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relate to tobacco advertising innewspapersand magazines and over the
the distribution of magazines andnewspapersmost businesses that have arrangements
have been talking largely aboutnewspapersmost magazines are uk magazines
up er m608: mmhm m1174: newspapersor magazines er in in
and squares of cut upnewspapersor magazines often the peoples
invoke if they inadvertently soldnewspapersor magazines that contain tobacco
so simple for magazines andnewspaperswhat tends to happen is
found in past copies ofnewspapersheld in stonehaven library [note: news articles from stonehaven journal]
of arbuthnott by christy bingnewspapersthe stonehaven journal the mearns
of arbuthnott by christy bingnewspapersthe stonehaven journal the mearns
the passing comment that somenewspapersattract a greater amount of
you guess at why certainnewspapersattract a greater amount of
from title to title somenewspapersattract a quite substantial volume
advertising income this morning certainnewspapersattract advertising and any media
make conjectures regarding why certainnewspapersattract greater amounts of tobacco
mah iron cammy goes tonewspaperscrushes some starts ironing them
the ironing board starts ironingnewspapersdimps man united boot what
ti iron cammy starts ironingnewspaperssilence dimps so cammy he
i would term indigenous scottishnewspapersandrew wilson what percentage des
à vis how indigenous scottishnewspapersmight price their advertising pages
we estimate that indigenous scottishnewspapersreceived about 600 000 from
already difficult for indigenous scottishnewspapersto compete in what i
or yeah m1174: yeah asiannewspaperserm i ve brought a
m608: these are what asiannewspapersor yeah m1174: yeah asian
of the advertising revenue fornewspaperscomes from tobacco advertising there
know offhand how much revenuenewspapersget from tobacco advertising i
ban on tobacco advertising innewspapershas been in force in
advertising is important for allnewspapersi would suspect that the
of tobacco advertising space innewspapersin scotland have any impact
share of overall revenues fornewspapersis taken up by advertising
the tobacco advertising in scottishnewspapersis targeted at the tabloid
of all kinds whether tonewspapersthrough advertising losses the tobacco
newspapers most of the sundaynewspaperscome from the uk is
tied up for e scaffienewspapersgod newspapers scotsmans wik eyn
circulation is perhaps 100 000newspapersmost of the sunday newspapers
for e scaffie newspapers godnewspapersscotsmans wik eyn observers a
to buy tobacco and buynewspapersand other products therefore any
the media of television radionewspapersand advertisements as a blind
at home through radio televisionnewspapersand books they use it
because it was in thenewspapersand on the television as
radio television and in thenewspapersthe combined efforts of staff
that the additional revenue thatnewspaperscould obtain would be sufficient
say one thing particularly innewspapersand on the radio we
on the proposed sale ofnewspapersowned by the scottish media
that might be because certainnewspapersare targeted at certain parts
earlier that there are certainnewspapersthat would without doubt be
by the ban as thosenewspapersare printed and published in
will be published in thenewspapersduring the 10 day period
secondly in the case ofnewspaperspublished in england questions would
published in scotland s nationalnewspapersthe pattern is much the
of publicity considering how manynewspaperswere published on the 25th
read and often read thenewspapersand books aloud for the
[laugh] prescribed texts i readnewspapersand i read other books
is analysed as the sundaynewspapersare read you flick too
lot of people read eveningnewspapershas been given the society
have read this morning snewspapersin full however and i
and i m thinking ofnewspaperslike the sunday post you
in one of the sundaynewspapersthat formula 1 has already
not think that the eveningnewspapershave lost very much by
to the readers of eveningnewspapersmany of the debates were
was carried by all uknewspapersavailable in scotland we think
ireland irish editions of uknewspapershave a reasonable circulation in
taken up by editioned uknewspapersin other words the guardian
did that and in thenewspapersbeaumont aye very likely so
make a splash in thenewspapersbeaumont listen boyter i dinny
in a peep beaumont thenewspapersis there any word o
in the case of mynewspapers0 75 per cent of
which can in er scottishnewspaperser and i m thinking
the messages news and alsonewspapersold suttie fish cart willie
a huge pile of oldnewspaperssound of a generator can
to make an exemption fornewspapersnicola sturgeon let us move
and overall quality of thenewspaperswhich presently make a considerable
the scotsman and in othernewspapersand tam dalyell has telephoned
do not think that thenewspapershave a serious complaint other
been publicised more through talkingnewspapersmr mcmahon my question is
that that would happen withnewspapersbut i do not think
well i mean things likenewspapersi dinna think there s
we think would affect scottishnewspapersif the bill were passed
jurisdiction in relation to scottishnewspapersbased in scotland by extending
scottish editions and domestic scottishnewspapersostensibly selling in the scottish
abroad appear in the localnewspapersbecause that means that we
falls on to me thenewspapersare making oot by their
at an adult market ifnewspapersare seriously harmed by a
from 1913 it also broughtnewspapersit was owned by the
your vegetable waste and evennewspapershere are some tips on
been asks mother she tearsnewspapersinto squares and threads a
essays is editorials in broadsheetnewspapersthe above outlines have been
funds the following notices fromnewspapersillustrate the variety of dances
at him from behind theirnewspaperssimon chisholm looked coolly at
day and daily in ournewspapersand journals the way that
when they re in thenewspapersaw the time d you
he was abused in thenewspapersbut we re forgetting our
we ll see if thenewspaperscanny put his light in
[censored: surname] on british and americannewspapersi met lisa in the
547 children in glasgow sellingnewspaperslate at night lodged on
fear the reports in thenewspapersof the commander crabb incident
and if so in whichnewspapersor periodicals on which dates
the use of scots innewspapersroad signs private letters and
arguing for an exemption fornewspapersi have to say that
fife free press group ofnewspaperswhich have to date collected
to answer your question aboutnewspapersdorothy grace it sounds as
said for example that yournewspapersget less than 1 per
my point the volume ofnewspaperssold must be at a
look at the list ofnewspapersthat the planner is using
glasgow and the the thenewspapersthat were available at the
mcleish made announcements to thenewspapersabout the implementation of the
this purpose the files ofnewspapersact as ancient rocks containing
the sale particularly of thenewspapershelps to increase the diversity
and i carefully preserved yellowingnewspapersof potential historic value and
s- apparently one of thenewspaperssaid she d fallen asleep
is it likely that competingnewspaperssouth of the border could
of tabloid or mass marketnewspaperssuch as the daily record
fish and chip wrappers tossednewspapersand general grime it was
caird enters with letters andnewspaperscaird the foreign mail mr
and goes back to hernewspaperssadie well done sadie huh
tae mrs mcrae yours faithfullynewspaperssklaik claik it s aa

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