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tae bring oot bilingualism anmultilingualism40 fae the submissions ingaithered
important to develop bilingualism andmultilingualism40 from the submissions received
follows 118 promote bilingualism andmultilingualisminstead of monolingualism recognising the
follaes 118 promote bilingualism anmultilingualisminsteid o monolingulism wi tent
the idea o bilingualism anmultilingualismprovide trainin for teachers throu
the notion of bilingualism andmultilingualismprovide training for teachers through
mainstream o education bilingualism anmultilingualismwhile in the promotion an
o the leids o scotlandmultilingualism39 fae the submissions ingaithered
out professor johnstone suggests thatmultilingualismdoes not imply that everyone
oot professor johnstone suggests thatmultilingualismdoesna imply that awbody has
speaking countries such as chinamultilingualismwill become increasingly important globalisation
speakin countries sic as chinamultilingualismwill growe mair an mair
of the languages of scotlandmultilingualism39 from the submissions received
43 professor johnstone contends thatmultilingualismhas been viewed in different
through continuous professional development encouragemultilingualismand teach reading and writing
43 professor johnstone hauds thatmultilingualismhas been regairdit in different
diverse cultures intil scottish societymultilingualismshould be seen as the
this is the idea omultilingualismthat stells the arguments presentit
it is this idea ofmultilingualismwhich underpins the arguments presented
scots throu professional oncome upsteermultilingualisman hae the readin an
this can be extended tomultilingualismand the idea that individuals
yon can be extendit taemultilingualisman the idea that individuals
also imagine a module onmultilingualismin scotland which would allow
is notit in the reportmultilingualismcan bring braw economic an
report in a global marketplacemultilingualismcan bring real economic and

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