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the family decide to movenarrator1 narrator 2 mother father
7 narrator 8 narrator 9narrator10 actors to represent factory
decide to move narrator 1narrator2 mother father sister isobel
is beaten by the headmasternarrator3 narrator 4 head master
by the headmaster narrator 3narrator4 head master mr grant
by narrators 9 and 10narrator5 narrator 6 narrator 7
9 and 10 narrator 5narrator6 narrator 7 narrator 8
10 narrator 5 narrator 6narrator7 narrator 8 narrator 9
5 narrator 6 narrator 7narrator8 narrator 9 narrator 10
6 narrator 7 narrator 8narrator9 narrator 10 actors to
interesting to note how thenarratorparallels himself with boethius whilst
qualities is thus revealed thenarratorcomments janie emerged as always
a minor character an thenarratorechoes anither character bi sayin
the poem presents a courtiernarratordiscussing his situation with the
the edinburgh playwrights workshop charactersnarratorbroun ogre wutch that mends
in this poem davidson snarratortells of selling his own
boy who was also thenarratorhad an argument with his
in the persona of thenarratorsets himself up as a
in this monologue davidson snarratorconsiders the snow to be
but fade it as thenarratorstarts then increase volume between
of his aggressive tendency introductionnarratorpompitie was a wee g
friend referred to by thenarratoras her gossip these two
this is probably how thenarratorfeels when he views the
play the childhood the adultnarratorlooks back this then was
is pit across bi ournarratorthe franklin in the wife
can understand why an outsidenarratormight what we have then
mair or less as thenarratorconcludes four incomplete people came
moving house continue as thenarrator3 speaks narr 3 the
that at this point thenarratoradopts an air of detachment
the one place where thenarratorvery obviously intrudes is in
wonder if this is thenarratorwe know plus a personal
an aw wi an intrusivenarratorintroducing us tae the buik
they indulge in what thenarratorcalls the crack the conversation

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