See this word as a collocate cloud
gusta n no me gusta | n | 5 language games language games |
mind huik n hook hunder | n | a hundred hunker v squat |
fog rowe v roll rowth | n | abundance ruif n roof rummil |
run rowin v rolling rowth | n | abundance ruif n roof runkil |
eyebrow eftir prep after eftirnuin | n | afternoon esp n asp ettil |
and dislikes j aime je | n | aime pas me gusta n |
yesterday yett n gate yill | n | ale yin n one yird |
your yett n gate yill | n | ale yin pron one yird |
visit veivers n food vennel | n | alley verra a very vext |
forever forby adv also forebeir | n | ancestor forenuin n forenoon forenicht |
an n sometimes an i | n | and and used in- inconsistently |
bear beirial n burial beiss | n | animals belanged v belonged ben |
bear beirial n burial beiss | n | animals belanged v belonged ben |
sorrow oncum n beginning oniething | n | anything onlie a only oor |
tha mi n dòchas gu | n | aontaicheadh rhona brankin leam an |
own aince adv once airm | n | arm airt n art direction |
own aince adv once airmor | n | armor airn n iron airt |
own aince adv once airmie | n | army airn n iron airt |
armor airn n iron airt | n | art direction aistern a east |
once airm n arm airt | n | art direction alang prep along |
after eftirnuin n afternoon esp | n | asp ettil v intend exem |
cup teitils n titles tent | n | attention teuch a tough thai |
ayont prep beyond back end | n | autumn bairge n barge baith |
copse shouther n shoulder shenachie | n | bard shilpit n iil thriven |
stem sheins v shines shenachie | n | bard shipwrack n shipwreck shour |
back end n autumn bairge | n | barge baith a both bedein |
in bens n mountains bern | n | barn bewtie n beauty bi |
in bens n mountains bern | n | barn bewtie n beauty bi |
implore flichter v flutter flichtermouss | n | bat flouer n flower fluid |
both bane n bone battil | n | battle baurlie n truce bebbin |
mountains bern n barn bewtie | n | beauty bi prep by biggin |
mountains bern n barn bewtie | n | beauty bi prep by biggin |
ochone interj of sorrow oncum | n | beginning oniething n anything onlie |
choice wanhowp n misfortune wame | n | belly wanner v wander wap |
rotate biggit v built birk | n | birch birkenshaw n group of |
broken buiks n books burd | n | bird burn n stream buss |
pikkil n small quantity pikmaw | n | black headed gull pingil v |
black blyth a happy bluid | n | blood boddom n bottom bole |
village claes n clothes clash | n | blow claucht v clutch cleid |
spoil coronach n lament corp | n | body cot houss n cottage |
bulk bounless a unlimited bouster | n | bolster bowder n boulder bowle |
boughs bowder n boulder bowt | n | bolt brainches n branches braith |
children baith a both bane | n | bone battil n battle baurlie |
everlasting bade v dwelled banes | n | bones bangstar n bully bairn |
brown brukken v broken buik | n | book bullik n bullock byde |
captivated brukken v broken buiks | n | books burd n bird burn |
happy blythsum a happy boddom | n | bottom bole n opening bonnie |
happy bluid n blood boddom | n | bottom bole n recess bou |
bow bouk n bulk bous | n | boughs bowder n boulder bowt |
unlimited bouster n bolster bowder | n | boulder bowle n bowl braes |
bulk bous n boughs bowder | n | boulder bowt n bolt brainches |
bole n recess bou v | n | bow bouk n bulk bous |
bolster bowder n boulder bowle | n | bowl braes n slopes braid |
boulder bowt n bolt brainches | n | branches braith n breath brattil |
bolt brainches n branches braith | n | breath brattil v haste braw |
peace saul n soul saur | n | breeze saut n salt saxteen |
break bricht a bright brig | n | bridge brither n brother brocht |
bright brig n bridge brither | n | brother brocht v brought brou |
bou n v bow bouk | n | bulk bounless a unlimited bouster |
bou v n bow bouk | n | bulk bous n boughs bowder |
broken buik n book bullik | n | bullock byde v stay byde |
dwelled banes n bones bangstar | n | bully bairn n child barefuit |
n group of birches birn | n | burden birze v press blatter |
rinse syne adv then taigil | n | burden taiken n token tak |
beholden beir v bear beirial | n | burial beiss n animals belanged |
shelter beir v bear beirial | n | burial beiss n animals belanged |
bird burn n stream buss | n | bush byde v stay byde |
byde ower n sojourn bygaen | n | bygone caibin n cabin caird |
sojourn bygaen n bygone caibin | n | cabin caird n old man |
caird n old man cairriage | n | carriage cairt n cart caller |
man cairriage n carriage cairt | n | cart caller a fresh cam |
questions splairge v spread splore | n | celebration springheid n source squint |
disgusting grund n ground grundhouss | n | cellar guid adj good guidsister |
such siccar a sure siccarness | n | certainty sicht n sight sie |
thriven shuin n shoes siccarnss | n | certainty sicht n sight siller |
shadow shaws n thicket shilfie | n | chaffinch shilpit n iil thriven |
chariot chapper n knocker chaumer | n | chamber cheil n fellow chirker |
drive ceitie n city chaumer | n | chamber cheil n fellow claes |
city chairiot n chariot chaumer | n | chamber chiel n fellow chirker |
drive ceitie n city chairiot | n | chariot chapper n knocker chaumer |
drive ceitie n city chairiot | n | chariot chaumer n chamber chiel |
could crackit v cracked craks | n | chats craw n v crow |
fellow chirker n cricket chowks | n | cheeks chuck stane n pebble |
country kirstal n crystal kist | n | chest knowe n hillock kyth |
crystal kis c because kist | n | chest knowe n hillock kyth |
bones bangstar n bully bairn | n | child barefuit a barefoot bauchil |
wakeful waw n wall wean | n | child weidae n widow weill |
well walcum a welcome walin | n | choice wanhowp n misfortune wame |
caw v call drive ceitie | n | city chairiot n chariot chapper |
caw v call drive ceitie | n | city chairiot n chariot chaumer |
caw v call drive ceitie | n | city chaumer n chamber cheil |
cricket chitter v shiver chowks | n | clachan n village claes n |
village claes n clothes claith | n | cloth clash v throw claucht |
fellow claes n clothes claith | n | cloth cleuch n glen cryne |
n clachan n village claes | n | clothes claith n cloth clash |
chamber cheil n fellow claes | n | clothes claith n cloth cleuch |
change clachan n village claes | n | clothes clash n blow claucht |
gold gowk n fool grailyach | n | cockerel greit v weep gresp |
autumn feartlyke a frightened fere | n | companion ferm n farm ferr |
plainstanes n paving stones plaint | n | complaint pleasance n pleasure park |
since serr v serve shaw | n | copse shouther n shoulder shenachie |
nothing neibor n neighbor neuk | n | corner nevoy n nephew nicker |
corp n body cot houss | n | cottage coud v could crackit |
conspicuous kinrik n kingdom kintrie | n | country kirstal a n crystal |
companion kinrik n kingdom kintrie | n | country kirstal n crystal kist |
know kep v catch kintrie | n | country knowe n hillock kyth |
lamp cuddie n donkey cuiver | n | cover cum v come dae |
croak crammasie a crimson cran | n | crane craw n crow croun |
chamber cheil n fellow chirker | n | cricket chitter v shiver chowks |
chamber chiel n fellow chirker | n | cricket chowks n cheeks chuck |
crimson cran n crane craw | n | crow croun n crown cruppen |
believe cronie n friend croud | n | crowd croun v crown cruisie |
minute mell v mix merdil | n | crowd micht n might midnicht |
crane craw n crow croun | n | crown cruppen a shrivelled cuil |
kintrie n country kirstal a | n | crystal kis c because kist |
kingdom kintrie n country kirstal | n | crystal kist n chest knowe |
take tap n top tass | n | cup teitils n titles tent |
precious praisent n present presses | n | cupboard pudden n pudding puil |
daidil v linger daunce houss | n | dance house dauner n wander |
quantity pincil n pencil pitmirk | n | darkness plainstanes n paving stones |
how houss n house howf | n | den howp v n hope |
army airn n iron airt | n | direction airtilik a arty amang |
aontaicheadh rhona brankin tha mi | n | dòchas gu n aontaicheadh rhona |
drive dubs n mud dug | n | dog duin v done dule |
drunken duds n rags dug | n | dog duin v done dule |
cruisie n oil lamp cuddie | n | donkey cuiver n cover cum |
gold gowk n fool gowpen | n | double handful graip v grope |
drak v soak up dreid | n | dread dreip n v drip |
dreip n v drip drog | n | drug droukit a drenched drouth |
scare glisk n glance gloamin | n | dusk goave v stare goun |
kite glisk n glance gloamin | n | dusk goun n gown gowd |
stound n v ache stour | n | dust stourie a dusty strae |
stump stound v ache stour | n | dust stowp n tankard strae |
house howderin v swarming howf | n | dwelling howp v n hope |
stall steid n place steidin | n | dwelling steik v shut steir |
behind ai interj oh aigil | n | eagle aiker n grain ain |
yesterday yett n gate yird | n | earth yung a young yon |
ancestor forenuin n forenoon forenicht | n | evening forgether v assemble forritsum |
away awauken v awaken awbodie | n | everybody awthing n everything aye |
awaken awbodie n everybody awthing | n | everything aye adv always ayebydinlie |
dwindle easin n horizon eebrou | n | eyebrow eftir prep after eild |
store git v get gizz | n | face glaur n mud gledge |
frightened fere n companion ferm | n | farm ferr a far finnd |
irritating fae n foe faither | n | father fauch a feeble faw |
knocker chaumer n chamber cheil | n | fellow chirker n cricket chitter |
chariot chaumer n chamber chiel | n | fellow chirker n cricket chowks |
city chaumer n chamber cheil | n | fellow claes n clothes claith |
catch kilter n harmony kimmer | n | female companion kinrik n kingdom |
n fhaigh fergus ewing gu | n | fhaigh e ìre fileantachd sa |
guidhe mas e agus gu | n | fhaigh fergus ewing gu n |
find flie v fly flicht | n | flight flouer n flower fluir |
bat flouer n flower fluid | n | flood fluit n flute flyte |
flight flouer n flower fluir | n | floor follae v follow foraye |
flutter flichtermouss n bat flouer | n | flower fluid n flood fluit |
fly flicht n flight flouer | n | flower fluir n floor follae |
fly flim n mist flouer | n | flower focht v fought follae |
flower fluid n flood fluit | n | flute flyte v scold follae |
worry fashiuss a irritating fae | n | foe faither n father fauch |
fuss fower n four fowk | n | folk frae prep from freins |
must maws n mallows meat | n | food meinister n minister merbil |
vanity veisit v visit veivers | n | food vennel n alley verra |
friendship freist n frost fuil | n | fool fuit n foot ful |
gown gowd n gold gowk | n | fool gowpen n double handful |
gown gowd a gold gowk | n | fool grailyach n cockerel greit |
frost fuil n fool fuit | n | foot ful a full gae |
friend freist n frost fuit | n | foot fund v found fyle |
friendship fug n moss fuit | n | foot furth prep beyond gae |
also forebeir n ancestor forenuin | n | forenoon forenicht n evening forgether |
decay fouter v fuss fower | n | four fowk n folk frae |
crow credit v believe cronie | n | friend croud n crowd croun |
people frae prep from frein | n | friend freist n frost fuit |
folk frae prep from freins | n | friends freinship n friendship freist |
from freins n friends freinship | n | friendship freist n frost fuil |
decay frae prep from freinship | n | friendship fug n moss fuit |
praisent a n present puddok | n | frog puil n pool pul |
friends freinship n friendship freist | n | frost fuil n fool fuit |
from frein n friend freist | n | frost fuit n foot fund |
g o f1115: b i | n | g o b i n |
g o f1116: b i | n | g o b i n |
n g o b i | n | g o f1115: b i |
n g o b i | n | g o his name was |
went gaen v gone gairden | n | garden gait n way galore |
went gaen v gone gairden | n | garden gait n way gang |
go gaen v gone gairden | n | garden gait n way gang |
your yestrein adv yesterday yett | n | gate yill n ale yin |
you yeir a your yett | n | gate yill n ale yin |
your yestrein adv yesterday yett | n | gate yird n earth yung |
sharp glen n ravine glence | n | glance glent n glint gless |
glass glif v scare glisk | n | glance gloamin n dusk goave |
if gled n kite glisk | n | glance gloamin n dusk goun |
glance glent n glint gless | n | glass glib gabbit a talkative |
sideways glent n gleam gless | n | glass glif v scare glisk |
n v glance sideways glent | n | gleam gless n glass glif |
clothe clekkin n group cleuch | n | glen clishmaclaivers n gossip cod |
clothes claith n cloth cleuch | n | glen cryne v shrink cuddie |
ravine glence n glance glent | n | glint gless n glass glib |
stare goun n gown gowd | n | gold gowk n fool gowpen |
law guidwyfe n housewife guiss | n | goose haar n sea mist |
group cleuch n glen clishmaclaivers | n | gossip cod n pillow connach |
glance gloamin n dusk goun | n | gown gowd a gold gowk |
glaring goave v stare goun | n | gown gowd n gold gowk |
oh aigil n eagle aiker | n | grain ain a own aince |
handful graip v grope grandbairns | n | grandchildren greinin n longing greit |
appear laich a low lair | n | grave lairn n learn lamp |
grow gruesum a disgusting grund | n | ground grundhouss n cellar guid |
clutch cleid v clothe clekkin | n | group cleuch n glen clishmaclaivers |
built birk n birch birkenshaw | n | group of birches birn n |
cover haud v hold hauf | n | half hauflin n youth haund |
youth haund n hand haw | n | hall heich a high heid |
cover haud v hold haw | n | hall heid n head heidstane |
half hauflin n youth haund | n | hand haw n hall heich |
not kep v catch kilter | n | harmony kimmer n female companion |
heat haill n whole hairst | n | harvest haiver v talk nonsense |
greedily hert n heart hey | n | hay hie a high himsell |
soond lyke lyke spin n | n | he askit anither ane an |
hold haw n hall heid | n | head heidstane n headstone heivin |
hall heich a high heid | n | head heivin n heaven hek |
hall heid n head heidstane | n | headstone heivin n heaven hert |
hae v have haep v | n | heap haffets n temples haigil |
headstone heivin n heaven hert | n | heart hertskaud n heartbreak hie |
in v eat greedily hert | n | heart hey n hay hie |
foremost heivin n heaven hert | n | heart hicht n height hie |
heaven hert n heart hertskaud | n | heartbreak hie a high hir |
high heid n head heivin | n | heaven hek in v eat |
head heidstane n headstone heivin | n | heaven hert n heart hertskaud |
head heidmaist a foremost heivin | n | heaven hert n heart hicht |
heaven hert n heart hicht | n | height hie a high himlane |
laugh lave n remainder law | n | hill lecter n lecture ledder |
crystal kist n chest knowe | n | hillock kyth v appear laich |
catch kintrie n country knowe | n | hillock kyth v appear laich |
because kist n chest knowe | n | hillock kyth v appear laich |
howt interj never mind huik | n | hook hunder n a hundred |
howf n den howp v | n | hope howt interj never mind |
howf n dwelling howp v | n | hope hunder a hundred hyne |
astonished dwyne v dwindle easin | n | horizon eebrou n eyebrow eftir |
mule mynd v remember naig | n | horse naebodie n nobody naething |
nobody naething n nothing naig | n | horse naith prep beneath namelieheid |
hobble hou adv how houss | n | house howe n v hoe |
herself hou adv how houss | n | house howf n den howp |
n sister in law guidwyfe | n | housewife guiss n goose haar |
grunnie g r u n | n | i e m999: [laugh] m1002: |
wi anne marie tonight ev | n | if i stutt n stammer |
thicket shilfie n chaffinch shilpit | n | iil thriven shouglie a wobbly |
shoulder shenachie n bard shilpit | n | iil thriven shuin n shoes |
once airmor n armor airn | n | iron airt n art direction |
once airmie n army airn | n | iron airt n direction airtilik |
jag v n stab jaiket | n | jacket jouk v avoid juist |
jag n v stab jaur | n | jar jouk v dodge jowel |
town tovin v soaring traivels | n | journeys traivlar n traveller trauchilt |
are ither a other jey | n | joy jo n sweetheart joug |
joy jo n sweetheart joug | n | jug jouk v avoid juist |
anonymous kenspekkil a conspicuous kinrik | n | kingdom kintrie n country kirstal |
kimmer n female companion kinrik | n | kingdom kintrie n country kirstal |
give gin c if gled | n | kite glisk n glance gloamin |
city chairiot n chariot chapper | n | knocker chaumer n chamber cheil |
hill lecter n lecture ledder | n | ladder leddie n lady leeve |
leaves leal a loyal leddie | n | lady ledgin n protuding leeve |
lecture ledder n ladder leddie | n | lady leeve v live leim |
spoil coorse a spoil coronach | n | lament corp n body cot |
old norn n o r | n | language and eh f746: i |
leim n v gleam lentern | n | lantern leir n learning lichtsum |
eftirstang n remorse eftir tyme | n | later time eild n old |
low lair n grave lairn | n | learn lamp v stride lanesumness |
gleam lentern n lantern leir | n | learning lichtsum a joyful lift |
remainder law n hill lecter | n | lecture ledder n ladder leddie |
climbed skowth n scope skreid | n | letter skreive v write skunner |
love luivar n lover lyfe | n | life lyke v a like |
luiv n v love lyfe | n | life lyke v like ma |
sigh soupil a supple spauls | n | limbs speider n spider speingie |
sound sowl n soul spauls | n | limbs speirit n spirit spierins |
grope grandbairns n grandchildren greinin | n | longing greit v weep gress |
flame lown a calm luim | n | loom luiv n love luivar |
calm luim n loom luiv | n | love luivar n lover lyfe |
loom luiv n love luivar | n | lover lyfe n life lyke |
dark mishanter n misfortune mistak | n | m mistake mither n mother |
one n m1008: yeah one | n | m1007: one n seanair m1008: |
f1009: a i r one | n | m1008: yeah one n m1007: |
tip n tail eh top | n | m642: eh f643: tail ye |
matted maun v must maws | n | mallows meat n food meinister |
matchless maimorie n memorie mainners | n | manners mair a more mairch |
ma lane a alone mantil | n | mantle mappie n rabbit masell |
hang hansil v welcome hantil | n | many hap n v cover |
food meinister n minister merbil | n | marble mercat n market merk |
marble mercat n market merk | n | mark micht v might michtie |
meadow meinister n minister merk | n | mark michtie a mighty mirk |
minister merbil n marble mercat | n | market merk n mark micht |
grub maun v must meidae | n | meadow meinister n minister merk |
shape maikless a matchless maimorie | n | memorie mainners n manners mair |
mighty midnicht n midnight mids | n | middle mirklyke a dark mishanter |
might michtie a mighty midnicht | n | midnight mids n middle mirklyke |
crowd micht n might midnicht | n | midnight mirk n v dark |
mix merdil n crowd micht | n | might midnicht n midnight mirk |
mallows meat n food meinister | n | minister merbil n marble mercat |
must meidae n meadow meinister | n | minister merk n mark michtie |
middle mirklyke a dark mishanter | n | misfortune mistak n m mistake |
mirk n v dark mishanter | n | misfortune mither n mother monie |
welcome walin n choice wanhowp | n | misfortune wame n belly wanner |
flight flie v fly flim | n | mist flouer n flower focht |
maw n sea gull siller | n | money silly a fragile simmer |
certainty sicht n sight siller | n | money simmer n summer sinder |
mother monie a many muin | n | moon muinlicht n moonlight muir |
many mouls n soil muin | n | moon mukkil a big murner |
many muin n moon muinlicht | n | moonlight muir n moor mukkil |
moon muinlicht n moonlight muir | n | moor mukkil a big much |
from freinship n friendship fug | n | moss fuit n foot furth |
dark mishanter n misfortune mither | n | mother monie a many mouls |
mistak n m mistake mither | n | mother monie a many muin |
belonged ben prep in bens | n | mountains bern n barn bewtie |
in benmaist prep in bens | n | mountains bern n barn bewtie |
drunken dryve v drive dubs | n | mud dug n dog duin |
get gizz n face glaur | n | mud gledge n v glance |
a soond lyke lyke spin | n | n he askit anither ane |
aye grunnie g r u | n | n i e m999: [laugh] |
onie o its tricks pompitie | n | n na it didna dae |
ti ye haes it pompitie | n | n na n nae bather |
a big braw yin pompitie | n | n na no me wha |
ir ye up ti ringan | n | n naething yeir hieness ah |
an hirs soondit lyke spun | n | n spin span spun said |
hir aunser soondit lyke spun | n | n syne he spiert at |
it was bonny b o | n | n y aye f1040: bonny |
aye f1040: bonny b o | n | n y bonny i e |
boney f1043: [inaudible] b o | n | n y that s one |
o its tricks pompitie n | n | na it didna dae oniething |
ye haes it pompitie n | n | na n nae bather but |
big braw yin pompitie n | n | na no me wha wants |
it pompitie n n na | n | nae bather but ah didna |
ye up ti ringan n | n | naething yeir hieness ah didna |
nobody naething n nothing neibor | n | neighbor neuk n corner nevoy |
next nevir adv never nevoy | n | nephew nicht n night nicker |
neighbor neuk n corner nevoy | n | nephew nicker v neigh nicht |
as if she wasnae care | n | never ev n said hen |
never nevoy n nephew nicht | n | night nicker v neigh nirl |
next neuk n recess nicht | n | night nicker v neigh nithert |
nephew nicker v neigh nicht | n | night nocht n nothing nou |
n aime pas me gusta | n | no me gusta n 5 |
remembrance nae a no naebodie | n | nobody naething n nothing naig |
remembrance nae a no naebodie | n | nobody naething n nothing nane |
remember naig n horse naebodie | n | nobody naething n nothing neibor |
no naebodie n nobody naething | n | nothing naig n horse naith |
no naebodie n nobody naething | n | nothing nane pron none naither |
horse naebodie n nobody naething | n | nothing neibor n neighbor neuk |
neigh nicht n night nocht | n | nothing nou adv now nurl |
t a n t i | n | o p l e anti |
come from the old norn | n | o r n language and |
crowd croun v crown cruisie | n | oil lamp cuddie n donkey |
tyme n later time eild | n | old age eithlie adv easily |
bloom blyth a happy bodach | n | old man bogil n scarecrow |
bygone caibin n cabin caird | n | old man cairriage n carriage |
chaff cagit v caged caird | n | old man callants n youths |
paramour cadger n pedlar caird | n | old man caller a fresh |
gate yill n ale yin | n | one yird a earth yung |
happy boddom n bottom bole | n | opening bonnie a beautiful bou |
until pad n path pailace | n | palace pairt n part pairtie |
path paerl m pearl pailace | n | palace pairt n part paitern |
path paerl n pearl pailace | n | palace peitiecoat n petticoat pey |
ower n sojourn bydie in | n | paramour cadger n pedlar caird |
path pailace n palace pairt | n | part pairtie n party pey |
pearl pailace n palace pairt | n | part paitern n pattern peir |
palace pairt n part pairtie | n | party pey v pay pikkil |
result ootlest v outlast pad | n | path paerl n pearl pailace |
remote or prep until pad | n | path pailace n palace pairt |
palace pairt n part paitern | n | pattern peir n pear pikkil |
pencil pitmirk n darkness plainstanes | n | paving stones plaint n complaint |
disappear sauch n willow saucht | n | peace saul n soul saur |
saint sauchs n willows saucht | n | peace saul n soul sax |
part paitern n pattern peir | n | pear pikkil n small quantity |
outlast pad n path paerl | n | pearl pailace n palace peitiecoat |
chowks n cheeks chuck stane | n | pebble chynge v change clachan |
bydie in n paramour cadger | n | pedlar caird n old man |
pikkil n small quantity pincil | n | pencil pitmirk n darkness plainstanes |
limbs speider n spider speingie | n | peony speir v enquire spuil |
pearl pailace n palace peitiecoat | n | petticoat pey v pay pikkil |
glen clishmaclaivers n gossip cod | n | pillow connach v spoil coorse |
stand staw n stall steid | n | place steidin n dwelling steik |
stones plaint n complaint pleasance | n | pleasure park pleisirs n pleasures |
pit aff n procrastinator pleisir | n | pleasure plet v plait plou |
gull pingil v drudge pleisir | n | pleasure ploum n plum prie |
pleasance n pleasure park pleisirs | n | pleasures plou n plough poutches |
garden gait n way galore | n | plenty gang v go gangril |
park pleisirs n pleasures plou | n | plough poutches n pockets pouthert |
plet v plait plou v | n | plow ploum n plum pou |
plou v n plow ploum | n | plum pou v pull pou |
drudge pleisir n pleasure ploum | n | plum prie v taste purpie |
pleasures plou n plough poutches | n | pockets pouthert a powdered praiciuss |
cupboard pudden n pudding puil | n | pool puir a poor puirtith |
present puddok n frog puil | n | pool pul v pull pyot |
powdered praiciuss a precious praisent | n | present presses n cupboard pudden |
pou v pull praisent a | n | present puddok n frog puil |
n small quantity pit aff | n | procrastinator pleisir n pleasure plet |
loyal leddie n lady ledgin | n | protuding leeve v live leevin |
present presses n cupboard pudden | n | pudding puil n pool puir |
limbs speirit n spirit spierins | n | questions splairge v spread splore |
alone mantil n mantle mappie | n | rabbit masell pron myself mattit |
thirst drukken a drunken duds | n | rags dug n dog duin |
wet wattir n water wattirgaw | n | rainbow wauch a stale waucht |
face gleg a sharp glen | n | ravine glence n glance glent |
blood boddom n bottom bole | n | recess bou v n bow |
neighbor neist a next neuk | n | recess nicht n night nicker |
ago lauch v laugh lave | n | remainder law n hill lecter |
lauch n v laugh lave | n | remainder lawland a lowland leifs |
eyes eftir prep after eftirstang | n | remorse eftir tyme n later |
s u n sun u | n | right dog f1102: aye f1101: |
reik n smoke richt a | n | right rin v run rones |
abundance reid a red ruif | n | roof ruit n root sae |
roll rowth n abundance ruif | n | roof rummil v rumble sae |
rolling rowth n abundance ruif | n | roof runkil v wrinkle rype |
red ruif n roof ruit | n | root sae adv so saikless |
rose rashes n rushes raw | n | row rax v reach redd |
rather rase v rose rashes | n | rushes raw n row rax |
s e a n two | n | s f1009: a i r |
p i constantinople c o | n | s t a n t |
wasnae care n never ev | n | said hen as she elbowed |
satin sal v shall sanct | n | saint sang n song sant |
bless saitin n satin sanct | n | saint sant v disappear sauch |
saint sang n song sant | n | saint sauchs n willows saucht |
soul saur n breeze saut | n | salt saxteen a sixteen seik |
servants saison n season saitin | n | satin sal v shall sanct |
soft sain v bless saitin | n | satin sanct n saint sant |
bodach n old man bogil | n | scarecrow bonnie a beautiful bou |
climb sklum v climbed skowth | n | scope skreid n letter skreive |
sicht n sight sie maw | n | sea gull siller n money |
sib a related sie maw | n | sea gull simmer n summer |
housewife guiss n goose haar | n | sea mist hae v have |
yeah one n m1007: one | n | seanair m1008: a i r |
sore sairvants n servants saison | n | season saitin n satin sal |
six seik a sick sell | n | self serk n shirt serr |
innocent sair a sore sairvants | n | servants saison n season saitin |
shirt serr v serve shaidae | n | shadow shank n stem sheins |
sick serr v serve shaidae | n | shadow shaws n thicket shilfie |
shines shenachie n bard shipwrack | n | shipwreck shour n shower shouther |
sick sell n self serk | n | shirt serr v serve shaidae |
shilpit n iil thriven shuin | n | shoes siccarnss n certainty sicht |
serve shaw n copse shouther | n | shoulder shenachie n bard shilpit |
wobbly shour n shower shouther | n | shoulder showd v swing sib |
shipwreck shour n shower shouther | n | shoulder shuirlie adv surely sib |
thriven shouglie a wobbly shour | n | shower shouther n shoulder showd |
bard shipwrack n shipwreck shour | n | shower shouther n shoulder shuirlie |
cold sojer n soldier souch | n | sigh soupil a supple spauls |
sure siccarness n certainty sicht | n | sight sie maw n sea |
shoes siccarnss n certainty sicht | n | sight siller n money simmer |
cellar guid adj good guidsister | n | sister in law guidwyfe n |
boulder bowle n bowl braes | n | slopes braid a broad brainches |
petticoat pey v pay pikkil | n | small quantity pikmaw n black |
party pey v pay pikkil | n | small quantity pincil n pencil |
pattern peir n pear pikkil | n | small quantity pit aff n |
gumption smird v smudge smirr | n | small rain smirtil n smirk |
smart smird n smudge smirr | n | small rain smoored v smothered |
smirr n small rain smirtil | n | smirk smouder v smoulder snaw |
reach reid a red reik | n | smoke richt a n right |
courage smert a smart smird | n | smudge smirr n small rain |
mother monie a many mouls | n | soil muin n moon mukkil |
byde v stay byde ower | n | sojourn bydie in n paramour |
byde v stay byde ower | n | sojourn bygaen n bygone caibin |
snow snell a cold sojer | n | soldier souch n sigh soupil |
and and so sometimes an | n | sometimes an i n and |
shall sanct n saint sang | n | song sant n saint sauchs |
willow saucht n peace saul | n | soul saur n breeze saut |
disappear sauch n willow saul | n | soul sax a six seik |
willows saucht n peace saul | n | soul sax a six seik |
sigh soun n sound sowl | n | soul spauls n limbs speirit |
soldiers souch v sigh soun | n | sound sowl n soul spauls |
spread splore n celebration springheid | n | source squint a askew stane |
supple spauls n limbs speider | n | spider speingie n peony speir |
hirs soondit lyke spun n | n | spin span spun said the |
soul spauls n limbs speirit | n | spirit spierins n questions splairge |
peony speir v enquire spuil | n | spool stammik n stomach stane |
ither a other jag v | n | stab jaiket n jacket jouk |
stone staun v stand staw | n | stall steid n place steidin |
askew stane n stone staw | n | stall steik v shut stert |
ev n if i stutt | n | stammer i ll ask her |
serve shaidae n shadow shank | n | stem sheins v shines shenachie |
enquire spuil n spool stammik | n | stomach stane n stone staun |
spool stammik n stomach stane | n | stone staun v stand staw |
source squint a askew stane | n | stone staw n stall steik |
dust stourie a dusty strae | n | straw straths n valleys stravaig |
dust stowp n tankard strae | n | straw stravaig v wander streik |
books burd n bird burn | n | stream buss n bush byde |
sight siller n money simmer | n | summer sinder v divide singil |
maw n sea gull simmer | n | summer sinder v divide skerr |
aye yellow f1101: s u | n | sun u n right dog |
stretch swaird n sword swallae | n | swallow swaw n swell swey |
other jey n joy jo | n | sweetheart joug n jug jouk |
sword swallae n swallow swaw | n | swell swey a sway swure |
wander streik v stretch swaird | n | sword swallae n swallow swaw |
aunser soondit lyke spun n | n | syne he spiert at a |
o n s t a | n | t i n o p |
that stuff ye call tip | n | tail eh top n m642: |
ache stour n dust stowp | n | tankard strae n straw stravaig |
haep v n heap haffets | n | temples haigil v carry with |
serve shaidae n shadow shaws | n | thicket shilfie n chaffinch shilpit |
blown wunter n winter wurd | n | tidings wush v wish wyce |
top tass n cup teitils | n | titles tent n attention teuch |
then taigil n burden taiken | n | token tak v take tane |
burden tak v take tap | n | top tass n cup teitils |
lost tither a other touer | n | tower toun n town tovin |
other touer n tower toun | n | town tovin v soaring traivels |
town tove v soar traivlar | n | traveler truibil n trouble tuim |
soaring traivels n journeys traivlar | n | traveller trauchilt v oppressed troke |
soar traivlar n traveler truibil | n | trouble tuim a empty twa |
bone battil n battle baurlie | n | truce bebbin v drinkin becam |
no idea s e a | n | two n s f1009: a |
shut stert v start stound | n | v ache stour n dust |
opening bonnie a beautiful bou | n | v bow bouk n bulk |
welcome hantil n many hap | n | v cover haud v hold |
cracked craks n chats craw | n | v crow credit v believe |
might midnicht n midnight mirk | n | v dark mishanter n misfortune |
up dreid n dread dreip | n | v drip drog n drug |
face glaur n mud gledge | n | v glance sideways glent n |
lady leeve v live leim | n | v gleam lentern n lantern |
how houss n house howe | n | v hoe howk v dig |
langsyne adv long ago lauch | n | v laugh lave n remainder |
dwell luik v look luiv | n | v love lyfe n life |
not ither a other jag | n | v stab jaur n jar |
dusty strae n straw straths | n | valleys stravaig v wander strecht |
v shiver chowks n clachan | n | village claes n clothes claith |
pebble chynge v change clachan | n | village claes n clothes clash |
waken waukrif a wakeful waw | n | wall wean n child weidae |
swallow waukrif a wakeful waw | n | wall wecht n weight weill |
houss n dance house dauner | n | wander daur v dare daursay |
west wat a wet wattir | n | water wattirgaw n rainbow wauch |
world wather n weather wattir | n | water waucht v quaff wauken |
gone gairden n garden gait | n | way galore n plenty gang |
gone gairden n garden gait | n | way gang v go gangril |
gone gairden n garden gait | n | way gang v go gar |
were warld n world wather | n | weather wattir n water waucht |
wakeful waw n wall wecht | n | weight weill adv well weir |
wed wal n well walcum | n | welcome war v were warld |
wad v would wed wal | n | well walcum n welcome war |
has haet v heat haill | n | whole hairst n harvest haiver |
wall wean n child weidae | n | widow weill adv well weing |
saint sant v disappear sauch | n | willow saucht n peace saul |
song sant v disappear sauch | n | willow saul n soul sax |
song sant n saint sauchs | n | willows saucht n peace saul |
with winnelstrae n witheredgrass winnok | n | window wuiden a wooden wuids |
will wumman n woman wundae | n | window wunds n winds wund |
woman wundae n window wunds | n | winds wund thrawn a wind |
will wumman n woman wunds | n | winds wunter n winter wuzzent |
wise wycelyke a respectable wyne | n | wine yaird n yard yallae |
thrawn a wind blown wunter | n | winter wurd n tidings wush |
woman wunds n winds wunter | n | winter wuzzent a withered yallae |
sometimes wi prep with winnelstrae | n | witheredgrass winnok n window wuiden |
woods wul v will wumman | n | woman wundae n window wunds |
woods wul v will wumman | n | woman wunds n winds wunter |
wrap war v were warld | n | world wather n weather wattir |
was bonny b o n | n | y aye f1040: bonny b |
f1040: bonny b o n | n | y bonny i e ontae |
f1043: [inaudible] b o n | n | y that s one thing |
respectable wyne n wine yaird | n | yard yallae a yellow yammer |
hold hauf n half hauflin | n | youth haund n hand haw |
caird n old man callants | n | youths cam v came camsheuch |
hope hoy v hurry hunder | n | a hundred hyne awa adv |
looking faw v fall fek | n | abundance fell a ruthless ferr |
gutters rowe v roll rowth | n | abundance reid a red ruif |
withert wyce a wise wynd | n | alley yammer v chatter lament |
undulate ken v know kennawha | n | anonymous kenspekkil a conspicuous kinrik |
finndsna v finds not flain | n | arrow flauchtert v fluttered flicht |
age eithlie adv easily esp | n | asp ettil v intend evin |
befall beir v bear beiss | n | beast ben prep within bern |
blaze blether v chatter blissin | n | blessing blyth a happy blythsum |
broken brunt v burnt buith | n | booth bumfil v pucker bund |
bonnie a beautiful bou v | n | bow bowk v retch braes |
lose loue v love loun | n | boy lourd a heavy lousum |
sky ligg v lie loun | n | boy lourd a heavy lousum |
slopes braid a broad brainches | n | branches brattlin v hurrying braw |
fine breird v sprout breist | n | breast bricht a bright broun |
break bricht a bright brig | n | bridge brocht v brought brou |
rolic jyne v join kail | n | broth kaim v comb keik |
bridge brocht v brought brou | n | brow browdent a captivated brukken |
brother brocht v brought brou | n | brow brukken v broken brunt |
beauty bi prep by biggin | n | building birl v rotate biggit |
plonk birl v rotate birn | n | burden birze v press blatter |
built binna prep except birn | n | burden birze v press blaw |
enquire sperfil v scatter splore | n | celebration stap v stop stane |
bygone byordnar a unusual caff | n | chaff cagit v caged caird |
sorrow waesum a sad walin | n | choice wap v wrap wast |
compel gaun v going gether | n | collect gie v give gin |
byde v stay byde ins | n | companions bygaen a bygone byordnar |
beauty bi prep by biggin | n | cottage biggit v built binna |
home hank v hang hap | n | cover haud v hold haw |
spoil coorse a wild craig | n | crag craik v croak crammasie |
thrush mak v make makkar | n | creator ma lane a alone |
then tak v take tass | n | cup teir v tear tend |
dainty depairt v depart derkness | n | darkness dern v hide descrive |
not div v do dochter | n | daughter dochtna v cannot douce |
disna v do not dochter | n | daughter donnert a stupid dottilt |
wander daunert v wandered dawin | n | dawn dee v die deid |
dare daursay v imagine dawin | n | dawn dee v die deid |
do daibil v dabble daith | n | death darg v toil dauner |
dead deive v deafen denner | n | dinner deskrive v describe dicht |
glen cryne v shrink cuddie | n | donkey dae v do dander |
sorrow dumfounert a astonished dure | n | door durstna v dare not |
doun prep down dout v | n | doubt dowf a sad dowie |
v soak up drap v | n | drop dreip v drip droukit |
glance glister v glisten gloamin | n | dusk glowerin v glaring goave |
stump stoiter v stagger stour | n | dust stramp v tramp strecht |
prepare forenent prep opposite forenicht | n | evening forgae v forgo forgether |
all awa v away awbodie | n | everybody awthegither adv altogether awthing |
asp ettil v intend exem | n | examination eydent a industrious faimlie |
feeble dwyne v dwindle een | n | eyes eftir prep after eftirstang |
if git v get gizz | n | face gleg a sharp glen |
fauch a feeble faw v | n | fall autumn feartlyke a frightened |
examination eydent a industrious faimlie | n | family fain v like to |
intend evin adv even faimlie | n | family fain v like to |
age eithlie adv easily faimlie | n | family fankil v entangle fantoush |
fain v like to fareweill | n | farewell fash v worry fashiuss |
well weir v wear weird | n | fate wersh a tasteless whan |
wing weir v wear weird | n | fate wes v was whan |
to fairlie a really faither | n | father fankil v entangle fash |
rustle reist v roost riggs | n | fields rin v run rink |
repayed richt a right riggs | n | fields rin v run rowin |
far feinish v finish fingir | n | finger finnd v find flie |
ingethert v brought in ingil | n | fire inouth prep inside inti |
lowdent v calmed down lowe | n | flame lown a calm lowp |
arrow flauchtert v fluttered flicht | n | flight flie v fly flim |
deserted forordnar adv usually fortuin | n | fortune founder v collapse foust |
flame lown a calm lowrie | n | fox lowp v leap lowse |
night nicker v neigh nirl | n | fragment no adv not nocht |
glib gabbit a talkative glisk | n | glance glister v glisten gloamin |
clad cled v clad cleuch | n | glen connach v spoil coorse |
dusk goave v stare goun | n | gown gowd a gold glower |
if girn v complain girnal | n | grain store git v get |
longing greit v weep gress | n | grass gret a great growe |
longing greit v weep gress | n | grass growe v grow growne |
weep gresp v grasp gress | n | grass growe v grow grund |
appear laich a low lair | n | grave lamp v stride lang |
gollop v gulp graff yaird | n | graveyard graithed v equipped greinin |
grass growe v grow grund | n | ground grup v grip guid |
grow growne v grown grund | n | ground grup v grip guid |
thrush mak v make mauk | n | grub maun v must meidae |
loiter smaw a small smeddum | n | gumption smird v smudge smirr |
right rin v run rones | n | gutters rowe v roll rowth |
haena v have not haep | n | heap haes v has haet |
haiver v talk nonsense hame | n | home hank v hang hansil |
have haill a whole hame | n | home hank v hang hap |
whole hain v conserve hame | n | home hansil v inaugurate hap |
howk v dig howp v | n | hope hoy v hurry hunder |
dreary dwyne v dwindle easin | n | horizon echt a eight eebrou |
eve hou adv how houss | n | house howderin v swarming howf |
abide i think in the | n | i v is hold i |
2 dost s v stane | n | iii i am grateful to |
in inti prep into intimmers | n | internal organs ir v are |
into intil prep into invytes | n | invitations ir v are isna |
jar jouk v dodge jowel | n | jewel juist a just jundie |
comb keik v look keing | n | king ken v know kenna |
ago lauch v laugh leddie | n | lady lest a last leig |
little a little loch an | n | lake loss v lose loue |
gleam leitit v listed lentern | n | lantern lest a last licht |
quietly quut v quit quyne | n | lass rade v rode raip |
taste purpie a purple quyne | n | lass raen v rant rair |
magpie quut v quit quyne | n | lass rair v roar randie |
lady lest a last leig | n | league leim v gleam lift |
live leevin v living leigs | n | leagues leim v gleam leitit |
learn lamp v stride lanesumness | n | loneliness lang a long langsyne |
graveyard graithed v equipped greinin | n | longing greit v weep gress |
fox lowp v leap lowse | n | loosen lowss a loose luik |
loose luik v look luiv | n | love ma a my mair |
cover hantil a many hauch | n | low field haud v hold |
pool pul v pull pyot | n | magpie quut v quit quyne |
march mairrit v married maister | n | master maitter v matter maivis |
ripe maun v must meinit | n | minute mell v mix merdil |
goodself hae v have haar | n | mist haena v have not |
moon mukkil a big murner | n | mourner mynd v remember myndin |
mukkil a big much murner | n | mourner mynd v remember myndin |
foggy drukken a drunken dubs | n | mud duin v done dule |
crumble mukkil a big mull | n | mule mynd v remember naig |
didna v did not dirdum | n | noise dirl v vibrate div |
take tane pron one tapcoat | n | overcoat teim v pour down |
pull putten v put pyne | n | pain quaetlie adv quietly quut |
twelve twyne v part twynin | n | parting tyauve v labor tyme |
over owerhail v overtake pad | n | path paerl m pearl pailace |
barn bi prep by biddy | n | plonk birl v rotate birn |
like lilt v sing linn | n | pool waterfall lippert a disturbed |
pool puir a poor puirtith | n | poverty pul v pull putten |
summer sinder v divide skerr | n | precipice skinkil v twinkle slaelie |
fallen fecht v fight feim | n | rage feinish v finish fekfu |
sprouting breishil v hurry breistwark | n | ramparts brek v break bricht |
mourner mynd v remember myndin | n | remembrance nae a no naebodie |
mourner mynd v remember myndin | n | remembrance nae a no naebodie |
out ootby prep outside ootcum | n | result ootlest v outlast pad |
castle cauld a cold causie | n | road caw v call drive |
lass rade v rode raip | n | rope raither adv rather rase |
roar randie a wild raw | n | row redd v tidy reik |
where wheipil v whistle whuff | n | scent whurl v whirl whusper |
what whusper v whisper whuff | n | scent whyles adv sometimes wi |
grip guid adj good haar | n | sea mist hae v have |
is thir a these thirldom | n | servitude thole v endure thon |
lyke v a like maik | n | shape maikless a shapeless mainners |
high hir pron her hird | n | shepherd hirpil v hobble hirsell |
soul sax a six seik | n | sick serr v serve shaidae |
swift swither v vacillate syde | n | side synd v rinse syne |
cold snuive v glide souch | n | sigh soud v should souk |
down doungether v accumulate dounsittin | n | sitting doverin v snoozing dowf |
light lichtsum a joyful lift | n | sky ligg v lie lik |
learning lichtsum a joyful lift | n | sky ligg v lie lik |
league leim v gleam lift | n | sky ligg v lie loun |
bow bowk v retch braes | n | slopes braid a broad brainches |
pouthert a red powdered reik | n | smoke reinge v range reishil |
row redd v tidy reik | n | smoke reishil v rustle reist |
rain smoored v smothered snaw | n | snow snell a cold snuive |
smirk smouder v smoulder snaw | n | snow snell a cold snuive |
smear smoor v smother snaw | n | snow snell a cold sojer |
glide socht v sought sojers | n | soldiers souch v sigh soun |
saint sair a sore sang | n | song sant v disappear sauch |
dog duin v done dule | n | sorrow dulesum adv sorrowfully dung |
dog duin v done dule | n | sorrow dumfounert a astonished dure |
mud duin v done dule | n | sorrow dumfounert a astonished dwyne |
sup spak v spoke spaik | n | spar speir v enquire sperfil |
stone staun v stand staw | n | stall stell v fix stert |
steir v stir move stern | n | star stert v start stey |
celebration stap v stop stane | n | stone staun v stand staw |
money silly a fragile simmer | n | summer sinder v divide singil |
somebody sumwhaur adv somewhere sunlicht | n | sunlight swey v rinse swippert |
stretch suin adv soon swaw | n | swell sweil v circulate sweir |
souk v suck soum v | n | swim soup v sweep sowp |
their thegither adv together theik | n | thatch the r v there |
these tho c though thocht | n | thought thole v endure thonder |
master maitter v matter maivis | n | thrush mak v make makkar |
marry maitter v matter maivis | n | thrush mak v make mauk |
tight til prep to timmer | n | timber tint v lost tither |
parting tyauve v labor tyme | n | time uissless a useless unco |
the morn adv tomorrow toun | n | town tove v soar traivlar |
lost tither a other toun | n | town traivel v journey traivlar |
town traivel v journey traivlar | n | traveler trauchilt v oppressed truibil |
traveler trauchilt v oppressed truibil | n | trouble trummil v tremble tuim |
oppressed troke v trade truibil | n | trouble tuim a empty tungs |
avoid juist a just kaim | n | v comb keik v peer |
home hansil v inaugurate hap | n | v cover hantil a many |
letter skreive v write skunner | n | v disgust slokken v quench |
stained behauden a beholden beild | n | v shelter beir v bear |
single skail v empty skelp | n | v slap skelter v rush |
way gang v go gangril | n | vagrant gar v compel gat |
plenty gang v go gangril | n | vagrant gar v compel gaun |
uncombed unpairttit a unparted vainitie | n | vanity veisit v visit veivers |
slap skelter v rush skaum | n | vapor skiff v brush skinkil |
very vext a sorry vyce | n | voice wad v would wae |
waken waukrif a wakeful waw | n | wall wede v vanish weill |
world wastlin a westerly wattir | n | water waucht v quaff wauken |
like liltin v singing linn | n | waterfall lippen v trust list |
under unnerstaun v understand wab | n | web wad v would wed |
hundred hunker v squat hure | n | whore hyne adv far away |
woman wul v will wund | n | wind wuthert a withert wyce |
winna v will not winnok | n | window wrang a wrong wrate |
widow weill adv well weing | n | wing weir v wear weird |
voice wad v would wae | n | woe waek a weak waesum |
wrong wrate v wrote wumman | n | woman wul v will wund |
window wuiden a wooden wuids | n | woods wul v will wumman |
wrong wrate v wrote wuids | n | woods wul v will wumman |
welcome war v were warld | n | world wastlin a westerly wattir |
yammer v chatter lament yaird | n | yard yeir a your yestrein |
beast ben prep within bern | n | barn bi prep by biddy |
everlasting ayont prep beyond bairns | n | children baith a both bane |
forward fou a full foust | n | decay frae prep from freinship |
isolation aff adv off affpit | n | delay afore prep before aften |
horizon echt a eight eebrou | n | eyebrow eftir prep after eftirnuin |
nothing nou adv now nurl | n | fragment o prep of oor |
fragment o prep of oor | n | hour oorsells pron ourselves oot |
now o prep of oor | n | hour oorsells pron ourselves oot |
neither nearhaund prep nearby neibor | n | neighbor neist a next neuk |
northerly nou adv now nuin | n | noon o prep of ochone |
eyebrow eftir prep after eild | n | old age eithlie adv easily |
confused fower a four fowk | n | people frae prep from frein |
apart areddies adv already ashet | n | plate asyde prep beside athout |
horse naith prep beneath namelieheid | n | reputation nane pron none nearhaund |
thousand thrang a busy thrissil | n | thistle throu prep through ti |
blow wi prep with winnok | n | window wrang a wrong wrate |
between auld a old aunsir | n | answer ava adv at all |
between auld a old aunser | n | answer ava adv at all |
cannot cannilie adv gently castel | n | castle cauld a cold causie |
ale yin pron one yird | n | earth yit adv yet yondmaist |
one aerlie adv early aest | n | east aff adv off afore |
awaken awthegither adv altogether awthing | n | everything aye adv always ayebydinlie |
everybody awthegither adv altogether awthing | n | everything aye adv always ayont |
hold haurlie adv hardly haw | n | hall heich a high heid |
above ae a one aesumness | n | isolation aff adv off affpit |
chilled no adv not norlin | n | northerly nou adv now o |
fragment no adv not nocht | n | nothing nor c than norlin |
rumble sae adv soul saet | n | seat saft a soft sain |
soon sum a some sumbodie | n | somebody sumwhaur adv somewhere sunlicht |
ourselves oot pron out outlin | n | stranger ower adv too over |
sprinkle stuipit a stupid sturt | n | strife suin adv soon sum |
hangs hinner a final hinnie | n | honey hir pron her hir |
anything onlie a only oor | n | hour oorsells pron ourselves oot |
so saikless a innocent sanct | n | saint sair a sore sang |
bew hewmets o the u | n | atap o sassenach pows cam |
people worked like a u | n | beaver and i ve almost |
the ensignie o the u | n | cam swoupin ower the tours |
the liks o the u | n | can affuird it an in |
o by passers the u | n | didna luik ti hae ane |
nyow impriour o the u | n | forss at is bi guid |
wastmeinster gubernment an the u | n | kent the trewth o d |
middens ti inact ane u | n | mandat ower scotland an ti |
u r durst ma u | n | mone must may mycht mocht |
the compuiters o the u | n | or ein the k nichts |
the word punt p u | n | t a punt here is |
bot no itherwyss the u | n | wuidna dae mirren onie favours |
hauns ti m the u | n | wul uise onie prettikin ti |
ye ken naething mair pooerfae | n | at an jist blethert an |
wis mint for naething ither | n | tae be a soonin boord |
d meant dossie doon een | n | was nickle naething and a |
oxford blackwell giles h coupland | n | and coupland j 1991 accommodation |
mayor b 1996 in mercer | n | and swann j ed learning |
inverey for a few years | n | b miss j macdonald braemar |
our own area and both | n | [censored: surname] and j [censored: surname] agreed |
[censored: surname] a [censored: surname] j [censored: surname] | n | [censored: surname] m [censored: surname] m [censored: surname] |
h coupland j and coupland | n | eds contexts of accommodation developments |
call their grandfather j e | n | eh papa gammy granpie that |
s r q p o | n | m l k j i |
s r q p o | n | m l k j i |
i j k l m | n | o p q [clapping hands] m1108: |
f1115: bobby bingo b i | n | g o f1116: b i |
bobby bingo f1116: b i | n | g o his name was |
in his den b i | n | g o the farmer s |
department transport division 2 d | n | g reid head of division |
the g nome pepper nervously | n | na ma name s pepper |
families wur close i friendship | n | an a hae fond myndins |
ay thaim wur the days | n | aye jimmy wis ae daub |
ae stey brae it wur | n | frae the elrig bike shed |
it wur maist misfortunate trigidy | n | fur him an his faimlie |
ay thaim wur the days | n | is ae matter o fack |
drink o waitter it wur | n | mebbies the bettermaist waal i |
ay thaim wur the days | n | thar wur dances held i |
ae fell skelp o grund | n | thar wur saivrel ootbye herd |
gey wheen yeir sin nou | n | thar wur twae semi detached |
ay ae dooms siccar man | n | that wur jim scott o |
ferm hoose kitchen meltith buird | n | the bryden s wur grit |
wurkit weill fur thaim baith | n | the laist tyme a wur |
s juist gei hert heisin | n | tae discern that i spite |
keepit fock juist gey thrang | n | a m juist thinkin i |
fur ae gey wheen yeir | n | a mynd yince whan robbie |
an some juist gey hertruggin | n | a wuid hev thocht thit |
afrikaans leids ir gey sib | n | ay it wus efter the |
fur ae gey wheen generations | n | doun til the praisent day |
fur ae gey wheen yeir | n | ella the auldest marriet ane |
throwe some gey precairious terrain | n | it the stert o the |
fur ae gey wheen yeir | n | mr an mrs mitchell hed |
gey ootbye bits tae bide | n | nae road tae thum whan |
ae gey wheen fellt treis | n | ooten the hoscote wuds doon |
fur ae gey wheen ear | n | twae o gledson s sons |
there s nothing like a | n | american donut shop just like |
street with photos provided by | n | [censored: surname] also about other matters |
quadrant 2 up 4 r | n | [censored: surname] [censored: house number] doune quadrant 5 |
[censored: surname] miss m [censored: surname] miss | n | [censored: surname] mrs a [censored: surname] mrs |
[censored: surname] mrs a [censored: surname] miss | n | [censored: surname] mrs a [censored: surname] mrs |
[censored: surname] new committee members mrs | n | [censored: surname] mrs m [censored: surname] miss |
[censored: surname] r [censored: surname] m [censored: surname] | n | [censored: surname] t [censored: surname] m [censored: surname] |
[censored: surname] and seconded by miss | n | [censored: surname] the president then welcomed |
the committe from members miss | n | [censored: surname] very thoughtfully brought coffee |
from car into hall miss | n | [censored: surname] volunteered to bring coffee |
[censored: surname] agreed to do this | n | k c c jonathan [censored: surname] |
a good meeting most fruitful | n | b 1 p t milk |
station good train down arr | n | b 3pm may 1 friday |
29 saturday scouters meet kinghorn | n | b ask about raith not |
john the largest city in | n | b it s an ugly |
by william alexander ribrae turriff | n | b north britain millwright and |
to lathalmond weather still mild | n | b phone weir 22 friday |
rls adds a terse postscript | n | b robertson smith is great |
to see much more of | n | b than fredericton still even |
or as command verbs imperatives | n | b we can explain this |
i reckon a year in | n | b will help me soak |
jeans an me wi an | n | c b dunkie jaiket bunnet |
yer dock wid be mair | n | a buddy c d thole |
class mid dle class c | n | d and all that but |
know her views on c | n | d and i never get |
asking his views on c | n | d and the police role |
dropped my hankie my c | n | d badge my house key |
he fished out my c | n | d badge squinted at it |
tried to pin my c | n | d badge to my blazer |
or less innocuous the c | n | d badge was no surprise |
of 100 and a c | n | d badge you are a |
my scottish nationalist and c | n | d friends who exist entirely |
mm professional classes definitely c | n | d territory no sewage in |
f o c h e | n | f1054: mmhm m1146: ehm someone |
london macmillan educational retter c | n | valls bonanza 77 english language |
seanair m1055: s e a | n | a i r for gr- |
wes a maist byordinar omnigadderum | n | anerlie wes the r thair |
t a r i a | n | i s m we a |
arbuthnott branch of the r | n | l i ladies guild in |
defunct arbuthnott dramatic club r | n | l i lady dorothy arbuthnott |
the social science research council | n | pub macaulay r k s |
i s h m e | n | t a r i a |
ae bonnie place tae bide | n | an wud nae doot gin |
ae maist terrible bad bit | n | ay richt i the draucht |
converse on monnie ae subjeck | n | geordie mackay wis mrs forman |
girnwud lynns ae bonnie bit | n | i guid wuther a think |
ae guid auld fashont crack | n | ian landels is ae weel |
hallmerk o thair ain ethnicitie | n | is ae maitter o fack |
heid fock bruikit i yonner | n | is ae maitter o fack |
problem ae rather waesome story | n | masel a kent nellie govenlock |
ae bonnie place tae bide | n | nixt door i the ither |
sense o uimour yid hed | n | nou ae wheen thochts aboot |
schuil milk an schuil buses | n | thar s ae aspeck o |
fur ae gei wheen yeir | n | the davies flittit frae girnwud |
ae bonnie place tae bide | n | til yon hoose fornenst wis |
prentit a small printed smeddum | n | courage smert a smart smird |
wis mair like a dog | n | a cat it hid a |
sae we didna need mair | n | a drink at es hut |
hey aifter iyin for mair | n | a ear we wis eest |
an sadie ll be mair | n | a match fur him money |
veesion at s nae mair | n | a shadda o fit ey |
back it taks fully mair | n | an oor bit in braid |
back for it wis mair | n | e strinth o yer fingers |
e picker hid mair eeses | n | een it wisna jist for |
say till s mair aften | n | eence at een o e |
they hadnae been doun mair | n | hauf an oor whan we |
ain ee sees nae mair | n | it kens fits in yer |
shape maikless a shapeless mainners | n | manners mair a more mairrie |
mair fowk aboot e place | n | masel aa e same i |
style an blessd wi mair | n | my share o guile wee |
mair berries an bigger eens | n | ony i iver saa on |
intill eez lug ony mair | n | onybody else ye jist get |
i likit fite wines mair | n | reed bit nae aabody his |
it likely used up mair | n | some o its lifes on |
geed roon ilky room mair | n | twice a nicht feelin ay |
let s him loose mair | n | twice in fower weeks it |
it must a been mair | n | twinty five feet deep at |
e curiosity wis mair regairdit | n | wark for wi e stooks |
miss e maclean and miss | n | maclean the representatives of the |
that f813: i love guns | n | roses f814: mmhm m811: and |
like this headbanging greasy rock | n | roll three old men singing |
old world as well to | n | walsham return via coast tuesday |
hall heich a high heid | n | head heidmaist a foremost heivin |
expert juist i the passin | n | a think at a shuid |
growl or nip juist nou | n | again tae haud them in |
wirm in her heid d | n | a according to some sources |
yeir div ee na think | n | nae doot the dootsum micht |
naw bei sae fer aff | n | whan juidgin bi the fouth |
suin got roond at ane | n | an whan wei stuffed his |
ll staundin correckin on at | n | gin a m wrang whan |
hae i the laird jhesu | n | whan a contemplate the complexities |
fur oorsels div ee wonner | n | whan a tell ee at |
wisnae at lang efter at | n | whan baith jimmy an eric |
ay at wis yid scott | n | yid deyd i 1952 whan |
e grocer oh aye wis | n | at a queer thing aboot |
bitties o been an queerer | n | at e black threids wis |
for number three easier said | n | deen ere wis nae e |
made candy maybe even better | n | e cakes o coo candy |
it wis e occasion raither | n | e laanch at made its |
e sky wis even bigger | n | e landscape blue on a |
e aal days wis better | n | e new for ere s |
speaker s liking or did | n | e scots arriving in shetland |
places e snaa wis heicher | n | e sides o e car |
e wis 10 months younger | n | i wis masel twilicht cam |
e must a been haiter | n | me for e d waldies |
tonsils out but the e | n | t drs have x rayed |
concerned tae pick yer fingers | n | tae let ye gaither e |
ìre fileantachd sa chànan gu | n | tòisich e a deanamh barrachd |
aye wean w e a | n | wean m1020: say babby down |
national univ after trekking across | n | america helping build a house |
ye could gie yer d | n | a fur posterity in holyrood |
corner fur aa on huz | n | tae ma wey o thinking |
fur verra lang up yonder | n | tae tell ee the treuth |
jist need to mak sure | n | die aff afore mrs swanson |
he answered the door mrs | n | young on another occasion tommy |
to die dooms siccar man | n | an upright honest person draucht |
lack o a sectarian fush | n | he rins puir man frae |
in scotland unpublished paper maccallum | n | and purves d eds 1995 |
d bought us this crack | n | camera da hud oor haversack |
four scottish universities the s | n | d association and the compiler |
markers such as the a | n | d present participle inflection the |
canongate edn 2000 chiriac jean | n | d symbol and symbolism with |
all human fate by heav | n | is fix d alternate joy |
metal i d better een | n | jock an richt enyeuch ere |
i dinna kein ralph cum | n | set dee in neest d |
could spell it chanting a | n | t i d i s |
steyd there sae lang withoot | n | they d had the chance |
got seek frae a hole | n | her welly awww she greeted |
she is my niece efter | n | a i wouldna want to |
tae tell ee the treuth | n | a mynd on the tait |
fae a bittie farrer sooth | n | aachterless widna a likit een |
of the bahai faith in | n | america she was a lively |
generation an thaim afore at | n | anither phenomina at a ve |
a a book called but | n | ben a go go a |
a sequel to er but | n | ben a go go for |
you mean m605: but but | n | ben a go go is |
slopes braid a broad brainches | n | branches braw a fine breinge |
a toirt a toirt dha | n | chànain thog cathy peattie grunn |
mark michtie a mighty mirk | n | darkness mirklyke a dark monie |
die deid a dead delicht | n | delight dentie a dainty depairt |
hoose a nervous wreck law | n | dry big jocky s legs |
y f1097: mmhm m1098: that | n | f1097: that s a w |
heavy lousum a lovable lowe | n | flame lown a calm luim |
a f that s an | n | for neil m1098: that granda |
assemble forritsum a forward fortuin | n | fortune fou a full fouter |
it s like a soft | n | isn t it it s |
dodds in a braw room | n | kitchen they count out their |
remainder lawland a lowland leifs | n | leaves leal a loyal leddie |
evening we caught a bus | n | metro to natasha s another |
hir lane a alone hogmanay | n | new year s eve hou |
a mac fergus ewing gu | n | robh iad an làthair aig |
a bha a staigh roimh | n | seo bha mi toilichte a |
salt saxteen a sixteen seik | n | sick seivin a seven seivinteen |
web wabbit a exhausted wae | n | sorrow waesum a sad walin |
a tha seo deasbad dhe | n | t aon seòrsa bha sinn |
a negative marker not or | n | t or nae in scots |
quick eneuch nyaff a snotterie | n | the y a hint o |
thon a that thousan a | n | thousand thrang a busy thrissil |
trouble tuim a empty tungs | n | tongues twae a two twal |
use verra a very wab | n | web wabbit a exhausted wae |
the mulsintoun backsyke efter at | n | weel a mynd on tom |
weak waesum a sad wal | n | well walcum a welcome walin |