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top priority oh and ineeda taxi to take me
under all three headings priorityneedand intentionality clearly have resource
to homeless persons in priorityneedand providing a right of
to homeless persons in priorityneedand providing a right of
out the category of priorityneedand to remove the local
immediate financial implications for priorityneedare small or nil the
treated as being in priorityneedas far as cosla is
the immediate definition of priorityneedas proposed within the bill
estimate that extending the priorityneedcategory will have a considerable
true in respect of priorityneedcosla has concerns about the
are regarded as having priorityneedfrom the guidance into the
no expansion of the priorityneedgroups alasdair morgan is that
recommendation is that the priorityneedgroups be extended only when
to expansion of the priorityneedgroups but that is not
an expansion of the priorityneedgroups cosla s understanding is
irresponsible to expand the priorityneedgroups such a step would
clearly says that the priorityneedgroups will be extended only
required to deal with priorityneedhow specific is hundreds of
expand the definition of priorityneedif we can demonstrate that
the applicant has a priorityneediii whether the applicant became
unintentionally homeless persons in priorityneedit also creates arrangements whereby
to do away with priorityneedit is good that the
extending an aspect of priorityneedlindsay manson not at this
phased relaxation of the priorityneedprovisions the only immediate relaxation
the change to the priorityneedtest is a big measure
the abolition of the priorityneedtest it gives scottish ministers
entitled to accommodation the priorityneedtest the intentionally homeless test
eventual abolition of the priorityneedtest will involve a complex
millions of pounds for priorityneedthat is the huge part
unintentionally homeless applicants in priorityneedthe committee will consider a
in the expansion of priorityneedthis was taken from the
record is to improve councilsneedto give recycling greater priority
deemed to be in priorityneedto move into safe secure
homeless applicant is in priorityneedwhen assessing their duties towards
i stress that on priorityneedwhich is the biggie the
of further expansion of priorityneedwill be and the information
particularly in terms of priorityneedwill be at roughly nil
in east kilbride extending priorityneedwill have a major impact
that the issues around priorityneedwill involve significantly more many
of the expansion of priorityneedwill not take place until
a bowl m1108: why weneeda bowl f1107: we need
come in and out ofneeda door and you need
need a door and youneeda doorhandle and you need
need a doorhandle and youneeda letterbox don t you
really need a seat f1126: needa seat cold f1125: are
aa that baking we reallyneeda seat f1126: need a
share will yi please dimpsneedair stew need it now
her fingers an furst yeneedan accusation then ye need
ways simple problem solved stewneedan answer ed need to
not need another review weneedan unequivocal statement from the
no problem we do notneedanother review we need an
ah want is noh wantneedaw ah need is mah
copies winged by their ownneedby the poet s need
go oh i n- ineedcho- i need chocolate gingers
n- i need cho- ineedchocolate gingers [inaudible] and you
need that or whether youneedehm a dose of herbal
lodges an objection they willneedevidence and will need to
[inaudible] f1121: what do youneedf1122: i need this is
need that f1141: you dinnaneedfitt f1142: mummy fitt s
we need just [inaudible] weneedfour more m1098: four more
note need tha i rneedgörlach 2002 106 some o
it yourself m1092: no meneedhelp f1091: you need help
me need help f1091: youneedhelp m1092: uh huh me
you mum i didn tneedi didn t need my
will f1111: okay i llneedi ll need lovely shoes
mummy see f1126: no ineedi need [inaudible] this one
mine falled off f1093: ineedi need to find a
well off and do notneedimprovement grants we need to
ready for me mm ineedin this chair i need
where are you goin f1114: need[inaudible] need over there f1113:
f1126: no i need ineed[inaudible] this one f1125: aye
need an accusation then yeneedindependent witnesses at least twa
empty cauldrons pause aw theyneedis fed aw they need
noh want need aw ahneedis mah lassie back bj
need is fed aw theyneedis thur erse washed aw
f1114: i need it ineedit f1113: [cough] what s
f1114: i need it ineedit f1113: okay i ll
no i need it ineedit for painting paint paint
much sadie oh if youneedit gordon i need it
here just noo f1114: ineedit i need it f1113:
s that there f1114: ineedit i need it f1113:
f1141: [?]put this back[/?] f1142: no ineedit i need it for
please dimps need air stewneedit now stew unlocks the
i need it off ineedit off f1113: push some
me this bit f1114: ineedit off i need it
that they need when theyneedit or where they want
you need it gordon ineedit sadie aye all right
wantin that ain alright weneedjust [inaudible] we need four
i ll need i llneedlovely shoes for her if
wi need mair witnesses stewneedmair victims ti come furrit
shells on silence ed wineedmair witnesses stew need mair
aye need me ye lneedme for the rest o
[singing] i need you youneedme i [inaudible] i need
unnerstaun pompitie is that yeneedme pompitie need ye whit
need you for needle yeneedme ti keep ye richt
lyke wey ye l ayeneedme ye l need me
be coming and these shoesneedmended these shoes need mending
shoes need mended these shoesneedmending these national varieties of
t need i didn tneedmy painting apron f1123: here
dimps ah ken what ahneedneed ti kill that scum
need in this chair ineedon this chair f1121: you
need well fitt do weneedoot the coopie then f1116:
you goin f1114: need [inaudible]needover there f1113: what i
need red i m gonnaneedred f1121: you goin to
you f1122: i think ineedred i m gonna need
need to ensaumple 15 ineedtae gae an buy some
eh well ye need yeneedtae watch f643: and then
mote may might must noteneedtha i r need görlach
f1142: [sob] mummy i dinnaneedthat f1141: you dinna need
in intuiting whether you actuallyneedthat or whether you need
got any apples f1122: ineedthe ap- i need the
i need the ap- ineedthe apple f1121: but you
nae need the bed naeneedthe bed f1125: nae need
need the bed f1125: naeneedthe bed f1126: no f1125:
the dolly f1126: erm naeneedthe bed nae need the
nae need the bed naeneedthe bed nae need the
need the big ain ineedthe big ain cannae do
ain f1113: sorry f1114: ineedthe big ain i need
f1141: eh f1142: no ineedthe steps i need the
i need the steps ineedthe steps [singing] f1141: [inaudible]
t he f1122: [?]can[/?] weneedtheir clothes we need their
we need their clothes weneedtheir jumpers f1121: need their
we need their jumpers f1121: needtheir jumpers so whose jumper
i need this no ineedthis f1091: do you need
do you need f1122: ineedthis is f1121: this is
s quicker m1092: no ineedthis no i need this
need ti be jenned upneedti be fully clued up
fuckin mation cammy facilitator sneedti be jenned up need
ooti view doon here dimpsneedti box cannae think need
need ti box cannae thinkneedti box dimps puts on
dey need ti see deyneedti hear jist fur noo
we need ti hear musicneedti hear lori sing pause
della help mi up weneedti hear music need ti
need ti iron cannae thinkneedti iron cammy starts ironing
laughs silence dimps well cammyneedti iron cannae think need
here the noo others deyneedti ken dey need ti
ah ken what ah needneedti kill that scum git
dey need ti ken deyneedti see dey need ti
need to well [censored: business name] willneedto advertise for a project
will need evidence and willneedto be given the chance
not need improvement grants weneedto change that education and
obligation but scots normally yaisesneedto ensaumple 15 i need
need by the poet sneedto express his interior landscape
off f1093: i need ineedto find a little boy
brilliant ah yeah no ineedto get i ll need
we need to go weneedto get some tea sometime
need to get i llneedto get your email address
need to go back f010: needto go back and do
t f122: so you llneedto go back f010: need
wait on me then m1098: needto go to go need
need to go to goneedto go to go to
cause we thought well weneedto go we need to
stew need an answer edneedto know where i where
need this f1091: do youneedto pee m1092: [inaudible] f1091:
need a bowl f1107: weneedto sieve it m1108: are
yeah we need to weneedto sort something out f641:
our chairman clearly stated weneedto stretch ourselves we need
need to you don tneedto touch the cake to
just need to you justneedto watch crap like that
middle but ehm yeah weneedto we need to sort
huh m1163: so she llneedto well [censored: business name] will need
need to stretch ourselves weneedto work harder at some
okay darling jist don tneedto you don t need
m819: you just you justneedto you just need to
f1115: no fitt do weneedwell fitt do we need
getting the care that theyneedwhen they need it or
and that eh well yeneedye need tae watch f643:
that ye need me pompitieneedye whit dae ah need
need ye whit dae ahneedyou for needle ye need
need me i [inaudible] ineedyou you know me you
different song [inaudible] [singing] ineedyou you need me i
your eyes what do youneedyour eyes for you need
need your eyes for youneedyour eyes so you can
more bits in m1094: ineeda space now f1093: mmhm
do you make f1093: weneedall the long bits so
put how many do youneedf1093: lots of different colours
m1094: how much do youneedf1093: right keep putting it
m1094: how much do youneedf1093: right open the drawer
f1093: okay m1094: do youneedfirst f1093: right m1094: and
you take this away weneed[inaudible] f1093: pull your seat
more big ain f1093: weneedone more big one can
falling down eh m1094: ineedth- [?]you're to dae that.[/?] f1093: you re
m1094: yes f1093: right m1094: needthat back on f1093: there
m1094: what f1093: children inneedthat s what pudsey bear
how much how much youneedthe f1093: and dinna spill
[?]there's got[/?] four oh f1093: weneedthe little one m1094: that
now f1093: mmhm m1094: ineedthis space this space f1093:
build it up again m1094: needto f1093: one more more
the other one f1093: youneedto find him make a
puzz- f1093: right now youneedto find m1094: the boy
vi- f1093: violin right weneedto find the boy playing
pool f1093: right so youneedto find the girl and
[?]december[/?] monday f1093: so weneedto find the pieces for
do it again f1093: weneedto finish it m1094: i
o- [?]others[/?] f1093: anyway youneedto finish this jigsaw m1094:
[cough] f1093: mm right weneedto get some washing powder
it f1093: wobble you llneedto get your [?]chair over first[/?] you
f1093: well you ll justneedto keep looking and then
the soap f1093: we llneedto put in erm [?]fairy liquid[/?]
m1094: what what f1093: weneedto put in some bubbles
one next f1093: right weneedto tidy this one away
this bit f1093: no youneedto turn all the pieces
is okay f1093: right youneedto turn them all over
them f1093: yes we llneedto wipe everything down [inaudible]
s re- er children inneedtoday m1094: what f1093: children
four f1093: [throat] m1094: youneedtwo of that ain more
them thegither f1104: well ineeda grown up to help
s you look [whisking] f1125: needa help with the whisking
things darling f1071: mm ineeda seat help everybody [banging]
the help the workforce willneedand on the joint working
t i you don tneedany help do you when
ann m1070: you don tneedany help with ann either
f1071: [scribbling sound] i don tneedany help with ann m1070:
their brilliance and desperation ineeddata to help me make
of professionals for children whoneedextra help in turn this
get aw the help theyneedfor tae go tae the
view saying that there isneedfor the teacher to help
guidelines there is still aneedfor the teacher to help
next few years we willneedfurther help with areas such
s a the help ineedgladys fit if you fa
help m1092: uh huh meneedhelp f1091: okay so did
it were just when ineedhelp for the first time
about people in scotland whoneedhelp helping those people is
t shirt or do youneedhelp m1092: mm help f1091:
s nae very fair ineedhelp m1092: yes mam [inaudible]
jeepers creepers f1097: do youneedhelp m1098: aye f1097: you
means not forgetting those whoneedhelp most those who are
himself but thats about allneedhelp to dress and other
the initiatives that their childrenneedhelp with that would help
kennin that sud brian iverneedmedical help himself he d
i put them on youneedmy help ma f1095: right
those who are most inneedof help those who live
the wauk bit i llneedsome help he said efter
summer and ian really doesneedsome help to get the
medical help himself he dneedtae ken his richt genetic
room carrying her case ineedtae use your phone help
receive the help that theyneedthe discrimination against people with
help yersel he mumbled ineedthe toilet she was replacing
for ti help ye dinnaneedti byde here onie langir
s not on i mayneedto ask for some help
of help has avoided theneedto go into hospital local
language i certainly recognise theneedto help the federation much
m1096: nothing help me ineedyou to f1095: dinna pull
have a problem and weneedyour help and guidance i
carted into church i llneedyour help danny don t
go f1114: uh oh ineedyour help f1113: right push
up while you f1114: ineedyour help mum f1113: right
the bridge uh oh ineedyour help mum [inaudible] f1113:
all the information that weneedmr munro we might find
s response is they dneedtae find a brain first
covers a lot o theneedtae find it first de
s friday efternuin m1016: ineedtae find that one [inaudible]
find them all cause weneedten is there some missing
with the conclusion that weneedto find a solution that
views i believe that weneedto find a solution that
are approaching the election weneedto find a way of
in private care homes willneedto find alternative accommodation s1w
fecht wi him you llneedto find anither cause you
an apple this time ineedto find another apple the
a doggy so now ineedto find another dog to
pick an apple now ineedto find another on- apple
this yellow triangle now ineedto find another triangle the
be conducive to that weneedto find good offshore sites
something happened lizzie i llneedto find her georgie fit
[inaudible] f1103: i dinna kenneedto find it f1104: [inaudible]
the briefing related to theneedto find money for sutherland
an important job i llneedto find my haimmer he
or testing the water weneedto find out what can
in the evidence and weneedto find out what the
f806: mmhm mmhm f807: ineedto find out whether it
information partly because of theneedto find out whether the
it s awful i stillneedto find some floppy disks
on this scale they willneedto find some way of
studying researching writing that hisneedto find someone to share
her but you will neverneedto find that out promise
s just just [inaudible] weneedto find the lid of
i dinna ken you llneedto find the other piece
bags right we ne- weneedto find the party bags
having a birthday party weneedto find the pieces for
make yourself sick i llneedto find them again first
mr raffan is right weneedto find ways to cut
brilliant [laugh] f010: we justneedto find willy now [laugh]
find me there s noneedto make a point i
reading can find out weneedto remind ourselves of what
find out later whether weneedto take evidence the convener
m608: [inaudible] m642: i llneeda backhander [laugh] f643: and
no i think we llneeda bigger ain than thomas
with this one i llneeda bit f1111: you going
to maggie the lassie llneeda hand tae haud i
isn t it i llneeda [inaudible] cook i think
boxes etc and you llneeda place to sit hunched
nicht mebbe ye ll naeneeda spell an a magic
that then then we llneeda spoon to put them
f1127: cause our baby llneeda toy and all won
uh huh f1091: he llneeda wash m1092: uh huh
what s more he llneedall the grandparents available this
light up carolanne you llneedan ashtray sadie i kin
of butter m1108: l llneedand we re needing the
while we can we llneedanother couple o chairs neil
f1112: cheese f1111: we willneedcheese right i ll give
far mair as a llneedda third peerie grice waistit
the mairriage forward and naebodyneedever ken they ll a
oh listen mum i llneedextra money for home eekies
do you think you llneedf1122: two f1121: just two
sadie christ well ye llneedfingers twa ae them anyroads
the ll aye be aneedfor an english scots vairsion
tae fight against whit yeneedfur ye ll no get
too heavy m1092: [straining] meneed[inaudible] f1091: well i ll
be miles away you llneedit to cart your materials
if she did smoke agnesneedll no come intae it
yull noh cause he llneedme cannae dae athoot mi
that stuff noo you llneedmedication cos even oor sheep
i m told i llneedmitts by february well three
and pick one i llneedmore cuppies okay f1122: mum
knife ye spak o aneednae tellin for a ll
a corner so you llneedother bits m1096: he s
lug n yer moo llneedsome sma attention the faimly
cellar an we ll ayeneedsomebody tae caa oot time
double bed and i llneedspace and light to paint
dat s whit a llneedt lairn so z i
dat means shö ll noneedta geng tae da cattery
done my homework you llneedtae ask somebody else first
slave s like he llneedtae be a man o
were bairns ye ll jistneedtae bide whaur ye are
his bladdit lungs i llneedtae book ye the bed
dippers f1141: no i llneedtae buy mair f1142: huh
[laugh] f1039: so we llneedtae change fae eh the
were thinkin we- we llneedtae change oor night for
like that f1099: i llneedtae dae that cause it
agnes oh here we llneedtae drink tae that sadie
m816: er no i llneedtae drop it cause i
wish i hid i llneedtae gang back i some
on friday f1049: i llneedtae go back mm m1048:
space for ye ye llneedtae let us auld anes
f631: [laugh] f689: i llneedtae look in to it
o meat min ye llneedtae mind it s the
kitchen agnes to beth yeneedtae move hen ye ll
ae wird and ye llneedtae pey like awbody else
for susan agnes ye llneedtae shift hen sadie an
like oh well that llneedtae stop f1054: [laugh] [inaudible]
think so gladys you llneedtae tak them this time
from f1089: oh you llneedtae use sellotape to get
climb the stair ah llneedtae wait here fur the
it f1097: okay we llneedtae wait till it loads
fine an there s naeneedtae worry a ll see
touch that cause i llneedthat m1096: but but look
you ve got you llneedthat so you stick that
f1113: shape look f1114: ineedthe big ain you ll
we re f1107: we llneedthe milk wait now you
make gingerbread men we llneedthe scales m1108: why we
and sweetcorn right we dinnaneedthem oot yet we ll
ll wash this bowl weneedthis bowl for icing f1126:
an hairt eident ye llneedti bath yirsel haud yirsel
dae come here we llneedti be buskit an readie
talking aboot pause then yineedti huv something that ll
s aa about ye llneedti see the firsten chapter
capitanes wan free ye llneedti see the neisten chapter
at owrancer lu ye llneedti see the neisten chapter
m608: mmhm m1163: we llneedto a- advertise for a
s [censored: forename] s you llneedto ask [censored: forename] she ll
i dinna ken you llneedto ask her won t
up the stair i llneedto awa neil loretta loretta
be a habit i llneedto be careful nae to
legitimately i ll i llneedto be careful what i
be very careful we llneedto boil a kettle won
but mr beaumont you llneedto boyter aye you ll
[laugh] f1103: right we llneedto brak it up noo
be much tighter i llneedto buy one of those
you na na you llneedto buy one yourself or
your clog but you llneedto carry a plastic bag
f814: said well i llneedto check my money first
eye over them we llneedto come for a day
ye weel ye ll jistneedto come up here aside
mrs beaumont outside you llneedto come with us jack
sanderson no no you llneedto come yoursel naebody would
with strathclyde police you llneedto contact [inaudible] f1054: okay
slippers see again we llneedto cut your toenails let
here m816: cause i llneedto drop it and then
crumbs f1125: right i llneedto dry this bowl f1126:
fast there ll be noneedto enquire into this then
you do that you llneedto f1112: getting my stool
i promise you ll neverneedto from this day forrit
wi yer vest ye llneedto get a duster let
come from gladys ye llneedto get a job then
with renewed gusto i llneedto get a lot done
s a something i llneedto get clear in my
doors f1101: [cough] i llneedto get dad to tune
f1104: yeah f1103: granny llneedto get it won t
lunchtime come on we llneedto get somethin tae eat
stuff now f1111: we llneedto get the whisk are
frank coming in i llneedto get up tae him
lost muriel then you llneedto ging an get them
air raid jim we llneedto ging to the shelter
f1113: and then i llneedto go and hang oot
take years cause they llneedto go back and start
noo f1101: oh we llneedto go home and get
on noo f1101: we llneedto go ower to the
last push f1135: we llneedto go the school bell
skeery i doubt i llneedto hae a holiday if
m805: yeah m804: you llneedto have a day job
was like oh we llneedto have a reception [laugh]
weel i think you llneedto have aa this will
way f1099: well you llneedto hold these a wee
an operations you ll jistneedto hope that the government
and dainty but you llneedto hurry lilian and put
only if you really reallyneedto i ll phone you
[exhale] [laugh] f806: seriously youneedto just i ll give
me that seriously you llneedto keep a tight rein
ony change though i llneedto keep enough for my
what about him you llneedto kick the habit of
mm m1048: i ll probablyneedto like join in because
don t know you llneedto look an mak the
who wrote it i llneedto look it up on
yoursel eh i ll maybeneedto look roon for a
were really handy i llneedto mak een i hinna
you sae you ll jistneedto mak sure n die
efter a but you llneedto mak sure that you
in the bubbles you llneedto make a sing a
to boyter aye you llneedto mr beaumont there are
fae the germans i llneedto pey ye back for
[exhale] i think i llneedto pit that in the
t we now we llneedto pop this in your
mess to me you llneedto prune it in the
chocolate first f1122: i llneedto put i- the smartie
put icing on we llneedto put icing on them
be very hot we llneedto put in a wee
here f1111: well we llneedto put off that telly
hope so f1097: he llneedto put on his life
bee i think we llneedto put on the tap
so happy he ll neverneedto run away again when
m thinking that i llneedto save up a bit
[inaudible] f1103: aye we llneedto see aboot getting a
them an orange we llneedto see about that said
s shortly anyway we llneedto see if she s
very weel then i llneedto tak anither gait andy
t it f010: we llneedto take a photograph of
go on holiday we llneedto take your necklace and
go to hell you llneedto teach these weans one
div korma f1141: you llneedto tell miss [censored: surname] that
teenie breaking in i llneedto think aboot it ronnie
angelica angelica sexily i llneedto think o some wye
raither sleep sits you llneedto waken up at twelve
f1112: eh f1111: we llneedto wash her again f1112:
rinse this oot i llneedto wash oot your bowl
ready for work ye llneedto work twice as hard
who it was you llneedto write right that is
he says right i llneedtwa hundred pound for it
my boy for me ineedyou to how long ll
re multicoloured so you llneedyour bonny white socks for
t know f1121: you llneedyour swimming costume [inaudible] f1122:
the country why do weneed15 health boards and why
party bags f1117: and weneeda balloon f1118: uh huh
of butter m1108: what weneeda big lump of butter
f1113: no no we noneeda bin fine sit doon
why we f1107: no weneeda bit of butter m1108:
come on i think weneeda bittie water in [inaudible]
in the wrong thing weneeda bowl m1108: why we
comes through greater responsibility weneeda career structure in nursing
and elsewhere and that weneeda change of government because
lodged by richard simpson weneeda commitment to full implementation
is to be effective weneeda consistent approach that is
a stone we wouldn tneeda doctor or a nurse
eh f1126: [laugh] f1125: weneeda egg you got a
in a bowl f1125: weneeda electric hand whisk have
can to f1121: oh youneeda f1122: mummy can we
f1125: now i think weneeda f1126: it s birdies
have it perhaps we alsoneeda good word about the
and member states we alsoneeda guide to petition access
in draft form we mightneeda little time beyond 14
we have more support weneeda longer term approach to
path to our door weneeda mechanism to inform or
a number of schools weneeda national examination of the
was decided to yes weneeda new building for the
but is it true weneeda new cultural vision and
this statement by mcaveety weneeda new cultural vision for
it the convener clearly weneeda paper and someone to
there er yep f1125: weneeda plate so we can
to be pretty cumbersome weneeda political rather than a
those 40 days perhaps weneeda process that allows for
arose in section 2 weneeda provision in new section
for that irene mcgugan weneeda question in the census
cultural vision and do weneeda radically different way of
ewan declared we would notneeda reel he dug up
will also consider whether weneeda refinement of the way
someone to speak to weneeda review of the process
case you say that weneeda robust enforcement regime but
of additional information we willneeda short period after the
no doubt be revisited weneeda specific time scale and
do not understand why weneeda statutory instrument to address
suppie milk m1108: why weneeda suppie milk f1107: we
[eating noises] f1107: right milk weneeda suppie milk m1108: why
coat this means that weneeda team of volunteers to
tell the fowk yonner weneeda twa three wikks taa
f1126: [laugh] [inaudible] f1125: weneeda wee bittie more water
other dwellings and businesses weneeda whole street policy gow
general question why do weneeda year of disabled people
the panel why do weneeda year of disabled people
nae comin speared nava weneedaabody gin we re tae
houses are necessary that weneedaccept even applaud the existence
inputs from internal expertise weneedaccess to existing sources of
part of a jigsaw weneedaction on many other fronts
home economics that we reallyneedadditional rooms but they these
of border rivers we mayneedadvice on that we might
approach and joint working weneedagreement on the way forward
bones f1104: ah yeah f1103: needain wi five there we
you f1103: aye right weneedain wi four spots here
sector is not included weneedan answer to that question
it that is why weneedan approach that targets individuals
margo and allan raised weneedan early and thorough discussion
dressin goun for fear weneedan excuiss for be in
getting on see if weneedany more f1118: anything more
i don t think weneedany more sprinkles you want
to expand on that weneedbalanced measures including a target
them the protection that theyneedbecause we acknowledge their importance
see to empower parents weneedbetter child care and facilities
could come we do notneedboth of them the convener
hae aa the beer weneedbut we cannae live on
decisions that will meet localneedbut we will continue to
f1107: fitt s next weneedbutter i think m1108: yes
janie but we do notneedclarification on this point and
but there you go weneedcomprehensive information on income distribution
one product to another weneedevidence from you and from
come on what do weneedf1112: cheese f1111: we will
macaroni cheese what do weneedf1112: soup f1111: no come
cakes and what do weneedf1118: pancakes f1117: well i
his ears his ears weneedf1121: where s his ears
dad f1129: what do weneedfirst for setting a table
set first what div weneedfirst nothing f1130: mum can
comes after five we onlyneedfive cars [censored: forename] you re
ain f1097: okay right weneedfive more cars m1098: five
aye f1107: aye okay weneedflour m1108: yes f1107: from
perhaps we should consider theneedfor a comprehensive policy framework
society we must stress theneedfor charity law reform linda
of amendments we accept theneedfor further clarity on what
from new labour about theneedfor joined up government we
although we also see theneedfor reforms we will not
training we agree with theneedfor regulation and training but
submission we were questioning theneedfor scottish children s results
f1121: what colour would weneedfor that f1122: erm blue
are all agreed about theneedfor the census where we
effort to do better weneedfrom you a commitment and
prepare for that and weneedfurther discussions with local authorities
must decide now whether weneedfurther information if so we
a happier work force weneedgood employment practices under which
objections to applications and weneedgreater clarity about appeals against
time over the piece weneedgreater transparency for example through
consideration however we would stillneedguidance on a common payment
replace mandatory technical standards weneedguidance that is clear articulate
needs her sleep we allneedher sleep if she s
a good day thirdly weneedhonest advice from our nearest
european citizens are concerned weneedidiots guides to the treaties
creativity is the edge weneedin a competitive world it
that other piece that weneed[inaudible] later on won t
work force planning group weneedinnovative approaches to make working
birthday f1117: [inaudible] what weneedis a bag o crisps
does f1117: right what weneedis a glass bowl f1118:
yes f1117: right what weneedis erm f1118: [?]well don't[/?] bake
right and i think weneedis it this one f1126:
the last thing that weneedis permanent upheaval does he
scottish budget the information weneedis reasonably detailed but it
in the fridge we dinnaneedit all bless you f1126:
darling cause we don tneedit f1112: oh that s
pop one [inaudible] f1111: weneedit for tonight don t
job but do we reallyneedit have we not applied
[inaudible] f1109: okay ye naeneedit okay m1110: we re
collecting extra information if weneedit the information that was
it was hard sugar weneedit to go up to
so we re going toneedjoggie tops what do joggie
a suppie milk f1107: weneedjust a tiny tiny bit
see how much electric weneed[long period of silence] [cough] ten [long period of silence] bonny
about principles dominating practicalities weneedlook no further than the
now fitt else do weneedm1108: okay i dinna ken
and what else do weneedm1132: [inaudible] don t know
aiten enyeuch sae we didnaneedmair n a drink at
is no doubt that weneedmany more nurses in the
erm butter butter f1115: weneedmilk f1116: milk no you
region by region we alsoneedmore definitions about the aspects
scotland we believe that weneedmore framework decision making within
figures show it no weneedmore imaginative thinking we must
rather than paper shuffling weneedmore in service training we
integrated coastal zone management weneedmore information on that but
rather than changing deadlines weneedmore of a process i
approaches have been taken weneedmore of those we must
in the government and weneedmore powers for the parliament
and in other areas weneedmore regional representation and more
clear that we do notneedmuch more scientific advice to
m941: [laugh] and will ineedmy umbrella f940: we live
boogie hey hey a weneednoo is some quines ronnie
of the reasons why weneednot only legislation but targets
gaelic is fairly good weneednot rest on that record
needed but what we alsoneednow is a management plan
the sutherland commission what weneednow is an acceptance of
the service however we probablyneednow to refer the petition
system work when perhaps weneednow to step back and
wirsels clean we hae naeneedo dem cats is managed
we began to discuss theneedof being saved and he
language we are in direneedof more qualified interpreters the
the assembly hall we wouldneedone large table for guild
f1097: right come on weneedone two three four five
seemly proper or dignified theyneedonly be authorised all we
the past two decades weneedonly cast our minds back
father and induced remorse weneedonly suppose that the tumultuous
smoking in scotland and weneedonly take a walk in
said to me that weneedopen education and that we
mair party bags please ineedparty bags oh here we
headline key targets that weneedpeople to coalesce around and
sense of that as weneedperhaps a linked question is
out in east ayrshire weneedpositive discrimination although there is
here f1117: now now weneedpr- this is all the
be met and that weneedprogressive taxation with higher taxes
the kindness of strangers weneedpublic transport and a reliable
questions in the census weneedquestions that will reflect the
for february everyone says weneedrain not this heat and
of europe a reality weneedreal influence in the heart
old we do not nowneedreview after review to consider
oot bits like that weneedsee bits wi straight edges
good at everything so weneedsome areas of specialism that
we reiterate our view weneedsome impact assessments quickly on
he f1122: aye will weneedsome marshmallows f1121: mmhm well
one right okay so weneedsome more yellow and colour
to achieve because we alsoneedsome of the nations that
perspective of the presentation weneedsome scene setting so that
mr ingram yes surely weneedsome sort of record of
licensing route we would stillneedspecific amendments to primary legislation
he thinks we do notneedsuch a register i hope
alan tinks du wid weneedta get tagidder ta tink
an mair positive syne weneedtae be meisurin systematic like
leave gordon what sadie weneedtae go huv you got
doon here we hae naeneedtae ken the petty sins
[inhale] aye f010: we mayneedtake two [laugh] f606: right
g tips m941: well weneedtea we ve not got
the airns aff we lneedthaim nae mair jek removes
now now now no weneedthat bits to start with
people in my charge weneedthat information george macbride i
me nobody thinks that weneedthat kind or indeed any
have spent it aw weneedthat money gordon gordon i
do not see why weneedthe amendment ben wallace rose
f1101: that s it weneedthe c don t we
challenge that is why weneedthe debate the executive motion
to specific scottish circumstances weneedthe eu to consult sub
are still developing economies thatneedthe expertise and excellence we
not that mam f1107: weneedthe ginger though m1108: why
because to do that weneedthe information that will be
inside [inaudible] the key weneedthe key f1121: right f1122:
one s too big weneedthe littler pan f1118: this
bill you said that weneedthe minimum amount of change
we tie that up weneedthe new order for the
right see fitt oven weneedthe oven on at will
s right but we dinnaneedthe oven today f1122: no
venues paul parr first weneedthe primary legislation partly to
the blocks f1111: okay weneedthe roof f1112: you better
we needing the f1107: weneedthe scales and you ve
seriously we feel that weneedthe security of good legislation
others that is why weneedthe sharing of best practice
needs to be done weneedthe vision to recognise that
eat f1125: right we dinnaneedthem gaun to put them
rural job losses where weneedthem least worse than that
four that s all weneedthen peggy aye pause kate
wash that f1122: do weneedthis clean f1121: this watch
blinds f1109: ah but weneedthis one for the blinds
tray roon again right weneedthis one here look f1126:
those rules says that weneedthis shabby process quite the
that kind of problem weneedthree year funding it is
an snawin irena dae weneedti bring up aw thir
a year masha we lneedti watch natasha disna finnd
meet on that friday weneedtime to consider the documents
the scotland act 1998 weneedtime to consider the matter
become christ like we actuallyneedto accept our humanity for
has clearly fingered those whoneedto act we expect the
loud and clear that weneedto address that area we
getting back unreliable evidence weneedto address the issue of
have the same effects weneedto address the range of
we all agree about theneedto address the range of
an area we really doneedto address this time and-
to the scots language weneedto address those points and
the visit doubly attractive weneedto advise the conveners group
those issues now however weneedto agree the scope of
of what timetable we willneedto allow the dti to
others however we in scotlandneedto ask whether we believe
and the information that weneedto assess that is being
of regulation and training weneedto avoid having excessive regulation
turn up and we willneedto be able to cope
career in the south weneedto be able to read
deal with one person weneedto be able to say
for further investigation so weneedto be absolutely clear about
you understand you don tneedto be afraid we can
proceeds of icc crime weneedto be aware of existing
annual report of course weneedto be aware of the
annual review of course weneedto be aware of the
have now been abolished weneedto be careful about this
square miles of sea weneedto be cautious we are
translation of the amendment weneedto be clear about that
to do that work weneedto be clear about what
with that challenge we alsoneedto be clear that the
including noise and vibration weneedto be clear that time
in hmos in scotland weneedto be clearer about the
the legal arena but weneedto be clearer on the
recent falls prevention conference weneedto be concerned about the
refuses that option we willneedto be content with the
route new structures do notneedto be created we should
the further work that willneedto be done we have
randolph richards said that weneedto be especially vigilant at
and more positive then weneedto be measuring systematically any
opportunities to develop potential weneedto be more aware of
must not forget that weneedto be people orientated and
asked for its view weneedto be reassured about the
possible indicators that work willneedto be refined further we
to that project that weneedto be sensitive about the
in my previous answers weneedto be serious about this
saying such things however weneedto be sure and that
in the next fortnight weneedto be united and strong
as i have said weneedto be united in that
that we would you knowneedto be working cause it
for their loss we wouldneedto bear in mind our
first attempt but we mayneedto become more subtle quite
meetings we have discussed theneedto begin the process of
a key initiative that weneedto begin to exploit in
and sold to people weneedto break down the physical
him the regulations that weneedto bring into force will
on we heard of theneedto bring those important complementary
agree with that do weneedto broaden the definition of
reduced for next session weneedto build in thorough scrutiny
important for raising awareness weneedto build up knowledge skills
we then consider whether weneedto call for more oral
will capture more than weneedto capture to achieve our
that one day we willneedto celebrate not only europe
is absolutely minimal first weneedto change about three words
with your view that weneedto clarify what is meant
competitors to achieve this weneedto clearly and accurately identify
say that before okay weneedto close the plug well
amendment in time we willneedto come back to this
and its nutrient inputs weneedto concentrate on the carrying
decision time and that weneedto conclude decision time shortly
at present although we wouldneedto consider carefully our ability
continue to do that weneedto consider how our system
distant supermarkets mr mcaveety weneedto consider many of those
lot about fuel poverty weneedto consider other things although
acts alongside those measures weneedto consider reform of the
year of disabled people weneedto consider rights and civic
the worst case scenario weneedto consider the various scenarios
scale must be set weneedto consider those issues and
is a total one weneedto consider what it has
who is receiving it weneedto consider whether the allegation
have to consider whether weneedto consult proprietors as a
you for coming if weneedto contact you again we
the best possible lives weneedto control all the levers
qualitative level we appreciate aneedto convey an adequate context
bucket f1140: do we naeneedto cut it f1139: no
just maybe aye we winnaneedto cut it put this
cut the bureaucracy we alsoneedto cut out a lot
it f1139: no we noneedto cut the paper there
be approved obviously we willneedto deal with issues such
weeks a year so weneedto deal with that challenge
of the ways that weneedto deal with that is
now the way that weneedto deal with that one
innovation has been overemphasised weneedto deal with that the
common fisheries policy so weneedto deal with the here
the same way that weneedto deal with the song
petition is admissible however weneedto decide what to do
of grammatical awareness first weneedto develop activities which constantly
do mrs ower we justneedto discharge you he said
the back of them weneedto discuss how any funding
other problems exist we wouldneedto discuss the approach you
their status however first weneedto discuss the important matter
to cry silence zeb weneedto discuss this situation decide
says in his letter weneedto discuss this with rcahms
hughes made and we willneedto discuss with the nursing
happening at the millennium weneedto distinguish between conventional emergency
who create problems however weneedto do a real job
the petition which we wouldneedto do before we could
is anything further that weneedto do in relation to
pocket f1117: right fitt weneedto do is put it
skills and personae belatedly weneedto do justice to the
scheme impacts on them weneedto do more research i
rest on that record weneedto do more work but
a grant however what weneedto do now is paint
on how much more weneedto do on the key
institute have said that weneedto do something about it
us to determine what weneedto do to support performance
six to eight weeks weneedto draw it to a
the regulations we will notneedto draw the parliament s
the little bitties that weneedto dry so there s
is extremely welcome however weneedto encourage the executive to
ill at ease secondly weneedto encourage the use of
inter agency initiatives and weneedto ensure coherent support for
issue for this bill weneedto ensure equality of access
be left half done weneedto ensure that a committee
standards are common we alsoneedto ensure that as a
national and local levels weneedto ensure that employers appreciate
issues for themselves however weneedto ensure that older people
cannot ignore that but weneedto ensure that our waters
are important but we alsoneedto ensure that resources and
very valuable we recognise theneedto ensure that the legislative
that is unacceptable and weneedto ensure that there is
said at the beginning weneedto ensure that we are
in that approach we alsoneedto ensure that we have
the bill we will thereforeneedto ensure that when the
a registration scheme we nowneedto examine how that scheme
out the issues that weneedto examine if we are
monitoring of sites as weneedto examine such issues we
annabel goldie made clear weneedto examine the outcomes of
is often a struggle weneedto examine ways of improving
to owners are not weneedto explain in a dialogue
whom they work furthermore weneedto explore the culture in
we should examine we willneedto explore whether it will
sighthill with asylum seekers weneedto face up to the
already getting there but weneedto finalise the preparations and
not been included and weneedto firm that up the
and partnership working but weneedto focus our efforts on
this difficulty so we willneedto get a response in
s better f1113: right weneedto get all this sticks
in the oft report weneedto get behind that picture
and the scottish executive weneedto get behind what the
f1111: right what do weneedto get f1112: i will
there- i think we justneedto get f1155: mm f1154:
f1111: yes cause look weneedto get going with the
should watch it but weneedto get it on on
wi other groups cammy weneedto get networking not become
s last statement however weneedto get salmon farming out
has not been done weneedto get some clarification on
more about but we alsoneedto get sportsmen and women
a preventive approach perhaps weneedto get such an argument
of the story we wouldneedto get the story from
in a limbo situation weneedto get those comments in
can you see that weneedto get washed m1094: plates
mum no f1105: well weneedto get your [inaudible] the
and that s where weneedto go back to getting
could then decide whether weneedto go back to the
sweetheart f1112: wha- f1111: weneedto go because you know
could be supplied do ineedto go into detail we
[laugh] f809: we d neverneedto go outside again [sniff]
we deal with that weneedto grapple with such issues
she said [censored: forename] oh weneedto have a chat f1155:
apply during the summer weneedto have a transition period
commonwealth games we would clearlyneedto have a velodrome therefore
derek feeley indeed we wouldneedto have an audit trail
ban are longer term weneedto have an idea of
years ago we did notneedto have another consultation in
football rugby or athletics weneedto have appropriately qualified people
put it like that weneedto have goin round in
am loved by god weneedto have goin round our
with other thoughts an weneedto have goin round our
in the discussion that weneedto have on registration while
everybody would agree that weneedto have regulation making powers
targets i think that weneedto have targets that stretch
for this to work weneedto have the best staff
to be carried out weneedto identify the needs of
i think one area weneedto improve on is to
for the things that weneedto improve the delivery of
growth in population we willneedto increase the number of
question is how much weneedto inspect the premises again
trends are interesting and weneedto investigate them but not
through the bill but weneedto keep other things in
council notification and reporting weneedto keep reminding the executive
not too [?]pointy[/?] f1117: weneedto keep that on so
f1111: no not yet weneedto keep the pot for
would be wrong as weneedto keep the pressure on
one example of that weneedto keep training the engineers
is so much that weneedto know about what is
that is something that weneedto know as this may
forward later this year weneedto know how that will
this is free but weneedto know numbers b a
wider labour market issues weneedto know the key issues
people living in them weneedto know what we mean
are progressing christine grahame weneedto know when the petition
to that question we alsoneedto know why the water
not become apparent immediately weneedto let people know that
communities of course fundamentally weneedto listen to the voices
to their home language weneedto look at strategies that
and i think we reallyneedto look at that area
european languages i think weneedto look at that first
difficult but we do againneedto look at the transition
that is important but weneedto look beyond seedcorn funding
drawn to my attention weneedto look carefully at the
competition against them we wouldneedto look into that further
public and voluntary sectors weneedto maintain that momentum mr
frankly that is nonsense weneedto make a distinction with
to assist the petitioner weneedto make a judgment call
their lives immeasurably and weneedto make arrangements for those
the people whom we reallyneedto make aware of this
changes that is why weneedto make our comments now
s right f639: doin weneedto make our own traditions
and i think equally weneedto make sure in our
should be going we thenneedto make sure that there
of the spectrum and weneedto make sure that we
the gabion basket together weneedto make sure the rocks
outwith the scottish parliament weneedto make that position clear
much more widespread we alsoneedto make the investment that
level which is where weneedto make the networks happen
important that they do weneedto make them aware of
certainly something i think weneedto make them more aware
too big f1117: now weneedto melt some f1118: [laugh]
is a way ahead weneedto modify the compounds that
the speed at which weneedto move to take advantage
you know we didn tneedto nobody knocked on anybody
here the development phase weneedto obviously widen out the
as the motion says weneedto participate in the european
question on religion we willneedto pass primary legislation to
and for the organisations weneedto pay attention to the
17th century poetry then weneedto pay attention to the
general position is that weneedto prevent the decline in
are being flagged up weneedto promote the language the
starts at three but weneedto provide services earlier than
oh no we re naeneedto pull it up can
a bin no we noneedto put it in the
f1103: saturday right erm weneedto put on the quilt
thank you we don tneedto put them we have
what else f1111: now weneedto put water on it
messages about the bug weneedto raise awareness without being
on a related theme weneedto raise the constitutional profile
through it a little weneedto reach a view on
one or two employees weneedto recognise as executive officials
is often the case weneedto recognise that if a
measures is being taken weneedto reduce smoking and alcohol
in the gnp areas weneedto reduce the obstacles that
points on which we willneedto reflect before making our
only a few days weneedto reflect on the matter
tried to argue that weneedto reform the right to
by we are sorry weneedto release the paper if
most important thing that weneedto remember when we consider
devil was well principle weneedto remind people that some
we are aware of theneedto repair the damage that
we don t like weneedto replace those thoughts with
scotland and believes that weneedto restore national and local
scotland and believes that weneedto restore national and local
the moment but we mightneedto return to it if
process works and whether weneedto review it further i
it under the water weneedto rinse them all and
to practice pilot courses weneedto roll out those courses
all msps we do notneedto say any more in
point at this stage weneedto say what we would
pursue the matter we willneedto see proposals european union
exercises secondly given that weneedto see the benefits of
is not content we willneedto seek further explanation at
on to say that weneedto share best practice in
yet but we do notneedto spend too much time
and is ready we wouldneedto start again if we
back and ask whether weneedto start again some organisations
you make it and weneedto start f640: that s
agree with adam ingram weneedto state specifically that consideration
s no we don tneedto stay overnight oh crap
the community and which weneedto stimulate nurture and support
been made about infrastructure weneedto strengthen the infrastructure as
to play inside them weneedto strike a balance on
because we know that weneedto strive to prevent children
to reinvent the wheel weneedto support projects such as
and the united kingdom weneedto support scottish businesses not
and the time when weneedto take a decision in
will emulate our example weneedto take a strategic view
to do and perhaps weneedto take advice on how
big issue nowadays we willneedto take advice on that
of edinburgh says that weneedto take an inclusive approach
george lyon do not weneedto take evidence on that
fewer sea lice problems weneedto take farms away from
people argue it out weneedto take it on board
place the actions that weneedto take to produce the
s one here that weneedto talk about eh there
going into the nhs weneedto talk up the fact
you se- what do weneedto tell dad f1129: what
is not found we wouldneedto then obtain one c
up the fact that weneedto think about what may
michael matheson did that weneedto think about younger people
to re enter it weneedto think more about partnerships
adding an income question weneedto think strategically about the
residual body which we mightneedto tidy up scottish homes
on a shelf somewhere weneedto tie it down mary
an area in which weneedto tighten up we have
what new skills do weneedto to develop in the
f641: mm f639: say weneedto to work that out
on sunday however we willneedto try and make it
hitler ken reckoned that weneedto try to understand the
on other topics that weneedto underpin our policies i
is helpful here thus weneedto understand scott in the
for racial equality says weneedto understand that challenging exclusion
fire safety standards perhaps weneedto unpack the presumption or
be balanced professor richards weneedto use all the methods
havena time come on weneedto wash your face m1096:
t eh hadn t aneedto wear them we hadn
now f1111: we don tneedto wet our hair at
at the european council weneedto win the argument now
but that is what weneedto work out i want
by the constitution itself weneedto work out the principles
we identify the partners whoneedto work together to deliver
done that is why weneedto work together with our
awa peggy briskly we winnaneedto worry aboot that for
respect but we do notneedto write further letters on
anyway right we ne- weneedtwo bits right that s
the approach to legislation weneedtwo committees in practice any
now mum f1117: now weneedtwo spoonies a big one
figures for all groups weneedup to date figures for
s right f1114: [panting] weneedwash his hair f1113: okay
say now what exceptions weneedwe have a bank of
commitment to those in greatestneedwe have commitments which we
are in various forms ofneedwe have had many debates
tae be fulfill t weneedwhiles tae fin means o
climb the railins eh weneedwumman mechanics tranin them s
both norman and the partyneedya we re here dear
after we mak the jigsawsneedyou to keep it on
where s it now weneedyour hot water bottle out
towel can we f1121: youneedyour towel to get dry

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