask the
into communities s1o 6497 16mssandra white to ask the
a farm animal s1w 24672mssandra white to ask the
diseases and contamination s1w 28596mssandra white to ask the
diseases and contamination s1w 28597mssandra white to ask the
at sports stadiums s1w 23053mssandra white to ask the
lung diseases s1o 3833 14mssandra white to ask the
each such distribution s1w 33750mssandra white to ask the
at sports stadiums s1w 23052mssandra white to ask the
of epilepsy s1o 3200 16mssandra white to ask the
in scotland s1o 276 15mssandra white to ask the
appointment will be s1w 34728mssandra white to ask the
on tay s1o 4861 24mssandra white to ask the
diseases and contamination s1w 28598mssandra white to ask the
for neighbourhood disputes s1w 28594mssandra white to ask the
including travel expenses s1w 4788mssandra white to ask the
the rural economy s1w 34373mssandra white to ask the
published european recommendations s1w 27491mssandra white to ask the
lodged on 13 august 2001mssandra white tommy sheridan donald
lodged on 14 august 2001mssandra white tommy sheridan donald
lodged on 14 august 2001mssandra white tommy sheridan donald
supported by dorothy grace eldermssandra white tommy sheridan fiona
lodged on 13 august 2001mssandra white tommy sheridan irene
andrew wilson dorothy grace eldermssandra white tommy sheridan michael
gibson elaine smith andrew wilsonmssandra white tommy sheridan robin
12 march 2002 michael mathesonmssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
r fiona mcleod elaine smithmssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
r fiona mcleod elaine smithmssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
lochhead stewart stevenson christine grahamemssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
lochhead stewart stevenson christine grahamemssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
lodged on 12 march 2002mssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
mr kenneth gibson michael mathesonmssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
mr kenneth gibson michael mathesonmssandra white tommy sheridan s1m
macaskill roseanna cunningham andrew wilsonmssandra white tricia marwick christine
mr lloyd quinan fiona mcleodmssandra white tricia marwick margaret
shona robison mr kenny macaskillmssandra white tricia marwick mr
michael russell mr gil patersonmssandra white tricia marwick mr
matheson brian adam andrew wilsonmssandra white tricia marwick mr
mr michael mcmahon nicola sturgeonmssandra white tricia marwick s1m
mr adam ingram alex neilmssandra white tricia marwick s1m
dorothy grace elder fiona mcleodmssandra white tricia marwick s1m
nicola sturgeon mr gil patersonmssandra white tricia marwick s1m
mcneill nora radcliffe robert brownmssandra white trish godman dr
that nomination members indicated agreementmssandra white was chosen as
of english acceptances drugs 3msmargaret curran glasgow baillieston lab
campbell west of scotland snpmsmargaret curran glasgow baillieston lab
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab davidson
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab davidson
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab davidson
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab davidson
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab davidson
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab davidson
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab davidson
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
scotland and fife snp curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab deacon
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab douglas
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab douglas
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab douglas
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab douglas
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab douglas
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab eadie
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab eadie
cumbernauld and kilsyth lab curranmsmargaret glasgow baillieston lab eadie
rhoda grant mr alex neilmselaine thomson ms margo macdonald
margo macdonald mr john mcallionmsfiona mcleod ms pauline mcneill
ms margo macdonald tricia marwickmslinda fabiani mr jamie stone
officer i call margo macdonaldmsmacdonald i do not mind
lewis aberdeen central lab macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp macintosh mr
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp marwick tricia
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp matheson michael
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp matheson michael
mr kenny lothians snp macdonaldmsmargo lothians snp matheson michael
by alex neil michael russellmsmargo macdonald adam ingram fiona
the year 2000 s1m 1441msmargo macdonald ags and audit
scotland supported by brian adammsmargo macdonald alasdair morgan irene
robertson euan robson ian jenkinsmsmargo macdonald alex johnstone miss
lloyd quinan mr john swinneymsmargo macdonald alex neil brian
gil paterson mr lloyd quinanmsmargo macdonald alex neil dorothy
by tommy sheridan robin harpermsmargo macdonald alex neil s1m
meeting apologies were noted frommsmargo macdonald and duncan mcneil
stone michael russell brian adammsmargo macdonald andrew wilson mr
quinan michael russell linda fabianimsmargo macdonald andrew wilson ms
lodged on 29 march 2001msmargo macdonald brian adam alasdair
the scottish parliament supported bymsmargo macdonald brian adam dorothy
mr duncan hamilton tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald bruce crawford s1m
lodged on 5 april 2001msmargo macdonald business bulletin 78
fabiani fergus ewing s1m 97msmargo macdonald cannabis and the
ewing kate maclean s1m 282msmargo macdonald cannabis and the
mr keith harding s1m 1257msmargo macdonald cannabis and the
lochhead michael matheson tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald cathy peattie mr
mr kenneth macintosh hugh henrymsmargo macdonald cathy peattie s1m
dr winnie ewing donald gorriemsmargo macdonald christine grahame proposed
a hash symbol s1m 3278msmargo macdonald classification of cannabis
lodged on 22 march 2001msmargo macdonald colin campbell s1m
mr john mcallion dennis canavanmsmargo macdonald colin campbell tricia
and the schedule s1m 1844msmargo macdonald cost limits of
mr duncan hamilton tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald david mundell mary
mr duncan hamilton alex neilmsmargo macdonald dennis canavan mr
hamilton tommy sheridan elaine smithmsmargo macdonald des mcnulty euan
on all trains supported bymsmargo macdonald donald gorrie mr
mr john mcallion michael mathesonmsmargo macdonald dorothy grace elder
trish godman dr elaine murraymsmargo macdonald dr richard simpson
supported by mr gil patersonmsmargo macdonald dr winnie ewing
hamilton tricia marwick robin harpermsmargo macdonald dr winnie ewing
campbell michael russell robert brownmsmargo macdonald fergus ewing nora
grahame shona robison linda fabianimsmargo macdonald fiona mcleod andrew
white bruce crawford s1m 911msmargo macdonald future strategy for
smith roseanna cunningham s1m 1224msmargo macdonald holyrood project ethical
delegated powers scrutiny the convenermsmargo macdonald i welcome everyone
crawford richard lochhead fiona mcleodmsmargo macdonald iain smith proposed
mr mike rumbles euan robsonmsmargo macdonald ian jenkins s1m
should be renewed s1m 2372msmargo macdonald institutional racism that
dr winnie ewing colin campbellmsmargo macdonald kay ullrich irene
gorrie tommy sheridan s1m 1048msmargo macdonald library of alexandria
mcneil greenock and inverclyde labmsmargo macdonald lothians snp angus
again if that is possiblemsmargo macdonald lothians snp can
meeting 2002 session 1 convenermsmargo macdonald lothians snp deputy
to the centralised european unionmsmargo macdonald lothians snp does
donald gorrie central scotland ldmsmargo macdonald lothians snp george
speak to your paper margomsmargo macdonald lothians snp i
want to do that nowmsmargo macdonald lothians snp i
to create it 12 03msmargo macdonald lothians snp i
cumnock and doon valley labmsmargo macdonald lothians snp maureen
lyon argyll and bute ldmsmargo macdonald lothians snp mr
grahame south of scotland snpmsmargo macdonald lothians snp mrs
any other questions on judgesmsmargo macdonald lothians snp my
euan robson motion agreed tomsmargo macdonald lothians snp on
then proceed to decision timemsmargo macdonald lothians snp on
to call mr tom mccabemsmargo macdonald lothians snp on
public private partnerships hospitals 9msmargo macdonald lothians snp to
assessed under the benefits systemmsmargo macdonald lothians snp will
michael matheson mr kenny macaskillmsmargo macdonald mary scanlon david
matheson tricia marwick tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald mary scanlon david
dennis canavan mrs margaret ewingmsmargo macdonald michael matheson bruce
michael russell mr lloyd quinanmsmargo macdonald michael matheson christine
supported by mr kenny macaskillmsmargo macdonald michael matheson linda
lodged on 29 march 2001msmargo macdonald michael russell alasdair
lodged on 29 march 2001msmargo macdonald michael russell alasdair
lodged on 29 march 2001msmargo macdonald michael russell brian
lodged on 27 march 2001msmargo macdonald michael russell colin
lodged on 22 march 2001msmargo macdonald michael russell colin
kate maclean mr kenneth macintoshmsmargo macdonald michael russell lodged
mr kenny macaskill fergus ewingmsmargo macdonald michael russell mr
to 16 motion without noticemsmargo macdonald moved without notice
russell linda fabiani tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald mr adam ingram
quinan michael russell tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald mr adam ingram
supported by mr kenneth gibsonmsmargo macdonald mr andrew welsh
ingram tricia marwick tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald mr brian monteith
mr david davidson nora radcliffemsmargo macdonald mr duncan hamilton
sturgeon tricia marwick fiona mcleodmsmargo macdonald mr gil paterson
wilson roseanna cunningham kay ullrichmsmargo macdonald mr gil paterson
mr michael matheson fiona mcleodmsmargo macdonald mr gil paterson
godman margaret jamieson richard lochheadmsmargo macdonald mr john mcallion
efficiently as possible supported bymsmargo macdonald mr john munro
fiona hyslop mr duncan hamiltonmsmargo macdonald mr kenneth gibson
adam ingram mr gil patersonmsmargo macdonald mr kenny macaskill
lodged on 25 april 2001msmargo macdonald mr kenny macaskill
adam ingram mr gil patersonmsmargo macdonald mr kenny macaskill
adam ingram mr gil patersonmsmargo macdonald mr kenny macaskill
marwick andrew wilson robin harpermsmargo macdonald mr kenny macaskill
mr jamie stone fiona mcleodmsmargo macdonald mr kenny macaskill
mr andrew welsh roseanna cunninghammsmargo macdonald mr lloyd quinan
scotland for everyone supported bymsmargo macdonald mr michael matheson
jamie mcgrigor mr keith hardingmsmargo macdonald mrs lyndsay mcintosh
criminal justice division scottish executivemsmargo macdonald msp annie rhodes
mr jamie stone richard lochheadmsmargo macdonald nicola sturgeon s1m
adam fiona hyslop michael russellmsmargo macdonald nora radcliffe s1m
mr keith harding s1m 1280msmargo macdonald palestinian resolution that
hamilton trish godman margaret smithmsmargo macdonald pauline mcneill s1m
quinan linda fabiani tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald proposed prostitution tolerance
munro jamie stone tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald robin harper cathie
munro jamie stone tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald robin harper ms
mr duncan hamilton tommy sheridanmsmargo macdonald s1m 1108 lord
mcleod tricia marwick robin harpermsmargo macdonald s1m 1168 mr
russell elaine smith robin harpermsmargo macdonald s1m 1190 mr
lodged on 21 march 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1767 threatened
lodged on 26 march 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1791 the
lodged on 19 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1834 employment
lodged on 20 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1847 child
lodged on 20 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1848 glasgow
lodged on 23 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1849 refugee
lodged on 24 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1856 diesel
lodged on 24 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1858 closure
lodged on 24 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1859 national
lodged on 24 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1860 parkinson
lodged on 26 april 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1874 a
lloyd quinan mr adam ingrammsmargo macdonald s1m 1876 trade
lloyd quinan mr adam ingrammsmargo macdonald s1m 1902 reid
lloyd quinan mr adam ingrammsmargo macdonald s1m 1903 threatened
lodged on 4 may 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1909 75th
lodged on 8 may 2001msmargo macdonald s1m 1915 caithness
13 june 2002 michael mathesonmsmargo macdonald s1m 3212 european
gibson roseanna cunningham s1m 1269msmargo macdonald safety on the
bruce crawford mr john swinneymsmargo macdonald shona robison dr
the subject of s1m 787msmargo macdonald standard life mutuality
the subject of s1m 787msmargo macdonald standard life mutuality
3830 in the name ofmsmargo macdonald that the parliament
improvement projects s1o 3835 16msmargo macdonald to ask the
on bail s1o 1534 16msmargo macdonald to ask the
the disabled s1o 226 15msmargo macdonald to ask the
music tuition s1o 2750 21msmargo macdonald to ask the
appointment was made s1w 32333msmargo macdonald to ask the
days per week s1w 391msmargo macdonald to ask the
the european journal s1w 32331msmargo macdonald to ask the
income families s1o 5393 13msmargo macdonald to ask the
the european journal s1w 32332msmargo macdonald to ask the
the scheme s1o 3221 14msmargo macdonald to ask the
rmjm scotland ltd s1w 32329msmargo macdonald to ask the
plan for scotland s1w 32328msmargo macdonald to ask the
c sewel motions s1w 24105msmargo macdonald to ask the
threaten violence s1o 5437 2msmargo macdonald to ask the
in grampian s1o 6365 16msmargo macdonald to ask the
building at holyrood s1w 32330msmargo macdonald to ask the
alex neil ms elaine thomsonmsmargo macdonald tricia marwick ms
lodged on 30 april 2001msmargo macdonald tricia marwick s1m
lodged on 3 may 2001msmargo macdonald tricia marwick s1m
lodged on 4 may 2001msmargo macdonald tricia marwick s1m
adam ingram mr gil patersonmsmargo macdonald tricia marwick s1m
fundamental human right s1m 2902msmargo macdonald un resolution on
ms margo macdonald robin harpermsnicola sturgeon ian jenkins fiona
s proposals for doing thatmscurran child poverty is not
guaranteed minimum standard of housingmscurran i am not quite
more homes were owner occupiedmscurran i am not sure
over the past four yearsmscurran i am sorry to
that that figure is risingmscurran i have not seen
will the minister give waymscurran i must press on
to protect communities from disordermscurran i re emphasise that
considered by the scottish executivemscurran i recognise that there
vulnerable of our older peoplemscurran i thank johann lamont
and hm customs and excisemscurran i thank the first
employers or the general publicmscurran if we do not
in a poverty free environmentmscurran kenny gibson asked several
yes strip to the waistmscurran let us not get
as completely and utterly unacceptablemscurran mr sheridan has pre
afford to live without workingmscurran my god it will
to discuss those plans furthermscurran my visit to east
effect of reducing child povertymscurran no that would be
educational provision for excluded childrenmscurran robert brown makes some
executive s answer to thatmscurran that is a matter
attention to a serious debatemscurran that is not fair
can she explain that awaymscurran that question gives me
to what is being saidmscurran the executive recognises that
to give people additional assistancemscurran we have just changed
con oh but i ammscurran yes she is we
required jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 115 in substitution
8 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 116 in section
2a jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 117 in section
9 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 118 in section
association jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 119 in section
all jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 121 in section
6a jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 122 in section
1 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 123 in schedule
10 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 124 leave out
11 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 125 in section
11 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 126 after section
13 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 127 in section
16 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 131 in section
effect jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 132 in section
16 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 133 after section
tenancy jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 134 after section
2 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 135 in schedule
with jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 142 in schedule
death jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 143 in schedule
20 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 144 in section
2 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 146 in section
28 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 148 in section
29 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 150 after section
6 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 151 in schedule
31 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 152 in section
35 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 154 in section
act jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 155 in section
37 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 156 in section
9 jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 157 in schedule
e jackie baillie supported bymsmargaret curran 158 in schedule
michael russell mr brian monteithmsmargaret curran alex neil elaine
lodged on 9 november 1999msmargaret curran alex neil s1m
for older people motion movedmsmargaret curran amendment moved mr
mr alasdair morrison s1m 3757msmargaret curran building scotland bill
a hash symbol s1m 4064msmargaret curran closing the opportunity
11 november 1999 scott barriemsmargaret curran dr elaine murray
grant malcolm chisholm scott barriemsmargaret curran dr elaine murray
attachment scotland bill supported bymsmargaret curran dr richard simpson
sturgeon shona robison s1m 3778msmargaret curran homelessness etc scotland
the minister for social justicemsmargaret curran i am pleased
deputy minister for social justicemsmargaret curran i am pleased
the minister for social justicemsmargaret curran i understand that
1 june 1999 supported bymsmargaret curran johann lamont mike
scott barrie mr michael mcmahonmsmargaret curran johann lamont mr
the minister for social justicemsmargaret curran linda fabiani central
chisholm johann lamont gordon jacksonmsmargaret curran mr john mcallion
the minister for social justicemsmargaret curran mr kenneth gibson
msp minister for social justicemsmargaret curran msp deputy minister
to question s1w 34296 bymsmargaret curran on 13 march
23664 and s1w 23665 bymsmargaret curran on 18 march
23664 and s1w 23665 bymsmargaret curran on 18 march
23664 and s1w 23665 bymsmargaret curran on 18 march
23664 and s1w 23665 bymsmargaret curran on 18 march
to question s1w 24178 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24177 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
24175 and s1w 24176 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24175 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24178 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24178 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
24175 and s1w 24176 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24178 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24178 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24178 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 24174 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
24175 and s1w 24176 bymsmargaret curran on 2 april
to question s1w 29299 bymsmargaret curran on 26 september
to question s1w 22024 bymsmargaret curran on 28 february
to question s1w 33579 bymsmargaret curran on 6 february
to question s1o 3541 bymsmargaret curran on 6 june
matter of priority s1m 1185msmargaret curran on behalf of
3410 in the name ofmsmargaret curran on the general
kenneth gibson mrs margaret ewingmsmargaret curran paul martin s1m
murray scott barrie malcolm chisholmmsmargaret curran rhoda grant gordon
hughes malcolm chisholm irene mcguganmsmargaret curran scott barrie tommy
deputy minister for social justicemsmargaret curran scottish parliamentary and
the minister for social justicemsmargaret curran the executive is
bill stage 1 motion movedmsmargaret curran the minister for
the minister for social justicemsmargaret curran this is an
cuileig ross shire s1w 4830msmargaret curran to ask the
be made s1o 1830 15msmargaret curran to ask the
2000 01 s1f 157 6msmargaret curran to ask the
watson robert brown johann lamontmsmargaret curran tommy sheridan paul
malcolm chisholm dr elaine murraymsmargaret curran trish godman dr
brian adam mr murray toshmsmargaret curran trish godman mr
the minister for social justicemsmargaret curran we are taking
december 2002 pe582 petition bymscarol macdonald on behalf of
macdonald colin campbell s1m 251msirene oldfather kilwinning millennium celebrations
use by the legal officemsmacdonald annul the convener could
ibm meeting for some timemsmacdonald are we all going
the time the convener exactlymsmacdonald at least we will
that was always my approachmsmacdonald before i ask my
or government ian jenkins rosemsmacdonald briefly i will mention
to amend reject or acceptmsmacdonald can we choose the
the same point of ordermsmacdonald can you rule as
being used in that waymsmacdonald do the local enterprise
as issues occur to themmsmacdonald first i want to
it is just enormous anywaymsmacdonald gey big elaine thomson
territory that we are inmsmacdonald had the treaty been
directive as the convener andmsmacdonald have said what is
him proud on his papermsmacdonald he would probably be
elderly people who need itmsmacdonald i accept most of
that opportunity to be clearmsmacdonald i am glad that
to generate different economic activitiesmsmacdonald i am interested in
infrastructure mr home robertson yesmsmacdonald i am sure of
have fallen into that categorymsmacdonald i ask because the
good candidates for those postsmsmacdonald i could give you
which is currently being revisedmsmacdonald i genuinely thank the
and time is getting onmsmacdonald i have a quick
the position a little clearermsmacdonald i the convener hold
are doing something slightly differentmsmacdonald i thought that the
make recommendations members indicated agreementmsmacdonald i understand the difficulties
either 25 or 28 maymsmacdonald i volunteer to go
do not matter to themmsmacdonald i want it for
the redrafted social policy agendamsmacdonald i want to be
icc is to deal withmsmacdonald i want to follow
diverts staff from mainstream workmsmacdonald i was not suggesting
will have the last wordmsmacdonald i will ask about
am conscious of the timemsmacdonald i will be brief
the uk as a unitmsmacdonald i will press you
the minister then again perhapsmsmacdonald i would wait until
just go round the housesmsmacdonald if the european committee
call centre from the southmsmacdonald if they are rude
only in their own viewmsmacdonald if we want to
time has been set asidemsmacdonald instead of going to
the lead committee to objectmsmacdonald is it possible to
the organisation christine grahame okaymsmacdonald it is under the
agenda in a constructive waymsmacdonald john home robertson will
system that was not donemsmacdonald may i press you
potential unless we make headwaymsmacdonald members might be surprised
deputy presiding officer please closemsmacdonald ms macdonald right i
on the road safety sidemsmacdonald my point is that
difficult to get independent advicemsmacdonald none of the people
benefit of some european familiarisationmsmacdonald oh she went to
is happening in this casemsmacdonald okay elaine thomson undertaking
am getting closer every daymsmacdonald on the cultural gap
the addition of the cormsmacdonald perhaps i missed it
with it members indicated agreementmsmacdonald perhaps you should rephrase
officer please close ms macdonaldmsmacdonald right i am sorry
her report elaine thomson sorrymsmacdonald she is not interested
funds that is the keymsmacdonald so if the people
problems within the european frameworkmsmacdonald so we just let
a member of the committeemsmacdonald take that out of
that contribute to the problemmsmacdonald textiles is seen as
good use of our timemsmacdonald that is a very
will be lose its industrymsmacdonald that is evident none
experience and our management informationmsmacdonald that is my point
however i will say tomsmacdonald that there is provision
make i was saying tomsmacdonald that there is provision
that have will anybody noticemsmacdonald that was my basic
areas might consider that approachmsmacdonald the committee might want
nice summit mabel hildebrand yesmsmacdonald the redraft will therefore
improvements to the supply chainmsmacdonald therefore an end user
parliament chooses to annul themmsmacdonald they will come into
or so i think thatmsmacdonald was suggesting that the
should address the gender issuemsmacdonald we can learn from
hear evidence from those witnessesmsmacdonald we could hear from
at the spreadable fats ssimsmacdonald we have plenty of
of focusing on the issuesmsmacdonald we should start with
and the procurator fiscal servicemsmacdonald we would be welcome
parent directive to the ssimsmacdonald we would like the
that was the principal issuemsmacdonald what about the trade
could not we note themmsmacdonald what would happen stephen
couple of hours a nightmsmacdonald who cleans the chimneys
home robertson what is newmsmacdonald why on earth are
the contract i think thatmsmacdonald will find that the
often regarded as innovative elsewheremsmacdonald will the member give
kilmarnock had a walk outmsmacdonald will we discuss that
the jurisdiction of the iccmsmacdonald would it not have
i could not make itmsmacdonald you missed yourself we
wendy harris who also hasmsbut who has been receiving
doyle wendy harris mark hazelwoodmssociety scotland mr adam ingram
takeover succeed holding reply bymswendy alexander 16 october 2000
the sector holding reply bymswendy alexander 27 november 2000
in dumfries holding reply bymswendy alexander 27 november 2000
soon as possible answered bymswendy alexander 29 november 2000
soon as possible answered bymswendy alexander 30 november 2000
soon as possible answered bymswendy alexander 30 november 2000
butler robin harper elaine thomsonmswendy alexander alex fergusson rhoda
butler robin harper elaine thomsonmswendy alexander alex fergusson rhoda
affected by the resignation ofmswendy alexander as minister for
in the borders s1o 2837mswendy alexander assistance will be
20 november 2002 scott barriemswendy alexander dorothy grace elder
no 2 bill s1m 1780mswendy alexander education graduate endowment
for enterprise and lifelong learningmswendy alexander i will meet
and deprivation as announced bymswendy alexander in scottish office
november 2002 mr keith raffanmswendy alexander kate maclean mr
by susan deacon supported bymswendy alexander malcolm chisholm nicol
campbell karen gillon fiona mcleodmswendy alexander mr tom mccabe
following amendments s1m 2883 2mswendy alexander nuclear power stations
energy policy s1m 2883 2mswendy alexander nuclear power stations
further to the statement bymswendy alexander on 11 april
to question s1w 8386 bymswendy alexander on 13 july
to question s1w 24446 bymswendy alexander on 16 april
to question s1w 10883 bymswendy alexander on 16 january
the question s1w 777 bymswendy alexander on 17 august
to question s1w 14840 bymswendy alexander on 18 april
to question s1w 11344 bymswendy alexander on 18 december
to question s1w 14015 bymswendy alexander on 22 march
to question s1w 14015 bymswendy alexander on 22 march
to question s1w 5914 bymswendy alexander on 22 may
to question s1w 3635 bymswendy alexander on 24 january
to question s1w 3461 bymswendy alexander on 24 january
to question s1w 11988 bymswendy alexander on 27 december
to question s1w 10048 bymswendy alexander on 5 october
to question s1w 22351 bymswendy alexander on 8 february
to question s1w 22331 bymswendy alexander on 8 february
oath bill aitken glasgow conmswendy alexander paisley north lab
social justice programmes s1m 405mswendy alexander representation of people
17 may 2002 cathie craigiemswendy alexander s1m 3073 1
lodged on 25 november 2002mswendy alexander s1m 3634 european
240 in the name ofmswendy alexander scottish executive s
240 in the name ofmswendy alexander scottish executive s
22 executive bill introduced bymswendy alexander supported by mr
by allan wilson s1m 2897mswendy alexander the draft bus
since june 2000 s1w 12475mswendy alexander the scottish textile
their re instatement s1w 31831mswendy alexander to ask the
autistic spectrum disorder s1w 34933δmswendy alexander to ask the
incurring a penalty s1w 34334mswendy alexander to ask the
activities since 1997 s1w 31833mswendy alexander to ask the
area since 1997 s1w 31832mswendy alexander to ask the
partnership construction projects s1w 34333mswendy alexander to ask the
of such funds s1w 31836mswendy alexander to ask the
current position is s1w 34332mswendy alexander to ask the
will be used s1w 31837mswendy alexander to ask the
to renfrewshire council s1w 31835mswendy alexander to ask the
to the internet s1w 31834mswendy alexander to ask the
year since 1996 s1w 31838mswendy alexander to ask the
mr michael mcmahon brian fitzpatrickmswendy alexander trish godman mr
labour market issues s1w 12848mswendy alexander we plan to
of scotland con against alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
aitken bill glasgow con alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
north east scotland snp alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
be a division for alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
aitken bill glasgow con alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
aitken bill glasgow con alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
aitken bill glasgow con alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
aitken bill glasgow con alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
be a division for alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
aitken bill glasgow con alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
be a division for alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
central scotland snp against alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
aitken bill glasgow con alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
of scotland con against alexandermswendy paisley north lab baillie
craigie cumbernauld and kilsyth labmspatricia ferguson glasgow maryhill lab
white brian adam bruce crawfordmsroseanna cunningham ms linda fabiani
are recognised for the purposemswhite a previous witness mentioned
the bill would be incompetentmswhite at first glance when
no 2 military port unpublishedmswhite brigadier b g construction
might be a sensible solutionmswhite do you think that
to understand and to followmswhite even in this day
petition to the scottish executivemswhite historic scotland has access
to watch at the momentmswhite housing stock transfers may
exist geoff huggins effectively yesmswhite i am glad we
or by the scottish parliamentmswhite i pick up pauline
government about supporting this casemswhite i presumed that the
transport and environment committee onlymswhite i support the petition
ensure that she receives itmswhite i thank the minister
must consider the case soonermswhite i think that the
certain difficulties for the committeemswhite i thought that any
when the report is producedmswhite i understand that i
the housing stock throughout scotlandmswhite i want to ask
than her quota of supplementariesmswhite i want to ask
send out a press releasemswhite i was going to
in a position to answermswhite i was merely clarifying
be a bit more difficultmswhite i would like one
of the report in privatemswhite if a petition comes
has to pay us backmswhite if scottish homes no
be chosen according to costmswhite if there are extra
applicants for the first timemswhite is the bill strong
try to attract the pressmswhite it could held in
should lay down a timetablemswhite it is not laying
are quick i am freezingmswhite mr philp said that
see why that should bemswhite my only worry is
on other members of staffmswhite my question is to
provided to the private sectormswhite no geoff huggins the
effect on the development programmemswhite so basically the debt
a different mechanism 10 45mswhite so you cannot say
be able to deal withmswhite that brings me neatly
can take up the mattermswhite that is fine i
do so nothing really changesmswhite that is what i
made it could be consideredmswhite that was an interesting
the ground in any casemswhite the development funding function
notification periods and temporary approvalsmswhite the local authority representatives
after consideration is that agreedmswhite the previous petition and
to fit in with itmswhite the staff situation has
most emphasis on in recruitmentmswhite we all know that
grahame that is a pitymswhite we could still have
us to miss anything outmswhite we should ask why
have forgotten your second pointmswhite what were the main
contents must be in privatemswhite when the petition came
the clerks for their workmswhite why cannot handwritten petitions
should be taken in privatemswhite why do we have
on 23 november tuesday afternoonmswhite yes the same time
would not be the casemswhite you also mentioned that
to provide assurances on thatmswhite you cannot provide assurances
am sure we all understandmswhite you mentioned the fact
paper industry as a wholemsalexander i am hopeful that
will somehow make things bettermsalexander i am not sure
paper industry left in scotlandmsalexander we intend to have
mr stewart stevenson christine grahamemsjackie baillie ian jenkins karen
irene oldfather mrs kay ullrichmsjackie baillie ms linda fabiani
by david mundell karen whitefieldmsjackie baillie robert brown dennis
bristow muldoon mr murray toshmsjackie baillie scott barrie bill
kay ullrich ms jackie bailliemslinda fabiani mr adam ingram
irene mcgugan dr elaine murraymselaine thomson mrs margaret ewing
ingram tommy sheridan donald gorriemsfiona mcleod mrs margaret ewing
whitefield mike watson donald gorriemsfiona mcleod cathie craigie kate
bruce crawford mr michael mathesonmsfiona mcleod cathy peattie mr
john mcallion mrs lyndsay mcintoshmsfiona mcleod des mcnulty david
livingstone michael russell ian jenkinsmsfiona mcleod irene oldfather mrs
mcneill trish godman donald gorriemsfiona mcleod lodged on 17
paterson tommy sheridan donald gorriemsfiona mcleod michael russell brian
elaine smith mr andrew wilsonmsfiona mcleod michael russell ms
kenny macaskill mr kenneth macintoshmsfiona mcleod michael russell tommy
wilson donald gorrie fiona hyslopmsfiona mcleod mr brian monteith
richard lochhead mr kenny macaskillmsfiona mcleod mr stewart stevenson
ms pauline mcneill donald gorriemsfiona mcleod mrs elaine smith
jamieson fiona mcleod s1m 386msirene oldfather north ayrshire schools
ms fiona mcleod michael russellmslinda fabiani lodged on 18
john mcallion ms fiona mcleodmspauline mcneill cathy peattie mr
by jackie doyle who hasmsbut is being denied access
have been given is thatmsmarwick is in order at
presiding officer i will hearmsmarwick s point of order
i wonder yet again whethermsmarwick will bear that in
is taking i wonder whethermsmarwick would bear that in
matheson alex neil s1m 335msirene oldfather teenage pregnancy that
and mr andrew dickson andmsjane hope of the scottish
andrew welsh ms sarah boyackmslinda fabiani maureen macmillan mr
ewing michael russell christine grahamemspauline mcneill mr andrew wilson
murray tosh mr andrew welshmssarah boyack dorothy grace elder
murray tosh mr andrew welshmssarah boyack ms linda fabiani
mr andrew welsh brian adammssarah boyack robert brown dorothy
mr gil paterson tommy sheridanmspauline mcneill mrs elaine smith
mr kenneth paterson assistant directormsmaria lucia macconnachie senior education
the scottish executive supported bymslinda fabiani fiona hyslop mr
bruce crawford ms roseanna cunninghammslinda fabiani fiona hyslop richard
godman donald gorrie michael russellmslinda fabiani irene mcgugan dr
mr alex neil shona robisonmslinda fabiani mr duncan hamilton
sarah boyack dorothy grace eldermslinda fabiani mr kenny macaskill
nora radcliffe mr adam ingrammspauline mcneill lodged on 27
jamie stone mrs nora radcliffemspauline mcneill rhoda grant mr
elaine smith mrs nora radcliffemspauline mcneill trish godman donald
tommy sheridan mrs nora radcliffemspauline mcneill trish godman donald
reid michael russell mary scanlonmselaine thomson mr david davidson
michael mcmahon ms pauline mcneillmselaine thomson mr murray tosh
michael russell mr duncan hamiltonmsnicola sturgeon donald gorrie mr
kenneth macintosh mr michael mcmahonmspauline mcneill john farquhar munro
lyndsay mcintosh mr michael mcmahonmspauline mcneill ms elaine thomson
marion mcneill sunday 1930 nlsms26195 the savage pilgrimage 58
tommy sheridan ms pauline mcneillmselaine thomson irene oldfather mr
john mcallion mr duncan mcneilmspauline mcneill des mcnulty cathy
threat of liquidation supported bymspauline mcneill donald gorrie ms
douglas hamilton mr alex neilmspauline mcneill lodged on 30
jamie mcgrigor mr david davidsonmspauline mcneill mr adam ingram
gorrie maureen macmillan tommy sheridanmspauline mcneill ms elaine thomson
kenneth gibson mr murray toshmselaine thomson donald gorrie mr
with the highest levels ofmscare supported by shona robison
mrs kay ullrich shona robisonmsnicola sturgeon cathy jamieson trish
ullrich ben wallace also presentmsnicola sturgeon shona robison brian
hospitals in scotland supported bymspatricia ferguson mike watson robert
of care for people withmssupported by david mundell karen
scanlon highlands and islands conmsirene oldfather cunninghame south lab
mundell south of scotland conmsirene oldfather cunninghame south lab
anyone have questions and commentsmsirene oldfather cunninghame south lab
mary scanlon mr john swinneymsirene oldfather mr john mcallion
against offenders s1o 261 4msirene oldfather to ask the
from new money s1w 1965msirene oldfather to ask the
drinking water is s1w 1967msirene oldfather to ask the
from lead contamination s1w 1968msirene oldfather to ask the
drinking water systems s1w 1966msirene oldfather to ask the
the subject of s1m 250msirene oldfather tobacco sales to
to respond at great lengthmselder dorothy grace elder oh
ullrich kenneth macintosh george reidmsnicola sturgeon janis hughes malcolm
ullrich kenneth macintosh george reidmsnicola sturgeon janis hughes malcolm
grahame oh god brian fitzpatrickmsgrahame makes the usual sighing
call pointlessly i think onmsgrahame to withdraw amendment 8
the railway seems to interestmsgrahame who prefers to launch
mr bill morton chief executivemsamanda cornish general manager mr
billy macintyre director of awardsmsjean blair project manager mr
each candidate was as followsmspatricia ferguson 54 mr george
each candidate was as followsmspatricia ferguson 66 mr george
round will take place withmspatricia ferguson and mr george
papers mr jack mcconnell formspatricia ferguson colin campbell for
valid nominations have been receivedmspatricia ferguson mr george reid
dr sylvia jackson stirling labmsawareness week 14 21 april
please stand to identify themselvesmspatricia ferguson glasgow maryhill lab
2002 that the parliament welcomesmsawareness week 14 21 april
unison borders equality in educationmseileen prior ms donna allen

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