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129 msps it gies themspsfae aw pairties an independent
129 msps it allows themspsfrom all parties and independent
made up of all 129mspsit allows the msps from
made up o aw 129mspsit gies the msps fae
become msps there are 129mspsmade up o 73 constituency
become msps there are 129mspsmade up of 73 constituency
scottish parliament there are 129mspspublic petition a signed statement
the scottish pairlament there 129mspspublic petition a signit statement
the candidates who win becomemspsthere are 129 msps made
the candidates that wins becomemspsthere are 129 msps made
support the retention of 129mspsto enable the parliament to
only one of the 129mspswho has inevitably at some
msps fae sindry pairties independentmspsan group individuals an organisations
a group made up omspsfae sindry pairties independent msps
sindry political pairties an independentmspsin the pairlament committees luiks
sindry political pairties an independentmspsin the pairlament monie o
fae aw pairties an independentmspsscowth tae mak new laws
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
papers are available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
being made available to allmspsand parliamentary staff copies can
made up o 73 constituencymspsan 56 regional msps ye
made up of 73 constituencymspsand 56 regional msps you
msps from different parties independentmspsand individuals and organisations from
those ministers who are alsomspsand those ministers and msps
5 to 15 msps themspsare selected to reflect the
5 to 15 msps themspsare selected to reflect the
a group made up ofmspsfrom different parties independent msps
5 tae 15 msps themspsis selectit tae refleck the
5 tae 15 msps themspsis selectit tae refleck the
an 7 regional msps yermspsneed tae ken whit maitters
a day for speeches frommspsthe convener just because msps
up of 5 to 15mspsthe msps are selected to
up of 5 to 15mspsthe msps are selected to
up o 5 tae 15mspsthe msps is selectit tae
up o 5 tae 15mspsthe msps is selectit tae
msps the convener just becausemspswere not called does not
msps and those ministers andmspswho are also members of
constituency msps an 56 regionalmspsye are representit by 1
constituency msp an 7 regionalmspsyer msps need tae ken
constituency msps and 56 regionalmspsyou are represented by 1
can tryst tae meet yermspsat the pairlament in their
s happenin anent the pairlamentmspseducation 3 visit yer local
pairty that has the maistmspselectit til the scottish pairlament
o the scottish pairlament themspsis the individuals electit tae
pairlament ye can contack yermspsor the committee seein aboot
the regular sederunts hauden bymspsin their constituency or region
surgeries regular meetings held bymspsin their constituency or region
region ilka region elects 7mspsthat is kent as regional
region each region elects 7mspswho are known as regional
constituency msp and 7 regionalmspseven if you didn t
protocol exists for notifying constituencymspsof ministerial visits within a
expected the good conduct ofmspsand of the parliament does
that is included in themspscode of conduct it is
and what rules relating tomspsconduct it is alleged have
g this document is aboutmspsconduct the convener yes but
a code of conduct formspsit should not make any
concentrating on the conduct ofmspsonly we have had some
the code of conduct formspsthe committee agreed to consider
the code of conduct formspswhen we met on 19
a code of conduct formspswith regard to their contact
trade union officials local councillorsmspsand other interested parties as
issue persistently every time thatmspsfrom different parties meet the
various political parties and independentmspsin the parliament committees look
various political parties and independentmspsin the parliament many of
vice versa i hope thatmspsof all parties will support
executive and committees but withmspsof all political parties however
from all parties and independentmspsthe opportunity to scrutinise the
who are known as regionalmspsreserved matters the issues affecting
that is kent as regionalmspsreservit maitters the issues affectin
to enforce the ban onmspsand staff smoking in parliament
site for the staff ofmspsand the staff assisting the
open we know that manymspsand their staff work on
a register of interest formspsstaff 2nd report 2000 that
in the holyrood buildings ofmspsstaff and party staff will
agreed that it would consultmspsstaff on the details of
is a code specifically formspsbear that in mind des
rules to the attention ofmspswe are discussing the code
are discussing the code becausemspswill go to it to
of the scottish parliament themspsare the individuals elected to
convener they apply to individualsmspsincluded which is why we
groups gies an inlat formspsindividuals an external organisations tae
groups provide an opportunity formspsindividuals and external organisations to
recorded and available to allmspsand to anybody else who
thus far available to fellowmspsby giving a set of
refusal to make available tomspsthe press and the public
information which were available tomspsto note the outcomes of
context 5 the participation ofmspsin parliamentary business 6 motions
equality framework the participation ofmspsin parliamentary business languages used
occasions it has asked backbenchmspsto lodge parliamentary questions in
recommendations of the csg whenmspsuse gaelic in parliamentary debates
committee motion on relationships withmspsfollowed by motion on political
sent to schools across scotlandmspsfrom across the different political
to find out who yourmspsare and how to contact
parliament you can contact yourmspsor the committee dealing with
direct access regular contact withmspsto give young people a
have direct contact with silcmspswill be able to contact
executive however committees and individualmspscan also introduce bills members
executive hooiver committees an individualmspscan introduce bills an aw
committees we had persuaded somemspsto come to the school
companies or organisations to lobbymspsas well as lobbying companies
of people in scotland includingmspsvoluntary organisations elderly forums the
being made of public resourcesmspscontinue to make their own
s speech the executive andmspshave made a significant effort
executive representative made is thatmspshave the right to ask
comments made by some oppositionmspsmr mcaveety i thank elaine
flow of information to allmspsand to this committee which
information will be reported tomspsas soon as is practicable
that we ask that allmspsbe furnished with that information
that concerns ye wi yermspsfor mair information anent the
that concern you with yourmspsfor more information on the
contactin the public information servicemspsforgaithers in the debatin chaumer
grace elder said that manymspshave not seen the information
contacting the public information servicemspsmeet in the debating chamber
have been given to allmspsprovide other sources of information
parliament information centre and directmspsto it on our home
i would be struggling asmspsall of us must take
considers that all local authoritiesmspsand key agencies should work
issue is important to allmspsand to the public i
to play ensuring that allmspsare properly informed is not
in public sector settings allmspsare well aware of that
that mr mcleish makes tomspsas will all the other
will be given to allmspsat the same time and
of the bill before allmspsdebate the bill as a
year and sent to allmspshighlighted the impact on a
to continue with it allmspsin the partnership on the
am also conscious that allmspsreceived a booklet from the
to send it to allmspsso that they too could
the sense of all thosemspssupporting the government non executive
that we write to allmspsthe public petitions committee does
is all too easy formspsto allow such things to
by war and urges allmspsto donate photographs as a
within democratic systems encourages allmspsto take part in volunteering
as are many or allmspswe do not need to
is an opportunity for allmspswho are committed to personal
groups and elected by allmspswho are not members of
the situation would be likemspsbeing told that one week
is being ignored and floutedmspsthe education culture and sport
party spokespersons from among theirmsps19 westminster style terminology such
of cross party groups tomspsas a draft we should
and the scottish ministers aremspsfrom the party which has
party which has the mostmspsin the scottish parliament or
describe potential stumbling blocks formspsof a certain party or
that four scottish liberal democratmspsare ministers in the scottish
and deputy scottish ministers aremspswho are chosen by the
so that we can givemspsa little more guidance 10
scottishparliamentlive com wha are themspsan whit can they dae
involved 2 wha are themspsan whit can they dae
scottishparliamentlive com who are themspsand what can they do
involved 2 who are themspsand what can they do
can they dae for memspsare members o the scottish
can they do for memspsare members of the scottish
can arrange to meet yourmspsat the parliament in their
can get tickets tae seemspsat wark in the debatin
can get tickets to seemspsat work in the debating
the csg noted that mostmspscan be expected to understand
morning signing off letters tomspsi can testify to the
heart how can back benchmspsmeps and councillors help to
was and someone who sendsmspsan invitation to an event
team who need not bemspsand neither is an msp
is that the relationship betweenmspsand people who are employed
have read proceedings that revealmspsconcerns about landlords who take
about just anyone who lobbiesmspsconstituents or otherwise i am
want to thank my fellowmspswho attended for not pressing
2000 who are the fourmspswho currently serve on the
provided which ensures that othermspswho do not understand that
proper to consult other listmspswho have an interest in
delighted at the number ofmspswho have waited behind to
that was proposed by themspswho voted to abolish poindings
provide interpretation facilities for anymspswho wanted to use scots
on his availability i offermspsand members of the public
consider seriously the feelings ofmspsand of both public and
of the public or formspsthe convener they apply to
tae find oot wha yermspsare an hoo tae contack
petitions committee scrieve til yermspsor a committee attend committee
an the scottish meenisters ismspsfae the pairty that has
the executive that would givemspsand parliament rights and roles
and then link to themspsand the scottish parliament as
s happening about the parliamentmspseducation 3 visit your local
the parliament or to individualmspss1w 27372 donald gorrie to
visit parliament to listen tomspsscottish women s aid and
parliament as follows leave outmspsshould not communicate any complaint
the parliament to celebrate withmspsthe founding of the european
parliament and that you wantmspsto act rev iain murdoch
parliament should aim to facilitatemspsunderstanding of and participation in
representative and competent group ofmspslodged on 24 january 2003
msp or a group ofmspsmust have the name of
that the conservative group ofmspswill now reverse their opposition
advise the rest of themspsabout such discussions we are
and any idea that businesspeoplemspsand disc jockeys are about
to continue if back benchmspsand meps are happy to
fairness jack mcconnell s responsemspsare more ignorant of this
para 53 p 50 howevermspsare still able to speak
as they are guidance formspsas members have no other
rules the onus is onmspsas they are guidance for
which are not raised bymspsbut appear in the press
servants are right but thatmspscosla local authorities uncle tom
the convener we are informingmspsor reminding them of what
so or are you askingmspsto look at the materials
committee of convenors and fourmspseach nominated by members of
a level of guidance formspsmembers might think that they
deacon and the other edinburghmspsmembers oh they do not
other question that arises concernsmspsrelationships with members of their
the committee and to othermspsand might be only a
mcallion christine grahame and othermspsi attended the citizens advice
in agreement with those othermspsthat i mentioned i do
what other people think sometimesmspsuse the discussion forum to
of the local mp andmspsdoes he agree that the
is yes that does putmspson a par with mps
they engage actively with councillorsmspsand mps we should listen
today is the guidelines formspson how they should interact
where the detail is foundmspsshould be aware of the
with men and believes thatmspsshould support the collaboration by
with men and believes thatmspsshould support the collaboration by
how the committee interacts withmspsit is not about lobbying
children have been submitted tomspson the european committee some
petitions committee write to yourmspsor a committee attend committee
to the european committee formspsto consider and take note
an issue in which manymspshave been interested in the
crime as many people glasgowmspsin particular know youth crime
the scottish executive to localmspsand to the board of
unions in its briefing tomspsthe convention of scottish local
this debate and to themspsand a particular thank you
directs the spcb to consultmspsand bring forward plans to
of government presented to labourmspsby henry mcleish on 24
the debating chamber to seemspsdebate and to learn how
des mcnulty is talking aboutmspsgoing to the press with
andrew mcnaughton we acknowledge thatmspshave the right to ask
to lobby on their behalfmspshave to be as wary
for me to comment severalmspshave written to me and
correspondence to me and tomspsi emphasise again that scottish
method is particularly helpful tomspsi welcome the new approach
recognises the evidence presented tomspsin june by mr adewale
and guidelines that apply tomspsin their interaction with lobbyists
to set appropriate standards formspsin this part of the
amendment to rule 62a bringsmspsinto line with mps and
photocopied and handed round tomspsit seems that our ears
them to the attention ofmspsjohn young i do not
letter that was sent tomspslast week the ms society
to the level prevailing formspslodged on 9 june supported
restaurant management and get enoughmspsmaybe four or five to
t vote for them yourmspsneed to know what matters
by the camanachd association tomspson 3 may 2000 and
by the camanachd association tomspson 3 may 2000 and
and young people wrote tomspson friday i would like
to correspondence from mps ormspss1w 12164 fiona mcleod to
packages will be revealed tomspss1w 12282 mr murray tosh
from corresponding or meeting withmspss1w 24766 pauline mcneill to
in the names of backbenchmspss1w 4816 richard lochhead to
the department was supplied tomspsshortly after devolution in the
issue to the attention ofmspssuch a debate would enable
a very high standard formspsto attempt to emulate supported
want meetings between lobbyists andmspsto be registered that relates
said it is incumbent onmspsto communicate what policies mean
of approved materials we askmspsto consider carefully not just
iain murdoch i am askingmspsto consider the materials and
have been delayed to enablemspsto determine the outcome during
elder could we e mailmspsto draw the petition to
the presiding officer to allowmspsto exercise appropriate scrutiny of
the presiding officerwhen arrangements formspsto have use of pre
wish of the majority ofmspsto include in the census
there is no right formspsto initiate that consultation process
presiding officer the requirement formspsto provide advance notice if
it is not necessary formspsto sign off someone s
provide better arrangements to enablemspsto work as efficiently as
be sufficiently flexible to enablemspsto work efficiently s1w 2596
discussion that takes place betweenmspswhich will often lead to
facilities will be necessary formspswishing to use the scots
holyrood poetry link scheme wherebymspswould be linked to a
of an association of formermspsof which i am the
i am sure that mostmspswill agree with the point
cope i am grateful thatmspswill have that hotline number
scottish bid the scottish executivemspsgovernment agencies and the wider
an raise scots profile wimspsscottish executive culture policy review
government appreciates the efforts ofmspsscottish mps and trade unions
an deputy scottish meenisters ismspsthat is walit by the
law officers will also bemspsand in that capacity will
losses nobody could describe ayrshiremspsas either shy or unassuming
decided by the majority ofmspsor by a two thirds
english have been spoken bymspsin debates for example in
of languages were spoken bymspsin the chamber including french
whit ither fowk thinks whilesmspsyaise the collogue tae find
and how we interact withmspsif any member received a
in an event at whichmspswould be blindfolded and with
not suggesting that we preventmspsfrom asking questions we could
from labour and liberal democratmspskept the door open henry
planning authority officials from informingmspsrepresenting constituencies contained within a
certainly an unprecedented number ofmspshave grabbed me for a
that more than half themspson the mound have signed
is that a majority ofmspsi believe and of the
meeting of highlands and islandsmspson 1 december 1999 that
sharp end i know thatmspstime is limited and that
collogue that taks place atweenmspsthat will aften lead til
it clear that scots torymspswill be allowed a free
think that the majority ofmspswill be pretty shocked when
calling the msp filter mostmspswill indicate what the complaints
returning officer for about 11mspsas none of them is
o the bill afore awmspsdebates the bill as a
care for the elderly asmspswe know that none of
of more than 11 fellowmspswhich is necessary before a
someone organising a lobby ofmspsfor say women s aid
recognised a future role formspsin a house of lords
ingram s1m 2108 number ofmspslodged on 13 august 2001
scott s1m 2108 number ofmspslodged on 13 august 2001
poll was conducted of 73mspsthey were asked if appropriately
would be worth while ifmspscould reach it that would
wis notit that the follaeinmspshad indicated that they wad
commission the xpg shuid informmspsit wis decidit that the
our complaints procedure that ifmspsraise a complaint against another
discussion that is important mostmspsunderstand the difference between someone

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