
See this word as a collocate cloud

have similar brevity from alexneil10 33 alex neil central
andrew wilson donald gorrie alexneiladam ingram dennis canavan robert
quinan mr kenny macaskill alexneilalasdair morgan margaret smith roseanna
des mcnulty tavish scott alexneilalasdair morgan maureen macmillan mr
kenny macaskill andrew wilson alexneilalasdair morgan michael matheson tricia
lord james douglas hamilton alexneilalasdair morgan mr keith harding
sandra white fiona hyslop alexneilalasdair morgan mr kenny macaskill
fiona mcleod fiona hyslop alexneilalasdair morgan mrs margaret ewing
fiona mcleod shona robison alexneilalasdair morgan nora radcliffe tricia
quinan mr kenny macaskill alexneilalasdair morgan roseanna cunningham mr
david south of scotland conneilalex central scotland snp paterson
david south of scotland conneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
fiona west of scotland snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
david south of scotland conneilalex central scotland snp paterson
david south of scotland conneilalex central scotland snp paterson
david south of scotland conneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
david south of scotland conneilalex central scotland snp paterson
david south of scotland conneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
galloway and upper nithsdale snpneilalex central scotland snp paterson
that point of order mrneilalex neil the minister for
murray tosh marilyn livingstone alexneilallan wilson s1m 249 lewis
in the name of alexneiland amendments 11 and 19
shona robison alasdair morgan alexneilandrew wilson fergus ewing linda
fabiani mr duncan hamilton alexneilandrew wilson fergus ewing mr
by mr duncan hamilton alexneilandrew wilson fergus ewing roseanna
grace elder murdo fraser alexneilandrew wilson john young bill
nora radcliffe fiona mcleod alexneilandrew wilson mr kenneth gibson
john swinney fiona mcleod alexneilandrew wilson mr kenneth gibson
duncan hamilton colin campbell alexneilandrew wilson mr kenny macaskill
shona robison nicola sturgeon alexneilandrew wilson s1m 202 tommy
to hear it twice alexneilas far as older people
wish i must tell alexneilas i told kenny macaskill
mcallion mr gil paterson alexneilben wallace michael matheson brian
stone mr john mcallion alexneilbill butler michael russell linda
gallie mr adam ingram alexneilbrian adam christine grahame shona
swinney ms margo macdonald alexneilbrian adam michael russell shona
jamie stone tricia marwick alexneilbrian adam shona robison robin
sheridan mr andrew welsh alexneilbruce crawford brian adam mr
linda fabiani stewart stevenson alexneilbruce crawford fiona hyslop fergus
linda fabiani brian adam alexneilbusiness bulletin 120 2000 friday
christine grahame fiona hyslop alexneilbusiness bulletin 96 2000 wednesday
white john farquhar munro alexneilbusiness bulletin no 110 2002
michael russell rhoda grant alexneilcathy jamieson cathie craigie fiona
harper mr jamie stone alexneilcathy peattie mr kenneth gibson
2000 session 1 convener alexneilcentral scotland snp deputy convener
2002 session 1 convener alexneilcentral scotland snp deputy convener
roxburgh and berwickshire ld alexneilcentral scotland snp donald gorrie
strathkelvin and bearsden lab alexneilcentral scotland snp donald gorrie
it deserves 16 30 alexneilcentral scotland snp i follow
make an announcement soon alexneilcentral scotland snp i welcome
martin glasgow springburn lab alexneilcentral scotland snp john young
later years 11 24 alexneilcentral scotland snp like many
highlands and islands con alexneilcentral scotland snp mary scanlon
health service 16 19 alexneilcentral scotland snp members of
peattie falkirk east lab alexneilcentral scotland snp mr mike
of order 16 58 alexneilcentral scotland snp on a
if he so wishes alexneilcentral scotland snp on a
alex neil 10 33 alexneilcentral scotland snp thank you
these meetings s1w 7403 alexneilcentral scotland snp to ask
nursery schools consultation 5 alexneilcentral scotland snp to ask
crimes with knives 5 alexneilcentral scotland snp to ask
and islands lab rose alexneilcentral scotland snp will the
responsibility of the state alexneilcentral scotland snp will the
michael russell andrew wilson alexneilchristine grahame alex fergusson mr
grace elder michael matheson alexneilchristine grahame colin campbell roseanna
matheson mr kenneth gibson alexneilchristine grahame david mcletchie colin
radcliffe mr kenneth gibson alexneilchristine grahame linda fabiani fergus
paterson mr lloyd quinan alexneilchristine grahame maureen macmillan shona
michael matheson irene mcgugan alexneilchristine grahame s1m 3988 maternity
on 5 march 2003 alexneilchristine grahame s1m 3989 unesco
michael matheson irene mcgugan alexneilchristine grahame s1m 4002 partick
march 2000 andrew wilson alexneilchristine grahame s1m 718 relocation
on 30 march 2000 alexneilchristine grahame s1m 719 thalidomide
andrew wilson alasdair morgan alexneilcolin campbell richard lochhead fiona
swinney dr winnie ewing alexneilcolin campbell richard lochhead nicola
24th april 2001 present alexneilconvener bill butler miss annabel
kenneth gibson s1m 945 alexneildangerous driving offences sentencing that
colin campbell mary scanlon alexneildavid mundell donald gorrie mr
in scotland supported by alexneildennis canavan mr lloyd quinan
taken place supported by alexneildennis canavan nicola sturgeon linda
irene mcgugan tricia marwick alexneildonald gorrie brian adam christine
tavish scott fergus ewing alexneildonald gorrie brian adam nora
elder mr kenneth gibson alexneildonald gorrie christine grahame maureen
douglas hamilton nick johnston alexneildonald gorrie dorothy grace elder
fergus ewing tommy sheridan alexneildonald gorrie fiona mcleod s1m
grace elder christine grahame alexneildonald gorrie ian jenkins mr
irene mcgugan colin campbell alexneildonald gorrie linda fabiani shona
tommy sheridan colin campbell alexneildonald gorrie linda fabiani shona
ireland assembly supported by alexneildonald gorrie margaret jamieson nora
irene mcgugan tricia marwick alexneildonald gorrie michael russell brian
chisholm mr lloyd quinan alexneildonald gorrie michael russell christine
adam ingram phil gallie alexneildonald gorrie mr gil paterson
nora radcliffe robert brown alexneildonald gorrie mr gil paterson
supported by robin harper alexneildonald gorrie mr john mcallion
alasdair morgan tommy sheridan alexneildonald gorrie mr kenny macaskill
sheridan mr kenneth macintosh alexneildonald gorrie robert brown nora
shona robison andrew wilson alexneildonald gorrie robert brown richard
david davidson shona robison alexneildonald gorrie s1m 323 brian
andrew wilson tommy sheridan alexneildonald gorrie s1m 326 scott
andrew wilson alasdair morgan alexneildonald gorrie s1m 330 mr
andrew wilson michael matheson alexneildonald gorrie s1m 331 tommy
tommy sheridan karen gillon alexneildonald gorrie s1m 357 linda
on 9 february 2000 alexneildonald gorrie s1m 518 inverness
on 9 february 2000 alexneildonald gorrie s1m 521 excell
on 10 february 2000 alexneildonald gorrie s1m 528 lorn
on 21 february 2000 alexneildonald gorrie shona robison s1m
by mr jamie mcgrigor alexneildonald gorrie tommy sheridan michael
on 22 february 2000 alexneildonald gorrie trish godman michael
supported by tricia marwick alexneildorothy grace elder christine grahame
supported by dennis canavan alexneildorothy grace elder donald gorrie
on 25 february 2000 alexneildorothy grace elder fiona mcleod
on 25 february 2000 alexneildorothy grace elder fiona mcleod
quinan ms margo macdonald alexneildorothy grace elder michael matheson
supported by tommy sheridan alexneildorothy grace elder mr lloyd
supported by fergus ewing alexneildorothy grace elder robin harper
brian adam robert brown alexneildr sylvia jackson fiona hyslop
adam ingram robert brown alexneildr winnie ewing elaine smith
supported by pauline mcneill alexneildr winnie ewing mrs margaret
michael russell linda fabiani alexneildr winnie ewing ms sandra
monteith ms margaret curran alexneilelaine smith mr michael mcmahon
pauline mcneill nora radcliffe alexneilelaine smith s1m 1182 johann
nora radcliffe tavish scott alexneileuan robson mr adam ingram
irene mcgugan s1m 1104 alexneilfailings of new deal that
sturgeon dorothy grace elder alexneilfergus ewing andrew wilson linda
fiona mcleod fiona hyslop alexneilfergus ewing brian adam s1m
mr andrew wilson mr alexneilfergus ewing mr adam ingram
wilson dorothy grace elder alexneilfergus ewing mrs lyndsay mcintosh
fiona mcleod fiona hyslop alexneilfergus ewing s1m 13 mr
fiona mcleod fiona hyslop alexneilfergus ewing s1m 13 mr
on 25 february 2000 alexneilfiona mcleod donald gorrie shona
maintained roads supported by alexneilfiona mcleod michael matheson linda
their achievement supported by alexneilfiona mcleod mr john swinney
cathy peattie richard lochhead alexneilfiona mcleod mrs lyndsay mcintosh
robin harper irene mcgugan alexneilfiona mcleod s1m 1162 david
colin campbell alasdair morgan alexneilfiona mcleod s1m 361 david
subject of s1m 3393 alexneilfirefighters and fire control staff
waiting for the joke alexneilfor members who were not
09 33 the convener alexneilgood morning we now have
i am delighted that alexneilhas given me the opportunity
the past few weeks alexneilhas spoken about social inclusion
a bonnie fechter is alexneili am glad that margaret
the member give way alexneili do not have time
apply to nursery schools alexneili thank the minister for
community pharmacies across scotland alexneili was just about to
by john farquhar munro alexneilirene mcgugan brian adam lloyd
tricia marwick nora radcliffe alexneilirene mcgugan brian adam mr
radcliffe mr john swinney alexneilirene mcgugan mr adam ingram
swinney dorothy grace elder alexneilirene mcgugan mr lloyd quinan
on 30 march 2000 alexneilirene mcgugan s1m 722 business
and deliver supported by alexneiljanis hughes michael matheson s1m
june 2001 supported by alexneiljohn mcallion dennis canavan dorothy
june 2001 supported by alexneiljohn mcallion dennis canavan dorothy
supported by nicola sturgeon alexneiljohn scott ms sandra white
fabiani mr john munro alexneilkate maclean margaret smith nora
by mr kenny macaskill alexneilkay ullrich bruce crawford nicola
kenneth gibson andrew wilson alexneilkay ullrich mrs margaret ewing
fiona hyslop dennis canavan alexneilkay ullrich robin harper dr
andrew wilson mike rumbles alexneilkenneth gibson business bulletin no
andrew wilson mike rumbles alexneilkenneth gibson donald gorrie dennis
grahame dr winnie ewing alexneillinda fabiani mr duncan hamilton
of hand supported by alexneillinda fabiani mr kenny macaskill
in scotland supported by alexneillinda fabiani mr lloyd quinan
irene mcgugan colin campbell alexneillinda fabiani shona robison andrew
fiona hyslop bristow muldoon alexneillloyd quinan brian adam dennis
michael russell robin harper alexneillloyd quinan linda fabiani tommy
deputy convener john mcallion alexneillloyd quinan mike watson karen
robert brown margo macdonald alexneillloyd quinan tommy sheridan margaret
robert brown margo macdonald alexneillloyd quinan tommy sheridan margaret
christine grahame donald gorrie alexneillord james douglas hamilton david
kenneth gibson s1m 928 alexneilmacular disease that the parliament
in scotland on which alexneilmade some important points as
fiona mcleod s1m 377 alexneilmalnutrition in scotland a public
radcliffe mr mike rumbles alexneilmargaret jamieson allan wilson lewis
grace elder shona robison alexneilmargaret jamieson donald gorrie s1m
nora radcliffe tavish scott alexneilmargaret jamieson euan robson mr
michael mcmahon kate maclean alexneilmargaret jamieson janis hughes richard
tavish scott fiona mcleod alexneilmargaret jamieson robert brown cathy
jamieson mr kenneth macintosh alexneilmargaret jamieson s1m 308 mr
by mr gil paterson alexneilmargaret jamieson scott barrie janis
andrew wilson shona robison alexneilmargaret smith mr adam ingram
adam mr lloyd quinan alexneilmargaret smith s1m 1245 tommy
december 2000 supported by alexneilmargo macdonald dorothy grace elder
march 2000 cathy jamieson alexneilmaureen macmillan mike watson trish
helen eadie cathy jamieson alexneilmaureen macmillan mr kenneth gibson
nora radcliffe pauline mcneill alexneilmaureen macmillan mrs mary mulligan
nora radcliffe fiona mcleod alexneilmaureen macmillan mrs mary mulligan
on 23 march 2000 alexneilmaureen macmillan s1m 686 bus
get back to work alexneilmentioned pensions some people who
macaskill mr lloyd quinan alexneilmichael matheson christine grahame tricia
sheridan mr kenneth gibson alexneilmichael matheson dorothy grace elder
robison mr lloyd quinan alexneilmichael matheson mr adam ingram
christine grahame richard lochhead alexneilmichael matheson s1m 3370 paul
gallie mr adam ingram alexneilmichael russell brian adam christine
peattie mr gil paterson alexneilmichael russell brian adam maureen
kay ullrich tricia marwick alexneilmichael russell cathy jamieson linda
on 22 february 2000 alexneilmichael russell donald gorrie s1m
robert brown tricia marwick alexneilmichael russell elaine smith robin
on 17 february 2000 alexneilmichael russell fiona mcleod donald
19 august supported by alexneilmichael russell margo macdonald adam
19 august supported by alexneilmichael russell ms margo macdonald
on 10 february 2000 alexneilmichael russell s1m 527 elderly
my sweet young man alexneilmore than 1 million people
lord james douglas hamilton alexneilmr adam ingram alasdair morgan
linda fabiani roseanna cunningham alexneilmr adam ingram andrew wilson
april 2001 supported by alexneilmr adam ingram dorothy grace
their communities supported by alexneilmr adam ingram michael matheson
on 20 june 2001 alexneilmr adam ingram mr gil
gorrie mr lloyd quinan alexneilmr adam ingram mr gil
lloyd quinan andrew wilson alexneilmr adam ingram mr kenny
nora radcliffe rhoda grant alexneilmr adam ingram mr kenny
kenneth gibson fiona hyslop alexneilmr adam ingram mr kenny
irene mcgugan fiona mcleod alexneilmr adam ingram mr lloyd
mr kenneth gibson mr alexneilmr adam ingram tommy sheridan
tommy sheridan alasdair morgan alexneilmr andrew welsh robin harper
murray mr john mcallion alexneilmr andy kerr r elaine
whitefield mr lloyd quinan alexneilmr brian monteith fiona hyslop
on 15 february 2000 alexneilmr brian monteith michael russell
scott dorothy grace elder alexneilmr brian monteith michael russell
mcletchie mr adam ingram alexneilmr david davidson mr gil
supported by christine grahame alexneilmr duncan hamilton colin campbell
kenneth gibson andrew wilson alexneilmr duncan hamilton mr john
kenneth gibson roseanna cunningham alexneilmr duncan hamilton mr lloyd
johnston mr adam ingram alexneilmr duncan hamilton shona robison
shona robison andrew wilson alexneilmr duncan hamilton tommy sheridan
adam ingram tricia marwick alexneilmr gil paterson brian adam
robin harper nick johnston alexneilmr gil paterson brian adam
richard lochhead tricia marwick alexneilmr gil paterson fiona mcleod
adam ingram tricia marwick alexneilmr gil paterson michael matheson
adam ingram tricia marwick alexneilmr gil paterson mr duncan
adam ingram tricia marwick alexneilmr gil paterson mr john
adam ingram tricia marwick alexneilmr gil paterson mr john
fiona mcleod michael russell alexneilmr gil paterson mr kenny
tricia marwick alex fergusson alexneilmr gil paterson mr kenny
adam ingram tricia marwick alexneilmr gil paterson ms margo
on 19 october 2001 alexneilmr gil paterson s1m 2333
andrew wilson phil gallie alexneilmr jamie mcgrigor john scott
campbell fergus ewing mr alexneilmr john swinney ms sandra
transport infrastructure supported by alexneilmr john swinney shona robison
michael russell andrew wilson alexneilmr keith harding alasdair morgan
scott barrie michael matheson alexneilmr keith harding s1m 3997
margaret jamieson hugh henry alexneilmr keith harding tommy sheridan
irene mcgugan richard lochhead alexneilmr kenneth gibson andrew wilson
andrew wilson linda fabiani alexneilmr kenneth gibson cathie craigie
colorectal cancer supported by alexneilmr kenneth gibson michael matheson
supported by richard lochhead alexneilmr kenneth gibson michael matheson
on 11 february 2003 alexneilmr kenneth gibson michael matheson
on 24 march 2000 alexneilmr kenneth gibson mike watson
problem urgently supported by alexneilmr kenneth gibson mr lloyd
andrew wilson linda fabiani alexneilmr kenneth gibson richard lochhead
andrew wilson linda fabiani alexneilmr kenneth gibson richard lochhead
lloyd quinan andrew wilson alexneilmr kenneth gibson richard lochhead
on 23 march 2000 alexneilmr kenneth gibson s1m 687
andrew wilson linda fabiani alexneilmr kenneth gibson shona robison
lloyd quinan andrew wilson alexneilmr kenneth gibson shona robison
by mr kenneth macintosh alexneilmr kenneth gibson tommy sheridan
parliamentary broadcasting supported by alexneilmr kenneth gibson tommy sheridan
tricia marwick christine grahame alexneilmr kenneth gibson tommy sheridan
tommy sheridan robin harper alexneilmr kenny macaskill mr jamie
fiona hyslop irene mcgugan alexneilmr kenny macaskill s1m 1169
supported by tommy sheridan alexneilmr lloyd quinan andrew wilson
fabiani fiona hyslop mr alexneilmr lloyd quinan lodged on
on 13 february 2003 alexneilmr lloyd quinan mr gil
mr kenneth gibson mr alexneilmr michael matheson dorothy grace
pauline mcneill richard lochhead alexneilmr michael mcmahon christine grahame
mary mulligan helen eadie alexneilmr michael mcmahon elaine smith
rhoda grant michael matheson alexneilmr michael mcmahon irene oldfather
matheson mr kenneth gibson alexneilmr michael mcmahon mr adam
george lyon robert brown alexneilmr mike rumbles euan robson
lloyd quinan michael russell alexneilmrs lyndsay mcintosh linda fabiani
fergus ewing fiona mcleod alexneilmrs lyndsay mcintosh mr david
hamilton mr adam ingram alexneilmrs lyndsay mcintosh mr david
lord james douglas hamilton alexneilmrs lyndsay mcintosh mr lloyd
fiona mcleod nick johnston alexneilmrs lyndsay mcintosh ms sandra
gil paterson phil gallie alexneilmrs lyndsay mcintosh s1m 885
michael russell tommy sheridan alexneilmrs margaret ewing dennis canavan
irene mcgugan bruce crawford alexneilmrs margaret ewing dr winnie
fiona mcleod michael russell alexneilmrs margaret ewing dr winnie
sylvia jackson cathy peattie alexneilmrs margaret ewing mike watson
des mcnulty nora radcliffe alexneilmrs mary mulligan dennis canavan
grant kate maclean mr alexneilmrs nora radcliffe dr richard
white rhoda grant mr alexneilms elaine thomson ms margo
russell mr duncan hamilton alexneilms margo macdonald dennis canavan
james douglas hamilton mr alexneilms pauline mcneill lodged on
christine grahame fiona mcleod alexneilms sandra white elaine smith
andrew wilson linda fabiani alexneilms sandra white michael matheson
kay ullrich tricia marwick alexneilms sandra white mr alex
irene mcgugan linda fabiani alexneilms sandra white mr john
ingram mr gil paterson alexneilms sandra white mr kenneth
on 4 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2304
on 8 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2305
on 17 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2311
on 9 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2313
on 16 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2324
on 16 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2325
on 18 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2331
on 19 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2334
on 19 october 2001 alexneilms sandra white s1m 2335
christine grahame tricia marwick alexneilms sandra white s1m 3826
ewing mr duncan hamilton alexneilms sandra white s1m 56
mcgugan mrs margaret ewing alexneilms sandra white shona robison
russell mr adam ingram alexneilms sandra white tricia marwick
lines of questioning for alexneilmsp 3 public appointments parliamentary
will take evidence from alexneilmsp 4 mainstreaming equality the
ministerial statements letter to alexneilmsp declaration of interests by
intention to take it alexneilmy point of order relates
scanlon david mcletchie mr alexneilnick johnston maureen macmillan lodged
rumbles mr kenneth gibson alexneilnora radcliffe andrew wilson mr
donald gorrie andrew wilson alexneilnora radcliffe christine grahame scott
andrew wilson elaine smith alexneilnora radcliffe tommy sheridan mr
richard simpson s1m 1013 alexneilnorth lanarkshire dlo that the
nature to be made alexneilon a point of order
in scotland s1m 3869 alexneilon behalf of the enterprise
visit friends and family alexneilone issue that has been
welcome the tribute that alexneilpaid to henry mcleish for
nicola sturgeon shona robison alexneilphil gallie margaret smith mrs
gorrie mr lloyd quinan alexneilphil gallie mr adam ingram
sandra white nora radcliffe alexneilphil gallie mr gil paterson
under rule 9 14 alexneilproposed bank arrestment scotland bill
fergus ewing donald gorrie alexneilproposed public appointments confirmation bill
the giggles was when alexneilreferred to reading various documents
andrew wilson linda fabiani alexneilrichard lochhead alasdair morgan fiona
andrew wilson linda fabiani alexneilrichard lochhead alasdair morgan michael
mcgugan mr lloyd quinan alexneilrichard lochhead alasdair morgan mr
donald gorrie andrew wilson alexneilrichard lochhead alasdair morgan nora
supported by michael russell alexneilrichard lochhead dr winnie ewing
alasdair morgan tommy sheridan alexneilrichard lochhead fiona mcleod s1m
nora radcliffe donald gorrie alexneilrichard lochhead mr john mcallion
andrew wilson michael matheson alexneilrichard lochhead s1m 355 mr
michael matheson alasdair morgan alexneilrichard lochhead s1m 366 cathy
linda fabiani tommy sheridan alexneilrichard lochhead shona robison fiona
jamie stone kate maclean alexneilrobert brown s1m 303 dr
cathy peattie bill aitken alexneilrobin harper alex fergusson mr
rail network supported by alexneilrobin harper colin campbell shona
november 2001 roseanna cunningham alexneilrobin harper fergus ewing dorothy
sheridan dr winnie ewing alexneilrobin harper mr lloyd quinan
shona robison tommy sheridan alexneilrobin harper mr lloyd quinan
sandra white donald gorrie alexneilrobin harper tommy sheridan dr
quinan mr kenny macaskill alexneilroseanna cunningham mary scanlon mr
this end supported by alexneilroseanna cunningham s1m 1231 mr
i take issue with alexneils uncharacteristically intemperate accusation about
immediate effect supported by alexneils1m 1133 irene mcgugan maternity
harper ms margo macdonald alexneils1m 1138 dorothy grace elder
quinan mr kenny macaskill alexneils1m 1235 angus mackay the
supported by shona robison alexneils1m 1273 mr duncan mcneil
at holyrood supported by alexneils1m 1440 dr sylvia jackson
michael matheson alasdair morgan alexneils1m 1629 scottish executive bonds
on 21 june 2001 alexneils1m 2033 very sheltered housing
quinan mr gil paterson alexneils1m 2120 tommy sheridan threat
on 3 october 2001 alexneils1m 2261 shellfish farming lodged
on 3 october 2001 alexneils1m 2288 proposed liberal democrat
on 3 october 2001 alexneils1m 2293 closure of glencorse
on 4 october 2001 alexneils1m 2295 kidney donation and
on 4 october 2001 alexneils1m 2299 children in scotland
on 4 october 2001 alexneils1m 2300 rosyth zeebrugge ferry
on 4 october 2001 alexneils1m 2301 save milngavie reservoir
on 9 october 2001 alexneils1m 2317 funding for grampian
on 15 october 2001 alexneils1m 2322 have a heart
on 17 october 2001 alexneils1m 2326 importance of the
on 18 october 2001 alexneils1m 2329 afghanistan lodged on
mary scanlon david mcletchie alexneils1m 248 karen gillon marks
1999 ms margaret curran alexneils1m 261 the kintyre economy
kate maclean shona robison alexneils1m 267 robin harper commercial
murray mr john mcallion alexneils1m 271 amnesic shellfish poisoning
1999 mr duncan hamilton alexneils1m 274 investigation into water
1999 mr duncan hamilton alexneils1m 277 chechnya lodged on
on 11 november 1999 alexneils1m 278 scottish beef export
mcallion mr gil paterson alexneils1m 280 un convention report
donald gorrie fergus ewing alexneils1m 298 mr kenneth gibson
munro mr jamie stone alexneils1m 304 cathy jamieson asylum
christine grahame shona robison alexneils1m 305 fergus ewing shopmobility
fiona mcleod tommy sheridan alexneils1m 310 mr lloyd quinan
tommy sheridan karen gillon alexneils1m 312 mr nick johnston
andrew wilson michael matheson alexneils1m 335 ms irene oldfather
andrew wilson tommy sheridan alexneils1m 352 mr brian monteith
alasdair morgan tommy sheridan alexneils1m 368 euan robson scottish
2002 mr jamie stone alexneils1m 3688 general agreement on
february 2003 richard lochhead alexneils1m 3937 1 margo macdonald
on 4 march 2003 alexneils1m 3987 international women s
on 6 march 2003 alexneils1m 3990 nursery nurses lodged
on 1 february 2000 alexneils1m 474 grampian television lodged
on 9 february 2000 alexneils1m 523 parliament subscription to
on 23 march 2000 alexneils1m 688 chair of celtic
kenny macaskill andrew wilson alexneils1m 703 rural shops lodged
on 3 april 2000 alexneils1m 731 1 scottish rugby
maureen macmillan richard lochhead alexneils1m 939 tommy sheridan animal
the voluntary sector as alexneilsaid it was the best
outwith edinburgh supported by alexneilshona robison brian adam nora
regulation r supported by alexneilshona robison christine grahame fiona
tricia marwick irene mcgugan alexneilshona robison christine grahame mr
irene mcgugan tricia marwick alexneilshona robison donald gorrie michael
by alex johnstone mr alexneilshona robison fergus ewing michael
fergus ewing linda fabiani alexneilshona robison fiona mcleod ms
alasdair morgan irene mcgugan alexneilshona robison lloyd quinan linda
supported by donald gorrie alexneilshona robison mr lloyd quinan
by brian adam mr alexneilshona robison mrs nora radcliffe
mr andrew wilson mr alexneilshona robison ms linda fabiani
wilson mr kenneth gibson alexneilshona robison ms sandra white
mr kenneth gibson mr alexneilshona robison ms sandra white
on 21 june 2001 alexneilshona robison s1m 2035 phace
on 21 february 2000 alexneilshona robison s1m 571 airdrieonians
my vision was of alexneilsitting in his pram dribbling
pauline mcneill s1m 929 alexneilstate of the farming industry
gil paterson s1m 946 alexneilstg pension fund that the
let the side down alexneiltalked about the amateurish and
david mcletchie s1m 70 alexneilthat the parliament calls upon
in the name of alexneilthat the parliament notes with
not been made earlier alexneilthe bottom line is that
of order mr neil alexneilthe minister for parliament is
threat of violent crime alexneilthe minister says that the
lobbying company s1w 1038 alexneilto ask the presiding officer
financial year s1w 1030 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
abolition s1o 306 3 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
university sector s1w 28544 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
pensioners homes s1w 33975 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
police time s1w 24688 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
such status s1w 33998 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
authorised users s1w 24102 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
deal programmes s1w 1033 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
on land s1w 1073 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
further review s1w 28541 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
wackenhut corporation s1w 24104 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
be applied s1w 10870 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
paisley s1o 408 6 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
was opened s1w 24058 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
route s1o 222 8 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
skills councils s1w 33973 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
parliamentary constituency s1w 33999 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
employs now s1w 13090 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
of responsibility s1w 191 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
consolidated fund s1w 13089 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
two years s1w 13093 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
scottish administration s1w 205 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
to 2001 s1w 33971 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
necessary expertise s1w 33974 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
30 days s1w 209 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
such guidance s1w 28543 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
were achieved s1w 1997 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
c 2005 s1w 33972 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
1 july s1w 194 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
orbital road s1w 192 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
financial years s1w 2607 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
glasgow springburn s1w 190 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
task force s1w 197 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
three years s1w 13094 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
installation programme s1w 34003 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
programme s1o 6392 20 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
the nhs s1w 32841 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
1995 s1o 6342 7 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
date s1o 3317 2 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
january 2001 s1w 13092 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
five years s1w 34001 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
available figures s1w 13091 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
is done s1w 16831 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
february 2001 s1w 13088 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
operational duties s1w 13122 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
funding councils s1w 16817 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
crop trials s1w 27500 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
wackenhut corporation s1w 24103 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
25 000 s1w 10871 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
by division s1w 27502 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
skills councils s1w 34000 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
schools s1o 2747 17 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
each source s1w 16818 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
in scotland s1w 393 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
current position s1w 27503 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
of cepacia s1w 10697 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
3798 25 withdrawn 26 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
planning matters s1w 10696 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
board area s1w 16748 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
traffic orders s1w 27501 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
by parents s1w 16816 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
since 1999 s1w 24060 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
staff management s1w 28542 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
met s1o 4867 28 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
this recruitment s1w 1035 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
isles s1o 5774 30 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
to recruit s1w 1032 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
of lecs s1w 24056 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
student finance s1w 11809 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
since 1999 s1w 24059 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
population patterns s1w 1029 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
2000 s1o 4947 16 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
deal programmes s1w 1034 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
prison kilmarnock s1w 24057 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
2001 02 s1w 33978 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
in scotland s1w 1031 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
with them s1w 2597 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
parliamentary constituency s1w 34002 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
pollution inventory s1w 33970 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
installation programme s1w 34004 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
and 18 s1w 13135 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
dangerous driving s1w 13123 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
this purpose s1w 13120 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
social exclusion s1w 196 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
breakdowns occurred s1w 31090 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
and tobacco s1w 2605 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
weeks later s1w 1037 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
in ayrshire s1w 195 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
employer option s1w 1036 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
in thurso s1w 1996 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
financial years s1w 2606 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
and disorder s1w 13121 alexneilto ask the scottish executive
be appointed to committees alexneilto the enterprise and lifelong
supported by tricia marwick alexneiltommy sheridan andrew wilson alasdair
march 2001 supported by alexneiltommy sheridan business bulletin 55
it on behalf of alexneiltommy sheridan i may be
march 2001 supported by alexneiltommy sheridan kay ullrich lloyd
in chechnya supported by alexneiltommy sheridan linda fabiani mrs
fergusson mr lloyd quinan alexneiltommy sheridan mr kenneth gibson
mr michael matheson mr alexneiltommy sheridan mr stewart stevenson
margaret ewing richard lochhead alexneiltommy sheridan robert brown linda
supported by christine grahame alexneiltommy sheridan robin harper mr
tricia marwick shona robison alexneiltommy sheridan s1m 1274 tommy
christine grahame fiona mcleod alexneiltricia marwick mr john swinney
fiona hyslop nora radcliffe alexneiltricia marwick robin harper mr
ewing mr lloyd quinan alexneiltricia marwick s1m 1110 christine
supported by andrew wilson alexneiltricia marwick s1m 895 christine
matheson mr kenneth gibson alexneiltrish godman colin campbell mr
tommy sheridan karen gillon alexneiltrish godman donald gorrie s1m
shona robison andrew wilson alexneiltrish godman maureen macmillan s1m
kate maclean shona robison alexneiltrish godman robert brown donald
the member give way alexneilunfortunately i do not have
phil gallie s1m 70 alexneilupgrading of a77 that the
1 july s1m 84 alexneilwarrant sales that the parliament
10 05 the convener alexneilwe have received apologies which
the member give way alexneilwill the member give way
dealer myra s boy friendneilduguid adopted son of myra
o group donor an baithneilduguid an jed anderson war
the glaur she d seenneilduguid haein a scance at
sector sax s culture cairrierneilduguid hid bin byordnar blythe
ower the maitter o jedneilduguid hid bin in his
sense o richt an wrangneilduguid hid cam back tae
wis the named carer anneilduguid hid mair medical complications
bodies fit tae be rypitneilduguid hid taen dr bandara
the lip o her lashesneilduguid jaloused she wis meeved
wad it serve tae letneilduguid ken fit kinno a
quo he twa wikks laterneilduguid lay in the neist
he wis the messiah incarnateneilduguid on the ither haun
stude twis anely because oneilduguid s eese tae the
wis nae mistakkin the dataneilduguid s kidneys war awa
banks sikkin a match furneilduguid senior there wis nae
an orral bit as furneilduguid the chiel fa d
tae each ither an leuchneilduguid tuik tent o the
d met her husband neilneilduguid wis a cannie chiel
it slip tae his daneilduguid wis a guid man
she d met her husbandneilneil duguid wis a cannie
peggy but you fit inneilanxiously i see more of
sits still peggy off helloneilbeen enjoying the sun neil
dumpling peggy a christmas puddingneilfor your birthday peggy aye
she s like peggy offneilhe goes off then peggy
jumps up and stands byneilhovers na na peggy you
nae idea fit i meantneili m not surprised peggy
peggy here it comes forneilis entering with two coffee
lavy paper peggy oh maneillavy paper bessie aye newspaper
differently to other people especiallyneilloretta and peggy have a
off again peggy off helloneilneil off hello peggy enter
loretta did you see frankneilno peggy you re affa
off is she a richtneiloff fine considering peggy aye
again peggy off hello neilneiloff hello peggy enter peggy
peggy off how is sheneiloff just the same not
off loretta is she outsideneiloff yes peggy off how
custard for my lunch peggyneils awa for it s
at close quarters has sheneilshe s doing psychology peggy
it oot here peggy whatneilthe party make it a
peggy deals efficiently with hersneilthen puts the cake down
peggy you canna manage getneilto push it he kens
the doctor for my motherneilwhat happened peggy she s
in a cloth peggy ayeneilwhy peggy because god gave
soon will she peggy ayeneilwill we have it oot
and fife con morgan alasdairneilgalloway and upper nithsdale snp
ma uncle mick ma uncleneilma uncle paul denise linda
snp mcgrigor james angus roderickneilhighlands and islands con mcgugan
bessie bessie fit gladys youngneiland kate they d never
up another and follows tooneilbeginning to pull bessie towards
ve spoken tae loretta andneilbessie apparently hurt oh i
bessie and the other byneilbetween us and the house
with her pause bessie andneilboth appear to be asleep
thursday i never misses itneilbut this is wednesday bessie
ll never be let alaneneilentering pushing bessie in front
towards bessie and that sneilhe s done maist o
a bessie in ere farneilis noo she points i
ever been on a fairmneilneil no bessie it widna
been on a fairm neilneilno bessie it widna be
get too much for bessieneiloh that yeah yeah he
na it begins wi sneilserrated bessie at s it
to feed the five thousandneilsome wine mrs livingstone bessie
tae bessie they toast herneilspeech speech loretta aye come
bessie maybe i ll seeneilthat s the girl now
you an aiberdeen loon taeneilwhat is it bessie a
elaine kildare dumfries lab nneilalexander central scotland snp o
hame in the central beltneilvrocht fur ane o yon
clerk irene fleming assistant clerkneilstewart location the hub 27
ken sae here s taeneilall neil they drink to
yett his brither in lawneilanswered his chaps fyles neil
i think it was neilneilcame in and c- you
in his chair fast asleepneilhe wakes neil i m
chair neil is there instantlyneili ll pile the stuff
fast asleep neil he wakesneili m just going to
can hardly move the chairneilis there instantly neil i
enter neil with a chairneilkettle s on gladys will
and i think it wasneilneil came in and c-
riverbank whaur wis he fishinneilneil pyntit tae a bit
to get a job thenneilneil sourly aye well you
wine pause won t youneilneil starting out of a
a hand won t yeneilneil what he hasn t
neil been enjoying the sunneiloff i m away to
whaur wis he fishin neilneilpyntit tae a bit juist
get a job then neilneilsourly aye well you find
pause won t you neilneilstarting out of a doze
here s tae neil allneilthey drink to him he
neil answered his chaps fylesneilthocht brian an jenny war
hand won t ye neilneilwhat he hasn t been
relapses into grieving silence enterneilwith a chair neil kettle
margaret aberdeen north lab toshneilmurray south of scotland con
failed two snp representatives professorneilmaccormick and councillor keith brown
the minister agree that mrneilfailed to recognise the work
the toun eh chae cousinneilhad joked but neither mr
to the planning process mrneilhenrikson will give a presentation
i can tell you mrneilis that the decision to
342 school closures by mrneilkay 3 committee work programme
knives i can assure mrneilthat because the carrying of
going to say to mrneilthat we are not delaying
cud buy brian s hereneilcried inbye tae jenny she
brian as best man anneilpittin in a twa three
be brian s ain faitherneiltwis the same jed anderson
i ll see tae brianneilyou awa ben tae yer
to cope if anything happensneilmrs livingstone pause are you
the scottish executive solicitor generalneildavidson and secretary of state
letters between the executive andneilmaccormick mep who asked it
committee will take evidence fromneilmcconachie chief executive and douglas
of the finance coordination groupneilrennick head of scottish executive
it gladys we ll seeneildon t put it off
a shining horn spoon cousinneilhad sliced the head off
m just ready for somethingneiloff i m making coffee
you seen ma the dayneiloff i took in her
an loretta was needin meneiloff tarantara tarantara he pops
annoyed but relinquishes control toneilwho takes her off backwards
to question s1o 3052 byneildavidson on 8 march 2001
a genuine traditional scottish recipeneiland a cloot s a
scotland on the convention professorneilmaccormick mep and councillor keith
board member for scotland andneilritch programme manager new opportunities
stopped by the entry ofneilcarrying the carton of milk
by the way i loanedneil[censored: surname] lyrical ballads three years
it s nae the sameneilexasperated by her again if
for her stick by thenneilis back in green and
a production in english ofneilsimon s the fools by
credit tae dr sean oneilan s committee at the
in here i cried taeneilan steppt intae the gap
at the door tae finneilane o the new byllies
aff tae his study wineilben the hoose an oot
pyockie tae the hertbrakk oneilgow as frisky as the
wad hae daen justice taeneilgow himsel the japanee pairty
jist nae used tae thisneilgrunts mmmm loretta i canna
just says tae rest itneilhave you ever asked for
their walk tae the altarneilhid bin lanesome raised in
drift he kent noo thatneilhid niver meant onythin tae
oot sideweys i said taeneili think we ll dae
pause ever been tae spainneilnot opening his eyes no
the doctor fit tae daeneilof course you can he
but fit aboot kate andneiltheir generation seem tae ha
till the neist day whanneiltuik a turn oot tae
slaw tae dee jenny anneilwad itherwyse hae bin resattled
tae get his chips inneilwhich firm does he work
baith wirkwyse an sexually anneilwintit forbye a quine tae
wis the maist nearhaun matchneilwis a gweed faither tae
richt genetic history her manneilwis driftin aff tae sleep
dinna want tae hear meneilyes we do more speeches
tae pit up wi tneilyou don t have to
wis ten year the aulderneilhid anely sleepit wi twa
s bin daen ye kenneils spunk coont wis low
s warst dree wis thatneilwad find his birth mither
true scotia ae parteeclar nichtneilwis hostin a seleck pairty
teetle the sweetie shop windaeneilwis nae ill luikin chiel
the road wi bairn anneilwis ower the meen noo
nothing just stay with herneilanxious not to be left
much at her age enterneilbackwards pulling a wheelchair once
her till i get backneileh yes yes what will
anxious look at her motherneilgets up equally anxious but
that s a ye haeneilgives her a look which
refleckit their leam jenny giedneilher final muntin fur the
she sits upright not relaxingneillooks at her almost speaks
tucked in under a blanketneilplaces her at the centre
shoulder with her thumb atneils flat she would ha
regretting her mistake aye pauseneils makin coffee pause that
poetry read me frae tneilsocht her sae jenny sat
instincts gets focus t onneiland we re tell t
she points at the wheelchairneilcome on it s a
puzzles on thir kittle passagesneillooked at himself in the
of us but never mindneilso come on a wee
i never misses the billneilthat s not on tonight
in quarrytowers wi his faitherneilan his mither jenny his
member of the european parliamentneiland his mep colleagues have
till his brither in lawneilgied a wee spiel aboot
ken i never watch itneilhas resumed his seat and
kinno technological an business warlockneilhid taen aa his freens
to go she realises thatneilis still in his chair
my programme tak me insideneilmoves to his station at
wye fae up the stairneilrecognising his duty take one
across his face like cousinneils fields when the sun
admittance ower the door fylesneilwished his wife could widen
obsessive compulsive behaviour and uncleneilwith his sadness and gentleness
aye pause kate not comingneilembarrassed quickly she s got
she seems happy enough wineilgladys has the doctor been
though with more restraint thanneilloretta what a heat she
in just now will thereneiloh no i forgot she
a state she rushes outneilreading from the paper managing
heat maybe she sits againneilsettles down with the paper
i suppose so she sighsneilwanting to help would you
head teacher of kincardine oneil17 12 98 appendix iii
a coffee would be fineneila little more trouble than
top it taks it ootneilah the heat melts the
oh mercy aye clootie dumplingneilamused what kind of dumpling
fae tesco they re bestneilan kate ll bring the
the core o this buikneilan kirsty hae baith luivit
the heid byllie jock anneilan mysel efter walkin the
in mind the followin weekneilan mysel peyd a veesit
een in the hoose silenceneiland gladys are still facing
said to me this isneiland he said to me
i told him to bringneilas well and he just
like dyeuk s eggies cousinneilat new deer kept ducks
of york tatties from cousinneilat new deer sweet mauve
an see fit s happenedneilbolts out of the door
i dinna like takin peelsneilbut if it helps you
we never used blotting paperneilbut it would work better
doun throu the hole anneilcam ahint we shone oor
scliff merks but naethin elseneilcam in ahint me there
something loretta far away whatneilcan i get you anything
minutes in the micro enterneilcarrying a can of coke
bocht ma first suit anneilco in queen street far
jack a neighbour aged 48neilconnon a neighbour aged 20
out how paddy s friendneilcontrived to get a tractor
minister and minister for justiceneildavidson qc solicitor general for
minister and minister for justiceneildavidson qc solicitor general for
the beach boys the beatlesneildiamond star wars thro the
davis jnr elvis presley andneildiamond to name but a
there hasna been an accidentneildid you know they re
and shudders just a littleneildisagreeing i think it he
is instantly awake and brightneildoesn t know what to
dumpling biled in a clootneiler what s a dumpling
and tell him gladys maybeneilexasperated maybe i don t
front door no it wasneilgan oot i sent him
for them gladys shocked noneilgetting aggressive well you should
bendin wi kirsty an awneilgot up and went to
none of the old vocabularyneilhas still less of an
two coffee cups thank youneilhe hands them their coffees
and frank maks a fussneilhe has heard this often
meenit did he think itneilhid gotten a gey begeck
in the green and oldneilhorney whose stable was in
shared my room in theneilhouse for a night or
did we nae use itneilhow would i know why
o a dirty smelly animalneili can t afford pork
you re gettin richt impudentneili d rather be impudent
had been a whole monthneili know he doesn t
he hands them their coffeesneili ll start getting things
a grin loretta good forneili m a neill ye
now looking rather shame facedneili m sorry gladys genuinely
the balcony i ve teltneili ve a dirlin heid
re ootside ma s doorneili ve a lot as
have it your ain wyeneili will if i m
iii 6 declined kincardine oneiliii 7 reply from city
twa loons and twa lassiesneilin there six of them
loon over the next dialogueneilis busy fetching a folding
still facing each other butneilis now looking rather shame
this century and kincardine oneilis one of the oldest
mine it s your birthdayneilit s both your birthdays
that s an n forneilit s round the wrong
s nae it s tuesdayneilit s wednesday i tell
nae surprised it was affaneilit was probably nescafé all
to go right for themneilkate says frank is one
slept thegither dis da disneilken na he disna ken
the new language kincardine oneilkindrochit inver inverey invercauld are
evidence from local government associationneilkingham director of local government
o them cosy like anneillichtit cannles alang the balcony
i ll need to awaneilloretta loretta frank s hame
one had sniggered p 165neilluiks at kirsty wi different
that s an n forneilm1098: that granda f1097: no
chancellor s department professor sirneilmaccormick mep and councillor keith
aware of the success ofneilmaccormick mep in convincing the
the european people s partyneilmaccormick mep uk group of
i welcome as an observerneilmaccormick who is a member
other one belting it outneilmarches in singing and carrying
as long ago as 1998neilmcintosh he is no relation
as long ago as 1998neilmcintosh the convener of the
30 pm time for reflectionneilmorrison sixth year student govan
it s going to lastneilno loretta i wish i
would you like some teaneilno thanks it s too
freen puggie he didnae kenneilnor did he recognise me
t been out here sinceneilnor have i pause of
has to be broon paperneilof course it doesn t
ll bring the wine ehneiloh yes all right when
burn away gladys two candlesneilone each gladys with a
the p j every morningneilonly if you want to
didna ken half o tneilonly one person knew everything
anither gless o wine firstneilparty party they get drinks
we aye used broon paperneilpatiently that s because you
supposed to be a surpriseneilre entering with a fourth
gladys hoo s your manneilre enters with two chairs
gladys not meaning it ayeneilrefusing to let go well
procession back from the toiletneilreverses in with the wheelchair
and get the coffee madeneilright exit loretta far away
aul folk you mean achneils a richt he ll
work we look forward toneils assistance in future do
be in ony sheltered houseneils at hame a day
gang missin he d madeneils birth records gang agley
have gone gladys sits inneils chair gladys i micht
afore he gets in conspiratoriallyneils gettin me a tango
was like oh are youneils little brother i was
growth and even at cousinneils or uncle dod s
points in the direction ofneils window gladys a little
yes and i said whatneilsaid for me to say
een then in the kitchenneilsighing i ll get it
watter it doon or somethingneilsneering how would nescafé allow
grumbling they mak me sickneilsolicitous and concerned how do
it doesna taste the sameneilstill in argumentative nood it
much of yourself so farneilsulkily you don t know
for loretta worried kirton sneilthat s what i thought
it oh michty me noneilthat s what it says
this is a real surpriseneilthe candles you ve got
exceptions braemar and kincardine oneilthe upper deeside schools were
ll come oot wi yeneilthey re as fly as
the same i had beforeneilthey re not they re
wint an rage an deprivationneiltho hid bin lifitit frae
my three cousins duncan ewanneiltoo young to help at
paper naething else ll workneiltry kitchen roll and see
uncaring aye and two sugarsneiltrying to lighten things two
just as in act oneneilwanders in with a magazine
s been paid aff thenneilwas richt loretta i dinna
week i d ve saidneilwas the maist fushionless o
and fill it wi watterneilwe could sweem an hae
s nae sair jist nooneilwe e ell if it
have all the answers thenneilwell look at him he
good tongue in my heidneilwell use it tell him
used that a the timeneilwell you should have used
the bed in your hooseneilwhen the prime minister come
maybe i ll see gladysneilwill gi e us a
s you tellt my loonneilwondering what has hit him
need another couple o chairsneilwould ye mind he struggles
evening paper was that youneilyes loretta did you see
it s just auld ageneilyou could get painkillers gladys
this conversation is going maybeneilyou ll have to do
year aul some gentle laughterneilyou must have seen a

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