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and easter ross ld sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney john ramsay
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
sheridan tommy glasgow ssp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
banff and buchan snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
south of scotland snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
south of scotland snp sturgeonnicolaglasgow snp swinney mr john
dr simpson i agree withnicolasturgeon about the follow up
by euan robson s1m 2745nicolasturgeon acute services that the
sandra white dorothy grace eldernicolasturgeon alasdair morgan fergus ewing
mr adam ingram shona robisonnicolasturgeon alex neil andrew wilson
and future work supported bynicolasturgeon alex neil john scott
to the decision making processnicolasturgeon although i am prepared
for the elderly motion movednicolasturgeon amendment moved dr richard
moved malcolm chisholm amendment movednicolasturgeon amendment moved mary scanlon
constructively the convener i thanknicolasturgeon and margaret smith for
and community care malcolm chisholmnicolasturgeon and margaret smith referred
we have received apologies fromnicolasturgeon and we welcome david
robert brown mr gil patersonnicolasturgeon brian adam michael matheson
gil paterson mr john swinneynicolasturgeon brian adam michael matheson
kenneth macintosh dr sylvia jacksonnicolasturgeon brian fitzpatrick janis hughes
of the regulations malcolm chisholmnicolasturgeon can rest assured that
kay ullrich shona robison msnicolasturgeon cathy jamieson trish godman
dennis canavan mr gil patersonnicolasturgeon cathy peattie mr jamie
following amendment s1m 285 1nicolasturgeon childcare strategy for scotland
alasdair morgan s1m 285 1nicolasturgeon childcare strategy for scotland
roseanna cunningham mr lloyd quinannicolasturgeon christine grahame andrew wilson
sheridan brian adam linda fabianinicolasturgeon christine grahame mr jamie
to something else last weeknicolasturgeon claimed that we were
dorothy grace elder fergus ewingnicolasturgeon colin campbell irene mcgugan
winnie ewing mr john swinneynicolasturgeon colin campbell michael matheson
to the committee 10 00nicolasturgeon could you say more
by michael russell duncan hamiltonnicolasturgeon donald gorrie john mcallion
grant maureen macmillan fiona hyslopnicolasturgeon donald gorrie linda fabiani
russell mr duncan hamilton msnicolasturgeon donald gorrie mr john
and safe surroundings supported bynicolasturgeon dorothy grace elder alex
campbell shona robison andrew wilsonnicolasturgeon dorothy grace elder michael
mr john swinney shona robisonnicolasturgeon dr winnie ewing brian
mr keith harding tricia marwicknicolasturgeon fergus ewing robin harper
mr kenny macaskill michael mathesonnicolasturgeon fiona hyslop richard lochhead
swinney michael russell bruce crawfordnicolasturgeon fiona hyslop s1m 2
swinney michael russell bruce crawfordnicolasturgeon fiona hyslop s1m 2
russell mary scanlon iain smithnicolasturgeon fiona hyslop tommy sheridan
quinan shona robison christine grahamenicolasturgeon fiona mcleod michael russell
dr richard simpson ochil labnicolasturgeon glasgow snp attended the
sutherland and easter ross ldnicolasturgeon glasgow snp attended witnesses
scanlon highlands and islands connicolasturgeon glasgow snp committee substitutes
simpson amendment moved tommy sheridannicolasturgeon glasgow snp dr richard
of concern to sdns membersnicolasturgeon glasgow snp i have
that could wait until tomorrownicolasturgeon glasgow snp i pay
and other initiatives 15 44nicolasturgeon glasgow snp i thank
spring i hope 09 45nicolasturgeon glasgow snp i would
a teaching session had begunnicolasturgeon glasgow snp i would
members made a solemn affirmationnicolasturgeon glasgow snp iain smith
the usual place 11 02nicolasturgeon glasgow snp in opening
of the scottish national partynicolasturgeon glasgow snp it is
and community care malcolm chisholmnicolasturgeon glasgow snp mary scanlon
margaret smith edinburgh west ldnicolasturgeon glasgow snp witnesses patrick
gibson donald gorrie s1m 1268nicolasturgeon govan shipyard that the
point of sale issues thatnicolasturgeon has alluded to and
rest of the united kingdomnicolasturgeon has mentioned in previous
about the explanatory notes whichnicolasturgeon has raised although i
and lifelong learning committee howevernicolasturgeon has the same rights
consider what richard simpson andnicolasturgeon have said on the
would clearly contravene clause 9nicolasturgeon i am happy to
note beyond what is intendednicolasturgeon i am reading it
to modernising the pay structurenicolasturgeon i am the first
made by mary scanlon andnicolasturgeon i think that we
members want to ask questionsnicolasturgeon i want to explore
to do as we wishnicolasturgeon i will make a
sturgeon to make any commentsnicolasturgeon i will not take
issue would allay our fearsnicolasturgeon i would like to
margo macdonald robin harper msnicolasturgeon ian jenkins fiona mcleod
on copies sold in scotlandnicolasturgeon if an amendment were
it can be checked easilynicolasturgeon if those concerns were
merely a pilot scheme asnicolasturgeon indicated the programme needs
2882 in the name ofnicolasturgeon insert at end by
2882 in the name ofnicolasturgeon insert at end by
dr winnie ewing christine grahamenicolasturgeon irene mcgugan richard lochhead
from the explanatory notes butnicolasturgeon is extending the scope
is happening to the resultsnicolasturgeon issues such as that
have any comments on thatnicolasturgeon it is a matter
period we detected no changenicolasturgeon it is one thing
kenneth macintosh george reid msnicolasturgeon janis hughes malcolm chisholm
kenneth macintosh george reid msnicolasturgeon janis hughes malcolm chisholm
2882 in the name ofnicolasturgeon leave out from notes
2882 in the name ofnicolasturgeon leave out from notes
make an exemption for newspapersnicolasturgeon let us move on
by alex neil dennis canavannicolasturgeon linda fabiani brian adam
mr gil paterson brian adamnicolasturgeon linda fabiani colin campbell
mr gil paterson brian adamnicolasturgeon linda fabiani colin campbell
mr duncan hamilton michael mathesonnicolasturgeon linda fabiani irene mcgugan
tommy sheridan mr john mcallionnicolasturgeon linda fabiani michael matheson
hamilton dennis canavan christine grahamenicolasturgeon linda fabiani roseanna cunningham
clause 9 the point thatnicolasturgeon makes about the explanatory
pay and the differentials thatnicolasturgeon mentioned if she bears
mr kenneth gibson linda fabianinicolasturgeon michael russell dorothy grace
by roseanna cunningham michael russellnicolasturgeon mike watson mr kenneth
wider agenda for social justicenicolasturgeon moved amendment s1m 1896
s review of existing lawnicolasturgeon moved amendment s1m 2438
2 health and community carenicolasturgeon moved s1m 1453 that
removal of thimerosal in vaccinesnicolasturgeon moved s1m 3765 that
also considers this supported bynicolasturgeon mr adam ingram mr
hyslop fiona mcleod richard lochheadnicolasturgeon mr adam ingram robert
robison brian adam christine grahamenicolasturgeon mr duncan hamilton fiona
robison donald gorrie brian adamnicolasturgeon mr duncan hamilton fiona
quinan linda fabiani donald gorrienicolasturgeon mr duncan hamilton michael
linda fabiani mr adam ingramnicolasturgeon mr duncan hamilton michael
mrs margaret ewing alasdair morgannicolasturgeon mr gil paterson colin
mr mike rumbles richard lochheadnicolasturgeon mr gil paterson ms
mr murray tosh david mcletchienicolasturgeon mr jamie mcgrigor fergus
lodged on 20 february 2001nicolasturgeon mr jamie stone s1m
mr lloyd quinan michael russellnicolasturgeon mr john swinney mr
lodged on 19 december 2000nicolasturgeon mr kenneth gibson christine
26 march 2001 richard lochheadnicolasturgeon mr kenny macaskill fergus
supported by ms sandra whitenicolasturgeon mr kenny macaskill irene
tricia marwick mr gil patersonnicolasturgeon mr kenny macaskill ms
margo macdonald ms sandra whitenicolasturgeon mr lloyd quinan andrew
mr adam ingram brian adamnicolasturgeon mrs margaret ewing bruce
mr gil paterson fergus ewingnicolasturgeon mrs margaret ewing michael
jamie mcgrigor dr elaine murraynicolasturgeon mrs margaret smith hugh
jamie mcgrigor dr elaine murraynicolasturgeon mrs margaret smith s1m
quinan fiona mcleod fiona hyslopnicolasturgeon ms sandra white bruce
richard lochhead mr michael mcmahonnicolasturgeon ms sandra white tricia
we could eliminate the virusnicolasturgeon my two points have
national health service s1m 2882nicolasturgeon national health service that
a good answer to menicolasturgeon no that was not
before the date on whichnicolasturgeon presumes that the general
grahame kenneth gibson elaine smithnicolasturgeon proposed tobacco advertising and
things that have been saidnicolasturgeon provides an example she
think that that is whatnicolasturgeon referred to that often
the subject of s1m 3765nicolasturgeon removal of thimerosal in
the subject of s1m 3765nicolasturgeon removal of thimerosal in
mr adam ingram robert brownnicolasturgeon rhoda grant colin campbell
bruce crawford mr kenneth gibsonnicolasturgeon robert brown linda fabiani
be permitted development supported bynicolasturgeon robin harper roseanna cunningham
managers mr mcallion i supportnicolasturgeon s comments this is
a uk basis i understandnicolasturgeon s concerns but there
mid scotland and fife connicolasturgeon s last question was
with the petition mary scanlonnicolasturgeon s members business debate
the matter and are supportingnicolasturgeon s motion on behalf
all members of the committeenicolasturgeon s point is well
richard lochhead ms margo macdonaldnicolasturgeon s1m 1186 ben wallace
campbell brian adam michael russellnicolasturgeon s1m 2207 2 susan
mrs margaret smith bruce crawfordnicolasturgeon s1m 281 donald gorrie
1999 winnie ewing christine grahamenicolasturgeon s1m 74 amendment of
especially for young people asnicolasturgeon said as it is
only a few minutes asnicolasturgeon said we know that
murray tosh mr kenneth macintoshnicolasturgeon scott barrie dorothy grace
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskillnicolasturgeon shona robison alex neil
ben wallace also present msnicolasturgeon shona robison brian adam
fergus ewing ms sandra whitenicolasturgeon shona robison fiona mcleod
dorothy grace elder nora radcliffenicolasturgeon shona robison irene mcgugan
neil kay ullrich bruce crawfordnicolasturgeon shona robison michael matheson
mr keith harding bruce crawfordnicolasturgeon shona robison s1m 3778
30 january 2003 bruce crawfordnicolasturgeon shona robison s1m 3828
the beginning of the debatenicolasturgeon supported the home care
could be covered by regulationsnicolasturgeon that is in the
and the ban i assurenicolasturgeon that should the tories
room for manoeuvre is limitednicolasturgeon that strikes me as
was just a by productnicolasturgeon the common factor during
silence from the other membersnicolasturgeon the government a word
the deputy presiding officer ordernicolasturgeon the government has had
s members share that concernnicolasturgeon the issue of brand
scanlon mrs margaret smith convenernicolasturgeon the meeting opened at
join us shortly i welcomenicolasturgeon the proposer of the
could continue throughout the yearnicolasturgeon the second point related
this issue s1o 198 22nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
met so far s1w 7690nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
to inverness line s1w 7668nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
the scottish parliament s1w 15000nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
april 2001 s1o 3302 26nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
pies and burgers s1w 17575nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
1 april 2000 s1w 17576nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
yorkhill hospital s1o 296 16nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
in 2005 06 s1w 33006nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
31 october 2001 s1w 19650nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
are currently ongoing s1w 17578nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
1 april 2000 s1w 17577nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
trust level initiatives s1w 28608nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
records are available s1w 17746nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
or trust areas s1w 28609nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
illness or disability s1w 17748nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
in school classrooms s1w 28607nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
records are available s1w 17747nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
as other work s1w 19651nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
regarding future arrangements s1w 17745nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
meetings were s1o 1763 17nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
13 elaine smith withdrawn 14nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
formula to arbuthnott s1w 28610nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
glasgow this week s1w 1063nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
13 elaine smith withdrawn 14nicolasturgeon to ask the scottish
we do that i invitenicolasturgeon to make any comments
deputy presiding officer i callnicolasturgeon to speak on behalf
mr john mcallion mary scanlonnicolasturgeon tommy sheridan margaret smith
by dennis canavan shona robisonnicolasturgeon tommy sheridan mrs margaret
neil colin campbell richard lochheadnicolasturgeon tommy sheridan ms sandra
fabiani roseanna cunningham michael mathesonnicolasturgeon tricia marwick fiona mcleod
that i am pleased thatnicolasturgeon welcomes today s statement
completion date of 10 augustnicolasturgeon what i am trying
1 in the name ofnicolasturgeon which seeks to amend
present one of whom isnicolasturgeon who is the member
me has raised that issuenicolasturgeon will sarah boyack give
not done anything about itnicolasturgeon with the benefit of
want that i think thatnicolasturgeon would agree that that
interruption it would help ifnicolasturgeon would stop shouting at
the opposition welcome that nonicolasturgeon yes we do dr
minister had a real dilemmanicolasturgeon you say that the
311 1 mr lloyd quinannicolaoldroyd as an amendment to
s1m 311 mr brian monteithnicolaoldroyd that the parliament deplores
fc s overreaction in dismissingnicolaafter four years flawless service
s 15 year old ballgirlnicolaoldroyd to match stewards for

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