
See this word as a collocate cloud

ach chan urrainn do riaghaltasnah alba a bhith an
a phàirt a tha riaghaltasnah alba a gabhail ann
h ullachaidhean bha oifigearan riaghaltasnah alba ag iarraidh agus
dearbhadh dhuibh gu bheil riaghaltasnah alba airson leantainn air
chaidh a chur gu riaghaltasnah alba ann an 1999
cuideachadh bho roinn foghlam riaghaltasnah alba buidheann obrach albannach
seo gu fìrinneach tha riaghaltasnah alba mar tha air
a cur ìmpidh air riaghaltasnah alba na leanas a
riaghaltas na rìoghachd as lethnah albais agus na gàidhlig
cinnteach gun tairgear cànainean dùthchasachnah albann le riaghaltas na
eòrpaich agus gun cuir riaghaltasnah albann mar phàirt de
gun iarr i air riaghaltasnah albann tagradh a dhèanamh
nuair bhathar a beachdachadh airnah ullachaidhean bha oifigearan riaghaltas
air riaghaltas na h albanaleanas a chur an cèill
na h albann le riaghaltasnarìoghachd airson taic airgid an
tagradh a dhèanamh do riaghaltasnarìoghachd as leth na h
or second language bibliography comunnnagaidhlig 1997 inbhe thearainte dhan
donald stewart in 1981 comunnnagaidhlig an ither influential gaelic
donald stewart in 1981 comunnnagaidhlig and other influential gaelic
briefing on gaelic issues comunnnagaidhlig and sabhal mor ostaig
cathie craigie fiona mcleod comunnnagaidhlig comunn na gàidhlig cnag
advisers community learning scotland comunnnagaidhlig dundee city council european
office the recommendations from comunnnagaidhlig in framework for growth
allan campbell chief executive comunnnagaidhlig mr donald martin director
director of community development comunnnagaidhlig mr lachlan dick uhi
the recommendations contained in comunnnagaidhlig s proposed national policy
set out by cnag comunnnagàidhlig 1997 bòrd gàidhlig na
where reasonable demand exists comunnnagàidhlig 1997 in march 2000
the language each year comunnnagàidhlig 1997 p4 also see
anns an aithisg aig comunnnagàidhlig a thaobh poileasaidh nàiseanta
eòrpach nan cànan tha comunnnagàidhlig agus biùro eòrpach nam
of the group includes comunnnagàidhlig and the european bureau
in the way that comunnnagàidhlig anticipated in its report
mcleod comunn na gaidhlig comunnnagàidhlig cnag was set up
official status in scotland comunnnagàidhlig cnag was set up
him michael russell if comunnnagàidhlig comhairle nan eilean siar
the local authorities and comunnnagàidhlig could then appear on
to nairn for the comunnnagàidhlig dinner and for the
s language policy 5 comunnnagàidhlig information about comunn na
pre census estimates from comunnnagàidhlig suggest that about 7
scotland as commented by comunnnagàidhlig the gaelic development body
na gàidhlig information about comunnnagàidhlig www cnag org uk
albannaich agus comunn faclair nàiseantanah alba cuideachd an sàs
bheil na buidhnean gàidhlig agusnabuidhnean albais a co obrachadh
air leth toilichte gu bheilnabuidhnean gàidhlig agus na buidhnean
mìcheal russell tairgse airson bilenacànain gàidhlig tairgse airson bile
leth na h albais agusnagàidhlig a dhèanamh cinnteach gun
toirt do fhoghlam tro mheadhannagàidhlig a gabhail ri luach
dèanamh airson foghlaim tro mheadhannagàidhlig a thairgse aig gach
steach airson teagasg tro mheadhannagàidhlig agus a cur ìmpidh
tha ag obair an luibnagàidhlig agus albais comasach air
a bheil foghlam tro mheadhannagàidhlig air sàilleibh gainne luchd
documents policy memorandum bile cànannagàidhlig alba gaelic translation the
do phrionnsabalan coitcheann bile cànannagàidhlig alba supported by fergus
we take evidence from communnagàidhlig and local authorities sooner
mar mhanaidsear craolaidh gus àitenagàidhlig ann am meadhanan na
do dh fhoghlam troimh mheadhannagàidhlig dleasnas air buidhnean poblach
luach cultarail eacononmach agus sòisealtanagàidhlig do dh alba a
following translation foghlam tro mheadhannagàidhlig gu bheil a phàrlamaid
get the perspective of communnagàidhlig in addition and perhaps
ann am foghlam tro mheadhannagàidhlig molaidhean leasachaidh a chaidh
an lagh a thaobh cleachdadhnagàidhlig nam measg còir do
an gàidhlig agus mu dheidhinnnagàidhllig agus anns an deasbad
na gàidhlig ann am meadhanannah alba agus beatha na
priorities are establishing bòrd gàidhlignah alba extending and strengthening
na gàidhlig 1997 bòrd gàidhlignah alba gaelic development agency
meek report 6 bòrd gàidhlignah alba gaelic development agency
two places on bòrd gàidhlignah alba if so when
and functions of bòrd gàidhlignah alba scottish executive memorandum
up the new bòrd gàidhlignah alba the gaelic development
gaelic language agency bòrd gàidhlignah alba who could have
is working closely with communnagaidhlig to translate certain school
they serve place bord gaidhlignah alba on a more
h alba buannachd fhaighinn asnacothroman a thig an luib
gaelic arts gu bheil pàrlamaidnah alba a cur fàilte
na h alba agus beathanah alba a ghleidheadh agus
cur fàilte air iomairt riaghaltaisnah alba airson taic a
chaidh a chur gu oifisnah alba ann an 1997
e comasach do chànanan dùthchasachnah alba buannachd fhaighinn as
nam molaidhean mu cho obrachadhnah alba le bliadhna eòrpach
aithisg aig comhairle teagaisg choitcheannnah alba teagasg ann am
alba cuideachd an sàs annsnah ullachaidhean airson na h
kennel please mammie queen nanaah dinna think it wul
anither day broun ogre nanaah haena tyme the day
o the halie rude nanaah m blithe tae mind
het brose mebbe puddok nanaah m feelin kynd o
aff the brick warks nanaah m no speakin in
hae onie successfu rivals nanaah sweir ti ye bi
s e na tramps f980: naaidh iad sin uh huh
s a bit nutty nanaalexander ere s nae rush
for e knock bit nanaan it wisna lang ir
the washing line rain nanaat s nae rain said
ere wis plugs bit nanaat wisnae e style ere
burnt enter soliony irena nanaawa ye gang vassily vassilich
ràdh cha robh an temperaturenab àirde na freezing an
a cantail eh [tarraing anail] cusnab fhuaire na bha i
wi ye mither valgerd nanabairn ye ir yung ye
[tarraing anail] cus na b fhuairenabha i ann a sheo
f980: ah uill bhiodh enabu nàdarraiche na m979: dh
madainn na màireach bho cathraichenabuidhne obrach a chaidh a
taiken or whit olga nanabut it juist disna gang
mothers noo ronnie earnestly nanachrissie i m nae tryin
whit s happenin malcolm nanachrist this canna be ah
a dhèanadh cinnteach gum bidhnacòirichean agus na dleasnasan seo
sin far an robh nanacruachan a dhèanamh m981: mar
biodh f980: uh huh na na tha thu air
mairrie for a stert nanadeil a fears enter koolyghin
gum bidh na còirichean agusnadleasnasan seo air an sgrùdadh
sign the pledge hughie nanaduncan hardly that was the
his heid an says nanaefter the last flooer is
[inaudible] f1113: da na nanaf1114: look another one oops
drawer f1122: yeah na nanaf1121: cause we really have
where you are f689: pubsnaf631: mmhm f689: na not
s wife bessie na nanafarquhar was her ain name
the borrach o fowk nanafit aboot them she wis
an eyebrow at them nanafit wye wid i be
torture chamber screaming na nanafor christ s sake na
ye ready faither malcolm nanafor the luiv o god
an temperature na b àirdenafreezing an nottingham fad an
bha mi ag èisteachd rinagaelic eh [tarraing anail] dùrachdan na
na gaelic eh [tarraing anail] dùrachdannagaelic requests ah uill f982:
your hands wi it nanagie me the honest smell
anns na h ullachaidhean airsonnah ath bhliadhna thog grunn
no a tell ye nanahe s a maist byordnar
saw his minister drunk nanahe said ony time i
anither bairn malcolm na nanahe shakes his head shona
making a brave effort nanai canna miss the great
from him teenie na ohnai couldna tak them i
get the doctor bessie nanai m a richt i
his heid an says nanai m here noo ere
s your een georgie nanai m nae needin een
he an meg roars nanai ve folk comin for
siller so i says nanai ve got by without
his heid an said nanai ve naething like that
tooth edged bessie impatiently nanait begins wi s neil
them fae fishermen dod nanait s mair complicated than
that i think loretta nanait s perfectly respectable gladys
uh huh f960: yes nanait s widden f961: uh
bide wi her granny nanait wis aa fur her
yeir ain dochter malcolm nanajek ah hae thocht weill
he approaches him jim nanakeep awa you re nae
tam shook his heid nanalad i ken fit like
got wisnae affa gweed nanalad jist you forget that
tap hi aye christine nanalass gying du ahed wi
nay say anither merridge nanalasses ah hae a wersher
bhiodh e na bu nàdarraichenam979: dh fhaodadh tu am
sclim the aipple tree nanama dawtie ye re far
unlyke an ingan chebutykin nanama friend chehartma isna an
faighinn an aithisg sin madainnnamàireach bho cathraiche na buidhne
shuir but jock said nanamaister the r naebodie here
na for christ s sakenamalcolm ah dinna think it
shud be ashamed yersel nanamind yer drivin an i
an swop them muriel nanamy mannie i ll haud
heid wi plain distaste nanamy son facts maun be
ae day martha me nanamy wee darg lies here
it you were like nanan- na no one s
a kennel please mammie queennana ah dinna think it
me anither day broun ogrenana ah haena tyme the
kirk o the halie rudenana ah m blithe tae
o het brose mebbe puddoknana ah m feelin kynd
dovert aff the brick warksnana ah m no speakin
no hae onie successfu rivalsnana ah sweir ti ye
she s a bit nuttynana alexander ere s nae
wytit for e knock bitnana an it wisna lang
ata the washing line rainnana at s nae rain
for ere wis plugs bitnana at wisnae e style
been burnt enter soliony irenanana awa ye gang vassily
gang wi ye mither valgerdnana bairn ye ir yung
ill taiken or whit olganana but it juist disna
twa mothers noo ronnie earnestlynana chrissie i m nae
ken whit s happenin malcolmnana christ this canna be
an sin far an robhnana cruachan a dhèanamh m981:
wadna mairrie for a stertnana deil a fears enter
you sign the pledge hughienana duncan hardly that was
shaks his heid an saysnana efter the last flooer
oops [inaudible] f1113: da nanana f1114: look another one
that drawer f1122: yeah nanana f1121: cause we really
farquhar s wife bessie nanana farquhar was her ain
tae the borrach o fowknana fit aboot them she
raises an eyebrow at themnana fit wye wid i
the torture chamber screaming nanana for christ s sake
ir ye ready faither malcolmnana for the luiv o
at your hands wi itnana gie me the honest
s no a tell yenana he s a maist
ever saw his minister drunknana he said ony time
hae anither bairn malcolm nanana he shakes his head
loretta making a brave effortnana i canna miss the
better get the doctor bessienana i m a richt
shook his heid an saysnana i m here noo
at s your een georgienana i m nae needin
snort he an meg roarsnana i ve folk comin
good siller so i saysnana i ve got by
shook his heid an saidnana i ve naething like
er tooth edged bessie impatientlynana it begins wi s
get them fae fishermen dodnana it s mair complicated
than that i think lorettanana it s perfectly respectable
blocks uh huh f960: yesnana it s widden f961:
tae bide wi her grannynana it wis aa fur
me yeir ain dochter malcolmnana jek ah hae thocht
nines he approaches him jimnana keep awa you re
timmer tam shook his heidnana lad i ken fit
he got wisnae affa gweednana lad jist you forget
da tap hi aye christinenana lass gying du ahed
tae nay say anither merridgenana lasses ah hae a
a sclim the aipple treenana ma dawtie ye re
no unlyke an ingan chebutykinnana ma friend chehartma isna
m shuir but jock saidnana maister the r naebodie
ye shud be ashamed yerselnana mind yer drivin an
ging an swop them murielnana my mannie i ll
his heid wi plain distastenana my son facts maun
us ae day martha menana my wee darg lies
believe it you were likenana n- na no one
there oops [inaudible] f1113: danana na f1114: look another
in that drawer f1122: yeahnana na f1121: cause we
andy farquhar s wife bessienana na farquhar was her
to the torture chamber screamingnana na for christ s
aye hae anither bairn malcolmnana na he shakes his
all laugh at smack headnana na na na na
laugh at smack head nanana na na na na
at smack head na nanana na na na na
smack head na na nanana na na na the
head na na na nanana na na the junkie
na na na na nanana na the junkie stood
mrs livingstone your turn bessienana na you dinna want
are you busy jonsar saidnana nae affa susie says
caa e fite steens bitnana neen o yer keyser
it intil a pyock horsenana neigh neigh i cannae
and stands by neil hoversnana peggy you canna manage
the hospital asks ned ohnana replies jonsar eck in
i asked with indecent hastenana reproved jimmy i m
up a frog it objectitnana said willie ye ve
fit georgie in trouble chrissienana she s fine noo
o thon hoose clearance firmsnana she s to advertise
wi t nava gaed onnana she wisna pleased ava
words on your behalf beaumontnana thank you the nicht
nae thinkin o tellin himnana that s ain o
say peggy 13 78 bessienana the first line peggy
na na na na nanana the junkie stood up
if she nocht the toiletnana the lassie jist widnae
them wi a wringer bitnana the peats jist got
luik gunlöd going towards doornana the sounds of the
byde an be neiborlyke pompitienana thenk ye it s
his spanners were kept bitnana there wis nae sign
ful o luiv an joynana they canna see us
pey for em ninety pencenana twelve poun fifty pence
instead its more absorbent gladysnana we aye used broon
this corn sheep baa baanana we re awa tae
dee awa wi winter claesnana wednesday 18 temp 2
richt walcum for ye puddoknana wyfe dinna bather yeir
princess and the well puddoknana ye canna draw wattir
an syne he spak againnana ye canna git wattir
of her gruff male voicesnana ye canna haud a
doun the wattir an saidnana ye didna yon wes
ah hae ti tell yenana ye irna nae fears
oot the wattir an saidnana ye irna nae fears
tyme listen til his aunsernana ye irna nae fears
yow aaaa ow help needlenana ye l dae nae
cummin wi ye toozenbach alarmednana ye maunna goes off
ll get it again gladysnana ye ve got tae
f1133: i am f1134: arenana yer- f1133: i am
leave it ahint me valgerdnana you beirie it lyke
livingstone your turn bessie nanana you dinna want tae
an that would never deenana you ll be better
ma watch tae please younana you ll need to
the threid frae the rokenana you tak care o
you busy jonsar said nananae affa susie says ere
e fite steens bit nananeen o yer keyser s
intil a pyock horse nananeigh neigh i cannae help
were like na na n-nano one s got one
pubs na f631: mmhm f689: nanot at all i don
jumps away from him teenienaoh na i couldna tak
to georgie go on georgienapause na you enjoy it
stands by neil hovers nanapeggy you canna manage get
hospital asks ned oh nanareplies jonsar eck in at
asked with indecent haste nanareproved jimmy i m only
a frog it objectit nanasaid willie ye ve seen
shuas a màireach na toiseachnaseachdain gum faigh mi bucaid
away the name as lochnaseanais loch na seann innse
as loch na seanais lochnaseann innse loch of the
georgie in trouble chrissie nanashe s fine noo georgie
thon hoose clearance firms nanashe s to advertise a
t nava gaed on nanashe wisna pleased ava she
d fhuair thu na shuidheadhnashuidhe sa phàirc e no
agam gun d fhuair thunashuidheadh na shuidhe sa phàirc
uh huh na natha thu air fhaighinn dhe
on your behalf beaumont nanathank you the nicht i
thinkin o tellin him nanathat s ain o wummins
peggy 13 78 bessie nanathe first line peggy ye
na na na na nanathe junkie stood up and
she nocht the toilet nanathe lassie jist widnae gie
wi a wringer bit nanathe peats jist got weeter
gunlöd going towards door nanathe sounds of the conflict
an be neiborlyke pompitie nanathenk ye it s tyme
spanners were kept bit nanathere wis nae sign o
o luiv an joy nanathey canna see us hou
bhios mi shuas a màireachnatoiseach na seachdain gum faigh
aidh aidh mharbh s enatramps f980: na aidh iad
for em ninety pence nanatwelve poun fifty pence fin
its more absorbent gladys nanawe aye used broon paper
corn sheep baa baa nanawe re awa tae be
awa wi winter claes nanawednesday 18 temp 2 10
walcum for ye puddok nanawyfe dinna bather yeir bonnie
and the well puddok nanaye canna draw wattir no
syne he spak again nanaye canna git wattir no
her gruff male voices nanaye canna haud a strike
the wattir an said nanaye didna yon wes the
hae ti tell ye nanaye irna nae fears gowd
listen til his aunser nanaye irna nae fears gowd
the wattir an said nanaye irna nae fears the
aaaa ow help needle nanaye l dae nae sic
wi ye toozenbach alarmed nanaye maunna goes off quickly
get it again gladys nanaye ve got tae get
i am f1134: are nanayer- f1133: i am [laugh]
it ahint me valgerd nanayou beirie it lyke yeir
your turn bessie na nanayou dinna want tae hear
go on georgie na pausenayou enjoy it a beat
that would never dee nanayou ll be better aff
watch tae please you nanayou ll need to buy
threid frae the roke nanayou tak care o yeir
when i arrived at canagaia alice had been sanguine
if you like see canagaia as a place of
galatzo seemed to challenge canagaia from the opposite side
black red spined book canagaia had been featured in
had been at the canagaia meditation stepped out as
her town house which canagaia s expenses were forcing
sea weed to fertilise canagaia s garden packing it
covered with strange symbols canagaia s valley had a
and use mine at canagaia soon we wandered down
i had left at canagaia straight away waiting for
two days before at canagaia the home of a
of january i left canagaia to walk the 13
then changed the subiect canagaia what does it mean
the farm next to canamaria elena s strange ululation
of the use of canamaria for a month it
the country lanes towards canamaria for lunch and siesta
s time to leave canamaria from the terrace i
though were new territory canamaria had a forlorn appearance
the traditional well at canamaria is fully operational with
the metal gates of canamaria s almond orchard i
almond harvest to get canamaria s almonds there and
growth thrown back by canamaria s bathroom mirror he
solar system which supplies canamaria s electric power is
told myself briskly sweeping canamaria s main rooms after
sineu mary s house canamaria stands on a ridge
come for tea at canamaria the next day luisa
in the town near canamaria there are no signs
the town back to canamaria to give them a
you feel the cold canamaria was an abandoned farm
the almond orchards near canamaria where citrus trees are
stores fhaighinn a staigh airsonnabliadhn ùire m981: dìreach beagan
tha iad a staigh airsonnabliadhn ùire uh huh thàinig
ullachaidhean airson dealbhadh agus rèiteachadhnabliadhna san rioghachd aonaichte tha
sinn a deanamh tèarainteachd airsonnacànain agus a màireach feasgar
àird sin ach cha tignadìthein orra airson och
tha tha ticead airsonnagèamaichean mòra mun tuirt iad
cho doirbh ticead fhaighinn airsonnagèamannan mòra co dhiù tha
againn airson gum faiceadh tunagnothach a bhideo tha i
cànan ach a nis gunah ullachaidhean airson dealbhadh agus
airson a dhol timcheall lenaquestionnaires uh huh f980: oh
e duil- uabhasach duilich airsonnarinn e ach
do thadhail i staigh aigna[censored: sloinneadh] an solas agus chaidh
sin agad e s enafeanntagan a nighe agus eh
an eirinn agus a moladhnah obrach a tha ùghdarrasan
agus a leudachadh gu bheilnah oidhirpean aige thar iomadh
ann an 1997 agus bnamolaidhean a bh anns an
as ùr agus buileachadh airnamolaidhean a bh anns an
gaelic story aonghas mòr agusnasìthichean based around the fairies
tighinn a dh iarraidh plangaidna bheag [gàire] [tarraing anail] agus
sin a dhèanamh dh itheadhnabeathaichean a h uile m979:
mi air trì s f982: nadh fhàs an do dh
bhith dorcha a dh innsenafìrinn cha thoil leam e
oh aidh f980: duinenam979: bom f980: aidh dh
a tha aig daoine munanithean a dh fhaodar a
fhàs an do dh fhàsnasprouts agad am bliadhna m981:
mònadh a dh fhàgadh risnataobhannan rud a th air
robh aig daoine ach croitearachdnaag obair dhaibh fhèin mar
bidh iad gan ithe aignabarraichean an glaschu [neo-shoilleir] m979:
biodh eventually [gàire] m979: aignasales a h uile duine
duine a gabhail deoch aignasales f980: chosgainn barrachd airgead
uh huh aidh aidh aignasales s dòcha gun ceannaicheadh
iad uaireanan a toirt seachadnaticeadan eile dìreach aig a
co dhiù m979: bhiodhnaboireannaich a dèanamh ma tha
oh bhiodh m979: bhiodhnaboireannaich a dèanamh ma tha
tha mi a cur timcheallnaceisteachain aidh aidh f980:
ràdh ach mu dhèidhinnnaclann clann bochd a tha
a bhocsa is minaflues timcheall so f982:
e a nist m981: naghabh thu dhan [tarraing anail] an
a staigh an lenaleis m981: an e marshalls
ann gun teagamh m979: narudan eile a bhiodh iad
[boladh] m979: bhiodh narudan eile a bhiodh iad
e glè mhath dol timcheallnasales an dràst m979:
sales an dràst m979: nasales beathaichean [gàire] f980: sna
dhan phàipear m979: oh thiochdaisnabo a h uile duine
ris an rathad uill chunnah aibhne bha chan eil
that vicinity clachnahagaig possibly clachnah eagaig stone of the
sin mun tàinig e dhanah eileanan seo m979: aidh
ann [neo-shoilleir] es- tha fearnah escalators a bha sin
seo f980: mar gum biodhnah eskimos tha sinn a
who famously inhabitd tomnahurich tomnah iùbhraich hill of the
known for her collection renah oidhche the length of
rudeigin f982: uh huh m981: nah uidhir aige ri dhèanamh
am bi iad ag ithenah uidhir sin dhiubh saoil
dol a chur fear denah ùrlair fiodh tha sin
s a tha i snasgeulachd s rudan a h
galceran can calo and canamatgina 33 hectares of the
a rinn do mhàthair nabeinne f982: oh aidh [tarraing anail]
bha [tarraing anail] sin agad reallynabha staigh fhad s bha
smaoineachadh eh [tarraing anail] gu robh de-na[censored: sloinneadh] s dòcha uilleam [tarraing anail]
bha a gabhail feadhainn dhenadùrachdan [tarraing anail] ach eh f982:
a chuireas am blas airnagnothaichean tha sin [tarraing anail] oh
smaoineachadh f982: [tarraing anail] chan eilnam981: thoireadh nuair a thug
fhios agad [tarraing anail] fear dhenastrìochan a sin tha i
nach itheadh i feòil mairtna[tarraing anail] s e glasraich a
e geordie sin a nuasna[tarraing anail] tha iad dìreach ainmeil
a dol às an riannatunnagan beaga siud eh [tarraing anail]
màireach [neo-shoilleir] m981: chan eilnaa nochd uill eh bha
f982: bha sinn a tighinnnab fhaide a nuas ris
bha e shuas a dèanamhnabales a bha siud feasgar
a bha e muigh airnabàtaichean aidh mmhm tha mi
dhà no trì sa mhadainnnabha an doras dùinte bha
dèidh a bhith nas blàithenabha e tha e f980:
nas bu chiùin an diughnabha i an raoir [neo-shoilleir]
diciadain tha i dheth fadnabliadhn ùire sa m981: bha
[neo-shoilleir] m981: bha gu mathnabu chiùin ach bha i
gun robh hey s bhanabusaichean fhèin làn feadhainn a
bha mise shuas an dèidhnacearcan a dhèanamh chaidh mi
do chòrd e rium idirnachuala mi an oidhche bha
gu robh e [neo-shoilleir] m981: nachuala mise an gnothach bha
m981: an nighean s anacnapaich mmhm f982: bha mi
riamh ann bha bhiodh bhiodhnacreithleagan gam ithe nuair a
bha thu air a dhìochuimhneachadhnam979: och chan eil iad
taobh eile s a bhanasràidean an glaschu m979: thia
e neònach bha mise curnatunnagan a staigh an dèi- an
nach d fhuair iad caoidhteasnafeumaidh gun do cheannaich feadhainn
gèamaichean mòra mun tuirt iadnagèamaichean tha mi creids
tha iad either all electricnam979: oh chan eil ola
[?]far[/?] nach eil fear dhethnabeathaichean a tha seo an
sin co dhiù ma thanabeathaichean aige a tòiseachdainn air
an uidheam tha sin airnabeinn tha fhios nam biodh
droch hurricane againn fhìn toiseachnabliadhna m979: tha tha f980:
tha mi cinnteach gum binabuidhnean cultarail a tha ag
a thogail le grunn dhanabuill a tha làthair an
tha thu air fhaighinn dhenaceist- ceisteachain sin air ais
à steòrnabhagh f982: tha thana[censored: sloinneadh] an ath dhoras tha
dhith coimhead an stòbha sinnachuireas mi tha mise a
le mòine f982: tha thanachuireas tu beagan gual is
e air a dhol dhanaciders sùgh nan ùbhlan tha
a steach mar thoradh airnaco dhunaidhean sin tha an
ais e gun teaghamh thanadaoine f980: mmhm mm oh
e rud tha e munafeedrings tha sin bidh e
bruidhinn mu dhèidhinn f980: thanapàipearan a nist air tha
a bhith a deanamh barrachdnatha a phròiseact sin a
m biodh cus a bharrachdnatha sinn a deanamh neo
m981: tha dìreach eh thanatsk f982: cha bhi daoine
bheil i gu bhith tioramnam981: [slugadh] chan eil dìreach
mothachadh a thoirt do shluaghnaroinn eorpa gu bheil a
uill m981: [?]agus tha sinn a' dèanamh, trailer mhòr[/?] an oidhchenaam fesgar a rinn do
chan eil ola f980: olanam979: gas a mhòine f980:
àbhaist spreadhadh a dhèanamh bomnam979: oh aidh f980:
ann a dol a bhuainnamòna m979: oh right
ithe rudan sg- grànda m979: naspàintich f980: obh oh cha
a coimead air a raoirnaan robh for aige gun
an dòchas [gàire] f980: ohnabi a ràdh sin idir
uair sin bidh agam rinainterviews a dhèanamh f980: mmhm
b fheàrr leamsa huh esannamise f982: eh hmm oh
bidh jo ann is bidhnaheating air co dhiù bidh
fortune tae pit in bessienashe was lucky there as
that i dinna ken bessienasurely no peggy nae often
name wasn t it bessienathat was her ain name
uill cha chòrdadh sin riumnabu mhotha bhiodh an dorchadas
a radh nach bi sinnadhuilgheadas nuair bhathar a beachdachadh
trèana cha mhòr co dhiùnasin chan eil fhios agad
an makkin onie complaint moragnaah canna dae it puddok
a kiss no dae puddoknadeil a fears ye canna
but no for lang ainafor the puddok didna lyke
inti tottie littil puddoks puddoknait wesna lyke that wi
nae ither wey ava puddoknanae ither wey morag wad
hame wi me nou puddoknano yit yeir faimlie wul
no uised wi fowk sayinnati me puddok ye coud
offstage malcolm ignores this malcolmnaeilidh tak it awa thare
winna see hir again malcolmnajek ah daursay no ah
me again the nicht malcolmnajek but you gie me
hir the nicht maister malcolmnajek juist leave hir alane
face eilidh leaves purposefully shonanamalcolm dinna please dinna malcolm
oniething ti eat maister malcolmnano a thing a fou
gods on the high benchnaah canna pray afore thir
you see him onywhere f1095: nai canna see him anywhere
can you see ain f1095: nai canna see it well
in her ear olga frightenednait canna be true chebutykin
ah wumman canna think ormnano wi hir heid but
canna get the blue f1107: nayou ve snooked them m1108:
pause irena ah m tirednaah dinna lyke ma wark
lee wrutten on yeir facenaah dinna think sae we
lat hir sit aboot tearfullynaah dinna unnerstaun ye olia
mhair bake us breid mhairinadinna bake breid bake bannoks
put on your necklace f1104: naf1103: no how dinna bump
you dinna burn it f1107: nafitt does dad say pop
e he sees her facenai dinna suppose your mither
pneumonie tho he kent itnahe raised hiz heid an
wyfe yeir dream broun ogrenathe needle ah need the
fowre hunner yeir div eenathink n nae doot the
yeir guid frein siller treenaweill than at least pit
them nae rab harper georgienabut are you sure it
m1128: no f1127: eh m1128: naf1127: how nae well we
nae the warlock o leddrachnahe keepit fower birds a
gie it til him siwardnahe s worth nae mair
gunlöd the r nae signnahe stauns strecht as a
nae coorse like yon eennait was your uppity wyes
haes it pompitie n nnan nae bather but ah
been at the forbidden fruitnanae excuses disobey ma orders
anely roon the neist neuknanae far we re jist
lyke that wad ye pompitienanae fears wutch ye can
wey nae ither wey avananae ither wey said the
chanter then he would saynathat s nae richt wi
e a cleachdadh cleachdadh cleachdadhnabeurla chaidh moran phuingean a
e a bruidhinn sa ghàidhlignabhios e uaireannan a bruidhinn
àite s e sluagh ghairmnabliadhna fosglaidh cànanan dorsan ach
eorpach s e priomh amasnabliadhna mothachadh a thoirt do
is docha gum biodh enachuideachadh dhuibh nan toisichinn le
e g craigton for bailenacreige three different horse names
ony strangers on e roadnadeil e een ere wis
is e wife weel enyeuchnait s naething tae dee
didna see e gerrie yerselnajock pit doon e spaad
ti teir it awa butnait wadna cum it wes
in thy breistie thou neednastart awa sae hasty wi
naethin sae nochtie as fairiesnatae keep awa the auld
in the hyne awa daysnathe auld fowk waur gey
weather cock takkin a tirriveenahe jist gaed oot an
is jist a bummer octobernait s mair like simmer
oot jist a bummer decembernamair like simmer wednesday 24th
div ye use a pressnashe didna bit jist hung
ma lassie never owre latenaah m shuir it s
lum queen that wes awnaah m tellin a lee
door suddenly gunlöd turns gunlödnaah winna gang ah maun
an naebodie kens that gunlödnanaebodie ava but ah haed
as an idea strikes hernaon saicont thochts ah wul
here again morag o mercienaringan leave him alane ah
the past byde beirit ormnathorfinn whit ah m gaun
off the stage morag ahnawhit l ah dae ai
tartan numpty bit i saidnaa shitehoose is the same
speer if ey made cheesenaey widna said ma freens
stuil nearesthaund the dure saidnafient ane o us we
store neeps an i saidnai got naething for the
weary of preaching and prayingnasaid mitchel i believe ye
gotten at hen in yetnasaid tam bit i m
nee meeve yer legs avanasaid the invalid fegs said
faur bigger fish up byenasir the voice said at
thocht the bodach cuid yenaapplie the preincipil ti wir
pass ye gaun oot lennoxnaatweill ma lord macbeth a
follow t bi me sayinnabit i ll sweir ye
chaunces o winnin the fechtnabit ye cud help save
ye gaun ti scone macduffnacuisin a l gang ti
algebraic equations that did thonnafaith ye an matthew bruce
ye hear o auld tawsenafat aboot im he s
are ye a union mannai didnae think ye were
needle wi ye broun ogrenait s safe hame in
wuid ye hae a drinknajuist tel me tammas gied
need ti fear ye butnajuist ti mak siccar ye
oniething happenin masha sits downnanaething a pause wul ye
ye tammas bot pey itnaonie hede ruth at wes
behauf did ye brak outnasayed john a cam afoir
wadna let ye dae itnashe d pit her fit
loued me weill aneuch butnaye didna littil ane be
heard that one no m1014: naye wouldnae use that aye
hed a branderin o mnaye wuidna ken o d
maun hae a warld fylitnaby greed nar by selfishness
now for shetlands [laugh] m952: nawe re hae a very
even hear aboot it pompitienayou coud never hae stuiden
needin her bed f1134: arenaf1133: i am f1134: are
i am so f1134: arenaf1133: tired [sniff] f1134: well
bluid frae af ma haundsnaa raither think the bluid
she wisna a primary sourcenaher ma wis a gutter
g nome pepper nervously nnama name s pepper broun
aw lennox the wh whanano me ma lord no
denburn tae frichten the fowknatae cweel doon ma hornies
at the ei gruppit itnathons lik ma faimilie he
might go here no f1103: naf1104: [inhale] that bit goes
i widna a swappit bitnait wisna my style i
lassie never owre late moragnaa m shuir it s
it again i m likenai don t don t
moochin tae feed her habitnabappy bedd wi his uncle
[?]safeway[/?] wi dad f1115: safewaysnaf1116: dad s coming to
alane help you wi yoursnathe answer s here an
wasna f1103: aye [inaudible] f1104: nai wasna f1103: no but
t no aye thare gunnarnait wes burnt doun ti
maybe and they were purena[laugh] i was like no
s oscar th- eh nonalike that ain next page
has no more rather thannamair however there is no
no the broun ogre peppernamebbe no him mebbe he
murdert l macbeth ai mercienano in oor houss banquo
you ever heard this m952: nano [laugh] m865: no have
moscow ferapont after a pausenano me it wesna god
aw gunlöd after a pausenano me tell me mither
braw yin pompitie n nnano me wha wants ti
to unbutton her nightgown rintoulnano the day onie truibil
is he auld lyke toozenbachnano verra forty forty five
heidmistress no arrived yit irenanawe ve sent for hir
thank you f1133: oh dona[censored: forename] you winna get to
23rd temp 6 19 ohnaneen like autumn i div
he wes feart ti saynaan gied hir the ship
brig ti aiberdour naither johnnafrizzel wun mukkil rist thon
eftir a whyllie thai mynditnati dae ein this apairt
baudrons maet fur a wissnati sterve the kelpies or
bliadhna far obair cha robhnaagamsa chun an oidhche roimhe
thathar an dòchas a bhiosnabhuannachd don luchd com pairteachaidh
i dol a mach dhanabùitean an diugh i fhèin
to conceal his emotions valgerdnabyde here thorfinn an bare
an iomairt chaluim chille gusnaceanglaichean a neartachadh eadar coimhearsnachdan
a brothel an you arnaeven here because you re
a cur oirnn colainn fadnafad a gheamhraidh is an
for at hame we arenafond o fish ava an
chikks an her wracked beautynagin she d bin bonnie
mag an nellie whuther ornahei wis sib til thum
the sea an the gaitnamara at is the lauchter
bot the ferlie appinins devaultnathe auld faither an the
an the breckens but fandnathe yowe disjaskit an dowie
like stair rods m1015: mmnawell i- i ve heard
any respect that way f943: nayou ve got to build
are breakin down f943: butnacause then you re not
f1103: you re [?]leein[/?] f1104: nai wasna f1103: aye [inaudible]
it s called something f943: nayou re not you re
as thanks bot thai trokitnaa leivin wird the cheil
like a spiv dod cheerfullynaa spiv does it for
a singing seal in lochnaboune and a lament on
are as straightforward as clachnacùdainn indeed there are a
to their english form clachnacùdainn was long considered a
the time can you f1104: naf1103: that s a horrible
a little old for thisnaf1141: farr are you goin
ta fill a winter pressnafar mair i sall miss
gan tae be a plumbernahe s studying to ging
alistair was a loon gladysnahe used tae tak andy
better than a cauld hoosenai cudnae sit doon that
to leave a mess f1104: nai wouldna dae that would
brocht back fae blairgowrie butnait was a plastic boxie
forgets that nowt beasts arenapauchlin pets a dunt a
aye whit they seem peppernathere is silence for a
one day a year lorettanathis is settled in for
gunlöd send oot a boatnatwa as monie as can
that that day was schednablude real jousts could kill
richt bonny sinny day winternamair like spring i wid
didnae stop the day didnastop [inaudible] f1099: [censored: forename] come
the arch reflected shows sheelanagig flauntin her braid fertility
christie is tae get mairrietnai didna ken that fa
[paper crumpling] scrat m1070: what scratnai think that was ice
laith tae think the warstnajaik coutts the grieve frae
and in his bed f1115: nathink he s doon playin
kinrik whan his faither deesnait isna it wul be
citie s walls i wouldnalike to see his foul
boukit on the wee sidenayer da s like his
in for scaffies in particularnaaddy hadna much tae say
aye it s worth itnai dinnae really mind fowk
true and i was likenait s bullshit isn t
hiv you seen my moneynajonsar replies weel at s
wuidna tak hir mither snasay this wes the verra
yon twa punner risin therenasir for deed that s
is hellish man cried willienasir it s hell replied
the best f1118: pingu snathe best f1117: who s
dis da dis neil kennahe disna ken he niver
kent it weill bot giednaonie inklin at he wes
about hir at shae seinnaane auld wicht at wes
1442 at the baxtares baakenafaiges the baxter book of
from the same source atnahukstar sell nor top ony
piltocks pinnin at da fleetnashurley man wid coont da
o rent speirs lu danathe rent wis aa peyed
you weren t gonna gonai ll be alright till
gath rin votes you werenaslack now stand as tightly
brig o balgownie 2 sheelanagig celtic female fertility symbol
still smiling royally fi onaprrreg nant and ee prrreg
which isn t yeah f1151: naf1150: i don t know
year for the last twentynai maun be fair toots
drivin in that blizzard f1104: naarenae going to playschool f1103:
the train screamed past lochnaboune the last known landmark
yeast risen dough thai hednabreyd bot ry caikis and
go in there m1090: mmnaf1089: does that go in
[inaudible] jigsaws are they f1104: naf1103: [inaudible] f1104: daddy we
balnafare 1244 which is bailenafaire the watch town where
cannae live on beer sonnafaither but we can live
rob dunbar peadar morgan clìnagaidheil ùra the new gaels
jim inside the tinnies georgienainside the packing cases mind
its tricks pompitie n nnait didna dae oniething wutch
m1090: yeah [inhale] [exhale] f1089: nait winna fall right we
out of ordour and keipisnakynde nor reule of flowing
siller tree coud thole itnalangir that awbodie soud delytre
bapis and siclyke breid keipisnapais or wecht the reduced
yid fur why div eenapit yer teeth in kis
any mair clouds [cough] nearlynathat doesnae fit in there
seen afore spiered the ettinnathay ir juist the same

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