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lit by paraffin lamps jamesmutchwas beadle bell ringer and
the same time as mrmutchwas the beadle the minister
finnie from kirkton cottage patmutchbamph croft rev russell was
ice cream enjoyed mr jimmymutchbamph croft was in charge
motorbike my granny and grandamutchstayed at bamph croft for
kirkton there was also themutchfamily croft across the river
kirkton was organist and margaretmutchwould blow the organ bellows
1921 1925 rev john smutch1925 1933 rev alfred s
the roberts by 1960 themutchs had left the district
also an elder called mrmutchthe organ was situated in
minister s name was revmutchand there was also an
bible class 1950 mr jamesmutchretired after 41 years as
s mother pouting in hermutcha sour faced mare as
trip wire which alerted mrmutchat his home if there
as the cortege passed mrmutchmrs aitken s father was
by mrs margaret aitken neemutchmrs aitken was born in
hir knees sets up hirmutchcroun an wi hir twa
hirsell syne she pous hirmutchajee owre hir left lug
inby the freil o hirmutchwes roun an hir chowks
well at the foot ofmutchs brae at that time
3p m during which johnmutchharrow was baptised the session
read that his play bertiemutchis bein stag t at
the wheeper in was mrmutchwho went round on his

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