
See this word as a collocate cloud

wul clour ye wi hismukkilstick an stowe ye in
owre the heid wi hismukkilstick an stowe ye in
wul clour ye wi hismukkilstick an stowe ye in
wul clour ye wi hismukkilstick an stowe ye in
owre the heid wi hismukkilstick an stowe ye in
owre the heid wi hismukkilstick stowe ye in his
owre the heid wi hismukkilstick stowe ye in his
queen maister rintoul we rmukkilbehauden ti ye but we
ti ye queen ah mmukkilbehauden ti ye ma dochter
the room malcolm ah mmukkilbehauden ti ye meg for
delighted toll man ah mmukkilbehauden ti ye pompitie ah
you tell him ah mmukkilbehauden til him takes the
his freins an he wesmukkilbehauden til thaim sae callum
chaunce in lyfe ah mmukkilbehauden til ye ah l
maitters macbeth freins a mmukkilbehauden til ye baith aside
his shoulders affectionately ah mmukkilbehauden til ye pompitie pompitie
this dure gied intil amukkilderklyke haw fou o wee
nanse fesh him inti themukkilhaw an tell him ti
bedein the dure o themukkilhaw flew open wyde ti
green gouns flichterin throu themukkilhaw kythed til the beglaumert
act i scene 1 themukkilhaw malcolm s touer appin
r aw ootby in themukkilhaw malcolm the lord be
month eftir scene 3 themukkilhaw seivin month eftir in
act i scene 3 themukkilhaw seven months later it
or thay wan til amukkilhaw that wes litten bi
fills the courtyaird in themukkilhaw the fug creeps ower
on the taibil in themukkilhaw the war naebodie ti
in mairch scene 2 themukkilhaw twa month eftir scene
act 1 scene 2 themukkilhaw two months later shona
cormac an alasdair ti themukkilhaw whaur sat the knicht
haes risen gret warships anmukkilbairges float alang as licht
an in the lift gretmukkilburds kelterin aboot chebutykin kissing
gittin ti be a gretmukkilladdie nou ah dinna ken
dochter an he opent hismukkilmou an here a gret
a gret ane ye haedmukkilneed keep it til yeirsell
want wi sic a gretmukkilneedle mebbe she haes thrawn
hieness the r a gretmukkilpuddok at the ooter yett
gret lizards bigger nor elephantsmukkilpuddok lyke craiturs wi sherp
dinna ken pompitie a gretmukkilsherp jaggie needle pepper oh
doun stane deid ablo amukkilaik tree see said alasdair
stane he soud ootlest themukkilcypresses the chirker gied the
an here she saw amukkilsaumon restin asyde a stane
an leave it at themukkilstane at the burn syde
throu the hole in themukkilstane aw the wee auld
afore hir waddin ti themukkilstane bi the burn in
lyke deid aw owre themukkilstane castel wi that the
haed rowed an spleit amukkilstane ferr doun ablo the
wi wattir an pit amukkilstane intil t syne she
as thay cam ti themukkilstane mysis laid hir lug
been an goavin at themukkilstane owre the burn whan
weimen ilkane sittin on amukkilwhyte colladie stane aw spinnin
naebodie ti gie thaim asmukkilas a het drink for
thousans o fowk hyst amukkilbell intil a touer naebodie
ti mairrie thaim wi amukkilbul for a guidbrither naebodie
aboot it the r nomukkilchaunce o that naebodie coud
a bonnie lassie rydin amukkilreid bul naebodie at aw
naebodie kens ti this daymukkilwes the blyth in aw
l macbeth dinna think owremukkilaboot it macbeth but hou
telt an dinna think owremukkilaboot it morag hangs her
try no ti dae owremukkilat first juist caw cannie
siccar she disna drink owremukkilat the ae tyme or
you gae back man owremukkilbluid o yours is on
hir fuit wes ferr owremukkilbut she nippit it an
owre the heid wi hismukkildroll club an felled him
o the sea wes owremukkilfor hir it wes mair
dry brek it is owremukkilfor ma puir hert ah
it wad hae been owremukkilfor ye ah dout it
the first ye are owremukkillyke banquo s gaist awa
cairrit owre hir airm themukkilnecklace o saft glisterin paerls
flang the henwyfe owre hismukkilshouther in amang thaim an
owre the heid wi hismukkilstick a gey puir walcum
owre the heid wi mamukkilstick ah need it for
to macbeth pit you owremukkiltrust in this it winna
said mebbe ye didna kenmukkilaboot mairriage puddok ah ken
ti mairrie me wi amukkilgreen puddok for a guidbrither
ye whan up bangs thismukkilill trickit puddok frae ahint
ma lassie the princess wesnamukkilpleased that a puddok suid
lowp plowter lowp plowter amukkilpuddok basho back end muin
byde here amang us amukkilpuddok lowpin aboot the place
it ahint stickin in amukkilpuddok stuil an ah fand
puddok mercie on us amukkilpuddok wes that you ah
whit happent queen angrily amukkilspeakin puddok gat in yeir
on the ruit o amukkilaik tree wi a stick
ah coud fell wi mamukkilstick ai ah wad fair
yeir guidwyfe the r nomukkilah miss an sum o
byde whaur the r asmukkilas ae wee nettil an
ither ye r lyke amukkilbairn natasha sighs dear masha
ah dout the r nomukkilcan be duin wi ivan
saw tae the r amukkildeer hound streikit oot afore
ma stammik the r nomukkildivert in it the day
r a chaumer whaur amukkilettin is sleepin on a
it seems the r nomukkilhowp for the fek o
warld areddies the r nomukkilhowp for the puir quyne
she said ah wes amukkiljessie juist kis ye r
aroond us an the rmukkilo it proves in itsell
shuir ye r makkin owermukkilo this eilidh ye r
guid idea the r nomukkilpleisir ah tell ye in
he said the r amukkilraip streikit oot athort moscow
damp the r snails anmukkilslugs an speiders an slaiters
be in yokit ti yonmukkilsumf gin the r ae
nou pompitie the r nomukkiltea here tea wyfe that
valgerd ye r lauchin owermukkilthe nicht she goes out
til hir jek jek nomukkilthe r no a merk
haes cum the r amukkilthunner clood blawin ower us
ah dout the r nomukkiltyme left an we r
its steid the r amukkilvacuum a hole needin ti
til the outlin kinrik inmukkilcontent an pleisir wi whit
aw oor days thegither inmukkilcontent an we ir no
in alba bydin thegither inmukkilcontent but the wae days
fowk bydin on the islandmukkilcontent ilk man the frein
gaed ti rest the nichtmukkilcontent macbeth that wes rael
thaim bade thegither blyth anmukkilcontent til the end o
ye left ahint athoot asmukkilas sayin fareweill macduff looks
say ti ye ahint yeirmukkilbed thare hings a sword
hae ti say ahint yeirmukkilbed thare stauns a sword
on a brae wi amukkilfir wuid ahint it o
she clam back intil hirmukkilbed an hid her face
rice aiker fawin intil themukkilbern from the chinese of
prince brocht calllum intil amukkilchaumer in the graundest o
hert haed turnt intil amukkildad o leid ah think
intil the maik o themukkilgray horse an awa he
up an turnt intil amukkilstout butler himsell that sent
thay taen a cage wimukkilbars an shut it up
the bishop read frae amukkilbuik an syne thay gied
bonnie littil lass til amukkilbul but whit suid thay
thay maun laund on themukkilcraig an see gin thay
ither syne thay haigilt themukkilleg hame atwein thaim the
at this pompitie gied amukkillowp an cryit here thay
thay haed an the warmukkilo it syne thay turnt
soud thay hear but amukkilrowtin an rairin the lyke
her tea caddy pompitie amukkilneedle tea wyfe ay a
o ye pompitie ah mmukkilobleiged it wes guid o
til him it s asmukkilas ah can dae thir
hums awa til himsell asmukkilas ti say ye ll
nor he cam til amukkilderk shaw fou o jaggie
hae gaen back til themukkilelm ye made yeir hame
toun lyke this is nomukkilguid til oniebodie it is
s dochter an nane peyedmukkilheed til hir ain lassie
til the shewin an themukkilhorse stoured awa wi hir
an threw it til amukkilhound neir whar a stuid
an hsiang rins til amukkilloch an abuin the loch
you ah wadna say owermukkiltil him or he s
an gowd leafs fawin themukkilwattir rins aye til the
thaim lat thaim theorise asmukkilas they lyke as lang
an yue can greit asmukkilas ye lyke ah l
yeirsell ye can theorise asmukkilas ye lyke ma laddie
een lyke a gled amukkilcleik o a neb on
ma mynd wes lyke amukkilclood cuiverin the lift abuin
ah canna say a feelmukkildifferent be in mairrit lyke
think ah can lest ootmukkillangir lyke this knicht ah
ill ti credit ye dinnamukkillyke shona dae ye eilidh
ah m no shuir ahmukkillyke the feel o ye
it s lyke haein amukkilnail cawed inti ma heid
princess clam back inti hirmukkilbed for ti sleep but
cum rydin by on amukkilblek horse an it brankin
thare afore thaim touered amukkilcraig raxin heich inti the
day an daylie but amukkilgray horse ti aet up
inti the warld an amukkilhaund cam at aince doun
sae that it dang themukkilhorse but wunner o wunners
day that wey whan themukkilhorse cums batheration that he
ma sisters drave awa themukkilhorse for a wee whylie
an chynges me inti amukkilhorse syne she lowps on
tether the horse anaith amukkiltree an mak a bed
ye see ah dinna kenmukkilaboot puddoks the day wes
baith that it wes asmukkilas she cuid dae ti
ye see it wes asmukkilas ti say ah ken
haes becum o us yonmukkilashets o veivers it wes
sicht aulder nou tearfully thatmukkilaulder vershinin ay ah wes
at john wes frie amukkilbirn bene liftit frae ruth
lest pege wes prentit inmukkilblak teip the thrie ems
lum ti dry war seivinmukkilblek puddens the ingil wes
spounge the crowner wes amukkilboukit man at gied hir
whit wes wrutten in thatmukkilbuik thirlman ah dinna mynd
cheke o the brace amukkilbuird wes set i the
it wes tammas wi twamukkilbuists heir ma hale gaitherin
thare afore hir wes amukkilcaudron on a swey fou
man he wes gied amukkildin clydesdale bi the rid
but he wes strypin amukkildurk on a whittil bot
on aboot it wes owermukkilfor christ s faither ti
soud the be but anithermukkilforest bi nou it wes
the tapmaist hicht o themukkilfortrace ilkane wes murnin the
it a guid leatherin ahmukkilfreinlie cannie craitur it wes
steidin wes ryved wi amukkilgell o lauchter the eildit
o kittilrumpit wesna guid formukkilhe wes a vaigin kynd
claret an whusky but themukkilhunter that wes left in
hard a drone lik amukkilingine feirt at it wes
me weill an wi aemukkillowp he wes up at
an ruled the island wimukkilmense awbodie wes prood o
thai wes aw i owermukkilo a rousch ti leisten
that in thae days wesmukkilsocht blaw up the fyre
than that iain wes ayemukkilsocht eftir at waddins or
douglas an ruth the wesmukkilti tel bot tammas wes
died an wes beirit wimukkilwae amang the coral weims
for thaim ah haena asmukkilas a crust o breid
thaim he wesna in amukkilheist ti dae it john
hoocht an daunst in hismukkiltakketie buits alang wi thaim
an doun at hir asmukkilas ti say never you
an she rase oot hirmukkilbed an liftit up hir
the silken bowster o hirmukkilgowd bed an she cryit
the silken bowster o hirmukkilgowden bed an cryit in
she lay quaet in hirmukkilgowden bed as quick as
whaur she lay in hirmukkilgowden bed wi its bowster
they cry thair mithers ayemukkilguid that wul dae hir
heed hir she canna lestmukkillangir apologetically to guests ah
days ah dinna think shemukkillykes hir ain medicine frae
hir ti fesh ben themukkilnecklace o saft glisterin paerls
hir ain chuisin nearhaund themukkilooter door an as she
hir that wad be owermukkilti ask awthegither but gin
hame tho hir sister haednamukkiltyme for him the war
saw awa at it asmukkilas he lykes in thare
it awa thare been owermukkilsteir for me the day
himsell syne thare cam amukkilswaw as big as a
buik thirlman ah dinna myndmukkilaboot it but the war
ye see ah dinna kenmukkilaboot puddoks the ither day
dinna the l no bemukkilbetterment ah tell ye from
dinna drink an ah dinnamukkilcare for gaun ti pubs
kent ah dinna think shemukkilcares aboot the bairn s
kennawha 7th century bc themukkilchairiot dinna forder the mukkil
yeirsell waesum dinna forder themukkilchairiot ye l never can
frae wanhowp dinna forder themukkilchairiot ye l onlie be
mukkil chairiot dinna forder themukkilchairiot ye wul onlie mak
dinna ettil ti dae himmukkilskaith ah l juist birsil
weill dinna fash yeirsell yemukkilsumph ye ar gaun whidder
try ti lowp aboot owermukkilthe nou binna ye dinna
ye dinna seem ti haemukkilti dae wi yeirsell kimmer
o rain ah haed amukkilblek slug for ma denner
ti fell him wi hismukkilclub as he haed felled
ah trell ye ye haedmukkilneed no brek thir nits
ever seen it haed fowermukkiltouers an gairdens fou o
anaith the brainches o themukkilelm tree an wunner o
dee d tae ablo amukkilelm tree in the forest
ablo the brainches on amukkilfir tree inby the biggin
nou the keing wesna thanmukkiltaen up wi siller tree
on the fluir asyde mamukkilane an ye l sleep
howp they l dae asmukkilfor me a fanfare sounds
oot here in the cauldmukkillangir we l hae ti
mynd that ah l haemukkilneed o the lykes o
l dae for ye yemukkilsumf gin ye behave yeirsell
sair ah l no haemukkiltyme ti think aboot it
oot o braith he dmukkiladae ti speak his wurd
cum ti onie hairm themukkilbouk o grant brecham hirplin
hoond anaw an it amukkilcannie beiss breinger uised ti
ither sum ti settin amukkilcaudron o wattir ti haet
telt me ti inpit amukkilconcrete lek sae broun hed
sinner that ah im amukkilflat nae rent ti pey
for ti spin frae amukkilhaep o nettils whit ither
mynd or ye cuid daemukkilhairm mirren hecht ti haud
ti clap him ye dmukkilneed no gang near the
wyde ti the waw amukkilnurrin hound follaed the cannibal
whatever ye are a mmukkilobleiged ti ye for the
ardnamurchan is it a mmukkilobleiged ti ye maister rintoul
dae ti shaw ye houmukkiloblieged ah im naething ava
gin this is murnin owermukkils here for me ti
ti say ah think saemukkilshame ah kenna hou ah
juist think than gin amukkilthocht soud cum ti ye
deid wyfe at duin saemukkilti bigg thair clachan an
a kyndlie wumman wi owermukkilti dae an ower monie
kintra he aince duin saemukkilti heize up didna halp
his daith means juist asmukkilti me awa ye gang
ah ken it s nomukkilti offer but it is
it war monie tymes asmukkilwad be smaw wecht ti
haena yeir health ye haenamukkilah aye say broun ogre
lown lochan at mirrors themukkilbens ah dout ah nae
did ah see but amukkilcaudron bylin on the ingil
days ma lane in thismukkilcauld houss naither ah wad
ah wad hae duin asmukkilfor him sae a wad
droukit it disna maitter thatmukkilfor me ah m no
oot ma road wi hismukkilhotchin bodie ah m no
can win in near themukkillogs valgerd irritated ah mean
frae a loun ah nevermukkillykit the toun ah never
t than no that itmukkilmaitters nou whit div ah
even ma ain dochter thinksmukkilo me nanse mither ah
ma ain mither didna thinkmukkilo me pepper ah m
macduff yeir feelings daes yemukkilcredit ye hae lowdent ma
nixt yeir a toukit themukkildrum apairt frae wir freins
aw yeir lane in summukkilrestaurant in moscow athout seein
it ower yeir heid wimukkilscrews an it hauds ye
ebenezer ye ken ye pitmukkilvailyie on yeir ingaitherin o
war never brukken for asmukkilas a saicont syne the
ablo the brianches o amukkilbirk syne cormac an alasdair
war ye d be thatmukkilmair the man syne naither
kis he peyed it owermukkilattention she dirdit it wi
clood blawin ower us amukkilblatter is on its road
whyles blethert on ferr owermukkilforgie me for that an
faut is he speaks owermukkilhe speaks juist the aince
thorfinn maun hae swallaed owermukkilsaut wattir whan he cryit
suin fand himsell in amukkilchaumer lit bi hunders o
fur ye duin me amukkilobleigement bi lowsin me frae
bricht sunlicht glimmers throu themukkilpines at gloamin bi a
on the forelaund bi themukkilsie an the craiturs o
ye war swallaed bi yonmukkilswaw as big as a
northern cauld noroway himsell wimukkilthrang an helpit bi the
the wyde wattirs o themukkiltuim sie bi the forenicht
in a sheuch wi twantiemukkilgulliegaws in his heid the
anaith the glaumerie o amukkilettin an wul byde sleepin
wul gang awhaur in themukkilhouss an see the ferlies
daursay ye wul no bemukkilthe waur o swallaein ae
feshin wi it the biggestmukkilburd o aw nou snek
yeirsells nou for we haenamukkilpatience at the best o
wad never ken the differencemukkilcoorse beiss that he is
wad say ye war amukkiljessie sum fowk micht say
it what ye desyre saemukkilye wad hae richtlie no
thair luifs war creisht wimukkilgowd the keing s twa
an here the war amukkilselkie goavin at me wi
ma winnok opent forenent themukkiltouer inby war aw the
kens that ye hecht asmukkilwhan ye war mairrit morag
meinit he is sendin themukkildeerhound eftir us an gin
bodie dwyned or he wesnamukkilbigger nor ither heich fowk
reishil o fawin leafs amukkildae trips delicat richt up
whitfor dae ye spend saemukkiltyme goavin oot at the
thir maitters the re nevermukkilwe can dae the patient
oot tae she said asmukkilbut she wesna juist as
s man juist see thaemukkillips whit coud this unco
that whan ye ir manmukkilan ye think back on
on the fluir asyde mamukkilane an ye can sleep
puzzint fuit ye wadna haemukkilchaunce in a fecht wi
up an doun wi thaemukkilfeet o yours ir ye
ye redd up yestrein asmukkilgowd an siller frae the
ye ma laddie ye dmukkilneed no gang near the
oniebodie gaun past haiglin amukkilneedle hae ye tea wyfe
wyfe ye haena seen amukkilneedle lyin aboot oniewhaur hae
ye re a leear yemukkiltoozie skellum he beats his
o guid claith for saemukkila houss an haudin at
oor guid baron lykes asmukkilas a nice bit o
ben tornes he gantit saemukkilat hiz jaw bane schorit
witch no sae blyth yitmukkilblyther third witch faither o
hicht an this fallae haednamukkilrespek for auld ettins sae
physician she s no saemukkilseik ma lord as truibilt
baith set up on themukkilsorrit horss sae thai cuid
faither an he is amukkilstrang beiss sae he is
o it no unlyke amukkilaipil wi the runt taen
hae seen a hantil bigmukkilbairns wi lang tousie baerds
a strong garron wi amukkilbare fuit laddie hingin frae
an champit tatties wi amukkildaud o tomatae sals he
walter brydon s sister wimukkilfeelin i his vyce yin
haein sic comfort in amukkilflat at the skuil wi
sent a man wi amukkilhaep o corn an the
common stramp stramp stramp wimukkilsteps that shougilt he housses
ain muisic micht be ismukkiltaen up wi the muisic
n moonlight muir n moormukkila big much murner n
a many moulder v crumblemukkila big mull n mule
n soil muin n moonmukkila big murner n mourner
nanse oor morag disna kenmukkilaboot it hirsell she gat
be that he disna kenmukkilaboot the fleshlie syde o
a blether mirren didna haemukkilfeth aither bot didna wiss
an left me in thismukkilhouss ma lane again he
say ae goose is raithermukkilfur yin tae eat bot
the ae wey an themukkilhaund poued the tither or
nivver a wird as amukkilblak man twa younkers at
nor that o aw themukkilelephants in the warld an
the commoun pepil castels airmourmukkilhorss swuirds an bukklers aw
haiglin the wecht o amukkilbraw siller tassie fynelie wrocht
out murdo fou o wunnermukkilburds thrie tymes bigger nor
bodach an coff me amukkilbusche o cans o baudrons
on the lip o amukkilcraig abuin the sea an
the auldest quyne regairdit themukkilhankil o kies in his
pat an poued up amukkilleg o mutton the lykes
lay the wattirs o themukkilsie wyde as the warld
thick derk forest neirhaund themukkilbens whit soud he finnd
his haunds he cairrit amukkildroll club he never mismade
maet an the warna asmukkilas a neivefu meal for
an loue the truith asmukkilas lyfe itsell thae lees
the lest tyme atwein themukkilbens an mist haps the
fed an luikit eftir themukkilburd throu nichts an throu
reid bul traivelt throu themukkilderk forest an ferr athort
an cum he did themukkilgray greedie craitur at aince
wal but a puddock amukkilgreen puddock sonsie an ugsum
sprang in his steid amukkilbroun huntin naig the leddie
seekin his bonnie catriona themukkilburd luikit weill at callum
thing his mither disna takmukkilinterest in him she winna
no mak strecht for themukkilderk shaw and thraw the
doun the lum cam amukkilhaund that gruppit the bairn
monie a pikkil maks amukkilit is difficult to answer
lallans 45 1995 2 themukkilchairiot do lallans 43 1993
sum short cuts in themukkillift abuin simmer muin lady

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